[Tue Jan 18 18:45:21 CST 2000]

[GM]: The map is acurate. HM4 went down and was KOed from a groin kick from Jackdaw. HM2 just took some major damage from Horrice. HM3 moves around the West side of the Coach. HM1 went down from a hit from Jamison's Staff. Jackdaw is under the coach.
[GM]: A correction to the Damage done to HM2, last session I said that it was 11 points. That was cutting damage from Horrice's Halberd and comes to a total of 16 points.
[Jamison]: That sounds correct...I don'r remember if HM2 was conscious or not..
[Zuggtmoy]: oooh! Good Damage roll!
[GM]: HM2 has fallen but is still conscious.
[GM]: Ready to begin round 4 of combat
[Jamison]: I believe we are missing 1 HWM on the map
[GM]: I just deleted HM4 who is lying unconscious on the ground.
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: RECAP:The fastcoach stopped to investigate another coach that had stopped on the King's Highway, delaying the party's arrival in Lexington. It is 4pm on the 1st (Bright)Thursday of Drakurah, in the Spring of 1132p.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 12 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,5 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: HM1 is still stunned.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,4 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: HM2 is still conscious.
[GM]: Thor has first action.
[GM]: Thor, your action?
[Thor]: Ok time for Thor to do what he does best. Steps forward and swings at HM2
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,4 = [ 15 ]
[ Don Quixot left the game ]
(GM whispered to Thor): Thor skill is?
(Thor whispered to GM): 16
[GM]: The fallen and profusly bleeding HM2 attempts to roll out of the way of Thor's blade.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Roll Damage Thor
DICE for Thor: (1d6+2) : 1d6=6 = [ 8 ]
[Thor]: (Cut)
[GM]: HM2 takes 9 more points of damage!
[Anne]: woo!
[Jamison]: ouch
[GM]: -HT roll
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,2 = [ 8 ]
[Thor]: brb
[GM]: and another death roll for HM2
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,6 = [ 17 ]
[GM]: Ouch
[Thor]: Ka-pow
[Thor]: ooc: BRB
(Thor whispered to GM): If Thor is attacked, he'll use his Parry of 8 to defend
[GM]: HM2 reaches for Thor as the blade hits deep, then HM2 falls limp .... and dead.
(GM whispered to Thor): thanks
[GM]: Jamison's action
[GM]: HM1 is still stunned, HM3 is out of sight around the west side of the coach.
Jamison moves
[GM]: HM1 is also in a lying position
(Jamison whispered to GM): Can I begin releasing my kantana as I move?
(GM whispered to Jamison): How many hexes did you move?
(Jamison whispered to GM): 5
(Thor whispered to GM): Oh, and he has DR of 1 from Toughness
(Jamison whispered to GM): is that to many?
(GM whispered to Jamison): I think we agreed that it would take a round of concentration.
(GM whispered to Jamison): No that is fine.
(Jamison whispered to GM): yes...now I remember...never mind
(GM whispered to Jamison): Jamison sees that HM3 has freed the horse and is ready to make a fast break.
[Jamison]: ok with move?
[GM]: Move is good Jamison
[GM]: Jackdaw casts his spell
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,3 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Thomas, your action?
Thomas proceeds to rush around the side of the cart, trying to cut off the bandit.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Thomas sees that HM3 has freed the horse and is ready to make a fast break.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Staying ready, should he try and make his move.
[GM]: Anval is preoccupied.
[GM]: Horrice moves
[GM]: Round 5
(Anne whispered to GM): Huh?!
(GM whispered to Anne): All will be made known in a minute.
(Anne whispered to GM): Okay!
(Jamison whispered to GM): I don't want to agrue now... after the game you will have to explain how this guy unhitched 1 horse from a horse team in 2 seconds...hehehe
[GM]: Thor, your action?
(GM whispered to Jamison): 2 slashes with his shortsword, the reigns are cut.
[Thor]: (ok back)
[Thor]: Thor will move...
[GM]: Thor, your action?
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: k
[GM]: Thor, move your mini.
[Thor]: (lagtest)
[Thor]: (was trying to.. there)
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: Welcome back Jamison
[Anne]: re hi Jamison!
[GM]: Jackdaw moves
[Jamison]: ooc: sorry.. got booted
[GM]: Jackdaw trys to roll out from under the coach.
[GM]: Jamison's action, last round HM3 jumped onto the back of the horse.
(Jamison whispered to GM): ooc: I don't want to argue now...but, after the game tonight, you are going to have to explain how this guy unhitched 1 horse from a team in2 seconds...hehehe
[Jamison]: Is the HWM within my 2 hex reach while on the horse?
[GM]: Jamison notices that the reigns (?) connecting the horse to the coach have been cut.
[GM]: Yes, within range.
[GM]: Forget the head shot, though.
[Jamison]: attack and step
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,5 = [ 13 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): miss by 1
[GM]: A miss?
[Jamison]: yep
[GM]: Jamison's Staff just misses HM3. "Swoosh!"
[Jamison]: step?
[GM]: Yes, go ahead.
[GM]: Thomas, your action.
[Thomas]: [Is the man bareback or on a saddle?]
[GM]: He is riding bareback.
[Thomas]: Step and concentrating.
[GM]: HM3 kicks the horse attempting to make a break
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: The horse rears and begins to move.
[GM]: I will say that the horse moves 2 hexes this first round.
[GM]: Jing kneels.
[Jamison]: ? move rate for a horse?
[GM]: Horrice moves.
[GM]: Horrice looks inside the coach.
[GM]: OOC: Move for horse is 12
[Jamison]: ooc:thanks
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,6 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Thor): You see Jing bend down and slash HM1's throat.
[GM]: Begin round 6
[GM]: Thor, your action?
[GM]: Jamsion, your action?
