[Tue Sep 21 19:08:59 CDT 1999]
[GM]: Last time the party was aided by a priest named Brother
Drascal in finding the way to the castle.
[GM]: Unfortunately, the passagway ended in a wall.
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: Dirk discovered that it had been 'walled' up by some
substance like stone and after ...
[GM]: Now, what?
[GM]: You guys have any lag?
[Jackdaw]: not much
[Thomas]: Little bit
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: wb Jamison
[Coltazar]: Playful Sheep Dog and phone cord= disconnect
[Coltazar]: sorry
[GM]: You know ... I kinda thought that might be it... : )
[GM]: Continuing
[GM]: Dirk discovered that it had been 'walled' up by some
substance like stone and after ...
[GM]: a short while the party broke through revealing a room with
doors to the north and south and a stone stairway in the middle
[GM]: The northern room contained the skeletal remains of a
family who had been trapped there and the southern room contained
a room of empty barrels.
[Jackdaw]: Did Jackdaw listen to the skeletons? If not and he can
he will now
[GM]: Everything was very old. The barrels and doors crumbled
when touched. Nothing of value was found. Anval did the proper
thing in laying the souls of the skeltons to rest
[Jackdaw]: Good, good
[Coltazar]: Avnal was putting them to rest
[GM]: The stone stairway led into the ceiling and with effort Sir
C and Jamison was able to slide the covering out of the way and
the party entered the room above
[GM]: Jackdaw heard nothing when he listened to them.
[GM]: In the room above it was a completely different story. This
room was elabortatly decorated with holy symbols.
[GM]: There was an alter than had been hiding the place leading
down to the stairway.
[GM]: Purple curtains all over the walls and a what appears to be
a solid gold holy symbol on the wall
[Coltazar]: Size of room?
[GM]: The alter is also eloborately decorated in rich wood and
[GM]: It is a Chappel ... a small one
[GM]: 7 x 10 yds
[Coltazar]: time of day?
[GM]: (perhaps a medium-sized one?)
[GM]: It is 4 am in Shevandale
[GM]: [This is Session 16]
Coltazar looks around wondering if this chapel is used frequently
(GM whispered to Coltazar): There is a layer of dust on the floor
... but it hasn't been abandoned for long.
[GM]: Lendyll flies over to the symbol of Ral on the wall.
[GM]: Hmm... that looks like solid gold.
Thomas looks about for a set of doors leading out as he will not
take what is the Gods.
Coltazar asks... "Would this be a good place to rest for
awhile... it appears to be an unused chapel...
[GM]: The stairs lead east into the room
[Thomas]: [BRB]
[GM]: There is only one door to the room. On the eastern wall
[Coltazar]: Or shall we continue and fall back here before
[GM]: Dirk: Well, I would estimate that dawn is 2 hours away.
[Coltazar]: Dirk, would you listen and check the door. See if it
is locked and if anyone is around....
[GM]: Dirk: Sure
[GM]: Dirk goes to the door
[GM]: Dirk: It is not locked
Jamison looks around the room...
[GM]: Dirk attemps to listen for any sounds beyond the door
[GM]: The room is pretty bare
[GM]: There are 3 benches
[GM]: The alter
Jamison asks Anval to check the alter....
[GM]: Anval: Doesn't appear to be anything odd about it.
[GM]: Anval moves around and without much effort pushes the alter
and it begins to slide.
[Jamison]: Can thomas or Dirk check for secret compartments?
[GM]: Anval: Shall, we close the door to the stairway?
[Jamison]: Yes.. I will assist
[GM]: The alter moves easily over the hole and there is a 'click'
[Jamison]: oh oh... Dirk can you find the release point for the
[GM]: Dirk: I don't hear anything outside this door. Shall I open
[GM]: Anval searches the alter and finds a cabinet area in which
are contained insturments of worship
[Jamison]: hold up for a sec.... let's be sure of an alternate
way out...
