[Tue May 25 11:31:50 CDT 1999]

[ Rubix joined the game ]
[Shinto]: Yup
[Shinto]: hello
[Jamison]: I was just brought into the game last week. Were you here for the first week?
[Rubix]: GM in tha house!
[Jamison]: oh-oh
[Jamison]: shhhhh
[Jamison]: Hey Rub
[Shinto]: Hello I am alive
[Rubix]: Hey cool....you playing this week Shinto?
[Shinto]: Yup i would hope so
[Shinto]: I looked at the site
[Rubix]: Did everyone visit the Methoria site?
[Rubix]: So, everyone is caught up as far as the session info?
[Jamison]: I really didn't get a chance this week GM, but I promise to b4 the next game...
[Shinto]: Btw Kalith is a male elf not a female human.
[Jamison]: Well, I need to know what the newspaper says...
[Rubix]: duh?....I am sorry. I was writing all of that from memory.
[Shinto]: That's okay guess a small detail
[Jamison]: who else will be here tonight?
[Shinto]: guess=just
[Rubix]: I was really expecting Sir Cornelius.
[Jamison]: what about the faun?
(Rubix whispered to Jamison): Will you make me GM???
[Rubix]: I thought Jackdaw would make it too.
[Jamison]: all done GM
[Jamison]: which one was Miri?
[Rubix]: Miridine was .....Miridine....
[Jamison]: well...that's to easy.
[Jamison]: to many games....
[GM]: Yeah....especially after the Shipwrecked game.
[Jamison]: how did that go last night?
[GM]: Jack is the sailor.
[GM]: Jack is Thor
[GM]: The sailor is Jack....
[GM]: something like that....
[GM]: We got off the ship.
[Jamison]: well that's progress
[ Lance joined the game ]
[Lance]: Whatca?
(GM whispered to Shinto): We need to think about what your character has been doing....
[GM]: Hello Lance.
(Lance whispered to GM): Oops, you gaming?
(Shinto whispered to GM): He went to the local university to look at some spells
(GM whispered to Lance): Not yet....starting soon, though.
[Lance]: WHatcha playin?
Lance Looks over the Rube's shoulder
(GM whispered to Shinto): That will work...You were in the room when the Prince told all.
(GM whispered to Shinto): ....did you stay the night in the inn?
(Shinto whispered to GM): Yes and I was looking for spells to help us out
(Shinto whispered to GM): : ) it all works I paid for the room I hope I used it
[Lance]: DOn't al speak at once, now...
[Lance]: all
[Shinto]: : )
(GM whispered to Shinto): Okay remember that you had 2 pts to spend.
[Jamison]: give him the low down rub
[GM]: Okay....
(Shinto whispered to GM): yeah I wanted to figure out how spending them worked
(Shinto whispered to GM): considiring I have no skill or spell it would be a good idea to get some
[GM]: What happened to you char Shinto?
[ jemini joined the game ]
[jemini]: hello
[GM]: Hello Jemini.
[GM]: Okay the story so far....
[GM]: very abreviated.....
[GM]: There were 4 people there last night when the Prince told his tale.
[ Gurgi joined the game ]
[GM]: Dack, Jackdaw, Miridine, and Kalith.
[Magnus]: hi
[GM]: Hello Magnus
[Magnus]: what ya playnn
[GM]: GURPS ... regular weekly session of my campaign Methoria.
[GM]: Okay, no body has seen or heard from Dack.
[GM]: Jackdaw spent last night with the mage's doorlady.
(Magnus whispered to GM): ok bye
[Magnus]: ok bye
[ Gurgi left the game ]
[GM]: Miridine, Jamison, and Sir Cornelius met this moring and have been talking in the street.
[Shinto]: ? mage's doorlady?
[ jemini left the game ]
[GM]: Yep.
[GM]: And Kalith seems to have spent last night in the Inn.
[Jamison]: Got a newspaper and spoke with some priests.
[GM]: Kalith arose early and went to the local university to do some spell research.
