[GM]: Okay, do we need a brief recap?
[Ellyl]: short but sweet please.
[Jamison]: short and sweet...., and do you need move?
[GM]: The party entered the Baron's Sleep (Bed) Chamber. Jackdaw
entered first.
[GM]: No, got move Jamison
[Jamison]: k
[GM]: Jackdaw began to cast some spells which failed and one
backfired cause him to be 'stucked'
[Jamison]: stuckeded...
[GM]: Right, he is preoccupied with trying to get his legs to
work at this time
[GM]: Sir L, Sir C and Dirk entered with the two knights trying
to reason with the Baron
[GM]: Anval entered behind them. He last move was to move to the
north of the room and probably search the room
[GM]: The Baron's attention is off of Jackdaw and Anval and is
focused on the 2 knights and what is going on out in the hall.
Which he cannot see.
[GM]: Out in the hall:
[GM]: Jamison is holding off the guards
[GM]: One just attacked him and he blocked it with his shield
[GM]: Jamison attacked him back but Guard 1 dodged his attack
[Jamison]: Grrrrrr...
[GM]: Thomas just cast a spell porting Guard 2's wepon away
[GM]: We didn't see much from Lendyll and Thor
[GM]: Thor seemed to be watching .. but began to move up behind
[GM]: Lendyll was moving south in the hallway ... for who knows
why (not even me?)
[Jamison]: hehe
[GM]: That should just about cover it
[GM]: It is now round 2
(Anne whispered to GM): anne casts Truthsayer on the Baron
[GM]: The whole party hears the ringing of a bell
[Jamison]: OOC: time of day?
[GM]: The sequence is:
[GM]: Sir L, Jackdaw, Lendyll, The Baron, Thomas, Dirk, Thor,
Jamison, Guard 1, Guard 2, Sir C, Anval
[GM]: It is just before 6 am Shevandale time.
[GM]: Sir L:
[GM]: Sir L (who hears the combat in the hallway): I emplore you
Baron ... cease this nonesense at once.
[GM]: Jackdaw feels his legs and does not understand why they
wont work
[GM]: Lendyll your action
[GM]: OOC: Does anyone know what an Ellyll's speed in flight
[Anne]: ill check
[Anne]: 2x regular move (HT+DX)/4
[GM]: That sounds reasonable
[Anne]: test
[Ellyl]: *takes to the air flying north 12 hexs*
(Anne whispered to GM): Fantasy folk, under winged flight
(GM whispered to Anne): Btw, where did you find that?
(Anne whispered to GM): nned a pg ref?
(GM whispered to Anne): Yeah .. I would like it
[GM]: Move the mini, Ellyl
[GM]: But first give me a flight roll
(Anne whispered to GM): Pg.24 Fantasy folk in my copy (I think
its 1st printing)
(To GM) DICE for Ellyl: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,3 = [ 10 ]
(GM whispered to Anne): Thanks!!!
[GM]: Vox??
(Anne whispered to GM): Hey, if I've got the ref. library, I
might as well use it!
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Flight skill is 15 right?
(Ellyl whispered to GM): yep
(GM whispered to Anne): Well, I'm gaining on ya!!!
(GM whispered to Ellyl): how did you get a crit on a 10?
[GM]: Lendyll turns from his Southern path and moves rapidly to
the North
[GM]: The Baron:
[GM]: The Baron: Guards, seize them!
(Ellyl whispered to GM): u said anything that is below 5 is
considered a crit... anything above 5 of your skill is a crit.
failure... 10 is 5 below 15 so it should be a crit.. though why i
would have a crit flight... it was just really strait
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Flight is a skill ... not a spell.
(Ellyl whispered to GM): so then it's only on spells?
[GM]: Thomas, your action
Thomas extends his hand again, making a grabbing motion with his
hand into the thin air...he murmurs a quick incantation...
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Yes ... that's the benefit of a High
Mana area.
[GM]: OOC: What are you doing Thomas?
