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[Tue Apr 04 18:37:22 CDT 2000]
[GM]: RECAP: The Party has just left the presence of Prince Gunthar. They have been
promised invitations to the Royal Wedding and gold for their troubles. It is 11am on
the 1st (Bright) Saturday of Drakurah, in the Spring of 1132p. BEGIN SESSION 38:
(To GM) DICE for Paul: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,4 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Jamison looks nervous
(Jing whispered to GM): ?
[GM]: Jamison, "Well, should we return to the Holy Cathedral?"
[Jackdaw]: ooc except JD?
[Jackdaw]: or was he there too?
(Jing whispered to GM): ooc: and jing...
[GM]: Jackdaw and Jing are not there
[Jackdaw]: thanks
[Thomas]: [BRB]
[GM]: Sir C: "Well, I feel uncomfortable standing here in the street. Anne what do you
(Anval whispered to GM): Sorry Rubix, but I'm going to have to go.... I did send you
an e-mail earlier about Annes actions. Sorry about this - I can barely type, and I'm
going to fall over if I dont liedown....
(GM whispered to Anval): Take care
(Anval whispered to GM): I'll see you later...
(GM whispered to Anval): later
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
[GM]: ((Sorry, Zugg is having trouble. He will have to leave))
[Jackdaw]: ooc bummer, nothing too serrious I hope?
[GM]: The party: Sir C, Jamison, Thomas, Thor, and Anne begin to walk toward the Holy
[Jing]: ooc: and then there where 4
[GM]: Switch the action back about 12 hours
[GM]: Jackdaw is in the height of his festival mood.
[GM]: Drinks are being bought for him right and left .. and offers are coming his
Jackdaw wails away on his pipes, livening up an already memorable party!
[GM]: Jackdaw notices a familiar face across the room, looking at him.
[GM]: It is his freind from Shevandale .... Jing
[Jing]: *is sitting in the cornor watching*
[Jackdaw]: "hihi Jing my friend, come frollic!"
Jackdaw will introduce some of his new friends to jing
[GM]: Jackdaw's friends seem to like Jing, as well.
[Jing]: *stands up walking over to jack*
[Jackdaw]: "This is Bambi, this is Bobbi, this is Candi . . ."
[Jing]: *nods to them all*
[GM]: The party continues for many more hours.
[GM]: It is taken over to a large flat in the Western Part of the city. The flat of
a weathly lady who happens to have been widowed recently.
Jackdaw will try to cheer her up
[GM]: The crowd is made up of many people that have come into the Royal City for the
Royal Wedding.
[Jing]: *will watch the bar*
[Jackdaw]: after life should be fun!
[GM]: It seems that they cant wait any longer for the big day.
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,4 = [ 14 ]
(Paul whispered to GM): Is literacy a 10pt adv in Methoria?
(GM whispered to Paul): Literacy is free
(Paul whispered to GM): cool
[Jackdaw]: "Big Frollic come soon now that nice mans haveded him ring back"
[GM]: The party ends sometime after dawn.
[Jackdaw]: ooc blew the IQ to keep mouth shut
[GM]: No one seems to pay any attention to Jackdaw's comment.... but you cant be
completely sure.
[GM]: You all wake sometime around 10am.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM):
Jackdaw streches leisurly
[GM]: Jackdaw's head is swirling with a dream that he just had.
[Jackdaw]: "ooh, what was that wine?"
[Jackdaw]: "was good!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): A man stands before you and looks down at the sleeping body
of the widow. He turns and looks at you and begins to speak.
[Jing]: *wonders why the gods invented hang overs........and shuts his eyes again*
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): do I see him or just hear him?
[GM]: Two servents of the Widow go around cleaning up the flat. There is the smell of
bacon cooking.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc medium is usually just hearing but might be/include more
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You see him very detailed in this dream of yours.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): k
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): he nice mans?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He looks very worried
[GM]: Whispering to Jackdaw
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is sleeping widow next to me by chance?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He begins to speak to you, "You .. faun ... you must help
her. Please help her"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): snuggled?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, she is next to you .. almost in your arms.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "what my need do?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "my helped!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): She is in grave danger.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "She nice lady, but sad, my try help make happy"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): My partner would have her killed.... for the money.
