[GM]: The Jackdaw wandered off as the flashing light once
appeared and the party discovered a priest.
[GM]: His name was Brother Drascal
[GM]: At the party's request he showed them the way to the
Baron's Castle.
[GM]: He lead them East, South, East, South, and East.
[GM]: The passageway then came to a set of stairs going up.
[Jamison]: OOC: 3 East, 2 South.....
[GM]: After a short while the passageway came to a dead-end.
[GM]: And now we rejoin the party as they discuss the wall.
[GM]: Dirk looks at the map: This wall is not on the map
[Jamison]: Is LLendyll still around...
[GM]: Lendyll flies up to the wall and looks it over
[GM]: Jackdaw looks at his glowstone. He then takes it and begins
banging it one of the stone steps.
[Jamison]: Thomas, can you check for traps and secrets?
[GM]: Sir C examines the wall.
[GM]: Sir C: It looks like it has been plastered shut.
Jamison looks at JD "What are you doing?"
[GM]: Sir C points at the places that plaster oozed out before it
[GM]: Jackdaw: The stone is too big ... must make it smaller.
[Jamison]: Weak spot?
[GM]: Dirk studies the wall. "If that's the case, it
shouldn't be too hard to break down"
[ Sir Cornelius joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Does anyone have a hammer or an axe to help JD?
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Good timing
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): We are at the wall ... just
started ... trying to figure out how to get past.
[Jamison]: OOC: SC!!!!
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): what does that mean?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): cool thanks
[GM]: OOC: Sir C ... do you want to play Lendyll?
[GM]: OOC: Thomas will be right back.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: Will do
[Jamison]: Is the wall made of blocks of stones?
[GM]: OOC: Jamison, If you want to play a PC ... I wouldn't
object. not going to foist it on you though.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): I waited for my friend to call
as long as I dared...didn't want to miss too much...they still
didn't call :/
[GM]: The wall appears to be smothed stone
[Jamison]: sure... why not.... which one....
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): That is too bad
[GM]: OOC: Take your pick ... I know JD is not going to be here
tonight. ... or you could play Anval
[Jamison]: I'll try JD.... it might be interesting...lol
[GM]: OOC: Go ahead!
[Jamison]: try to keep me in character...
[GM]: Anval leans against the wall taking deep breaths
[GM]: Anval: This is getting to be a long night.
[Jamison]: JD..."We seems to be stopped..."
[Jamison]: JD..."Now what?"
[GM]: Brother Drascal: I believe that wall has been up for some
[Sir Cornelius]: SC: has Dirk had a look about for a concealed
[Jamison]: JD..." Anyine with a drinky-poo?"
[GM]: Dirk studies the map. "There is no other way into the
[GM]: Dirk puts away the map and begins looking in his bag.
Jamison pushes on the wall, checking for a weakness...
[GM]: Dirk: I have not looked for a doorway.
[GM]: The wall is solid ... no signs of a weakness
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: drinky-poo? I want my old JD back <g>
[Jamison]: Check for a door and traps, please...
[GM]: Thomas moves up to the wall and begins to check it
[Jamison]: OOC: sooo, sorry... best I can do on short
[GM]: He continues to tap on the wall and move around the edge of
it carefully
[GM]: It takes him about 5 minutes.
[GM]: OOC: I believe it is about 3 am in Methoria
[GM]: OOC: Sound about right?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: whatever time it is, I want some sleep :)
[GM]: Dirk pulls a pick, hammer and chisel out of the bag.
[GM]: Dirk waits for Thomas to finish checking the wall.
[Jamison]: JD..."Ohhh... very sharp stick..."
[Sir Cornelius]: /me sits down...back to the wall somewhat away
from where Dirk is working
Thomas shakes of his daze and concentrates on the task at hand...
[Sir Cornelius]: grrr
[GM]: The party gets weary standing on a set of stairs.
[Jamison]: JD..."That will help me make a smaller
[GM]: The stairway lasted about 100 yds ... roughly as long and
as high as the stairway down.
[Thomas]: [Can I roll agianst something?]
[GM]: OOC: wb Thomas
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: the wall is good to roll against :)
[Thomas]: [To determine if there is a way though?]
Jamison backs away 20 yds and takes a seat watching the stairs
from below...
[Thomas]: [lol]
[GM]: OOC: Hmm.. what would you roll vs???
