[Tue Nov 23 19:14:08 CST 1999]
[GM]: Okay .. a quick recap
[GM]: Anval just healed Jamison .... and he is up 4 points
[GM]: ((and please correct me if I am wrong))
[GM]: Anval passed out from fatigue
[GM]: Jackdaw is no where to be seen.
[GM]: Thor, Sir L both took 4 points of damage from the
assassins' blade.
[GM]: Sir C took 8 points of damage.
[GM]: Thomas? ... I don't think he was injured at all.
[Thomas]: [Nope...Lucky ^_^]
[GM]: Neither was Dirk
[Anne]: Anne is at 8HT (She spent 2HT on a spell)
Jamison is at 4
[GM]: A couple of minutes after Anval passed out (correct Anval
.. noted at 8HT) ... the room was invaded by a group of Knights.
[GM]: Also, I don't believe that Lendyll took any damage
(GM whispered to Jamison): How many Knights did I say entered the
(Jamison whispered to GM): I thought only the 2 captains...
[GM]: The Knights were led into the room by the two captians
(Baron's men)
[GM]: Those of you who were conscious saw 6 knights enter the
room. Three bodys of the assassins are still on the floor.
[GM]: BEGIN SESSION 22 (1st Wednesday of Drakurah, in the Spring
month of 1132p) .... it is 7am
(Noran whispered to GM): sorry i have to go
[GM]: Sir C and Sir L approach the knights
[ Noran left the game ]
(GM whispered to Noran): Okay ...
Jamison attends to Anne...
[GM]: The Baron's two captians stand close to the door and look
around the room.
Thomas stands and waits, figuring he will let the knights talk
this through. He has not had much expeiernce with knights and
wants to stay on their good side...he will probabily need them
one day...
Anne moans a little...
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[GM]: ...
[GM]: ((..if anyone said anything after ... "Anval
moans" ... please send it again))
[Jamison]: WB
[GM]: Two of the knights and one of the Baron's captians approach
the fallen body of the Baron
Thor waits where he is watching the room
Jamison thinks that the Baron's guards were a little slow in
joining the battle
[GM]: (( By the way ... there are 6 knights in the room))
[Jamison]: OOC: including the Captains?
[GM]: Two more of the knights search the room and stop to look at
the assassins bodies.
[GM]: (( ... 6 knights + 2 captians = 8))
[GM]: Sir L and Sir C talk with the other two.
[Jamison]: Captain, where were you while we were protecting your
Baron from these Assassin devils?
[GM]: One of the remaining knights whisper something to the other
remaining knight and one of the knights leave the room
[GM]: ((Which captian are you talking to Jamison? The one waiting
at the door or the one attending to the body of the Baorn?))
[Jamison]: The one attending the Baron
[GM]: The captian attending the Baron checks his wounds ...
"He seems okay .... isn't he?"
[Jamison]: He'll be fine...
[GM]: One of the knights checks him and nods his head in
[Jamison]: Do you have a physician in the castle?
[Jamison]: or healer?
[GM]: One of the Knights should for the south of the room,
"We have two dead over here (indicating the assassins)
[GM]: The Guard attending the Baron acknowledges Jamison's words,
"We need a healer ... Can someone send for a healer?"
[Jamison]: Answer my question, Capt..... where were you when we
were saving the Baron's bacon...?
[GM]: The Knight left at the door calls out, "Healers have
been sent for"
[GM]: One knight shouts from the North of the room, "We have
a live one over here"
[Jamison]: Thomas, can you check that?
[GM]: The Captian looks up at Jamison in a scowl, "We were
following orders young squire!"
[GM]: The knight in the North part of the Room shouts for the
Knight in the south part of the room, "We need to bind this
one for questioning."
[Jamison]: I would have thought your orders would not include
ignoring a pitch battle with assassins....
Thomas looks around, as he was watching the Knights and was
distracted..."Whats that Jamison?"
[Jamison]: Thomas can you see to the binding of the person the
the Guard to the North found?
[Jamison]: It may be JD
Thomas nods..."Sure..."
[GM]: The knight left at the door (who by the way has trim on his
tunic orders one of the knights attending the Baron, "Over
here Sir Lester"
Thomas walks over, sheathing his blade, and takes a look.
[ Guy Richen joined the game ]
[GM]: The knight in the South of the Room Hurries to the other
[Jackdaw]: back
(GM whispered to Anne): Can we password the room?
[ Guy Richen left the game ]
[GM]: ((wb Jackdaw))
(Anne whispered to GM): sure
[Jackdaw]: brb
(Anne whispered to GM): Done... password is FOGies
[GM]: A second Knigts leaves the room on an errand for the Knight
in Charge
Jamison continues to administer aid to Anne...
[GM]: One of the Knights attending the fallen assassin yells at
the captian at the door ... "Go find a rope"
[GM]: ((QUESTION: Should I skip over this part ... and forget the
[Anne]: ooc - your call... It's kind of tough since you're
playing both sir L and sir C... and the knights too
[GM]: A few minutes pass ....
[Thomas]: [No problems with that...We still have the ring,
[Thor]: ((I'm kinda on limited time tonight, I need to leave to
do something in 1/2 hr))
[Jamison]: An awful lot of missing people for you to handle, Rub
[GM]: The Guard returns with a rope and the fallen (alive)
assassin is bound.
[Thor]: ((So if we can shortcut a few things that would be good))
[Anne]: That's fine with me too...
[GM]: After 10 minutes .... One of the knights return with
[GM]: There are 4 healers wearing the typical white sash with the
emblem of the College of Healing
[Jamison]: Allow the healer to check the Baron first, then attend
to Anne, second....
[GM]: They attend to the party, the Baron, and the fallen
[Jamison]: OOC: was the assassin the found body to the north?
[GM]: ((Yes the assassin on the North was alive .... barely. The
two in the south ... the one the Anval smashed violently and the
one hit by Lendyll's fireball were dead))
[Thor]: (Jamison - OOC: I would assume so, would be the one Anval
knocked unconscious.)
[Thor]: (or maybe not..)
[Jamison]: OOC: we will need to locate JD....
[GM]: Jackdaw is still missing
[GM]: The second knight returns with Recorders
[Jamison]: Captain, would it be possible for you to have a search
of the castle, done.... We are missing one member of our party, a
Faun, and there may be more assassins about?
[GM]: There are two records which pull out crystal staffs and
begin to record evidence for the investigation as well as the
[GM]: You might notice that each of them wear tunic with the
royal emblem on them. (They are the Royal Press)
Jamison pulls his helm alittle lower...
[Anne]: (ooc - Hey, we made CNN!) Crystal news network... (joke)
[Jamison]: hehehe
[Thor]: (LoL)
[Thomas]: [Hehehe...Can they print pictures?]
