[GM]: The party emerged from the Catacombs entering ground level of the castle in a Chapel. They made their way down to the lower level being led by Lendyll who found a man kept prisoner in a cell.
[GM]: After talking to the man, they found out that he was a knight. Not just an ordinary knight but a member of the King's Honor Guard, sent here to investigate the Baron.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Sir C knew him by his handshake
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): a knight's handshake is distinct?
[GM]: His name was Sir Luxor and after he was healed he layed his hands on Sir C and said, "I commision you into the service of the King"
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Yes it is
[GM]: The session begins, just as Sir C says in response to Sir Luxor's action, "I am .... honored"
[Jamison]: Sir Luxor, SC knows that we are on a mission to recover the Princes's ring.
[GM]: ((It is session 17))
Sir Luxor looks at Jamison the squire
Thomas slides over to the Sister and slides a large book out of his pack..."I found this down the way, but the script is old and I can not read it...Could you take a look at it, Sister?"
[Sir Luxor]: Tell me about this ring ...
[Sir Cornelius]: It is the Prince's noble ring
[Sir Luxor]: [[ Anval is going through her gear and pulls forth a sword]]
[Sir Luxor]: Ahhh... the symbol of his office ... I assume ...
[Sir Luxor]: [[Anval offers the sword to the knight]]
Sir Luxor takes the blade and looks it over carefully.
[Jamison]: Sir L.. do you kow the layout of the castle?
[Sir Luxor]: [[Anval moves close to Thomas .. what were you saying about a book?]]
Thomas pulls it out and lets Sister Anval have a look at it..."What do you think?"
Sir Luxor rubs his temples, "Yes, I remember the basic layout, but it has been awhile since I have left that cell."
[Sir Luxor]: [[Anval takes the book and looks it over carefully]]
(Sir Cornelius whispered to Sir Luxor): We're in the dungeon area still? SC wants to get going...does he know the way from here to something which might lead the group to the Baron's apartments?
Sir Luxor turns around a few times.
[Sir Luxor]: I think I have my bearings, now.
(Sir Luxor whispered to Sir Cornelius): There is a stairway to the south ... going up to the level with the Chapel
[Sir Luxor]: Does anyone know the time?
[Jamison]: Sir L, where do you believe that the Baron might keep such a treasure?
[Sir Luxor]: It must be morning, correct?
[Sir Cornelius]: It's early morning...we must be going...
[Sir Luxor]: If the Baron truely does have the ring ... it is not good for the Prince.
[Sir Luxor]: ...and I am sure that he would keep such an item ... on himself.
Sir Cornelius turns toward the stairway to the south
[Sir Luxor]: The Baron trusts no one.
[Thomas]: "Should be getting there...Do you have an idea of when he visits you down here...or has his servants bring you food?"
Sir Luxor looks at Thomas
[Sir Cornelius]: Let's show him why, eh Good Sir Knight?
[Sir Luxor]: No, the Baron takes care of me personally.
[Thomas]: "I don't wanna get caught unaware..."
[Sir Luxor]: I have seen no one .. for 4 months ... except for the Baron.
[Sir Luxor]: Wait.
Sir Cornelius turns and pauses
Sir Luxor gets a puzzled look on his face and begins to move to the North
Sir Luxor carries the sword that Anval gave him and cautiously moves past the cells to the North.
Sir Luxor goes almost to the Norhtern Wall of this room and stops at one of the Cells
[Sir Luxor]: I knew it!
[Sir Luxor]: Sir Cornelius .. come here please
Sir Cornelius goes quickly
[Sir Luxor]: Anval continues to look over the book that Thomas gave her
[Sir Luxor]: Lendyll flies in the direction of Sir L
[Sir Luxor]: Jackdaw is playing with the rack in the middle of the room
[Sir Luxor]: As Sir C arrives he notices that there is another cell, locked .. with a man occupying the cell.
Thomas follows the two knights...
[Sir Luxor]: I knew it!
[Sir Luxor]: The Baron brought him in last night.
[Jamison]: Who?...
[Sir Luxor]: The man is asleep, bound and gagged.
[Sir Luxor]: OOC: that was OOC
[Jamison]: Thomas... can you assist us?
(Sir Luxor whispered to Thor): Sound like a good enough intrance?
(Sir Luxor whispered to Thor): entrance?
[Sir Cornelius]: ok...where's our hired help?