[Jing]: ..
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "sound like he be nasty mans then"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "not good partner!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He nods at Jackdaw
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): But not even she knows where I hit it.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): ..hid it.
[Jing]: ooc: i don't know if it's available... have any of u heard the opening
song to Angel....?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc should I be mumbling this aloud so Jing can hear?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): ooc: might be a good idea
[Jackdaw]: "you her nice mans, she missed you"
Jackdaw mumbles in his sleep
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): /he goes over very close to Jackdaw.
[ Parzival joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Jackdaw appears to still be asleep. He is tossing and
[GM]: Jackdaw appears to still be asleep. He is tossing and turning.
(Jing whispered to GM): ooc: am i awake?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Man: If you get the chest, then you can control my Partner.
There is ... evidence there too.
[Jackdaw]: "what chest?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): But please ... take care of her. She does not deserve this
kind of trouble.
[Jackdaw]: "my do"
[GM]: Jing is trying to sleep, but Jackdaw's mumbling is waking him up.
[Jackdaw]: "where my findeded chest?"
[Jing]: *throws a smi heavy object in jacdaw's direction.... then lays back down*
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The shop ... the shop in South ..... (he begins to fade as
the sun seems to rise)
[Jackdaw]: "want me giveded her message from you?"
[GM]: Jackdaw wakes as a ray of sun hits his face coming in the window that one of the
servants just opened.
Jackdaw moans "ooohhh"
[GM]: The servants make themselves busy cleaning.
[Jackdaw]: "guess so"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You have a very odd feeling.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You sense a presence near you where the man was standing in
your dream.
Jackdaw looks
[Jackdaw]: "you there?"
[Jing]: *is tired of jackdaw and his mindless incoherent babbeling* jackdaw...
wake up...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You hear a raspy voice that might be the wind, " Yeeessssss"
[Jackdaw]: "my tell her you still loved her?"
Jackdaw says talking to the air
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): OOC: Remember that you full power is not with you yet.
[Jackdaw]: ooc I know
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Yesssss .... I .... Lovvveeeee herrrrr..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He is gone
[GM]: The Widow still sleeps
Jackdaw leans over the widow and starts whispering in her ear, then hugs her and holds
her tight
[Jing]: ooc: is totally lost
[GM]: She wakes and smiles at Jackdaw, "Good Morning"
[GM]: She looks around at the servants (now three are visible) and stands up a little
embarrassed, "What time is it?"
[ Skyrender joined the game ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will whisper part of my dream, tell her nice mans came, was
worried and says to tell her he still loves her.
(Skyrender whispered to GM): Hey-ho, Rubix. =)
[Jackdaw]: "is morning"
(GM whispered to Skyrender): Hey Sky!!!
[GM]: She looks at Jackdaw with a surprised look on her face.
(Skyrender whispered to GM): How ya been?
Jackdaw looks at her and nods slowly
[GM]: Widow: "Really?"
[Jackdaw]: "you very lucky haved nice mans husband"
(GM whispered to Skyrender): Pretty good ... and you?
[GM]: Widow: "Yes, he was very nice. What is this about me being in danger?"
(Skyrender whispered to GM): Not too shabby. Been introducing folks to GURPS. =)
[Jackdaw]: "but him worried that you be alright"
[Jackdaw]: "him think hin not nice partner may cause you troubles"
[GM]: Widow: "Why wouldn't I be alright? Can he see me now?" (she looks around the room)
[Jackdaw]: "but him say in Shop in south is papers that maked him partner behave himself"
[Jackdaw]: "my not know what him seed, my only talked to hims in dre
[Jackdaw]: dream"
Jackdaw describes the man he saw to the widow
[GM]: Widow: "Shop in South? You must be talking about the Import Shop that he owns in
[GM]: Widow:"That was my hubby! Did he look happy?"
