[Tue Jan 25 19:19:23 CST 2000]

[GM]: RECAP:The fastcoach just arrived in Lexington. It is 5:45pm on the 1st (Bright)Thursday of Drakurah, in the Spring of 1132p.
[GM]: Anval was just handed 4 keys. The man who took Jamison's pack has just vanished into thin air.
Jamison looks to Anne.."Where'd he go....where's my pack...."
[GM]: Spence: Well, if there is nothing else ... I think that I will find my room and ....
[Anne]: Anne screws her face into an awful grin, realizing a pun in progress...
[GM]: Spence looks at Jamison: Ahh.. the man that took your bags?
[Jamison]: What's so funny?
[Anne]: Jamison, I think we have a 'tele-porter' here...
[Jamison]: Yes, Spence... where are my packs?
[GM]: Spence: Yes, that was the porter.
[Anne]: I would think they are in your room, but I'm only guessing!
Jamison groans at the pun...."Is it always like tis in the City?"
[GM]: Spence: Yes, they are very efficient here.
Jamison returns to collecting the shortswords..."Spence...if you have a moment?"
[GM]: Spence: Sure ... what can I do for you?
Thomas smiles, "Well it is nice to know, that if this whole thing falls through, I can still make a living here."
[Jamison]: You wouldn't happen to be able to sell these...weapons,tonight ...would you?"
[GM]: Palmer finishes talking into one of his sphere and walks over to where Spence is standing.
[GM]: Spence to Thomas: Ahhh... do you have porter abilities? I hear that they can make a pretty good living ... an good tips too!
Thomas shrugs, "I have some skills...but I think sticking with these people is more profitable, not to say more interesting."
[GM]: Spence looks at the weapons that Jamison holds: Hmm... I am sure that something could be arranged. He looks at Palmer.
Jamison always loves to see those enemy swords...disappearrin from the grip of his enemies

[Thor]: ooc: (Considering all that cleaning he'd done all day, I'm not surprised)
[GM]: Palmer: I can take care of those for you (the weapons), good squire.
Thor gets up and walks over to the others
[Jamison]: ?he looks at Palmer..."Do you think you can find an honest dealer to sell these to, I think the party would be willing to ahre the profit and it would get these weapons away from hiwaymen?"
[GM]: Palmer looks at Spence: Well, Horrice and the others are just about to leave. Everything sounds like it went okay.
[GM]: OOC: ahre?
Jamison looks around. at the others of the party..."Unless someone want sthem for another purpose..."
[Jamison]: ahre=share
[GM]: Jackdaw is out of sight. Jing stands a distance away from the party looking a little uncomfortable.
[Jamison]: OOC: bad finger coordination
Jamison hands the swords to Palmer... I'm sure you can be trusted....
(Jamison whispered to GM): I try to detect lies on his response..
[GM]: Palmer: I know a pretty reputable dealer in weapons and I think that I could get you an honest price.
(GM whispered to Jamison): roll
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,3 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): skill?
(Jamison whispered to GM): Someday, I'll get it
(Jamison whispered to GM): Alot lower than that..
(GM whispered to Jamison): Ouch ... a skill of 7??? Wow!
(Jamison whispered to GM): Keep trying... maybe I'll get 1...hehehe
[GM]: Palmer takes the weapons
(GM whispered to Jamison): That's the way to do it!
Jamison turns to Anne..."Do you know the way to our rooms?"
[GM]: Spence: Well, I think we shall leave you now. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call.
[Jamison]: Thank you Spence...Until tomorrow...
[GM]: Anval looks at the keys in her hand, "Actually, I have no idea. This is new to me"
[GM]: Spence smiles: And the rooms are just through those doors (he points)
[Jamison]: Let's go into the hotel(?) and find out, then
Jamison turns to the doors that Spence points to...
[GM]: Anval: Thank you .. and may Ral's blessings be on you tonight (she nods)
[GM]: Spence smiles and he and Palmer leaves.
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
Jamison opens the door and enters the room beyond.
Thor takes his key and goes into his room
Jamison checks to see if anyone follows.
[GM]: Inside the garage men more to inspect the fastcoach. There are 3 other fastcoaches like the one the party arrived in (without horses) parked to the side.
[GM]: Two doormen greet Jamison and Thor as they enter the Hotel.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: I am carrying my wrapped sword with me....
