[Tue Nov 02 19:21:39 CST 1999]

[Rubix]: Is everyone ready?
[Anne]: yep
[Jackdaw]: yes
[GM]: I will start with a description of the main room
[Vox]: born so
[Thomas]: [Ready]
[GM]: As you enter the main room you notice that this is a grand meeting place. There is evidence that this is a place where a ball might be held.
[GM]: Four round raised areas are in each corner of this massive room (25yds x 30 yds)
[GM]: There are three chandaleirs hanging from the ceiling which rises 20 yds into the air.
[Tue Nov 02 20:19:15 CST 1999]

[Jackdaw]: ActuallY I just started it a few days ago
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[Rubix]: Hello
[Jackdaw]: As I see it some advantages could be bought slowly
[Anne]: Hiya
(GM whispered to Anne): Make me GM again?
[Vox]: hey
(Anne whispered to GM): already did
[GM]: Well guys ... not sure what's gonna happen next .. mouse seems to be failing now ... but shall we continue?
[Jackdaw]: after a particularily good success I'd allow the option of spending 1CP towards the purchase, none of it would be very fast
[Anne]: sure...
[GM]: Let's see where was I .....
[Jackdaw]: others could be learned thru training, much like increasing stats can be bought by spending 200 hours/point
[Jackdaw]: bACK IC
[GM]: The doors in green are on the first level
[GM]: The doors in red are on the second level.
[GM]: There is a balcony on the northern and southern wall, the stairs beginning for each near the double doorway to the East
[GM]: As you enter the room, you see the guards assembled in the middle of the roo
[GM]: room
(Anne whispered to GM): Should I get an icon for Anne?
(Anne whispered to GM): Never mind...
[GM]: Please help me get the PCs into their correct positiosn
[Anne]: oops sorry!
[Vox]: ooc: i already have a 3d fireball ready btw.
[GM]: OOC: Correct Lendyll
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): please reset the permission on Jd I can't move him
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I'll have to go over with you sometime on what it takes to hold a spell ready like Lendyll's doing, but not now
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I was curious about that.
[Anne]: Jamison had come into the ballroom before Anne
[Anne]: Are the mini's mostly right?
[Jackdaw]: I'm OK
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Okay .. I set you to the GM so that you can change the prioirites on the mini. Set it back to me after you are finished, please
[GM]: OOC: Sorry, my 'right click' doesn't seem to be working.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): OK
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): done
[GM]: Sir Luxor stands behind the Baron and continues to whisper to him. He holds a blade in the Baron's back
[GM]: Sir C, Dirk and Thor are standing just behind the two as you enter the room
[GM]: You have time to take a position in the room in the seconds that follow.
[GM]: The guards stand at attention waiting for someone to speak.
[Anne]: Anne steps and readies her mace...
[GM]: One of the guards looks at the other guard as Lendyll enters the room with a readied fireball.
[Vox]: flies strait up...
Thomas steps back and readies his blade...
Jackdaw starts to play
[GM]: ...he almost instinctively reaches for his sword, but restrains himself.
[Jackdaw]: ooc I wonder if Beast Soother would help :-)
[GM]: There are some musical instruments on the round platform to the north of the party. Stands set up with sheet music also.
Jackdaw perks up and heads toward the music
[GM]: There are a couple of large tapestries hanging on the Western wall behind you.
[GM]: One a picture of the castle from time past also showing an old Shevandale
[GM]: The other the sight of some battle.
[Jackdaw]: playing a soft, relaxing, lilting air
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): no magic, just relaxing, soothing music
[GM]: The double doors on the East are closed as are all the others except the ones that you entered from.
[GM]: The Baron: Men ... men ... I have asked that you assemble time morning ..
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): okay
[GM]: ... to inform you of the situation.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): want a music roll?
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne watches the balconies, sure the Baron has some trick up his sleeve, like hidden archers...
[GM]: Sir L: Continues to hold the point of the rapier in the Barons back, but smiles at the Baron.
(Vox whispered to GM): i'm looking for the second in command
(GM whispered to Vox): The Captian that did not move when you entered the room looks to hold a higher rank.