[GM]: Each of the Recorders hold out there staff (in turn) and it
extends to full length
[GM]: there = their
[Jamison]: OOC: how are the healers doing with the party?
[GM]: They chose a crytal from their pouch and place it in the
top of the staff and place the staff upright on the floor.
[Thomas]: [Is the magic/technology sufficient to print pictures
in the paper?]
[GM]: The staffs stay upright without being held, in differ parts
of the room, and the crystals on the top of the staffs begin to
[GM]: ((Yes .... Papers are printed when pictures from these
crystals are transfered onto photopaper))
Thomas keeps himself low and away from the Recorders, last thing
he wants is to appear on the frontpage of the newspaper.
[GM]: ((The process of mass-producing the paper is a little more
Thomas takes the oppuritonity to go outside and get some fresh
[Jackdaw]: ooc back again
Jamison approaches the leading captain...
[GM]: Within an hour the everyone is healed ... but still no
[GM]: As Thomas begins to leave the room .. one of the knights
approaches him.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did you get my icq message?
[GM]: Excuse me Sir? (To Thomas)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Sorry ... never turned it on.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Basically, I dont want to show up
smiling on the coverpage...I dont know how smart the Guild is but
it would not take a genius to figure out where I am if that
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): OK just had some possible ideas for
what JD might have done, but I like a mystery too!
Thomas looks up, silently cursing..."Yes, Good Sir?"
[GM]: Excuse me Sir, you will need to wait in the room until the
investigation is complete.
[GM]: After the Assassin is bound the two knights move around the
room looking for evidence.
[GM]: One of the Recorders approaches Jamison .... Excuse me ..
young Squire, Is it?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You wake up. ... very very tired
Thomas looks up at the Knight..."Please forgive me, but the
sight of blood disaggres with me...Can I stand right outside the
[GM]: ((Everyone is conscious and completely healed .... except
for, the two dead assassins, of course))
Jamison jumps at being addressed, bumping into one of the staffs,
hopefully knocking it down...."Yes..."
Thomas wipes his brow with a shaky hand for effect.
[GM]: One of the knights approaches Anval
[GM]: Priestess?
[Anne]: (ooc - is anne awake yet?)
[GM]: ((Anval has been revived with a Share ST spell))
[Anne]: "Yes, Sir Knight?"
(GM whispered to Anne): I believe that it could be used that way.
[Anne]: Anne looks tired and weak... But willing to talk...
(Anne whispered to GM): How much fatigue do I have?
[GM]: Recorder1, "Er Squire ... could you please tell us
what happened here?"
[Thomas]: [BRB]
[Jamison]: Could you introduce yourself, sir?
(GM whispered to Anne): After the Share ST and 30 minutes ... you
a back to full
(GM whispered to Anne): You still feel a little woozy, thought
(GM whispered to Anne): though
[GM]: (To Jamison) I am Jenkins ... of the Royal Press (he nods
and smiles at Jamison)
[Jamison]: Well, Jenkins, In answer to your question...Yes
[GM]: Knight (to Anval) Do you wish to do anything before we
despose of the bodies? (he points to the dead assassins)
[GM]: Jenkins: Would you mind stepping closer to the
photocyrstal? It would be greatly apprecitated
[Anne]: "No... they are heretics... Let them burn in the
nether regions, barred from Rals' grace."
[GM]: Knight (to Anval) nodding respectfully, "Fine
[GM]: That knight and another begin to carry the bodies of the
assassins out.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is it soft here? and warm?
[GM]: Four other knights enter the room.
[Jamison]: Jenkins, don't you believe that the photochrystal
should be taking in the scene instead of my likeness.... the
scene is more imprtant than I...
(Anne whispered to GM): I have the not so vauge feeling I made a
VERY BAD desicion... oh well... 8(
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No, rather hard .... and you are aware
of what is going on in the room
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I'll look around
[Jamison]: In answer to your first question... I will answer it
if you have a vocoder....
[GM]: Jenkins: Oh, technology is astonding these days ... it will
get the surronding AND your interview.
[GM]: Jenkins: But first ... let me change the crystal.
[Jamison]: ((vocochrystal?))
[GM]: Jenkins touches the staff and it detaches from the floor.
He takes out the crystal and puts it in his pouch and replaces it
with another crystal.
[GM]: Jenkins then replaces the staff and walks back to Jamison,
"Ready when you are"
Jamison checks his character sheet, looking for an invisible
spell.... darn not here....
Anne walks over to Jamison, to help with the interview, if she
[Thomas]: [Back]
[GM]: Jenkins looks at Jamison .... "Good Squire ... if you
would rather not ... then that is understandable...."
[GM]: Recorder2 has been moving around the room trying to record
the sceen.
[Jamison]: well, sir reporter, while preparing to escort the
Baron to the King for a meeting, the party was suddenly attacked
by 6 assassins....
[GM]: Sir C stops talking to the Knight in Charge and goes over
to Jamison, "Can I talk to you a second?"
[GM]: Sir C, "Excuse me good mage (to the Recorder)"
Jamison looks to SC..... excuse me for a second....
[Thor]: OOC: Sorry to cut out early but I must now go do other
things. See you all next week
[GM]: Sir C pulls Jamison aside
[Anne]: See ya Thor!
[Jackdaw]: ooc see you later
Jamison looks to SC
[GM]: (( Sorry Thor .... thanks for showing up))
[Jamison]: later Thor
[Thor]: ((Sure. See y'all later)
Jamison thinks to himself that he is in for a scolding
[ J left the game ]
[GM]: ((..and I will say again ... If you dont want to Rplay this
I can just hurry it along.))
Jamison has seen this look from his training masters
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sir C whipsers to you, "You know
of course to keep the Prince's name out of this ... as per our
[Thomas]: [As long as Tom can stay out of the limelight, then no
problems with hitting the fast forward button.]
[Anne]: Anne steps up to replace jamison in front of the Photo
(Jamison whispered to GM): I understand that completely, and I
will not tell the press that the Baron is under arrest either...
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sri C: Very good! Sir C smiles at
Jamison and returns to his talk with the Knight in Charge
[Anne]: "Well, Sir Jenkins... If I may continue, where the
good Squire left off...?"
Jamison returns to Jenkins....
[GM]: Jenkins: Yes .... a priestess.
[GM]: Jenkins: It would be great to get your record of what
happened here.
Jamison listens attentively to Anne's responses...
[GM]: Jenkins: For the record .....What happened here this
[Anne]: It came to our attention that the Baron had been
illegally holding Sir Luxor prisoner... and preventing him from
performing the Kings' business...
