[Tue Oct 26 18:59:40 CDT 1999]
[Rubix]: Okay, the map is up ... but I must have forgot to
save. The last round is not reflected, it seems
[Rubix]: Lendyll, if you want to adjust your mini, go ahead ... I
think you might have been further north
[Lendyll]: no thats where i was
[GM]: ...
[GM]: Okay, must have just been the guards
[GM]: Okay ... quick recap
[GM]: Sir C and the Baron were in a regular Contest of ST. Sir C
was trying to pin the Baron with his shield
[GM]: Anval had just 'conked' the Baron on his head with her Mace
doing 3 points of damage, but not achieving a 'knockout'
[GM]: Jackdaw was moving East under a Levitation spell, still not
able to use his legs
[GM]: Thomas and Thor had just entered a large room which was
lavashly furnished
[GM]: Lendyll was holding the guards off with a readied fireball
[GM]: Dirk was searching the Baron's room
[GM]: Sir L moves one hex towards the Baron, "Yield Sir
Baron ... you are hopelessly outnumbered"
[GM]: Jackdaw levitates 4 hexes to the East, exiting the room.
[GM]: Lendyll, your action?
[Lendyll]: moves to the east 2 hexs
[GM]: Move your mini
[GM]: I would remind you that you still have a readied fireball
in hand.
[Lendyll]: yes i know....
[GM]: No problem with you action, though
[Lendyll]: i can actually take full move if i wish correct?
[GM]: Correct
[Lendyll]: k
[GM]: The Baron, "I yield ..... I yield"
[GM]: Thomas, your action?
Thomas pokes his head out into the the hall, looking and
listening to the south for addition troops...
[GM]: You need to make a hearing roll to have heard the Baron
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,4 = [ 7 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14
[GM]: You heard the Baron's mumbled words as well as at least two
sets of footsteps coming up the stairs to the stairs
[GM]: ...to the South
[GM]: Your action?
Thomas begins to move in the sleeping chamber, not wishing to be
caught out here.
[GM]: Move your mini
[GM]: Dirk finishes his search of the table to the north and
looks for other areas to search in the bed chamber
[GM]: Dirk disappears through a doorway at the Northwest corner
of the room
[Jackdaw]: back
[GM]: Thor, your action?
[Thor]: I will also move into the chamber..
[GM]: Move your mini
[Thor]: ok
[GM]: Jamison turns to face the southeast and waits to see what
will happen next
[GM]: Jamison now faces Lendyll and his ball o' flame
[GM]: Guard1, Guard2 move completely out of sigth
[GM]: Sir C continues to push forward with his shield, "Drop
your weapon!"
[GM]: The Baron ceases to struggle and is pinned under Sir C's
[GM]: Anval readies her mace
(GM whispered to Lendyll): I don't think you can have a full move
when you throw a spell.
(GM whispered to Lendyll): I think you have to use the Step and
Concentrate manuever
[GM]: Next round
(Lendyll whispered to GM): k.... i'll just take full move
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: Sir L: Drop your weapon, Baron
[GM]: OOC: Welcome Jamison
[GM]: Jackdaw, your action?
[Jamison]: ?he kneels to the party with deepest apology for the
latness of his appearance.....
[GM]: OOC: Dont worry about it Jamison .. just glad that you made
[Jamison]: OOC: sorry
[GM]: Jackdaw's last action was to levitate himself 4 hexes to
the East, still trying to free himself of his frozen legs
[GM]: Mike? You there?
[Jackdaw]: yes
[GM]: Jackdaw, your action?
[Jackdaw]: pinch my legs and see if any feeling is comming back
[Jackdaw]: try to flex them
[Jackdaw]: swear
[Jackdaw]: ?
[GM]: You have feeling but you have the sensation that you are
wearing cement pants. : )
[Jackdaw]: definately swear, and begin to get REAL worried, does
EVERYTHING still seem to be there?
[Jackdaw]: and OK?
[GM]: Everything is there
[GM]: ...and Okay
[Jamison]: OOC: hehehe
Jackdaw says "Whew"
[ Zuggtmoy joined the game ]
[GM]: OOC: Welcome Anval
[GM]: OOC: Perhaps Anval can say a prayer for you JD?
[Anne]: Hi Guys!
[Anne]: could someone whisper me a quick update of what I missed?
[Jamison]: Hi Anne...
[Thomas]: [brb]
[GM]: I guess checking to see if everything is there constitutes
your action this round, JD?
[Jackdaw]: Jd is just "checking" himself out to make
sure everything is still OK.
[Jackdaw]: yes
[GM]: Lendyll, your action?
(Lendyll whispered to GM): flies north full move... 12 hexs....
[Lendyll]: yells out..... I'll be right back.....
[GM]: By the way you see two guards rounding the corner to the
[GM]: Move your mini
(Lendyll whispered to GM): what do i see north?
(Lendyll whispered to GM): i just did
(GM whispered to Lendyll): The two guards that just went down the
stairs . .. they see you and are startled
(GM whispered to Lendyll): You see fear in their eyes
(Lendyll whispered to GM): down the stairs?
