[Tue May 04 19:44:13 CDT 1999]

[Rubix]: A quick Recap:
[Rubix]: The players (and then some) were in the pub last week in the city of Shevandale.
[Rubix]: [this is a lot like London before the industrial revolution ... and if you read the Player info, you will know that we have a church tha is a lot like the catholic church before the prodestant revolution]
(miridine whispered to Rubix): ok ill adjust
[Rubix]: The players were ... playing.
[Rubix]: in the pub and there came to their attention one 'Fancy Dressed Guy' first making loud talk and then passing out.
[Rubix]: A 'knigt' (policeman) came in and asked for helf to get him to a room.
[Rubix]: ...Dack wanted to find a Mage ...
[Rubix]: to make a long story short ...did find one and made a deal with him.
[Rubix]: The lost ring of Prince Gunthar for a might bow of 'Fiyah arrows'
[Rubix]: The party quickly rushed back to the bar looking for the 'Fancy Dressed Guy' ....the door was locked.
[Rubix]: Any questions before we begin??????
(miridine whispered to Rubix): 14 pointsa
[Rubix]: Just a min.
[Jackdaw]: Whats behind the other doors?
(Rubix whispered to miridine): 2 pts in each of these spells
Jackdaw was opening doors.
(Rubix whispered to miridine): Minor Heal
(Rubix whispered to miridine): Lend Strengt
(Rubix whispered to miridine): Lend Healt
(Rubix whispered to miridine): Consecrate
(Rubix whispered to miridine): Final Rest
(Rubix whispered to miridine): Turn Zombies
(Rubix whispered to miridine): Cure Disease
(Rubix whispered to miridine): each up to IQ+1 with PIof 2
(Rubix whispered to miridine): sound okay for now?
(Rubix whispered to miridine): If you want to change these now .... or later ... feel free.
(miridine whispered to Rubix): ok
(Rubix whispered to miridine): write it down.
[Rubix]: RESUME
(miridine whispered to Rubix): doing so
[Rubix]: There were 8 doors total.
[Rubix]: 8 room that is.
[Rubix]: Room #1 was locked of course.
(miridine whispered to Rubix): ok
[Jackdaw]: I'll try the next door
[Rubix]: Rooms#2-6 were open and made up for guests.
[Jackdaw]: empry?
[Rubix]: Rooms #7 and #8 are locked.
[Jackdaw]: empty
[Cass]: [Just to check where I am - what time of night is it?]
[Rubix]: They were empty
(miridine whispered to Rubix): intro me when your ready ;*)
[Rubix]: It is around sunset now.
[Jackdaw]: aw too bad
[Rubix]: ...about 1 hour until sunset let's say.
[Jackdaw]: I'll go look around
Cass is looking for an inn to stay the night, then. Something not too expensive but not squalid either.
[Barkeep]: Yes sir .... name your poison (to Cass who just entered the Pub/Inn)
(Jackdaw whispered to Barkeep): OOC This should get interesting.
Barkeep looks up towards Jackdaw who has been opening doors upstairs.
[Cass]: "Hi, I'm looking for dinner and a room for the night."
Barkeep looks back toward Cass.
[Jackdaw]: and shutting them. And opening them and shutting them. How interesting!
[Barkeep]: Well, there is a nice restuarant next door ....
[Barkeep]: I have drink and beds!
(miridine whispered to Barkeep): ready sorta when approptriate
Barkeep says excuse me, sir, and starts up the stairs.
[Jackdaw]: ?he swinging on a door
[Jackdaw]: Whee
[GM]: At this time, an unusual gentlemen enter the pub.
[GM]: ..an elf .....shaman.
[GM]: OOC: Did I get it right, Miri???
(miridine whispered to GM): yes
Barkeep heads up the stairs.
Barkeep comes close to Jackdaw, "Can I help you?"
[miridine]: 6'3" 110 lbs golden hair dressed in leathers .
Barkeep give Jack a stern look.
[Jackdaw]: "Most of these move but that one doesn't." pointing to room 1
[miridine]: Barkeep has there been a case of madness in here people are swinging from the doors
[Jackdaw]: My friends want it to too
[Barkeep]: That room is taken ....May I help YOu???
[Jackdaw]: got any pretty girls?
[Jackdaw]: you're not my type
[Barkeep]: I seem to remember you owing me for a drink, anyway ....
[Barkeep]: The first one
[Barkeep]: is on the house....you cause problems ... you leave.
[Jackdaw]: but I drank it!
[Barkeep]: Exactly.
[miridine]: good bar keep i would enjoy a glass of mead if you have that spirit..
Cass goes next door to the restaurant for dinner.
[ Shinto Bayushi joined the game ]
Jackdaw looks into the bar where voices are comming from
[miridine]: long travels make dry throats....
Cass will come back after dinner to get a room.
Shinto bows to all
Barkeep looks at Jackdaw and at Dack who is standing by the closed door and shakes his head and then goes back downstairs.
(Barkeep whispered to Shinto): got your char ready?
(Shinto whispered to Barkeep): ( sorry I'm late, yeah )
(Dack whispered to Shinto): I'll enter you in a minute, then ... if that's okay.
(Shinto whispered to Dack): no problem
Dack heads back downstairs and sits at one of the table.s
[miridine]: hmm
Dack looks at Thor who is asleep on the floor.
[miridine]: good bar keep i would enjoy a glass of mead if you have that spirit..
Barkeep walks up to the bar and says to Miridine..."Name your poison"
Jackdaw follows Dack
[miridine]: mead please if you have that nectar .
Barkeep looks at Dack ... and then a Jackdaw. .."Business seems to be picking up"
Jackdaw looks around
Barkeep goes over and gets the mead and brings it back to Miridine.
(Jackdaw whispered to Barkeep): what do I see
[miridine]: here good sir
(Barkeep whispered to Jackdaw): You see Dack at the table, Thor on the floor, Miridine at the bar...