[Anne]: When we freed him, and confronted the Baron, he admitted
his treason, and implicated another high Noble, whom I will not
[GM]: Jenkins: Sir Luxor? ... and he who now?
[Anne]: (ooc - sorry Sir L?)
[GM]: Jenkins doesn't know who Sir L is and wants you to point
him out.
[Anne]: Anne points out Sir L
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes ... you are correct ... Sir Luxor.
[GM]: Jenkins smiles ... And he was kept here in the castle by
the Baron?
[Anne]: When we attempted to arrest the Baron, he called out a
strange command, and at his call, six assassins leapt out to
attack us, and nearly defeated us all...
[Anne]: Yes, Mr. Jenkins, that is correct.
[Anne]: The fact that the Baron had Assassins under his command,
that he prevented a Loyal Knight from performing his duty, all
this shows eveidence of Treason - which I expect will be found
[GM]: The Knight in Charge approaches the Interview
(Jamison whispered to GM): oh-oh
[Anne]: Anne stops talking,. and waits a moment, to allow the
knight to speak...
(Jamison whispered to GM): And I was just going to be coy with
this interview....
(Anne whispered to GM): don't forget Anne has Charisma +2!
[GM]: The four knights that entered the room a short time ago are
now scanning the room for evidence. Two of the original knights
have now taken the bodies away and two others left.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are becoming aware that you are in
the room with the others ... but the very very large crushed
violin to your south disturbs you ... it must be the size of a
[GM]: Knight in Charge: Greetings good mage (to Jenkins)
[GM]: Knight in Charge: I am Sir Desmond
[GM]: I must now inform you that these crystals are King's
Evidence as well as anything said in this room.
[GM]: Jenkins: ... ah .... ah .... Sure Sir Desmond.
[GM]: Jenkins turn and frowns to Recorder2
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): OK. I was thinking about it,
Shapeshifting usually takes 3 sec, I had only one. If you want
this to be a "special" that I can't repeat and learn by
spending 1CP that would b be fine by me. It did it's job after
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): If it was shapeshifting it should be
expiring after an hour
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes ... this is going to be a special
... I racked my brain and could not come up with a regular spell
that could have done the trick.
[GM]: Over the next hour ... you wait.
[Anne]: Sir Desmond? Is it your recommendation I save my
testimony for the King's court, then? I have no argument... I
only wish to see this finished."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are now totally conscious .. you
are aware the you have become some kind of insect and are very
small. The spell also seems to be maintaining itself.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): the best choice I could come up with
was Simple Illusion of an empty space. It would cost 2 which was
the 1 fatigue I had left and 1 hit point but the roll would still
have been good. It would only last 1 minute though.
[GM]: Sir Desmond turns and smiles to Anval: Greetings Priestess.
(he bows) Yes, I would ask that you save your testimony for the
Royal Investigation.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): crawl up the instrument to get a
better vantage point to look around. Do I have wings?
[Anne]: "Alright then..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I also need an IQ roll, please
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes .. you have wings
[Jamison]: Sir Desmond, if I may..?
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,6 = [ 16 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): IQ 13, oops
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): try to fly
[GM]: Sir D turns to Jamison: Yes good squire .... greetings (he
bows) How may I help you?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes ... you feel your IQ drop and you
are starting to feel more like a bug.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): let me guess, now IQ 12?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You have no trouble flying.
Jamison returns the bow..."Has there been any luck in
locating our missing Associate?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yep
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): fly to Anne
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): IQ 12
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): How close?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): try to fly by her ear and yell
"Help me!"
[GM]: Sir D: ..and who would that be?
(GM whispered to Anne): You hear a very high pitched voice saying
.... "Help me"
(GM whispered to Anne): In your right ear
[Jamison]: A Faun by the name of Jackdaw
[GM]: Sir D: I will check
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne turns to see what made the noise...
[GM]: Sir D: Sir Lester! Come here
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): hmmm, can I talk?
[GM]: Anval sees a ladybug flying around her face.
[Jamison]: He disappeared during the battle... check the ladies
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): or does it just buzz or something
[Jamison]: or the wine seller....
[Anne]: Anne puts out her hand to gently catch the bug...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes .. it appears so ... a very high
pitched sound, though.
[Anne]: Can any among you dispel magics?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I land on Anne's hand
[GM]: Sir Lester approaches and stands straight in front of Sir D
[Anne]: I believe this small insect might be our lost friend...
It spoke to me
[GM]: The bug lands on your hand Anne
[GM]: Sir D: Sir Lester .. any sign of a faun in the castle?
[Anne]: "it said "help me" - Perhaps the Faun had
a magical curse laid upon him?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Whistle out one of my tunes that Anne
might have heard me play
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,5 = [ 11 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): whistling 14
[GM]: Sir L almost cracks a smile ... a faun sir? ... as in hoofs
and all ... that kind of faun?
[Jamison]: OOC: can llendyl help?
Thomas shrugs and shakes his head, smirking beacuse of all the
bugs he could have changed himself into, it would have to be a
[Jamison]: yes, a faun...
[GM]: Anval hears a distinctive whistling now coming from the
[Jamison]: hehehe
Jamison cocks his head, looking for....something
[Jackdaw]: well it could have been a horney toad ;-)
[GM]: Sir Lester: Sorry, Sir .. the castle has been thouroughly
searched ... and no ... (cough) faun.
[Thomas]: [lol...Either way ^_^]
[Jackdaw]: ooc should have been ooc
[Jamison]: Is there a mage available?
[Anne]: "I believe this insect is what remains of our
ally... Can anyone dispel magics? It might restore him to his
normal self..."
[GM]: The healers and the recorders step up and say, "What
do you need?"
[Anne]: Attempt to dispel any enchantments upon this insect - If
it is the faun, he should return to normal - and if it is a trick
of his, it should vanish... Either way we win...
[GM]: ((Anyone who graduates from college in Methor is considered
a Mage. Status 1 Citizen))
[Jamison]: oops
[Jackdaw]: ooc Methor IOU campaign anyone?
[GM]: Two of the healers scratch their heads .... sorry .... I
cant dispell magic .... Neither can I exclaims the second.
[GM]: OOC: hehehe
Jackdaw strarts whistling a dirge
[Thomas]: "How long would something like this take to wear
[Anne]: "Well, then perhaps he will have to follow me until
I can return to the church..."
[GM]: Sir D: (To Healers) Well, apparently your work is finished
here ... please go find someone that can dispell magic.