[GM]: [[ just about finished with the combat, it seems ]]
Thor just waits since he can't do much now
[GM]: Jamison?
[GM]: OOC: Lag test?
[Jamison]: Still within 2 hex?
[Anne]: none on my end
[GM]: Jamison will have to step 1 hex to get a swing, it appears.
[Jamison]: step and attack
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: HM3 attempts to dodge by swerving his mount.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,1 = [ 6 ]
[Jamison]: wow, that's some horseman
[GM]: The mount responds nicely.... a miss.
[GM]: HM3's attention is on Jamison... and his mount.
[GM]: Jackdaw rolls out from under the coach
[GM]: Thomas, your action?
Thomas casts his spell, his one hand out as the other makes a twisting motion. His brow furrows in concentration as he attempts to cast the spell on the man. [I would like to flip him so, that if the spell is succesfull, he lands on his back. This should give hime a -5 to his Body Sense roll. If successful, I will have him land in the hex right off to my west.]
[Thomas]: [Casting Port other]
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,5 = [ 16 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): [Skill is 17...]
[GM]: Isn't there a penalty for a 'moving target'??
[GM]: Zugg? Do you know?
[Anne]: If the horse moved only 2 last round, then no modifier apples
[Anne]: (he neds to move at least 3yds, which gives -1)
[GM]: Thanks
[GM]: HM3 trys to resist the spell.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,6 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: But he fails and is at Thomas' mercy.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Now pull this off, I have two burn 2 HP, as I only have 7 Fatigue...Or can I use my powerstone, which is good for 2?
(Thomas whispered to GM): I assume it costs 9 Fatigue
(GM whispered to Thomas): Since you did not tell me beforehand that you were using the Powerstone, you have to burn the points.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes, 9 fatigue.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay, did not know. Now, I am zero fatigue? Do I pass out? or do I roll?
(GM whispered to Thomas): But you have to end up with 1 fatigue left over.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You cant go to 0 fatigue, I guess that means that you burned 3 HT.
(GM whispered to Thomas): okay?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay.
[GM]: Thomas strains to cast the spell.
[GM]: HM3 is ported from the horse and lands where Thomas' wills. (please place the mini)
Thomas puts the man on his back, letting him drop onto the hard ground a few inches above the ground.
[GM]: OOC: Thomas wills.
[GM]: Thomas, place the mini where you want.
[Thomas]: [Done and done]
[GM]: HM3 falls to the ground.
[GM]: [[This just gets more and more interesting]]
[Jamison]: Does the horse continue to move on?
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: HM3 fails his Body Sense roll
[GM]: The horse moves 12 hexes to the West, riderless.
[GM]: Jing moves over to the KOed HM4
[GM]: Horrice opens the door of the coach
[GM]: Round 7
(GM whispered to Anne): This is what has been happening to Anval.
(Anne whispered to GM): Okay
(GM whispered to Anne): As Jing exits the coach, Anval finds herself alone with the Sanctum Ral and vows to protect it to the death if need be. As these thoughts echo through her mind, she discovers a woman sitting across from her on the back seat of the fastcoach.
[GM]: Thor, you want to do something?
[Thor]: Thor will just move..
[GM]: okay
[Thor]: done
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne, sensing that this is a *strange* occurence, warily searches visually for foes, her hand inching towards her mace...
[GM]: Jamison, your action?
(GM whispered to Anne): The woman does not speak at first but simply smiles a very soft and content smile that would make anyone feel safe and comfortable.
Jamison believes Thomas has everything under control and goes to investigate the coaches interior....making sure the passangers are safe
(Anne whispered to GM): "uh.. Hello? How did you arrive inside the carriage?"
(GM whispered to Anne): No foes in sight, in fact noises of battle seem to be fading away in the background.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne is set more at ease, but is still nervous (a bit)
[GM]: Jackdaw gets to his feet.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,4 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Thomas, your action?
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne looks over the woman carefully, taking in details about her clothes and facial features, hair and eye color - she basically returns the womans kindly stare...
Thomas looks over, panting, his hands on his knees and his sweaty hair falls across his face, Thomas says "Get'em before he realizes what happened." Looking around, and seeing no one, he realizes that he will have to do it himself. He takes out his rope and flips the man over roughly, begining to ties the man's hands behind his back.
(GM whispered to Anne): She has blond hair which falls around her shoulders and is dressed all in white robes. Her body is covered with something of a glow, a warm yellowish glow of light, and while not a beautiful woman in outward appearance, her inward beauty makes itself apparent. She appears to be about 25 years of age.
[GM]: Thomas, do you have Hogtie Skill? hehe
(Anne whispered to GM): realizing this might be something special, Anne tries to sense if the woman has an aura of Sanctity about her...
[Thomas]: [Nope, have to use a defualt ^_^]
(GM whispered to Anne): You sense an aura of santity about her.
[GM]: Just kidding Thomas, It will be a contest of DX to tie him up ... and he is at minuses.
[GM]: DX roll Thomas.
(Anne whispered to GM): Hello, Miss... May Ral's light shine upon you!"
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: ..and tell me how much you made it by.
[Thomas]: [Hehe, I know]
(GM whispered to Anne): She continues to smile.
(Thomas whispered to GM): by 3
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,3 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: You easily take him, even with you extreem fatigue.
(GM whispered to Anne): After what seems to be an eternity, the woman speaks: "Sister Anval Ironfist, Ral has heard your prayers and sends his aid and comfort. Fear not for the battle outside, for it will soon be over without a single wound to your friends."
(Anne whispered to GM): "I uh... Thank you - thank Ral! Is there something I must do?"
(Anne whispered to GM): (Anne obviously looks confused...
(Anne whispered to GM): "Why have you come? What aid has Ral blessed me with beyond his Grace?"
[GM]: Somebody, what is the skill you roll against to see if a knot is a good one?