[Jackdaw]: "him looked worried. Maybe we finded what him wants and he be happier when
you safe?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc I know you said that most bodies are cremated, what do
humans believe about an afterlife?
[GM]: Widow: "Well, his buisnesses are being sold this week, including the one in
Southtown. If I were out of the piture ... then his partner Smity would stand to get a
lot of money." (she thinks)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): heaven like, reincarnation or what?
(Skyrender whispered to GM): Anyways, not hanging around, just wanted to pop in and say
hello. =)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The goal of each soul is to enter Rhisspen.
(GM whispered to Skyrender):
(GM whispered to Skyrender): Glad you droppen in! Hey I need your ICQ#
[Jackdaw]: "maybe we go haved look firstest/
(GM whispered to Skyrender): Mine is 35374100 ... I got a new hard drive.
[Jackdaw]: "where Southtown?" "my not know my way around this place"
(Skyrender whispered to GM): 51886772. I've still got you on my ICQ list.
[GM]: Widow looks at Jackdaw, "Southtown is on the southern part of this island. About
100 miles from here."
Jackdaw thinks it's urgent
[Jackdaw]: 'my go looked finded what hims wants and biring it back here?"
[GM]: Servant: "Ma'am will your guests be staying for breakfast?"
[Jackdaw]: "then when you safe hims can relax and go Rhisspan"
[GM]: Widow looks at the Servant "Uh .... If they wish"
Jackdaw looks at servant "got any eggs?"
[Jackdaw]: "my like eggs"
[GM]: Widow: (to Jackdaw) "I can not make such a trip ... could you ... help me?"
(Skyrender whispered to GM): Anyways, I'm taking off... take care, man. =)
[Jackdaw]: "yes, my happy to helped"
[GM]: Servant "Yes sir ... eggs it is .... scrambled?"
[Jackdaw]: 'you mean cooked" "no, please leave raw, taste much better that
[GM]: Widow "Sorry, friend, but for now I must be leaving ... I have some urgent
business this morning."
[ Skyrender left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "my be back soon as my can"
[GM]: Servant (gives JD a strange look) "As you wish, sir"
[GM]: Breakfast is there for any who wish, but the Widow leaves and is not seen again
that day.
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Jamison!!!))
[ Ghostmoon left the game ]
[Jamison]: OOc: would someone , PLEASE shot my ISP...PLEASE
[GM]: Jackdaw and Jing: I would like to know your actions after you leave the Widow's
[Jackdaw]: ooc wow, my screen blanked out that time
[GM]: ...
[Jackdaw]: test
[Jamison]: Hello
[Jackdaw]: test
[Jing]: ...
[GM]: ((Working now?))
[GM]: Jackdaw and Jing: I would like to know your actions after you leave the Widow's
[Jamison]: Finally.. to a point
[Jing]: *shrugs* ahhhhh.. jing will follow jackdaw having nothing better to do....*
[ MikeL left the game ]
(Parzival whispered to GM): Ah! The wonders of modern technology.
[GM]: Mike will be right back
[Jing]: going for smoke,,, brb.'
[Jing]: ooc: btw
[GM]: The group including Jamison, Sir C, Anne, Thomas, and Thor are still heading back
to the Cathedral?
[GM]: There are a few things that I need to know.
[Jackdaw]: brb
[Jamison]: OOC: sorry to ask... can I have a very brief recap on where we are?
[GM]: Very well
[Jamison]: or should I ask JD
[GM]: Jackdaw and Jing met each other last night and ended up at a private party in some
widow's flat.
[Jamison]: ??
[Jamison]: Hmmmmmmm
[GM]: They have still not met up with the rest of the party.
[Jamison]: k
[GM]: The others: Sir C, Jamison, Thor, Thomas, and Anne ...