(Lendyll whispered to GM): the ones from the catacombs?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): They have not yet reached the bottom
... they are 2/3 of the way down
(GM whispered to Lendyll): The ones that just left the hallway
(Lendyll whispered to GM): will i be able to hit them next round?
or will they be out of range?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): You think that you will be able to
(Lendyll whispered to GM): k.. finished
(GM whispered to Lendyll): If you make a tactics roll, I can tell
you for sure
[GM]: (whispering)
(Lendyll whispered to GM): whats default?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): IQ-6
(Lendyll whispered to GM): k... eight or less
[GM]: Roll
(To GM) DICE for Lendyll: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,6 = [ 15 ]
(Lendyll whispered to GM): nope
(GM whispered to Lendyll): You can be sure
(GM whispered to Lendyll): cant
[GM]: The Baron, "I yield, ... I yield" (he releases
his rapier and it falls to the floor)
[GM]: Thomas?
[GM]: Dirk is out of sight
[GM]: Thor, your action?
[GM]: OOC: or you can wait on Thomas' action.
Thomas moves inward to the room, moving to the south of the room,
after seeing Dirk on the north.
[Thor]: I will turn around so that I face to the South (Facing
towards where the shield is on my Mini) and ready my sword
[GM]: Move
[Thomas]: [I begin to taking a look around on the south wall]
[GM]: Okay, Thor is facing southeast with a ready sword
(GM whispered to Lendyll): You notice a brass pot on the floor, a
few plants in the southeast corner and a painting on the wall
(center of the southern wall)
(GM whispered to Lendyll): sorry
(GM whispered to Lendyll): wrong person
(GM whispered to Thomas): You notice a brass pot on the floor, a
few plants in the southeast corner and a painting on the wall
(center of the southern wall)
[GM]: Jamison, your action?
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: Lendyll is at the Northern end of the hallway with a
readied fireball
[GM]: Thor is behind you and has just readied his weapon
[GM]: Everyone else is in the Baron's bedchamber.
[GM]: You hear footsteps coming from the south
[GM]: Hmm... we lost him
[GM]: Sir C holds the Baron pinned with his shield
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: wb Jamison
[GM]: Jamison, your action?
[GM]: Lendyll is at the Northern end of the hallway with a
readied fireball
[GM]: Thor is behind you and has just readied his weapon
[GM]: Everyone else is in the Baron's bedchamber.
Jamison moves south to block the hallway
[GM]: You hear footsteps coming from the south
[GM]: Remember to charge yourself for the change of facing and
move your mini
[Jamison]: OOC: had turned to the south last week....
[GM]: OOC:Sorry, you are correct
[Jamison]: np
[GM]: Jamison is facing south with a readied morningstar, just
south of the entrance to the bedchamber
[GM]: Anval, last turn you readied your mace. Your action?
[Anne]: ooc - The baron has surrendered?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): The two guards reach the last step of
the stariway
[GM]: OOC: The Baron said "I yield, I yield .. twice and
dropped his rapier"
(Lendyll whispered to GM): my turn?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): Nope ...but you are the only one that
saw that.
[GM]: OOC: I think that we are just about ready to end the combat
[GM]: Anyone who takes an action in the next second do so now
[Anne]: Anne backs away and says to the Baron (while readying a
Truthsayer) "Then say truthfully, Oh Baron, Did you not plan
the death of our comrade Thor and his ally? And did you not plot
to imprison this valiant Knight on the Kings' business? Speak
truthfully - certes the risk of telling the truth is more
valuable than your soul!"
[Jamison]: ooc:Are the bells still tolling?
(Lendyll whispered to GM): turns back to the south full move
[GM]: The bells are still tolling
(Anne whispered to GM): Ann will cast Truthsayer immediately
after she finishes, once the baron replies...
[GM]: The Baron looks hard at Anval, "I said that I yield
... and I dropped my weapon. I am now unarmed and offer you no
(GM whispered to Lendyll): Going down the stairs?
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne won't cast when he says that...
she'll wait a bit...
(Lendyll whispered to GM): no south
(Lendyll whispered to GM): already moved
(GM whispered to Anne): You sense that your spell will be at a
(GM whispered to Lendyll): Sorry
(Anne whispered to GM): Again, can I sense if it is Rals'
displeasure or merely an interfering force...?
(GM whispered to Anne): No, something else ....
[GM]: Sir L picks up The Baron's Rapier
(Anne whispered to GM): She casts Truthsayer on him anyway, to
see if his statement about "unarmed and offer no
contest" is true...
[GM]: Two guards round the corner and approach Jamison with drawn
Jackdaw will return to the room to begin looking around, now that
he's reassured.
(GM whispered to Anne): Roll at -5
(Anne whispered to GM): skill 13 (modified to 8)
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,5 = [ 11 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): Failed by 3
[GM]: Anval's spell fails
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne treis to think back on her theology
-- (skill 17 ral) is the ring with the black gem the baron wears
a necromantic device?
[GM]: The two guards go 1/3 of the way up the hallway and stop 4
hexes from Jamison
(GM whispered to Anne): How closely do you look at the ring?
(Anne whispered to GM): very closely
[GM]: Sir L steps back holding the Baron's rapier
[GM]: Guard1, "Sire are you alright?"
[GM]: Sir C, "Call off your guards!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I tried to move Jackdaw back into the
room but he didn't. Will you check the permissions?