[Thomas]: [Teleporting sword away and placing behind me.]
[GM]: Sword from Guard1?
[Thomas]: [Yes]
[GM]: That will be at -5 .. it is held tightly.
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Thomas: (3d6-5) : 3d6=6,1,1 = [ 3 ]
[Anne]: ooc that should be 13 not 3
[Thomas]: [8+5=13]
[GM]: You rolled a 8
[GM]: You needed a 10 right?
[GM]: Skill = 15?
[GM]: Sorry skill = 17
[Thomas]: [Rolled 8...skill 17]
[GM]: You needed a 12 or less
[GM]: Okay, the guard gets a resistance roll
[GM]: I'm reading the spell stats
[GM]: AT IQ+1
[GM]: He needs a 12 or lower to resist
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,6 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: The sword vanishes and appears behind Thomas.
[GM]: Clang as it hits the floor
[GM]: Dirk:
[Thomas]: [Now they are all unarmed, correct]
[Thomas]: [brb]
[GM]: OOC: Yes .. all unarmed
[GM]: Dirk noticing the Baron's attention diverted moves to the
North of the room
[Jamison]: OOC: Grrr....
[GM]: Thor:
[GM]: Thor a little surprise by Lendll's super fast approach does
not act this round. He was distracted. But I will give him one
step forward in the direction that he was moving.
[GM]: Jamison, your action
[Jamison]: Shield Bash
[GM]: On Guard 1?
[Jamison]: yes
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Made it by 3?
[Jamison]: I do not belive that the WM skills apply
[Jamison]: yes
[GM]: No, they dont'
[GM]: Guard1 attempt a retreating dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,1 = [ 7 ]
[Jamison]: ooc: damn
[GM]: Guard1 despite being a little confused by the disappearance
of his sword, reflexivly jumps out of the way of Jamison's shield
[GM]: Jamison, I also think you need to move your mini 1 hex to
the North
[GM]: Guard1:
[Jamison]: b123... I don't believe so
[GM]: Well, then you could have not done a shield bash, Jamison
[GM]: I assumed that you stepped and then did the shield bash
[GM]: Guard1 was not exactly 1 hex away when you did it.
[Jamison]: A shield bash is different from a shield rush
[Jamison]: I thought he was to swing at me last round...
[GM]: I know that ... but "It may only be made against a foe
in your front or left hexes"
[GM]: There was a full hex seperating you two at the beginning of
your turn.
[GM]: Therefore he was not in your front hex, right?
[Jamison]: ok... no problem... then if I did a shield rush it is
2 hexes because of the miss?
[Jamison]: B112
[GM]: A shield rush is basically a slam attack with a shield. You
can use your full movement, I believe.
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: Oh, yes ... because of the miss ... it is 2 hexes
[Jamison]: thanks
[GM]: OOC: Everyone, am I wrong in this?
[GM]: Hey, Jamison ... I am learning myself.
[GM]: ;-}
[Anne]: ooc - it sounds right to me...
[Jamison]: OOC: sorry to slow it down... I just wanted to try
something different... and miss.....
[Jamison]: lol
[Anne]: hehe
[GM]: Guard1 steps an additional 2 steps backwards
[Ellyl]: right unless.. jam has ambedixterity or has it written
down he has shield on the opposite arm i thing... though
sometimes i find i don't really know
[Ellyl]: ooc: btw
[GM]: Guard2 also steps 2 hexes backwards
Jamison puffs up his chest.....
[Anne]: ooc - sheilds don't suffer an "off hand
penalty" because they are intended for use in the off arm...
[GM]: OOC: Cost of 4 each I believe?
[GM]: Sir C:
[GM]: Yield, Sir Baron! You are hopelessly out numbered!
[GM]: Anval, your action.
(GM whispered to Anne): You sense something interferring with
your magic
[Anne]: Anne steps and concentrates (on casting Truthsayer on the
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
(Anne whispered to GM): Is it Ral's displeasure? Or something
more mundane?