[GM]: Dirk moves up with his pick.
[Thomas]: [Dunno..What is the equivenent of Detect Secret Doors
in GURPS? IQ roll?]
[GM]: Dirk begins to hit the wall with his pick and the rock
begins to crumble.
Llendyl checks out the ceiling...near the wall
[Jamison]: JD begins whistling a tune, quietly...
[GM]: OOC: Thomas: I guess it would just be an IQ roll .. can't
find anything else
[GM]: Dirk: Even though it is solid .. it breaks easily. It is
not a natural stone
[Sir Cornelius]: What do you mean...not natural?
[GM]: He continues to tap with the pick and soon there is a hole
in the wall revealing a chamber behind
Thomas looks, and seeing that the wall is crumbling, helps Dirk
pick up rocks and move them out of the way.
[Jamison]: JD.."stone not stone... how strange.."
[GM]: Dirk: It is odd. Like a very hard plaster or something.
Thomas peers into the next chamber...
[GM]: The hole begins to get a little larger.
[GM]: Dirk: If someone will grab that hammer and chisle ... this
might go a little faster.
Sir Cornelius passes Dirk his mace...have a go at it
[Jamison]: JD.."ME< ME< I can jhelp..."
[GM]: OOC: The hole is not large enough yet. .. and there is not
enough room Thomas
[GM]: As soon as the hole is large enough, Dirk stops and puts
his glowstone up to it.
[GM]: Dirk: Hmmm... it appears to be a room.
[GM]: OOC: Who is helping Dirk? anyone?
[Thomas]: [Okay]
Thomas is helping clear away rubble.
Sir Cornelius is supervising :)
[GM]: After 5 minutes Dirk resorts to using the hammer to knock
away pieces of the wall.
[GM]: After 10 minutes the hole is about 1 foot in radius and
large enough to see through
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[GM]: OOC: Thomas locked up?
[GM]: OOC: Lag test?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: wow 10000 ms
[ Ken-Ohki joined the game ]
[GM]: OOC: Sir C ... you still hanging in/
[GM]: After 10 minutes the hole is about 1 foot in radius and
large enough to see through
[Sir Cornelius]: 25000
[Jamison]: What do you see, Dirk?
[GM]: After 15 minutes, nearly 2 feet in radius
[Sir Cornelius]: still here...
[GM]: Dirk: I see another room ... and another stairway
[Sir Cornelius]: ah...better now
[Jamison]: up or down?
[GM]: Dirk: Stair .... way .... up .... (hitting at the stone)
[Ghostmoon]: [Can anybody squeeze in, yet?]
[Jamison]: ?up or down?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC brb...my daughter lost her puffy :/
[GM]: After 20 minutes the hole is 2 1/2 feet in radius
[GM]: Dirk stops and wipes his brow
[Jamison]: Need help, Dirk...
[GM]: Dirk hands the hammer to Jamison
[GM]: The hole could be squeeze through
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: back
Jamison looks to JD..." make sure noone sneaks up the
[GM]: All but Sir C's armor, I think.
Ghostmoon looks at Dirk and the others.."I can wiggle in and
see what we got..."
Jamison takes the hammer and begins on the wall...
[ Zyphyus joined the game ]
[Jamison]: give me a sec. T, almost there...
[GM]: Vision roll and IQ roll all
[GM]: Tell me if you pass them both
[Jamison]: 1 or 2 rolls?
[GM]: Two rolls
Llendyl volunteers...knowing size and agility may make a
[Jamison]: OOC: u or me for JD?
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,4 = [ 14 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,3 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: OOC: You for JD, Jamison
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14...Passed both.
[Jamison]: IQ for JD?
[Jamison]: and any modifiers?
(GM whispered to Thomas): You notice that the priest is gone ...
you didnt see him leave though
[Llendyl]: OOC: nevermind too late :)
(Thomas whispered to GM): Last known location?
[GM]: OOC: no modifiers
[Jamison]: IQ?
(GM whispered to Thomas): About in the middle of the party
[GM]: OOC: JD's IQ=13
Thomas looks around behind the group after looking at
them..."Did y'all see were Father...I can't remember his
name. I di not see him leave.."
[Jamison]: JD...