[GM]: OOC: Vox change your name to Lendyll
[GM]: The Baron: There is no cause for alarm. The man behind me is a knight of the King... and the man behind him is also a knight. These men have asked me to accompany them to see his magesty.
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[ Ken-Ohki joined the game ]
[GM]: The Baron: I would like to say that each of you have served me ... and the king well.
[lendyll]: *cough cough*
[GM]: The Baron: But at this time, I will have to relieve you of your position .. until further notice. Please return to your quarters and await orders.
[GM]: The Baron looks over his shoulder at Sir Luxor: I would also like to commend each and everyone one of you for a job well done. I am sure that the local Command will see that you receive this commendation. But as for now ... you are dismissed.
[GM]: Sir Luxor nods at the Baron.
[GM]: At the Barons' words the guards look a little confused except for the Captian to the south of the other captian
(lendyll whispered to GM): as the baron is talking i'm aiming at thecaptain if i can do so.
[GM]: Captain S nods to the men and they begin to file out in an orderly manner. They exit through the door on the East.
(GM whispered to lendyll): Sure
[GM]: In three minutes all guards are out of the room except for the two captians.
Jackdaw is still heading for the music platform
[GM]: CaptianS: Sir Baron?
Jackdaw is VERY interested in what's there
Thomas sheathes his sword, not wanting to worry the guards.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): There is about 10 instruments. 2 trumpets 1 set of drums (3) 2 flutes 2 violins 1 cello
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): And a sheet of music for each it appears.
Jackdaw tries out each of the flutes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): any feel of magic to any of it?
[Anne]: Anne keeps her mace at the ready...
[GM]: The Baron: Well done captian ... I must take care of this myself .. you have been a good second in command.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No .. sorry .. just ordinary instruments it seems
[Jackdaw]: what's the music like?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Which might be odd in itself ...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): btw can I read music/ Or do I learn by rote?
[GM]: The flutes appear to be of excellent make.
[GM]: Jackdaw is not familiar with the music system used on the sheets
Jackdaw plays a very sad aire on the first flute
[GM]: the Two guards hesitate, but leave to the East.
Jackdaw then plays a lively dance tune on the second
[GM]: Second in Command closes the door as he exits.
[GM]: Roll JD
[GM]: The party is alone with the Baron
DICE for Jackdaw: [2Jackdaw.gcs / Skill Roll ] : (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,6 = [ 13 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: [2Jackdaw.gcs / Skill Roll ] : (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: The Baron: Will you dispense with that thing now, Sir Knight? (to Sir L)
[GM]: OOC: Jackdaw .. playing from default, I guess?
Jackdaw regretfully puts the flutes back and puzzles over the sheets for a bit
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes, but I made both rolls
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): flute should default to Sirinx, they work similarily
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): in some respects
(lendyll whispered to GM): r there any high windows looking out of this place
[GM]: Both tunes sounded good.
[GM]: The place contains no windows
[GM]: Sir L nods to Sir C and Thor "Watch him ... and if he makes a move ... kill him ... it would make matters so much easier"
(lendyll whispered to GM): Flies to the door that the guards left from.... dispersing the firebass as he flies.... getting to the door putting his ear to the door and listens...*
[GM]: Sir C and Thor flank the Baron as he turns to face Sir L
(lendyll whispered to GM): u want me to role hearing?
[GM]: Move your mini Lendyll
[GM]: Then roll
[GM]: The Baron: Those men are good. They knew nothing of what went on between the Prince and I
DICE for lendyll: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,1 = [ 6 ]
(GM whispered to lendyll): All is quiet on the EAstern front
(lendyll whispered to GM): fling over to the other one as well
[GM]: The Baron: They should not suffer for my actions.
[lendyll]: ooc: hey where the hell did my mini go?
[GM]: The guards left out of the green double doors.
[lendyll]: ooc: sorry
[GM]: The red doors are on the second story ... up on the balcony
(lendyll whispered to GM): that was the one i went to too listen right?
[GM]: Sir L: I think your request can be granted .. you men will receive a commendation and a new post in the Shevandale Command.
(GM whispered to lendyll): That's the way I understood it.
[lendyll]: turns to the baron* so your captains knew nothing of your deed?