[GM]: Sir D: I need one of you to stay ... just in case, though.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Another IQ roll, please
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,1 = [ 4 ]
[GM]: It is now 9am in Shevandale
[Jackdaw]: crit success
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You not only manage to keep your wits,
but you relize that you haven't tried to dispell the spell
yourself. You realize it when the words 'Dispell Magic' were
spoken and these words have been echoing in your head.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I'll try!
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You body begins to tingle all over and
all of a sudden
[GM]: You all hear a sound like .... "Pumf"
[Jamison]: what was that
[GM]: And Jackdaw falls to the floor in front of Anval
[GM]: ((There's no place like home ... there's no place like
[Jackdaw]: OOugh!
Jamison looks at the faun..." still falling for the
[Jackdaw]: My hurted!
[Jackdaw]: my tail
[Anne]: Jackdaw!!! Are you alright?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You have like a ST of 1
Jamison looks to Sir D..... yes Sir, a Faun.....
Jackdaw says "wooozzzy"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You haven't been regaining it because
of the auto-maintain
Jackdaw lays down
[Anne]: Sit and Rest...
[GM]: Sir D: Quickly healer ... treat him
Thomas chuckles, silently wishing he could change into a bug at
[GM]: One of the healers comes close to Jackdaw and looks him
over, "Are you injured?"
[Jamison]: Well Anne, it appears that you have a dizzying affect
on JD....
[GM]: Sir D: Okay ... Everyone will need to be questioned before
you are allowed to leave. As I said .. we have a Royal
investigation here.
[Anne]: True... Most men who see me up close pass out or faint...
(anne frowns, then looks sad)...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Counterspell would have worked, but
not Dispell Magic going by skill if I had spent 1CP on the spell
and -8
[GM]: ((Royal Investigation: A treasonable offense))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): -4 for counterspell would have made it
by 2
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Counterspell should do the job
Jamison looks at Anne "Not all"
Anne smiles... "True. Not all..."
Jackdaw says "hurted and tiiireded"
[GM]: The knights set up in one of the rooms to the South and
each of you are called in one at a time.
[GM]: The healers leave as well as the Recorders
[Jamison]: OOC: is there any proof that these are royal
[GM]: You might notice that Sir D persoanlly takes the crystals
from the staff before the Recorders leave and gives them to one
of the knights who puts them in a bag and leaves.
(Anne whispered to GM): Cover up!!! (hehehe)
[GM]: OOC: You mean the Recorders or the Knights, Jamison?
[Jamison]: Well now noone here has any of the chrystals to prove
this happened...
[Jamison]: we should have at least one of them....
[Jamison]: Both, Rub
[Jamison]: Proof, Proof, Proof..... we have none.....
[Jamison]: I see a possible setup....
[GM]: You are each called into a Room on the south each in turn
... inside the room sits Sir D and two of the Knights. Sir C and
Sir L have not been seen in awhile. No one remembers them leaving
[Jamison]: Where is the Baron?
[GM]: You are asked these questions:
[GM]: ((The Baron was taken away in chains by three knights))
(Thomas whispered to GM): Question: Were all Info-Crystals given
over the knights?
[GM]: OOC:Anyone want to say anything before we proceed with
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes all confiscated by the guards.
[Jackdaw]: rest?
[GM]: Jackdaw has been healed to maximum ST by one of the Healers
[Jamison]: Be careful all, This may turn against us very quickly
Anne takes a swig from her flask before going into questioning...
"For Courage!" she says, and offers the flask to
[Jackdaw]: hit points too?
[GM]: You are all asked the Questions:
[Jamison]: OOC: and keep the Prince's name out of it....
[GM]: 1. What is your name
[GM]: 2. How did you happen to be in the Baron's castle this
[GM]: 3. How long have you known the rest of the party.
[GM]: 4. How did you get past the guards of the castle?
[GM]: 5. Describe the assassins that got away.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): They called me Jackdaw, cause I likes
shiney thingies
(Anne whispered to GM): 1. Anval (Anne) Ironfist
[GM]: ((Everyone please whisper your response to these 5
questions to me know))
[GM]: ((know = now))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 2 We were lookeding for the Ring so's
the nice mans could have his frollic!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 3 Oh some time, at least a day or two
[GM]: Continue to whisper please ... Jamison ... are you there?
[Jamison]: yes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 4 we came pasted the whispering skulls
what needed helped, but nice Anne helpeded them and they be quiet
[GM]: Go ahead and whisper the answers to all 5 questions.
(Anne whispered to GM): 2. I discovered that these people I am
with were hired by a man claiming to be the Prince, who said that
the Baron had his Noble Ring, and would not return it... I came
with them to retreive the Ring, and save the honor of the
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 5 BAD MANS!!! he brokeded the nice
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): 6. What skulls ... where are these
(Anne whispered to GM): 3. I have known them for about a day, two
days at most. However, I feel close to them as if we had been
friends for weeks!
(Thomas whispered to GM): 1) Thomas Wintersun.
(GM whispered to Anne): The Prince? How told you that he claimed
to be the Prince?
(Thomas whispered to GM): 2) Throught the Cats.
(Thomas whispered to GM): 3) I have know most of them for a day
or so
(GM whispered to Thomas): 6. What Cats?
(Anne whispered to GM): Sorry - my misconception
(Thomas whispered to GM): 4) Snuck in through the Cats.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 6 the ones ina tunnel, stucked inna
(Thomas whispered to GM): 5) The assassins were wearing face
masks, but I did get one in the head...he was bleeding.
(Anne whispered to GM): A theory... I suspected, but you are
right, I was not told that...
(GM whispered to Anne): Fine then
(Thomas whispered to GM): "The catacombs..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): 7. Where are these Catacombs/Tunnels?
(GM whispered to Thomas): 7. Where are these Catacombs/Tunnels?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): near where we finded the nasty
skeelitins what moveded and we had to smasheded them
(Jamison whispered to GM): 1)Jamison Johnson...2)I am here on a
royal assignment....3)3 days?......4)we entered through the
dungeon....5) I was unconscious, I do not know which assassins
got away
(GM whispered to Thomas): 8. How did you enter the castle by way
of them?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): 8. How did you enter the castle by way
of them?
(Anne whispered to GM): We travelled through the catacombs
beneath the city... Hopefully to find the Ring, and return safely
without bloodshed or anger...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 7 ?underground?
(GM whispered to Jamison): 6. What tunnels?
(Thomas whispered to GM): I could show you I guess show
you...Would be the best way."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 8 we comed thru the door
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Where is the door located?
(Thomas whispered to GM): "Not to be a smart-ass, be we
walked in..."
(Jamison whispered to GM): I never specified tunnels....
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes ... please show us the entrance to
the catacombs.