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,2 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,1 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6Jami) : = [ 0 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): You notice that the priest is gone ...
you didnt see him leave though
[Llendyl]: LOL
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,3 = [ 5 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,2 = [ 6 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Just before Thomas asked about him
..you were wondering where he went to
(Jamison whispered to GM): Believe it or not, both JD and Jamison
made their rolls...
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: now I get a 5 and 6
[GM]: OOC: The party is begining to realize the priest is gone
(GM whispered to Jamison): LoL
(GM whispered to Jamison): Could have waited for a more important
time, huh?
[Jamison]: JD..." Hey where is the funning looking old man?
[Llendyl]: OOC lag test
[GM]: OOC: Anyone working on the hole in the wall?
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: u bet...
Llendyl was going to ...but it got too crowded...he got
[GM]: Dirk: I swear when I turned around to wipe the sweat out of
my face ... he was standing right there.
Jamison stops hammering and glances around..."Someon should
have been watching...."
[GM]: Dirk points to a spot near Jackdaw
[Jamison]: JD...looks around..
[GM]: Anval: Maybe he went back to care for the lost souls.
[Jamison]: JD..."He was here a minute ago...."
[Sir Cornelius]: It is no matter...continue
[Jamison]: JD.."Maybe he is getting help.."
[GM]: Just as Jamison says the word "help"
[GM]: There is a very loud BANG
Jamison continues opening the hole..
[GM]: It almost shakes the whole catacombs
Jamison stops hammering and looks around...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: Jack left his cannon in the Monday night
[GM]: It came from the west .... a long way off ... it seems
[Jamison]: JD.... owwww, what is that loud noise...
[GM]: Anval: Jackdaw .. you stay here this time
[GM]: Anval puts her hand on Jackdaws shoulder
[GM]: Anval: Stay here
[GM]: Dirk pulls out the map
[Jamison]: JD..."But, I can help..."
[GM]: Anval: You can help us here
[Jamison]: JD...."Ok"
[GM]: OOC: Did Lendyll enter the room?
Jamison backs away to let Lendyll enter...
[Jamison]: be careful...
Llendyl was going to...but all the big people pushed their way in
[Jamison]: OOC: brb
[GM]: It has been 30 minutes and the hole looks big enough for
even Sir C's armor to pass through
Llendyl floats in cautiously and looks about
[GM]: Dirk: Knocking away that stone .. looks easy ... but it
sure tires one out.
[GM]: OOC: I don't think Lendyll has a light source
Llendyl has night vision
[GM]: To Lendyll the room is pretty dark but luckily for him .
his night vision allows him to see fairly well
(GM whispered to Jamison): Lendyll sees a room with a stairway
going up ... the stairs end in the ceiling, it seems. The room
has 2 doors .. one on the north , one on the south.
(GM whispered to Jamison): There is a few barrels in the room
that look very old and a table and chairs ... and lots of cobwebs
[GM]: Dirk: That should be the first room of the castle (he
points through the hole) The basement, I believe
[GM]: Dirk folds the map and puts it back in his jacket
[GM]: Anval: Well, can we all get through the hole?
[Jamison]: OOC: how large is the hole...
[GM]: OOC: 3 feet in diameter
[GM]: Time: 3:30 a.m. in Methoria
[Jamison]: is there room for everyone?
[GM]: Dirk: Lendyll? How does it look?
(GM whispered to Llendyl): Lendyll sees a room with a stairway
going up ... the stairs end in the ceiling, it seems. The room
has 2 doors .. one on the north , one on the south.
(GM whispered to Llendyl): There is a few barrels in the room
that look very old and a table and chairs ... and lots of cobwebs
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sorry .. I sent you Lendyll's post
Llendyl heads back to the hole...and whispers..."it's
safe...come in quietly"
Thomas looks at the hole and see if he can fit though...If so, he
pushes himself through.
(GM whispered to Llendyl): Room is fairly large
Jamison hands on to the hammer and asks JD to hold back...
[GM]: Thomas has no problem squeezing through
[Llendyl]: As each person comes in, Llendyl will guide them
somewhere safe until their eyes get adjusted
Thomas moves through.
[Jamison]: OOC.... GM... can u play JD for a sec?
[GM]: Dirk takes the hammer and put it back into his bag with the
chisle and pick
[GM]: OOC: No Problem Jamison
[Jamison]: JD... do you still want a smaller stone?
[GM]: Anval moves up the steps, closer to the hole
[GM]: Jackdaw: Yes yes .. a smaller stone ... lighter for flight!