[miridine]: pays the bar keep the proper ammount .
Barkeep looks at Miridine.
Jackdaw goes over to Miridine
(Barkeep whispered to Jackdaw): Barkeep behind the bar.
[miridine]: good mead it has been a while since i had such a potent brew..
[Barkeep]: OOC: Where are you Cass...did you go get dinner?
Cass returns awhile later, having eaten dinner...
Barkeep thanks ... we make it special here in Shevandale.
Cass looks for the barkeep.
[Barkeep]: In the meantime ...
[Jackdaw]: <in Elvish>"Greetings fair one"
Barkeep goes over to Dack and Jack and asks what will it be.
Barkeep passes Jack and gives him a stern look.
[miridine]: Oh greetings <in elvish > describe who jackdaw looks like to me
[Jackdaw]: what will this buy? /he holds out some coins (about $3)
[GM]: Now would be a good time for everyone to give a description of themselves.
[GM]: OOC: That was.
[miridine]: brb phone
GM looks at the coins ... depends on what you are drinking.
(Kalith whispered to GM): Should it give a description?
Jackdaw is a shortish Faun (Satyr) wearing a russack with a blanket wrapped over his shoulders pinned by a broach into a crude cape
Cass is a human girl, about mid-teens, rather cute, average height and build, dark hair, brown eyes, carrying a rucksack and wearing a plain wool dress.
[GM]: At this time another enters the pub.
(Kalith whispered to GM): ME?
[GM]: OOC: That was you Kalith.
[Kalith]: okay
[miridine]: miridine is 6' 3" 110 lb elf male shaman in leathers who for a elf looks rather handsome for being 80 or so .
[GM]: OOC: I dont seem to have a description of Dack or Thor ....
[GM]: OOC: So I will not even try.
[Jackdaw]: I'll have some wine
Kalith is a of an elven backround who reaks of magic and is dressed in a robe the covers most of his face
Barkeep looks at Kalith.
[miridine]: To faun in elvish child of the woods how are you this evening ...
[miridine]: You may join me if you would like
[Jackdaw]: Well, fair one. I got an invitation for a place to spend the night. Humans are so friendly!
Barkeep walks over to Jackdaw, "Wine, are you paying ... or have I entered the charity business?"
[Jackdaw]: "Thank you"
Kalith pulls back his hood to realved long blond hair and blueish green eyes
[Cass]: [GM, let me know when I get back :)]
Jackdaw holds out coins in his hand
[Barkeep]: OOC: OK
[miridine]: miridine tips his mug at another elvin brother and saying in elvish good evening my brother ...
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): Do you think you could look over my char and make sure I am not missing anything
[Jackdaw]: in elvish: "Good evening, fair one"
Barkeep takes the coins.... one for the wine.... one for 'the cold one'.
[Kalith]: in elvish: "Good evening to you all"
Jackdaw looks around, any one but us here?
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): Well, I dont see any Spells or Skills....
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): Okay can you help?
[miridine]: brother you are welcome here my name is miridine come and sit a spell and drink withme and my new freind .
Barkeep looks around and see Dack an a table across the room drinking a mug of beer....Thor on the floor ... Miri and Jackdaw at the bar talking.
[miridine]: OOC any cats in the bar ?
[Kalith]: thank you it would be my honor to jion you
Barkeep does not see any cats.
Jackdaw plays a little tune and a chair moves over to our table for Kalith
[miridine]: ah another minstril ;*)
[Kalith]: my name is Kalith
Barkeep looks at Jack and Miridine and points at one of the empty tables in the back.
[Jackdaw]: I'm called Jackdaw!
[miridine]: greetings kalith .
[Jackdaw]: What do you play?
[miridine]: and jackdaw,
Kalith takes a seat
[miridine]: oh i enjoy the flute ....
[miridine]: but i prefer to smoke a pipe fiorst its good for the lungs ....
[Jackdaw]: I play one of those, kind of
[GM]: Thor moans ....Dack continues to drink seeming deep in thought.
[miridine]: you dont mind do you .....
[miridine]: brb
[miridine]: phone :/
[Kalith]: I like to play a little of everything
[Kalith]: but my favorite would be the flute
[Jackdaw]: Shall we play together?
[GM]: It's about this time that Cass returns from the restuarant that connects to the pub.
[Kalith]: how about a little drink first
Cass walks back in and looks for the barkeep.
Jackdaw pulls out his sirinx, a double flute
[Kalith]: "barkeep can I get some of your mead"
GM sees Cass and says, "How was diner?"
Jackdaw whistles...softly
[GM]: Barkeep: One mead ... Coming Up!
Jackdaw moves over to Cass
Cass smiles. "Very nice, thank you. How much for a room and a mug of ale?"
[GM]: Dack: Another mug over here please.
Kalith thank you sir"
[Jackdaw]: "You smell nice" to Cass
Kalith pulles our a small hand made flut
Cass blushes slightly. "Thank you."
[Jackdaw]: "You lonely"
Cass has a country accent, rather pleasantly musical. Say from the equivalent of Wales if this is the equivalent of London...
[miridine]: ooc bk
[miridine]: i pray no one dislikes pipe smoke . ?
[Jackdaw]: "Your voice is nicely furry. You lonely?"
[Cass]: "Mmm, not exactly, but if you want to sit and drink for awhile, I wouldn't mind."
GM returns with the drinks.
Jackdaw sits and looks at Cass
[Cass]: (to barkeep) "Thanks - how much for the ale and a room?"
GM looks at Cass, "the first one is on the house ...a room will be $5"
[Cass]: "Thanks." She hands over five silver.
[miridine]: gets out his pipe and tabacco .
Jackdaw sighs
[miridine]: lights the pipe and inhales upon it.
[Cass]: [Jackdaw, be patient, Cass is arranging a room first, she'll be with you in a minute :)]
GM looks at the coins .... no, five crowns I mean.
