[Tue Aug 24 19:03:08 CDT 1999]

[Anval]: Anne continues her ministrations to the spirits...
[GM]: In the last session, the party struggled against an invisible foe as Anval and Jackdaw sought to bring peace to the souls of the Wall of Skulls
[GM]: The invisible foe cast one fireball which 'grazed' Jamison and hit Thomas after he blinked out of the way
[GM]: As the foe was readying a second fireball, she was charged and ended up casting the fireball at 'ground zero'
[GM]: The ring that this invisible foe was wearing dropped to the ground
[GM]: Sir C was the first to pick it up and he immediately dropped it and tried to 'smash it'
[GM]: Thomas used Apportation to snatch it away in the nick of time
[GM]: Thomas now holds the ring
[GM]: Jackdaw just entered the room as the fireball hit
[GM]: Anval has 10 minutes left in her spell castings
[GM]: Dirk: What the heck was that?
[GM]: Lendyll looks toward the spot where the fireball hit.
Jamison checks his clothing for any smoldering remains
[GM]: Jamison's clothing is 'singed' ... but not on fire
[GM]: Dirk goes over and sits on the raised part of the floor and moans
[GM]: Dirk: This night is getting longer every minute
[GM]: Dirk to Jackdaw: Where is the priestess?
Jamison begins checking around the chamber for any useful contraban
[GM]: Jackdaw tells Dirk in a "Jackdaw" way that Anval is still casting her spells
[Jackdaw]: back
[GM]: The chamber reeks of smoke and soot
[GM]: Lendyll flies toward the spot of the fireball blast .. moving cautiously
[GM]: Lendyll then flies a little ways into the Eastern tunnel but stops when the light gives out
[GM]: Lendyll is searching for any signs of the invisible foe
Jamison complets his check of the chamber and the walks over to Dirk.
[GM]: Thomas walks over to the Western part of the chamber looking at the ring
[GM]: Dirk to Jamison: I feel like crap
[Jamison]: Are you ok to continue?
[GM]: Dirk: Give me a few minutes ..... to catch my breath
[Jamison]: ok, ... Do we keep going east?
[GM]: Dirk: Yes ... the map says East
[Jamison]: we will rest 'til Anval returns...
(GM whispered to Anval): You are finished with your spells
(Anval whispered to GM): Ok.. Anne quickly goes north to the room where she saw the magical items...
[Jamison]: Jackdaw... would you makes sure Anval is ok?
(Anval whispered to GM): * I hope nothing happens... being alone down here...*
(GM whispered to Anval): The four items that you detected are still there.
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne gathers the Necklace, sword and 2 rings, and heads back to the group
(GM whispered to Anval): There are two corpses that have fallen out of the wall
(Anval whispered to GM): "Spirits, thank you for these gifts"
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne places the corpses back in their wall niches
(GM whispered to Anval): There is also a rusty sword and the garmets appear to be once very expensive .. but long since rotted
(Anval whispered to GM): "Ral guard your spirits... Walk with him in Rhispen..."
(GM whispered to Anval): As you touch the corpses the garmets begin to crumble
(GM whispered to Anval): The skeletons seem intact and allow you to lift them back into the niches
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne is distraught, fearing she might have displeased the dead - and Ral...
(GM whispered to Anval): Roll vs Theology
(Anval whispered to GM): When the bodies are back in their niches, Anne casts Final Rest once more on the two of them...
(To GM) DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,4 = [ 11 ]
(Anval whispered to GM): succeed by 6
(Anval whispered to GM): for theology
(GM whispered to Anval): There is no need to cast final rest
(Anval whispered to GM): ok
(GM whispered to Anval): There souls have long past into the after world
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne then quickly heads back to the rest of the group...
(GM whispered to Anval): It was proper to restore the corpses to their resting place
[GM]: The time is now 2 AM in Methorian time
(Anval whispered to GM): Cool - I thought it was only polite...and right to do so...
[ Sir Cornelius joined the game ]
(Anval whispered to GM): Let me know when I meet up with the rest of the group OK?
[Jamison]: has JD move to check on Anval/
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC boo
[Jamison]: OOC: Hi SC
[Anval]: hiya!
(GM whispered to Anval): Actually the proper way would be to burn all of the bodies here .. cremation
(GM whispered to Anval): But that would take a very long time and requir the aid of many priests/priestesses and the proper ceremonies
[GM]: Anval enters the room
(Anval whispered to GM): Unfortuneatly I don't have the means at my disposal...
(GM whispered to Anval): Did you try to hide the treasures?
[Anval]: Whoa! What happened here? JD and I leave for a minute and you all get burned!
(Anval whispered to GM): nope
[Jamison]: Have you been successful, Anval?
Jackdaw goes back to Anval to check her out
[Jackdaw]: ooc a little behind here
[Anval]: Anne is carrying a sword, a necklace and some smaller objects, as well as the sanctum Ral
[GM]: Lendyll flies back to the place that he was looking ... on the northeastern wall
[GM]: Lendyll to Jamison: Hey ... have a look at this
[Anval]: Anne puts down the treasures she found, except the smallest items, and rushes over to Dirk...
