[Tue Feb 29 11:29:39 CST 2000]
[GM]: RECAP: The Party leaves their first floor Hotel Room and
goes in search of Sir Cornelius. They arrive in the Knight's
Guildhouse which is a large coliseum finding a spectacle of
combat taking place with thousands of onlookers. They are talking
to Sir Lennon, trying to find out information which could lead
them to their friend Sir C. It is 8:45pm on the 1st
(Bright)Friday of Drakurah, in the Spring of 1132p.
Anne Sir C said hw would check in with Sir Petr at the Acadamy...
Does that help any?
[Anne]: "Sir C said hw would check in with Sir Petr at the
Acadamy... Does that help any?"
[Anne]: oops
Anne looks worried and distracted....
[GM]: Jamison looks at Anne "Ahh... yeah that's it!...
that's the name!" (he looks really excited)
[GM]: Sir Lennon: In answer to your question ...
Anne blushes at Jamison's enthusiasm, and that she was able to
[GM]: Sir Lennon (speaking to Jamison) "You would have to
check the records at the main office ... and sorry but that is
closed at this late hour."
[GM]: The time is 8:45pm
[Anne]: "Jamison... I'm sorry but I HAVE to go back and make
sure the... package I brought... is safe and sound!"
[Anne]: "I should never have left it alone even for this
[GM]: (( I assumed that you brought it with you Anne?))
[Anne]: ooc - I read the chatlog, and it didn't seem like I had
it with...
[ Paul joined the game ]
[Anne]: ooc - However, if that is Okay, I will say I carried it
with me then...
(Fracas whispered to GM): you dont start at 9?
[GM]: ((Oh, I thought that I made a few posts saying that Anval
clutched her backpack and looked distracted))
(GM whispered to Paul): Start at 7pm Central
[Anne]: ooc - Maybe I misread! Okay... Anne clutches her pack,
and looks worriedly towards the Cathedral...
(Paul whispered to GM): oops, i thought that was 9 EST. guess it
is 8 :(
[Thomas]: [BRB]
[GM]: Jamison looks at Sir Lennon ... "Now what about
getting signed up to test my skill?" (you can see an
excitement that you dont usually see in Jamison)
[GM]: Sir Lennon "As I said .... you must pay a fee"
(he looks at the others standing there) "... but you really
should come back durning regular office hours"
[GM]: Just at that moment there is a great CHEER from the crowd.
[Anne]: (to Jamison) "We could come back in the morning,
[GM]: Sir Lennon looks back through the window at his back
"Well, it looks like we have a Champion .... Hmm... they
don't usually last this long"
[GM]: Jamison looks at Anne and it seems that the spell is
broken. He drops his head "Forgive me Sister"
[Anne]: "Don't be silly - their's nothing to forgive! If the
man won't sign you up, we'll have to come back... that's all. My
duty can wait a bit longer!"
[GM]: Jamison "I am sorry for getting carried away in the
moment. We have to find Sir C and then get to the Cathedral"
[GM]: Jamison "What was the name ... Petr? (turning to Sir
Lennon) Do you have a listing for a ..... Sir Petr?"
[GM]: A smile comes over Sir Lennon's face ..."Sir Petr?
Everyone around here knows that name!"
[Anne]: "Why is that Sir Lennon?"
[ Jingo Yatani left the game ]
[GM]: The crowd continues to yelp and holler. The man with the
blue scarf approachs the center of the crowd and raises his
[ Jingo Yatani joined the game ]
Jackdaw jumps up and down to get a better look "what
[GM]: Sir Lennon seems distracted for a moment .."We have a
new Knight in our folds (turning back to the party) You will find
Sir Petr on Clancy street just North of here."
[Anne]: ooc - That sounds owfully like a dismissal...
Jackdaw scratches him head wondering how you folded a night?
Jackdaw thinks they always streach across the whole sky
[GM]: Jamison "Much thanks Sir Lennon (he nods, turning to
Anne) Let us be off .. and beat this crowd to the streets!"
[Anne]: "Good Idea... Clancy street is not far, it
[GM]: Sir Lennon seems distracted again by the spectacle below.
[Anne]: Anne leads the way, asking citizens where Sir Petr's
house can be found...
[GM]: Jamison moves to exit the Coliseum
[GM]: Everyone leaving heading toward Clancy street?
Jackdaw tugs at Sir Lennon's sleeve "how you fold night? is
that like using candles and lamp? to make shorter?