[GM]: The Baron: And now, I must confess that I did take the Prince's ring .. but the matter is much more complex that you realize.
[GM]: The Baron looks over his shoulder and way across the room at Lendyll.
(GM whispered to lendyll): Did you move back?
[GM]: The Baron: My men are innocent ... they follow orders and do not ask questions.
(lendyll whispered to GM): i said i went over to the other door and listend.. so it's u're call*
Jackdaw plucks at the strings on the violins and cello then raps out a beat on each drum, testing their tone
(GM whispered to lendyll): A second door?
(lendyll whispered to GM): the ones we came through
[GM]: Sir L: If you men offer no resistance, they will not be implicated.
[GM]: Sir C: Don't trust him ... perhaps he is setting up an ambush.
[GM]: Jamison moves closer to the Baron with a readied morningstar
[Anne]: Anne moves further into the room, keeping her mace readied...
[GM]: Dirk moves across the room checking out the contents. He appears rather interested in the chandaliers.
[GM]: dirk holds his knife ready
(lendyll whispered to GM): screw it.. everyone else is treasure hunting so am i....
Thomas shrugs and takes out his own sword again, not really sure why but the others are making him nervous.
[GM]: The Baron: I must tell you two things...
[GM]: Sir L listens
[Anne]: Anne listens to the Baron...
[GM]: The Baron: The first that the Prince has dishonored the King by allowing me to take his ring of Nobility. He is also guilty of treason ... he lost it in a gambling debt to me.
[GM]: Sir L: The Prince is not on trial here.
[Thomas]: [brb]
[lendyll]: *hears this lol....... flying above the floor two feet just stops flying landing on his feet and drops to the ground rolling on the floor*
[GM]: Sir L: ..and we do not intend to convict you of your crimes .... just to take you to his magesty and call for a royal court inquisition.
[lendyll]: *lol with tears in his eyes*
[GM]: Sir C checks his pocket for the ring to make sure it's still there.
(GM whispered to lendyll): What's so funny?
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne casts truthsayer on the baron... to see if he speaks the truth...
(Anne whispered to GM): skill 13
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,6 = [ 10 ]
(lendyll whispered to GM): attempting to piss off the baron*
(GM whispered to Anne): Penalty of -5
(Anne whispered to GM): failed by 2
(Anne whispered to GM): Fatigue now at 9
[GM]: The Baron does not seem to notice the Ellyll rolling on the floor.
(GM whispered to Anne): Hmmm... a critical failure, then?
[GM]: The Baron: The second thing ...
[ Kethos joined the game ]
(Anne whispered to GM): no - I succeeded my roll by 3, modified to a fail by 2 from the -5
[GM]: The Baron: I will not allow you to take me ... alive.
(GM whispered to Anne): Sorry ...
(GM whispered to Anne): my mistake
[GM]: Sir L raises an eyebrow
[GM]: Sir L: Baron? Why do this thing?
Jackdaw stopps playing around with the instruments and listens
[GM]: Sir C draws his sword, "Then my sword shall taste royal blood?"
(lendyll whispered to GM): *is still rolling on the floor laughing*
[GM]: The Baron looks behind him at Sir C but does not move.
[GM]: Jamison: Sir Baron, there is no need for your death.
[GM]: Jamison to Sir C: I say that we take him alive ... even if he doesn't wish it.
[GM]: Dirk moves up onto the balcony looking at the walls .... and the railing.
[GM]: The Baron: Do what you will ... but dont expect my cooperation.
[GM]: The Baron yells something, "Di!!"
(lendyll whispered to GM): *gets as fast as possible flying to the baron*
[GM]: The doors off the balcony open on the north. Then the doors off the balcony open off the south.
[GM]: Three men appear on the north and three men appear on the south... upstairs
[GM]: The three on the north are dressed completely in black, the three on the south all in red. They are definatly assassins.
[GM]: Sir C: What the heck?
[Jackdaw]: ooc "We screwed?"
[GM]: All six men take hold of the railing and swing down attempting to land on the floor.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,4 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,1 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,3 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,1 = [ 4 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,1 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
[Jackdaw]: ooc combat time?