[Cass]: [What sort of price is that? 5 gold is a *lot* in most fantasy worlds.]
[Jackdaw]: "Like the King wears?"
[GM]: I'll take one of these silvers and bring you your change.
[Cass]: [Eh? A crown is *less* than a silver?...]
[GM]: OOC: A crown ....has a picture of the king on it and is worth $1 ....
[miridine]: so how many silvers to a crown ?
(Kalith whispered to GM): how do I get spells and skills?
[Jackdaw]: "Is it one of these?" holding out a motley assortment of coins.
[GM]: OOC: 10 crowns = 1 silver
[Cass]: [Ah, okay. Most fantasy worlds, a crown is 1 gold. Okay, she hands over 5 crowns then.]
[GM]: OOC: 20 crowns = 1 gold soverign.
[GM]: OOC: silver coins are not coined by the humans .. these are coined by the Elven empire .... or others.
[Cass]: [Okay.]
[miridine]: good evening cass.
[miridine]: my name is miridine .
GM thanks you... and heads for the bar.
Barkeep returns with a key and gives it to Cass.
[Cass]: "Thanks."
[Cass]: (to Jackdaw + miridine) "Hang on, be back in a moment."
Cass goes to check out her room and stash her pack there.
Cass locks the door and heads back down.
Cass brings her ale over to Jackdaw's table and sits down.
[Cass]: "Hi again!"
[Barkeep]: OOC: Is everyone sitting at the same table?
[Kalith]: I believe so
[Jackdaw]: "Sigh"
[miridine]: in elvish I am in route to my first pilgramage to mt elic.
Barkeep begins to clean the other tables.
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): how do I go about geting spells and skills?
[Cass]: "What's wrong?"
DICE for miridine: (1d100) = [ 50 ]
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): Do you have a book to look at?
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): no
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): How many points do you have to spend?
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): umm..... 0
Barkeep looks at Miridine.
[ miridine left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "You're so pretty, you sure you're not lonely??"
Barkeep looks at Jackdaw.
[ miridine joined the game ]
Cass grins. "I'm sure."
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): I am join to have to learn them then?
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): YOu could take a disadvantage to get you some points to spend.
[miridine]: has anyo\f you come near or from mt elic?
[Cass]: "Mt. Elic? No, sorry."
[Barkeep]: OOC: Mt Elic the gateway to the Elven Forest.
[Jackdaw]: "Too bad"
[miridine]: I am headed there for my first pilgramage.......
[Barkeep]: Mt. Elic ... .I heard it is so beutiful....
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): Could I ask people to tech me thing or do I have to have exp.
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): You can ask, but it will still cost you experience.
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): ...character points that is.
[miridine]: its a responsibility of my order to travel to mt elic and into the forest every 10 years .
[miridine]: after you get the title of shaman .
[Jackdaw]: "Which forrest?"
Barkeep goes back behind the bar and begins cleaning glasses.
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): okay
[miridine]: ooc help me here gm ;*)
[Jackdaw]: "I came from a forrest. It was kinda boring tho."
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): how does exp work
[miridine]: well jackdaw this was the forest where the orcs nearly slaye d all of elvin kind.
[Barkeep]: OOC: Jackdaw you are probably from a different forest.
[Jackdaw]: "orcs?"
[Kalith]: I am silmlpy looking for an adveture
[Jackdaw]: "I've never seen an orc"
[miridine]: the pilgrimage is to remind us as shamans our respocibility to life and to remeber life is a fighter its not so easy to extinguish.
[Kalith]: would you wish some company on your journey?
[Jackdaw]: "Can we go see one? Are they interesting?"
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): You earn them per session of play.
[miridine]: would i kalith yes i would
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): sorry wrong person.
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): I ment spending them
(Kalith whispered to Barkeep): okay
(Barkeep whispered to Kalith): Normally you can spend them between sessions.
[miridine]: jackdaw orcs are from the texts i read a wildfire to the forest poluteing and destroying all free life that it encounters.
[Cass]: "Mind if I come with you?"
[miridine]: yess cass i would be pleased
[miridine]: ooc cass you i ddint get a description .
[Kalith]: "it should be intersating if we find some orcs"
Dack gets up and comes over to Jackdaw ..... and just stands there and stares at him.
Cass is a human girl, about mid-teens, rather cute, average height and build, dark hair, brown eyes, carrying a rucksack and wearing a plain wool dress.
[miridine]: no it would be very bad for all of us . if orcs returned to mt elic
Jackdaw looks at Dack
[Jackdaw]: "You wanna come?"
[Dack]: Can I speak to you Jack?
[Jackdaw]: "Sure"
[Dack]: Alone?
[Jackdaw]: "OK"
Jackdaw leaves with Dack
Dack moves back to his table.
[Dack]: They begin to talk ....rather loudly.
[Dack]: Do you think that the .....(whispers) Prince ....is really in that room upstairs?
[miridine]: what does dack look like ?
[Jackdaw]: "But it would be FYUN!"
[Jackdaw]: Maybe, but the door thingy doesn't move
[miridine]: ooc gm i havce streetwise
[Dack]: 5'10'' dark brown hair ... leather armor ... in his early 20's.
[Jackdaw]: ooc What's the local human language called?
[Dack]: Well, I've gotta get into that room ....by the way ... who are your friends???
[Dack]: OOC: Human
[Jackdaw]: Two of the Fair Ones and a pretty girl. She's not lonely yet tho.
[Jackdaw]: Maybe later
[Dack]: But I need to get my magic fiyah arrows!
[miridine]: kalith in elvish do you know of this dack?!
[Dack]: I'll be back .... keep an eye on that barkeep!
[Jackdaw]: <in Elvish> Met him today, seems like anice guy.
[Kalith]: "no"
Dack moves stealthly up the stairs while the barkeep continues to clean the empty mug behind the bar.