(Anne whispered to GM): I'd say escape
(GM whispered to Anne): The woman continues: "I come to you from the prescence of Ral himself with a gift to aid you in your mission. Ral is pleased with your unselfish actions in dealing with the artifacts from the past."
[GM]: Thomas, do you have the skill Escape?
[Thomas]: [Nope]
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne stares in shock! (but a good kind of shock!)
(GM whispered to Anne): The words, "Artifacts from the past" seem to echo in your mind.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne bows to the woman... "Am I worthy?! I do not doubt Ral, but have I not simply done what any true Priestess would do?"
[GM]: Well, I am stumpted on this one. Thomas, you do plan to tie the ropes into a knot, correct?
[Anne]: How hard can making a knot be?
(GM whispered to Anne): The woman: "He grants you knowledge for this mission and missions to come"
(GM whispered to Anne): She gently raises her hand and moves to place it on Anval's shouler.
(Anne whispered to GM): "I...I... Thank you, and Ral...!"
[ Red_Man joined the game ]
[Red_Man]: hey
[GM]: Hello Red Man, just in the middle of a game here.
[Thomas]: [Umm, well I figured that he was down for a bit. Yeah, a know after tying his hands together.]
[Thomas]: [Umm, well I figured that he was down for a bit. Yeah, a knot after tying his hands together.]
[Red_Man]: what type RPG is this?
[GM]: GURPS Fantasy
[Anne]: Point-based generic system
[Anne]: Check out GURPS 101 for detials
[Red_Man]: generic?
[Thomas]: [I am going to stand over him, keep my foot on his back and his face to the ground until I get some help.]
[GM]: Thomas has HM3's hands tied behind his back before he gets his bearings.
[Anne]: It can be used to play any genre
[GM]: [End Combat Mode]
[Red_Man]: so basically whatever you want?
[Red_Man]: can I join?
[GM]: Inside the coach the passengers and drivers are found bound and unconscious. It is discovered that there are 6 males and 2 females.
[Thor]: Thor will now go over to assist Thomas
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne braces for a shock of some sort as the Holy servant of Ral touches her... She holds her breath - almost dizzy - as she touches the spirit being...
[Red_Man]: cool. This my first time doing this thing
Jamison looks to Horrace... "What do you see, Horrace?"
(GM whispered to Anne): As she touches Anval's shoulder a warmpt enters her.... and a knowledge.
(GM whispered to Anne): The words, "Artifacts of the Past" echo through her head again.
[Anne]: Anne concetrates on the warmth, and the knowledge... trying to capture the memory of the essence of Ral's being...
(GM whispered to Anne): Slowly the woman fades and sounds from outside begin to reassert themselves.
(GM whispered to Anne): You know find yourself with the knowledge of a new spell.
(GM whispered to Anne): Ancient History
(Anne whispered to GM): cool!
(Anne whispered to GM): Do I not need prerequisites?
Jamison yells towards his coach.."Anne, we need your help.."
(GM whispered to Anne): Do you doubt the powers of Ral? hehehe
(Anne whispered to GM): hehehe NO!
[GM]: Horrice: Looks like the passengers of the coach.
(Anne whispered to GM): could you load a blank PC sheet for Redman here?
[GM]: Anne has been in the fastcoach the whole time.
[Anne]: Anne suddenly snaps out of the reverie which has been holding her... And sees the woman, gone...
[GM]: Red Man: There are 2 blank GURPS Character Sheets inside of GURPS 101 ... the last section.
[Anne]: Nothing registers for a moment, and then she hears Jamison...
[Anne]: "Coming Jamison!"
[GM]: Red Man: Sorry, that is Section 4
Jamison approaches the coach door and attempts to assist the passangers
[Anne]: (Anne grabs the Pack holding the sanctum Ral before exiting the Fast-coach...
(GM whispered to Anne): If you want me to repost your entire experience, I can do it.
[Red_Man]: That ok. I found it
[Thomas]: [BRB]
(Anne whispered to GM): No - I think anne would consider it a private thing... She'll tell the others what happened in general terms later while we travel...
[Jamison]: here Horrice, let's get these good people out of the coach and see if they need aid...
[Red_Man]: Guess I better read the rules, huh?
[GM]: Horrice has leaned his Halberd against the coach and is pulling passengers out of the coach.
[Anne]: Red: yepper!
(GM whispered to Anne): Sounds good.
Jamison leans his staff on the coach and assists...
Anne rushes over to the coach, looking rather dazed, and dreamy.
(GM whispered to Anne): And for Clerical Magic, you don't necessarily need to have the prereqs.
(Anne whispered to GM): Cool!
(Anne whispered to GM): what skill level is it known at?
(GM whispered to Anne): How about an Theology roll for some info about what just happened.
(GM whispered to Anne): And you have 1 point into that spell.
(Anne whispered to GM): skill -17
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,1 = [ 5 ]
Jamison grabs 1 man and lays him gently on the ground outside the coach
(Anne whispered to GM): crit!
[GM]: Horrice continues to remove bodies, as gently as he can.
Jamison then returns to the coach and gets another...
(Red_Man whispered to GM): so how do I distribute points, I'm a bit confused
[Anne]: "Is anyone injured badly - bleeding?
[GM]: The three Highwaymen that did not run are all laying dead in front of the coach. Two of them have their throats cut.
(GM whispered to Red_Man): Depends on how many CPs you start out with.
[Jamison]: Anne , could you check the passangers... make sure they are ok?
(Red_Man whispered to GM): CP's? where can I read about that?
[Anne]: "uh... Yes, Jamison, I will... Did any of you get hurt?"
(GM whispered to Red_Man): If you start out with 100 points. and are limited to 45 points in disadvantages and 5 in Quirks.
Anne looks embarassed that she missed the entire fight...
[Jamison]: We can pray for the souls of the dead after caring for the living.