[ Ken-Ohki joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Anne): Something more mundane. Your roll will be
at -5
(Anne whispered to GM): Ok - here comes the roll vs skill 13 (-5)
= 8
[GM]: Wb, Thomas
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,6 = [ 10 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): failed by 2
[GM]: The spell fizzles
[GM]: Round 3:
[GM]: OOC: Comments?
[GM]: The bell continues to ring. The noise comes from close ...
within the castle.
[GM]: Sir L:
[GM]: Sir L takes a step towards the Baron
[Anne]: "They've sounded an alarm! Unless we are finished
here soon..."
[GM]: Jackdaw cast a spell
[Jamison]: OOC: JD... never learns....
[GM]: Jackdaw spends this turn concentrating
[GM]: Lendyll, your action
[Ellyl]: takes a step. and begins concentraiting
(Ellyl whispered to GM): explosive fireball..... 15
[GM]: Move your mini
(To GM) DICE for Ellyl: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,5 = [ 10 ]
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Yikes! okay
(Ellyl whispered to GM): crit
(Ellyl whispered to GM): ?
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Yep .. a crit
(GM whispered to Ellyl): How many points you gonna put into it?
(Ellyl whispered to GM): 5
(Ellyl whispered to GM): that is the max correct?
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Sorry, the max is 3 as per the spell
(Ellyl whispered to GM): k 3
(GM whispered to Ellyl): You have a 3 pt explosive fireball in
hand .. . no fatigue cost ... but you must wait until next turn
to throw it.
(GM whispered to Ellyl): ;-}
(Ellyl whispered to GM): yes if i where going to throw it....
which i'm not
[GM]: Lendyll's hands become alive with a large flaming ball.
"Poof" He holds it in his hands
[GM]: The Baron:
[GM]: The Baron: Stay back, knight! I do not wish to kill an
unarmed man!
[GM]: Thomas, your action
[Thomas]: [Is there another door next to me?]
[GM]: There are four doors on the Western wall of the hallway
[GM]: The Baron's is the second from the North
Thomas opens it and takes a look inside...He calls over Thor to
him as he does so...
[Thomas]: "Lets see what we have here..."
[GM]: There is one at: 8yds, 16yds, 24yds, and 32yds from the
north. There is one double door on the Eastern wall mid way down
[GM]: The double door is 4 yds to your south Thomas
Thomas proceeds to that one...
[GM]: Full move?
[Thomas]: [Yes]
[GM]: Okay move the mini
[GM]: The map is not exactly correct .. but move 4 to the south
[GM]: Thomas steps past Lendyll's ball of flame and moves to the
south of him. He ends up in front of the closed double doors.
[GM]: Dirk continues to move around the Baron's bedchamber
[Jamison]: OOC: thief in a bedroom....Hmmmmmmm
[GM]: Dirk takes one step to the North and begins to examine a
table and chair on the north of the room
[GM]: Btw, There is the bed in the middle of the room, a table
and chair to the north. A chair by the bed. And two doorways on
the Western wall of the room... no doors
[GM]: And a painting on the wall on the South
[GM]: Thor:
[GM]: Thor moves into the bedchamber
[GM]: Jamsion, your action
[Jamison]: OOC: which bedchamber?
[GM]: OOC: What Jamison?
[Jamison]: Which bedchamber does Thor go to?
[GM]: I was describing the Baron's bedchamber for those who were
not with us last time.
[GM]: Sorry, Thor goes into the Baron's bedchamber
[GM]: I moved his mini in the appropriate direction
[Thomas]: [He ignored me then...]
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: me and Thomas were hoping he
would follow Thomas when he called for help...
(Jamison whispered to GM): Any response...?