[GM]: The Baron, "Leave us! Vacate this building" (to
the guards)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): try now
[GM]: The guards upon hearing the Baron's words begin to back
away, facing north the whole way back to the stairway.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks
[GM]: Dirk is still out of sight
[GM]: Lendyll and Thomas, what are you doing?
(Lendyll whispered to GM): can i fly around jamison... only being
6" tall?
(Anne whispered to GM): just a reminder, Anne is looking closely
at the ring to see if it is a necromantic device...
[Jackdaw]: ooc off combat time?
[GM]: Sir C, "Your word that you will not try to escape or
call your guards if I let you go?"
Thomas continues to move and check the wall for any secret
[Anne]: Sir Cornelius, I would not be so quick to trust - he
bears powerful protection against truth divining magics!
[GM]: The Baron, "I already said that I yield! Very well, my
word that I will not try to escape ...."
(GM whispered to Thomas): How closely do you check the wall?
[Lendyll]: lets get out of here..... we gain nothing by talking
except loosing ground... and having exits blocked.......
Jackdaw will look around, poking into things, opening drawers,
looking at things left out, etc.
(GM whispered to Anne): The ring shows no signs that are usually
associated with necromancy.
[GM]: Jackdaw your legs seem to be working now
(Thomas whispered to GM): Ptetty closly, these guys are taking
pretty long with this conversation...
[Jackdaw]: "Yippee!!"
[GM]: JD, Oddly enough, exactly one minute after your spell
backfired. : )
(GM whispered to Thomas): Nothing on the wall except for the
(Thomas whispered to GM): Check under the painting
Jackdaw begins to dance around the room playing a mad shrill of
his pipes
[GM]: OOC: By the way, I don't think we need the map now either.
Unless you guys want to keep using it.
(GM whispered to Thomas): There is a safe
[GM]: The Baron looks up and sees Thomas looking behind a
painting on the south wall and stands furious
[Anne]: ooc - I don't need it...
[GM]: OOC: Nevermind .. he doesn't stand
[GM]: The Baron, "Leave that alone!"
[GM]: The Baron, "You Thief!"
[Jamison]: OOC:?????
[GM]: Dirk is still out of sight
Thor walks into the bedchamber and glares at the Baron
[GM]: Sir C still holds the Baron pinned under his shield
Thomas looks up innocontly, droping the painting and smiles
"I am not a thief...I have not taken anything yet...Just
[GM]: The Baron glares at Thomas
[GM]: Sir L moves out into the hallway.
[GM]: Sir L takes a look down the hall both ways and returns to
the Baron
[GM]: Sir C, "Well, should I release him?"
Thomas does not want to bring the wraith of the baron upon him,
so will wait a momrnt for the others to question him...
[GM]: What is everyone else doing?
Thor positions himself so that he blocks the exit from the
[Lendyll]: ooc: dispelling an explosive fireball.
[Anne]: Anne, already having earned the Baron's enimty for
cold-cocking him with her mace says "No, I fear we cannot
trust him..."
Thor laughs "He'd never get past me.."
(Anne whispered to GM): (a little verbal bloodlust there...)
[GM]: Sir L readies the Baron's rapier, Let him go good knigth
[Thor]: (note that I am still holding my sword ready)
Jackdaw finally colapses in a heap, exhausted from his mad dance,
and rests for a bit to recover his breath
[GM]: noted Thor
[GM]: Sir C, glances at Sir L and then releases the Baron
[GM]: Sir C steps back ready for anything
[GM]: The Baron rises and straightens his robe
(Thomas whispered to GM): I still sense my magic will not work
here, correct?
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne readies the Distant Blow spell...
[GM]: He rubs a gash on his head while looking at Anval,
"That's one mean mace you carry, lady .... er, I mean ...
(GM whispered to Thomas): What kind of magic, exactly?
[Anne]: "I thank you for the compliment Baron... I must
admit I spend more time in battle than in parleying..."
[GM]: Sir L: "I am afraid that we must be down to business,
Sir Baron"
[GM]: Sir L: "I have the great displeasure to arrest you in
the name of our king."
(Thomas whispered to GM): Well, I was going to lean back and cast
Lockmaster...but try and do it so that no one will notice and the
Baron's attention is elsewhere...I would not do it unless I was
99% I would not get caught.
(GM whispered to Thomas): A stealth roll will suffice
(GM whispered to Thomas): To not be seen casting the spell
(GM whispered to Thomas): What is your skill?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Stealth: 14, Lock Master: 15
[Thomas]: [Whispering]
[Jamison]: OOC: we need to aquire our objective... folks.
(GM whispered to Thomas): At skill 15 you will have to say a word
or two and make a gesture ... Let's say Stealth-2
[Anne]: ooc: want to bet the painting has import?
[Jamison]: hehe
[GM]: Dirk is still no where to be seen
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay, Waiting till a loud part of the
conversation...Also just unlocking it...NOT poping the door open.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Understood
(GM whispered to Lendyll): You don't have to roll anything to
disspell the fireball do you?
(Lendyll whispered to GM): no
[GM]: The Baron: "At least give me the descentcy to allow me
to dress ...."
Thomas loiters near the painting, leaning against the stone wall
watching the Baron and the other members of the team..
[Jackdaw]: after five minutes or so Jackdaw will begin to look
around again
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I'll let you know when it's been 5 min
[Jamison]: OOC: Have someone toss him his clothes... and check
them for weapons...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ok
[GM]: Sir C, "Good idea Squire"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne casts Detect Magic on the baron's
clothes, hopefully to forestall and escape attempt...