[GM]: Dirk smiles at Anval's approach
[Anval]: Sure JD - Take 'em... (hands JD the two rings)
Jamison heads over to Lendyll
[Anval]: Dirk, you poor thing... May I give you Rals' blessing and healing?
[GM]: Lendyll points to the upper left quarter of the wall
[GM]: Dirk: Please do .... I feel like cr ..... well not very good
Jamison looks up.."What do you see?"
[Anval]: Anne casts Major Healing (skill 12) on Dirk
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,1 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: It is a painting, I think.
[Anval]: oohhh Crit!
(GM whispered to Anval): You previously cast Major Healing? .. or was that minor?
Jamison examines the painting...
[Anval]: major
(GM whispered to Anval): So that would have been at -3, correct?
(Anval whispered to GM): ahhh - right, then no crit
(Anval whispered to GM): but it would still be a success tho...
[Jamison]: OOC: some of that crit... wouldn't happen to hit a few others, would it?
Jackdaw goes to look at what Lendyll is pointing at
(GM whispered to Anval): You didn't specify how many points you put into it
[Anval]: Mistake on my part -ooc-
[Jackdaw]: "You hurted Jamison?"
(Anval whispered to GM): full 4pts
Jamison nods to JD, "A little singed from that fireball..."
[GM]: The wall displays a picture ...
[GM]: Dirk takes a deep breath and stands ... Ahhh... that is much better
[GM]: Anval is begging to feel weak .... and should rest
Jackdaw starts to play his sirinx
[Anval]: Anne, feeling dizzy and tired, sits. "That is good Dirk, but I must rest a moment..."
(GM whispered to Anval): Down to 3 ST left .... correct?
[Anval]: While anne sits and rests, she puts the sanctum Ral in her backpack
(Anval whispered to GM): yep
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Minor Healing on Jamison skill 15
[Anval]: For protection
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,6 = [ 14 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 3 hp
[Sir Cornelius]: LOL of course
[GM]: Jamison feels the healing touch of Jackdaw
(GM whispered to Jamison): Healed 3 HT
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): That cost you 2 ... correct?
Jamison looks at JD..."Thanks JD, that feels much better"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 3
Jackdaw looks at the picture
[GM]: The picture on the wall shows a sceen of a kingly man standing on a hill, with an army behind him
Jamison returns his attention to the picture...
[GM]: The ground shows many bodies with spears in them
Jackdaw plays in a soft meditative style
[GM]: They are Orcs .... large Orcs ...
[Jamison]: Does anyone recognise the king in the picture?
[Anval]: Anne turns and looks at the pictures...
[Anval]: Does the King resemble traditional depictions of Ral?
[GM]: The king is not Ral
[GM]: Anyone trying to identify the king roll a history roll
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): heraldry?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): ok...history...have that too :)
[GM]: or a Heraldry Roll
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): 11 in heraldry...10 in history
[Anval]: IQ-5 (default)
(To GM) DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,1 = [ 11 ]
(To GM) DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,4 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: IQ-6 ... I think
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): ick
[Jamison]: IQ -6
(Anval whispered to GM): failed by lots
[GM]: Oh Heraldry is IQ-5
[ Sir Cornelius left the game ]
[ MikeL left the game ]
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]

[Tue Aug 24 20:18:07 CDT 1999]

Jackdaw wanders off, playing softly and looking at the other walls for more pretty pictures
[Anne]: Anne sips from her hip flask while resting...
[GM]: I am going to say that everyone needs to reroll for History or Heraldry
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,1 = [ 8 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): If I haven't recovered my glowstone I'll pick it up now
(GM whispered to Jamison): okay
[Anne]: Here is Anne's roll (IQ-6) History default
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,5 = [ 15 ]
[Anne]: Failed by 7
[Sir Cornelius]: ok
(GM whispered to Jamison): Jamison ... made it?
[Sir Cornelius]: history is 10...heraldry 11
(Jamison whispered to GM): Missed by 3
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,6 = [ 14 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: ah well
(Jamison whispered to GM): IQ-5=5
[GM]: So no one made it huh?
[Jamison]: Dirk.. Lendyll, Thomas?
[GM]: Well ... it's a nice sceen of battle ... a conqcoring king and all ....
[GM]: But none of you seem to be able to make it out
[GM]: Lendyll doesn't konw of human matters
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,4 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: Dirk, Thomas
Jamison checks behind the picture.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,3 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,3 = [ 9 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): not that I would have had a chance anyway but he doesn't even like the picture
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): /he looks at the rings
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Neither one of them have a stone
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oh :-( not too sparklie then
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No ... not too sparkly
[GM]: Thomas finally comes over and looks at the picture
[GM]: Hmmmm.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): but still magical
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): According to Anval .. ... yes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Any other pictures on any of the walls?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You gonna take a look?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): There seems to be something there
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I have been
[GM]: The painting is on the wall .... not on canvas ... but directly on the stone
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I said so right after "Resume Session"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): There are other pictures on the wall .... but they are so worn that you really cant make out any details
[Jamison]: Well, Unless someone knopws something about this... it may be time to move on... the night grows shorter....