[Anne]: "C'mon Jackdaw! You might miss a lonely lady if you
stay with all those warriors!"
[GM]: Sir Lennon looks at the faun and says "Huh?"
[Jackdaw]: "how make night folded?"
[GM]: The crowd below begins to chant "Sir Markus ... Sir
Markus .... Sir Markus"
[GM]: The streets are loney outside of the large complex, but the
shouts of the crowd follow the party for at least 3 blocks.
[Anne]: "Sounds like a real party... I wish you luck when it
comes your turn to try for your spurs, Jamison..."
[GM]: The party does meet the occasional man in the street
Jackdaw follows his friends, still wondering and thinking about
folding nights
[GM]: Jamison "Yes .. I will definitely have to return
[Anne]: ooc - is thor with us?
Jackdaw thinks it might be done with magic?
[Anne]: ooc - and thomas?
[Jackdaw]: maybe then he wouldn't fall asleep?
[GM]: Anne, Jamison, Jackdaw, Thomas, and Thor walk North toward
Clancy Street.
[Jackdaw]: or he could sleep in the folds and be up all the time?
Jackdaw starts to think about this . . . serriously
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,1 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: If you haven't noticed before ... you notice now that the
streets are marked with street signs.
[Jackdaw]: but probably doesn't walk into any walls
[GM]: ..and the party soon comes to a sign that reads
[Anne]: Anne looks for Clancy street, and notes the name of the
nearest Cross-street so she can find her way to the Cathedral
from here if needed...
[GM]: The streets are a rough cobblestone pretty much like
[GM]: Anne notices that the party left traveling North on
"Coliseum" street
(Anne whispered to GM): colloseum, if it helps any
[GM]: Jamison "Well? Should we go left or right?" (he
looks down both directions)
[Anne]: "Lets try to the right."
(GM whispered to Anne): Are you sure?
[GM]: Jamison looks at Anne, "Sure why not"
(Anne whispered to GM): sorry - colosseum is correct
[GM]: Jamison begins to move East down Clancy street looking for
places where a Knight might live.
(Anne whispered to GM): I transposed an L and an S... hehehe
Jackdaw is still musing about folding things, night, sleep, time
. . .
(Anne whispered to GM): I'm sure - I looked it up!
(GM whispered to Anne): Damn ... now I'm really confused! My
dictionary says Coliseum!!! : \
[GM]: Clancy street seems to be full of residential 'flats'
Thomas puts his hands in his pockets, walking along with his
usual slouch, appearently disinterested. However, beneath his
shaggy hair his eyes dart to one side than the other, keeping
alert for trouble. He does not expect any but better safe than
sorry. Thomas lets out a snicker as he ponders if Jamison's
paranoia is communicable.
[GM]: But soon the party passes a Hotel with a Doorman standing
[GM]: Doorman "Good Evening"
Jackdaw takes out his sirinx and begins to play . . . somewhat
tentativelt as if searching for something
(Anne whispered to GM): Aha! Coliseum is any old ampitheatre
where sports are played... the Colosseum is the landmark in
[GM]: The Doorman stares at Jackdaw "Hey ... are you a
[ Jingo Yatani left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: . . somewhat tentatively
[Anne]: "Good evening... Might you know where Sir Petr
[ Avatar joined the game ]
Jackdaw stops, "yes my a faun"
[GM]: Doorman "Hmm... haven't ever seen one of your race
before! Where exactly are you from?"
[Jackdaw]: "when?"
(Avatar whispered to GM): just lurking Rubix! And...Hello!
[Jackdaw]: "my was just over there" pointing towards
the colleseum
[GM]: Doorman looks up at Anne" Sir Petr? A Knight? There
are a few of them living a few buildings down ... you might find
him there"
[GM]: Doorman shakes his head and laughs at Jackdaw.
[GM]: Vision roll from all
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,3 = [ 9 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,3 = [ 7 ]
[Anne]: "Thank you sir..." (Anne hands him a gold
sovereign for his troubles) "...could you point it out to me
from here?"
[GM]: Doorman smiles at the gold coin "Sure .. it is right
there" (he points)
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,2 = [ 6 ]
[Anne]: "Thank you!"
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,2 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Everyone looking to the East can see a sign that reads
"Golden Gryphon Apartments"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made by 9 almost a crit
[Anne]: Anne succeeded by 5
[GM]: Those of you who succeeded by 5 or more notice a Gryphon
painted on the sign and number of shields below it.