Thomas nods and looks at the two knights.."You want him out?"
(Thor whispered to Sir Luxor): It'll work good enough :)
[Jamison]: Another door for your expertise..
[Sir Luxor]: Dirk is just behind Sir C
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: figures
(Sir Luxor whispered to Thor): You were picked up by the Baron's men when you began to ask too many questions.
[Sir Luxor]: The man in the Cell is Thor
[Thor]: <the figure wakes up>
[Sir Luxor]: OOC: Again
[Sir Cornelius]: Dirk, if he's in there...we don't want him to be...
[Sir Cornelius]: Open it...so we can get out of here
Thomas looks at the lock and cups his hands over it...he mumbles some words...
[Sir Luxor]: Dirk looks at Thomas
Thor opens his eyes and looks around
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,6 = [ 17 ]
[GM]: [[The lock clicks .. but does not open]]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Lockmaster...failure...
[Jamison]: Any luch, Thomas?
[GM]: Dirk: Well? Thomas?
Thomas sputters and curses, then takes out his lockpick set...
(GM whispered to Thor): That is not good
(Thor whispered to GM): uh, a 17? no that wasn't a good roll :(
Thomas looks over..."Give me a minute..."
[GM]: Dirk: Now what Sir Knight?
[GM]: Dirk: ... er ... Sir Knights?
Thor something like a sigh comes from him as the lock doesn't open
Sir Cornelius folds his arms...tapping his foot...
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,3 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: Sir L: We must get to the Baron ... before he wakes
[Jamison]: Well, does Thomas need help?
[Jamison]: Dik, can you assist?
[GM]: [[The lock still doesn't open]]
[Jamison]: Dirk
[GM]: Dirk takes something from his bag.
Thomas takes out his picks "Must have jammed it on my first try...Dirk, see what you can do with it..."
[GM]: Dirk: Maybe a hammer and chisle will do the trick!
[GM]: Sir L: No ... that will make too much noise
[Sir Cornelius]: might also bring the guards
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: GMTA
[Jamison]: I know that you have a hammer..
[GM]: Sir L: We need to get to the Baron ... very soon
Jamison rubs his shoulders
[GM]: Dirk shows Jamison the hammer and chisle .. "Of course I do"
Thomas looks at the others.."Hang on..."
(GM whispered to Thomas): You are beginning to think that the lock is frozen and wont open
Jamison turns around.. looking for an object to grasp
(Thomas whispered to GM): Going to 'port him out...
(GM whispered to Thomas): Good idea
(GM whispered to Thomas): OOC:I hope you don't get a crit failure on this roll
Sir Cornelius turns to guard the rear...waiting for...breakfast time to come...
Jamison finds some jail bars.. and grasps firmly
Thomas focuses for a second..."Hey Buddy, you might be a bit dizzy for a second..."
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,5 = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Made it by how much?
(Thomas whispered to GM): 6
(GM whispered to Thomas): Tell what happened
(GM whispered to Thomas): No fatigue
Sir Cornelius says offhandedly to Sir L..."What do they usually serve for breakfast around here anyway...I'm getting a bit hungry..."
[GM]: Sir L: Perhaps ... Knights on a bun?
[ Kaziganthi joined the game ]
[GM]: The body in the cell vanishes and re-appears outside.
Jamison thinks he hears something...
[Thomas]: For a second nothing happens...Then suddenly the man is on the other side of the bars next to Thomas..He steadies the strangers as he wobbles abit from the disorientation of the 'port.
[Jamison]: was that Knight's out for fun?
[GM]: Dirk helps to un-tie and un-gag the man
[GM]: Dirk: Hey .. are you okay?
Thor nods
[Thor]: "Yes thank you. I was beginning to wonder if someone would come in here"
(GM whispered to Thor): You have information for the party.
[Jamison]: Anne, can you help this poor soul?
Thomas looks at the others..."Problem solved...*turning to the man* Whats your name, bud?"
(Kaz whispered to GM): hello, sorry to bother, but i have updated the ff3 icons if you're interested.
[Thor]: "The name's Thor"
(GM whispered to Thor): You were inquiring about the Baron and a missing friend.
(GM whispered to Kaz): cool
[Thomas]: "Name's Thomas...Whatcha in for?"
[Jamison]: What brings you to the Baron's doungeon?