(Jamison whispered to GM): do you need an answer....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): to GM I thought we came in thru a door
(Anne whispered to GM): I Didn't see the assasins that escaped
very clearly... they wore red (one of them) and black (two of
them)... They carried strange swords... They might have been
outlanders, but I cannot tell.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): didn't we?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 8 inna basement
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): OOC: Yes it was a sliding door located
unter an alter in the Chapel.
(Anne whispered to GM): ooc - can a knight punish a preistess? Or
can only the church administer justice on a cleric?
(Thomas whispered to GM): "I could show you were we came
up...but after that I am not so sure...My sense of direction is
not so hot."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): to GM good
[GM]: All are questioned in turn ...
[GM]: Lastly ... Thomas is questioned. ... and then Dirk is
brought in
(Jamison whispered to GM): Do you expect an answer to 6?
[GM]: While Dirk is in being questioned, Sir C enters the room
with another knight.
(GM whispered to Jamison): 6. (should have been) what dungeon?
Jamison looks to SC...."Where have you been, Sir C?"
[GM]: Sir C goes over to the party.
[Anne]: Sir C! Are you alright? Where is Sir Luxor?
(Jamison whispered to GM): 6) the dungeons in the castle....
[GM]: Sir Luxor has left for the Royal City.
[GM]: I will be leaving before nightfall.
(Jamison whispered to GM): he then give directions to the
[Jackdaw]: Giveded the nice mans his ring so's we can haveded a
[Jamison]: Are you ordered to the Royal city?
[GM]: ((Question to Everyone: What happens if you go the night
without sleeping in GURPS?))
[Anne]: ooc - you lose 2 fatigue for the first night, and 5
fatigue for the second
[Anne]: off your max...
[Jackdaw]: usually reduced fatigue that can only be regained by a
good night's sleep
[GM]: Sir C to Jamison: I must complete the mission ... and I of
course ... like you ... are needed for the trail.
[Anne]: So if your fatigue is normally 10, its reduced to 8 for
the day...
[GM]: (( Will the fatigue return?))
[Jamison]: Me???
[Anne]: not until you sleep for a night...
Jamison gets very nervous....
[GM]: Everyone is down 2 fatigue except for Thomas. You are all
in desperate need of sleep. ... it is just now hitting you hard.
[GM]: The knights come out with Dirk.
Jamison eyes Dirk...
[GM]: Okay, now let us go find this entrance to the catacombs.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Why except me? Just curious.
[Jamison]: OOC: who said that
[GM]: Sir D looks at all the party.
[Anne]: "Yawn!" I suspect a bed is quite far away...
"excuse me, sir Knights?"
[GM]: Sir D looks at Anval: I am sorry to keep you all...
[Anne]: "I have an urgent errand with for the Church - I
MUST complete it before I leave Shevendale, If I am to go to the
Jackdaw says "my helpeded you!"
[Jamison]: me too
[GM]: Sir D: You will be allowed to leave after the entrance is
found. ... But you will be needed to testify before the King in
the Royal city in one week's time.
[Jackdaw]: But entered thru the church?"
[GM]: Sir D: Let us go to the entrance now.
[Anne]: Thank you! I do not recall the way to the dungeons...
Dirk may recall, however...?
[Jackdaw]: "OK"
[GM]: Sir D waits until someone leads the way.
Jackdaw starts to lead the way out towards Shrevendale and the
[Jackdaw]: Churcjh=church
[GM]: Two of the Knights stop Jackdaw and await for Sir D's
[Jamison]: JD, though you are correct, this is not what the
knights want
[Jackdaw]: where we ENTERED! the cats
[Anne]: Jackdaw... He only wants to know how to ger to the cats'
- Can you really remember the route back - it was rather
[Jamison]: hehehe
[GM]: Sir D scratches his head .... where you 'exited' the cats
and entered the castle.
[Jamison]: Excuse me, Sir D...this way
[Jackdaw]: "Yes, we wented thru the church and finded the
big block of stone that was hard to move"
[GM]: Sir D to Jackdaw: s
[GM]: Show me this 'stone'
Jackdaw starts to lead the way out towards Shrevendale and the
[Jamison]: It will not be necessary for us all to go.... I will
lead you...
[Jackdaw]: Big stone inna church
[Jackdaw]: by the wine
[GM]: Sir D: ... we are only trying to check out your story here.
You all said that you entered through a tunnel ... the cats ...
the dungeon .... where is this place?
[GM]: Sir D to Jamison: The rest of you wait here ... good squire
.. show me the way.
[Jackdaw]: "Underground" Jackdaw says pointing down
(Anne whispered to GM): I'd tell him, but I missed that
session... and I FORGOT to read the log!!! Wahhhh! ;-)
Jamison whispers to Anne..."If I don't return, they have
locked me in the dungeon.."
[Jamison]: Be wary....
[Jackdaw]: ooc think he's ready to strangle me yet?
[Jamison]: yup
[Jamison]: it's great
[GM]: ((Does Jamison have the paranoid disadvantage? hehehe))
[Jackdaw]: ooc does now
Jamison leads Sir D on a return path to the Cats...
[GM]: The knights all seem relatively calm and polite.
Jackdaw follows along
[Jamison]: OOC: not yet, but he's growing.....
[Jamison]: JD, please remain with Anne, ok?
[GM]: After 1 hour, Jamison returns with a knight ... it is not
Sir D ...
Jackdaw wants to see how an exit turns into an entrance
[Jamison]: OOC: are you sure it's Jamison?
[Jamison]: HaHaHa
[Anne]: ooc - "Only your exorcist knows for sure!"
(GM whispered to Jamison): You showed them the entrance after a
few detours, but they had a really hard time getting it open.
They finally sent you back to the others.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is Jackdaw still following?
[GM]: Sir D did not return with Jamison.
[Jamison]: OOC: I don't know about the GM, but Jamison is
beginning to get real confused by the faun...
(Jamison whispered to GM): did SD remain behind?
[Jackdaw]: ooc give me a break it's my fourth day out of the
[Jamison]: OOC: and second without a frolic
[Jackdaw]: never had to deal with all this buildings, doors what
are sometimes brokeded and stuff
[GM]: Sir Lester speaks: We ask your forgiveness for the
inconveinence. You will be asked to attend a Royal Investigation
in one week. But for now ... you may go. .... Please do not leave
the City of Shevandale.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sir D stayed in the Chapel trying to
get the door open.'
[Anne]: "I for one, will not... Thank you, Sir Lester!"
[Jamison]: Where will the royal Investigation, take place?
[Jackdaw]: Jackdaw's new shirt is poking out near the hem
[GM]: Sir Lester: The Royal Castle ..... of course.
[Jamison]: ok...
[Jackdaw]: "My go findeded a nice Lonely place to
sleeped...but not too soon
[GM]: You are all set free.