[GM]: Each of them land on their feet just below the balcony.
[GM]: Combat time
[GM]: Here is the sequence
(lendyll whispered to GM): i got a move out before u said combat is it considered a free move?
[GM]: All six men have their turn after Thomas
[GM]: The three red first
[GM]: The acrobatics move count as their move for the first round.
(lendyll whispered to GM): yes no maybe so?
Thomas keeps his eyes on the situation and looks over at the assassians wondering silently wondering if he would recongonize any of the faces under the dark masks. He is glad that his blade is already out and he brings it up in one hand to defend himself. He draws a dagger from his belt with one hand and looks as if he preparing to through it...
[GM]: Sir L:
[GM]: By the way, Begin combat sequence
(Thomas whispered to GM): Preping {Winged Knife}
[GM]: Sir L points his rapier at the Baron, "Yield! or die"
[GM]: Sir L, "Close in on him men!"
[GM]: Jackdaw, your action?
[Jackdaw]: ooc busy just now, I'll wait
[Jackdaw]: phone call
[GM]: Lendyll?
(lendyll whispered to GM): steps and concentrats bringing up an explosive fireball
DICE for lendyll: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,3 = [ 12 ]
(lendyll whispered to GM): max points sorry
[GM]: Your action ... and remember that each of you will also get another action before the assassin's have their next one.
[GM]: The will take you three rounds Lendyll.
[GM]: The Baron does not attempt escape.
(lendyll whispered to GM): three we were playing 1
[GM]: The Baron stands with hands down by his side.
(GM whispered to lendyll): What?
[GM]: Thomas, your action?
(lendyll whispered to GM): nevermind thats fine
(GM whispered to lendyll): You didn't get a crit this time.
[Thomas]: Launching my dagger with a Winged Knife spell.
[Thomas]: [Roll magic first?]
[GM]: Roll for the spell
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,6 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: A crit .. no cost
[ Crono joined the game ]
[Crono]: ((excuse me, anyone have a good ADnD char sheet i can copy?))
[GM]: Sorry Crono ... this is not AD&D .. this is GURPS
[Crono]: ((yes, but none of you play adnd?))
[Thomas]: [Qucik question: The assassians, they were summoned by the Baron correct?]
[Crono]: ((ok, sorry for interuption)
[ Crono left the game ]
[GM]: Thomas the Baron said one word just before they appeared.
[Thomas]: [Okay...Are they heading for us?]
[GM]: Okay, Thomas the winged knife is successful. Do you throw it at one of the assassins?
[GM]: Thomas at this point they are jumping over the railing and landing on their feet.
[GM]: Technically they are in the air.
[Thomas]: Thomas launches the dagger, it suddenly picking up speed...
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,5 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Which direction?
[Thomas]: [Made my throw role by 2]
[Thomas]: [Number 3]
[GM]: Hmm... what is the penalty for hitting a falling target?
[Jackdaw]: range/speed chart? falling speed
[Anne]: ooc - I think treating it as if it had a move of 10 on the speed/range table might be fair...
Jackdaw moves
[Jackdaw]: raising his sirinx to his lips
[GM]: Okay, Assassin3 is hit by a flying dagger just before he lands on the ground.
[GM]: Roll damage
DICE for Thomas: (1d6) = [ 4 ]
[GM]: The dagger hits and sticks doing 4 points of damage (2x2)
[Thomas]: [Not sure if that is right. Stregth fo spell is 1d6+1..Dagger is 1d6-3 I think?]
[Anne]: Large knife is Thrust (no modifier)
[GM]: No you are correct
[Thomas]: [Okay]
[GM]: Dagger is Thr-1 ... with spell it is 1d+1 ... so it comes out to 1d
[GM]: I believe
[Thomas]: The dagger flies supernaturaly straight and with a force that you know Thomas could not muster naturally...
[Anne]: ooc sounds right
[GM]: Dirk finding himself in a non-advantagous location moves to the West
[GM]: Thor advantces on the Assassins to the North with his sword ready.
[GM]: Thor yells something barbaric
[GM]: You think it is a Dwarven battle cry
[GM]: Jamison advances on the Baron
[GM]: Sir C turns to face the assassins to his south
[GM]: Anval, your action?