[GM]: Dirk: Yes ... and I am feeling much better now
[Anne]: "I still need a bit more rest..."
Jackdaw goes over to Anval
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,4 = [ 10 ]
Jackdaw rests and plays
[GM]: Thomas (man of few words): Well (he points) that is the symbol of King Millborne
[Sir Cornelius]: about how long ago Thomas?
[Jamison]: King Millborne?
[GM]: IQ rolls for any who are interested/heard what Thomas was saying
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 13 ]
[Anne]: made it by 1
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,5 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,3 = [ 14 ]
[Jamison]: missed by 1
[Sir Cornelius]: that does it...I'm working on getting my IQ up there :)
Jackdaw couldn't care less and has no idea
(GM whispered to Anne): King Millborne the Orcslayer .... One of the first kings of modern history ... about 1000 years ago
[GM]: Another IQ roll Anne
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,2 = [ 8 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 7
[Anne]: sorry - 6
(GM whispered to Anne): He is probably concealed behind this wall
[Anne]: me and math tonight... geez
(GM whispered to Anne): Or his remains would be
[Anne]: I think the king may be sealed up behind this wall - as a burial chamber...
[Anne]: At least, his body might be...
[GM]: IQ rolls from everyone ... again
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ 17 ]
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,1 = [ 12 ]
Jackdaw asks "anybodie still hurted?"
[GM]: Dirk, Thomas, Lendyll
Jamison looks to Thomas or Dirk... any signs of a door?
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,6 = [ 15 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,2 = [ 4 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,5 = [ 11 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: about time...made it by 1
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,4 = [ 10 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): me too?
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You think that there might be quite a bit of treasure ... buried with a king
(Anne whispered to GM): how much fatigue has Anne recovered? Her last ST was 3.
[GM]: Yes JD ... roll
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,5 = [ 17 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: who has the map?
(GM whispered to Anne): Has Anne been sitting the whole time?
[GM]: OOC: Dirk still does
[Jackdaw]: bummer, failed, that's what you get for asking me about some steenkeng keeng
(Anne whispered to GM): yep, just resting and sipping from her flask
[Sir Cornelius]: /me tries to remember this location...for later...right now, he knows that there is more pressing business
[Sir Cornelius]: grrrr////
[Jackdaw]: "Oh look at the pretty pattern the cracks in the floor make here"
(GM whispered to Anne): You have regained 2 ST from the resting
[GM]: Dirk: takes out the map and has studies it
DICE for Jamison: (3d6/he looks at the spot JD indicates..) : 3d6=2,1,5 = [ 0 ]
Jackdaw starts drawing in the dirt on the floor
[Anne]: I could use another 10 to 15 minutes rest guys... Those spells took a lot out of me...
Jamison looks at the spot that JD indicates...
Sir Cornelius looks at the map with dirk...
[Jamison]: What are u drawing JD?
[Sir Cornelius]: Where are we...and which way Dirk?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Are you resting?
[Sir Cornelius]: /me pretends not to understand maps...
Sir Cornelius pretends!!!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): hey what do you want, I fumbled, now they think I'm on to something
[GM]: Dirk: We continue East ... through 2 more chambers like this one ... then we turn south
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Using Recover ST?
[Sir Cornelius]: east....is...that way?
[GM]: Dirk: I make it to be about 2 am ....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Yes, I said that before the rolls
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,2 = [ 6 ]
Sir Cornelius points where he things east is
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are at full ST now
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): trying to memorize the map in this area
[Anne]: While everyone looks at the map, Anne goes and picks up the sword and necklace, and reminds JD to bring the two rings she handed him...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if you need a roll, but I have the skill at 15 so some is automatic now, unless you're handling it differently
[Jamison]: What are you drawing here, JD?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No ... I didn't need a roll ..... just needed to know that you were resting
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I know it can be easy to miss things, esp when they have scrolled up because it drops to the current everytime some one says something else
(Anne whispered to GM): If no one has bothered to do so, Anne loops the sword and sheath onto her belt, and slips the necklace inside her pouches...
[GM]: How long you guys gonna stay here?
[Sir Cornelius]: 2 a.m. it *is* getting late
[Sir Cornelius]: let's be going...
Sir Cornelius heads off...probably in the right direction...
[Jamison]: It's time to move... let's go folks...
[Jamison]: SC, Dirk lead...
Jackdaw says "is anybodie still hurted?"
[Anne]: Does Anne carry the sword and necklace?
[GM]: Dirk folds up the map
(Anne whispered to GM): Does Anne carry the sword and necklace?