[GM]: Were summoned to the presence of the Prince who was real happy to get his ring
[GM]: The spent last night in the Holy Cathedral
[Jamison]: Time of day?
[GM]: Jamison took the Sword with him to the meeting not wanting to leave it alone.
[GM]: It is now 11am
[Jamison]: k
[GM]: The meeting with the Prince just over, and Jackdaw and Jing's brunch too.
[GM]: The party of 5 is walking toward the Cathedral, unless anyone has anything else to
[Jamison]: Did JD have fun in the widow's lair?
[GM]: Btw, everyone noticed a little change in Anne this morning.
[Jamison]: ????
[GM]: She is looking better: Her teeth are not as crooked and her hair has a slight red
tint to it.
Jamison looks at Anne and wonders?
[Jackdaw]: b
[GM]: Anne looks a little nervous as Jamison looks her way.
[GM]: She is apparently uncomfortable at the attention.
[Jamison]: Sister, you are looking expecially ...special , this morning
[GM]: Sir C, "Well, shall we return to the Cathedral?"
[GM]: Anne: trying to smile, "Thank you Jamison"
Jamison wonders about the games going on at the stadium
[GM]: Sir C (to Jamison) "Will you be carrying that package around with you all day?"
Jamison returns the smile... and looks again and smiles even more...
[GM]: There were talks earlier about Sir C and Jamison going to check them out ... just
before two knights arrived to escort the party to meet the Prince.
Jamison ...his attention grabbed by SC... realizes the package he carries
[GM]: (check out the Coliseum, that is)
[ Ryo-Ohki left the game ]
[GM]: Sir C "The way that I see it ... our business is done .. until Thursday: The
Jamison looks at SC..." you realize the importance... of course I will carry it">
[GM]: The party of Sir C, Anne, Jamison, Thor and Thomas walks toward the Cathdral.
[GM]: Jackdaw and Jing enjoy brunch.
[GM]: Where will JD and Jing go after they eat?
Jackdaw expertly taps the end of an egge, lifts it over his mouth and taps the other
end, sucking in a quick "slurp"
[Jackdaw]: "ah, the bestest way"
[GM]: Jing make a fright check
(To GM) DICE for Jing: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,1 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Jing avoids a case of the Hebbie Jebbies
[Jackdaw]: we go looked for Thomas, him can helped us
[GM]: The group of 5 arrives back at the Cathdral where some of them had left their
gear I think.
[Jing]: *shruggs following jackdaw*
Jackdaw heads for the big church
[GM]: The party tries to decide what their next move should be.
[Jackdaw]: as he leaves JD thinks to ask a servant the name of the Shop in Southtown,
and the name of the widow
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,2 = [ 7 ]
Jamison glances around... and winks at Anne. "I am going to register for the games...
anyone want to watch?"
[GM]: Servant "I remember the shop. Master Bringem used to talk about it. I believe
that it was called the Gryphon's Nest"
[GM]: The servant just refers to the widow as Mrs. Bringem
[Jackdaw]: "thank you"
[GM]: Anne "I would be honored to watch"
Jamison blushes
[Jing]: *whispers to jd* what kind of shop was it?
[Thomas]: [Do we have anywhere else to be?]
[GM]: Sir C "After my dream last night ... I am anxious to try a few moves myself."
[GM]: NOTE: The Trial is scheduled for Thursday ... this is Saturday
Jackdaw tells Jing "an import shop, maybe lotsa shineys?"
[GM]: As the party talks to each other a Priest approaches.
[Jamison]: OOC:: acccch, nuts, I was hoping it was sooner
[GM]: Brother Geoff: Greetings, I take it you business was successful. (he smiles)
[GM]: Anne: "Yes, thank you."
[Jing]: begins thinking of money* so then we go to save the world for much money....?
Jamison smiles
[GM]: Geoff:"You rooms were not disturbed. Lunch will be served in 1 hour ... and you
are welcome if you wish."
[GM]: Goeff nods and begins to leave.
Thomas shrugs, "Not my thing, but I'll watch ya Jamison."