[GM]: You see a few Knights walking around the castle ... but not
one of the guards or captians of the Baron.
[Jackdaw]: "Anyone want to come visited with my friends?
They haveded LOTS of beds!"
[Anne]: Anne turns to all the group... "I must go to the
temple and explain my actions... and deliver the Sanctum Ral...
Where can I meet you when I am finished?"
[Jamison]: I believe that we should meet back at the tavern
[GM]: Sir C speaks to the party, "As I said ... I will be
leaving for the Royal City ... this evening ... I will see you in
one week's time"
[Jackdaw]: "My comeded with you, then go to my friends"
[Anne]: "Thank's Jackdaw... I appreciate that!"
[Jamison]: if SC is gone...let's get Anne to the temple, safely
and then catch some shut-eye
[GM]: Sir C: Shall we all meet at the Pub at say 5pm today?
[Jackdaw]: "my telled how you helped the not dead
[Anne]: Ral's grace be upon you then, Sir C... Safe journey,
until we meet again!"
Thomas leans agianst the wall and quietly says, "I believe
we have a delivery to make..."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): new OPH acts like a blond?
[Jamison]: You wish to meet us SC?
[Jamison]: OOC: good point ,Thomas
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): OPH?
[Jamison]: 5 o'clock at the pub....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Odious Personal Habit
[Anne]: Dirk has a map to return.....
[GM]: I will meet you at the Pub at 5pm this evening ... just
before I depart. Will you all please join me there?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): hehehe
[Jackdaw]: "sure sure"
[Anne]: I will try to be there, Sir C."
[Jamison]: Thomas, Dirk, can you make sure that we are unobserved
during our meeting?
[GM]: ((That was Sir C, btw))
[Thomas]: [What were the original plans for contacting the
Prince?...I have forgotten]
[GM]: Sir C returns to his room and gets sleep as far as the rest
of you know.
[Jamison]: SC, will handle that
[Jackdaw]: ooc didn't he leave for the Royal City?
[Jamison]: not til this evening...
Thomas shrugs..."I can try...at least against the more
mundane ways of spying on us."
[GM]: ((He will be leaving this evening actually))
[GM]: What will everyone else be doing until the 5pm meeting?
[Anne]: Anne gathers her gear, and, with fatigue evident, heads
twoards the church... "I must make haste..."
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: oh, damn... I forgot to grab a
kantana when I had a chance....
(GM whispered to Jamison): bummer!
(Jamison whispered to GM): Go to the church with Anne, to make
sure of a safe delivery of the book, and maybe catch some shut
eye there...
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne heads to the Church and informs the
High Priest of her actions in the last night...
Thomas will be laying low, probabily at some inn and sleeping the
day off.
(Jamison whispered to GM): No kidding
[GM]: Dirk follows Anval
[GM]: Who all goes to the church
[GM]: ???
Jamison goes with Anne to make sure of safe delivery of the
book...."Do you have any spare beds in the church?
[Anne]: Anne heads to the church... and asks to speak to the high
Jackdaw goes with Anne to the temple and tells of her glorious
exploites in song then goes to his friend's house for some
[Anne]: "that I do not know, but I will ask on your
[GM]: Anval: Do the others go into the meeting with the High
Priest .. or just you?
Jamison foloows...looking for people following them...
[GM]: You all wait for about 1/2 hour, but eventually the High
Priest appears.
Thomas shrugs, figuring a safe, and hopefully free, beds await at
the Crurch..."I will follow you as well, Sister Anne."
[Jamison]: Once at the church, Jamison requests a place to rest
[Anne]: Very well, Thomas...
[GM]: Yes .... (he greets Anval) Sister Anval, I believe? (he
smiles and holds out his ring of office)
[Jamison]: let Anne handle the meeting with the High Priest
[Anne]: Anne bows, and kisses his ring....
Jamison tries his new snoring technique
[GM]: High Priest smiles a Anval: How may I be of service
gracious priestess.
[Anne]: "yes, reverend father... I have news of import -
some of my own actions, and some of others."
[Anne]: "Last night we enetered the catacombs through the
basement of the church... and while there we discovered many
[High Priest]: Shall we adjourn to my office?
[Anne]: That might be best, Father."
High Priest leads the way motioning for Anval to follow
Jackdaw tries to follow
[Anne]: Anne follows...
High Priest does not stop Jackdaw from following.
[High Priest]: Two other priests wait behind.
[Anne]: Anne doesn't try to stop him either...
[High Priest]: OOC: that was ooc
[High Priest]: OOC: They ask Thomas and Jamison how they might be
[High Priest]: OOC: Dirk seems to be missing
Thomas looks at the priest "A bed for a weary soul would
suffice Father...If it could be arranged."
[High Priest]: OOC: What is Thomas and Jamison doing?
[Thomas]: [Asking for a place to sleep]
Thomas looks at the priest "A bed for a weary soul would
suffice Father...If it could be arranged."
Jamison would like to rest....if I can have a wakeup call....
[GM]: Priest smiles: It is Brother Zed ... and I am sure that can
be arranged.
[GM]: Brother Zed says, "Follow me ... this way...."
Jamison follows
[GM]: OOC: Sorry, I never answered Thomas as to why he didn't
need sleep.
[GM]: OOC: Remember way back in the cats when the Wizard appeared
and Thomas teleported to him? Thomas awoke completely refreshed
as if he had slept the whole night.
[Anne]: oh yeah!
[Jamison]: no????
[GM]: OOC: Thomas needs no sleep .. if you would rather be doing
something else, Thomas?
[Jamison]: Hmmmmm
[GM]: OOC: Or you can go along with the rest of them ... either
[Thomas]: [Oops. Oh Yeah...Nah...I gots no money...]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): /he tells a thirlling epic of our trek
thru the cats, the finding of the whispering skulls, the fight
with the nasty skeletons who tried to prevent us fron recovering
the Tomb of Ral and Anval's gallant struggle to release the bound
[GM]: Brother Zed leads Thomas and Jamison to a room, "Would
you like some breakfast?"
[Thomas]: [I'll just hang around the church and make the clergy
nervous ^_^]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): with musical embelishments
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Whisper that to Anval too please.....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): bard (def) 8, Sirinx 16
[Jamison]: Yes, a quick meal at around 4 PM....
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,1 = [ 11 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: In the High Priest's office you all find very comfortable
chairs and wine.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): well, the music was ok
[GM]: Hight Priest: Can I offer you a drink?
[Jamison]: No meal at this time...sleep
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): the story was probably overblown and
[GM]: Brother Zed: Fine then ... 4 pm it shall be.