[GM]: Okay ... I will change Thor's action
[GM]: Instead he moves towards Thomas
[Jamison]: thx
[GM]: Thor takes 2 steps backwards
[GM]: Thor still faces north
[GM]: Jamsion, your action
Jamison moves back 2 yds. and continues to protect the hallway
[GM]: OOC: Hey, guys .. it's hard to keep all of these PCs/NPCs
[Ellyl]: ooc: should we cut the npcs out of the fight then?
(Jamison whispered to GM): no problem... we are all just trying
to help....
[GM]: OOC: I was basically doing that ... except where I felt it
(Jamison whispered to GM): As long as you know that you have
final say... there is no problem...
[GM]: Jamison? Still facing north?
(Jamison whispered to GM): sorry to argue...
[GM]: OOC: No problem .... tell me when I am wrong
[Jamison]: yes... move/2 if stepping backwards?
[GM]: Just checking on that Jamison.
[GM]: Guard1 and Guard2 also move 2 steps backwards
[GM]: They are not too interested in facing Jamison's morningstar
... unarmed.
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[GM]: Sir C:
[ Ken-Ohki joined the game ]
[GM]: Sir C moves toward the Baron: "I tell you to yield Sir
Baron .... or face the consequences"
[Jamison]: OOc: and Jam... does not care to kill the unarmed...
[GM]: Anval, your action?
[Anne]: moves to the west...
[GM]: The Bell continues to ring ....
[GM]: Round 4
[Jamison]: OOC: we are running out of time, folks....
[GM]: Sir L steps closer to the Baron
[GM]: Sir L moves 1 step
[GM]: Sir L: "I have the displease to tell you Baron, that I
am arresting you in the name of the king"
[GM]: Jackdaw concentrates and attempts a spell.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): YESSS!!! Now, whatever he answers, I can
cast Truthsayer!!!
[GM]: Jackdaw begins to rise in the air. He rises 1ft off the
[GM]: Lendyll, your action?
[Ellyl]: takes another step while contining to build the spell
(To GM) DICE for Ellyl: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,1 = [ 9 ]
(GM whispered to Ellyl): The spell is maxed already.
[GM]: Lendyll's spell is already maxed.
[Ellyl]: *Yells to the guards* run... or die..........
(Ellyl whispered to GM): k.. is this good enough?
[GM]: The guards start to look real nervous
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Yep
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Did you move your mini?
(Ellyl whispered to GM): i can't cant take more than one step
[GM]: The Baron:
(Ellyl whispered to GM): yes
(GM whispered to Ellyl): You can have full move ... you already
have the spell in hand.
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Benefit of the crit
[GM]: OOC: Do you have to make a roll to hold a spell?
(Ellyl whispered to GM): k i'll hold postion where i'm at now.
[Ellyl]: ooc: i thought to maintain one u had too
[Jamison]: OOc: I thought so....
[Anne]: ooc - I think you just maintain it... but need to make a
Will roll if distracted
[Jamison]: maybe that's it...
[GM]: Can you make a full move if desired?
[GM]: ...while holding a spell?
[Anne]: ooc - you only have to make the will-3 roll if you are
hurt, knocked down, or make an active defence - full moves are
[Jamison]: the maintain just costs energy...
[Anne]: ref. Pg8-9 Gurps Magic
[GM]: So, to maintain a fireball .. you must spend fatigue each
[Thomas]: [brb]
[Anne]: Nope - to have it grow, you need to spend fatigue...
[Anne]: but if Lendyll is hit, or makes an active defence, he
needs to make a Will-3 roll or drop it - and have it "go
[GM]: Okay, that's what I was thinking.
[GM]: So, Lendyll has a ready fireball and can act freely (for
the most part)
[Anne]: ooc - yep
[GM]: No cost to maintain and can pretty much hold it
[Jamison]: I apologize... maintain is not the same as
[Anne]: ooc - yeppers
[Anne]: ooc - pretty cool actually, if you want to walk around
with a volatile ball of fire in your palm...
[Anne]: 8P
[GM]: The Baron: You come into my bedchamber, uninvited ...
disturbing my sleep. You shall pay for this.
