[Tue Feb 08 18:58:10 CST 2000]
[GM]: ...
[GM]: The party just finished a meal in the Hotel Restaurant
downstairs except for Jamison who stayed and guarded the rooms.
Just before leaving their dinner, the party discovered Jackdaw as
he entered in the company of 6 other mages dressed in a pointy
hat and flashy robes. Anval left a little embarrassed and a
little tipsy. Neither Jing or Jackdaw returned to the rooms with
the rest of the party. It is 8:30pm as Anval, Thomas, and Thor
make ready to retire for the evening on the 1st (Bright)Thursday
of Drakurah, in the Spring of 1132p.
[GM]: All is quiet.
[GM]: How long is your watch Jamison?
[Jamison]: Well, originally Anne was going to relieve me...But,
after her bout with the bottle... I will go to about 1 and wake
[GM]: At 9:00pm the guard passes again.
Jamison watches the guard as he passes... making note that it is
the same guard as before
[GM]: Security nods at Jamison and continues down the hall. I
about 10 minutes he returns going the other way.
[GM]: All is quiet again.
Jamison looks up and down the hallway....and gets up from his
chair every 1/2 hour to make sure he stays awake.
[GM]: At 9:30 your hear some talking down the hallway toward the
lower levels ... but no one comes close enough for you to see.
[GM]: The apparently entered a room(s)
[Jamison]: Can I understand what was said, or was it just voices?
[GM]: At 10pm the guard passes again, this time with another
security officer.
[Jamison]: Greetings....sirs
[GM]: They seemed to be laughing a lot. Said something about
[Jamison]: lol
[GM]: The two guards pass. The one that you met before says,
"Greeting young squire"
[Jamison]: Any trouble?
[GM]: The other guard who also holds a (fake) shield answers,
"Those silly mages! "
[Jamison]: What have they been up to?
[GM]: Guard#2: "They are making quite a mess downstairs ..
and even in the hallways"
[Jamison]: I have not seen anyone up here...
[Jackdaw]: hihi back!
[GM]: Guard#1: "Ahhh... you are up on the top floor. You are
Jamison shivers as he thinks of being this high off the ground...
[GM]: The guards continue on passing back in about 10 minutes
going back down.
[GM]: About 10 mintues later, more laughter down the hall. It
sounds as if someone fell down ... and continued to laugh.
[GM]: It is still out of sight.
Jamison begins to wonder if these mages are going to be making
noise all night long
[GM]: At 10:30 there is a visitor .. *poof*
[GM]: DX roll Jamison
Jamison jumps
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,4 = [ 11 ]
[Jamison]: Is it Blister?
[GM]: Jamison almost falls out of his chair but catches himself
in a feat of Agility.
[GM]: Blister: Hello young Squire.
[Jamison]: Blister... would you please stop doing that...
[Jamison]: What's happening?
[GM]: Blister looks at the empty try on the floor, "Ahh.. I
forgot all about that try ... we have been pretty busy
[Jamison]: It has not been a problem... is everything ok
[GM]: Blister smiles at Jamison, "I have something for you.
A man downstairs gave me some silver for information about your
party. I thought that you might be interested."
[Jamison]: Man? what man?... what did he look like?
[GM]: Blister continues, "He was a man in a long brown robe.
I could not make out his appearance very well, as he kept his
face covered for the most part, but I did notice one thing about
him: Bushy Brown Eyebrows."
[GM]: Blister smiles
[Jamison]: Hmmmm. Bushy Brown eyebrows in a Brown robe, Did you
notice anything else?
[GM]: Blister: Well, he carried a staff ... just a regular wooden
one. Not one of those fancy mage staffs.
[Jamison]: Is he staying at the hotel?
[ Arcadion joined the game ]
[GM]: Blister: "No, this man was not a guest of the Hotel. I
thought that rather odd.
[Jamison]: What did you say about our party?