[Anne]: "yes, thank you Father... just a small one..."
(Anne looks nervous, but not anxious)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): like most of what JD says ;-)
[GM]: Thomas and Jamison -- the Room is not luxurious but the
beds are soft. There is a pitcher of water and glasses on a
table. You are both in the same room.
Jackdaw says "yes, please"
[GM]: The High Priest fills a glass for Anval as Jackdaw tells
his tale.
Jamison takes a glass of water and then catches some sleep
[GM]: He then fills one for Jackdaw.
[GM]: Dirk is still missing
[GM]: Thomas I need an IQ roll please.
[GM]: The High Priest also fills a glass for himself and sits
down behind a desk. ... He waits politely for Jackdaw to finish
his tale and then turns to Anval, "What is this about a
'Tomb of Ral' ??"
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,4 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: "Deep in the catacombs, we were attacked by
undead... We defeated them, and when we were done, we found
this..." (Anne shows the Father the Sanctum Ral, as
Dramatically as she can...)
(Thomas whispered to GM): Passed by 4
(GM whispered to Thomas): As you think back ... you distincly
remember Dirk being with you when you entered the church. You are
now wondering what happened to him.
[Anne]: "I laid the restless spirits to their final
rewards... and brought this back, so that it's wisdom could be
shared with all of the Faith!"
[GM]: High Priest stands at the mention of 'undead'
[High Priest]: Undead? Here under the Church?
[Anne]: With Jackdaw's help of course!
High Priest smiles at Jackdaw
[Anne]: Yes, Father - a half-dozen skeletons wearing scale armor
and wielding rusty swords... !"
[High Priest]: A very valliant spirit indeed you have, good faun.
[High Priest]: Ahhhh... it is necromancy ... indeed.
[Anne]: There were restless spirits beneath us, and only a lone
preist - Brother Drascal, if I recall, was attemtping to put
things right."
[Jackdaw]: I giveded them flying lessons, but the bad mans didnt
learn so good"
High Priest looks almost hateful at the mention of that word (
necromancy )
[High Priest]: Brother Drascal?
[High Priest]: Did you say?
[Anne]: We were caught up in a strange situation - in fact, I
must be in the Royal city in one week...
[High Priest]: A priest?
[Anne]: Uh... yes, Father... He was a priest..."
Thomas stretches and looks bored. Staring out the window, he
decideds to get up and look about. He soon heads out into the
[High Priest]: There is no Brother Drascal.
[Anne]: He said he travelled the catacombs, looking to place the
dead at peace.
[Anne]: NO?!?
(Thomas whispered to High Priest): [Looking for Dirk]
[High Priest]: OOC: Thomas is not even noticed .. as he leaves.
[Thomas]: [BRB]
(High Priest whispered to Thomas): You search all the usual spots
but to no avail.
[Anne]: He wore the garb of the Faith...
[Anne]: Perhaps I have been duped, Father...?
[High Priest]: A priest that travels the catacombs tending the
High Priest considers this for a moment
[High Priest]: Anval: Did not you say that these catacombs were
[Anne]: To my knowledge, he was trying to place the restless
spirits at peace...
[Anne]: Yes, Father... I do not know how he managed to get into
the catacombs... We discovered him in out travels, but never did
see how he arrived or left."
[High Priest]: That name Drascal is very familiar, though.
High Priest finishes his drink and sets down the glass.
(High Priest whispered to Anne): Where did you put the sactum
[Anne]: Anne drinks some of her wine
(Anne whispered to High Priest): On the table, between her (anne)
and the high preist, so that it is in reach of each of them...)
(Anne whispered to High Priest): Anne's hand still rests upon the
holy book
[Jackdaw]: "he acted like a nice mans, he helped us finded
the way to where we were going"
[High Priest]: As the High Priest approaches Anval, he sees the
book that she is holding onto.
[High Priest]: Praise Ral .... Let me see that holy book!
[Anne]: Of course, Father... It is very old - be careful!"
[Anne]: Anne hands him the sanctum ral with care...
High Priest takes it with care.
High Priest carefully examines it and opens the cover.
[High Priest]: My my ... sister Anval .. what you have here is a
holy relic of the church.
[Anne]: Anne watches the High Priest...
[High Priest]: I can feel the sanctity of it. It is as if it has
been touched by the hand of Ral himself.
High Priest begins to cry
[High Priest]: Excuse me
[High Priest]: This is a very important find.
[Anne]: "Father... This is wonderful news! We have been
among the first to see a great discovery!"
[High Priest]: There is only one other book like this ever found.
[Anne]: Along with my firends!
[Jackdaw]: "goodie! c'n I have sum mor wine?"
[ Jamison left the game ]
[High Priest]: That book is in the possesion of the Lord Patrona
[Jackdaw]: <hic>
[Anne]: Truly?"
High Priest looks at Jackdaw .. have the whole bottle if you
[Jackdaw]: "Tank yu"
[Anne]: "What should be done with it, Father?"
[High Priest]: Well ....
Thomas shrugs and takes a look around the streets as well as the
usual dives. He seems to be coming up empty...
Jackdaw takes a good long drink, sighs, leans back in his chair
and falls asleep
[High Priest]: As much as I would love to have it here .... in
St. Meliss Cathedral .... I know that it should be taken to the
Lord Patrona ... in the Royal city.
[High Priest]: And being the one to find it ... Sister Anval ...
I think that you should be the one to take it there.
[Anne]: "Then perhaps I should take it, with a suitable
escort? I must be in the Royal city within a week anyway...
[Anne]: Uh... Thank you Father! You honor me rgreatly!
High Priest stops and looks squarely at Anval: Truely Ral has
chosen you himself for this mission.
Anne beams with pride!
[High Priest]: I already sees a powerful aura around you.
[High Priest]: sees=see
[Anne]: "An Aura, Father?"
[Jackdaw]: ooc Jackdaw infection?
[High Priest]: No, Sister Anval ... you honor me greatly.
[High Priest]: I have waited for such a thing to happen for many
[Jackdaw]: ooc new disadv Jackdaw contimination?
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: wb
High Priest hands the Sanctum Ral back to Anval ... take care of
this until it reaches the Royal City.
[Anne]: I will, Father... I will guard it with my life, and more!
[High Priest]: And as for the escorts (he pours another glass of
wine) .. you can have whomever you like.
[Anne]: ...Father... There is something more... While in the
catacombs, we came upon some disturbed bodies...
[High Priest]: Disturbed bodies?
[High Priest]: Just a minute ... I was just about to show you
something ... please follow me to the library.
[Anne]: Then, as escorts, I would ask if Thomas, Jamison,
Jackdaw, Ledyll, Thor, and the others I found this with, be my
Escort, if they so choose..."