[Jamison]: ooc: off I go to the Magic realm....
[GM]: Thomas, our action?
[GM]: I think he said brb
(Ellyl whispered to GM): can i say something to the baron?
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Yes, you would have to yell a bit .. but
you can. Wait until your next turn, though.
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Ahhh... go ahead .. you just had your
turn. Say it now
[GM]: Dirk searches the table and chair at the North of the room
[Ellyl]: *hearing the baron threating them* aye we may pay but i
swear you shall fall first ... *yelling*
[GM]: The Baron notices the large fireball out in the hall.
[GM]: Thor steps back and turns toward Thomas
Thomas opens the door...'
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Don't tell me that you missed my speach....
[GM]: Yep
[GM]: Thomas which door ... the one on the left?
Thomas opens the door and peers inside...[The one that I am now
next too, I guess on the right.]
[Jamison]: OOC: ok... afireball is a missle spell and that is the
only type of spell that may be held at the ready.... He can then
move normally as he keeps the spell in hand....M12
[GM]: Thanks Jamison
[GM]: Thomas you are in front of the Door on the North/left
Jamison takes a step back just in case that goofy fairy decides
to send the fireball down the hallway.....
[Thomas]: [I open it...]
[GM]: The door opens without any difficulty. ... revealing a dark
room .... a large room
[GM]: The light of your glowstone begins to illuminate it
revealing a lavash decor
[GM]: Thomas, I think that should take care of your turn.
Thomas sets to work, asking Thor to start help him carring it
[GM]: But one more thing. Thomas, Thor, a hearing roll at -2
[GM]: Jamison, Lendyll, hearing roll at -4
[GM]: And tell me if you make it and by how much
DICE for Jamison: (3d6+4) : 3d6=5,1,4 = [ 14 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6+2) : 3d6=2,1,5 = [ 10 ]
[Jamison]: is that dex.?
[GM]: That's IQ-2 or IQ-4
[Jamison]: oh Iq...
(To GM) DICE for Ellyl: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,6 = [ 8 ]
[Jamison]: nope....
[GM]: + bonus for acute hearing
[GM]: Thomas, Lendyll .. made it by how much?
[GM]: for Thor
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,3 = [ 10 ]
(Ellyl whispered to GM): made by 4
(Ellyl whispered to GM): made by 8 if not for the minus
[Thomas]: [2 a bonus or minus?]
[Jamison]: minus...
[GM]: That was a penalty
[GM]: You need to roll IQ-2 or IQ-4 to make it
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made by 4
[Ellyl]: made by 4 either way
(GM whispered to Ellyl): You hear the echoes of footsteps coming
from somewhere behind you.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You hear the echoes of footsteps coming
from somewhere behind to the south of you.
[Jamison]: OOC: good for you Lendyll
(Ellyl whispered to GM): which why am i facing... north or west?
(GM whispered to Ellyl): You are facing North unless you changed
facing and forgot to tell me
(Ellyl whispered to GM): so from the south.....
(Ellyl whispered to GM): is where i'm hearing it from
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Yep
[Anne]: test
[GM]: Guard1 and Guard2 continues to back up ... the begin to
look real nervous.
[ Jack joined the game ]
[GM]: Guard2: Now .... fairyman .. you wouldn't want to do that.
[GM]: Welcome: Thor!!!
(Ellyl whispered to GM): i can't speak untill next turn correct?
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Right? : )
[Jamison]: Hey big guy....
[Anne]: Hiya!
[Thor]: ((hi))
[Jamison]: OOC: anyone watching this ball game?
[GM]: Sir C raises his shield and charges toward the Baron. (Note
Sir C still has not drawn his sword)
[GM]: Sir C is at +4 ... +2 for the shield and +2 for moving the
[GM]: Contest of DX between the Baron and Sir C
[GM]: Sir C
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Made it by 8
[GM]: The Baron
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,5 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: Missed
[GM]: Sorry those modifiers for Sir C was just for the Contest of
[GM]: Now Contest of ST
[GM]: Sir C
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Made it by 8
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,1 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Baron made it by 1
[GM]: The Baron is down .. he falls backward hitting the chair
behind him
[Jamison]: OOC: YES... something may go right yet...