[miridine]: in elvish he mentioned prince and flaming arrows >
[Dack]: Stealth Skill 14
DICE for Dack: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,6 = [ 17 ]
[miridine]: ooc do we see dack sneaking up the stairs?
Dack trips and falls on the staircase.
Dack makes a loud noise.
[miridine]: i guess so .
[Kalith]: oops
[miridine]: hmm i wonder if dack has a sprained or broken foot <in elvish >
[Jackdaw]: <in Elvish> He seems to be very interested in gettting his bow enchanted and made a deal with a Mage. If he can find a lost Ring that belonged to the Prince the Mage will do the spell"
[Dack]: (to Barkeep) .... Uh, where is your bathroom?
[miridine]: jackdaw what ring ?
Dack is frustrated and leaves the pub.
[Dack]: See ya later Jack!
[miridine]: sorry cass some matters i tend to still use the elish toungue.
[Jackdaw]: Not too sure, something they were interested in.
[Cass]: Not a problem
[miridine]: maybe on our travels if you would like i could teach you ....
[Jackdaw]: I know where the Mage lives tho, his neighbor invited me to stay there tonight.
[miridine]: hmm
[Cass]: "Cool!"
[miridine]: i wonder if they serve mead at the restaurant next door ?
Barkeep moves over to Jackdaw.
[Jackdaw]: Yeah, she was nice to me, and she's lonely.
Barkeep points to Thor on the floor ...."Is HE a friend of yours?"
[miridine]: jackdaw not all nice females are lonley when they are nice .
[miridine]: him??! i never met the person .
[Jackdaw]: to Barkeep,"First time I saw him he was laying there like that."
[Barkeep]: Well, I'm gonna have to call the knights to dispose of him, I guess.
[miridine]: hmm let me see if he needs any help
[miridine]: might just be dead drunk....
Barkeep moves back to the bar.
Jackdaw goes over to Thor
[miridine]: excuse me i will be right back
[miridine]: can i see thor breathing ?
Jackdaw starts playing the flute
[Barkeep]: If you cant hold your liquor ... put it down, I always say.
(Jackdaw whispered to Barkeep): Awaken skill ,15
[miridine]: smiling at the barkeep .. i agree ...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): roll
DICE for Jackdaw: [Jackdaw / SUCCESS ROLL] : (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,5 = [ 12 ]
[miridine]: from what can i observe is thor just blasted drunk /
[GM]: Thor raises his head as Jackdaw begins to play...
[GM]: Thor shakes his head and then smiles.
[miridine]: ah he is alive...
[GM]: Then Thor looks around the pub and says, "Where the hell am I?"
[miridine]: in a tavern
[miridine]: what is your name i am miridine . if you have a hangover i have just the right thing for it .
[GM]: Thor gets up and sits at the table nearest him, "Oh, Barkeep .. a mug over here please!"
[miridine]: tho it tastes like from hades it does clerar the head.
[GM]: Barkeep moves over to Thor and begins whispering to him.
[miridine]: well my freinds i would like a dinner before it gets late i would enjoy your company .
[Cass]: "Just had dinner, but I'll keep you company."
[Kalith]: I would be gald to jion you me lady
[miridine]: oh great... jackdaw?
[miridine]: let me just pay for my room before all get taken tonight ....
[Jackdaw]: Sure
[miridine]: barkeep any other rooms available tonight ?
[Cass]: [Remind me what Miridine looks like?]
[Cass]: [Kalith is a mysterious hooded mage figure, right?]
[miridine]: 6'3" 110 elf male purple eyed silver hair .
[Kalith]: "that's right I should get a room"
[miridine]: well brother kalith i dont snore share the accomedations ?/
Barkeep moves over to Miridine.
[Barkeep]: Plenty of rooms, sir Elf!
[miridine]: oh good master barkeep/.
[Kalith]: "what's the price sir"
[Barkeep]: 5 crowns .. that's all.
[miridine]: would you want silver or want some wine concecrated?
[Barkeep]: I would be glad to take the Elven siler.......he smiles.
[Jackdaw]: Or maybe we could throw a frolic?
[miridine]: very well kalith split the fee ?
Kalith hands the barkeep a silver
[Kalith]: okay
[ joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: That'll bring other nice people to buy us drinks!
Barkeep goes back and get the change.... 5 crowns.
[miridine]: hmm kalith i guess i buy the next night loddging ;*)
[Kalith]: Okay fine with me
Barkeep begins to move away whistling.
Jackdaw whistles in counterpoint
[GM]: Barkeep looks at Jack and smiles.
[miridine]: later before bed we will play some tunes to dance with bar keep ...
[Kalith]: sounds like fun
[miridine]: ok kalith lets head up to drop off our packs ;*)
[GM]: From upstairs you hear a noise ... man's voice yelling, "Guards, Guards!!
[Jackdaw]: GOOD a FROLIC!
[Jackdaw]: OOPS
(shadowsprite whispered to GM): hey do you have a blank GURPS character sheet??
[miridine]: heading to the steps.
[Kalith]: let's go see what the rack is as well
[GM]: Barkeep: Excuse me .... and heads up the stairs.
[Jackdaw]: whispers "are we too loud?"
Kalith going upstires
[miridine]: no sometyhing is amiss upstairs.
Jackdaw follows
Cass follows the group.
(GM whispered to shadowsprite): there you go@
[GM]: voice, "Guards, Guards!"
(shadowsprite whispered to GM): thanx.
[Kalith]: (what room is it coming form?)
[GM]: Barkeep gets to the top of the stairs and takes out a key to Room#1.
[Jackdaw]: That one doesn't open!
[GM]: Voice, "I demand to know where the guards are! .... bring them to me!"
[miridine]: drop backpack at top of stairs head to where the bar keep is opening door .
[GM]: Barkeep uses the key to open the door and enters.
Jackdaw looks
[miridine]: looks
Kalith follows miridines example
[Jackdaw]: Oh, you can use a shiney to make them open
[GM]: Voice, "Who are you? .. Where are the guards?"