Sir Cornelius removes his mail shirt...and passes it through the
hole...not taking chances
[Sir Cornelius]: then climbs in after it
Thomas lets his eyes adjust to the gloom and keeps a watchful eye
[GM]: After Dirk puts everything into the bag and sees Sir C
enter .. he is right behind him.
[Thomas]: [BRB]
(GM whispered to Thomas): okay
[Jamison]: here JD, hand me your stone and step back down the
stairs a few steps...
[GM]: Anval steps through the hole next
[GM]: Jackdaw: Okie dokey ..... break it in two pieces
[GM]: Jackdaw puts his hands over his ears and watches
Jamison looks at JD..."Yeh, right... we will try...
[GM]: OOC: I am not even going to try to match MikeL's
Jamison clears a smooth area on the step...
(GM whispered to Jamison): Roll -3 to hit
Jamison finds a few of the bigger pieces of plaster, not to
[Jamison]: and places them around the stone to hold it steady
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,3 = [ 7 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Still at -3, I am afraid
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: yes...
(GM whispered to Jamison): What are you using?
(Jamison whispered to GM): Dirk's hammer...I kept it...
(GM whispered to Jamison): Roll damage
(GM whispered to Jamison): 1d6
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (1d6) : 1d6=3 = [ 3 ]
Sir Cornelius looks on with interest... "What are you
[GM]: The glowstone breaks nicely in half
[Jamison]: Just a sec. SC
[GM]: Jackdaw (jumping up and down): Yes yes .... you did it!!
[Jamison]: There you go JD... is this what you want?
[Jamison]: Do you need it smaller?
[GM]: JD: Yes . thanks
[GM]: JD: Looks at the two pieces and smiles ... this piece will
do nicely.
[Jamison]: Put 1 half in the pouch and save it, ok?
[GM]: JD: Tossing it up in the air and it begins to float
[GM]: Jackdaw nods
[Jamison]: good, now follow the others...
[GM]: jackdaw looks at Jamison .. "Me go into hole,
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: does this meean I can get a
blacksmith or jewler or hammer skill?
Jamison pushes JD, "Yes, now.."
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: hehehe
Jamison follows LD into the room...
[GM]: Jackdaw goes through the hole
[Jamison]: JD
Jamison looks around...
(GM whispered to Jamison): I would let you put 1 point into
Axe/Mace .. thats what I was using.
(GM whispered to Jamison): ... for the roll
[GM]: OOC: Is Thomas back?
(Jamison whispered to GM): I thought I was using Dirk's hammer?
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: we will discuss later...not
(GM whispered to Jamison): Well ... warhammer uses Axe/Mace ... I
didn't know what other skill to use. There is no hammer skill
[Jamison]: Is everyone in the room?
[GM]: The room continues to get lighter as more glowstones are
brought in.
[Jamison]: OOC: 2 doors..
[GM]: The light reveals a fairly large room 12yds (N/S) by 10 yds
Llendyl flies up the stairs...and looks about
[GM]: The room is split up the middle by a set of stairs going up
into the ceiling ... in the same direction as the other stairway
[GM]: There is a door on the north and one on the south
Jamison heads to the door to the north...
[Thomas]: [Back]
[GM]: There are a few chairs by an old table, that appear to be
very old
[GM]: The light reveals a fairly large room 12yds (N/S) by 10 yds
[GM]: The room is split up the middle by a set of stairs going up
into the ceiling ... in the same direction as the other stairway
[GM]: There is a door on the north and one on the south
[GM]: There are a few chairs by an old table, that appear to be
very old
[Jamison]: JD...."Did you see how Jami broke my
[GM]: There are also many cobwebs throughout the room
[Jamison]: JD..."Just what I needed..."
[Sir Cornelius]: We should go up...that's where the Baron will be
Thomas kneels down and sees if there is coat of dust and if there
are any footsteps in it...
[GM]: Dirk: Is that what you two were doing out there?
[Jamison]: JD...Floats his half stone...
(GM whispered to Jamison): It will cost you no fatigue to do it
Jamison looks to JD..... come here, JD... I need you and your
(GM whispered to Thomas): There is dust on the floor but no
(Jamison whispered to GM): thx....
[Jamison]: JD goes over towards Jamison...
[GM]: There are also 3 barrels in the southeast corner of the
room .... also very old
Jamison checks the northern door....