(GM whispered to Thor): A friend of yours, Kalith, was murdered night before last by the Baron's men.
(GM whispered to Thor): You were ambushed in an alley and brought to the Baron's castle.
(Kaz whispered to GM): did you complete your set?
(GM whispered to Thor): You were taken down by 2 assassin's ... very skilled at what they do ..but they did not kill you.
(GM whispered to Thor): You are surprised at that.
[Thor]: "A friend of mine, named Kalith, was murdered 2 nights ago by some of the Baron's men."
[GM]: [[there is a semi-loud clang from across the room.
[Thor]: "To tell the truth, I'm surprised to find myself alive. I was ambushed last night in an alley by some assassins."
[GM]: The party recognizes the name
[GM]: The party is also surprised by the mention of the assassins
[Thor]: "They knocked me out easily enough, but did not kill me. That to me is surprising."
[Jamison]: Kalith..what happenned to Kalith?
Thomas puts his picks back in his pack but freezes at the sound of the clang...He looks in the direction of the sound...
(GM whispered to Thor): He was sliced in half by an assassin's blade
[GM]: Jackdaw: Oh me sorry .. the chain go bang.
[Thor]: "As I heard it, he was sliced cleanly in half by an assassin's blade"
[ Kaziganthi left the game ]
Sir Cornelius is still standing guard
[GM]: [[Does the party remember Kalith?]]
[Jamison]: Oh my... this is not good
Thomas again wonders how he fell in with this group and quickly surveys the room...
[GM]: Sir L: That is not good. We must act fast, though.
[Thomas]: [No, but he might have been before my time here]
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC; breakfast bar..
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: that was months ago to us...but to the characters...just a few days...who was he again?
[GM]: Anval: Do you require healing ... what was your name?
[GM]: Recap
[Thor]: "My name is Thor. I am in good health right now thanks."
[GM]: Kalith is the one who went into Bilko's blades and made the initial deal with Bilko to get the map
[GM]: Bilko got a message the night you went to see him from a man at the door.
[Thor]: "If someone could loan me a sword, I'd be glad to help you in whatever mission you may be attempting"
[GM]: that interupted the meeting
[GM]: The information that he received was that Kalith had been found dead.
[GM]: Sir L: I would much like to find my gear as well.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: sorry Ken.. i've got another minor problem at the house.... I apoligize for this but... family first..
[GM]: Anval to the Party: Well, Jackdaw and myself found a sword, but I gave it to Sir L.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sure
[GM]: Sir L swings the blade. It is a nice blade .. but not one fit for a Knight.
(Jamison whispered to GM): I hope next week is better.. get Thor involved..
(Jamison whispered to GM): later.
(GM whispered to Jamison): later
[ Jamison left the game ]
Sir Cornelius hands his own sword over to Sir L...
[GM]: Sir L: I would not dream of taking your blade, Sir C, .... but I am honored.
[GM]: Sir L bows and smiles to Sir C.
[Thomas]: "I guess you had all your things when you came...but the Baron stole them from you.."
[GM]: Sir L: ... as he took mine.
[Sir Cornelius]: There are more ways to skin a Baron than with the sword anyway... perhaps we will come across something more suitable for you.
[GM]: Sir L hands the sword to Thor, "Use this ... I will lead the party to the Baron"
[Thor]: "Correct, good sirs. My equipment was missing when I woke up and found myself here"
[GM]: It is an old by fine Broadsword
Thor takes the sword
[GM]: Sir L: Follow me
[GM]: Sir L moves to the Northern Wall and turns left
Thor follows along
[GM]: Dirk follows
[GM]: Lendyll follows
Sir Cornelius follows Sir L...standing by to guard him if need be
Thomas follows, but waits till most of the groups have gone ahead so he can toward the rear of the party...
[GM]: Anval approaches Thomas
[Sir Cornelius]: err...protect him...
[GM]: Jackdaw still plays with the rack that he has discovered, "It make people taller .. me wanna be taller"
[Thomas]: "Did you get a look at that book...Anything of interest?"
(GM whispered to Thomas): Anval: It is a book of spells ... I recognized the language ..as it is very much like Old Haddin .. but I cannot read it .. I am sorry."
(GM whispered to Thomas): Anval: It is dated in the year 412 ... it is very old .. and I would guess, very valuable.
[GM]: Sir L moves past a door to the south and come up to a door on the northern wall. There is a slight passageway here going to the West.