[Jamison]: Excuse me good sir...
Jackdaw says in a puzzled voice "we go to help nice lady what hadde a good party"
[GM]: Geoff stops and approaches Jamison, "Yes?"
[GM]: Jing and Jackdaw arrive outside the Cathedral. It is a very large place.
14 spires. There is an opening on each of the four sides of the gates.
[Jamison]: Could I persuade you to keep an eye out for people that may be asking about
our party....----Jamison reaches for his purse...
Jackdaw goes to the nearest opening and enters looking for his friends
[GM]: Jackdaw roll IQ to remember where the rooms were. I believe that you were shown
the rooms just before you left.
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,5 = [ 10 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 3
[GM]: You barely remember. It looks a little differnt in the daylight, but you get
there without too much trouble.
[GM]: Geoff: "Good Sir, you have only but to ask. I have been asked to see to your
needs by the Lord Patrona himself."
[GM]: Anne smiles at Geoff
[GM]: Jackdaw and Jing arrive at the rooms.
Jamison reaches, and delivers a gold soverign. He tosses it to Geoff...
[GM]: Geoff looks at Jackdaw, "Ahh... the faun returns ... and with a freind."
[Jackdaw]: "hihi"
[Jamison]: hi hi, JD
[Jackdaw]: "Thomas, my needs some helped"
[Jackdaw]: "can you make us to moved a long way fast?"
[GM]: Geoff does not reach to catch it. It hits his chest and falls to the floor.
clang clang clang
[Jing]: *nods to everyone*
[GM]: Geoff bows and begins to leave.
Jamison looks confused, and guilty...
Thomas looks at the little guy, "Whats the matter?"
[Jackdaw]: "my needs to getted to Southtown, long way aways. many days walk"
[GM]: Anne looks at Jamison, "Perhaps he has taken a vow of poverty. Or maybe ...
he was insulted. He serves a higher power than gold, you know?"
[Jing]: *adds in* 100 miles
[Jamison]: My fault, good sir. My manners were outof place.... pleaase excuse
Thomas blinks, "Any reason?"
[GM]: Goeff is gone
[Jackdaw]: "nice widow might be in trouble unless my finded chest to controll nasty
partner of her dead husband who is worried about her"
Jamison hangs his head and looks to Anne for an explination..
[GM]: Sir C "100 miles? That is a rather long trip don't you think?"
[Jackdaw]: "but need to make do fast"
[GM]: Anne "How could you have known Jamison?"
Jamison blushes and wishes he had the ability to read minds.....
[GM]: Anne: "But Priets are not usually very accepting towards bribery... it would
be the same if you were to tip a Knight"
[Jamison]: My apologies, Sister... I was not thinking
[GM]: Anne looks a little embarrassed that she mentioned the word 'bribery'
Thomas raises his eyebrows, "Uh...All right. Do you know this lady or what? A
"friend" of yours?"
[Jackdaw]: "yes, nice lady what hadde a good frollic lastest night"
[GM]: Sir C (to Jamison) "Well, good squire .... shall we postpone our show of
skill in the Arena for another day?"
[Jackdaw]: "she invited everybodies over and even gived breakfast"
[GM]: Sir C (to Jackdaw) "You DO seem to make an awful lot of friends!"
[Jackdaw]: "it EASY to make friends, and fun too"
Thomas looks unimpressed, "I see..." He looks to the others for a little help
[Jackdaw]: ooc JD is a REAL 'party animal'
[Jing]: .
[GM]: Sir C "But (looking at everyone) if you do go through with this, I must deny
my services. I have told His Magesty the King that I would be here in case he
called for me."
[GM]: Sir C "I don't think it would be appropriate for me to leave The Royal City"
[GM]: The party discusses the matter.
[Jackdaw]: "my thinks it need be make do fast"
[GM]: Will anyone go to Southtown?
[Jing]: ooc: jing will
[GM]: Jackdaw, Jing, anyone else?