Jackdaw pulls out his little ribband lady and begins to play a
dance for her, she dances
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,4 = [ 12 ]
[Arcadion]: ((Err . . pardon the interruption, was curious.))
[GM]: Blister: "He just asked me to name the members of the
party that travels with Sister Anval Ironfist, along with
descriptions of each person. He didn't pay too well, as it turns
out, or I might have been tempted to keep my tounge."
[GM]: Blister grins
[GM]: ((No Promblem Arcadion.))
[GM]: ((Problem, even!))
Jamison looks at Blister and with a bit of iron in his voice
says.."That is why I have tipped you 2 soverigns.... or did
you forget that?
[Jackdaw]: the pace of the music slows and becomes sultry, the
dance matches
[GM]: Blister goes over and gets the empty tray, "I guess I
should be getting back downstairs. I am supposed to be off at
Midnight, but it looks as if I may not be out of here until 1 or
2 am."
[GM]: Blister smiles again at Jamison, "that is why I am
[GM]: Blister: "Well, if there is nothing else ... I will be
off" (he nods at Jamison)
Jamison reaches into his pouch and gets 1 more coin..."Be
sure to let us know if something else strange happens.." and
flips Blister the coin
[Jamison]: Thanks
[GM]: Blister waves his hand, "No thanks .. you are a good
tipper. I give my word that you will be the first to know of
anything else. Keep your gold"
[GM]: Blister flips the coins back.
[Jamison]: Thanks again, Blister...
[GM]: Blister winks and ... *poof!*
Jamison catches the coin and returns it to his purse
[Jamison]: I wish he would walk like most of us do....
[GM]: Time passes pretty slowly
Jamison ponders if he knows anyone with Bushy Brown Eyebrows....
[GM]: At 11pm the two guards pass again.... then at midnight.
[Jamison]: Everything quiet yet?
[GM]: There are occasional noises from down the hall ... but
nothing major.
[GM]: Then finally 1 am is here.
[Jamison]: At 1 am I go to the bedroom and attempt to wake
[GM]: ooc: Btw, where is Jackdaw?
[Jamison]: Good question...?
[GM]: There has been no sign of Jing either.
[ Arcadion left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: a shrill piping can be heard in the distance
Jamison enters his bedroom..."Thomas...?"
Thomas rolls over and mumbles something, it sounds rather
derogatory but is so slurred you have problems understanding it.
[Jamison]: Thomas....?
Thomas looks up, one hand rubbing his eye, "This had best be
important...What time is it?"
[Jamison]: It's about 1... your shift for watch....
[ Thissa joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What time do you think you will be
coming to bed?
[Jamison]: Are you awake enough to stand watch?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): with whom?
[Thissa]: What type is this game? Medieval Fantasy or Futuristic?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): hehehe. ... I guess I should ask if
you WILL be going to bed upstairs.
[GM]: ((more medieval, I guess))
Thomas mouths the word, "Shift...What the hell are you
talking about? We are in a hotel...No need for a guard. Thats
what they pay those Rent-A-Knights for."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does he get lucky? sex appeal roll
skill 12
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6 ) : = [ 0 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,4 = [ 13 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): bummer
[Thissa]: I want to create a character. AD&D, right?
[GM]: ((This is GURPS))
[Thissa]: Can anyone give me a char sheet and help me create a
[Jamison]: I'd feel much better if we took a little more control
of our own security and not rely on those RAG's(Rent-a-Guard)
[GM]: ((Sorry, this is a closed game. You can stay and lurk, but
you must be quiet))
(Thissa whispered to GM): Can I join?
[GM]: As Jamison tries to convince a sleepy thomas to be prudent,
the party downstairs still goes on.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): maybe my get lucky later
Thomas rolls out of bed, his hair sticking up in a cowlick in the
back, "You are paranoid...you know that?" He walks over
to the door and sits down, then starts to levitate to keep
himself awake.