(GM whispered to Shinto): I'll let you chose the spells and or skills....finish spending your pts.
(Shinto whispered to GM): How does point spending work and what are the spell?
(GM whispered to Shinto): You have GURPS basic?
(GM whispered to Shinto): Spells count as Mental Hard Skills.
(GM whispered to Shinto): You must put at least 1 pt in each one.
(Shinto whispered to GM): GURPS basic?
(GM whispered to Shinto): Yeah.....or GURPS Magic?
(Shinto whispered to GM): GURPS magic? humm... do you have netbooks of these?
(GM whispered to Shinto): No net books sorry.
(Shinto whispered to GM): okay websites??
[Jamison]: ...
(GM whispered to Shinto): You can go to Steve Jackson games.
(GM whispered to Shinto): www.sjgames.com
[GM]: Just a min....getting Shinto caught up.....
(Shinto whispered to GM): There were do I look?
[Jamison]: no problem
(GM whispered to Shinto): Do you have acrobat reader?
[GM]: Miridine, Jamison, and Sir Cornelius are in the street chatting with 3 priests.
(Shinto whispered to GM): yes
(GM whispered to Shinto): Go TO ourgames
(GM whispered to Shinto): GURPS
(GM whispered to Shinto): REsource and Play Aids
(GM whispered to Shinto): GURPS Lite
(GM whispered to Shinto): That's an abbreviated version of the basic set.
[GM]: Jamison notices that he is hold the newspaper that they just purchased.
[Jamison]: can I read it?
[GM]: He also notices the paper boy looking at him and smiling.
(GM whispered to Jamison): You didn't take illiteracy as a disadv?
[GM]: Headlines say ...the land gets ready for the royal wedding in two weeks.
[GM]: There is an interview with Prince Gunthar.
[GM]: On the Front Page
(Jamison whispered to GM): No I did not
[Jamison]: Read interview
[GM]: Big picture of the Prince on the front.....in color.....[How do they do that in Tech 4???]
[Jamison]: OOc: very clever printers?
[GM]: The Prince says, "I look for an opportunity to serve the members of the kingdom."
[GM]: "This marriage will signify a new era in Methor"
[GM]: The Priests finish their conversation (mainly with Cornelius) and say goodbye.
Jamison looks at the newsboy "What do you hear in the streets about the royal wedding?"
GM looks at Jamison and whispers, "I don no if I buy all that, sir"
[GM]: "Tha Prince ....I don trust im"
Jamison reaches in his purse for $2 and gives it to the newsboy "Tell me more..."
[GM]: Than ku sir...my name is Tip ...thas wha they call me"
[Jamison]: What is the news of the street?
GM scrathes his head and says, "Yu mean of the weddin sir?"
[ texaspoet joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Of the wedding and the Prince...
Tip whispers to Jamison,"I hear there might not be a weddin"
[Jamison]: Why, pray tell?
[Shinto]: (( I drowing in lag : ( ))
(Walker whispered to Tip): Gratings
Tip frowns at the knight.
Tip looks at Cornelius suspicouly, "You gonna arrest me for talking about the Prince?"
[Tip]: The priests are a few blocks down the street now. They stop an a vender selling fresh fruit.
[Jamison]: let us walk over here, Tip. I'm sure the good knight does not need to here this information.
Tip follows Jamison.
[Tip]: Sir, you never know with knights....
[ Lance left the game ]
[Jamison]: I understand, some can be gentle men and others can be horses rear ends, hahaha...
[Tip]: Sometimes they are all...."The king this ... and his royal highness would not approve..."
[Tip]: But I have know some that are on the take ....
(Tip whispered to Walker): Hello Walker ... what's up?
[Jamison]: You would think all that bowing and scraping would wear out their armor, heh?
Tip smiles and begins to chuckle....you see that he is missing a couple of teeth.
(Walker whispered to Tip): Not much, how's the game going?
[Jamison]: back to the Prince.... what is the word on the wedding?
(Tip whispered to Shinto): How's the GURPS Lite stuff going?