Jamison begins to think about finding a training partner
[GM]: Thor looks towards the other members and tries to make the decision.
[Thomas]: [Estimated time to get there. I dont want to miss the Thursday]
Jamison will definately NOT miss the registration
[Jackdaw]: "my was thinking how you make go from here to there without go between.
Can you go long ways?"
[GM]: Sir C sensing the concern of the rest of the party, "You could charter a coach.
Coaches do run to Southtown from here."
[Jackdaw]: "Hmmm, Fastcoach, like before?"
[GM]: Sir C "Not exactly. The Fastcoach service only runs between the major cities.
But a coach nonetheless."
[Jackdaw]: "needs make go fast"
Thomas nods, "I could try that...but to be honest I never carried so many people."
Jackdaw is worried about the time factor
[Jackdaw]: "oh"
Jamison offers to stay behind...
Jackdaw thinks
[Jackdaw]: "we go asked about coach then, see how fastest it go"
[GM]: Sir C, "Sure I can show you were you can make those arrangements."
[GM]: So, Jackdaw and Jing only?
[GM]: Or you are waiting to find out how long it will take.
Thomas nods, feeling himself getting sucked into the Fawn's doings...."I'll go too...
Might need me."
Jackdaw will take Sir C up on finding out
[GM]: Thor following suit says, "Count me in too. As I see it ... we have 5 days to
[Jackdaw]: "lets go asked"
[GM]: Okay Jackdaw and Sir C leave? Anyone going with them?>
[Jing]: jing will
[GM]: Sir C "Jamison, come with me and we can check on the Arena too."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): actually it would probably have been easiest for just JD
to make it quickly, oh well
Thomas follows, his hands in his pockets.
[Jing]: *looks at jd* hey i need to run to a store.. i might be gone awile where
should i meet u at.. unless we r going to be leaving right now?
[Jamison]: I'll be happy to become familiar with th grouds..'
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if he felt it was urgent enough it might have been a time
for a Natural Magic attampt
[Jackdaw]: "soon as we can"
[GM]: Anne "I will stay here for now. But please. Do not make any decisions without
Jamison triwls his staff
[GM]: Anne "I have something that I would like to take care of here at the Cathedral."
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,6 = [ 11 ]
Jackdaw goes with Sir C
[Jing]: Alright then.. i can wait till we get back...... from the southtown...
[Jackdaw]: "maybe finded shop there?"
[GM]: Okay, Jackdaw, Sir C, Thomas, Thor and Jamison head towards the Coach Station.
[GM]: Jamison is still carrying the sword, I guess?
[Jing]: *nods to jd* alright.. lets go kill something then...
[GM]: And no one left anything at the Hotel? You guys never went back there.
[Jamison]: Yep...not out of my sight until........
Jackdaw has everything he owns with him
[Jamison]: OOC: JD I will not respond to that
[GM]: The Coach station is on the way to the Coliseum, in the middle of the city.
[Thomas]: [If need be, I run back and get my stuff, returning to the group]
[GM]: Sir C approaches and asks for the prices and times of coaches going to
[ Sera joined the game ]
Jackdaw listens and asks "and how fastest?"
[GM]: You find that a coach leaves for Southtown at 7am, 12am, and 7am. and it takes
7 hours to get there. Cost is $20 per person. One-way.
[Jackdaw]: are we in time for the noon coach?
[GM]: ((That was supposed to be 12noon and then 7pm))
[ Sera left the game ]
[GM]: Sir C "Has the noon coach left yet?"
[GM]: Clerk "Yes, Sir ... pulled out 'bout 20 minutes ago."
[GM]: Sir C looks at Jackdaw
Jackdaw starts to dig into his pouch for coins
[Jackdaw]: "oh, we missed it"
[Jackdaw]: "when nextest one?"
[GM]: Sir C looks back at the clerk, "Is there any other way to get to Southtown?"
[GM]: Clerk "Only by horse"
[GM]: Sir C "Looks like the next coach is not until 7 tonight."
