[Tue May 11 18:53:28 CDT 1999]
[GM]: BEGIN SESSION ....Everyone in Character.
[Miridine]: i need a reged copy
[Jackdaw]: But I'll dump it since it's an older version of the
Sir Cornelius is
[GM]: Miridine and Jackdaw have just recently come out of the
upstairs Room#1
[Jackdaw]: Read
[Jackdaw]: y
[GM]: Thor was downstairs the whole time shaking off his hangover
(I guess)
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): upstairs? should I have a map or
something open?
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Sorry no map.
[GM]: The Fancy Dressed Guy stood impatiently at the door for a
few minutes until a carriage arrived, then he hastily left the
[GM]: Miridine and Jackdaw are left to ponder the words spoken
[GM]: ...........
Jackdaw to Miri "Are you sure you aren't lonely?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I think your mixed up.... Miridine is
the elf shaman.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): OOPS
[Miridine]: looking wierd at jackdaw... shaking head jackdaw its
late lets get some sleep .
[GM]: OOC: Miridine ... have a character to load?
[Miridine]: see you tomoorow enters room
[Miridine]: ooc no but i have it printed out here localy
[Miridine]: and locks door.
(GM whispered to Miridine): Can you cut and paste it here?
[Miridine]: ooc its hard copy the assistant i made wont put it
into a txt form
[Miridine]: ill have to scan it
[Thor]: ::gets up and goes to the bar::
[GM]: Jackdaw is left alone in the hallway upstairs.
Jackdaw goes to visit the nice lady who lives under the Mage
[GM]: Barkeep: I see that you ARE alive.
Jackdaw will come back in the morning
[Thor]: Yes.. I hate when that happens. Any rooms open?
(Miridine whispered to Barkeep): what does magical apitude 1 do
for me thoh im not trained ?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to Barkeep): btw...I have not yet
[Barkeep]: Sure ... I have some empty rooms.
(Barkeep whispered to Sir Cornelius): You want to do that now?
... I have prices on the website.
(Walker whispered to Barkeep): I assume you're going to work me
in here somewhere
(Barkeep whispered to Walker): Sure thing.
(Barkeep whispered to Walker): Do you mind being in the city?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to Barkeep): cool...let me go
look...give me the url again?
(Barkeep whispered to Sir Cornelius): It's basically the same as
the prices in the basic book.... you could use it or the
(Walker whispered to Barkeep): no, perhaps I'm hungry and the
hunt is bad
(Barkeep whispered to Sir Cornelius):
(Miridine whispered to Barkeep): zzz
Barkeep produces a key and hands it to Thor.
[Miridine]: zz
Thor takes the key
[Barkeep]: Room #4 .... on the right upstairs.
[Barkeep]: Cost is 5 crowns.
Barkeep holds out is hand, "In advance, please."
Thor reaches in his pouch and pulls out the requested amount
"here you are
Barkeep thanks Thor, "...by the way the resturant next doors
has a pretty good meal at a good price."
Jackdaw hopes the nice lady will feed him
Thor mutters as he realizes he just spent the last of his money
[GM]: Thor sees Jackdaw heading down the stairs and proceeding
out the door to the pub with out saying a word.
[GM]: Jackdaw sees Thor taking to the Barkeep as he leaves.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I don't think we've actually met yet
Thor wonders, but heads up to his room for the night
[GM]: It's hard to miss a faun ......even in a big city.
[GM]: Jackdaw leaves.
[GM]: Thor heads upstairs.
[GM]: Any more actions before morning from Thor or Miridine?
[GM]: .........
[Miridine]: no
[Thor]: (Nope)
[GM]: Jackdaw heads out of the pub ...and (I assume) to the lady
who lives under the Mage.
[Jackdaw]: Yes, yes
[Jackdaw]: Is she very lonely tonight?
[GM]: Jackdaw arrives at the door.
[Jackdaw]: Does this one work?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): How tall are you?
[GM]: This one opens.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 5'2" 125#
[Jackdaw]: go in
[GM]: Inside you see the door on the left and a stairway going up
which has a door at the end of it.
[Jackdaw]: start playing my sirinx softly and hauntingly
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,4 = [ 15 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made it by 1
[Jackdaw]: to attrract her attention
[GM]: The door on the left opens and an old lady sticks her head
[GM]: She looks angry at first
Jackdaw smiles
[GM]: She doesn't say a word, but simply smiles and opens the
door widely.
Jackdaw goes in
[GM]: Inviting Jackdaw in.
[GM]: Do I need to ask if there are any actions before morning
[GM]: Yada yada yada.......
[Jackdaw]: OOC plenty I suspect but maybe better left to the
[Miridine]: unf unf unf
[GM]: Everyone give me a 1d6 roll.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (1d6) : 1d6=4 = [ 4 ]
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): me too?
(Jamison whispered to GM): me also?
DICE for Miridine: (1d6) = [ 6 ]
DICE for Walker: (1d6) = [ 5 ]
[GM]: Everyone
DICE for Jamison: (1d6) : 1d6=4 = [ 4 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): need another? public?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): no
(To GM) DICE for Sir Cornelius: (1d6) = [ 1 ]
[GM]: Just a min.
(Jamison whispered to GM): +1 on initiative rolls with combat
DICE for Thor: (1d6) = [ 2 ]
[GM]: OOC:Hold on, I need to set up Sir Cornelius.