[miridine]: excuse me sir i am miridine a shaman . we offer our assistance.
Jackdaw goes to room 7, takes out a coin and pushes it into the slot, them pushes the door.
[miridine]: what is the matter ?
[GM]: Barkeep: Quiet Sire .... the Knights will return shortly.
[GM]: Room #7 is still locked.
[miridine]: whispering to the bar keep is the man mad?
Cass watches Jackdaw's technique carefully.
Jackdaw pushes harder
[GM]: Barkeep: No I'm afraid not.
[Jackdaw]: It doesn't work
[miridine]: is he safe for now ?
[GM]: OOC: Where is everyone, now?
[Jackdaw]: ooc by the door to room 7
Kalith is interasted in seeing waht jackdaw is doing
[miridine]: if the barkeep made it so that i could enter the room to offer help to the man im inside the room,
Cass is behind the rest of the group.
[GM]: Voice, "Your the Barkeep ....Bring me an ale, now!"
[GM]: OOC: The door was slightly open after the barkeep entered.
[miridine]: sir i am a healer do you need anything ?
[GM]: Miridine entered the room.
Jackdaw pushes another coin into the slot, then pushes the door
[Jackdaw]: "Why does it work for him and not me!"
[GM]: Fancy Dressed Guy: Yes .... my head ..... I have a splitting headache..... BRING ME AN ALE!
Kalith smiles as he relizes what jackdaw is doing
[miridine]: may i help you sir
FDG looks at Miridine.
[FDG]: Who are YOU???
[FDG]: OOC: FDG=Fancy Dressed Guy
[miridine]: i am miridine a healer .
FDG looks miridine over carefully.
(shadowsprite whispered to FDG): hey what world are you playing in??
(FDG whispered to shadowsprite): World? .... this is GURPS High Fantasy .... world of Methor.
(Kalith whispered to FDG): what do these doors look like?
(FDG whispered to Kalith): Standard wooden doors with brass nobs and locks.
[miridine]: have you had these headaches long sir?
[Cass]: [I have to go, see y'all next time!]
(FDG whispered to Cass): Later Cass.
(Kalith whispered to FDG): ooc: okay bye
(Kalith whispered to FDG): oops
(shadowsprite whispered to FDG): sorry...I'm new to GURPS. I have the CONAN book.
(FDG whispered to Cass): I hope it was okay for you.
[ Russell left the game ]
(Jackdaw whispered to FDG): IC or OC, if OC bye
[miridine]: ooc test
[FDG]: Please, healer make this splitting headache go away.
[Kalith]: : wonders what miridine is up to
[GM]: Barkeep is heading downstairs.
(shadowsprite whispered to GM): and the GURPS basic set third edition.
[miridine]: sir is this headache cased from a hangover?
Jackdaw comes over to the FDG and watches
[GM]: Cass left by way of the door (I guess)
[miridine]: jackdaw i need to give the man some room please .
[GM]: FDG looks at Jackdaw.... a faun? .... you're a faun?
[Jackdaw]: "There's one right here" pointing in the door
[Jackdaw]: "Yup"
[GM]: FDG looks at Miridine.... this pain is definitely from something I drank.
[GM]: Barkeep starts up the stairs with a mug of ale.
Jackdaw goes into room 1
(GM whispered to shadowsprite): Yeah, GURPS BAsic set 3rd ed.
Jackdaw looks around
[Jackdaw]: "Aw, it's just like the others"
[GM]: Barkeep entered Room#1 with the ale.
[GM]: Barkeep, "Here sire ... your ale."
[miridine]: ooc do i suspect fdg is poisoned or just hanged over?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Anything interesting in the room?
(shadowsprite whispered to GM): I mostly play D&D.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): nothing interesting ... standard room ....
(GM whispered to miridine): Do you have diagnosis?
(Kalith whispered to GM): Are there any sings that he is a noble?
[miridine]: yes
(shadowsprite whispered to GM): but Conan is one of my faves.
[GM]: I need IQ rolls from everyone.
[GM]: at -2 tell me if you made it.
DICE for miridine: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,4 = [ 6 ]
[miridine]: i made it .
(GM whispered to Kalith): He wears the noble garments.
DICE for Jackdaw: [Jackdaw / SUCCESS ROLL] : (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,6 = [ 12 ]
DICE for Kalith: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,2 = [ 12 ]
[Jackdaw]: oc Made it by 2
(GM whispered to miridine): You recognize him as Prince Gunthar .... picture in the papers, etc.
[ Millennium joined the game ]
[Millennium]: mind if I lurk?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Recognize him as Prince Gunthar ... picture in the papers, etc.
(miridine whispered to GM): do i need to roll a diagnose roll
(GM whispered to Millennium): No prob.
(Kalith whispered to GM): I have to roll under my IQ minus two?
(Millennium whispered to GM): thanks
(shadowsprite whispered to GM): sorry I'm bothering you during a game I'll live Thanx again! bye.
(GM whispered to Kalith): Yeah, did you make it?
(Kalith whispered to GM): no
(GM whispered to shadowsprite): No Prob
[Jackdaw]: "Oohh, he's the one what losted his ring we were gonna find"
[ left the game ]
[ Millennium left the game ]
[GM]: FDG takes the ale and begins to drink.
[GM]: FDG stops and looks at Jackdaw ...."What do you know about the ring. Speak or you shall die!"
[GM]: FDG gets to his feet, but then grabs his head and moans.
[Jackdaw]: "My friend Dack was gonna find it to get his magic "Fiyuh" arrows"
(Kalith whispered to GM): Is he the only fancy thing in this room?
(miridine whispered to GM): sire ... it was reported that your ring had been lost and a bounty was placed upon anyone who would retrieve it,
(GM whispered to Kalith): That's all. ......standard room.
[Jackdaw]: "Where did you losted it?"