[Jamison]: Yes... I am, I suppose.... but, better safe than
[GM]: Jamison goes to sleep now?
[Jamison]: oh, Thomas... by the way, someone has been asking
after our party.
Jackdaw will stay at the party till it winds down and he can't
goose it anymore
(Thomas whispered to GM): Going to get in a little bit of
practice with the Flight spell. Just floating around the room,
but a little is better than nothing.
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,3 = [ 11 ]
Jackdaw 's still trying to "get lucky"
(Thissa whispered to GM): Make new char sheet, please?
[Jamison]: It appears that some stranger in a long brown robe,
face hidden deep in his hood.
(Thissa whispered to GM): Nevermind.
[GM]: Thomas flies around the room
[Jamison]: This stranger would like to know our whereabouts.
[GM]: 'er around the hallway.
[Jamison]: Thomas... are you listening...?
(GM whispered to Thissa): Sorry, now is not a good time.
Thomas rotates as he hovers above the ground. "About who?
Anyone is specfic?" He looks a bit concerned, but sometimes
it is hard to tell with him, with his hair covering his eyes and
practiced blank looks.
[Jamison]: About all of us....
[Jamison]: He knew about us all....
[Jamison]: Still think I'm paranoid?
[Thomas]: [BTW: I am just using the spell to hover now. When J
goes to sleep I will zip around.]
[GM]: The hallway appears 'roomy' enought to accomadate a flying
man... oddly enough.
Thomas laughs, pushing the hair out of his eyes, "Most
certainly. But that does not make you any less right or wrong. I
will keep an eye out."
[Jamison]: According to the clerk... the only thing to be seen
from his hood was Big Bushy Brown Eyebrows.....
[Jamison]: and he carried a staff....
[Jamison]: also, the RaGs go by every 1/2 hr....
[Jamison]: I'm going to catch some sleep... yell if there is
[Jackdaw]: ooc: how's the party doing?
Jamison goes to his room
mumbling....."paranoid...huh....just keeping our behinds out
of trouble....paranoid.....
Thomas rolls his eyes, the sarcasism reaching a peak,
"Hmm...That should cover about half the mage
convention." Thomas reaches for an imagianary notepad,
"Bushy eyebrows, Check. Staff, Check...." He rotates
back toward the door to start his watch.
[GM]: ((Did you enter the room, flying Thomas?))
Jamison leaves the door ajar...
[Thomas]: [Just kind of floating around the room while siting,
Indian Style. Staying within the room.]
[ Thissa left the game ]
(GM whispered to Thissa): Now, you should be able to save.
[Thomas]: [More of an endurance thing than a speed thing.]
[GM]: ((Wait a minute, I misunderstood. You were trying to fly
inside of the room?))
[Thomas]: [Yes. Basically just floating and slowly hovering in a
sitting down, cross-legged fashion.]
[GM]: ((The spell failed then))
[GM]: Thomas notices that his spell does not work inside of the
[Jamison]: [Ohhhh....hehehe]
Thomas crashes to the ground and looks around. He hopes Jamison
did not see that little manevuer and sits near the door with a
bored, dejected look on his face.
[GM]: Thomas, IQ + Magery roll
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,3 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: The room seems to be an area of no mana.... or most of it
[GM]: The party downstairs continues finally reaching a little
bit of a lull while Jackdaw regains some fatigue.
[GM]: One of the mages casts a Share ST on Jackdaw and he is
feeling better.
Jackdaw knows how to pace himself for all night frollics
[GM]: The mages seem to be casting away not getting tired.
[GM]: Jackdaw is levitating a little more than usual.
Thomas sits the night out. He is not too tired as he got lots of
rest on the ride in. As he stares at the walls, he thinks maybe
he should have hung around JD, that guy is his own party. Thomas
sighs as his chin sinks into his palm and mutters, "Last
time I travel with religious...Look at me, in bed by 7 like a
[GM]: One of the mages talks to Jackdaw: "Hey, faun ... I
really like you."