[Jamison]: (retreat)... if necessary
Thomas checks for dust or other signs of inactivity...
[GM]: Anval: Hmmm... I don't see a release for the alter .. but
we could just try pushing it ... It worked for us from below ..
should be much easier from this angle.
(GM whispered to Thomas): There is a slight covering of dust on
the floor. But the room has not been abandoned for long.
[Jamison]: Shall we try, just to make sure of another way out?
Jackdaw helps Anval push
[GM]: Anval: I would prefer to leave the chapel as soon as we
can. It doesnt seem right to ...
[GM]: be here.
[Jackdaw]: "Which god is here Anval?"
[GM]: Anval: Oh, this is a chapel to Ral. A holy place.
[Jamison]: ok, we will go with Anne's instincts....
[Jamison]: She has been right in the past...
[GM]: Lendyll still seems mesmerized by the holy symbol or Ral.
[Jamison]: Dirk... why don't you look outside the door...
[GM]: Sir C examines the alter.
[GM]: Dirk: I think I will
[GM]: Dirk slowly opens the door.
[GM]: Dirk sticks his head out the door and then back in,
"There is a hallway ... coast is clear"
[GM]: Anval: Should we have a way out .... down there ... just in
Jamison looks at Anval... should we move on, or do you need to do
something here?
[GM]: Anval: No, I have said my prayers to Ral. There is nothing
more for me to do.
[Jackdaw]: lets go
Jackdaw goes thru the door
Jackdaw looks down the hall
[GM]: There is a hallway going for as far as you can see in both
[GM]: Jackdaw is wearing his glowstone?
[GM]: [btw, it was broken into a smaller piece, last time]
[Jamison]: OOC: in half I believe...
[Jackdaw]: good
[GM]: This is what the hallway will reveal:
[Jackdaw]: I'll float a piece
[Jamison]: OOC: to make it easier to float
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: On, the western wall along with the door to the Chapel
there are 2 more doors to the north and 2 more doors to the south
[GM]: Between the 2 doors the the north there is a door on the
Eastern wall.
Jamison looks at Dirk...."Witch way?"
[GM]: Same thing between the 2 doors to the south
[GM]: There is a door on the Eastern wall
[GM]: A total of 5 doors on the Western wall; 2 doors on the
Eastern wall.
[GM]: The hallway turns to the East in the north and to the East
in the South.
[Jackdaw]: and move it down the hallway
[GM]: Dirk looks at the map of the castle
[GM]: JD: North or South?
DICE for Jackdaw: (1d2) : 1d2=2 = [ 2 ]
[Jackdaw]: south
[GM]: [[ Sorry, guys but trying it without the map will cut down
the lag ... greatly ]]
[Jackdaw]: ooc i agree
[Jamison]: np, GM
[GM]: Jackdaw has no problem moving the glowstone down the
[GM]: Lendyll takes off behind the glowstone following it
[Jackdaw]: it moves slowly, 1 yd per sec
[GM]: Sir C walks to the North
[GM]: Sir C: Shall I keep watch from the north?
[Jamison]: ok,
[GM]: Lendyll flies around the glowstone ... circling it.
Jamison goes with JD to the south
[GM]: Sir C moves as quietly as he can up the hallway in a
Northern direction.
[GM]: [[Does everyone have their glowstones out??]]
Jackdaw stops at the first door and sees if it is broken or if it
Thomas slinks behind, trying to stay in the shadows of the others
[GM]: Sir C whispers from the North, "Shall we check the
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does it open?
[GM]: Sir C points and whispers, then he listens at the door.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It opens .. no problem
Jamison using his glow stone , tries to determine if this is a
deserted portion of the castle...
[Jackdaw]: "This one works!"
[Jackdaw]: what's inside?