(GM whispered to Jamison): How do you check it?
[Jamison]: is it locked?
Thomas nods to himself and stands up, dusting off his knees and
says "Looks as if it has been abondanded for sometime."
(GM whispered to Jamison): turning the nob?
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: well I set myself up for this...
I said it...I guess I did....Be kind
[GM]: As Jamison turns the nob on the northern door it comes off
in his hand
(GM whispered to Jamison): It appeared to be locked
(GM whispered to Jamison): hehehe
(Jamison whispered to GM): cute... very cute...
[GM]: The wood apparently falling apart around where the nob was
[Jamison]: oof
[Jamison]: well that's 1 door nob..... anyone for a momento...?
[Jamison]: nob=knob
Thomas checks the barrells and the table for anything of
Jamison checks the hinges of the door...
[Jamison]: which way does the door go...
[GM]: The hinges seem well rusted
[GM]: The door opens to the inside of the northern room
Jamison attempts to push the door open...
[GM]: The door comes open easily
(Jamison whispered to GM): cute...
[GM]: It falls off it's henges and to the floor
[Jamison]: JD, can you shine your light in the room?
[GM]: Two pieces of wood remain on the henges
[GM]: The northern room is lightened up by the glowstones in the
main room
[GM]: It reveals 4 chairs and a pile of skeletons on the floor
[Jamison]: JD... floats a stone into the northern room...
[Jamison]: oh,oh...
Thomas peers into the barrels, holding his lightstone up...
[GM]: The stone floating in lightens up the room completely
revealing shelving on the walls
[Jamison]: Skeletons here in this room...
[GM]: The barrles are rotten but in one complete piece
[GM]: rotten=made of rotten wood
[GM]: There are four skeletons on the floor
[Jamison]: ?.. anything on the shelves in the northern room?
[GM]: Two large, two smaller
[GM]: One probably a very small child ... perhaps a baby
[ Sir Cornelius left the game ]
[Jamison]: OOC: the door was locked?
[GM]: The shelves hold what looks like clay jars
[GM]: OOC: Yes Jamison
[Jamison]: hmmmmm
[Jamison]: SC, can you check the other room.....
[GM]: OOC: I think he got locked up
[Jamison]: OOC: pretend he heard...
[Jamison]: /h moves into the room..."Follow me, LD"
[GM]: As you look around, you see Sir C already at the other door
checking it out
[Jamison]: LD=JD
Jamison heads for the bones for a closer inspection... readying
his weapon
[GM]: The bones appear to wear no armor .... perhaps rags once
Jamison goes to the shelves and checks them...
[GM]: One of the larger skeletons looks as if it were holding the
smallest of them.
[GM]: The shelves are very dusty
[GM]: The clay jars seem to be intact though
[Jamison]: JD..."Ohhhh, I think Anne should come
[GM]: Anval is at the Barrels with Thomas
[Jamison]: JD..."Sooooo sad...
[GM]: She moves towards the room when she hears her name
Jamison takes the first clay pot to examine it...
[GM]: Everyone hears a bag, as Sir C kicks in the other door
[Jamison]: JD..."Anne, there are poor remains in need of
your attention..."
(GM whispered to Jamison): The jar is full of dust and dirt, it
(GM whispered to Jamison): Anval enters the room and examines the
Thomas shakes his head after seeing little in the barrell, and
goes to investigate the the other room...
Jamison closes the jar and returns it to the shelf
(GM whispered to Jamison): The jar didn't have a lid
Jamison examines jar # 2
[GM]: Sir C enters a room that is full of barrels .. like the
one's outside
[Jamison]: brb
(GM whispered to Jamison): It looks the same
Thomas enters the room with the skeletons...
[GM]: Sir C kicks one of the barrles
[Thomas]: [Is Sister Anval around?]
[GM]: Sir C kicks a hole through it
[GM]: Anval is kneeling over the skeletons
[GM]: Anval: It seems that these souls died here.
[GM]: Anval begins to pray.
Thomas takes a quick scan of the sketons...Do they appear to have
any pouches or anyhting else that looks of interest.
(Thomas whispered to GM): [Note: Thomas appears to be casually
checking them out but is actually casing them for anything of
[GM]: Anval holds her hand over the skeletons
(GM whispered to Thomas): There is not much there .... just some
rags .. not even enough left of them to hold anything.