[Anne]: ooc - oops - note to GM
(GM whispered to Anne): No one else said anything about carrying it
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw puts a ring on each hand
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne carries them both then...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: I don't know...was I wounded in whatever fire you're talking about? (or was that from last time?)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): then moves them around trying different fingers
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): do either of them fit well anywhere?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You feel a a tickling of your skin as you put both of them on
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): pleasent or un?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The sensations are pleasant ... but slightly different
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): both or each?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Both are pleasant
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): look at them more closely
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): They seem to fit okay
[Anne]: Once Anne has the gear secured, she takes her place near the front of the party, behind Dirk.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): what color? any writing or engraving?
[Anne]: How badly are you hurt Sir Cornelius?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): They are bands of gold .... they appear to have words carved into the bands in an old script
[Jamison]: JD, will you follow Anval?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC I wasn't at all from last time...did I miss any abuse this time out?
[Jamison]: OOC: nope
[Jackdaw]: sure!
[Jamison]: Thomas and Jam will bring up the rear...
[GM]: Dirk follows Sir C and they leave to the East
[Anne]: Anne follows Dirk
[GM]: Sir C is not hurt
[Jackdaw]: Jackdaw follows Anval
[GM]: Lendyll follows Jackdaw
[GM]: Thomas follows Lendyll
Sir Cornelius is already heading out...before he thinks much about light...
[Sir Cornelius]: fortunately...others follow :)
[Anne]: Anne is carrying a glowstone
[Jamison]: JD, can you do your floating ball trick?
[GM]: Everyone except Lendyll still have a glowstone?
[Jamison]: yes...
Jackdaw has his tucked away for now
[Anne]: yes
[GM]: Jamison takes up the rear?
[Jamison]: yep
[Sir Cornelius]: missed that...didn't know we had them
[Jamison]: with weapon in hand...
[Jamison]: lead on SC
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): as we walk along jackdaw is going to look at the ring on his right hand and will it to do something
Sir Cornelius leads on
[Jackdaw]: Ok
[Anne]: Anne follows behind Dirk
[Jamison]: ...
[Sir Cornelius]: we head east and east and south :)
[GM]: The party reaches an intersection just after leaving the chamber 10 yds ... and then another one in 20 yds
[GM]: Soon they find themselves in another large chamber like the one that they encountered the skeletons in.
Jackdaw starts to play and his glowstone . . .
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,2 = [ 8 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You do get a response from willing the rings to do things
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Apportation?
Jamison nudges Thomas... what's going on up there?
[GM]: The second large chamber is a lot like the first
[Anne]: I guess we keep going east, right Dirk?
[GM]: Thomas shruggs his shoulders "don't know"
[GM]: Dirk: Yes ... let's continues east
[GM]: The second chamber doesn't have a raised platform
Sir Cornelius continues through it quickly
[GM]: But it has a stairway going down ... in the center of the room
[GM]: Lendyll flies up and looks down the stairway
[GM]: Vision roll from everyone please
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,2 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: Anne's roll (vs 14)
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,5 = [ 11 ]
[Jamison]: Hey... Dirk...Is this on the map?
[Sir Cornelius]: made it by a few
[Anne]: succeed by 3
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,1 = [ 10 ]
[Jackdaw]: floats on ahead
[GM]: Thomas Lendyll
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,2 = [ 5 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,4 = [ 15 ]
[Jackdaw]: ooc BAD lag
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
[GM]: Lendyll is too busy looking at the stairway ... but the rest of you see a flickering of light
[GM]: Coming from the Northern exit
[Jackdaw]: OOC i think the lag is due to loading and setting up the map
[GM]: OOC: I got rid of the map
[GM]: OOC: How is the lag now???
[Anne]: hhssst! There is light to the north! (Anne whispers)
[Jackdaw]: better
[GM]: Thomas: Yeah ... I noticed that too
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): btw crit on apportation
Jamison moves towards the light...
[GM]: Lendyll moves his attention away from the stairway and looks to the North
[Sir Cornelius]: Cover your lights...and stand still
[GM]: Dirk: Is someone down here with us?
[GM]: Thomas covers his light
[GM]: Dirk covers his light
[Jackdaw]: the floating glowstone moves back towards Jackdaw
[Anne]: Anne slips her light into a pouch and readies her mace
[GM]: OOC: I assume everyone is in the chamber ... not too far from the stairs
[Jamison]: yes..
[GM]: The room begins to dim
[Jackdaw]: ooc sounds good to me
[GM]: You can see the light to the north flickers from somewhere ... it is getting dimmer
[Jackdaw]: ooc with all of us hiding our lights under a basket I would expect so
[GM]: No, the light to the north is getting dimmer
[Jackdaw]: like it's moving away?
[Sir Cornelius]: after a bit...when it seems safer...Sir C gets everyone moving again...slowly lighting the area
[GM]: The light all but disappears just before Sir C brings out his glowstone
[Anne]: No one else should be down here!" whispers Anval... "Perhaps we should investigate?"
[GM]: Dirk: What do you guys think that was? .. our invisible foe?