(Anne whispered to GM): skill 14
(GM whispered to Anne): The spell seems to be at -2
(Thomas whispered to GM): While he is putting his shirt over his
head is when I go...
(Anne whispered to GM): modified to 9 if the penalty still exists
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,1 = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to Anne): You made it
(Anne whispered to GM): cool!
(GM whispered to Anne): There is no magic about them
(Anne whispered to GM): Thanks!
[GM]: Sir C, "Where are your clothes Baron?"
(GM whispered to Anne): You saw them
[Lendyll]: is still watching the hall
[Anne]: Anne tells Sir C where the clothes are, and begins
searching them for hidden weapons...
[GM]: The Baron points and Sir C asks Anval to check them and
then give them to the Baron
Jamison keeps a close eye on the southern hallway and turns his
head to the northern hall every now and then to try and keep an
eye on it also...
(Thomas whispered to GM): Casting while he is dressing..That
should give me the seconds I need.
[GM]: Dirk emerges for the doorway on the southwest corner of the
(To GM) DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,3 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): First a Stealth roll?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Stealth
(To GM) DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6 = [ 12 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Magic
(GM whispered to Thomas): Your spell is at -1
(GM whispered to Thomas): But you made it none the less
(GM whispered to Thomas): You hear the lock pop
(Thomas whispered to GM): Drop my sword when than happens to
cover it..
[GM]: The Baron takes a few minutes to dress
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It has now been five minutes
Thomas drops his blade to the ground with a clatter...He looks
sheepishly around and picks it up.
[GM]: The Baron wears the clothes of a Methorian Nobleman
Jackdaw starts poking around
[GM]: The Baron hesitates when the sword clangs on the floor and
gives Thomas a dirty look
[GM]: Dirk moves over close to Thomas
[GM]: The Baron finishes dressing and says, "Okay ... now
what? ... I suppose now you take me bound and gagged to The
Thomas holds out his hands in a *Did I do that?* gesture...
[GM]: Sir C, "That wouldn't be a bad idea" (he grins
evilly or as evilly as he can at the Baron"
[Anne]: ooc -- Hmmm... not a bad idea?
[Jamison]: OOC: the ring... and disarm the Baron of his rings....
[Thor]: ooc: at least Bind him so he can't try to escape..
[GM]: Sir L, "We must observe protocal here"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): do I find anything interesting?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Where exactly do you look?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): anywhere that looks interesting.
Anything that opens? What's here?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): beside the bed.
[Anne]: "And what is proper protocol, Sir Knight?"
[GM]: Sir L: "Let the Baron walk as a nobleman has the
right, but knowing that if he breaks his word that I will surely
kill him"
[GM]: Sir L: "Baron? You have given your word that you will
not try an escape?"
[GM]: Sir L: "Your word as a Baron? and an honorable
[Lendyll]: *hearing them*... can't we just find the ring.... then
kill him for stealing from royalty... after all it is a crime
punishable by death....
[Anne]: "He has not vowed to call his men down upon
[GM]: The Baron looks long and hard at Sir L and says
reluctantly, "My word as the Baron of Shevandale"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne casts Truthsayer - skill 13
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: Sir C: "Ellyll, no knight would dare do that ..."
(Anne whispered to GM): I only succeed if there are no
(GM whispered to Anne): Sorry .. it failed again
(Anne whispered to GM): crud...
[Lendyll]: *hearing the baron* which will be forfeit should you
be found guilty.... just a reminder.....
[GM]: Sir L: "It depends on the crime, sir Ellyll"
[Lendyll]: shrugs.... *remembering his past* hmmmm... well i
guess thats true too....
[GM]: Sir L: "Baron, I have evidence that implicates you of
the crime of Treason ... and THAT is punishable by death."
[GM]: The Baron raises an eyebrow, "That is ...
[GM]: Sir L looks at Sir C, "But I believe that you also
have some business with the Baron?"
[GM]: Sir C looks a little nervous as if not sure what to say ...
[Jamison]: OOC: this is not the time or place for a discussion of
the crime(s) of the Baron... it is time to get to a safe zone...
[GM]: Sir L notices Sir C's hesitation and finally says,
"Then let us be off then.."
[Lendyll]: *gets out of the hallway and begins looking for the
lost item*
[Anne]: We must find the Prince's Ring... We cannot leave without
Jackdaw quirps "but we need to finded the ring so's the nice
mans can have his frollic!?"
[GM]: The Baron hesitates when he hears metion of the Prince's
[GM]: Sir C finally speaks, "Yes .. there is this business
of the Prince's ring"
[GM]: The Baron, "what makes you think that I have ... this
[Jackdaw]: "If we finded it and giveded it back to him he
can have his frollic and we can eat, and drink, and dance
[GM]: Sir L, "Sir Baron, now is not the time for playing
Thor steps into the room and looks at the Baron
[Lendyll]: fling closer to the baron
[Jackdaw]: ?helooks at the Baron curriously
[Jackdaw]: "You not haveded the ring? Then who heveded
(GM whispered to Lendyll): IQ-6
[Lendyll]: *getting into the barons face* okay do you know where
the princes ring is?