[GM]: OOC: I think Sir C would approve
[GM]: Anval, your action?
[Jamison]: damage?
[GM]: I don't believe that there would be any damage ... do you
think otherwise?
[Anne]: "Baron, it is not too late to surrender!" Anne
moves towards the baron, readying her mace
[Anne]: oops - too far
[GM]: Anval has a ready mace
[Anne]: oh - in that case, she moves 2 hexes, not one
[Jamison]: nope...sorry
[GM]: Next Round (4 or 5?)
[Anne]: rd 5
[GM]: Sir L moves in close to the fallen Baron
[GM]: Jackdaw, the floating faun moves up one foot and towards
the East
[GM]: Anval, I am real sorry .. but you need to do your move over
[Anne]: Oh - ok
[GM]: The Barons bed is to his north .. you must walk around it.
[GM]: It is roughly 2 yds wide
[GM]: and 3 yds long
[Anne]: ahh..ok Anne moves
[Anne]: is that ok?
[GM]: That's good
[GM]: Lendyll, your action?
[Ellyl]: moves 3 hexs to the north east something behind
[GM]: Move your mini
[Ellyl]: turning around
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Did you say "Something behind
(Ellyl whispered to GM): somthing behind me....
(GM whispered to Ellyl): I mean did you yell that to the party?
(Ellyl whispered to GM): but yes
(Ellyl whispered to GM): yes
(GM whispered to Ellyl): Yell, it again ... I'm not sure that
they picked up on it.
[Ellyl]: Q*yells outQ* something behind me...........
[Jamison]: ????
[GM]: The Baron curses something that makes Sir C and Anval blush
a little.
[GM]: Thomas, your action?
Thomas quietly curses, as this is taking to far to long...He
gazes outside the door down to the south before continuing to
push furnuture out into the hall with the help of Thor.
[GM]: Let's let Thor make his own move.
[GM]: Pushing furniture will take a few seconds, Thomas
[Thomas]: [Oops, forgot the player was here...Sorry ^_^]
[Thor]: [Don't be making moves for me now that I'm here..]
(GM whispered to Thomas): There are rich leather chairs. A large
table. Fine decorations on the wall ... some of them possibly
gold. The smell of tobacco scents the air. The Shevandale Times
(yesterday's) is on the table. A fireplace, not used for awhile.
(GM whispered to Thomas): And a few paintings as wells. You could
make a roll to identify their artist??
[GM]: Thomas, was that your action? .. to begin moving furniture
into the hallway?
[Thomas]: [Correct]
[GM]: Dirk checks under the table in the north.
[GM]: Thor, your action?
[GM]: Thomas has just opened a large room with lavish furnishings
to your East. You were facing him.
[Thor]: Hmm. I'll stick with our job. I'll go help..
(Thomas whispered to GM): I dont have anything like that...Also,
I have to take off, but at least I got my action off.
[Thor]: [ooc: Sorry to do this but I have to leave.. I have work
to get done and mother needs computer]
[Anne]: See ya thor!
[Thor]: [I WILL be ON TIME next week. That's a PROMISE, Rubix...]
[GM]: See you guys next week!!!
[GM]: Later Thor, Thomas
[Thor]: And I'll have the copy of Thor to ya by Thursday..
[GM]: Cool
[Thomas]: [I will see you guys later, have to go...See ya all
next week.]
[GM]: Jamison, your action?
[Thor]: see ya next week :)
[ Jack left the game ]
Jamison looks to Lendyll.."can you hold the hallway?"
[Ellyl]: later
[GM]: Look forward to it Thor
(GM whispered to Ellyl): You can answer him
[Ellyl]: of course.. i'm fairy i can do anything
[GM]: Jamison, your action?