(Tip whispered to Walker): Okay...it's hard because not everyone show everytime.
(Shinto whispered to Tip): Ahh... Finally I have found the university
(Shinto whispered to Tip): I think I need to fing the right book now
Tip looks at the Squire.
[Jamison]: OOC: Rub, what was the name of the prince and the other guy suspected of taking the missing item?
[Tip]: The word is that the Prince is going down.
(Tip whispered to Jamison): Prince Gunthar.....Barron Kessler.
Tip looks around to see if anyone is watching them.
[Tip]: I hear that the Prince has made some enemies here in Shevandale.
[Jamison]: Inside or outside the royal family?
[Tip]: ...I have also heard that his majesty has not been paying his debts.
Tip looks at Jamison and smiles....you know more that you let on.
(Walker whispered to Tip): yeah, that rots. Well, I gotta go and do some writing... be back later, have fun.
(Tip whispered to Walker): Later....see ya Thursday!
[Jamison]: royal intrigue is not something new, Tip.
(Walker whispered to Tip): yubetcha
[ texaspoet left the game ]
[Tip]: You wouldn't be talking of the Baron would you?
[Tip]: He is the only royalty around here.
[Jamison]: after creating all these debts, has the Prince suddenly been showering people with gold?
[Tip]: Don't know about that sir....
[Jamison]: What of the Baron?
[ Jack joined the game ]
Tip gets close to the squire's ear.
[Jamison]: OOC:JACK!!!
(Tip whispered to Jamison): I hear that he is a gambler, this Prince.
[Tip]: OOC: hello jack.
[Jack]: OOC: Hi all
(Jamison whispered to Tip): Was he seen gambling recently?
Tip looks around the street and then nods at Jamison.
[Jamison]: Where, and with who?
(Tip whispered to Jamison): Seems last trip into town cost the Prince dearly.
[Tip]: The Baron of course.
(Jamison whispered to Tip): A personal item of the Prince was lost in the game?
(Tip whispered to Jamison): How do you know so much?
(Tip whispered to Jamison): Word is out on the street ....how's a boy supposed to make a living?
Jamison tosses Tip $5 " You have been of great help"
[Tip]: Thank ku sir!....takes the money and walks back to the corner, "Papers ...Papers"
[Jamison]: OOC: Rub do you want to get everyone up to speed?
[GM]: Jack, Shinto ... you in?
[Jamison]: OOC:brb
[Jack]: OOC: Yep, gimme a sec to load up :)
(Shinto whispered to GM): Humm... two many of the spells I want require knowleage of other spell I deam my search a unsuccsesfull succes
(GM whispered to Shinto): How many pts do you have to spend?
(Shinto whispered to GM): I wish to join the other now
(Shinto whispered to GM): 2
(GM whispered to Shinto): You should have more than that....doesn't look like you have bought any skills OR spells yet.
(Shinto whispered to GM): wich is not a problem
(GM whispered to Shinto): You get 100 + the 2 that you earned.....for your total.
(GM whispered to Shinto): For attributes, advan, disadvan, skills, and spells.
(Shinto whispered to GM): I spent most of my points trying to get a magery of 3 and being a elf and all those other advantages
(GM whispered to Shinto): I bet you have some left over....check it out.
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: Jamison goes back to rejoin Sir Cornelius, and Miridine.
[GM]: It is about this time that the street starts to get a little more crowded.
(GM whispered to MikeL): Hello MikeL
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): hi!
(Shinto whispered to GM): is a lower attribute considired a disadvantage?
[GM]: Towards the direction (North) that the priest were headed ...a faun appears coming around the corner.
(GM whispered to Shinto): Not a disadvan, but it will give you extra pts to spend.
(Shinto whispered to GM): k give me a sec
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC can You give me a blank character sheet.. I seem to have trouble creating it.
[GM]: Towards the other end of the street can be seen an Elf returning from his research at one of the local universities.
[GM]: The Elf is walking slowing. He seems to be reading a book.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC how about just a blank page instead?
(GM whispered to Thor): You in?
