The Methorian Calendar

The basis for the calendar in Methoria is the fifteen day period called the fortnight. Each fortnight proceeds as follows:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday  
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Ralfast

The basis for the fortnight is the cycle of Silverna. It rises on the horizon every 15th day, beginning a new fortnight period. At the end of each fortnight is a day devoted to religious observances called Ralfast. On this day "one is to depart from his labors and be taken to fasting and prayers".

The calendar is also divided into four seasons. Each season is made up of 7 fortnight periods with an extra day at the end for religious celebration. The yearly calendar proceeds as follows:

Names Winter Spring Summer Autumn #Days
Methorah Fortnight #1 Fortnight #1 Fortnight #1 Fortnight #1 15
Felkorah Fortnight #2 Fortnight #2 Fortnight #2 Fortnight #2 15
Bamath Fortnight #3 Fortnight #3 Fortnight #3 Fortnight #3 15
Pendurah Fortnight #4 Fortnight #4 Fortnight #4 Fortnight #4 15
Kathorah Fortnight #5 Fortnight #5 Fortnight #5 Fortnight #5 15
Vardas Fortnight #6 Fortnight #6 Fortnight #6 Fortnight #6 15
Drakurah Fortnight #7 Fortnight #7 Fortnight #7 Fortnight #7 15
  Ralsong Ralsong Ralsong Ralsong 1
Totals 106 106 106 106 424

Each Fortnight in a season is also named for one of the Arch-Ulmartha from tradition. Each season is 106 days long with the addition of a day of religious celebration called Ralsong. The year is complete at 424 days.

The Methorian Calendar is believed to have been the same one used in the Golden Age of Methor. There are many references to it in the Sanctum Ral. The Elven kingdom uses an even older version in which Ralfast and Ralsong have their older names.

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