[GM]: Jackdaw is a the first door to the south
[GM]: Sir C at the first door to the North
[Jamison]: Shhhhhhhh!!!!!not so loud, JD
[GM]: The door Jackdaw opened reveals a bed chamber
Jackdaw takes another piece of glowstone and looks into the
[GM]: There is a bed, 2 tables a large cabinet, and two open
doorways on the western wall.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,5 = [ 14 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): condition of the room? Recently used,
very dusty? perception 15
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What is that for?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It's been at least a year since this
room was used
[GM]: Lendyll continues on down the hallway to the south.
Jackdaw skips down to the next door and tries it
Thomas takes a look in, attempting to see if this place is
recently inhabited...
[GM]: Before you get to the next door on the Western wall, there
is a door on the Eastern wall.
[GM]: [[Which one did JD check?]]
(GM whispered to Thomas): It's been at least a year since this
room was used
[Jackdaw]: First he comes to
[GM]: Lendyll reaches the end of the hallway, "Hey ... a
stairway ... down!"
[Jamison]: Check east first, JD
[GM]: The door on the Eastern wall reveals a slightly larger
room. A library with 2 large tables and 4 chairs at each.
[GM]: There is an open passage way going to the north from this
[Jamison]: Any books out on the tables?
(GM whispered to Jamison): No books out on the tables
Thomas looks up and whispers.."Does anyone have any idea of
where we are?...These rooms don't look like they have been used
in a very long time..."
[GM]: The walls house shelves and shelves of books
Jamison moves to the northern passage and peers in...
(GM whispered to Thomas): The library appears to be maintained ..
there is no dust on the tables.
(GM whispered to Jamison): The northern passage reveals a large
room. 12yds x 15 yds
(GM whispered to Jamison): A meeting room of some sort
(Jamison whispered to GM): any papers on the tables?
Jackdaw wanders in and looks at some books. Any with nice
[Jackdaw]: Any I can read?
(GM whispered to Jamison): No tables in here . ... just a large
empty space .... there are paintings on the wall.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You read the common human language?
(Jamison whispered to GM): /he looks at the paintings.... looking
for something recognizable...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I think so .... you should have a
basic reading ability
(GM whispered to Jamison): There are paintings of noble men and
women ... but you don't recognize anyone
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): not sure. I figured Fauns would use a
varriation of elven tougue and I have skill in human language
(Jamison whispered to GM): did either the meeting room or the
library appear to have been used recently?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): skill 11
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): They all appear to be written in the
human tongue .. you recognize it.
[Thomas]: "Hmm...This place seems to be used..." Thomas
quickly scans the shelves, looking for any books that have been
left out, any that look out of place or any that look well
(GM whispered to Jamison): It appears to be maintained ... no
signs of dust like in the chapel or bed chamber
Jackdaw looks for books with pictures
[Jamison]: Dirk, can u help Thomas check around... look for a
secret passage, or marks from a hidden door...
[Jamison]: We snuck in... maybe there are more secrets...
(GM whispered to Thomas): They are mostly fantasy, history, ....
reading for entertainment. There is also a large set of books
entitled "The history of Methor" A volume dated 900 -
950 appears to be missing
[GM]: Lendyll appears to be missing
Jamison goes to check on SC, while Dirk and Thomas check
[Jamison]: Was Lendyll last seen by the stairs going down?
[GM]: Yes ... last seen by the stairs going down.
[GM]: Lendyll has no glowstone, though
Jamison goes to Sc..."Have you seen Lendyll?"
[GM]: Sir C: No, I thought the fairy was with you
Thomas snorts as he checks around, carefully to replace anything
he touches...He looks as if he has done this before...
Jamison looks at SC.."Maybe we better find the flying
Jackdaw pulls out his sirinx and starts playing softly
[GM]: Sir C: Yes .. let's do before he blows our cover
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Sense Foes 5 hex radius
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,6 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: Sir C: What the hell? ... Who's making that noise?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): on the nose
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): down 5 fatigue
Jamison runs to the library..."JD... stop that ..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You sense no foes. 5 hex? .. that's
just in the room, isn't it?