Jackdaw will try to find out how they are all powering spells
[Jackdaw]: ooc male? female?
[GM]: It is a male mage in his 40's.
[ !Jack left the game ]
[GM]: The mage is a little tipsy.
[Jackdaw]: "Is fun frollic!"
[Jackdaw]: ??
[GM]: There are only two female mages in the party. They are also
in their 40's, but they have kept a little quiet despite
Jackdaw's advances.
[GM]: ((JD . are you there?))
[Jackdaw]: ooc yes
[Jackdaw]: "you having fun too?"
[Jackdaw]: "more ladies be nicer but still fun!"
[GM]: The mage continues: "Hey, fauny ... maybe I can give
you a present ... I cant remember when I had so much fun!!"
[Jackdaw]: "that nice, what?"
[GM]: Mage: "What do you want? I have alot of scrolls."
[Jackdaw]: "my never hadda scroll before"
[GM]: Mage sips his wine, (hiccup)
[GM]: Mage: Well I got e
[Jackdaw]: "Got scroll with music?"
[GM]: (hiccup)
[GM]: Mage " 'er got 'em"
[Jackdaw]: "neat, can my see?"
[GM]: ((Note: Anyone can cast a spell that does not have magergy
as a prereq. Even JD))
[GM]: ((Note: No music required. High Mana World))
[Jackdaw]: note: if they know it
[GM]: ((Note: Or if they have a scroll. *smile*))
[GM]: The mage grabs a leather bag and pulls out a bunch of
scrolls. He unrolls a few of them and looks at them.
Jackdaw looks over the mage's shoulder
[GM]: Mage: "Hey, fauny ever want to be a Giant Snake?
[Jackdaw]: "Big snake?"
[GM]: Mage hands Jackdaw the Scroll of Shapeshift: Giant Snake.
[Jackdaw]: "That could be fun" a little hesitantly
[Jackdaw]: "What kind big snake?"
[GM]: Mage: "Be real popular with the ladies" (he
nudges Jackdaw and winks at the quiet ladies in the party)
[Jackdaw]: "my snake" wink nudge "big enuf"
[GM]: Mage stands and almost falls (holding his hands out)
"Real Big Snake!"
[Jackdaw]: "how you walk???"
[Jackdaw]: "it drag"
[GM]: Mage sits back down, "Well, I go more .... "
[GM]: ooc: go=got
Jackdaw looks puzzled "we talking more than one kind of
[GM]: Mage scratches his head.
[Jackdaw]: "snake ladies like and snake in grass?"
[GM]: Mage: "No, I got different kinds of spells."
[Jackdaw]: "ooohhh"
[Jackdaw]: "whatcha got?"
[Jackdaw]: "kin my see?"
[GM]: Mage hands Jackdaw about 20 scrolls.
Jackdaw 's jaw drops
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): (all the ones you listed are there,
plus some)
[Jackdaw]: "you got many many"
[GM]: Mage: "I make money doing this ... lots of money"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): others I thought of are Charm,
Forgetfulness, Madness and Mystic Mist
[Jackdaw]: "make money with scrolls?"
[GM]: Mage: "Yeah, people buy them .. especially the unusual
[Jackdaw]: "You actually Write scrolls!" sounding
[Jackdaw]: "how much are scroll?"
[GM]: Mage: "But the real money is in rings .... and
[Jackdaw]: "shineys!"
[GM]: (hiccup)
[Jackdaw]: "my have shineys"
Jackdaw shows the Mage his rings
[Jackdaw]: and his cloak pin
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): no magic in the pin
[GM]: Mage: Ahhh..... who made these (looking at rings) anyone I
[Jackdaw]: "not know, finded then near the whispering skulls
what needed help"
[GM]: Mage: I once sold a scroll for $7500. But that is pretty
rare. Usually I get $25 through $100
[GM]: Mage looks at Jackdaw and shakes his head.