[GM]: Jamison "That looks like the place! Thank you good
sir" (his hand reflexivly reaches toward his pocket, but
then he realizes that Anne has already taken care of it)
[Anne]: Anne approaches the sign and looks to see if Sir Petr is
listed on the shields...
[GM]: Jamison follows
Jackdaw comes along, still thinking
[GM]: As Anne approaches she realizes that upon the shields are
family crests but no names.
[GM]: Jamison also studies the shields "Oh, I wished I knew
what all this meant"
[Anne]: "Jamison... I fear this is beyond me... Do you know
Sir Petr's coat of arms, or Sir C's?"
Jackdaw looks at the shields
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,2 = [ 7 ]
[Jackdaw]: "that one look like a horsie"
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,3 = [ 8 ]
Thomas looks up as well, the shields meaning little to him.
[Jackdaw]: "That one a tree"
[GM]: Jamison "I remember Sir C's from his shield .... but I
don't see it listed here"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does JD remember Sir C's arms?
[GM]: ((Jamison will be glad that he passed an IQ roll! : ) ))
[Anne]: "Well I guess we'll just try one at random... Shall
we begin knocking on doors?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Give me an IQ roll - 2
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6+2) : 3d6=3,5,1 = [ 11 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made it by 2
[GM]: The party notices that there is a walkway leading up to
main entrance.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): with the penalty
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You remember .. but it is not there.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): any closely similar?
[GM]: Jamison "Come on ... let's go inside"
Anne walks up the walk, following Jamison...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): His is blue ... and there are other of
the same color
[Thomas]: [Did the guard point to any particualar shield?]
[GM]: ((No he didn't))
Jackdaw will start playing, a tune he player in the bar when he
met Sir C
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,2 = [ 9 ]
[Jackdaw]: fairly loudly
Thomas turns to the doorman, "Hey buddy, could you point out
which one of the shields is Sir Pter's?"
[GM]: There is a set of glass doors which open to something of a
main room. Inside are listings for all the residents.
[GM]: ((This apartment complex is 2 buildings down from where the
doorman was))
[GM]: There doesn't appear to be anyone inside in the main room.
[Thomas]: [Oops. Sorry]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Do you keep playing?
[Anne]: Anne looks for Sir Petr's room....
[GM]: The names are neatly organized in alphabetical order and
Anne finds the name within less than a minute.
[Anne]: Sorry - Anne looks for Sir Petr's room on the register
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): calling Sir C
[GM]: Beside his name .... a picture of his shield.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): or attention, anyway
[GM]: There is a hallway leading off in all three directions.
[GM]: You hear footsteps coming from the hallway to the South.
[GM]: Then the footsteps begin to run.
[GM]: There is the sound of footsteps running on carpet.
[Anne]: Ane rushes to look for the running person...
[GM]: Emerging from the hallway is Sir C with a smile on his
[Anne]: "Hey! Sir Cornelius! Over here!"
Jackdaw stops. "Good we finded you!" now we have
[GM]: Sir C stops just feet away from the party "I knew it
had to be the Faun! Not many around here that plays that
Thor smiles
Thomas instinctivily braces himself for the worst, then slides
his dagger back into its sheath as he sees the familiar face of
Sir C.
[Anne]: "Did you arrive safely?"
[GM]: He continues to smile and Greets Jamison and Anne and
everyone else.
[GM]: Sir C "Yes ... a very pleasant trip ... if not
somewhat rushed"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne quickly mutters a quiet spell -
Sense Foes on Sir C... (Skill 13)
[GM]: Sir C "It is very good to see you all. You must have
traveled by fastcoach as well!"
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Anne): You get nothing from him.
(Anne whispered to GM): succeed by 1 - Anne does the spell while
he talks to Jamison...
(Anne whispered to GM): okay - thanks!
[GM]: Sir C "Please ... come join me inside the flat of my
friend Sir Petr"
[Anne]: "Yes we did! We had business here as well - in the
royal city I mean..."
[Anne]: "I'd be pleased to!"
[GM]: Sir C leads you all down the hallway.
[GM]: Sir C "So, any trouble along the way?"
[Anne]: (Anne follows Sir C, but does so behind Jamison so that
he is in the lead)
[GM]: Jamison "We were followed ... I am sure of it"
[GM]: Sir C stops "Followed? Are you sure?"