[Jackdaw]: "my guesses we make go then"
[GM]: Sir C "That seems an awful late departure." (to clerk)
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,2 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Clerk "Yep, usually only mail and such on that coach"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw thinks about looking for another way . . magic
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): maybe find someone who can port us there? Would he know
if such is available?
[Jing]: *continues listneing...
[GM]: Sir C and the group steps away from the counter.
[GM]: Sir C "Well, Jackdaw ... any other ideas?"
Thomas looks over, "Can we rent out a special coach just for us? Do you have that
[Jackdaw]: "maybe looked for magic path?"
[Jackdaw]: "if not finded it then taked coach tonight"
[GM]: Clerk looks at Thomas, "You might get a coach ... but I doubt you could get
a driver on such short notice."
Jackdaw asks the clerk "you know where magic mans lives?"
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,5 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: The Clerk throws up his hands, "Everyone's a mage now a days ...but not me
.. sorry"
[GM]: Sir C asks Jackdaw, "What are you thinking of?"
[Jackdaw]: "knows where school are?"
[Jackdaw]: "maybe we finded a way from magic at magic schools?"
[GM]: Sir C "There are a few academies here .... and a branch of the University,
I think."
[Jackdaw]: "That might do, where is?"
[GM]: Sir C"The branch is pretty small, though. Most here go to the Royal Academy
... and they don't teach magic there."
[GM]: Sir C "I know where the University is, though. You want me to show you
[Jackdaw]: "yes,thank you"
[Jing]: turns to jack...* whouldn't it be better to just wait for the coach
[Jing]: and cheaper?
[GM]: You are lead to the University by Sir C.
[Jackdaw]: "if not finded a fastest way, yes"
[ Jamison left the game ]
(Paul whispered to GM): Is alchemy ok for me to take?
[Jackdaw]: ooc do we want to play this out or should I just ask for what I'm
looking for?
(GM whispered to Paul): Yes, if you like.
[GM]: It is a small 2 story building that covers a little less than a city block.
But inside there are a few serious students... and professors.
[GM]: Sir C "Who do you want to talk to JD?"
[Jackdaw]: "want finded mans what maked things moved"
[Jackdaw]: "to moved fast"
[GM]: Upon asking at the front desk, you find that despite the size of this place,
Movement Magic is quite popular here.
[Jackdaw]: ooc need someplace to train 'porters'
[GM]: Sir C tells you that he thinks he recognizes a few faces. Knights that
seem to be incognito.
[Jackdaw]: "hi, my Jackdaw, my needs to getted to Southtown fastest, can you helped
[GM]: After asking ... and asking again. You are finally lead to a professor. He
sits in his office behind a desk.
[Jackdaw]: "hi, my Jackdaw, my needs to getted to Southtown fastest, can you helped
[Jackdaw]: "maybe 'porteding or flying or something? for me and my friends?"
[GM]: He is kind of rude, saying that he doesn't have the time for such matters.
But then he asks about money.
[GM]: Prof "Just how much money can you offer me?"
[Jackdaw]: "my haved some money
[GM]: How many do you need transported?
Jackdaw pulls out his pouch and dumps 49 soverigns on the desk "this many"
[Jackdaw]: ooc who all was comming?
[Jing]: ooc: jing will
[Thomas]: [I will]
[Jackdaw]: Jing, Thor and Thomas?
[Jackdaw]: "unh, four of us, please"
[GM]: I will do it for $1000 per person. .. but I must warn you. A distance of
100 miles could spell disaster. You might end up anywhere.
[GM]: Prof: Even in the Ocean
[Jackdaw]: "my not haveded that many"
[Jackdaw]: "my guess we need maked with coach then"
[GM]: Prof: And anyone else that tells you that he can do it ... probably doesn't
have the skill that I have.
Jackdaw starts to pick up the money
[GM]: Prof goes back to the paperwork on his desk.
Jackdaw leaves, somewhat dejected
[GM]: Let's end it here tonight.