[GM]: Jing moves to follow the others
(GM whispered to Jamison): noted
[Jamison]: Anyone ever see a place like this?
Jamison looks around.
[Thor]: "Been awhile since I saw anything this nice"
[GM]: Through the doors you enter a lavish room with plants, brass spittoons, carpet, etc.
Jamison oggles the sights..."Whoa....nice!!!
[Jamison]: Now..let's go find our packs...
[GM]: There are many many people inside. To the right an assembly room of some kind in which you estimate about 100 men in various colors of robes, sitting, standing, talking.
[GM]: To the left a long desk with three men behind
Jamison looks around for ..... Help....Seeing the three men he moves to the desk....
[Jamison]: excuse me... could you direct my friends and myself to the rooms?
Thor follows Jamison over to the desk
[GM]: There are cubby holes behind the desk and a large sign in gold letters, "Welcome to Coach Heights Hotel"
[GM]: The men don't seem to notice you for an instant and then one of them (only one of them) looks up at Jamison and says...
[GM]: Deskclerk: "Ahhh... welcome to the Hotel."
[GM]: Anval steps up behind Jamison holding the keys
[Jamison]: Thank you...sir...
[GM]: Deskclerk: "Ahhh.... guests of the fastcoach service? May I see your keys?"
[GM]: Anval hands the keys to the clerk
[Thor]: "Thank you. I've seen a lot of hotels in my day, and this has to be the finest"
[GM]: The deskclerk looks at the keys and nods at Thor, "We consider ourselves one of ... if not THE finest establisment in Lexington! To Anval: Let me get you some assistance.
Jamison glances around...and notices the room full of men...
[GM]: Deskclerk reaches a small bell and rings it.
[Jamison]: Excuse me sit.... Is there some kkind of meeting going on?
[GM]: The men in the next room all wear robes and signs of magery. A few pointed hats here and there.
[Jamison]: sit=sir
[GM]: Upon the ringing of the bell a man appears. "poof!"
[GM]: Deskclerk: Porter, please show these guests to the forth floor.
Jamison jumps...."HEY...knock that off...."
[GM]: The porter nods to Anval, Jamison (the same man that took Jamison's bag)
[Jamison]: Where did you put my pack?
[GM]: Deskclerk to Jamison: Yes, there is a convention this weekend.
[GM]: Porter: Good Squire, your pack is in your room (he smiles and nods)
[Jamison]: Convention???? What's a Convention?
Jamison eyes the men warily
[GM]: Deskclerk (almost seeming a little annoyed) to Jamison: A convention ... a large meeting .... this weekend we are hosting a large group of Mages.
(Thor whispered to GM): small note: my bag with my shield, money, and the magic sword is now with me.
[GM]: Deskclerk: I believe an anniversary of some kind.
(GM whispered to Thor): noted
[GM]: Jing stands a little behind the party with his bags listening to the conversation between the party and the clerk.
[Jamison]: An anniversary?... what anniversary?
[ Ken-Ohki joined the game ]
[Jamison]: OOC:Hi Thomas
(Thomas whispered to GM): Sorry...Comp crashed and than could not get back online. We had a major snow storm on the east coast and I guess everyone is safe at home and online, cause it took me 15 odd tries to get on.
[GM]: Deskclerk leaves the front desk and goes over to the cubby hole area.
[GM]: He fumbles through some papers and returns to hand Jamison a parchment.
Jamison takes the parchment and looks it over.
[GM]: The parchment says: Meeting of the class of 1102. Coach Heights Hotel. It's weekend of Drakurah, Spring of 1132p.
[GM]: Meeting of the class of 1102. Coach Heights Hotel. First weekend of Drakurah, Spring of 1132p.
[Jamison]: "Huh...Convention....more like an excuse to have a party...."
Jamison turns to follow the porter to his room....
[Jamison]: Thank you , Sir
[GM]: Deskclerk nods at Jamison, "May your stay be a pleasant one!"
[GM]: The Porter noticing Jamison moving toward him begins to move farther left down a hallway.
[Jamison]: What time does the coach leave for the Royal City in the morning, sir?
[GM]: Anval follows behind Jamison. Jing waits for the others to make a move.
Thor realizes what's going on and heads after Jamison
[GM]: The deskclerk is working and doesn't respond to Jamison.