[Jackdaw]: how big is the room?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You were in the library?
[Jackdaw]: should work thru walls etc
[Jackdaw]: yes
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It's 10 yds x 10 yds
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Still ... no foes are sensed
[Jackdaw]: bigger room than I thought
[Jackdaw]: but no foes here :-)
[Jamison]: hey everyone...Lendyll is missing....
[GM]: Sir C and Jamison see Lendyll flying up from the South
[GM]: Lendyll: hey ... hey
[Jamison]: where were you....we were worried..
[GM]: Lendyll flies to Jamison .... "I found someone"
[GM]: Lendyll "Downstairs"
[Jamison]: who, where, why did you leave us...
[GM]: Lendyll: He is a prisoner .... sleeping
[Jamison]: Prisons down below, Len?
[GM]: Lendyll: I thought I heard something .... it was him
[GM]: Lendyll: What? You don't believe me?
[Jamison]: Yes, What did he say?
[Jamison]: Who is he?
[GM]: Lendyll: He said ... zzzzzzzzz
[Jackdaw]: "lets go look"
[Jamison]: ok, Len... can you lead us?
[GM]: Anval comes out of the library, "Hmm... not very many
spiritually uplifting books"
[GM]: Anval: What is going on? Jamison? Lead us where?
[GM]: Lendyll: yes .. yes ... come with me.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oops, I forgot that I had the
apportation spell on, the -1 would have caused the sense foes to
[GM]: Lendyll flies to and from ... trying to get someone to
[Jamison]: Lendyll found a prisoner... down the stairs...
[Jamison]: SHall we investigate?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): the stone must be floating in the
corner by the stairs, stopped when it couldn't move foreward any
[GM]: Sir C: I would like to see who the Baron keeps as a
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): okay
[Jamison]: Come on all, let's check it out...
Jamison follows Lendyll
Jackdaw follows too
[GM]: Sir C follows
[GM]: Anval follows
Thomas looks up from his checking and notices everybody is
[GM]: [[Anyone staying behind?]]
[Jackdaw]: and stopps at the next door to try it
[Thomas]: [Anything of intrest?]
[GM]: The next door reveals a bed chamber pretty much like the
other one
(GM whispered to Thomas): In the room? .. or where?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is there one more door on the way?
[GM]: The last door is almost at the end of the hall
Jackdaw walks down the hall to the lastest door and tries it
[GM]: The hallway turns East and a stairway down begins
[GM]: There is a glowstone against the wall at the southern end
of the hallway.
[GM]: ...or half of a glowstone, you notice
(Thomas whispered to GM): Library
[GM]: [[ No, JD .. the door you tried WAS the last door ]]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ok
Jackdaw starts down the stairs followed by a floating glowstone
(GM whispered to Thomas): One book on the top shelf catches your
eye. It appears to be well used, but it has no writing on the
[GM]: Lendyll is a little ahead of Jackdaw
[GM]: Jackdaw notices that there is a source of light coming from
[Jackdaw]: is it floating too?
[GM]: No, the stairs exit onto a lower level .. through an open
Jamison is following down the stairs...
[GM]: The room is lighted somewhat
[GM]: Sir C is behind Jamison
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): btw was the priest able to read the
ring's engravings?
[GM]: Anval is behind Sir C
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas takes it down and takes out a
glowstone. He careful opens the book, ready to blink if something
horrible happens...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I am afraid that we forgot to ask him.
You got the glowstone cut in half and then the priest was gone
... without a word.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oooh
(GM whispered to Thomas): It is written in an old language ..
very similar to Old Haddin ... you believe it is some kind of
spell book.
[GM]: Lendyll flies through the doorway, stopping to look to his
left just before entering.
[GM]: The door is a very heavy iron-enforced door .. but it is
not closed.
[GM]: Lendyll flies off to the north out of sight of the party
[ Jamison left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: ooc they're dropping like flies
Jackdaw follows Lendyll
[Jackdaw]: looking to the left too
[GM]: As you reach the end of the stairs, you notice that there
is something of a cell on the other side of the room.