[GM]: Mage: Whispering Skulls? Oh well.
[Jackdaw]: "we helped them and they quiet now"
[GM]: Mage: One day I hope to make a wonderful item that will
make me famous.
[GM]: Mage produces a braclet from his bag.
[Jackdaw]: 'what you wanna make?"
[GM]: Mage: "But *sigh* yet another mistake ... another
[GM]: Mage hands Jackdaw a braclet set with pearls.
Jackdaw takes it and looks at it closely, whistling softly
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,5 = [ 14 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): whistling 14
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): need to make music to detect magic
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Roll Detect Magic, now
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,3 = [ 7 ]
[Jackdaw]: "is pretty sparklie"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if detect is IQ +magery it's 17
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sorry 16
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You have decect magic spell at 16?
Jackdaw turns the bracelet around looking from all angles and
keeps whistling softly
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): no, if the native ability is IQ+magery
that's at 16, I don't have it as a seperate spell...yet
[GM]: The mage gets closer to Jackdaw, "Pretty isn't
[Jackdaw]: 'very"
[Jackdaw]: "waht it do?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You can tell that it is magical. But
that's about it. Your almost critical success tells you that
there is more than one spell on it.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks
[GM]: Mage: Well, not what it is supposed to do. Worthless, I am
afraid. To me anyway.
[GM]: Mage: Now, it only stands as an embarrassment to me.
[Jackdaw]: "is still pretty, maybe you have lonely lady
[Jackdaw]: "lady friends like sparklies"
[Jackdaw]: "sometimes they get lonlier"
[GM]: Mage: Well, that is true .... but I have lady friend at
home. I am married.
[Jackdaw]: "ah, that good. my not finded someone like that
yet, but my have time"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc am I messing you up?
[GM]: Mage sighs. "Well, anyway .... Now I suppose that I
must get ride of it." (looking at bracelet) "and start
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): OOC: not at all.
[Jackdaw]: "want trade?"
[Jackdaw]: "My not have much"
[GM]: Mage: "Trade? For the bracelet? You can have it ...
with just one condition ....
[Jackdaw]: "got glowing stonr, nice shirt belongeded to the
nasty Baron"
[Jackdaw]: "what?"
[GM]: Mage whispers to Jackdaw, "No one must know where you
got it from ... that's all I ask. It would be a .... professional
embarrassment if word got out."
[Jackdaw]: "ok, my do"
[Jackdaw]: "thank you"
Jackdaw slips it on his wrist
[Jackdaw]: "pretty"
[GM]: Mage continiues to whisper, "Also, someone .. might
learn the secret of what I have been working on. We mages are a
compettive bunch!:"
[GM]: The mage watches as Jackdaw slips it on his wrist.
[Jackdaw]: "not all, my just want have fun!"
[Jackdaw]: brb
[GM]: Upstairs
[GM]: It is now nearly 2 am and a sleepy Thomas is aroused to
awarness by approaching footsteps.
[Jackdaw]: b
[GM]: Shoes on carpet do not make much of a noise, but enough to
wake Thomas from his monotony
Thomas looks up, wiping the spittle off his face with the back of
his hand. He looks out the crack of the door but stays in the
[GM]: Jing approaches Thomas, "Hey? What the hell are you
doing out here? the squire boy kick you out?"
[GM]: Sorry, Jing says "Hey? Thomas is that you peeking out
the door?
[GM]: Jing "What the hell you doing still awake?
Thomas shrugs and attempts a Jamison impression, "Good Sir,
I am standing guard!"
[Thomas]: "And that is the sad reason I am still
[GM]: Jing scratches his head, "Standing Guard? In a
[GM]: Jing "Well anyway ... I am glad that someone is up. I
need you to tell Jackdaw that I am going to miss the big
Thomas chuckles, "Thats what I said. I think is going
paranoid or crazy. Or maybe a little bit of both."