(Thor whispered to GM): Yep.. of course.
[GM]: Sir Cornelius calls Jamison and Miridine close...
(Shinto whispered to GM): ((oh that would be me dud))
Jamison looks at sir cornelious "friends of yours?"
[Shinto]: (( oh that would be me : ) ))
(GM whispered to Shinto): Yep....Kalith right?
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Perhaps we should go into the pub over there so we can speak more privately.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): OOC: I got it
Kalith sees jack "Hello my friend"
[Jackdaw]: Hi, hi!
GM (Sir Cornelius) looks at the faun.
[Kalith]: " How goes things? "
Jamison looks at the Faum carefully
Jackdaw looks at the knight
Jackdaw winks
GM (Sir Cornelius) rubs his chin, "I was supposed to be looking for a faun."
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Hello sir faun.
Jackdaw looks around
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Perhaps you would care to join us in yonder pub.
GM (Sir Cornelius) motions toward the pub.
[Kalith]: ( everyone seems to be interasted in you jack )
[Jackdaw]: "sure, but I don't see a Faun Knight??"
GM (Sir Cornelius) smiles.
[Jackdaw]: "Are you sure you mean me?"
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Yes master faun.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Please join us.
[Kalith]: ?? "master"
[Jackdaw]: "Sure, but not Master yet"
[Jackdaw]: "Have much learning before become a Master"
GM (Sir Cornelius) scrathces his head.
Kalith tags along with jack as he puts his nose back to the book
GM (Sir Cornelius) bows at the Elf reading the book? ....I am Cornelius.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Miridine begins to head toward the pub.
Kalith looks up and bows "nice to meet you I am Kalith"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): I'll look over or under his shoulder to see the book. I am literate, taught by the centaurs.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Ahhhh....Kalith.....another name that I have heard recently.
[Kalith]: ( o dear )
(GM (Sir Cornelius) whispered to Kalith): OOC: I will assume you are studying a new spell.
[Kalith]: ( trying to )
(GM (Sir Cornelius) whispered to Jackdaw): The words don't make since to you..the seem to move and wont let you focus on them.
(Thor whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): About now is where I should come into the picture.. let me know how to do this.
(GM (Sir Cornelius) whispered to Thor): You slept in this morning.....you were just coming out of the pub/inn.
(Thor whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): Alright.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Miridine stops at the door to the pub as he sees someone standing there.
Thor pushes open the doors and steps out of the pub, then stops as he sees the others standing there
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: And maybe this would be Dack???
[Jackdaw]: "Hi Thor" /h waves
Thor smiles as he walks over to them "Hi there."
[Jackdaw]: "You have a good night?" /he smiles
Jamison looks at the crowd forming " Maybe we should get together off the street..."
Thor nods "That I did. Though I seem to have overslept this morning"
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Well, let us all in to that yonder pub.
Thor looks around "That we should. Let's go inside. I've got a table saved for us"
GM (Sir Cornelius) points to the pub.
[Jamison]: Before we draw attention to ourselves...
Thor leads the way back inside and to a table
Jackdaw enters
GM (Sir Cornelius) begins to walk into the pub.
[Kalith]: ( btw I think it was miridine's turn to pay for a room )
Jackdaw looks around
Jamison brings up the rear
(Jackdaw whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): Many customers?
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Inside you see the barkeep and only two others in the pub.
Jamison heads for a corner table.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Both humans ...both looking of travel.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: The humans both eye the newcomers.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: The barkeep says, "Hello good sirs!"
[GM]: Barkeep: It seems we have some return customers.
[Jamison]: Barkeep, do you have a back room?
[GM]: Sir Cornelius follow Jamison to the table.
[GM]: Barkeep: I have a meeting room....points to a door under the staircase.
[GM]: Barkeep: You gentlemen need some privacy?
[Jackdaw]: "Does that one work or is it broken?"
[GM]: Barkeep scrathces his head.....the door? .... it works, help yourself.
[Jamison]: ?he looks at the others "Maybe it would be a good idea to speak privately?