Jackdaw breathes deeply
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): and smells for anything odd
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,2 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Lendyll: This place gives me the creeps
[Sir Cornelius]: doesn't matter...let's move on...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Just the musty smell of the catacombs ... nothing unusual
[Jamison]: We must continue.... this will take too long.
Sir Cornelius continues onward
[Anne]: Then, like Sir C suggests, it might be best if we hurried in our task...
[GM]: Dirk follows
[Anne]: Anne hurries to follow Dirk
Jamison returns to rear guard... checking behind his self often...
Jackdaw follows but has his glowstone stay closer to him
[GM]: Dirk, Thomas both took back out their glowstones ... as I assume everyone else did
(Anne whispered to GM): could I get a ST total for anne? If she regains ST while walking she should have another ST or 2 back by now...
[Jamison]: no Jamison leaves his in it's carry sack...
[Sir Cornelius]: We should follow Jackdaw's lead...and only shed just enough light as we need
[Jackdaw]: Jackdaw's is floating over his head
[Anne]: - ooc Anne keeps hers in her pouch, and carries her mace readied.
Jackdaw has his glowstone move ahead and settle towards the floor in front of the party by aboue 20 feet
[GM]: OOC: I don't believe you recover fatigue while walking ... am I right?
[Jackdaw]: aboue=about
[Jackdaw]: true
[Jamison]: no recover when moving...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how much does a glowstone weigh?
[GM]: The party moves through two more intersections and into another large chamber
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): 2 lbs
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I thought it was lighter
Jamison checks behind the party for signs of movement...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I can't keep it up indefinately then
[GM]: The third chamber is much more like the first ... with raised platform etc.
Jackdaw lets the stone settle to the floor and picks it up as he passes it
[Jackdaw]: "Sorry, it's heavier than I can keep up for long;
[Jamison]: thanks for trying, JD
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): let me know how much fatigue I'm down then
[GM]: There are paintings in the stone in this room too ..... but in much better condition.
[Jamison]: What do you see SC?
Sir Cornelius turns to the south...continuing onward
[GM]: Dirk: Wait ... we need to keep going East
Sir Cornelius stops
[GM]: Dirk takes out the map and points
[Sir Cornelius]: you're the map expert...that doesn't mean much to me...
Sir Cornelius studies it some more
[GM]: We continue to the East until we reach a wall and then turn South
[ Pokey joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Keep moving folks...
[GM]: We follow that passage until we reach another intersection and then turn back to the East
Sir Cornelius takes the lead again...heading east
[GM]: The Castle shouldn't be far from there
[GM]: Dirk folds up the map and puts it away
[GM]: OOC: Zugg is still missing
[GM]: OOC: Anyone have him on ICQ?
[Jamison]: not I
[GM]: Dirk follows Sir C to the East
[Jackdaw]: no
[ Zuggtmoy joined the game ]
[GM]: OOC: wb Zugg
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC wb Zugg
[GM]: sorry, but I had to reboot...
[GM]: The party continues to the East and pass another intersection
[GM]: After this intersection, there appear some empty cubicals in the Southern Wall
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC cubicals? Like the ones I work in? :)
[Jamison]: Niches or cubicals?
[GM]: Each small chamber measures roughly 5 feet wide, 3 feet deep and 3 1/2 feet tall
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: how high up?
[GM]: There are two levels of them
[GM]: They reach from the floor to the ceiling
[Jamison]: Cages?
[GM]: The whole wall is empty chambers/cubicals ... until the next intersection
[Jamison]: any signs of bars, old wood on the floor?
[GM]: There is no sign of anything
[Jamison]: no bones?
[GM]: There is nothing inside
[Jamison]: huh....
[GM]: Nothing on the floor of the tunnel
[Sir Cornelius]: Dirk...have a look at one
[GM]: IQ rolls?
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Dirk, Thomas, Lendyll
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,2 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,3 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,1 = [ 13 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: made it
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 13 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,4 = [ 9 ]
[Jackdaw]: made it by 4
[GM]: made it by 1
[Jamison]: made it
[GM]: These cubicals were meant as small burial vaults. But never used
[GM]: Perhaps all the other walls hold such vaults/tombs ... but contain corpses
[Jamison]: must cut the legs down to size....
[Jackdaw]: or folded them up?
[Jamison]: shall we continue?
[GM]: Yes.. lets continue!
[Sir Cornelius]: let's rest up here...we'll need all the rest we can get for the last leg of the trip
[GM]: Dirk: yes ... let's do
Jackdaw rests
[GM]: As you pass the next intersection ....
[GM]: Vision Rolls Please
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,3 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,6 = [ 17 ]
[GM]: crit fail
[GM]: Thomas, Lendyll, Dirk
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,4 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,4 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,6 = [ 16 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,4 = [ 11 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 6
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,5 = [ 11 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: made by...hmmm...a bunch
[GM]: OOC: Hey ... we have 2 GM's here!