(GM whispered to Red_Man): Then you can use those 100 points to buy advantages, attributes, and skills.
[Anne]: Anne checks the passengers to see if they require any doctoring (physician-13)
(Red_Man whispered to GM): k...
(GM whispered to Red_Man): plus the points gained from taking those disadvantages and Quirks.
(Red_Man whispered to GM): so how do I determine Strenght, DX, etc.?
(GM whispered to Red_Man): If you take Disadvantages or lower Attributes, you get more points. A higher ST for instance cost you points.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne rolled 5 vs theology 17... what did she realize?
(GM whispered to Red_Man): You chose you attributes, by spending the points that you have.
[ Jamison left the game ]
(Red_Man whispered to GM): how many per strength point (I assume the standard is 10 for all areas and you work from there)
(GM whispered to Anne): This woman was a (departed) Saint of the Church sent from the 'afterworld' as a messenger from Ral.
(GM whispered to Red_Man): Right, you start out will all Attributes at 10 ... a lower one gives you points, a higher one costs.
(Anne whispered to GM): Does Anne know the saint's name?
(Red_Man whispered to GM): I think I get it. So If i chose an ability ranked one, I get an extra 80 points for other abilities
(Red_Man whispered to GM): so how many points does it cost to raise something one point?
(GM whispered to Anne): Since you made such a good roll, I will tell you that upon reflection, it sounds like St. Meliss herself. The description matches what you have read and heard in the past.
(Anne whispered to GM): WOW!!!! COOL!
(GM whispered to Red_Man): That info should be in GURPS 101, I believe that if you wanted a ST of 11 .. it would cost you 10 points. A ST of 14 would cost you 45 points (10 + 10 + 10 + 15). The higher you go the more they cost.
[Anne]: Do any of the passengers require medical attention?
[Anne]: (GM?)
[Thomas]: [The one I got is still alive, correct?]
[GM]: Descriptions of the people in the coach: A old man with a short beard dressed in worn leather, a muscular middle-aged man in heavy chainmail, a middle-aged man wearing a heavy red robe, a middle aged man wearing a flashy blue robe, a young man in light chain, a female in leather, a young man with red hair wearing sytlish clothes, a young female dressed in stylish clothes.
[ Jack left the game ]
[GM]: Yes, Thomas, he is still alive.
Anne looks blissful, even though dealing with unconscious folk....
[GM]: The man in heavy Chainmail has taken some damage from a cutting weapon, but his bleeding is not bad.
[GM]: Everyone seems to be sleeping peacefully
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[Anne]: Anne casts Minor Healing on the man... (skill 14) for 2pts
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,2 = [ 7 ]
[Anne]: that could be a crit I think!
[GM]: Yes, a crit
[GM]: The man's wounds begins to close
[GM]: Everyone there?
[Anne]: Anne treats the injury with Physician (first aid effect) - skill 13
[GM]: OOC:
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
[Anne]: Anne is here!
[Jamison]: back
[GM]: Anval, successfully gives first aid to the man. Roll for restored HP
[Jamison]: OOC: how are the others?
[Jamison]: Are they tied up?
DICE for Anne: (1d6-2) : 1d6=3 = [ 1 ]
[GM]: Everyone seems to be sleeping peacefully
(Red_Man whispered to GM): should I check out the 32 page thing or something?
[Anne]: 1pt GM
Thomas pants as he finishes tying the man off, "Thor, I got rest for a second...I over did myself." With that, he walks a hex off and sits down, then lays back his eyes closed.
[GM]: Horrice is untying them as he takes them out and lies them on the highway.
[Anne]: Anne then checks the others from the coach, then tends to the highwayman's injuries...
[GM]: Anval: The wounds are looking even better. The man sighs in his sleep.
[GM]: The highwayman that Thomas tied up is not injured at all. The others are dead.
Anne looks over the wounded man... "You were lucky this time, Fine Sir..."
(Thomas whispered to GM): Casting Recover Strength.
Jamison seeing that Anne has everything under control, retrieves his staff and heads over toward his own coach
[ Vorlund joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Skill is 12 on RS, I believe. I need a roll.
(Vorlund whispered to GM): Mind if I watch silently.
[Anne]: Anne takes a moment to reflect on the events of the last few minutes, now that her services are not in immediate need....
(GM whispered to Vorlund): No problem.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Nope, 15
[Anne]: Althouhg the fact that 2 of the bandits had their throats cut does NOT escape her.... (She gives a wicked look at Jing...)
(Jamison whispered to GM): Once I get to the coach I want to retrieve the sword...and carry it with me for security reasons... leaving it wrapped
(GM whispered to Anne): Once a soul dies and is found worthy of Rhisspen, it takes on the gloried body. You have read about this but never seen it first hand.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Okay, no roll needed then.
(GM whispered to Jamison): You get to the coach, no one is around.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Except Spence and Palmer.
(Jamison whispered to GM): I retrieve the sword?
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne is stunned.... She never thought she would be so blessed until after she passed this life! This will become one of her most treasured memories!
[GM]: Spence and Palmer have exited the coach now. They spent the entire battle in the front cab.
(GM whispered to Jamison): You find it where you left it.
(Jamison whispered to GM): I verify it is THE sword and return to the other coach...
(GM whispered to Anne): Only the most worthy of souls (a Saint) is sent on a mission from Ral.
(GM whispered to Jamison): It is THE sword.
[GM]: The passengers begin to awaken
[GM]: They seem drowsy and disoriented.
Jamison returns to the other coach... as he approaches he stops and looks closely at the HWM
[ Tenku joined the game ]
[GM]: Descriptions of the people in the coach: A old man with a short beard dressed in worn leather, a muscular middle-aged man in heavy chainmail, a middle-aged man wearing a heavy red robe, a middle aged man wearing a flashy blue robe, a young man in light chain, a female in leather, a young man with red hair wearing sytlish clothes, a young female dressed in stylish clothes.