[GM]: Barkeep points to the door.
[GM]: Sir Cornelius: Very good idea.
Thor nods and heads over towards the door "I agree"
Jamison heads for the meeting room
Jamison opens the door
Jamison looks at barkeep "Alittle light here,barkeep"
[GM]: Inside is a room a little smaller than the bar area with the tables.
Jackdaw enters room
[GM]: The room is dark.
[GM]: Barkeep: Someone touch the lap near the door.
Jamison does so
[GM]: Barkeep: Speak the word, "Light"
[Jamison]: light
[GM]: The lamp begins to glow and the room is illuminated.
Jamison heads for one of the tables
[Jamison]: Someone close the door.
(GM whispered to Jamison): You spend 2 fatigue for the spell.
(Kalith whispered to GM): Is there a pass on this room??
[GM]: In the room is a large table.
(GM whispered to Kalith): pass???
(Kalith whispered to GM): Password?
(GM whispered to Kalith): No ...not that I know of...let me get Jamison to set one.
[ Corbett joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Gater around good sirs, we have much to discuss.
[GM]: OOC: Jamison will you set a password for this room: FOGies would be nice.
[Jamison]: Gater=Gather
(Kalith whispered to GM): no he dosen't need to set one I was just wondering
[GM]: Hello Corbett.
(Corbett whispered to GM): am I interrupting?
(GM whispered to Corbett): Not at all...
Jackdaw sits
[Jamison]: OOC:done
[GM]: There are chairs around the table.
Thor sits in a chair
(Kalith whispered to GM): okay
[GM]: A picture on the wall....of a country landscape.
Jackdaw takes up his sirinx and plays a happy tune softly
[GM]: The room smells a little musty.
[GM]: Sir Cornelius takes a seat.
[GM]: Gentlemen gather round.
[GM]: Sir Cornelius smiles at the faun.
[Kalith]: ( I am assuming I am still taging along )
Jackdaw plays an exultant trill and puts the sirinx away
[GM]: OOC: Is everyone in the room?
[Jamison]: Does everyone know the story?
[Kalith]: (yes)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Make a skill roll on that sirinx.
[Jamison]: Sir Cornelius, explain what you were hired to do...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): When you get a chance you might want to look at the file I put in the map folder. I think it fits to a T.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 12 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): FYI skill =16
[GM]: The music of the sirinx was rather enjoyable to all.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Before I do that....
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Does everyone here have knowledge of the Prince.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: I was told that there were four of you that he spoke with last night.
Jamison nods his head, yes
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Yet, there is more than four here now.
GM (Sir Cornelius) looks around the room.
Thor nods
GM (Sir Cornelius) looks at Miridine, "How much did you tell the squire?"
[Kalith]: "While I was there so don't look over here"
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Miridine looks at Jamison, "How much do you know?"
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Jameson?
[Jamison]: I know you were hired by the Prince to obtain something for him...The what has not been told
[Jamison]: the where has been determined from the newsboy...
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Ahhhh....the newsboy.
[Jackdaw]: "Are we going to help the nice man so he can have his Frolic?"
[ ShintoBayushi left the game ]
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: First ....let us formally introduce ourselves....I am still trying to get the names correct.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: OOC: Can everyone give a brief discription.
GM (Sir Cornelius) is a human knight.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Miridine is an Elven Shaman.
[Jamison]: Hello, I am Jamison Johnson, a 16 yr. old squire, 5'11", 160 lbs.
Thor stands about 5' 10" tall. He wears a well-worn leather jacket, and carries a small shield and a shortsword with him at all times
[Jackdaw]: "Me called Jackdaw" you see a faun, brown hair and eyes, just over 5' tall with a sirinx on a cord around his neck.
[ ShintoBayushi joined the game ]
[Shinto]: I hate AOHell
[Jamison]: The Squire wears chainmail, has a Med. shield, and carries a mourning star...
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Well, being a knight ... I gave my word to the Prince that I would not reveal what went on in our meeting last night....except to the four that he mentioned.