Thor follows along
[Jackdaw]: "is nice mans going to haved him frollic
[GM]: Sir C "Lets speak of this inside"
[Anne]: "Something wonderful occured to me... I'll gladly
tell you of it later, when we have more time!"
[GM]: Sir C leads everyone down a carpeted hallway painted with
many shields, coats of arms, and sceens of battle.
[GM]: Sir C stops just 7 doors from the main room and pushes a
door that was left ajar.
[GM]: The door opens revealing a room that is richly decortated
if not showing signs of a 'bachelor pad'.
[GM]: Just about every type of sword hangs from the wall ...
along with some other weapons as well.
[GM]: Sir C enters and takes a read newspaper from the couch ...
"Come in and have a seat"
[GM]: Sir C makes room for the party to sit
[Jackdaw]: "ok"
[GM]: Jamison enters cautiously looking around "Where is
.... your friend?"
Anne sits
Jackdaw walks over and picks up a chair "what my do with it
Thomas takes a seat, plopping into the coach.
[Jackdaw]: "my not wanted one of these"
[Jackdaw]: "does my have to keeped it?"
[GM]: Sir C "Oh, he had some business to take care of at the
Knight's Guild tonight"
Anne chuckles at JD's antics
Anne clutches the haft of her Mace when she hears that uttered...
[GM]: Sir C "He should be here shortly" (looking at
Jackdaw) "Sit in it ... good friend!"
Jackdaw puts the chair down "my Really not wanted it"
Anne stands, and makes like she is pacing.
[GM]: Sir C notices Anne's concern "What is it,
[GM]: Jamison approaches the couch but stops as Anne starts
(Anne whispered to GM): were we at the knights guild earlier?
(GM whispered to Anne): Yep
[Anne]: "We were already there, and asked about Sir Petr,
and they said he wasn't there - and that we should look here...
Something *strange* is going on..."
[Anne]: "I don't like it... Guys, I think we should head out
in a few seconds..."
[GM]: Sir C raises an eyebrow "Not there you say?"
[Anne]: "Nope - we asked for him, and the clerk said he
wasn't available... Maybe he just asked to not be disturbed,
but... I dunno."
[GM]: Jamison grips his staff "Hmm... what could this
(Anne whispered to GM): Tactics roll to detect Ambush?
[GM]: Sir C "Well maybe it is nothing...."
[GM]: Sir C begins to pace around thinking "He told me that
he wanted to observe a young man trying to earn his spurs"
[Jackdaw]: "what that one calleded?"
[ Jingo Yatani joined the game ]
[Anne]: Sir markus?
Jackdaw asks pointing to an odd weapon on the wall
[GM]: Sir C ".... he said that it promised to be quite a
[ Jingo Yatani left the game ]
[ Jingo Yatani joined the game ]
[GM]: Sir C "Yes ... that's his name (looking at Anne) How
did you know?"
[Anne]: "We heard the knights chanting his name after we
left... he succeeded in becoming a knight!"
[GM]: Jamison noticing Jackdaw and his question "That is
called main gauche"
[Anne]: "Wait - That must mean, either he was there and
wouldn't see us, or Sir Petr went on an errand he didn't want
you, Sir C, to know about!"
[GM]: Sir C "Well, I don't think there is anything to worry
about at this point"
(Paul whispered to GM): hey, I had no idea Indy's character was
the eagle last night!
(GM whispered to Paul): Hehehe ... I caugh on toward the end!
Anne looks unconvinced...
[GM]: Sir C "But we should not let our guards down,
[Anne]: "What do you think Jamison? Am I being foolish
[GM]: Jamison "I thought I was being foolish ... but
remember, we were followed"
[GM]: Sir C"Well, this place is like a home away from home
for me. I spend nearly a year here when I was in training for my
[Jackdaw]: "By a bridie and a mans on a horsie too"
[GM]: Sir C (looks at Jackdaw) "Two followers? Hmm..."
[GM]: Jamison "So, now that we have found you Sir C ... can
you fill us in on what has transpired since you arrived in The
Royal City?"
[Jackdaw]: 'maybe not, the mans could have beened a birdie
[Jackdaw]: "my only seed him once, just before we finded the
breaked down coach with the nasty mans in disguise"
[GM]: Sir C gets up and goes into the what appears to be the
kitchen and returns with some Ale "anyone care for a drink
of Ale?"
Jackdaw perks up "sure!"
[Anne]: "No thank you, Sir C... None for me."