[GM]: After talking to the people you find that they are respectively: The driver, the guard, a cleric, a merchant, a mercenary, a female mercenary, a recorder, the recorder's wife.
[ Tenku left the game ]
[GM]: Three Highwaymen lie in pools of their own blood. The one that Thomas tied up lies on the ground, conscious, but not moving.
Jamison looks around to see if all are present...
[Anne]: "Are you allright? My friends were able to rescue you from some highwaymen..."
[GM]: The Driver: Damned Highwaymen! Damned Magic!
[Anne]: What happened, good Sir?"
[Anne]: "I am Sister Anne."
Jamison looks for Thomas and Thor...
[GM]: The old driver talks: We were stopped by what we belived to be 4 knights.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Are they here for the conversation?
[GM]: Old Driver: They said that something of value had been stolen from Shevandale and asked if they could search the coach.
(GM whispered to Jamison): They = who?
[Anne]: "Did they say what, exactly?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): Thomas, Thor and JD
[GM]: OOC: We are missing Thor. Thomas, you there?
[Anne]: (anne clutches her pack closer to herself at hearing that comment...
(Red_Man whispered to GM): well,I'll just read up and play later
[ Red_Man left the game ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): I mean... are their characters here for the conversation ?
[Thomas]: [Yes]
[GM]: Old Driver: Nope, never said what .... next thing we know .... we wake up here.
[Jamison]: Magic....but these HWM showed no sign of Magic....
Thomas is laying down near where he hog-tied the man, his eyes closed and his breathe gradually becoming less ragged and more regular.
[Jamison]: at least not in our fight...
[Anne]: I think they must have had help - help nearby, and probably long gone...
[GM]: Jackdaw is climbing on the roof of the smaller coach.
[Jamison]: Heh, JD...can you come here...
[Thomas]: [Yes, they did. One of them TK'ed his sword back to him.]
[Anne]: Anne calls out "Thomas? Are you hurt?"
[GM]: Jing stands away from the party about 20 yds off of the road and takes in the sceenery.
[GM]: Spence checks over the fastcoach.
[Jamison]: JD... Didn't you see a "Mans on a horsey?"
Thomas looks over, gingerly rising, "Just over did it a bit, Sister. Give me five or so."
[GM]: Palmer talks into a sphere in his hand.
[Anne]: "Alright then! Jamison, I have work to do... I will be a moment..."
[Anne]: Anne begins saying the rites for the dead over the highwaymen....
[GM]: Jackdaw stops exploring the coach and looks at Jamison, "Yes, man on Horsey ... Over there (he points) ... Gone now"
Jamison looks at theOld Driver..."Well that may account for the Magic...."
[Jamison]: JD...when did the horsey and mans leave?
[GM]: After a few minutes Palmer approaches the party, "Okay, I have sent for a group of Knghts from Lexington. They should arrive in about 1 hour's time."
(Anne whispered to GM): Should I roll vs Performance, Rituals, for the last rites?
[GM]: Jackdaw points to the East, "He back there, no see him now"
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes, please do.
(Anne whispered to GM): Performance - 13
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,5 = [ 13 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): successful by 0
Jamison looks at Palmer..."Can you check the surrounding area for a man on a horse out in the countryside?
[GM]: Jackdaw hops down from the coach and begins to smile at the Recorder's Wife, "You lonely?"
(Anne whispered to GM): Now - Final Rest (iff needed) - skill-15
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,4 = [ 15 ]
[Jamison]: OOC: hehehe
(Anne whispered to GM): Succeed by 0 (if needed)
[GM]: Palmer looks at Jamison, "Sure, I'll do that ... you said that someone was spotted to the east?"
(GM whispered to Anne): They are both good.
[Jamison]: Yes... check with the faun for a better description...
(GM whispered to Anne): 2 skills used successfully.
Jamison looks to the old driver...."How long ago were you waylayed?"
[GM]: Palmer walks over to the front cab of the fastcoach and retrieves another sphere. He uses it to scan the area to the East.
[GM]: Old Driver: Don't know exactly. Everything seems fuzzy.
(Anne whispered to GM): cool! one was a spell - Final Rest - fatigue cost 19... If that knocks me out, let me know....
[Jamison]: Mid day... Morning... where was the sun..?
[GM]: The Guard: (moans) I think it was about 3 pm when we first stopped for the Knights.
[Jamison]: An hour... the leader could not be to far away...
Jamison looks to spence.. how long to town..
(GM whispered to Anne): Were you holding the Sanctum Ral when you cast Final Rest?
(GM whispered to Anne): Or was it near you?
[GM]: Spence: We are 1 hour outside of Lexington.
[Anne]: Yes... It was near me, but not in my hands (I'm carrying it over my shoulder)
(Anne whispered to GM): Yes... It was near me, but not in my hands (I'm carrying it over my shoulder)
[Anne]: oops!
[Jamison]: And Lexington is east?
[GM]: Lexington is West. The coach passed the man on the horsey before they arrived at the small coach.
[GM]: The Fastcoach is travelling West.
[Jamison]: OOC: Flat land or hills
(GM whispered to Anne): Okay, sorry the Final Rest
[Jamison]: in this area?
(GM whispered to Anne): Okay, sorry the Final Rest Spell did not go off. My mistake. You did not what was necessary to power it.
[GM]: The area is hilly and is becoming much more hilly to the north of the King's Highway.
[GM]: In fact you are beginning to see what might be called a small mountain range.
[Jamison]: No time to find him now... we must get to town...
[GM]: To the south the terrain is more flat and grassy.
(Anne whispered to GM): Okay - Understood... I wasn't sure I had the ability to cast it anyway... Anne gasps as she realizes she nearly harmed herself casting such as spell... thinks it might be wiser to leave well enough alone for now, and remain satisfied with the last rites...