[GM]: The Baron looks curiously at Lendyll, "Why would it
not be on the Prince's finger?"
Thomas looks up, brushing hair away from his eyes..."I found
a safe...What are your rules of searching my good knights?"
[Lendyll]: *shaking his head* that isn't what i asked so i'll ask
it again....... Do you know where the princes ring is?
[GM]: Sir L and Sir C turns around and smiles at Thomas.
[GM]: Sir C, "What will you wager that we will find a
certain ring in the safe?"
[GM]: Sir C looks at the Baron and smiles.
Jamison is beginning to get really irratated and impatient... if
answer do not come forth soon.......... actions will occur
[GM]: Sir L: "Sir Baron, I confiscate all objects in this
room as King's evidence."
[GM]: Sir L looks at Thomas and nods, "Open the safe!"
[Lendyll]: *continues to wait for the baron to answear*
Thomas , for once not on the wrong side of the law, takes down
the picture and places it on the ground. He checks the safe first
(for traps) and swigs the safe open.
[GM]: the Baron continues to stare at Lendyll maintaining his
"true politician" stance of not saying anthing useful.
(To GM) DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,1 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: The Baron seems surprised that the safe opens easily.
(GM whispered to Thomas): No traps.
(Lendyll whispered to GM): lighting a fireball
(To GM) DICE for Lendyll: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,2 = [ 14 ]
(Lendyll whispered to GM): made by 1
[GM]: Lendyll attempts a spell, but it just 'fizzles' in his
(GM whispered to Lendyll): Sorry, you were at a penalty.
Thomas takes his glowstone and holds it up to the safe, if he
touches anything, he uses gloved hands...
[Jamison]: OOC: rings....
(GM whispered to Thomas): The safe has more money and jewels
inside that you have ever seen
Jackdaw will begin to move around the room playing
(Lendyll whispered to GM): *looking at his hand then looking for
rings or amulets or anything that is jelwery on the baron*
(GM whispered to Thomas): Stacks and stacks of Methoria currency
.... jewels ... jewelry .... rings .... etc. etc. etc.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay, wiping the drool away from his
mouth, and continues to search for the ring
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "Come out come out wherever you
are" to the ring
(Thomas whispered to GM): More than on ring?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): The Baron wears two rings
(Lendyll whispered to GM): what do they look like.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes, but the ring you seek is not hard
to find.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc I don;'t know if it will work but
Jackdaw will try to call the ring to him by his magic
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,5 = [ 14 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Apportation?
[Thomas]: An "Oh...man..." escapes from Thomas as he
digs around in the safe...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): At skill -1 roll
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made it
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): But can you see inside the safe?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay, picking up the ring and bringing
it out...
[Anne]: ooc - hehehe... Too bad its all evidence...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I'm just calling to what he thinks the
ring is, not just into the safe but anywhere I pass by
Jamison looks back into the roomm...."What the H.. E...
double toothpicks, is taking so long.......?"
[GM]: Thomas reaches into the safe to grasp the ring, but it
immediately flies out of the safe escaping his grasp
[Anne]: Anne tries to catch the ring!
Thomas curses..."Not again!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw will be repeating the
Apportation call as he moves around
[GM]: The ring flies into Jackdaw's hand.
[Lendyll]: *continues looking at the barons hand....*
Jackdaw says "Goodie, now we can have a big frollic!"
(GM whispered to Lendyll): One rings looks like a ring of office
... the other a golden band with a black stone
[Lendyll]: hey knight guys..... i think we should take these off
of him for the time being... *pointing at the barons hand*
[Lendyll]: *to the rings*
Thomas keeps his eyes on the Baron, knowing a trapped rat is the
[GM]: Sir L moves close to the Baron, "Do not touch his ring
of office"
Jackdaw looks at the ring
[Lendyll]: no not that one... well maybe it too.. but this one
with the black stone.......
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does it look like what he thinks it
should look like?
[GM]: Sir L: "Baron, take off the ring with the black
[Anne]: I too, sensed something wrong with that ring, Lendyll...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Exactly as you had pictured it.
[Lendyll]: wait... isn't black usually assoicated with
necromancy? which is against the law?
[Anne]: But I was unsure if the ring was responsible or some
other force...
[Jackdaw]: now that he has the ring Jackdaw will continue to look
around, poking into things
[Lendyll]: which would explain why the gaurds were scared... but
what were they scared off?
[GM]: The Baron, "I am afraid that this ring will not come
off.. it has been hexed to remain on my finger ..unless you want
to cut my finger off?"
[Lendyll]: off= of
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): looking for anything that catches his
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): shineys, ribbands, porn...
[Lendyll]: *turns to the knights* is that ring from the safe the
one which belongs to the prince?
Thomas continues to wait near the open safe door...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): There is a brass pot on the floor ...
some plants .... and through the doorway you see a wardrobe of
luxurious clothing.
[GM]: Sir C asks Jackdaw to let him see the ring.
[GM]: Dirk smiles at Thomas and stands close to the safe door
[GM]: Sir C, "Jackdaw? .. is that the ring that we
Jackdaw floats the ring over to Sir C
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,4 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Sir C looks at it closely as it floats in the air
[GM]: Sir C, "It appears to be the genuin article
[GM]: The Baron, "'Tis true .. it is the ring of the
[Anne]: "Then we have what we came for.... Perhaps we had
all best be off...?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Where are you?