[GM]: Anval: I believe we set the departure time at 8 am, Jamison
Jamison turns to the porter..." Is there a safe in the Hotel?"
[GM]: The Porter moves on down the hallway.
Thomas follows along, letting Jamison take of the details...
[GM]: The porter stops and looks at Jamison, : Why of course Sir. This IS a respectable establishment, you know?
Thor follows along, keeping silent at this point
[GM]: Jing finally begins to move seeing that everyone else is following the porter.
[Jamison]: Where might that be, sir?
[GM]: The Poter points back to the Desk: "You must check it at the front desk Sir"
[GM]: Poter = Porter
[Jamison]: Thank you...
Jamison follows the Porter to the rooms
[GM]: Porter returns to leading Jamison
[Jamison]: What is your name ...good sir?
[GM]: The hallway continues around. Rooms appear with numbers on the outside. The first one numbered 200
Jamison wonders why rooms would have numbers... and then he sees the size of the hall.....
[GM]: Porter looks back at Jamison, "The name is Blister sir .... Blister of Greenbriar"
[GM]: Blister nods to Jamison
Jamison whispers.."Ohhhh......" as it dawns on him...
Thor smiles
[Jamison]: Well meet Blister... I am Jamison and these are my companions on a jorney to the Royal City
[Jamison]: Here we have a Sister of Ral...Sister Anne...
[GM]: Blister: Well met good squire Jamison ..... eh ... you are a squire correct? (Blister continues walking)
[GM]: Anne: Greeting Blister
[Jamison]: Yes , As of yet I have not earn the spurs...
[GM]: Blister: Ahh.... a lady of the cloth! I always love to meet a priestess! Blister smiles.
Jamison mumbles.."But, someday.."
[Jamison]: And here we have the valant Thor... who has assisted us greatly in our jorney...
[GM]: The party continues to walk. There is a door every 5 yds. Odd numbers on the left, even numbers on the right.
Thor speaks up as he continues walking "And I am indeed Thor, an ex-member of the Royal Army."
[GM]: Blister: Ahhh.... the Royal Army? An Orcfighter?
[Thor]: "Once. My company was assigned to a spot a ways away from here. We since disbanded when our provisions and money ran out. Ever since then I've been a freelance fighter, doing my best to assist the forces of the kingdom."
[GM]: For about 20 yds there are no doors, and then the numbers begin again. 301, 303, 305, etc....
[Jamison]: And here is the quiet Thomas.... who's expertise I have never before witnessed...---Jamison winks at Thomas-----
[GM]: Blister: Ahh.. nothing wrong with that!
[GM]: Blister looks at Thomas
(Thor whispered to GM): ooc: realized the party didn't know about my military background and figured this would be a good point to bring it into the story
(GM whispered to Thor): Worked in very well, I thought!
Thomas innocently smiles and shrugs, brushing his shaggy hair out of his eyes.
(Thor whispered to GM): I thought so :)
[Jamison]: And lastly, we have Jing.... who has abilities that are hard to recap....
[GM]: The numbers reach 350 and then there is another break for about 20 yds.
[Jamison]: This is an awfully long walk to the rooms, Blister...
[GM]: Jing: Greetings Blister
[GM]: Blister nods at Jing, "Greetings"
[GM]: Blister looks at Jamison, "Yes, and for one that prefers to travel without using his legs. .... it seems to be an eternity sometimes."
[GM]: The numbers begin at 401 ....
[Jamison]: Is there a shorter method to getting to the rooms than walking?
[GM]: Blister, "You should have been here this morning when I had to show 130 mages to their rooms."
[Jamison]: They just arrived this morning....?
[Jamison]: How long will they be here?
[GM]: Blister stops, "Here we are. Room 411, 413, 415, and 417"
[GM]: Blister to Jamison, "No quicker way of getting back to the desk unless you can port down there (he points down).
[GM]: Blister, "The mages are here for the whole weekend."
Thor realizes there's 6 of them and only 4 rooms
[Jamison]: Ahh, thank you Blister. Is there anything else you could tell us about the Hotel...Dinner maybe...
[GM]: Blister, "You are guests of the Fastcoach service, correct?"
[Thor]: "Correct"
[GM]: Blister, "Just charge it to the room. It most often included in the coach fare"
[Jamison]: Before you leave, Blister... which room is my pack in...