[GM]: ooops
[GM]: Everyone but Anval and Lendyll notice a flickering coming from the north
[GM]: Thomas: Hey ... there is that flickering again
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ 17 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What was that for?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Vision?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw turns the ring on his left hand and wills it to do something
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Nothing happens
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): failing a Curriosity roll, big time
(Clay whispered to GM):
[Sir Cornelius]:
(GM whispered to Clay): hello
(Clay whispered to GM): just testing for lag
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Well? .. you gonna investigate?
Jackdaw shows the ring on his left hand to Anval "Can you see what this says?"
[Jamison]: Let's not start chasing ghosts.... I'll stand guard as you others rest..
[Anne]: Anne tries to read the writing on the ring...
[GM]: The party is stopped in the middle of an intersection
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): currious about the rings, I've tried them both but nothing happened yet
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): However the light is interesting
Jamison slowly walks towards the north enterance....
(GM whispered to Anne): IQ roll?
[Sir Cornelius]: thought we stopped in front of the burial things...that's where I suggested anyway
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
Jackdaw slips the ring off so Anval can study it better
(Anne whispered to GM): succeed by 5
Jackdaw starts to move to the north, looking and listening
(GM whispered to Anne): It is the same script that was used on the stone slab ... you believe it to be Haddin .. but something is wrong .... there are no vowels or something. Unfortunately you can't read Old Haddin.
[Jackdaw]: does the light flicker like a torch or is it steady like the glowstones?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Flickers very much like a torch
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): smell like a torch?
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,4 = [ 10 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): first roll by 5
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Cant smell anything ..... yet
Jackdaw mover further north
[Jackdaw]: quietly
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,4 = [ 12 ]
[Anne]: Jackdaw -- I think this is written in Old Haddin, like on the stone slab.... I can't read it though...sorry.
[GM]: Everyone can still see the empty chambers .... past the intersection ..there are no empty chambers, only tunnels
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): stealth 13
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The party doesn't even see you leave
[Jamison]: keepHow long a rest is needed, folks?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The flickering seems to be getting brighter
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): How far do you venture?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if I come to someplace, like those empty tombs, where I can conceal myself I will
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): And where is your glowstone?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): in my pouch
[Anne]: Hey! JD! (whispering) Come Back! Jackdaw wandered off north!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): since I couldn't float it
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are having a hard time seeing .. but the flickering is guiding you
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): creep foreward
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): low to the ground
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You come to another intersecion
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): look
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 12 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): by 3
[Jamison]: How'd he get past me....
[GM]: OOC: Stealth
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): There appears to be a chamber to the north
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Cant make out the source of the light yet
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): go to the edge
Jamison looks around..."No one came past me... where did he go?
[GM]: Jackdaw is out of sight
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): of the chamber doorway
[GM]: OOC: I believe that Jamison was in the West . not the North
[Anne]: He was weearing one of those rings... maybe it turned him invisible?
[GM]: OOC: And Anval has the other ring
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): what do I see?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Do you enter the chamber?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): As you enter the chamber
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): not yet, what do I see?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Or begin to ....
[Anne]: ooc but is holding it, not wearing it.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You definitly make out the flicker of a torch
[Jamison]: Any tracks left behind by JD... in the dust?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): in the chamber or beyond?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): In the chamber
[GM]: OOC: Jamison .. do you kneel to examine the floor?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): just a torch or is something holding it?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Do you enter? ... or peep in?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): peep in
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): currious not crazy
[Jamison]: yes...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oooc only the 5 point version
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The torch is set in the wall ... a holder
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): But you see someone
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,2 = [ 12 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): vision roll by 3
(GM whispered to Jamison): Tracks head to the north ... down the passageway ... at the intersection that you just got to
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): A man dressed a lot like Anval ... Long white beard ... He is kneeling
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He doesn't appear to have a weapon
[Sir Cornelius]:
[Jamison]: SC... wait here. Don't let anyone else wander away..... I'll be back...
[Sir Cornelius]: rest here...out of sight of the intersection...
Sir Cornelius covers his light
Jamison heads for the north enterance... following the the tracks..
(GM whispered to Anne): OOC: Do you gain back 2 fatigue/10 minutes?
(Clay whispered to GM): sorry to interrupt, is the lag really bad tonight or does everyone type slow
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): slip into the chamber and around so I can see better but try to stay in the shadows near the floor
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,6 = [ 18 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): you told me 1/5 min
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oops!
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You slip and fall!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I slip and fall down?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oof
Jamison moves up the tunnel.....
(GM whispered to Anne): You have regained another 2 points from resting
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): lay quietly
[GM]: Jamison hears a soft thud
[GM]: ... from the north
[Jackdaw]: and an "oof"
Jamison moves quickly forward...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The man looks around and looks surprised
[Jamison]: JD?.. is that you?
[Jamison]: JD?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The man: Who are you?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): to the man "hi, hi"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Man: You shouldn't be here....
[Jamison]: Where are you....?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "my Jackdaw, my clumsey"
[Jamison]: You better not be chasing women again....
[GM]: Jackdaw hears Jamison calling ....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "my slip and fall down go oof"
(GM whispered to Jamison): You have your glowstone out?