High Priest finishes the second glass of wine and moves toward
the door.
[Anne]: They helped me find it - they shoudl share in the
[High Priest]: ((By the way ... the wine is very fine ... you
both enjoy it emensely.)
[Anne]: Anne follows the Father, picking up the Sanctum Ral and
carrying it protectively)
[High Priest]: To Anval: As you wish, young Priestess. I shall
arrange for the journey if you like.
[Anne]: "Thank you, Father... It has been a very long two
days without sleep - I feel such arrangements are beyond me right
[High Priest]: To Anval: You shall take whomever you wish. I
shall arrange for a fastcarraige, you can leave whenever you
[High Priest]: But first ... please follow me to the library.
[Anne]: Thank you... I will let you know of my plans as soon as
they are made!"
High Priest holds the door for Anval.
[Anne]: Anne follows the High priest, respectively... "Thank
you, Father."
[Anne]: (She eneters the library)
High Priest moves into the library and opens a shade for light.
[High Priest]: This is a very large room with many rows of
[High Priest]: It has tables for study
High Priest continues opening three more shades and the room
becomes bright with light.
High Priest then goes toward one of the bookshelves, "Please
have a seat ... there is something that I must show you."
(High Priest whispered to Jackdaw): Did you join them in the
library or stay in the office?
Anne sits
[Anne]: "Yes Father... What is it?"
High Priest returns in about 5 minutes with a very large tome. It
is larger than that Sancutm Ral ... but not by much. ... and
looks almost as old.
(Jackdaw whispered to High Priest): sorry, asleep in the chair
(High Priest whispered to Jackdaw): There are at least 1 1/2
bottles of wine in view .... very fine wine.
[High Priest]: This is a history of the early church.
[Anne]: What book is that, Father?
[High Priest]: Not as old as the Sanctum Ral that you have in
front of you.
[Anne]: Yes?"
[Anne]: How old is this book then? Many hundreds of years, at
[High Priest]: The Sanctum Ral predates the City of Shevandale,
you know? ... it is from the dark time .... The Great Winter.
[High Priest]: This book, "The history of the Church"
Is only about 1,000 years old.
[Anne]: "Please Father, go on..."
[High Priest]: It was written about the time that St. Meliss here
was built.
[High Priest]: It documents some of the early matrys of the
church .. martyrs in the war against Necromancy.
[Anne]: So this book contains insights into the true nature of
Ral's faith that have been lost to us?"
High Priest opens the book and begins to turn pages. The pages
are old but intact.
[High Priest]: Anval: You speak of the Sanctum Ral? It is perhaps
a valuable translation of the Old Haddin. Some translations have
been known to vary, and some of the text in the Old book in the
Royal City are stained and lost to us.
High Priest contiues to turn the pages in "The History of
the Church"
[High Priest]: Ahhh... I have found it ... I knew that it was
[High Priest]: Anval: What was the name of the Priest that you
met in the Catacombs?
Anne waits to hear what the Father has to say... understanding
slowly dawning upon her... at least, so she thinks..."
[Anne]: "Brother Drascal, Father"
[High Priest]: Do you remember how he looked?
[Anne]: ooc - I don't but Anne would, I believe
(High Priest whispered to Anne): You do
[Anne]: Anne details Brother Drascal as well as she can...
High Priest sits the open tome in front of you on the table ...
did he resemble this picture?
[Anne]: "Was the Brother Drascal I met - a ghost?"
High Priest points at a hand draw picture.
[Anne]: Anne looks at the picture...
(High Priest whispered to Anne): It matches exactly ... an eeary
feeling creeps up your spine.
[High Priest]: Read the words under the picture.
[Anne]: "That is him Father!" (Anne reads the words)
[Anne]: ooc what do the words say?
[High Priest]: It reads: One of the early matyrs, Brother
Drascal, gave his life in a seige in the town of Shevandale. His
bones were never found.
[High Priest]: An army of necromancers descended upon him and
took his body alive.
[Anne]: "A ghost! He was a ghost!"
[High Priest]: It was believed that his body was defiled in
unholy ways.
[Anne]: Perhaps his body was defiled, but his spirit remained
[High Priest]: As the Sanctum Ral states ... a spirit is never
truely free until his body has been put to rest.
[Anne]: I do not know for sure... But this raises more questions!
[High Priest]: That is why the practice of cremation was
instituted in the very early years of the kingdom.
[Jackdaw]: ooc back to the cats?
[High Priest]: It is truely a mystery.
[High Priest]: But for now ... you must get the holy book to the
Lord Patrona.
[Jamison]: OOC: Lord Patrona?
[Anne]: True... The catacaombs will not be moving...
[High Priest]: I would very much like to contact him and let him
know of your journey ....
[High Priest]: But whay you carry in your hands .... could build
another St. Meliss .... and perhaps a Royal city.
[High Priest]: It is priceless.
[High Priest]: If word gets out that it is being taken to the
Royal City .. you might have more trouble that you want.
[Anne]: "Then, perhaps its is safest that no one but you and
I know the truth, until it is placed within the Lord Patrona's
[High Priest]: Yes .. Sister Anval.
High Priest nods.
[High Priest]: And my Ral be at your side!
[High Priest]: END SESSION
[Anne]: Father... I have other news...
[High Priest]: Okay ... if you wish ... go on.
[GM]: Yes, sister?
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: I have a few questions before you
leave... if you have time....
GM takes the book and closes it (The history of the Church)
[GM]: OOC: Anval?
[Anne]: Upon the bodies of some persons, we found these items of
magic - we reclaimed them, but now I am unsure if it was the
right thing to do... Can you advise me? (She shows him the
necklace, and the ring she carries, and tells him of the two
rings JD has)
[GM]: Ah .. that is a tough decison ... one must make his own
decision in these matters.
[Anne]: Oh - and a Sword, as well, although I cannot for the life
of me recall where it is...
[GM]: If it felt right that you take them ... the I assume that
it was right that you did.
(GM whispered to Anne): Thor has it
[Anne]: Very well, father... I will meditate upon this... Thank
(GM whispered to Anne): You gave it to Sir L ... but Thor asked
for a blade and Sir L gave it to him.
(Anne whispered to GM): that's all I wanted to ask...
[GM]: The Brother offer Anval a room to rest and food if she
[GM]: Brother=Brothers
[GM]: Jackdaw is taken to a room to sleep it off.
[Anne]: Anne gratefully accepts the offer of a room and food, and
sleeps soundly - with the Sanctum Ral cradled in her tired
[Anne]: "Please wake me at 4pm?"
[GM]: The next thing that you know ... it is 4 pm. Wakeup call
for Jamison