[GM]: Anval removes the Sactum Ral from her pouch
Thomas shrugs and moves over to the vase...
[GM]: I fear that there people were locked in this room until
they starved
[GM]: there=these
Jamison returns the jar..
[Thomas]: [Sorry, jars...]
[Jamison]: OOC: the door should have opened the other way
[GM]: OOC: Hmmm.... my mistake, I guess
[Jamison]: OOC: ok... change of stategy...
Jamison bows his head as Anne does her stuff...
[GM]: Anval: I will cast a Final rest to put their souls to rest
[GM]: Anval begins to call upon the power of Ral
[Jamison]: do you need any help, Anne?
[GM]: No, I have it under control
[GM]: Anval smiles at Jamison and goes back to her work
Jamison nods to Anne
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,2 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,1 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,4 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,1 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Four spells are cast and four succeed. Spells that normally
take 2 hours are completed in 20 minutes
Jamison moves on to the other room that SC opened...
Jamison motions for JD to follow...
Thomas checks out the jars..
[GM]: As you approach Sir C says, "The room is full of
barrels .. . all long rotted away"
[Jamison]: JD...."ok, but I am getting tired..."
[GM]: You see Lendyll still looking at the ceiling at the top of
the stairs
Jamison heads back to the main room and looks to Thomas...."
Have you checked the top of the stairs?
[GM]: Sir C: I don't think there is anything of value here. These
rooms have long been abandoned
[GM]: Lendyll flies down, "I don't think it is another
[GM]: Lendyll, "Something is blocking the exit"
[GM]: Dirk: That would be the main floor of the castle.
Jamison looks to Lendyell...Is it a door?
[GM]: Dirk: I hope that it's not another stone slab.
[Jamison]: Is it wood or stone?
Thomas shrugs "Not yet..."
[GM]: Lendyll: It doesn't appear to be a door ... maybe Thomas
could look it over?
Jamison looks to Thomas..."Time to earn your freedom...
[GM]: Lendyll,"Oh ... it is definitly wood!"
[GM]: Dirk smiles at Jamison and clears his throat, "Are you
talking to me?"
Thomas nods "Sure...Lead the way..."
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: I thought it was Thomas we
caught...my mistake.....
Thomas follows Lendyll over to the door and examines it...
(GM whispered to Jamison): ;-}
[GM]: Lendyll flies up to the top of the stairs which end in the
ceiling of the room and about 2 yds to the East of the room
Jamison looks up the stairs... "What do you see..."?
[GM]: Lendyll knocks on the ceiling, "See ... it's
[Jamison]: carefull, Len.... don't make to much noise...
Thomas examines it for locks or other sealing mechanisms...
[GM]: Roll IQ Thomas
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,6 = [ 14 ]
[Jamison]: oaffff
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14
(GM whispered to Thomas): You notice some scraps on the edges of
the wood indicating that it might slide in the direction that the
stairs head
(GM whispered to Thomas): You do not see a way to open it though
[Jamison]: OOC: if he is not sure of something can he ask Dirk to
check ...?
(GM whispered to Thomas): No signs of locks either
[GM]: Anval is just finishing up with the prayers for the dead
[GM]: Sir C: Well ... what's going on up there???
[GM]: Dirk takes out the map of the castle and is studying it.
[Thomas]: "Can't see a lock or anything...Hmmm..."
[GM]: Lendyll flies anxiously around Thomas
Thomas puts his ear to the door to see if he can hear anything...
[GM]: Sir C: Well?
[GM]: Roll hearing Thomas
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,4 = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Unfortunately ... you hear nothing
Thomas looks at Lendyll..."See if you can hear
[GM]: Sir C: Does Dirk need to break through the ceiling too?
[GM]: Lendyll goes up close to the ceiling and checks for any
(To GM) DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,2 = [ 12 ]
[Jamison]: It's 4 in the morning.....unless it's the kitchen I
think everyone is asleep
[GM]: After about 1 minute ... Lendyll says" I cant hear a
[Jamison]: Any doorway....
[GM]: Sir C begins to go up the steps
[GM]: Sir C: It doesn't look like a door
[Jamison]: JD......"Hear any ladies up there?"
[GM]: Sir C: Maybe we could just give it a push?
[Thomas]: "Shall we see if we can lift it up?...What do you
mean...Just a floor?"