Thomas arches an eyebrow, "If he rolls in tonight, which I
kind of doubt, I will tell him."
[GM]: Jing: "That stupid faun is still awake
Thomas nods, "Alright. I don't think he needs to sleep
[GM]: Jing: "But anyway .. I got a lead on a book and I will
be following it up tomorrow. If it is what the mage said it was
... it is something that I have been looking for for a long time.
Tell, eveyrone that I am sorry to leave so abruptly."
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: is this bye-bye to Jing?
[GM]: Jing:"I am going to get some sleep:" (yawn)
"You gonna go through with this silly watch stuff?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Seemed like a good time.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): maybe I should have taken "needs
less sleep" as an advantage?
Thomas nods, "So you will not be joining us in the royal
city, huh? Jamison and Sister Anne ain't going to be happy but I
will give them the word."
[GM]: Jing: Well I got some real important business. Maybe I'll
catch up with ya later.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Hehe .. might have been a good idea.
Thomas shrugs, "I made it this far, besides I don't want to
get caught sleeping on the job." He smiles at the absurditiy
of his actions but stays awake.
Thomas nods, "Sure. You know where we will be."
[GM]: Jing: "Well, you want me to relieve you later?"
Thomas shrugs, "Nah, I will be fine."
[GM]: Jing scratches his head and yawns, "Well you know were
to find me if you change your mind."
[GM]: Jing walks down to his room.
[GM]: Jing checks the door before he opens it. Perhaps to see if
it has been tampered with.
Thomas nods, "Gotcha." He sighs and gets to his feet as
his leg has fallen asleep.
[ Trias2 joined the game ]
[GM]: Jing enters and all is once again quiet.
Jamison rolls over
[GM]: The two women get closer to Jackdaw.
[ Trias2 left the game ]
[GM]: They seem to be getting freindlier
[GM]: The mage smiles and drinks another glass of wine.
[Jackdaw]: ooc this looks promising
[GM]: The mage whispers again to Jackdaw: Remember our deal?
Jackdaw nods
[GM]: The mage takes the scrolls that Jackdaw ignored and begins
to put them in his leather bag.
[GM]: Female Mage 1: Hey, cutey ... I never knew you were so ....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did I get his name? I might want to
buy some scrolls later
[Jackdaw]: "hi my Jackdaw"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You got his name.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): what do they look like?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 40 ish you said
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): generally actractive?
[Jackdaw]: "you want drink?"
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[GM]: The two ladies are in their 40's. One has black hair; one
brown hair. The one that is talking to JD doenst look bad for a
lady of that age.
[Jackdaw]: ooc ageist!
[Jamison]: OOC: as if JD would care....
[GM]: Female Mage 1 (brown hair): So, where are you ... spending
the night?
[GM]: FM1: So, fauny ... where are you sleeping tonight?
[Jackdaw]: "my not sure" sounding slightly forlorn
[Thomas]: [<rant>JD: But, what gets me, is that almost
never use the online manual </Rant>]
[Jackdaw]: "maybe my findeded a room here?"
[Jackdaw]: with a soulfull look
Jackdaw whistles
[GM]: The mage gathers the last of the scrolls and puts them
away. He seems to be enjoying watching Jackdaw in action with the
female mages.
Jackdaw gets down to some serrious play
[GM]: The blackhaired Female Mage 2 winks at the faun.
[GM]: ....
[Jackdaw]: 'you have a room here?
[GM]: FM1 "Of course I have a room!"
[Jackdaw]: "maybe we can findeded a room?"
[Jackdaw]: "oh, that nice..."
[GM]: FM2 (to FM1) "You mean WE have a room"
[GM]: The two lady mages look at each other, "Hey, why not
spend the night in .... OUR room."
[GM]: FM2 giggles.