[Jamison]: Get back here...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The man stands and smiles
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "sorry, gotta go"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): /he gets up to leave
(Jamison whispered to GM): Yes...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He stares at Jackdaw with interest
[GM]: The light from Jamison's glowstone is lighting the hallway to the south of Jackdwa
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does he wear the same symbols as Anval?
[Jamison]: Goofy Faun.. Where are you?
[Jackdaw]: "Un, here?"
[Jackdaw]: "With the man"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes .. you notice the triple triangle that Anval wears
Sir Cornelius keeps a lookout to the east
[Jackdaw]: "like Anval"
[Jamison]: Here...Here where....?
Sir Cornelius whispers...someone take the other directions
[Jamison]: Man...What man....?
[Jackdaw]: "but prettier"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Jackdaw is getting up ... he was on the floor in a chamber to your north ... do you enter the room?
[GM]: OOC: LoL @ Jackdaw
[Anne]: ooc 8(
Jackdaw says to the man "you priest of Ral?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): Yes.. proceeding cautiously..
[Jamison]: Do you mean a priest?...
[GM]: The man nods, "Yes ... Brother Drascal .... Priest of Ral ... at your service"
[Jackdaw]: "Oh, good, you like Anval then"
[Jamison]: Well, Brother.... what brings you down here?
[GM]: Man: I am afraid that I do not know an Anval ....
[Jackdaw]: "You help the not dead skulls to rest too?"
[GM]: Man smiles at Jackdaw .... "Yes"
[GM]: Man: I have been helping them for years
[Jamison]: Jackdaw... stand back a little... let me see the 'Brother"...
Jackdaw calls out "Hey Anval, gotta friend of yours here"
[GM]: A man in the robes of a priest ... wearing a symbol of Ral.
Jackdaw steps to the side
[Anne]: ooc - Does Anne hear the call?
[GM]: He has White hair with a long white beard
[GM]: Anval: Hearing roll
[Jamison]: JD... why don't you go get the others, please....
[Jamison]: Let me speak with the ..'Brother'...
[GM]: He looks to be in his 50's ... an older gentleman
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
Jackdaw heads back to the others
[Jackdaw]: to get them
[Jamison]: Are you the one who has been following us?
[GM]: Man: Following you?
[GM]: Man: I am afraid that I just became aware of your presence
[GM]: Man: I did not know that anyone else was down here
Jackdaw hurries
[Jamison]: Are there other ..'Brothers in the catacombs, besides yourself?
[GM]: Man: No one else comes her ... but me
[ Zuggtmoy joined the game ]
[Jamison]: How long have you been here?
[GM]: ooc - did Anne hear JD call her?
[GM]: The man kneels and begins to arrange a corpse that has fallen....
[GM]: Anval: Hearing Roll
[Jackdaw]: as soon as Jackdaw gets Anvals attention he heads back
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
Jamison looks at the corpse....
[GM]: succeed by 5
[GM]: Man: I take care of the souls .... down here in the Catacombs
[GM]: Anval heard her name called
Jamison tries to determine the age of the corpse...
[GM]: The body is nothing but bones
[GM]: JD calls... I will be back in a moment...
[Jamison]: How long have you been taking care of the souls?
[GM]: Anne heads north, with her light stone out
[GM]: Drascal arranges them and returns them to their resting place
[Anval]: Anne heads north, with her light stone out
[GM]: Drascal stands (slowly) and grunts .... for many years now
[Jackdaw]: "This way, come this way"
[Jamison]: Who asked you to take this dedicated duty of yours?
[GM]: Thomas follows Anval
Jackdaw hurries back, quite excited
[GM]: Dirk looks at Sir C: What now?
[GM]: Lendyll follows Thomas
[Jamison]: How long has it been since you've seen the light of day?
[Jackdaw]: ooc virtual headshaking "stupid faun!"
[GM]: Jackdaw soon arrives back in the chamber .... followed by Anval
(Clay whispered to GM): thanks for letting me lurk, cya
[ Pokey left the game ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Glad you stopped by
[Jackdaw]: ooc that's what a short attention span will get you
(GM whispered to Jamison): sorry disregard
[Jackdaw]: into
[Jamison]: Anne....I think this "Brother Drascal" may be up your alley....
[Anval]: Wha... Greetings, Brother Priest! I am sister Anne...
[GM]: Drascal: The light of day?
Jamison watches the exchange carefully....
[Jackdaw]: "He makes the not quite dead skulls rest too!"
[GM]: The man moves over to Anval and smiles: "Brother Drascal ... pleased to meet you" he bows
(Jamison whispered to GM): Any other exits from the chamber?
[Anval]: Really? Wonderful! This place needs help badly...
[Anval]: Anne bows to Brother Drascal
[GM]: Drascal: Yes .... I do all that I can
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yes a Western and an Eastern Exit
[Anval]: Do you know these catacombs well?
[GM]: Drascal: Yes, I have been coming down here for years ... I know them very well
Jamison moves to the eastern exit....