(miridine whispered to GM):
(Kalith whispered to GM): no belongings any where?
(GM whispered to miridine): A bounty? .... No it can not be ... then it is already too late!
(GM whispered to Kalith): His cape his draped over a chair ... that's all.
[Jackdaw]: OC I hope I'm not setting Dack up too badly
[ miridine left the game ]
[Kalith]: laged out she will be back
[GM]: FDG looks at Jackdaw and says, "The damned thing was stolen!"
[GM]: ....."...by a Theif!"
[Jackdaw]: "Well that's not very friendly! Who stole it?"
[ Millennium joined the game ]
[GM]: FDG pauses and looks around the room.
(Millennium whispered to GM): had to restart.
[GM]: OOC: What happened to Miri?
[Kalith]: she got laged out
[Kalith]: she will be back in a while most likely
[Jackdaw]: OC What are the symptoms of getting lagged out?
[ miridine joined the game ]
[miridine]: lagg dropp
[GM]: FDG pauses and looks around the room.
[FDG]: He looks at the Barkeep and says, leave us please.
(miridine whispered to FDG): ooc what did i miss .
(miridine whispered to FDG): i lagged out
(FDG whispered to Kalith): Nothing really.
[FDG]: OOC: Who all is in the room?
[miridine]: i am
[Kalith]: all of use
[GM]: Barkeep leaves the room and heads back downstairs.
[miridine]: diagnose roll
DICE for miridine: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,1 = [ 10 ]
[miridine]: pass if it matters
(GM whispered to miridine): Did you pass?
(miridine whispered to GM): yes
(GM whispered to miridine): He shows all the symtoms of a hangover nothing more.
[GM]: OOC: Who is in the room with FDG?
[Jackdaw]: ME
(miridine whispered to GM): i am .
[Kalith]: me
[ CrabLord joined the game ]
FDG looks at the three in the room and says, "Please shut the door and gather near...."
Kalith shuts the door
[ CrabLord left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: ?he shuts the door, then opens it, then shuts it "It works alright now!"
Jackdaw listens
[FDG]: Gather near.
Kalith gathers
Jackdaw gets up real close
FDG looks at Miridine.
[FDG]: You said that a bounty has been posted? What do you know of this matter?
[ CrabLord joined the game ]
[miridine]: its in the paper sire thazt is all i know .
[Jackdaw]: "A Wizard said if we could find a losted ring he would make Dack's bow shoot magig fiyuh arrows"
FDG looks at Miridine real confused.
FDG looks at jackdaw and gets even more confused.
(FDG whispered to miridine): You have seen the Prince in the paper, but found out about the ring from Jack.
[FDG]: What paper? ... What Mage?
[FDG]: How long have I been out?
[Jackdaw]: "The one who lives above the lonely lady"
[miridine]: i dont know sire i just came to town today and read about this matter
[FDG]: What exactly did you read .... looks at miridine.
(miridine whispered to FDG): you alluded i saw him in paper hlp me ;*)
(FDG whispered to miridine): He is a popular figure ... you have seen him in the paper ... but found out about the ring from Jack.
(FDG whispered to miridine): You have seen him in the paper with the ring.
(FDG whispered to miridine): Give me an IQ roll.
DICE for miridine: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,1 = [ 12 ]
(FDG whispered to miridine): to remember what you read.
(FDG whispered to miridine): Did you make it?
(miridine whispered to FDG): iq 13
(To FDG) DICE for Jackdaw: (3D6) : 3D6=3,4,3 = [ 10 ]
[miridine]: i saw your face and with the ring in the paper and then i heard from jack that you had it lost.
[FDG]: OOC: What did you roll for Jack?
[Jackdaw]: ooc mistake
FDG looks at Miridine.
[FDG]: Well, THE ring ... has been lost....... to a theif.....and not just any theif ...... a noble.
[FDG]: I am of course Prince Gunthar
[Jackdaw]: "I am Jackdaw"
[miridine]: this noble then must be put to trial .
Prince nods to jackdaw.
[miridine]: i offer my assistance.
Prince looks at Miridine.
[Prince]: No, nothing of this must reach the papers.
[miridine]: brb
[miridine]: phn
[ <?> left the game ]
[Prince]: Have you men .... mmmm ... I mean creatures heard of Baron Kessler?
[Prince]: IQ rolls please.
DICE for Jackdaw: (3D6) : 3D6=2,1,5 = [ 8 ]
DICE for Kalith: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,2 = [ 6 ]
[Jackdaw]: made it by4
[Prince]: Tell me if you pass .. makes it faster.
[Kalith]: pass
[Jackdaw]: pass
[Prince]: Baron Kessler has been in the press as of late criticizing the king.
DICE for miridine: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,5 = [ 11 ]
[miridine]: i passed
[Prince]: He does not necessarily insult the king directly, he implies that the king's priorities are not where they should be.
[Prince]: He has particually been hard on the royal family.
[miridine]: sire is he too dangerous a foe to invoke a duel?
[Jackdaw]: "I thought everyone had their priorities in roughly the same place"
[Prince]: Personally, you have heard that Baron Kessler holds great power especially in the city of Shevandale.
[Jackdaw]: "I'm learning new things ALL the time"
Prince looks at Miridine.
[Prince]: He would enjoy that ... a duel with me.
[Prince]: I would not be surprised it that is not in his plans.
[ OOGecko joined the game ]
[OOGecko]: hi
[Prince]: If I do not get the ring back .. . and before a fortnight ....I may even be forced to leave the kingdom.
[miridine]: i see what si of this mage a freind of yours sire or a foe ?
(Prince whispered to OOGecko): hello
(Prince whispered to OOGecko): are you playing Dack?
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): hiyas
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): yup
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): ill use my thief later i guess
[ CrabLord left the game ]
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): i played him some =) hes 130 now =D
[Prince]: What isthe name of this mage you speak of?