[ Paul joined the game ]
Jackdaw giggles too
[Jackdaw]: and nods
[Jackdaw]: as he leaves Jackdaw winks to his newest bestest
friend (the mage)
[GM]: The mage takes his leather bag and smiles, "Good luck
[GM]: JD roll IQ
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,2 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,2 = [ 12 ]
[Jackdaw]: 13
[Jackdaw]: made by 2
[GM]: You feel a little woozy as the Mage says goodbye
[GM]: The two ladies tug at you "Come on ... let's go"
Jackdaw goes with them
[GM]: The Male Mage smiles and nods at Jackdaw.
[GM]: Jackdaw is lead upstairs to room 213
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if it comes to it I have a default
Erotic Art of 6
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sex appeal 12
[GM]: Thomas nods in boredom as the time reaches 3:30 am.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Roll both of them. Two rolls
Jackdaw will plumb his reserves, he can always sleep later!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sex appeal first
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,3 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Thomas how long do you stay on watch?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): then Erotic Art
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,1 = [ 8 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): bummer, I need to keep trying I guess
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You succeeded in Sex Appeal
[Thomas]: [Next day is a travel day, correct?]
[GM]: Thomas, Yes.
[Jamison]: Should be.... hehehe
[GM]: Time is now 4 am
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will roll to stay awake?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Roll
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): or is that a given under the
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ 17 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): out like a light, hopefully not too
Thomas keeps himself up until morning, planning to crash on the
fastcoach tommorrow.
[GM]: Thomas I need a Will Roll for you to stay awake. It is
REALLY Monotonous.
[Jamison]: OOC: is the party winding down?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): itt would ruin my rep
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,5 = [ 15 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You failed your will roll to stay
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): busy day I guess
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Well, you wake up once or twice ....
and the ladies are doing some interesting things with you.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): but hopefully I lasted long enough,
and there's alwaqys morning comming
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14...Fail?
[GM]: Thomas nods off somewhere around 4:30
Thomas can't stand it any more, slumping to the side and curling
up in a ball.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You secret is safe with me.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): do "interesting things' give me
another chance?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): hmmm, teenaged faun. Maybe he doesn't
even _have_ to be awake?
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: you would think a thief, would be
able to stay on watch alittle better than this.....lol
[GM]: Everyone give me a 3d6 roll
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,3 = [ 15 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Thomas wakes first at 6am
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are like .... out. Too bad.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): np
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I got ideas
[GM]: If Thomas has nothing planned Jamison wakes at about 7am.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,2 = [ 11 ]
[Jamison]: snort, snort, grunt , hmmm, snort.....
[GM]: Okay, 7am
Jamison opens his eyes...
[GM]: Time of departure in 1 hour
Thomas wakes with a start, looking around. Seeing no one around,
he gets up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Looking in the
mirrior he curses as he see the imprint of the carpet on his
face. He rubs his face, and after he resembles his normal self,
he smiles and chuckles, "The perfect crime..."
Jamison looks around the room. he sees that Thomas is awake.
[Jamison]: Well, at least you stayed awake...
[GM]: What is everyone's plan for the next hour?
[Jamison]: we have an hour and I want some breakfast...... take a
swim in the brass tub if you want... I'll wake the others.
Thomas nods, "Of course! You expected less from a man such
as myself?" He puffs up his chest abit to accent his words.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Except for you.
Jamison eyews Thomas suspitiously......and ....
(Jamison whispered to GM): detect lies
(GM whispered to Jamison): Roll
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,2 = [ 9 ]
Thomas looks over, "Jing will not be joining us. He has
other business to attend to...something about a book."
(GM whispered to Jamison): What is your skill?
(Jamison whispered to GM): 9
(GM whispered to Jamison): You got it!!
(Jamison whispered to GM): Yeppers!!!!
(GM whispered to Jamison): You know that he is hiding something.
[Jamison]: Thomas.... what are you hiding....I detect that
something is not as it seems...?
[GM]: There is a knock at the door.