Jackdaw leaves the ring with Sir C and goes to poke into the
[Lendyll]: *smiles* knights... unless i'm wrong he no longer
deserves to wear any title... of office.... at least untill he is
to go before the king.... ?
[Thor]: "Yes, we have accomplished what we needed. Perhaps
we should now be going?"
[GM]: Sir C grasps the ring and pockets it.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Unfortunately... I'm gaining
expierience points in hallway guard duty.....
[GM]: Sir C, "I have been commisioned to aid Sir L in his
mission. I will be seeing the Baron to his magesty."
(GM whispered to Jamison): You hear the sound of many footsteps
... somewhere outside."
[Jamison]: OOC: only the king has the authority to stip a
[Jamison]: strip
[GM]: OOC: yea
[Anne]: "Then perhaps we are parting ways? Or do I speak too
soon, Sir C?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): From the north or south.... and are
the bells still tolling?
[GM]: Sir C, "This is now knights business ..(he looks
around the room) I cannot ask that any of you risk your life to
see it through"
[Lendyll]: *looking around* perhaps we shouldn't go back through
the catacombs... is there another way out?
[Thor]: "Sir C, I volunteer to assist. One of his crimes was
against my person. I have a personal interest in seeing this
matter through."
[GM]: The bell stopped ringing a few minutes after the Baron told
the guards to vacate the building
[GM]: Sir C, "Well, we are going out through the front
(GM whispered to Jamison): From both directions
[GM]: Sir C, "Your aid would be welcome Thor"
[GM]: Sir L: "Okay Baron ... you are going to lead us out of
this place"
Jamison speaks loudly into the room...." I hope you all are
happy.... we have company coming...."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): naything interesting in the wardrobe?
[GM]: Sir L "I will be right behind you with this rapier ...
and trust me ... I know how to use it."
Thor takes up a position behind Sir C, still holding his sword
ready as he walks
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Just a lot of silky clothes
[Lendyll]: *gets away from the former baron into the hallway
facing the south*
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,3 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Sir L: "Sir C, right behind me"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What was that far?
[Anne]: Anne readies her mace, licking her cracked lips in
anticipation... strands of lank hair falling in her face...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): /he picks out a shirt he likes
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): for
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Curiousity?
(Thomas whispered to GM): I close the safe...Don want anyone else
getting in there ^_^
(GM whispered to Thomas): It closes and locks
Jackdaw comes back into the room and asks the Baron "Can I
haveded this?" holding out a bright shirt
[Jamison]: OOC: are we leaving the way we came, or another way?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): it caught my eye
[GM]: The Baron, "Yes .. by all means ... help
yourself." (he scowls at Jackdaw)
[Anne]: I think perhaps the safest exit is with the Knights, but
I wonder if it would compromise our secrecy?
Jackdaw says "Thank you, what can I did for you?"
[Anne]: I have duties I must attend to before we leave
Shevendale... I must return the way we came...
Thomas draws his own blade and follows the other members of the
[GM]: The Baron moves to the entrance to the bedchamber with a
little convincing from the rapier in Sir L's hand.
Thor looks to Anval and the others. "I shall stay with the
Knights as I have volunteered my services to them. The rest of
you may follow or leave your own way as you wish"
Jackdaw will go with Anval, especially if she's going to talk to
more skulls
[Anne]: I will endeavour to catch up to you Thor, Sir C, but my
first duty must be to the church, and I have to explain myself to
the ranking priests for tonights efforts..."
[GM]: The Barons exits the bedchamber with Sir L very close
behind. Sir C is just behind Sir L ...
Jamison lloks to SC and SL.... "The hiway or the
[Jackdaw]: "Not talkeded to skulls?"
[Anne]: Maybe, Jackdaw... it depends... (wink)
[Lendyll]: *stays with the party and not with the knights*
[GM]: Sir L say to the Baron," Call off your guards"
[Thor]: (brb)
[GM]: The Baron walks slowly to the south, "Guards! hear
[Jamison]: OOC: if that is a necromatic ring that the Baron
has... it would be very bad to go through the cropts, again...
[GM]: A voice: "Yes my lord!?"
[Jamison]: cripts...
[Jackdaw]: "We should helpeded the skulls what askeded for
[GM]: The Baron: "Have all the men assemble in the main
[GM]: The Voice: "Sir?"
[GM]: The Baron: "Yes, as I said ... all men are to assemble
in the main hall."
[GM]: Sir L waits and listens
[GM]: The Voice, "yes sire"
[GM]: The Baron turns to Sir L and smiles, "Does that
satisfy you?"
[GM]: Sir L, "Indeed"
[GM]: Sir L, "Lead on ..... "
[GM]: The Baron is lead down the stairs on the south by Sir L
with Sir C just behind.
(Anne whispered to GM): Is there any way we could make it back to
the crypts without encountering a guard patrol?
[GM]: What is everyone else doing?
(GM whispered to Anne): You can try ... odds are that you will be
(Lendyll whispered to GM): checking out the safe.. then the rest
of the room for anything intresting or untill the rest get ready
to leave.
[GM]: Thomas?
[Anne]: If we can get to the cats without fighting guards, Anne
is for heading back to the church... she has a very important
package to deliver...