[Jackdaw]: Jackdaw wears a sirinx and a russack shoulderbag
[Jackdaw]: And fur
[Jackdaw]: partially
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: But I did meet with the Prince ... after he spoke to you guys ...and he basically told me what he told you.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: He asked me to give you aid.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): OOC:just told Kalith to give a discription of himself...
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Is everyone aware of what the Prince said to the four?
Kalith is an elf dressed in robes nothing intersting at a glance
[Jamison]: Other than the Item we are looking for, yes
Kalith Besides being an elf
[ Jack left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "He can't Frolic unless we get his shiney back!"
[ Corbett left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: /h looks sad
[Kalith]: ??
[Kalith]: OOC: there droping?
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: And Jackdaw...would you tell Jamison what the shiney is?
[Jackdaw]: ooc like flies
[Jamison]: Everyone knows the password?
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: OOC: I am not experiencing any lag.
[Kalith]: A pretty ring
[Jackdaw]: "Is he supposed to know? thought it was Secret!"
[Jamison]: A ring?
GM (Sir Cornelius) looks at Jamison...."Do you still have that paper?"
[Kalith]: oops
[Jamison]: Yes, here take a look...
[Kalith]: I should stick to the books
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: There should be no secrets from those in this room.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: If anyone wants out .... now would be the time to leave.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Those that stay may have a dangerous mission ahead of them.
GM (Sir Cornelius) takes the paper from Jamison.
[Jamison]: OOC: 2 just ran away...
[Kalith]: : ) oh well
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: OOC: Can you give a hint to the password, Jamison?
[Jamison]: OOC: Well it is in the greeting...
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: OOC: Should be good enough.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: he passes the paper around the table.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Everyone see what the Prince is wearing in that picture.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: One said ring...that Jackdaw spoke of.
[Jamison]: Ahhhhh
[Jamison]: The item...
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Apparently ....the Prince wants it back.....really bad.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: The royal wedding in two weeks time.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): OOC: should I fill them in with the newsboy info now
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: May not take place without it.
(GM (Sir Cornelius) whispered to Jamison): Of course it's up to you, but I think it would be a good time.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: The Prince named one Baron Kessler as the most likely to have it.
[Kalith]: I remember somthing about that ring and the underworld
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Do tell?
[Kalith]: Just rumors nothging important
[Jamison]: From what I got from the street, the Prince is a lech and a gambler.... He lost the ring in a bet to Baron (what's his name?).
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Everything could be of importance.
GM (Sir Cornelius) looks at Jamison.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: I have heard as much also.
[Jamison]: What did you hear about the underworld Kalith?
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: I have heard that he has had some dealings with the underworld.
[Jamison]: The Prince or the Baron?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): other than the fact it was from the underworld I don't remeamber
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Anything specific, Kalith?
(GM (Sir Cornelius) whispered to Kalith): Time for an IQ roll.
[Jamison]: ..
(To GM (Sir Cornelius)) DICE for Kalith: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,4 = [ 15 ]
(GM (Sir Cornelius) whispered to Kalith): And your IQ is?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): ouch 11
Jackdaw asks "What means 'Lech'?"
(GM (Sir Cornelius) whispered to Kalith): You have just heard rumors that he is connected to the underworld nothing specific.
[Jackdaw]: "I know what gambling is"
[Jackdaw]: "Not as much fun as a good Frolic"
[Kalith]: Well from what I remeamber the prince has had dealing with the underworld and the ring is connected somehow
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: How is the ring connected, I wonder?
Jamison wonders if it is used as a centering point?
[Jackdaw]: "Underworld? Should we ask the Dwarves?"
Jamison looks at the group " Well it appears that we know the what and the who, any ideas on how to get it?
[Jamison]: I think we should just charge right in and demand it from the Baron....
[ ShintoBayushi left the game ]
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: INFO: The Baron has a lot of power in Shevandale. He is the royalty in the town.
[Jamison]: What do you think Sir Knight?
[Jackdaw]: "Are we sure he has it?"