[GM]: <knock> <knock>
[GM]: Anval's voice "Good Morning"
Thomas looks at Jamison incredously, "You >are<
paranoid. Better get that..."
Jamison moves to answer the door..."Who is it?"
[Jamison]: Anne.... are you awake?
[GM]: Anne " I am just on my way to get some breakfast. Will
anyone be joining me?"
[Jamison]: OOC:DUH!!!!
Thomas wipes his brow, under his breath "Saved by the
[Jamison]: I'll be right there....
[GM]: Anne "I have been up for awhile. That brass tub was
really nice. Hey Jing is not in his room."
Thomas pushes past Jamison, "Yeah, lets go Sister...See ya,
Jamison gives Thomas one last suspicious glance and moves to open
the door.
Thomas looks over, "Jing will not be joining us. He has
other business to attend to...something about a book."
[GM]: Anne stands there holding her head. "A book" She
smiles and straightens up.
[Jamison]: He's leaving the party....? I wonder what he really
Jamison returns Anne's grin.
[GM]: Anne "I was never really sure why he was with us in
the first place. I only hope that I did not miss my chance with
[Jamison]: Another lost sooul, sister?
[GM]: Anne looks at Jamison "To set a good example, of
[GM]: Anne " I hope not."
[Jamison]: Have you check with the others, sister. does anyone
else want breakfast?
[GM]: Anne "Jamison ... about my behavior last night ... I
am very sorry. That is not the way that I usually behave, please
know that."
[GM]: Anne " I knocked on Thor's door, but I got no answer.
Let's check again on our way down."
Jamison looks the good sister in the eyes..."If I believed
otherwise, I would not be hear. Think nothing of it."
[GM]: Anne "By the way ... wasn't Jackdaw supposed to be
staying with Jing? I guess he never made it back either"
[Jamison]: hear=here
[GM]: Anne smiles "Thanks Jamison"
[Jamison]: He never showed on my watch... what about your watch,
[Jamison]: ?
[GM]: Anne carries her back pack with all of her supplies ...
especially the Sanctum Ral.
Jamison has gathered his pack and bundle
[GM]: A knock upon Thor's door gets an answer this time.
Thomas shakes his head, "Never saw Thor."
[GM]: The door to Jing's room is open .... and empty.
[GM]: Thor "Hey, Thomas why didn't you wake me?"
[Jamison]: What about the goofy faun.. did you see him ?
Jamison glares at Thomas........."Hmmmmmmm....."
[GM]: Thor exits his room with his gear, hair wet and clothes
[Jamison]: Saw nothing, huh?
[Jamison]: I wonder...
[Thomas]: [Thor refering to waking him up?]
[GM]: Thor "Well, I make it that we have a little less than
an hour ... should we go eat?"
[Jamison]: Yes... let's go....Does everyone have all their
[GM]: (( Not sure of your plans. But wasn't Thomas supposed to
wake Thor for some watch?))
[Jamison]: OOC: not that I know... and Thomas did say he could do
the rest of the night.
[GM]: Thor and Anval indicate that they have all of their gear.
Thomas shrugs, "I could handle it...No problem."
[GM]: ((well, I am not sure that Thor knew the plans either))
[Jamison]: OOC: Off to breakfast/
[Jamison]: ?
[GM]: The four go down and have a delicious breakfast. Many
differnt kinds of fruit, some that you have never seen before.
[GM]: Some small sausages, toast. ... it's a buffet. Rather
popular in the kingdom these days.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: I'll need to go soon... need some
[GM]: ;-}
Jamison looks at all the food , his eyes arre nearly falling out
of his head...."Ohhhh... this looks goood.
[GM]: 8 o'clock rolls around and the four meet Spence, Palmer,
and Horrice at the fastcoach. All has been made ready for
departure. There is no sign of Jackdaw.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): <snore>
[GM]: ((Shall we end it here?))
[Jackdaw]: ok
[Jamison]: ok by me... we can find JD, next week.