[Jamison]: ?
[GM]: Blister, "And there is a Resturant downstairs, just beyond the assembly room"
Thomas half-listens to the conversation, his hands in his pockets as he leans against the wall. He looked disinterested, buy you are sure that his eyes are watching beneath that shaggy hair. He looks all the world like he is back on the street, looking for a easy target.
[GM]: Blister smiles and opens the door marked 411 (which you are standing in front of)
[GM]: Blister waves his hand indicating the two bags just inside the door.
Thomas pushes himself off the wall silently and takes a look around the room.
Jamison looks in for his pack...and seeing it approaches and gets his small purse out of it...
[GM]: NOTE: Blister first took the key from Anne. The door WAS locked. Don't worry.
Jamison then takes a gold crown and tosses it to Blister..."For your assistance.."
[GM]: The room is rather large. There are two large beds, carpet on the floor, blankets, towels, and ..... running water. The room is adorned with brass and silver
[GM]: Blister catches the coin, "thank you good squire"
(GM whispered to Jamison): A silver crown ($1) or a gold sovereign ($20) ??
[Thor]: "Whoa.. very nice. I believe this IS the finest hotel I've ever seen on my travels"
[Jamison]: Are all the rooms, like this one... so nice?
[GM]: Blister, "Of course .... only the best."
(Jamison whispered to GM): sorry gold sovereign...
Thomas nods, "Man, you folks travel in style..."
[GM]: Blister looks at the coin and smiles at Jamison, "If you need anything .... give old Blister a holler!"
[Jamison]: We will, thank you, Blister.
[GM]: Blister, "Just ring the bell and someone will come to your aid." (he points at a bell on a desk in the room)
[Thor]: ooc: It's obvious that Anne gets a room to herself. We need to decide arrangement of the rest of us in the other 3 rooms
[GM]: Blister, "Good evening Sirs and Lady"
[GM]: "Poof!"
[Jamison]: Good Evening...
[GM]: Jing stands out in the hallway.
[Jamison]: shall we talk first... and split up the rooms?
Jamison motions to room 411
[GM]: Jing, "I hate to spoil the party here ...."
Jamison waits for all to join him in the room
[Thor]: ooc: (note that Thor will insist to have a room by himself, but will share if needed)
Thor enters the room
[GM]: Jing follows the others into room 411
Jamison looks at Jing..."Yes?"
[GM]: NOTE: You did not meet anyone on your trip to your room, and the hallways are quiet.
Thomas shakes his head, "It makes no differnce to me." He says as he enters the room.
[Jamison]: No One?
[Jamison]: Hmmm
[Thor]: ooc: most of the guests are probably those mages we saw downstairs..
[GM]: Jing looks at Jamison, "Aren't we missing someone?"
Thor looks around "Yes, I believe so. I don't see Jackdaw."
[Jamison]: Yes, we are... and it's not unusual... JD loves to find lonely ladies.... he'll be ok.
[Thor]: "You're right Jamison. As long as he's back by the time we leave in the morning.."
[Jamison]: He'll just frolic the night away
Thomas smiles, "I doubt it will be a problem finding him. We can just swing past the red light district in the morning."
[Jamison]: Thomas... if you don't mind, Can you check out the premisise and see what if any trouble is about?
[GM]: Each room has two windows looking out onto the city.
Jamison goes over to a window and looks out....
Thomas arches an eyebrow, "This place looks pretty tight. More than likely I would get picked up as looking suspisous. However, I was out for a walk with Sister Anne, I doubt there would be a problem."
[GM]: Anne, "I think a walk sounds nice" (she smiles at Thomas)
[Jamison]: Good idea....Sister, is that ok with you? And could you check on the Mage party, too...Make sure it is an annaverary......
[GM]: The sun looks out to the West and sunset is near.
[Jamison]: anniversary...
[GM]: The window looks out to the West and sunset is near.
[Jamison]: OOC: How high from the ground?
[GM]: s Flamos sets in the west its white brillance takes on an almost pinkish glow. Silverna follows close behind 'the holy flame' in the usual half-moon phase of sunset signifying the first week, the bright week, of the fortnight Drakurah is growing old.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: nice
[GM]: Down below you can see the hustle and bustle of the city .... four stories down.