[Jackdaw]: then the right
[GM]: A cell with bars .... to hold a prisoner.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Let me ask you this...It has been a
while since we began...The Baron is considered evil, correct. He
stold the rightful princes ring, correct?
(GM whispered to Thomas): that is what you guys believe ... all
the evidence points to it.
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: wb Jamison
[GM]: As you reach the end of the stairs, you notice that there
is something of a cell on the other side of the room.
[Jamison]: OOC: got booted
[GM]: A cell with bars .... to hold a prisoner.
[GM]: Then you notice another one ... then another one
(Thomas whispered to GM): And our mission was to retrieve the
ring (Which I have now...I think) and return it to him before the
wedding, right?
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,3 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): That was the mission
[Jackdaw]: is this a dungeon?!?
[GM]: It looks like a dungeon
[GM]: The room is rather large
[Jamison]: Can we tell where the light is coming from?
Jackdaw has never seen a dungeon before and looks around
[GM]: 20 yds x 50 yds long
[GM]: 8 columns support the ceiling
[GM]: There are various tables in the middle
Jackdaw goes to a cell and looks at it closely
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,3 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: There is one that looks like what you would call "The
[GM]: Other tables look like they could be used to inflict much
[Jackdaw]: "Is this supposed to be a door?"
(Thomas whispered to GM): Sooo...What are we doing in this dudes'
basement...? We got what we came for...
Jackdaw asks as he pulls on it
[Jamison]: Any sign of a guard?
[GM]: There is a lantern hanging from each of the columns, but
only 3 are still burning.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does it move?
[GM]: No sign of a guard
[GM]: The Eastern and Western walls of this large room do not
[Jackdaw]: "Doesn't look like a friendly place"
[GM]: It is made up of cell upon cell ... upon cell
[GM]: Lendyll flies toward one of the cells on the Eastern side
.. about 1/2 way down
[GM]: You hear a faint sound ... the sound of snoring coming from
that direction.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The door is locked
[GM]: The cells are each 3 yds x 3 yds
[GM]: They are small and cramped
[GM]: With bars and a door
[GM]: The cells are completely visible from the outside. A small
cot, a bucket, are about the only contents
[ <?> left the game ]
[GM]: There are at least 10 cells on each side
[GM]: Lendyll hovers in front of the cell with the sleeper
Jackdaw goes looking into each cell
[GM]: The cells are all empty except as described above
[GM]: With the exception of the one
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: The cells are all empty except as described above
[GM]: With the exception of the one
[GM]: Lendyll hovers in front of the cell with the sleeper
[GM]: Lendyll hovers and points
[GM]: Sir C, Anval, Dirk, examine the tables in the center
Jamison checks the door to see if it is locked...
Thomas places the book back on the shelf were he found it and
follows the light down to were the others are...
[GM]: Anval: This is a place of great evil, I fear.
[GM]: Thomas is missing
[Jackdaw]: "Not nice place"
[Jackdaw]: "No good for frollic"
[GM]: Dirk looks at a length of chain attached to one of the
[Jackdaw]: "Damp and cold and NOT NICE!"
(GM whispered to Jamison): The door to the sleeper's cell?
(GM whispered to Jamison): It is locked
[GM]: Sir C approaches the sleeper's cell.
[GM]: Anval walks around looking at the various devices of
(Thomas whispered to GM): Can I join the others now?
[GM]: Dirk searches the other cells
[GM]: Thomas enters the room from the stairway
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: [[Jamison?]]
[GM]: [[Jamison?]]
[Jamison]: OOC: been booted a couple times for some reason...
Thomas looks around and brushes the hair from his eyes and in a
quiet voice..."Can I ask you all something? Since we found
the ring why don't we just leave?"
[GM]: [[ Anyone having problems with lag? ]]
[Jackdaw]: no
[Jamison]: Might be my server acting up...