Jamison motions to SC to take the western exit....
(GM whispered to Jamison): Tunnel ... just like the others
[GM]: OOC: Did Sir C come north?
[Anval]: We are somewhat lost... we seek an entrance to the castle which lies above us somewhere... Could you help us find it?
Jamison motions to Dirk to keep watch on the southern exit....
[GM]: OOC: I don't think Dirk or Sir C came north
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC followed everyone else
[GM]: OOC: Sorry .. then Dirk followed Sir C
[GM]: Dirk and Sir C both just arrived
[Jamison]: ok... OOC: can they take position?
[GM]: Yes
[Jamison]: we disperse as stated... ok folks?
[GM]: A Castle ... hmmm
[Anval]: The castle of the Duke of Shevendale (ooc - is that correct GM?)
[GM]: Drascal: You mean the Baron's Castle?
[Anval]: Yes.. sorry
[GM]: Drascal: Yes ..... I know the place
[Anval]: Could you take us there? I would appreciate it greatly...
[GM]: Drascal smiles: I would love to serve a priestess of Ral
[Anval]: My thanks, Brother Drascal... But first we must retrieve my allies...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc hmmm what did I get us into this time?
[Anval]: They are to the south of us.
[Jamison]: OOC: I believe we are all here..
[Anval]: ooc - oh, ok
[GM]: OOC: Yes all are present in the chamber, now
(GM whispered to Anval): Make an IQ-2 roll
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,6 = [ 15 ]
[Anval]: failed by 3
Jackdaw goes over to Dirk "if I breaked my glowstone into smaller pieces would they still glowed?"
(GM whispered to Anval): Make a regualar vision roll
(To GM) DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,5 = [ 8 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: Can I try 'Detect Lies " on the Brother?
(Anval whispered to GM): made it by 6
[GM]: Dirk scrathces his head: Yes .... faun .. it would still glow ... but why would you want to do that.
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne is a little suspicious of this man - if he was a priest he would have addressed her as "sister"
Jamison rolls his eyes at JD's question...
[Jackdaw]: "to maked it lighter"
[Jackdaw]: "so I can floated it"
[Jamison]: OOC: a pun?
[Jackdaw]: ooc no
(GM whispered to Anval): The holy pendant that he wears is interesting ... it looks to be very old.
[Jackdaw]: ooc Dirk got them for us so I assumed he'd know
[GM]: Sister Anval ... What is your business with the Baron?
Jackdaw starts to think of ways to break his stone into two or three pieces
(GM whispered to Anval): ;-}
[Anval]: He has acquired the ring of a prince by unfair means, and refuse to return it...
[GM]: Drascal: Why do you travel such an unusual route
[GM]: Drascal: Ahhhh.....
[Anval]: If he does not return it, the prince will be disgraced... so at the princes request we seek to recover the ring by somewhat unusual means.
[Jackdaw]: ooc I'm glad JD is thinkng of something else right now
(Jamison whispered to GM): Detect Lies...can I try this?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yes .... you got the skill? ... if not roll from default
Jackdaw throws his stone to the floor
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does it break?
(Jamison whispered to GM): At level 7 , but yes....
[GM]: The stone hits
[GM]: ...but does not break
[Jackdaw]: that's good
[Jackdaw]: oops
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,5 = [ 16 ]
Jackdaw picks it up
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6oh well) : = [ 0 ]
[Anval]: We have heard from others that a secret route lay in the catacombs, and came by this route to avoid fighting guards and harming honest men who do the bidding of a dishonorable man.
(Jamison whispered to GM): oh well...
[GM]: Drascal: yes ... there is a route to the castle from here
[Anval]: Will you show us, Brother Drascal?
[GM]: Drascal: I would be glad to show you the way...
[GM]: Drascal: Nods
Jackdaw goes over to Anval
[Anval]: Hiya JD
[Jackdaw]: "Can I borrowed your basher?"
[Anval]: I'll do it... Put the stone down...
Sir Cornelius allows the Brother to take the lead
Jackdaw puts his stone on the ground
[GM]: Drascal: Follow me
[GM]: Drascal leaves via the Eastern exit
[Anval]: Anne whacks the light stone a few times, then follows Brother Drascal
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did it break?
(Anval whispered to GM): Are we stopping soon? its getting fairly late...
[GM]: OOC: Yes we will be stopping soon
[Jackdaw]: ooc probably a good time
[GM]: Brother Drascal leads the party to the end of the Eastern Exit ..then down past the passage way that you were on ... then South ... then East ....
[GM]: Then to another intersect.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did the stone break?
[GM]: The Casltle lies that way ...
Jamison resumes his rearguard duty...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Not yet .. it will take some time
[Anval]: Thank you Brother Drascal... We appreciate this greatly!
[GM]: The Priest points at a wall ... "Behind that wall"
[Jamison]: Any dangers thaat we should beware/
Jackdaw mumbles "nexted time I getted a smaller stone, or a softer one"
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC LOL
[GM]: Dirk checks his map "The map says nothing of that wall"