Thomas nods, thinking it has been a long day, "Sure...I'll
have one."
Thor thinks for a sec "I'd better not, thanks anyway"
[GM]: Sir C hands a mug of Ale to everyone except Anne and Thor.
[GM]: Sir C also produces a glass of water for Anne and Thor,
offering it to them.
[GM]: Sir C "And now ... let's to business"
[GM]: Sir C takes a sip of Ale.
[Anne]: "Thank you Sir C... but I must decline,
Jackdaw quaffs his ale
[GM]: Sir C "You are looking at a man who had a private
audience with His Royal Highness King Rothmand XVIII"
[Jackdaw]: "you gived him him ring back"
Thomas takes a sip of his ale, listening to Sir C
[Anne]: "What Happened?!?!?!"
[GM]: Sir C "Thanks to our acquantance Sir Luxor .. who
seems to have the King's ear"
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "king not needed it himself"
Jackdaw wonders about this king with only one ear
[Jackdaw]: "was it cutted off?"
[GM]: ((Yeah! Welcome the Squire!))
(Jamison whispered to GM): Sorry, major league ISP problems
[Anne]: ooc Hiya Jamison!
(Avatar whispered to GM): thanks for letting me lurk Rubix! Catch
you later!
[Jackdaw]: ooc hi!
[ Avatar left the game ]
[Jamison]: Hi all, sorry for the delay... problems on this end...
I hope I can contribute.
[Thomas]: [Hello]
[Thor]: ooc: Hiya Jamison
(Jamison whispered to GM): I'll ask JD to catch me up
[Jackdaw]: ooc yeah you buy the beer?
[Jackdaw]: or the pizza?
[GM]: Sir C begins
[GM]: Sir C "I arrived by fastcoach around 7pm yesterday
evening and Sir Luxor had me a meeting with his magesty at
[GM]: Sir C "I entered speaking with him about the matter
with The Prince's Ring .. and also giving him the information
that we had uncovered regarding the Prince and his connections to
the Underground in Shevandale ...."
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,2,5 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Sir C "The King seemed greatly distressed over the
matter with the Baron"
[GM]: Sir C pauses to take a drink
[GM]: Sir C "He demanded to see the ring of Prince Gunthar
and examined it very closely."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What was the roll for?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): just trying something out, if you put
the target number first and sub the roll a positive number is a
success by that amount and a negative is a failier by it's amount
[GM]: Sir C "Then he spoke to me telling me that he wished
the ring returned to the Prince and that the business of the
Baron's trial was to be kept out of the public eye."
[GM]: Sir C "He has great concern for the upcoming wedding
and does not wish the spirit of national celebration to
Jamison looks at SC," Did the King say if the Prince had
brought the matter of his ring up to him?
[Jackdaw]: "we get to frollic??"
[GM]: Sir C "His Magesty seemed rather surprised to see the
Prince's ring. Apparently the Prince has kept this from his
father and anyone else"
[Jamison]: Did you pass on your suspicions of the Prince losing
his ring because of a gambling debt?
[GM]: Sir C turns to Anne and Jackdaw "In case you don't
know it, no one in this Kingdom has the right to remove the Ring
of a Prince excpet the King himself ... or maybe the Lord Patrona
[GM]: Sir C "Yes, I did metion that ... telling him that we
had evidence of this ... the King seemed angered by this and
waved me to be silent"
[GM]: Sir C stands "I don't like the situation that we have
[Jamison]: not to be mentioned again, then... he must be aware of
his son's tendancies...
[GM]: Sir C "... but I am bound to serve His Magesty .... no
matter what."
[Jamison]: Well, if you don't like thais situation... wait until
we fill you in on the rest....
[GM]: Sir C "Yes Jamison ... I agree .. I beileve that he is
aware of his son's tendancies"
[GM]: Sir C "The Rest?"
Jamison rolls his eyes and sighs.... the he reaches into his pack
and removes a small purse...
[GM]: Sir C focuses on the purse ... waiting
[Jamison]: First of all, ....here is the residuals from our
little adventure in the catacombs...
Jamison tosses the purse to SC.
[GM]: Sir C catches the pouch and examines it.
(GM whispered to Jamison): What is in it, again?
Jamison then begins to pick up his wrapped package.
(Jamison whispered to GM): 100 gold soverigns
[GM]: Sir C stares at the purse, not noticing Jamison and his
[GM]: Sir C "What is the gold for?"