[GM]: The doors on the North are double doors.
[GM]: Sir L listens briefly and then opens a door very gently. "Quite, everyone"
(Thomas whispered to GM): "I see...Well, I will just keep it safe till we can find someone to read it" He takes and slides it back into his pack as gently as he can. He wraps it in a spare shirt to protect it...
[GM]: Anval follows the others
Thor follows along quietly
Sir Cornelius puts his hand on the pommel of his sword...
[GM]: Sir L looks through the door and then enters it.
[GM]: Just past the door there is a tunnel with ends in the West in stairs going up
[GM]: Sir L moves quietly up the stairs
[GM]: Sir L motions for the others to follow him
Thor follows, quietly
[GM]: Jamison gets Jackdaw and they take up the rear.
Thomas follows as well, his hand on the grip of his blade...
[GM]: Jackdaw: Someone say it's time for breakfast?
[GM]: Sir L disappears around a corner
[GM]: The party goes up the stairs and then another set of them.
[GM]: At the top of the 2nd set Sir L stops and waits for the party
Sir Cornelius is still following
[GM]: The walls appear to enclose the stairways in a circlar shape
[ Jack left the game ]
[GM]: ....
[GM]: ...
[GM]: Sir L points through an open doorway
[GM]: A guard leans sleepily against a wall.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: how far away?
[GM]: OOC: Anyone getting this???
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: what does it look like he is guarding? :)
[ Ryo-Ohki joined the game ]
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[ Jack joined the game ]
[Thor]: OOC: Back, sorry about that I froze..
[GM]: OOC: No Prob
[GM]: OOC: Ghost .. you there?
[GM]: Sir L points through an open doorway
[GM]: A guard leans sleepily against a wall.
[Thomas]: [Here]
[GM]: He does not appear to be guarding anything in particular, just the path.
[GM]: Sir L begins to go back down the stairs and motions for the party to follow
[ Ronin joined the game ]
(Abbathor whispered to GM): hello
(Abbathor whispered to GM): got room
[Sir Cornelius]: the party follows...or backs up as the case may be :)
[GM]: After going down the first set of stairs, Sir L stops at a door (that the GM forgot to metion that you passed)
Thor quickly and quietly follows
(GM whispered to Abbathor): Hey .. how does it go?
Thomas does the same...
[GM]: Sir L quietly and cautiously opens this door.
(Abbathor whispered to GM): hehe its going fine
[GM]: Sir L looks through it and enters.
(Abbathor whispered to GM): what level game is this
(GM whispered to Abbathor): 100 points was the beginning
[GM]: The door opens into a tunnel like passageway and there are doors on the north and south wall after 15 yds
Thor enters the room behind Sir L
[GM]: Sir L opens the door to the North
[GM]: The party follows
[ Ronin left the game ]
[GM]: Outside of that door there is an open part of the castle.
[GM]: The sky is visible and is very dark, the moon having set hours ago.
[GM]: It is revealed that the tunnel was the inside of a wall ... apparently the guard is on the walkway on top of the wall.
[GM]: Sir L shusses everyone and continues
[GM]: Sir L crosses the open area and takes a corner.
Thor very quietly follows along
[GM]: There is a door right across from where the party emereged from the tunnel.
[GM]: Sir L goes around the corner to another door and listens quietly.
[GM]: Then he opens the door.
[GM]: This door leads into a part of the cast that is seperate for the rest and has two stories.
[GM]: Sir L goes in and finds a stairway and goes up it.
[GM]: The party follows
Sir Cornelius counts heads once we're in again...seeing if everyone made it
[GM]: You are now on the second story of the Castle (third if you could the dungeon)
[GM]: Jamison is right behind Jackdaw and smiles at Sir C when he looks back.
[GM]: Sir L rounds a corner and stops.
[GM]: He waits for the whole party to catch up.
Thor nods to Sir L as he catches up with everyone
[GM]: Sir L whispers quietly, "The Baron's room is one of these four doors on the North. It appears that there is no guard inside. We are lucky"
[GM]: Sir L: It is not yet dawn .. we should catch him unaware.
[GM]: [[Stop Here?]]
[Sir Cornelius]: /me takes the lead...outside one door
[Sir Cornelius]: sure
Sir Cornelius takes the lead...outside one door
[Thomas]: Okay