Thomas nods, "Be delighted, Shall we?" Thomas puts his arm out and winks to the others, "Now you all don't wait up for us."
[GM]: Jing, "Well, before you leave sister ... might I have the key to 417?"
[Jamison]: Hmmmmm, I don't remember climbing stairs....?
[GM]: Anne, "Sure" Anval hands a key to Jing
[Thor]: "Alright. I will take the room next door.. Anval, key for 413 please. Your room will then be 415."
[GM]: Jing, "If Jackdaw comes back, he will stay in the room with me. In fact, I think I will go see if I can find him as soon as I check out my room"
[Jamison]: Anne... do you want to carry your.....item?
[GM]: Anne hands Thor a key
[GM]: Anne is holding her pack close to her.
Thor takes the key and smiles "Thanks"
[GM]: Anne to Jamison, "I don't know if I can trust it to anyone, Jamison"
[GM]: Anne, "Not even the Hotel Safe"
[Jamison]: it's your choice... and I understand... but as we are sleeping... I would feel better if 1 of us was on guard in the hall at all times...
[GM]: Anne hands the final key (#413) to Jamison, "Can you and Thomas share a room Jamison?"
[Jamison]: OOC: 411
[GM]: Anne, "I think that I would agree with that Jamison
Thomas nods, "Sure."
[Jamison]: I have no problem with sharing..... I will take the first watch, any way
[GM]: Correction: Anne hands the key to 411 to Jamison and keeps the key to 415 for herself.
[Jamison]: ok
[Jamison]: OOC: so .. let's see... Jam in 411, Anne in 415.....Thor in 413, Jing in 417... who is missing?
[GM]: Anne, "After a quick stop to check out my room, I will join you in the hall."
[GM]: OOC: Thomas is sharing with you Jamison
[GM]: OOC: Jing and JD share a room
[Jamison]: ok...anyone else I forgot?
[GM]: OOC: Anne and Thor have one to themselves.
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: OOC: I think that is everyone
[Jamison]: just checking...
Thomas nods, "Sure.." He takes a look down the long hallways, wondering what kind of wealth must be stored in these halls.
[Jamison]: Have a nice walk you two... Please let us know what you find...
[GM]: Anne leaves and goes to her room, she returns with he backpack slug over her back
[Thor]: "Well if you will excuse me Jamison, I will be in my room."
[Jamison]: Jing, Thor... shall we go find some food?
[Thor]: "Yes, I will first stash my things in my room"
[Jamison]: ok
Thor goes to his room and enters
[Jamison]: Jing?
[GM]: Jing, "Yes, be right back"
[Jamison]: ok...
[GM]: Jing goes to his room and returns with only his katana and a small pouch hanging from his belt.
[Jamison]: Anne...Thomas... Can we meet back here by ...8:00?
Thor sets his things down where he wants 'em, keeping his money pouch with him, and returns to the hallway, careful to lock his door behind him
[Thor]: BRB
[GM]: Anne returns
[Thomas]: "Yeah, That is fine..."
[GM]: Anne to Jamison, "Jamison look for me to relieve you of your watch ... I'll take the second watch"
[Jamison]: Take your valuables and meet here by *:00......
[Jamison]: *:00=8:00
[GM]: The sun has now set and it is just after 6:00 pm.
[GM]: Twilight in the City
Jamison looks at Thomas and Anne as they leave..."Thor, Jing.... I will stay here and guard the rooms... could you bring me a bite to eat when you return?
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: I know... maybe not smart... but 3 different view points in the Hotel...
(Thomas whispered to GM): Does this place look secure?
[GM]: Anne smiles at Jamison, "Of course. Jamison I was reading something on a table in my room. Did you know that they have something here call ... Room Service?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): What do you mean?
(GM whispered to Thomas): Things look secure
(Jamison whispered to GM): Jamison in the hall........Anne and Thomas walking around.... Jing and Thor on their way to dinner..... 3 different view points... a pain for you, but more info for the party
[Jamison]: Room service? What's that?
Thomas walks along, looking about in a tourist-like manner, occasionally oohing or aahing at something. He takes note of any guards or anyhting that looks suspecious but does not really expect to find anything.
[GM]: Anne hands Jamison a piece of paper. It contains a menu and the words, "Meals can be delivered to your room free of charge"
[GM]: Anne leaves with Thomas
[GM]: Jing leaves with Thor
[GM]: The paper continues ".... to place a meal order just .. RING THE BELL"
[GM]: Thomas' and Anne's walk back down is rather boring. They do not pass anyone in the hall.