[GM]: Spence: Exactly, I hate to say this, but it will be getting dark in 1 1/2 hours ... and I don't fancy being out here after dark.
Jamison looks to the Old Driver " The Lexington Guard will be here within the hour... will you be ok?"
[GM]: Old Driver: Well, we should be fine.
[GM]: Horrice to Spence: I can stay if you like.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: should we offer 1 horse so they can continue?
[GM]: Horrice: ... and ride back in with the Knights.
(GM whispered to Jamison): That would be kind.
(Thomas whispered to GM): [How long has it been? If 10 minutes, and I got 2 FP back, I will joing the group]
Jamison looks to Spence...."Give them a horse to hitch up... we can get to town with just 3 horses...
[GM]: It has now been 20 mintues since the combat.
[Jamison]: You can get it back when they get to town
[GM]: Spence: That sounds fine.
Thomas walks over, still a bit pale but better than before.
[GM]: Spence to Guard: Will you give me a hand with the horse?
Jamison stands guard as the exchange is completed....
[GM]: Guard: Sure
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: can it be done in 2 min? hehehe
[GM]: The Guard rises and grunts, but then stretches.
[GM]: Horrice moves to help Spence and the Guard.
[Jamison]: lets hurry... we need to get to town b4 dark...
Thomas looks over, "What are we going to do about handsome over here?" He gestures to bandit...
[GM]: Within 10 mintues the horse has been changed and all is ready for departure.
[GM]: Spence: Leave him for the Knights.
[Jamison]: I think the town knights may have a few questions for him..... let's get him in the coach...
[GM]: Horrice helps Jamison get him in the coach.
[Jamison]: we will pass the guards on the way to town and turn him over to them..
[GM]: Spence: I don't fancy making another stop.
[Jamison]: OOC: is the HWM conscious?
[GM]: Highwayman is conscious, but just laying there tied up.
Jamison looks at Spence..."Who said anything about stopping.." And grins
[Anne]: "I agree... why not let these folk deal with him, keep him until the guard comes? We have little time, and dare not risk another ambush."
[GM]: Spence grins. Horrice laughs.
[Anne]: Anne grimaces at Jamison's joke.... (Probably making everyone wince at the sight)...
Jamison looks at Anne..."Sure.... but my way is more ... FUN"
[GM]: Horrice: As I said, I will volunteer to stay with these folk until the Knights arrive. The fastcoach need to stop again until Lexington.
[Jamison]: sounds good....I'll sit up front in Horrice's spot
[Anne]: That sounds excellent Horrice..."
[GM]: Spence: Very good.
[Jamison]: let's roll
[Jamison]: hehehe
[GM]: Horrice grabs his Halberd, "There will be no trouble with me hear on guard."
[GM]: Guard mumbles something under his breath.
Jamison feels pretty good... nothing like a little sparring to brighten up a day...
[GM]: Horrice to Guard, "No offense ... you are young .. and I doubt you have ever faced an army of Orcs."
Thomas shrugs, "Alright, If that is how you usually do things." Thomas takes a seat in the thick, cushy seats of the fastcoach. He settles in, his eyes close qucikly as he driftes off into mediaition, his body aching and muscles burning, as if he had run for some distance. He settles back, thinking that he was a fool for overdoing it and trying to ignore the pain.
[GM]: Anyone want to do anything before departure?
Jamison motions for the others to board...
(Thomas whispered to GM): I am using RS on the way back. Hopefully, I should get everything back by the time we hit Lex.
[Jamison]: OOC: weapons
[Jamison]: gather
(GM whispered to Thomas): Sounds about right. Course you have those 3 HT to deal with.
Anne sees Thomas's discomfort, and gently lays her hand on him... "Rest easy Thomas..." (Anne casts Lend St - skill 13 - for 2 fatigue)
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,1 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: Succeeded by 3
(Thomas whispered to GM): Yeah, I know. How fast does that heal?
[GM]: Thomas gains back 2 fatigue from Anval's spell.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You roll each day vs HT to heal 1 point. Of course, a spell will work much faster.
[Anne]: Anne sits down, and places the Sanctum Ral (still in her pack) in its safe travel position, and rests...
Jamison looks at youg guard...."You are going to Lexington, correct?"
[GM]: Jamison what do you do with the weapons?
[Jamison]: collect them
[GM]: Everyone is now aboard the fastcoach.
(Jamison whispered to GM): I want to cast detect lies on the answer..
[GM]: The passengers, driver, guard, and Horrice stand around the coach waiting.
Thomas turns, his eyes opening, "Sister, I don't need to bother you, cause I know I will mend on my own. But, If you could maybe lay your hands on me and help it along, I would be thankful. If we run into more trouble, I don't want to be limping."
[GM]: The Guard looks at Jamison, "I sure hope so!" (he smiles) That is the plan.
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,6 = [ 10 ]
[ Vorlund left the game ]
(GM whispered to Anne): Thomas took actual HT damage to cast that teleport other spell.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Roll vs Detect lies.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Skill?
[Anne]: "Of course, Thomas... I will do what I can!" Anne casts Minor Healing (Skill-14) on Thomas for 3pts
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Did you leave the weapons with the small coach?
Jamison looks at Spence... let's go
[Anne]: succeeded by 2
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne's fatigue is currently at 6
[GM]: Thomas regains 3 HT of damage.
(Jamison whispered to GM): no... in back with our luggage
(Anne whispered to GM): sorry - 5
(GM whispered to Anne): Fatigue is at what?
[Anne]: fatigue is at 5
(GM whispered to Anne): 5 ? Thanks
(Anne whispered to GM): yep... Anne needs some rest herself!
[GM]: The fastcoach makes ready to leave.