[Jamison]: Are you up to it SC...?
[Jamison]: OOC: hehehe
[Jamison]: OOC: pun intended...
[GM]: Sir C: Well, it looks like maybe ... something covering up
a hole in the ceiling?
[Jamison]: Same as what we came down through?
[GM]: Sir C : I don't see any hinges or anything
[GM]: Sir C: Well, yes .... but only it's made of wood this time
[GM]: Sir C: Wood sounds a lot easier to lift than stone!
[Jamison]: should be lighter....
[Jamison]: need help?
[GM]: Sir C smiles at Jamison ... Why don't you give it a shot
this time, you young comedian?
[Thomas]: [Does it look like it can be lifted...i.e. Is there a
break in the wood?]
[GM]: The wood looks solid
[Jamison]: Dirk.. any cutting tools?
[GM]: Dirk: We could chisel through it if we need to.
[Jamison]: give the wood a push first...
[GM]: Dirk: How 'bout we let the squire and the knight have a go
at moving it?
(Thomas whispered to GM): [If I teleport up, what would my
penatility be?..-2]
[Jamison]: ok by me...Is there room on the steps?
[GM]: Room for two only
(GM whispered to Thomas): Well, details of the spell says that
you can only Teleport to a place that you have seen.
[Jamison]: great... set backs to the floor(ceiling) and push up
with our legs....
(GM whispered to Thomas): You know that it would be very
dangerious to try
[Jamison]: OOC: I hate to get a hernia now....
[GM]: Sir C copies Jamison
(Thomas whispered to GM): I see...Okay, thanks
[GM]: Okay ...let's say ... on 3
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: should have asked about the
stability of the stairs...
[Jamison]: ok...one
(GM whispered to Jamison): The Stairs are solid
(GM whispered to Jamison): Stone
(Jamison whispered to GM): good
[Jamison]: two...
[Jamison]: three...
[GM]: Okay ... need a lifting roll for Sir C AND Jamison ... roll
vs ST
[Jamison]: ughhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
[GM]: Sir C
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,3 = [ 8 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): yes....
(Jamison whispered to GM): shall I or u roll for SC
(Jamison whispered to GM): never mind...
[GM]: At first the wooden object doens't move .. then it is
lifted slightly and begins to slide to the East
[Jamison]: Ughhhh!!!!!
[GM]: As it slides it reveals a room
[Jamison]: a little more.....
(Jamison whispered to GM): Safe to release?
[GM]: Finally it is slide out of the way of the opening
[GM]: slide=slid
[Jamison]: ohh!!!!! finally...
Jamison tries to catch his breath
[GM]: Sir C: Holy Ral ... what do we have hear?
[GM]: Sir C lifts himself up throught he hole
Jamison looks at SC and nods his head in acknowlegement of a job
well done
[GM]: Lendyll flies throught he hole
Jamison follows
[GM]: Anval at the bottom of the stairs says" Everything
look okay up there?"
Jamison looks around...
[GM]: Sir C: Yes ... quite heavenly, I would say"
[Jamison]: JD..."Do you need light...?"
[Jamison]: JD.. begins floating his light up to the new room
Thomas pulls himself up, looking around.
[GM]: Sir C's glowstone lights up the room
[GM]: The room is a chapel
[GM]: The wood moved held an alter to Ral
[GM]: The wall are decorated with rich looking fabric.
Jamison looks down the hole..."Anne , I think this is your
[GM]: It is purple trimed in gold ... and appears to be real gold
[GM]: Anval begins to head up the stairs
[GM]: Anval: Come on Jackdaw
[Jamison]: OOC: There is no way we could move an alter.....
[GM]: The alter is a marble fixture set on a wooden stand. Made
of a very heavy wood.
[Jamison]: Marble...heavy...
[GM]: Jamison notices that the alter had rollers on it to make it
easy to be moved
[Jamison]: After 10.... shall we end and discuss...?
[Thomas]: [Yeah, I was just about to mention that...I am pretty
[Jamison]: Rub?
[GM]: There is also triangular icon of Ral hanging on the wall.
It weight about 20 lbs and appears to be made of solid gold. Set
with Amethyst stones .... the holy stone of Ral
[GM]: As Anval enters the Chapel she kneels and says. "Holy
[Jamison]: Anne, I really think you shopuld get up here....
[GM]: Okay, that's it for tonight