[Thomas]: [What are the two parties forming?]
(Anne whispered to GM): question - should Anne return the Sanctum
Ral to the Church here in Shevendale, or in The Royal City?
(Anne whispered to GM): What would be better for the church?
[Jackdaw]: ooc I think we just shucked the Knights
(GM whispered to Anne): Hmmm.... a tough decision.
[GM]: Thor ... going with the knights?
[GM]: The knights are now on the stairs going down
Jamison prefers to leave through the Cats... and he wants point
dutty for the party...
[Anne]: Anne heads for the cats... Letting Jamison take the lead,
she follows, mace ready...
[Thor]: Yes I am
Thomas follows Sister Anne and Jamison though the Cas.
[GM]: Thor is following behind the two knights
Jackdaw goes to the cats too
[Jackdaw]: after looking at the picture
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): what's it a picture of?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): When you reach the safe you find it
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The painting?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
(Lendyll whispered to GM): i''ll defualt.......the lockpicking
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It depicts a warror .. a mythical one
.... with red hair and the look of ferocity. It is beautifully
done and there is a red moon on the horizon
[GM]: Is everyone out of the bedchamber?
(To GM) DICE for Lendyll: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,3 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Lendyll): IQ-5
[ Jamison left the game ]
[Anne]: Anne is - she's on her way back to the cats... following
Jamison as fast as she can...
(Thor whispered to GM): I must be leaving now.. so as far as I'm
concerned you can go ahead and run whatever happens to the rest
of the group right now, and then continue next week with the
Knights and myself..
[GM]: The way back to the cats leads down the way the knights
went. Then you turn south and cross over to the next building.
(Lendyll whispered to GM): oh well i can't seem to defualt
anything... though i think i should get a for effort
(GM whispered to Thor): sounds good .. thanks
Jackdaw follows
[Thor]: OOC: I must be going, see you all next week
(Thor whispered to GM): Sure :) See ya next week
[Jackdaw]: oc bye
[Anne]: see ya!
(GM whispered to Lendyll): True
(Lendyll whispered to GM): i'll continue looking through the room
for a few......
[GM]: Thomas what are you doing?
[ Jack left the game ]
[GM]: Is Jamison in the lead of the party?
[Anne]: At this point, yes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how much resting time has there been?
just the five minutes?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Just the 5 min
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ok
[Anne]: followed by Anne, JD and lendyll, and Thomas I think
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I'm at 4 fatigue then
[GM]: How far behind the knights did you leave?
[GM]: Did you wait for them to get out of sight?
Jackdaw was the last one out
[Thomas]: [Right, moving with jamison and Anne]
[GM]: Actually, Lendyll was the last one out of the room
(Anne whispered to GM): Tactics roll, to see what is the best
[GM]: Roll Anval
(Anne whispered to GM): wait till they are out of sight, or go
whith them...
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,4 = [ 11 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): skill 12
(Lendyll whispered to GM):
[ Jamison joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Anne): your force is greatly diminished by the
loss of the knights .... but then you have a better chance of a
discrete departure without them. You can not tell.
[GM]: wb Jamison
[GM]: The question is ...
[GM]: Do you wait until the knights are out of sight before you
go down?
[Jamison]: OOC: what did I miss?
[GM]: OOC: That's about it
[Anne]: ooc - Anne thinks we should make haste... once in the
cats we can lose them, I think...
[Jamison]: I was hoping to lead the party... however, are the
leaving through the cripts?
[GM]: Yes ... that was the decision
[Jamison]: Definately before they are out of sight...
[GM]: Agreed Anval?
[Anne]: Anne agrees...
Jackdaw puted on his new shirt
[GM]: You follow the knights and Thor down the stairs.
[Jackdaw]: "ooh, soft"
[GM]: The knights head for the main hall of the castle. The go
East after the reach the main level.
[GM]: Does the 'cats' party leave them before the get to the main
[Anne]: yes!
[GM]: Jamison?
(Lendyll whispered to GM): i find anything else in the room?....
espically looking through the books really fast,
(GM whispered to Lendyll): There were no books in the bedchamber
[Jamison]: Yes...
[GM]: Does the 'cats' party leave them before the get to the main
(Lendyll whispered to GM): anything else that might have looked
intresting that wasn't ransacked?
[GM]: Also, do you leave the knights discretely without them
knowing that you left?
[Anne]: ooc - Anne thinks it would be a good idea...
(GM whispered to Lendyll): Not in the bedchamber ... clothes ....
linens ... a brass pot on the floor
[Anne]: NOT to tell the knights we are going - they already know
we are parting ways...
[GM]: What say ye Jamison young lad?
[Anne]: And that way the Baron cannot tell anyone...
[Jamison]: No,.... I want SC to know that I believe this is a bad
idea and that we(Anne and I) are opening another way for them to
(Lendyll whispered to GM): k then i'm out with the cab party....
though i don't really think it's a good idea going that way.
[Anne]: Fair enough... Anne will side with Jamison on this.
(Thomas whispered to GM): {I have to go...I'll see you next week)
[ redlord joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Okay, Thomas .... thanks and see ya
[Thomas]: [See ya all...Thanks, Rubix]
[Lendyll]: *to the party* i really don't think going this way is
a good idea....
[GM]: Later Thomas
[redlord]: what game is this??