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): so, where am i? and did they get the ring?
(Prince whispered to OOGecko): Dack left the pub earlier .... after sitting, drinking, and thinking awhile.
[miridine]: jackdaw? what is the anme?
(Prince whispered to OOGecko): I guess it would be a good time to bring him back.
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): well Dack's gonna come back!!
(Jackdaw whispered to Prince): I don't remember personally
(Jackdaw whispered to Prince): for memory
(Prince whispered to OOGecko): They are in the room with the Prince, door closed.
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): can i walk back into the tavern now?
(Prince whispered to OOGecko): You will knock at the door in a minute ... if that's okay.
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): k
(OOGecko whispered to Prince): u mean the door 2 the tavern?
[miridine]: jackdaw?
[Jackdaw]: "I can't remember, but he had a nice coin with a message that the barkeeper gave Dack"
(Prince whispered to OOGecko): Let's say you walked back intot the tavern and the barkeep told you that your friends were upstairs.
[Kalith]: Jackdaw?
[Jackdaw]: "yes???"
[Kalith]: nm
[miridine]: lagg
[miridine]: nm
(Dack whispered to Prince): k
[Prince]: Well, his name may not be important.....although, I would like to know how he knows of MY business.
Dack knocks on the door2 the room where the prince is
Jackdaw yells "HEY DACK, what was the name of the magic fiyuh arrow guy?"
[miridine]: yes sire that is why i worry
[Dack]: oooh my fiyah arrows!!!
Prince jumps up and fastdraws his broadsword.
[Dack]: think of all the red fiya....er..name?
[Dack]: ummm marnacius or something
Dack waves 2 the prince
[Prince]: Who is this guy>??
[Jackdaw]: "He's Dack"
[miridine]: he knows the mages name sire . a freind of jackdaw.
[Prince]: OOC: Please describe yourself Dack ... I wasn't sure earlier.
Prince looks at Dack.
[Dack]: OOC: descrive myself?
[Prince]: You are in a conspiracy with this man to steal my ring?
[Dack]: u know, b4 u were drunk, i was trying 2 talk 2 ya, then u passed out
[miridine]: skulldugery is affoot sire .
[Prince]: OOC: Sorry Describe yourself.
[Dack]: what ring?
Dack sort of slips into the back area of the room
[Prince]: I remember you.
[Jackdaw]: "The one what the wizard awants"
[Dack]: OOC: goddamn mike, THE PRINCE WASNT SUPPOSED 2 KNOW!!
[Dack]: OOC: btw, wheres brax rubix?
[Jackdaw]: OC oops
[Prince]: OOC: I think he is role-playing, Dack.
[Prince]: OOC: Braxicus was a no-show.
[Dack]: OOC: damn
Dack asks the prince if he could possibly see his ring
[Dack]: OOC: goddamn im gonna laugh if that works
[Jackdaw]: "He's the one what losted it"
[miridine]: the ring was stolen
Prince looks at Dack, "What do you mean?"
[Dack]: isnt all this commotion about a ring?
[Dack]: id like 2 c it
[Dack]: OOC: lag test
Prince puts his head down...."This is getting more confusing by the moment"
Dack smirks, so u dont know sir prince?
[Dack]: OOC: brb
[Prince]: Everyone listen, I will start over.
[Dack]: OOC: back
[Prince]: I came into Shevandale three days ago .... on a pleasure trip.... you know before the wedding.
[Dack]: OOC: starting over eh?
[Prince]: OOC: Not exactly.
[Dack]: ooh a wedding? now would that involve a certain WEDDING RING? id like 2 c that
[Jackdaw]: "A Wedding, oh that's a GOOD frolic!"
[Jackdaw]: "Can we dance and drink and be lonely?"
Dack looks over at jack "frolic?"
[Prince]: No it's not a wedding ring..... am I surronded by fools?
(miridine whispered to Prince): no sire
[Dack]: damn straight sir prince
[miridine]: NO sire
[Prince]: OOC: Dack did you ever give a description of yourself?
[Dack]: OOC: mmhmm its in my char
[Jackdaw]: "A big party with lots of dancing, and music, and drinking, and music, and being VERY lonely, then waking up and asking her what her name is!"
[Dack]: lol jack
[Prince]: Sorry, sir faun ... there will be no dancing at this wedding .... likely not a wedding at all.
[Jackdaw]: "No dancing!"
(Dack whispered to Prince): whatsa fawn/faun?
[Jackdaw]: "Drinking?"
[Jackdaw]: "Lonely?"
(Dack whispered to Prince): /he yawns
Dack yawns
(Prince whispered to Jackdaw): You ARE a faun, correct?
(Jackdaw whispered to Prince): yes
(Jackdaw whispered to Prince): goat like hindquarters, no clothes and all
[Prince]: Listen, I was telling you of the Baron Kessler.
[Prince]: He has the ring....and seeks to discredit me.
[Dack]: hmm
[ Millennium left the game ]
[Prince]: This is not a wedding ring .... for those of you 'not of our kingdom' ... it is my noble ring....symbol of my power.
[Dack]: well then we must get this ring back
[miridine]: sire i have heard of your deeds and i will assist you in return of your ring.
[Prince]: If I do not have it for the wedding in two weeks, I will not be able to go through with the holy ceremony.
[Dack]: in two weeks?
[Dack]: that seems like PLENTY of time 2 find yer ring
(Dack whispered to Prince): k, NOW i wish i had my thief, lol
Jackdaw is getting bored and walks toward the door
[miridine]: in elvish kalith you assist me brother in this quest?
[Dack]: sir prince we will help you in finding your ring, however how will we contact you?
(Prince whispered to Dack): Plenty of time to bring him in..... I was going to let Dack set out on his own since the bow was going to be for just him anyway ... he wont want to share the prize.
(Dack whispered to Prince): ya, that makes sense
[Kalith]: "be gald to"
Jackdaw opens the door and looks out into the hall
[Prince]: Well, first of all ..... I do not know you .... you do not know me.....