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): /he attempts to run and help Thomas
and Thor
[GM]: Remember that each hex you change facing costs one
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,6 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: A step backwards costs to moves
[Ellyl]: two?
[GM]: two moves
[Jamison]: failed to run...
[GM]: Are you rolling vs Runing?
[GM]: Running
[GM]: Okay .. just regular move, then
[Jamison]: minus 1
[GM]: Right .. and let me know which direction you are facing at
the end.
[GM]: I also need a hearing roll from Jamison and Lendyll at -2
this time.
(Ellyl whispered to GM): so 14 or less
[GM]: (and tell me how much you made it by)
(To GM) DICE for Ellyl: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,3 = [ 13 ]
(GM whispered to Ellyl): What is your skill?
(Ellyl whispered to GM): by one
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6+2) : 3d6=3,5,1 = [ 11 ]
(Ellyl whispered to GM): 14 int. then a plus two minus 2 so 14
made it by oneQ?
[GM]: OOC: Btw, when I say -x .. I mean your skill is at -x
(Jamison whispered to GM): missed, and facing the new room of
Thomas and Thor
[GM]: Thanks Jamison
(GM whispered to Ellyl): You are sure that you hear footsteps
running up the stairs to the South
[GM]: Guard1 and Guard2 back up and goes around the corner toward
the stairway
[GM]: Anval, your action?
[Anne]: What did Sir C do?
[Anne]: he goes before me...
[GM]: Sorry missed him....
[GM]: Sir C attempts to pin the Baron (who still has his rapier
in hand) to the floor with his shield
[GM]: Contest of ST
[GM]: Sir C
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,1 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Made it by 5
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: Yes....
[GM]: The Baron
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,2 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Made it by 4
[Jamison]: YES.....
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[DW]: Hi, are we dead yet?
[Anne]: not yet...
[GM]: OOC: Okay ... I need a decision from the crowd
[Jamison]: JD... You've been a bad faun tonight
[Anne]: ooc - shoot
[Jamison]: Yes?
[GM]: OOC: would this be a 'quick contest' or a 'regular
[Jamison]: Pages?
[Jackdaw]: OOOH! Goodie!!!!
[GM]: B87
[GM]: A regular contest could take many rounds
[GM]: That's what I am thinking that it should be
[Jamison]: What does the westling rules say...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): have I gotten myself unstuckeded yet?
[Jamison]: this is close to that...
[Jackdaw]: ooc what?
[GM]: Jackdaw is 2 feet in the air and levitating .. his last
move was 4 hexes to the East
[Jamison]: Probably regular...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks
[GM]: Actually, Sir C is using his shield to pin the Baron ...
not really wrestling .. do you think?
[Jamison]: Is Sc really down, I thought He won by enough to be on
his feet...
[GM]: Sir C is attempting to pin the Baron agaist the wall and
the bed
[GM]: Sir C is not down .. the Baron is down.
[GM]: Sir C made his roll by 5
[GM]: The Baron made his roll by
[GM]: 4
[Jamison]: I would say until the Baron disarms himself he is at a
[Jackdaw]: ooc that could work both for and against him, it would
give him some advantage by it's area but it would not grab as
well as he could bare handed
[GM]: I think my ruling on this would be that they continue to
[Jamison]: only 1 hand...
[Anne]: ooc - I think that's fair
[Jamison]: ok
[Jackdaw]: I think this kind of subdual is supposed to be a
regular contest
[GM]: Anval, your action?
[Anne]: ooc - that's my interpretation too
[GM]: OOC: Thanks Jackdaw .. that's what I was thinking to
[Anne]: Anne steps towards the Baron, and cold cocks him to the
head with her mace handle
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,2 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: Roll
(Anne whispered to GM): succeed by 7 - or by 2 after "to
Hit" penalties
[GM]: I don't really see that the Baron has any defense at all
[Jamison]: Go get'em girl....