[GM]: Dirk goes to the cell with the sleeper
[Jackdaw]: ooc I took the precaution of rebooting before I logged
[GM]: Lendyll: What shall we do?
[GM]: Sir C: I would like to know who he is.
[Jackdaw]: What does the sleeper look like? Male, female, young,
old? Does it move at all?
[GM]: Sir C looks around the room, "Damn cell door is locked
... I don't see a sign of any key."
[Thomas]: "I can pop the lock...but what about what I just
[GM]: The sleeper is a male. Blond hair. As best as you can
guess, around 6 feet tall. He appears somewhat thin with long
[Jackdaw]: ooc have we found the ring?
[GM]: Sir C looks at Thomas confused
[GM]: Sir C: What did you saY?
[GM]: Anval continues walking to the north
Thomas takes the ring that they fought for in the basement and
holds it out..."This ring, the one we found in ther
[GM]: [[ Sorry guys . need a 5 minute break ]]
Jackdaw says "We finded three rings but I don't think they
are the ring we were lookeding for"
Thomas looks at the others..."Isn't this the one?"
[Jamison]: I don't belive those rings were the Princes ring....
[Jackdaw]: "Can I looked at that one:?"
Jackdaw asks Thomas
[Thomas]: "Sure, here ya go...Wait, when I touched it I had
a vision..."
[Jamison]: Vision?
Thomas holds it out..."Be careful."
Jackdaw takes the ring in his hand
[Jackdaw]: ooc guess we'll wait for Rubix now
[GM]: [[back]]
[GM]: When Jackdaw touches the ring a blank stare comes on his
Jamison watches JD closely
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oh goodie! do I see things?
[Jamison]: JD?....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): get all tingly?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): have hot flashes?
[Jamison]: Are you ok?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Suddenly you are in a dark place,
torches all around. There are men ... about 50 of them all in red
robes. There is a small boy (human) bound and gagged on a large
stone slab. A man stands near him holding a crooked looking
dagger. The men chant as the dagger falls.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Try to make the boy go away!!!!
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The men shout as the blood begins to
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Whistle HARD!
[Thomas]: "Give him a minute..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The vision fades .. but the memory
lingers. You are back in the dungeon
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): BAD MANS!!!
Jackdaw cries out "BAD MANS!!!~"
[Thomas]: "I saw a boy being sacroficed, surronded by
hundereds of cloaked people..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The ring sends an eary tingle
through-out your whole body.
[Jackdaw]: 'Me too. NOT NICE!!!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You remember the boy squirming as the
blood gushed from his body.
[Jamison]: what kind of cloaks... what people...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Spilling on the stone ... covering it
... running over the edge
[Jackdaw]: red clothed
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): [[ had enough? ]] ; )
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes whimper
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Are you still holding the ring?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): he drops it
Jamison looks at Thomas..."And you found the ring in the
[GM]: The ring falls to the floor
[GM]: Sir C: That is not the ring we search for ...
[Jamison]: Thomas... you want to open this door?
[GM]: Sir C: Does anyone remember seeing it in the picture? The
picture of the Prince?
Thomas shrugges..."After the battle in the Cats...the one
with the lady, it feel to the floor..."
[GM]: The snoring has stopped
[Jackdaw]: Lady?
[Jackdaw]: What Lady?
[Jackdaw]: I didn't see any Lady?
[Jackdaw]: Was she Lonely?
[GM]: Anval: Shushes everyone for the northern part of the room.
[Jackdaw]: Why didn't sombodies tolded me about the Lady???
Thomas rubs his temples, wondering how he feel in with the
[GM]: [[ LoL ]]
Thomas silences and awaits the mans return to awareness...
[GM]: Dirk: It will all be over with soon, I hope .. and I will
have my freedom.
[GM]: Sir C smirkes at Dirk
(Thomas whispered to GM): I santched the ring back up after JD
dropped it.