(Jamison whispered to GM (Sir Cornelius)): OOC: Trying to play the Impulsive Disadvantage....
[Jackdaw]: "Or do we need to find out for sure?"
[ ShintoBayushi joined the game ]
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: INFO: He is also believed to be the leader of the underground here in Shevandale.
GM (Sir Cornelius) rubs his chin.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: That could be a problem.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: You don't demand anything from the Baron.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: ...and if you go in and demand the ring....he might have you brought up on charges of slander.
Kalith OOC: raises a fist to the god of AOHell and curses them venomosly
[Jamison]: Is anyone here familiar with the ways of the gambler?
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: Of course, In my position....the outcome could be worse.
[GM (Sir Cornelius)]: The Baron could have me discredited as a knight.
[Jamison]: Kalith?
[Jackdaw]: "Finding Spell we need. Finding I don't know yet."
[Kalith]: OOC: I AM HERE.
[ Sir Cornelius joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Do you have any Gambling skills?
[Kalith]: no
[Jamison]: Fast Talk?
[GM]: OOC:Let me fill in Sir Cornelius.
[Kalith]: Umm... no
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): sorry I'm late...had to work to 8 :/
[Jamison]: Need to find a way to get him to bring the ring by us so we can try to get it...
[Jackdaw]: ooc lag test
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Okay, we me the others .... Thor slept in ... Kalith got up early and went to the university to research a spell.....Jackdaw got back from the lady under the stairway.
[Jackdaw]: ooc got plenty
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Corn got them all into the pub and into a meeting room.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): They are talking about what to do.
[Jamison]: And we know the faun is worthless in convincing anyone, anything, other than females and sex...
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): He has been getting them to tell what they know.
[Jamison]: By the Way JackDraw.. Do you have cousins in the desert?
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You should ask Jamison to tell again what the paperboy said to him.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): k...thanks (in the open?)
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Yep .... Corn said .... there are no secrets here.
[GM (Thor)]: Has anyone seen Dack? ... What became of him?
[Sir Cornelius]: What was it the paperboy said to you again Jamison?
[GM (Thor)]: OOC: I will play Thor for a bit.
[GM (Thor)]: OOC: The REAL Sir Cornelius is back in the game...please help him get caugth up.
(GM (Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): btw, no problem being late....I understand how that happens.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Thor)): Have I met everyone now? That's what was holding us up last time...trying to figure out who knew about it so I didn't spill the beans.
GM (Thor) looks at Jackdaw.
[Jamison]: Well, The word on the street is that the Prince lost the ring in a bet....
[GM (Thor)]: Hmmm.....
[Jamison]: to the Baron. It also appears that the ring is the center of some type of underworld activity.
[Jamison]: So, the Baron may not have stolen it in the conventional sense...
[GM (Thor)]: OOC: Hold up everyone...
[GM (Thor)]: OOC:
[GM (Thor)]: OOC: We lost Jackdaw.
[ MikeL left the game ]
[Jamison]: but aquired it for his own reasons...
[Sir Cornelius]: That may be...whatever happened...we need to get it back
[Sir Cornelius]: where do we go first?
[Jamison]: I think we should attack the baron and demand the rings return... What do you think..
[Sir Cornelius]: Let's go...um, where?
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: wb Mike
[Jamison]: OOC: here comes Kalith...maybe a sane voice in the group
(GM (Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Btw, the Baron is a member of the royal family.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Thor)): Do I know where the baron usually is? I seemed to know a lot about him last game (oh...forgot to spend those points...one was for that <g>)
(GM (Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): He has quiet a bit of political power in Shevandale.
[Jamison]: Kalith, your thoughts?
[Jackdaw]: ooc glad to be back
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Thor)): oh LOL thanks :)
[Jackdaw]: "We ask Dwarves?"
[Jamison]: ooc glad to have you...
[Jamison]: not you , you silly faun, Kalith...
[Kalith]: I think that we should try to find out wheather or not he has it before we attack him
(GM (Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Going in to demand the ring might me charges of slander for all and discredit as a knight for you.