[GM]: No possible dodge
[Anne]: Woo!
[GM]: No Parry ... nothing
[Jackdaw]: but a hit location penalty
[GM]: He is not pinned but he is engaged.
[GM]: What do you think?
[Jackdaw]: and if she misses she might hit Sir C
[Ellyl]: ooc: all out
[Anne]: I rolled a 5
[GM]: Right, Anval
[GM]: What do you think? Any defense at all for the Baron?
[Jamison]: OOC: All Right!!!!!
[Anne]: He's not pinned yet - a Dodge wounldn't be unfair IMO
[Jackdaw]: ooc no defense in this case
[Jamison]: nope... caught in a regular contest...
[Jackdaw]: but PD might count
[GM]: Yeah .. he is in a regular conteset
[Jackdaw]: if any
[Jamison]: no helm...
[GM]: Jackdaw .. he is in his sleep robe
[GM]: No PD
[Jackdaw]: ooc magic?
[Jamison]: Unless he wears one to bed....
(Anne whispered to GM): should I roll damage? if so, its 1d6
[GM]: Anval, roll damage
DICE for Anne: (1d6) = [ 3 ]
[Anne]: 3pts crushing! (and that nifty HT roll to avoid
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): If I were GMing this I'd rule that a
hit to the brain and have him make a HT roll at a penalty equal
to the damage sustained
[GM]: Anval bonks the Baron on the head
[GM]: A HT roll for the Baron
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,1 = [ 7 ]
[Anne]: drat!
[Jamison]: is that how it works... maybe you could run the rules
by me Anne....
[GM]: He takes the 3 pts, but is not out
[Jamison]: But a knot is growing on his brow....
[GM]: Anval stated a hit to the head, I believe?
[Anne]: Any blow to the head, even a 0pt damage hit, requires a
HT check to stay concsious
[Jamison]: OOC: 1 lumps or Twooooooo....hehehe
[Anne]: yes GM
[GM]: Right ... and he made it
[Anne]: yep
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: I do believe that that ends round 5
[Jamison]: ok...
[GM]: Okay, guys ... what did you think?
[GM]: Questions, Comments?
[Anne]: cool... we're taking WAY too long, but cool!
[Ellyl]: i concour
[Anne]: Has Dirk found the ring? Is tha Baron wearing it?
[Jamison]: sorry to be chatty tonight all, but I could not
resist.... it was alot of fun
[GM]: Any suggestions as how we might speed things up?
[Anne]: We haven't really got a clue yet...
[Jackdaw]: And just how have I been a bad Faun? Should I be
punished? Whipped? Whipped Cream?
[GM]: Make a vision roll Anval
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,1 = [ 4 ]
[Jamison]: no one knows about the wearabouts of the ring...yet
[Anne]: crit!
[Jackdaw]: Combat turns take time
[Anne]: I meant we as players were taking too long, not that
Rubix was taking too long....
[Jamison]: your still stuckeded.....and floating....
[Anne]: We'll have to fight our way out of the castle now...
(GM whispered to Anne): You notice two rings on the Baron's hand.
The first is very similar to the Prince's ... probably his ring
of nobility. The second is just a gold band.
(GM whispered to Anne): It is not a wedding band, though
[Ellyl]: hmmmm.. why stop there... why not take the castle.
(GM whispered to Anne): It appears to be something more
(Anne whispered to GM): Do all nobles wear such rings?
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes, they do
(Anne whispered to GM): Perhaps this is the ring we seek?
(GM whispered to Anne): Sorry ... I want to scratch that about
the gold band.
[Jamison]: I am trying to create a barricade to stop guards until
you people are done with the Baron... couldn't you hurry this a
(Anne whispered to GM): ok
(GM whispered to Anne): It does have a stone .. a black stone set
in it.
Jackdaw will have to look around for signs of thei Leches
unnatural nature that everyone complained about.
(GM whispered to Anne): You are fairly sure that neither of these
is the ring you seek.