Jamison looks into the cell at the man..."He appears to be
(GM whispered to Thomas): With hand or apportation?
[GM]: There is a faint moaning coming from the man in the cell
[GM]: Sir C to Thomas: Can you get this door open?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Just my hand...but covering with cloth
and droping into sacke
[Jackdaw]: "Is it brokeded?
Thomas looks at the lock..."Yeah sure..."
(GM whispered to Thomas): okay
Jackdaw watches Thomas fix the door
Thomas holds his hand over the lock and closes his eyes,,,
[Jamison]: ?he looks at JD.."It is a lock on the door.. It
stops people from using it..."
[Jackdaw]: "Lock?"
(Thomas whispered to GM): Pop it with lockmaster
[GM]: Sir C raises an eyebrow, "I think you are waisting
your time Squire"
[Jackdaw]: "only brokeded for some peoples?"
[GM]: Roll Thomas
[Jamison]: A device that stops you from using the door...
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,4 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: The lock 'pops' effortlessly
[Jackdaw]: OH
[GM]: Thomas feels no fatigue
[Jamison]: Brokeded for most people
Thomas slides the lock off..."Done and done good
[GM]: As the lock is poped the man in the cell begins to mumble,
"Oh not again .. I will tell you nothing ... I say
[Jackdaw]: "But you hold your hand over it and close your
eyes and it openes?
Jamison shakes his head and mumbles...."Now he has me doing
[GM]: The man rises and with great effort ... sits upright on the
[Jamison]: Anne.. this may be your territory...
[Jackdaw]: "So a ?lock? makes it only work sometimes?"
[Jamison]: yes...
[GM]: Anval notices what is going on and moves toward the cell.
[GM]: Sir C enters the cell, "Watch my back Jamison"
[GM]: Sir C moves closer to the man.
Jamison takes up guard position...
[GM]: The man appears to be skin and bone. His hair is long on
his head and on his face as well.
Jackdaw looks at the man
[GM]: His blue eyes once contained a light which has been lost
some time.
[GM]: The Man: " who .... who ... are you? "
[GM]: The man looks at Sir C and tries to smile, " A knight?
... You are a knight?"
Jackdaw says "Him makes me feel sad"
[Thomas]: [brb]
[GM]: The man raises his hand and places it on Sir C's shoulder.
[GM]: Sir C: Yes .. Sir Cornelius ... Why are you here?
[GM]: Sir C: Are you a Criminal?
[GM]: The Man: A Criminal? ... Me a Criminal? ... (The man tries
to laugh, then grabs at his stomach in pain)
[Jamison]: Can you help him , Anval?
[GM]: The Man takes a deep breath and with some effort holds out
his hand for Sir C to Shake it.
[Jackdaw]: "You hurted mister?"
[GM]: Anval enters the cell.
[GM]: Sir C: Wait!
[GM]: Sir C shakes the man's hand
[GM]: Sir C: By Ral! This man is no Criminal.
[GM]: The man smiles
[GM]: Sir C turns to everyone and says, "This man is a
[GM]: Sir C: Anval ... heal him ... please
[GM]: Anval: I will do what I can
Jamison looks over his shoulder.."A Knight?"
[GM]: Sir C: Yes squire ... He IS a Knight
[Jamison]: Who is he?
[GM]: Anval approaches the man and begins to chant
[GM]: Sir C: I do not know .. We shall find out ... and the Baron
will answer for this!
[Jamison]: Why is he here?
[GM]: Anval: By the power of the one that is Power ....
[GM]: Anval: Be healed and whole again
[GM]: The man takes a deep breath as strength enters his limbs
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,1 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Anval steps back
[GM]: Sir C: We must find out what is going on here.
[GM]: Dirk looks at the man, "A knight .. in jail?"
Thomas looks a the others..."I'll be right back..."
Jamison continues on guard and tries to listen to the
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw whispers to Anval "If
hims a night should he haved that sword we finded?"