[Jamison]: I believe it was from the sale of a few of the items
recovered from the Catacombs...
[GM]: Sir C's attention then moves to the package that Jamison is
[Jamison]: And for your assistance in getting it...
[GM]: Sir C "Ahh..... very well ... and the package? Another
Jamison then begins to unwrap the package he has been carrying
[Jamison]: Well, apparently our friend Dirk returned to the cats
and recovered..... this .....
[GM]: Sir C stands paitently
Jamison finishes unwrapping the package with a flurish
[GM]: Sir C's jaw drops as the sword is revealed "Holy Ral
.. what a blade!"
Jamison desplays the bastard sword
[GM]: Sir C moves closer to the sword "This ... this came
from the cats?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): i'M SORRY, WHICH kING'S
Thomas smiles, "Beauty ain't it? Almost ended up in some
pawn shop..."
(GM whispered to Jamison): King Millborne Orcslayer ... the
Sword's name is Gleam
[Jamison]: yes, it is remarkable....we believe it is the sword
from King Milborne Orcslayer... we believe it is THE GLEAM...
[GM]: Sir C "Your joking with me young squire, right? That
blade is a myth!"
[Jamison]: I wish I were joking... unfortunately the story takes
a twist here....
[GM]: Sir C "If there were such a blade .... it would be
displayed in a museum somewhere."
[GM]: Sir C "A twist?"
[Jamison]: If this sword had been handed down from father to
son... it would be in the hands of the Baron at this time....
[Jamison]: This is our delema
[GM]: Sir C "The Baron? Baron Kessler?"
[Jamison]: Should it be returned to the rightful heir, or should
it go to the kingdom as a national treasure?
[Jamison]: Yes, Baron Kessler... the very Baron to be placed on
private trial...
[GM]: Sir C turns and begins to pace "The descendant of King
Millborne, huh? Yes, royalty from Shevandale .... Yes, I can see
that could be true"
[Jamison]: We tried to verify these and other facts before we
left Shevandale
[Thomas]: "Well, as far as we know, no one knows we have it
as yet. Like you said it is a myth. We can let it slide till
after the trial...then it would probabily end up in better
Jamison looks to Anne.... "Do you have the document of
[GM]: Sir C"You have presented a dilema Jamison ... and I am
not sure the best course of action"
[Jamison]: As I am unsure what to do, either
[GM]: Sir C turns to Thomas "Yes, I think I agree with you
Thomas ... there is no need to act until AFTER the trail."
[Jamison]: We have the will of our party to consider, also.
[Thomas]: [BRB]
Jamison reaches for the blade and returns it to it's plain brown
(raggy) wrapper.
[GM]: Sir C "...and judging from the response of King
Rothmand, I don't think he could bear any more news. He seems to
be very troubled as it is."
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
Jackdaw yawns and dozes off at this boring discussion
[Jamison]: As you say SC... I bow to your wisdom in this
[GM]: Sir C"Jamison ... keep it safe until then ... guard it
with ... your life if need be"
Jamison returns the package to it's former place
[Jamison]: I have and will continue to do that.....
[GM]: Sir C "Now to other matters at hand ...."
Jamison listens
[GM]: Sir C "We should set up a meeting with Prince Gunthar.
I am sure that he will be very greatful at the return of his
[Jamison]: Will you bring up the trial to the Prince?
[GM]: Sir C "I have taken Sir Luxor into our confidence,
letting him know that we plan to meet with the Prince."
[GM]: Sir C looks at Jamison "I don't think that I would
brind up the matter .. unless the Prince does. Do you have any
other ideas good squire?"
[GM]: ooc: brind = bring
[ Jingo Yatani left the game ]
[GM]: Sir C "Also the trial is set for Dark Thursday"
(Jamison whispered to GM): and today is?
[GM]: Sir C "So, if there is nothing else .... I say that we
meet with the Prince as soon as possible. I will try to set up a
meeting for tomorrow"
[ Thomas joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bright Friday
[Jamison]: And we will continue to keep the story of the sword a
secret until the group thinks it best to bring it up to the
[GM]: Sir C "Yes, I think that is best (he looks to Anne and
Thomas and Thor) Is everyone in agreement?"
Thomas nods, "I think it is best. Revealing it now would be
a bad idea."
[Jamison]: Then I believe we have only 2 things to take care of
....1) Anne's promise and 2) JD's frolic....
Thor nods "I agree with that"
Jackdaw wakes at that "frollic?!?"