[GM]: As they approach the last of the rooms numbered 101, 100 .. they see a guard standing against the wall. The guard nods and smiles.
Jamison goes back to his room and checks the windows for locking mechanisms
[GM]: Jamison finds a lock for the window, it appears to be very secure.
[Jamison]: OOC: do the windows open out, up, or to the side?
Thomas smiles back and continues on his way.
[GM]: The windows are constructed of glass shutters that open inward and wooden shutters that open outward.
[GM]: Both sets of shutters have locks.
[Jamison]: OOC: are the floors to the room, under the window, carpetted?
[GM]: The room is entirely carpeted.
[GM]: Except the small room containing a large brass tub
Jamison looks at the menu, and then rings the bell
[Thor]: ooc: back finally
[GM]: Within seconds of Jamison's ring of the bell there is a knock at the door.
Jamison jumps..."Hello?"
[Thor]: ooc: talk about fast service :)
Jamison moves and opens the door
[GM]: Blister, "It is Blister Sir ... did you ring the bell?"
[Jamison]: Yes I did, Blister. Thanks for coming...What would you suggest for a light dinner?
Jamison looks at the menu
[GM]: Blister, "Ahh... a light dinner. The duck is excellent!"
[Jamison]: Duck sounds fine... Could you get that for me?
[GM]: Blister, "The Duck, and .... vegatables? .... and wine?"
[Jamison]: No Wine... fresh water would be good for such a fine meal...
[GM]: Blister, "Good choice ... Spring water from the Pindoor forest"
[Jamison]: Perfect
[GM]: Blister takes the order and excuses himself, "I will place the order"
[Jamison]: OOC: Now I need to check the Map for Pindoor....hehehe
[Jamison]: Thank you, sir
[GM]: Pindoor forest is a large forest to the East.
[Jamison]: OOC: I'll check the map again
[GM]: Blister leaves the room.
Jamison moves from the room to the hallway... and leaves the room door open.
Jamison on watch
[GM]: Toward the end of the hallway (the higher numbers) someone approaches.
[GM]: By the wall the hallway seems to go on forever in both directions. It is rather odd now that you think about it.
Jamison hears the approach and steps to the side of the hall
[GM]: At first it appears to be a Knight
Jamison stands a little straighter
[GM]: Roll IQ Jamison
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,4 = [ 12 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): miss by 2 I believe
[GM]: You sense something not quite right about his dress.
Jamison squents his eyes as the knight approaches....
[GM]: OOC: Thomas and Thor, if you want to jump in at any time .... go right ahead.
[GM]: The knight to Jamison: Greetings
(Jamison whispered to GM): I detect lies.. again
[GM]: Jamison roll IQ again
[Jamison]: Good evening sir... how are you?
[GM]: I am fine, good squire.
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,2 = [ 7 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): Finally
(Jamison whispered to GM): was that for detect lies?
(Jamison whispered to GM): or IQ
(GM whispered to Jamison): Which were you rolling?
[Thor]: ooc: was away again, back now.
(Jamison whispered to GM): I tried to detect lies b4 you said roll IQ... your choice...
Thor hears something and walks over to where Jamison is
(GM whispered to Jamison): Okay, he is telling the truth.
(Jamison whispered to GM): now... do I need an IQ roll
(Jamison whispered to GM): ?
[GM]: OOC: I thought Thor left with Jing?
(Jamison whispered to GM): me too
[GM]: I believe Thor and Jing went to get something to eat.
[GM]: Jamison I need an IQ/Vision roll
[Thor]: ooc: I was away at that time.. ok I'm confused I guess.
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,2 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: OOC: No problem
Thomas walks along, taking in the parameter of the place and the guard placement.
(Jamison whispered to GM): On a roll...
[GM]: Jamison notices the symbol on the knight's shield is an elaborate coach surronded by flags.
[GM]: After Thomas exits the long hallway, he notices two guards in front of the entrance to the assembly hall, one standing near the front desk and two more along the route to the resturant.
[Jamison]: Sir Knight.....may I ask you a question?
[GM]: Knight: Sure good squire.