[GM]: Sir C to the Man: Can you stand?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas runs back to the library and
grabs the spellbook and shoves in his sack...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, Jackdaw, that might be a good
[GM]: Thomas leaves the room via the stairs
[GM]: He returns in a few minutes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "Nightsa seem to like those sharp
pointy thingies"
[GM]: The man is helped to his feet and introduces himself as Sir
[GM]: Sir Luxor: I was sent here to investigate the Baron .... 4
months ago.
[GM]: The Baron accepted me with curtousy, but I awoke my second
night here in this cell.
[GM]: I have been here since that time.
[Jackdaw]: "Why Baron doed that?"
[GM]: Sir C: To investigate the Baron?
[GM]: Sir C: Whose command?
[GM]: Sir Luxor: Command? I was send by the His Magesty
[Jackdaw]: "Him not sound like nice mans. ?Lock?s you up,
won't let the nice Prinz have his frolic."
[GM]: Sir C looks amazed: You are an Honor Guard?
[GM]: Sir Luxor bows
[GM]: Sir Luxor: I am
Jackdaw whispers to Jamison "Whats an Onergurd?
[Jackdaw]: "Honrgard?"
[Jackdaw]: "What he" pointing at Sir Luxor
Jamison whispers to JD..."Knights that guard the King"
[GM]: Sir C: And answer only to his magesty
[Jamison]: What were you sent to investigate, Sir Luxor?
[Jackdaw]: "Oh, kinda like the maidens what are around the
chieftest Faun?"
[GM]: Sir Luxor: But may I ask whay you (he looks around) are
doing in the Baron's dungeon ... at this time of the morning?
[Jackdaw]: "Best and most loneliest?"
Jamison looks at JD..."Do the maidens fight other peoples
for the chidftest Faun?"
[Jackdaw]: "Also most prettiest"
Jackdaw says whistfully
[GM]: Sir Luxor: Well, squire, I am duty bond to not speak of it.
[Jackdaw]: "They sometimes fight each other'
[Jamison]: Not the same then...JD
[GM]: Sir C: Well, we were comissioned by the Prince ... er ....
Gunthar ... to retrieve an item from the Baron.
[Jackdaw]: "Especially if he is tired"
[Jamison]: Sir Luxor.... Can you say if it involves...the
[GM]: Sir Luxor: An item?
[GM]: Sir Luxor: For Prince Gunthar?
[Thomas]: "Sir Luxor, Did you come undercover or alone? I
only ask because you said were sent here four months ago. Have
you spent the majority of your time here?"
[GM]: Sir Luxor: My mission did not involve Prince Gunthar
[GM]: Sir Luxor looks at Thomas, "I am afraid to say that
for the past 4 months I have been in that very cell."
[GM]: Sir L: The Baron only gave me enough to survive. He
questioned me every evening. Of course, I refused to talk.
[Thomas]: "Was you mission, whatever it might be, unknown to
the rest of your order?"
[GM]: Sir L: And I work alone ... as I always have.
[GM]: Sir L: No one knows of my mission except for the King,
[GM]: Sir C: Well, may I ask .... Is there any way that we can
aid you? ... Besides setting you free?
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: Sir L: The Baron must be arrested ... now ... the charge
[GM]: Sir L: .... Treason
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[Jamison]: hello?
[GM]: Sir C: Well, may I ask .... Is there any way that we can
aid you? ... Besides setting you free?
[GM]: Sir L: The Baron must be arrested ... now ... the charge
[GM]: Sir L: .... Treason
[Jackdaw]: "That's unnatural!!"
[GM]: Sir L approaches Sir C: I commision you into the service of
His Magesty the King
[Jackdaw]: "Only children of trees is dryads. They nice,
often lonely"
[GM]: Sir C: I am ... honored.
[GM]: [[ Okay, guys ... want to call it a night? ]]
[Jackdaw]: ooc ok
[Jamison]: Sure...
[Thomas]: [Sure]