[Jackdaw]: "my ready~!"
Jamison smiles...."I thought he would stop snoring for
[GM]: Vison roll from Anne, Jamison, Thomas, and Thor
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,3 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Make that a perception roll
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): not me?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Okay ... you too.
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ -2 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,2 = [ 10 ]
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,6 = [ 13 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): missed
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): fumbleded!
[GM]: Jamison notices something
(GM whispered to Jamison): The door knob begins to turn
Jamison puts his finger to his mouth, using the universal sign of
quiet to the group and graps his staff...
Jamison watches the door
[Jackdaw]: "you hurted your finger Jamison?"
[GM]: Sir C notices Jamison's action and turns toward the door.
Jamison rolls his eyes and shackes his head
[GM]: The doorknob after turning quietly, now begins to turn
abrubptly. Then there is a knock.
[GM]: Sir C "Who is it?"
Thor seeing Jamison's action, quietly moves his hand to his belt
Jackdaw watches everybody in puzzlment
[GM]: A voice comes from the other side of the door " ....
it's Petr you fool, let me in!"
[GM]: Sir C grins and moves toward the door.
[GM]: He pauses just before he unlocks it
Jamison mubbles...how long has he been listening...
[GM]: The door is opened revealing a tall man with black wavy
hair and a neatly trimmed goatee. His eyes are bright green and
seems to have a twinkle.
[GM]: Petr "I see ... having a party at my flat ... and not
inviting me? Bad form Sir C!"
[Jackdaw]: "?party? oh frollic! Yes we wants one!"
[GM]: Sir Petr enters looking at all in the room, "Let me
guess ... Sister Anne? The young squire Jamison? The man with the
long hair ... must be Thomas ... and the other Human .. Thor the
ex-soldier ... and then of course ... the blond faun ... blond
[Jamison]: Sir C?... who is this gentleman.... I believe
introductions may be in order...
GM turns to look at Sir C
[GM]: Petr turns to look at Sir C
[Jackdaw]: "know any lonely ladies?"
[GM]: Sir C "This is my old friend .... Sir Petr"
[GM]: Petr appears to be in his early 30's "Old friend, you
[GM]: Petr smiles
[Jamison]: Good to make your aquaintance Sir Petr...
[Jackdaw]: "hihi"
Jamison reaches to clasp forarms...
[GM]: Petr bows to Jamison and then everyone else in turn
"Well met good squire .. well met"
[GM]: IQ roll from all
Thomas nods at the man.
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,2 = [ 10 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,6 = [ 12 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=1,5,1 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,2 = [ 9 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made it by 6
[GM]: All become aware that this man does not wear the usual garb
of a knight.
[GM]: Petr enters and moves to grab a mug of Ale. "Well,
Cornelius .. you missed a spectacular fight!"
Jamison perks up at the talk about the fights..
[GM]: Petr looks at the entire party "Welcome to my flat ..
please make your selves at home ... will are welcome to stay here
if you like"
[GM]: ooc: will = you
[GM]: Sir C "Where are you staying?" (to Jamison)
(GM whispered to Jamison): Are you lagging?
[Jamison]: We have a room at the (fill in the blank) hotel.
[GM]: Sir C "Ahhh... I know the place!"
[Jackdaw]: "my was going to find some lonely lady . .
(Jamison whispered to GM): No, covering ground with JD.
[Jackdaw]: "my was Hoping to find some lonely ladies"
[GM]: Sir C "Well, Is there anything else that needs to be
taken care of tonight?"
[Jamison]: Where shall we all meet tomorrow. I believe I will
want to attend Sister Anne , tomorrow.
Jackdaw replies in a small voice "frollic"
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
Jamison looks to JD.." On the way home...just hold
[GM]: Sir C "Do you need my aid in the matter Jamison,
[Jamison]: I don't believe it is necessary, but you may find it
Jamison smiles
[GM]: Sir C "Just let me get my shield and I will join
[Jamison]: As you will, SC
[GM]: Time is about 10pm in The Royal City
[GM]: Sir C gets his Shield and is ready to go.
Jamison turns to Anne,"Shall we continue tonight or take
care of your concern tomorrow?"
[Jackdaw]: brb
(Jamison whispered to GM): Is Zugg, ok?
[GM]: The party leaves Petr's flat with Sir C.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Zugg is not here ... left the game
about 5 mintues ago
(Jamison whispered to GM): I saw, just wondering