[ lixang joined the game ]
[Thor]: ooc: right, I'm downstairs.. Thor will get something to eat, avoiding any alcoholic drinks
[Thor]: ooc: ((we don't want a replay of the passed out Thor from the first session..))
[Jamison]: What is your emblem... detailing... What watch are you from. I have never seen it b4?
[GM]: I am assuming that Thor and Jing left just behind Thomas and Anne. The two groups split up once down in the lobby.
[Jamison]: OOC: I believe that is correct.
Thomas will take a look about outside, as there is still some light.
[GM]: Knight looking a little embarrassed, "Well, I am not actually a ... real knight"
(ligreat whispered to GM): I've arrived
[GM]: Anne follows thomas outside into the twilight of the city.
Jamison cocks his head....listening... and
(GM whispered to ligreat): Hello ... do I know you?
(Jamison whispered to GM): detect lies?
[ligreat]: hello
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sure roll again
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,1 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Knight: Well, I am just a guard here. (he points to his shield) This is the symbol of the hotel.
[ligreat]: see ya
(GM whispered to Jamison): your on a roll
[GM]: OOC; later!
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: that's 2...
(Jamison whispered to GM): was it the truth?
[GM]: Outside Thomas notices the smell of flowers.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yes, the truth
[ lixang left the game ]
[Jamison]: So.. are you Hotel security?
[GM]: Excerpt from _Finly's_Guide_for_the_Traveller: Lexington is a city with sharp edges, unlike Shevandale. It is well kept and always beautified with flowers and trees planted thought the city. The buildings are for the most part made of a grey stone (mined from the local hills) and are constructed in a classic style that is remniscient of a much earlier period.
[GM]: Knight: Yes, hotel security. *(smiling)
[Jamison]: I see that you have a big gathering of Mages, tonight....
[GM]: Knight: Yes .. they call it a ... convention. I believe it is the 30th anniversary.
[Jamison]: Do the Mages, have coventions often?
Thomas takes in the atomosphere, walking around the hotel but not really leaving sight of it.
[GM]: Knight: We see a few of them each year. This one is one of the largest that I have ever seen.
[GM]: Thomas notices the town alive. Carriages travel the street. People move too and fro. The buildings here are all about 4 stories tall.
[Jamison]: Any special occassion for them to have a big convention?
[GM]: Knight: Yes, it's the 30th anniversary .... since they became mages.
[GM]: NOTE: Mage = college graduate.
[Jamison]: OOC: hehehe...ask a stupid question....
[Jamison]: Have you ever had trouble from these Mage gatherings?
[GM]: Excerpt from The_Royal_Encyclopedia_of_Methor:
[GM]: Lexington (REM) -- The second largest city in the Kingdom of Methor with a population over 600,000, Lexington was established in the year 35p as a center of mining for the kingdom. The hills to the north of the city are rich in a variety of minerals including copper, gypsum, silver, and gold, which contributes to the city being called "The Weathiest City in Methor."
[GM]: Continuing ....
[GM]: Industry: For over 1,000 years, Lexington has provided the Kingdom of Methor with the Silver and Gold that it uses to coin the nation's money. It is the site of the Royal Depository of Methor, Bank Methor, and The Royal Mint. The city is the center of the kingdom's textile industry and a trend-setter of the kingdom's fashions. It is home of the Royal Academy of the Arts, The Royal Museum, and provides Methor a cultural center. It is the site of the prestigious Lexington College, a branch of the University of Methor, which restricts its enrollment to only the most worthy of citizens.
[Thor]: ooc: I now have to leave.. Thor will eat and then return to his room..
[GM]: OOC: Thanks Thor ... see ya next week!
[Thor]: See ya
[ !J left the game ]
[GM]: Knight: Yeah .... sometimes these mages can get pretty wild.
[GM]: Security: That's why most of the Guards are downstairs.
[GM]: Security: And at this time I must excuse myself .. as I have a large area to watch.
[Jamison]: I understand this is the home of the Academy of Arts... What Arts are taught at the Academy?
[GM]: Security bows to Jamison.
[Jamison]: Thank you Sir..
(Jamison whispered to GM): 10:00...shall we hold?
[GM]: Security pauses, "Arts? ... as in Bardic Arts I belive.
[GM]: Security excuses himself and moves back on down the hallway.
[Jamison]: I love the singing... that must ne fine..