[Jamison]: Later Thomas
[Anne]: seeya Thomas!
[GM]: GURPS redlord
[Lendyll]: later
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[ redlord left the game ]
[GM]: Jamison gets Sir C's attention as they head toward the main
[GM]: Sir C"Jamison, we have to do it this way. Things have
to be done in the proper way"
[GM]: Sir C hurries to catch back up with Sir L
[GM]: Apparently Sir L, Sir C, and Thor are going to the main
hall and plan to escort the Baron to the Royal City.
[Anne]: Jamison, we gave him a chance - now we must go, and
[Jackdaw]: ooc we lose Dirk?
Jamison speaks to SC..."I have learned that right and wron
is written in the history books... by survivors...."
[GM]: As the knights leave .... everything seems quite
[GM]: quiet
[Anne]: Or do you think they cannot succeed without us?
[GM]: Jamison has a picture in his mind of Sir C shrugging his
shoulders as he leaves, "Take care of the party, good
Jamison to Anne....."I hate the separation of a
[Anne]: As do I, but if they will not come with us, I at least,
have no choice left at this time..."
[GM]: Everything is quiet. The dawn has arrived.
[Jamison]: And it is apparent the the party is the other way...
[Anne]: We must go... Now!
Jackdaw runs after Sir C
[GM]: Flamos (the sun) is rising in the East (or at least you are
pretty sure it is)
[Jackdaw]: "Wait, we needed the ring!!"
Jamison stuggles with his indescision.... "Anne, can we
return to the cats after we get out of the castle?"
[GM]: You hear the sounds of birds singing to greet the dawn.
[Jamison]: struggles
[Jackdaw]: "Cant have the frollic withouted it"
[GM]: The party must turn south to find the chapel ... and thus
the entrance to the cats.
[Anne]: ooc - I don't know how to answer this one... I wasn't
here when the group arrived at the castle...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does Sir C give Jackdaw the ring back?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He pocketed it, remember?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Oh, you caught up with him and asked
him for it back?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I know, I'm chasing him now to get it
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,4 = [ 10 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He tells you that he desperately needs
it for evidence.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He pats your shoulder and says that
without it a "bad man" might go free.
[Anne]: Anne suggests we hurry to the chapel, and await JD's
return with the ring
Jamison looks at Anne..."I fear for the knights without our
assistance..... and the cats have been there for years, and will
still be there later. On my honor, Anval, I will return to the
Cats with you, later if you will accompany us now.....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "Oh", but will the nivce
mans get it so he can frollic?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Sir C: "Yes .. he will get it ...
on my honor ... but we need it for evidence also."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): the roll was for perception if I might
see anything
[Lendyll]: *bout to pull his hair out...* this way that way..
where going.. where staying ... will someone deside.. before i
burn it down..........
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): makes it by 5
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Did you enter the main hall?
[Anne]: Jamison, My desire was not to return to the Cats, but
rather to return the Sanctum Ral to the church... If you feel we
must help Sir C, I will not gainsay you... Let us hurry after
him. There are Churches in the Royal city as well as
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Inside the main hall guards are lined
up standing at attention waiting for the Baron to arrive.
[Jamison]: Let us proceed, even if this is not the wisest
course.... who wants to live forever.....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is it an ambush?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): or look like one?
[Anne]: Anne follows the Squire Jamison...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): do they see?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): They all look pretty ragged as if
awakened in the middle of the night, but they stand at attention
... not batting an eyelash
[Lendyll]: *shrugs....* k... were gonna kill some guards right?
[GM]: OOC: Jamison throws caution to the wind!
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You see the Baron stop and say
something to Sir L
[Jamison]: OOC: impetious to the end????
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how big is the hall?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Sir L keeps the rapier point in the
small of the Baron's back
[Anne]: Truth be told, I felt that Sir C and Sir L risked much,
but felt torn between duty to the church and duty to Anne's
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Quite large ... it is also used as a
[GM]: Jackdaw is in the main hall
[Anne]: ooc - I have to go very soon...
[GM]: Jamison is entering the main hall?
[Jamison]: Yes
[GM]: Anval right behind?
[GM]: Anyone not entering it?
[Anne]: Anne enters the main hall behind Jamison
Jamison is in a very bad mood...
[Lendyll]: follows... *unless gm will allow a explosive fireball
to be cast before he enters*
[GM]: I will allow that Lendyll if you wish
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how tall?
(To GM) DICE for Lendyll: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,4 = [ 7 ]
(Lendyll whispered to GM): crit
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): and how many hexes radius to cover it?
[Jamison]: OOC: Can I duck first?
(GM whispered to Lendyll): You have the max for free if you want
(Lendyll whispered to GM): 3d btw... sorry i should have told u
that before
[Jamison]: OOC: goofy fairy and his fireball
(Lendyll whispered to GM): 3d is max right?
[Anne]: Are the minis right? Anne wasn't out front after all...
[GM]: Okay .. the minis should be accurate now
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks, the map answeres it
[Anne]: Perhaps we should stop here?
[GM]: The Mainroom is a ballroom in which all of the Baron's men
stand at attention. Sir L's blade is in the small of the Baron's
back and Jackdaw talks to Sir C who is just behind Sir L.
[GM]: Yes ... a good place to stop
[GM]: Sorry to go over time