[Anne]: Anne casts Haste (3pts) Skill-13
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,2 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: A cirt ... no cost
[Anne]: Woo!!!
[Anne]: +3 speed raises Annes move to 5
[GM]: JD what is your modified move?
[Jackdaw]: 7
[GM]: nm
[Jackdaw]: I didn't do a full move
[GM]: I think that puts you into the sequence just before Jamison and after Thor
[GM]: It is an easy change to make ... so we can do it.
[Jackdaw]: speed is only 6
[GM]: Next round
[Jackdaw]: bonus comes from running skill
[Jackdaw]: no Combat reflexes or tactics to boost my sequence
[GM]: Sir L guards the unarmed Baron looking at the assassins on his south.
[GM]: Sir L also takes 1 step toward the Baron, "An ambush!"
[GM]: Jackdaw, your action?
Jackdaw plays
[GM]: Concentrating?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): beginning to cast Panic
[GM]: Jackdaw's music holds a unusual lilt that makes you almost feel uneasy.
[GM]: The Baron still does not make a move.
[GM]: Thomas, your action?
Thomas steps to the side and draws his other dagger, ready to launch it with the assistance of a winged knife spell.
(lendyll whispered to GM): did u happen to skip me or do i go after tomas?
(lendyll whispered to GM): i thought i went before him but
[GM]: Sorry, Lendyll ... I skipped you ... your action.
[lendyll]: dispells his spell taking off strait for the baron to guard him.
[GM]: Move your mini
[lendyll]: ooc: i just broke the sound barrier....
[lendyll]: ooc: i did
[GM]: The assassins are on their feet.
(lendyll whispered to GM): i can take the free action of drawling the broadsword right?
(lendyll whispered to GM):
[GM]: Yes, Lendyll you also managed to draw your broadsword
[GM]: All assassin draw katanas .... in unison it seems. Swoooooosh!!!
[GM]: Thor steps and attacks Assassin1
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,2 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Assassin1 attemps a parry
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,5 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Thor's blade is deflected.
[GM]: Anval, your action?
[Anne]: Anne advances on the south assassins (her mace is ready)
[GM]: Anval you face three katana-armed assassin dressed in red.
(Anne whispered to GM): Is this a polite way of saying :You're crazy"?
[GM]: Jamison swings the Baron with the blunt shaft of his morningstar.
(Anne whispered to GM): lol
(GM whispered to Anne): hehehe
[GM]: Jamison goes for a blow to the brain. All Out Attack +2 damage
[ Kethos left the game ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,1 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,3 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Jamison's 8 point head hit to the brain knocks the Baron out. The Baron falls unconscious.
[GM]: Sir C advances on the Assassins getting ready to attack
[GM]: End of Round
[GM]: Are we ready to end it???
[Jackdaw]: bummer
[ tyris joined the game ]
[tyris]: hey
[Anne]: Sure...
[Jackdaw]: well it is time
[GM]: Sorry guys .... I am finding myself flipping throug my books quite a lot tonight.
[Thomas]: [Okay]
[Jackdaw]: that's OK
[GM]: Sorry if things seemed a little slow
[GM]: Questions/Comments?
DICE for tyris: (1d4) = [ 3 ]
[Jackdaw]: interesting
[tyris]: hmm
[Jackdaw]: an odd plot twist
[Anne]: It seems the baron is a man of his word....
[tyris]: so uh whats going on?
[Anne]: He said he wouldn't escape or fight back, and didn't -
[Jackdaw]: a fact to remember?
[Anne]: but he DID send the assassins after us...
[GM]: True
[Anne]: so I guess we left a loophole...
[tyris]: hmm being ignored
[GM]: Did it seem out of character for the Baron?
[tyris]: think I'll leave then
[Jackdaw]: ARE they after us?
[GM]: Hello Tyris
[Anne]: Tyris - we just ended a game
[Jackdaw]: or were they to kill the baron?
[tyris]: really?
[Anne]: I'm under the impression they're after us
[Jackdaw]: so he wouldn't be taken alive?
[tyris]: its my first time here so I don't know whats going on
[Jackdaw]: either way we have to deal with them