(GM whispered to Anne): Using Lead worship on the ride to Lexington?
[ <?> left the game ]
(Anne whispered to GM): yep, if possible...
Thomas stretches, his muscles no longer burning, "Thanks Sister, Feel much better." He stretches once more before descending back into his reveree.
Jamison looks back through the window from the front to the back seat...."Anne, Are you ok?"
[Anne]: Lagbeast
(GM whispered to Anne): I think we finally decided that it works the same as recover ST
(GM whispered to Anne): Skill is at 13? if so, I need a roll(s)
[Anne]: Anne looks weary... "I am just Tired thomas... rest and prayer will rejevnate me... Perhaps you could join me in a prayer?"
[Jamison]: You seem ...preoccupied, during the fight
(Anne whispered to GM): Okay - I'll roll
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,6 = [ 13 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): success by 0
(GM whispered to Anne): You must chant to make it work though. This will be audible to those on the fastcoach.
(GM whispered to Anne): But it doesn't have to be disturbingly loud to them.
[Jamison]: I would be honored to pray with you....
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne will begin her chant just after she tells the others what heppened...
[Anne]: "Thank you!... I'm sorry about not joining you for the battle...
[GM]: The fastcoach begins to move towards Lexington. Horrice waves to his comrades in the front cab.
[Jamison]: no harm... everything went well... it was only hywaymen...
Thomas mumbles, his head half-sunk into the leather of the seat, "Maybe, later..." He drifts off...
[GM]: Soon the fastcoach is moving at the fast pace
[Anne]: But I had a strange and wondrous visitation! I have been gifted by Ral with a spell of knowledge, and an injunction to be aware of the importance of Artifacts from the past!"
[GM]: Jing stares out the window, not saying much.
[GM]: Jing rolls his eyes at Anval.
Jamison s eyes widen in wonder..."A ..A...A...visitation?
[Anne]: Anne scowls at Jing... "But I wouldn't expect a faithless outlander heretic dog to understand..."
[GM]: Palmer can be heard speaking into a shere, communicating to someone ahead in Lexington.
[GM]: Jing, "Faithless?"
[GM]: Jing, "I believe in the sword .... not a bunch of mumbo jumbo!"
Jamison returns his attention to Spence and tries to listen..
[GM]: Spence navigates the fastcoach.
[GM]: Jackdaw is riding on the roof again.
Jamison thewn listens to Palmer..
[GM]: This ride is smooth, as always.
[Anne]: "Hah... And will your sword comfort you when you are ill, lost or aged and weak? It may protect you as long as your limbs can wield it, but what of when you cannot - what will buoy you up then, Jing?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Hearing roll
[Jamison]: any sign of trouble ahead..Palmer?
[GM]: Jing, "I only trust what my eyes tell me is there ... what my hand feels ... cold steel ... blood. That is what is real"
[Anne]: "What will make your life worthwhile when the killing is over - when you can kill no more, or die by the sword you find so compelling?"
[GM]: Jing, "I stopped believing in fairy tales when I was young."
[GM]: Jing looks away out the window again.
[Anne]: "pfagh!"
[GM]: Palmer: Weather is fine ahead. We should be in the city before dark.
[GM]: Time is 5pm (1 hour before sunset)
[Anne]: Jamison, I would gladly tell you more about what happened today, but I would prefer it to wait until we reach some privacy... this is too delicate for such leaden ears (pointing at Jing)."
[GM]: Jing does not respond to Anval but continues to look out the window
[Anne]: "Will you still join in a short prayer?" (to jamison)
[GM]: Bottles on the table in the fastcoach still hold water and a sweet wine. There is still some fruit bread, also.
Jamison turns agian to the window.."Of Course"
[Anne]: Anne begins to chant a hymn in low tones, carrying a melody.
Jamison bows his head and silently prays for forgiveness for the bodily damage he has inflicted....even if it was in a just cause.
[Anne]: After about 10 minutes, Anne stops chanting, to allow Jamison a break, and takes a bit of fruit bread, then returns to chanting (and remains chanting until we reach Lexington)
[Anne]: (Anne says grace over the food first, though!)
[Jamison]: After his short prayer, Jamison returns his attention to the road
[GM]: The ride is uneventful all the way to Lexington.
(Jamison whispered to GM): JD drums a beat to Anne's chant?
[GM]: As the coach gets nearer to the city, the hills to the north expand into a small mountain range that party obsures vision to the North.
[GM]: Jackdaw drums a beat to Anval's chant.
Jamison looks at Palmer.."Any sign of trouble to the North?"
[GM]: Small villages begin to spring up to the south of the King's Highway.
Anne smiles at Jackdaw, appreciating his 'help'
[GM]: Palmer: Everything looks fine good squire.
[GM]: The sun Flamos Rides low in the sky.
[Jamison]: Please good sir... let me know if anything out of the ordinary appears...
[GM]: Palmer: Sure thing.
[GM]: As the fastcoach pulls into the city of Lexington, the party is engulfed in the myriad amount of sounds and smells that make up the city.
Jamison continues to eye the surrounding countryside
Jamison wrinkles his nose..."Ahhhh, the city..."
[GM]: The countryside morphs into the outskirts of a city and before you know it .. you are there.
[GM]: As the fastcoach pulls into the city of Lexington, the party is engulfed in the myriad amount of sounds and smells that make up the city.
[GM]: (From Finly's Guide for the Traveller) Lexington is a city with sharp edges, unlike Shevandale. It is well kept and always beautified with flowers and trees planted thought the city. The buildings are for the most part made of a grey stone (mined from the local hills) and are constructed in a classic style that is remniscient of a much earlier period.
[GM]: Jackdaw swings into the fastcoach from the window.
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,4 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: Jackdaw: Now we have big frolic?
Jamison turns around..."Patience, JD,Patience..."