(Jackdaw whispered to Prince): anyone there?
(Dack whispered to Prince): u can GM him seperatly 4 now...
(Dack whispered to Prince): my thief kicks ass
(Dack whispered to Prince): i think ud like him
(Prince whispered to Jackdaw): No one upstairs.
[Dack]: true..
[Dack]: hi my name is Dack!!
[Dack]: there now u know me!
[Dack]: and your the prince, i know you!
Jackdaw goes to room #8 and tries with the coin again
Dack is satisfied with his "logic"
[Prince]: You know nothing of this ring ..... this must not get into the tabloids.
[Dack]: of course
Dack puts away the note 2 the enquirer...hehe...sorry
[Kalith]: that was #7 ooc
Prince looks towards the door as Jackdaw exits.
[Jackdaw]: ooc #8 was locked too I"m trying my luck
[Prince]: The faun there cannot be trusted. He always speaks his mind.
(Dack whispered to Prince): how will i make dack leave and the thief come?
[miridine]: sire i doubt if you know my order but our order favors just leadership
[Kalith]: ooc okay
(Jackdaw whispered to Prince): Maybe I should take back the Easy to Read?
(Prince whispered to Dack): When the party wakes for the morrow Dack is gone ... on his personal quest....enter the theif as the party searches for the Baron. .... you have special knowledge.
[ CrabLord joined the game ]
(Dack whispered to Prince): k
(Prince whispered to Jackdaw): You are fine.
Dack yawns
[Prince]: I know of your order sir Elf ....
[Prince]: ...and a just leader I ..... try to be.
Dack looks at miridine "wheres the fun in that?"
[miridine]: fun??! fun is makeing people suffer ?! slavery is fun ?
[Prince]: Another IQ roll from everyone and tell me if you made it.
[Dack]: im not saying that, but just following a leader isnt FUN
DICE for Kalith: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,4 = [ 8 ]
[Kalith]: pass
DICE for Dack: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,4 = [ 14 ]
DICE for miridine: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,2 = [ 12 ]
[Dack]: damnit
[miridine]: pass
[Dack]: i didnt
[Dack]: iq 12, roll 14 =(
DICE for Jackdaw: (3D6) : 3D6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
[Jackdaw]: yes
(Prince whispered to Kalith): You have heard rumors that this Prince Gunthar has had dealings with the underworld.
[Dack]: OOC: put some OOC signs around those =)
(Prince whispered to miridine): You have heard rumors that this Prince Gunthar has had dealings with the underworld.
(Kalith whispered to Prince): humm.... that would explain the mage
(Dack whispered to Prince): so, what time is it now?
(Prince whispered to Jackdaw): You have heard rumors that this Prince Gunthar has had dealings with the underworld.
Dack looks up ata clock
(Kalith whispered to Prince): so the ring may be a soruce of power
(Prince whispered to Dack): One hour after sunset.
(Prince whispered to Kalith): Who knows?
Dack yawns "wow im tired"
[ CrabLord left the game ]
(Jackdaw whispered to Prince): I'll keep this to myself for now
[miridine]: looking at prince gunthar so some things do not change sire.
Prince walks over to the door.
Prince shuts the door.
[Prince]: Listen carefully, looks at Jackdaw then everyone.
[Prince]: You find the ring .... bring it to me in the royal city before a fortnight.
Jackdaw twiches his ears foreward
[Prince]: ...and you will be rewarded handsomely.
[Prince]: ...if this gets into the news.
[Prince]: All bets are off .....know what I mean?
[Kalith]: what happens the fortnight?
[miridine]: no frolics
[Jackdaw]: "The wedding Frolic"
[Dack]: OOC: the evil hobgoblins come and massacre the imps of lorderaine!
[miridine]: understand jackdraw.
[Dack]: OOC: hehe
(Prince whispered to Kalith): His royal Prince-ness get married.
[Jackdaw]: "Oh"
Prince takes a deep breath.
[Prince]: For know, there is much to do.
[Jackdaw]: "Like those orcs?"
[Prince]: I must be off.
Dack is sleeping propped up against the wall
[miridine]: good evenin sire
Prince looks at Dack.... fill the fool in on what I said.
[Kalith]: Good bye sir
[Jackdaw]: "Bye bye"
Dack bids farewell 2 the prince with a loud snort and a snore
Prince mumbles to himself .... I am surely doomed.
[miridine]: gets up moves pass dack and goes into the hall picking up his backpack
Prince begins to walk out the door.
Dack loses his balance and falls onto the floor
[miridine]: picks up kaliths and hands it to kalith
[Dack]: oww...
[Dack]: so, what did i miss?
[Kalith]: Thank you
Prince yells for the Barkeep.
[Prince]: Barkeep order a carriage!
Kalith finds the room
[Jackdaw]: "We gotta get the ring or no more frolics"
[Prince]: Done, sire.
[Dack]: no more frolics?
[miridine]: this room tonight i doubt will be safe .
[Dack]: oh no!!
[Barkeep]: Done, sire....
Dack brushs some dust off his cloths and starts fiddling with his longbow
[miridine]: assasins will try to visit this room i suspect.
[Kalith]: I doubt we will be sleeping much
[Jackdaw]: "What are those?"
(Dack whispered to GM): theres where my thief will come in!
(Dack whispered to GM): and he was hired by baron, which is how he knows the extra knowledge!!
[GM]: Within a few minutes, a carriage arrives and the Prince boards and rides away without saying another word.
[miridine]: jackdaw did you just drop from your mothers womb?
(GM whispered to Kalith): Sounds good to me.
Dack slings his bow behind his back and lies down on the bed the prince was in
[miridine]: you are so new to this world im amased
[Kalith]: I would prefere the woods to this room but we might be safer here
[Jackdaw]: "No...but I've only been in the Forrest until yesterday"