[Anne]: "As long as you are here early in the morning so we can leave... We don't want to come looking for you!"
[GM]: Jackdaw, "Me be here!"
[Jamison]: ANy idea where Sc is staying?
[GM]: The fastcoach rides smoothly on the flattened cobblestones of the streets of Lexington. It navigates the streets and turns into a garage. Inside the garage, the city sounds are distant memories. The coach pulls up to a doorway connecting a hotel used by the fastcoach service. Two doormen move towards the approaching fastcoach ready to offer their assistance.
[GM]: Spence: We have arrived.
[Jamison]: OOC: Time?
[Anne]: I think he might be in the Royal City already.... (Sorry GM, is Lexington the Royal City, or is it still further west?)
[GM]: 5:45pm ... just before sunset.
[Jamison]: I believe 1 in the same
[Anne]: Jamison... Did we pass any knights on the way into town?
[Jamison]: GM?
[GM]: Sir C is due to arrive in The Royal City at about 7pm. This is still 200 miles away from where the party is now.
[Anne]: ooc - Thanks!
[Jamison]: OOC: Do we have fast coach in the morning?
[GM]: Yes, the party did pass 6 Knights riding on Horseback about 30 minutes out of Lexington.
Thomas awakens as the cart stops moving. "Ah, I see we have arrived."
[GM]: Jing get out as soon as the coach stops.
[GM]: The coach is inside a garage
[Anne]: Anne allows the door men to open the door for her, but retains grasp of her pack herself...
[GM]: The doormen graciously open the door on Anval's side and nod to her.
(Anne whispered to GM): we have the fast coach all the way to the royal city, right?
[Jamison]: OOC: will this coach be taking us to the Royal City?
(GM whispered to Anne): Of course.
[Anne]: Jamison: yes
[GM]: OOC: Yes, arrangments have been made to take you to the Royal City.
[Anne]: Anne nods back, and waits for the others to exit the fastcoach...
Jamison get's out of the coach and retrives his belongins from the back of the coach
[GM]: Spence looks back at the party: Shall we say departure in the morning at 8 am?
[GM]: The back of the coach is locked.
[Jamison]: How many hours to the Royal City?
[Anne]: That sounds excellent, Spence.... How long will it take to reach the Royal City?"
[GM]: It takes Spence a few minutes to find the key and open the back.
[GM]: Spence is out behind the coach, Palmer is still inside talking into a sphere.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne listens to Plamer... what is he saying?
Jamison asks Spence..."How many hours to the Royal City?"
(GM whispered to Anne): Fastcoach 111 ariving at 5:45 pm in Lexington, Communicator Palmer reporting.
(Thomas whispered to GM): I have to run in a few minutes, I have an early meeting tommorrow. I will just have Tom go to sleep for the night while the others are doing things.
(Anne whispered to GM): Ahh - Okay... Anne pays it no mind...
(GM whispered to Thomas): Okay
[GM]: Spence to Jamison: Expect a 10 hour trip.
[GM]: Spence open the back of the fastcoach and begins to hand everyone their gear.
Jamison looks at Anne..."We will be a full day behind SC....hope he is safe
[GM]: Spence to Jamison: You will be glad to hear the the Knights reached the coach and Horrice safely. They had no trouble.
[Anne]: I hope so to, jamison.... Sir C might have befallen the same trickery that nearly cost the lives of those people earlier!"
[Jamison]: excellant Spence.... is that what Palmer was asking?
[GM]: As the party unloads their gear a man appears, "Bags Sir, Miss?"
[Thomas]: [Alright Gents, I have to go. I will see you all next week and thanks Rubix]
[GM]: Spence: Yes, Palmer found out just as we arrived in the City. He is checking in with headquarters now.
[Anne]: Thank you, sir... Please, take my larger bag - I will carrry this one myself...(the sanctum Ral)"
[Jamison]: LAter Thomas... glad to have you here... it was needed
[GM]: OOC: Later Thomas!!!
[ Paul joined the game ]
[Anne]: See ya Thomas!
(GM whispered to Thomas): vote for best roleplayer?
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[Anne]: Maybe we should all stop here?
[GM]: The Porter takes Anvals bag and looks at the others, "Bags?"
Jamison gathers his backpack and the weapons(Kantanas?)
[Jamison]: ! minute good sir
[Jamison]: 1
[Jamison]: OOC: are the weapons Kantanas?
[GM]: The Porter waits for Jamison
[GM]: Jing takes his own bag.
[GM]: OOC: The weapons were short swords, from the Highwaymen.
[ Paul left the game ]
[Jamison]: Good... ok.. Jamison hand s his BP to the porter..
[Jamison]: he then turns to Spence...
[GM]: The Porter takes Jamison's BP and "poof" disappears.
[Jamison]: Spence, do you think you could find a good dealer to sell these to?
[GM]: Spence takes something from a man who approaches.
[Anne]: ooc - teleporting aaaggghhh!! 'Porters!!! lol!
Jamison jumps.....where did he gooo... where's my pack...
[Anne]: ooc - hehehehehehehehe ROTFLMAO!
[Anne]: ooc - as in "tele-porters"
[GM]: Spence turns to Jamison and Anval, "Here are the keys to your rooms, you will find them in the hotel throught those doors. Please let me know if you need anything else."
[GM]: OOC: I thought you might like that, Zugg.
[GM]: Keys for 4 rooms are handed to Anval.
[Anne]: "Thank-you, Spence! We'll see you in the morning, if we don't see you in the dining room later..."
GM wipes his brow.
Jamison looks around axciously...."Where is he ...Anne...where is he...
GM smiles
[Anne]: I expect he is in your Room, Jamison..."
[Jamison]: That was good... I must admit, it had me laughing...
[Rubix]: I couldn't resist getting that 'touch' in before the game ended.
[Anne]: That was classic!