[Jackdaw]: "Attack? Frolic better!"
[Kalith]: If we attack
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Thor)): yes, that thought occurred to me just now...as the term Baron had a new meaning <g>
[Jamison]: I think that we need to go to the Baron's stronghold to get our answers...
[Sir Cornelius]: why don't we just go look around and see what we see?
[Jackdaw]: "Maybe we could pput together a big surprise Frolic for him and find it then?"
[Kalith]: It would also be a good idea to find out his interastas with the ring
[Jackdaw]: "With music and dancing and lonely ladies"
[GM (as Thor)]: Can you get us into the Baron's stronghold Sir Cornelius?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (as Thor)): ok...where would I go to look for information on the underworld...?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (as Thor)): do I know any secret entrances?
[Kalith]: let us go to the stronghold
[Jamison]: Let me speak to the newsboy... maybe he knows a back way into the Baron's place...
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): duh? how about the underworld.....the local theives guild.
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Of course a knigth wouldn't be too welcome there.
[Jackdaw]: "Were is Baronb's place? Is it on street?"
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): You could go talk to another knigth...one that has a city post.
[GM (as Thor)]: INFO: Baron has a castle just outside of the city limits.
[Kalith]: Maybye we can find out if he has any servents and who they are
[Jackdaw]: "Could hold Frolic in the street, maybe he'd come out and join us, or at least it would distract him.'
[Sir Cornelius]: Jackdaw...the Baron lives in a castle...outside the city...
[Kalith]: talk to them about the baron
[Jamison]: A Knight and his squire should be able to get in the front door....
[Sir Cornelius]: He is royalty...and should permit me in I would think...
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): I would think so.
[Sir Cornelius]: Exactly...and the others...are about our business also
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): But I would have a good story.
[Kalith]: do we want him to permit us?
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): ....I mean a reason.
[Kalith]: if he thinks where a treat...
[Kalith]: treat = threat
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (as Thor)): Not if you're impulsive <g>
[Jamison]: Then maybe we can find a side door to let them into the compound at night...
[GM (as Thor)]: OOC: Could I have an IQ roll from everyone ... and does anyone have streetwise?
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,6 = [ 13 ]
(To GM (as Thor)) DICE for Kalith: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,5 = [ 11 ]
[Jackdaw]: made it by 1
(Kalith whispered to GM (as Thor)): pass
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,2 = [ 8 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM (as Thor)): IQ=10
[Jackdaw]: but -2 TL if relevant
(To GM (as Thor)) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,3 = [ 12 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: by 5...and heck no :)
[Jackdaw]: not used to human dwellings and suchlike
[Jamison]: Ahhh, but JackDraw, There are females in castles...
[Jackdaw]: Are they lonely? I'm beginning to fget a little lonely.
Jamison looks at the faun "I can tell"
[Jackdaw]: Like I say, lets go and have a Frolic
(Kalith whispered to GM (as Thor)): I just spent the two points I can cast create fire
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Jamison): You also know that there might be some info at the local theifs guild .... if you could find the location.
[Jackdaw]: If not with Baron then with other people.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: can everyone tell me how many are in the group...and what races they are? I have no idea
(Jamison whispered to GM (as Thor)): OOC: and a thief would be nice....
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Kalith): You also know that there might be some info at the local theives guild....if you could find the location.
[Jackdaw]: 1 faun 2 elves 3 humand I think
[Kalith]: ELF MALE
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Sir Cornelius): You also know that there might be some info at the local theives guild....if you could find the location.
[Sir Cornelius]: Could just have a party and invite the Baron...but would have to have a good place to hold it
[Jackdaw]: His place?
[Kalith]: Humm...
[Sir Cornelius]: Invite him to his own place?
[Jackdaw]: Surprise party
[Jamison]: No good... he might not bring the ring
Jackdaw whispers to Kalith "Is party like Frolic?"
[Kalith]: "Is anyone famlier with this area, yes jack"
[Jamison]: Let me talk to the newsboy, maybe there is another way...
[Sir Cornelius]: If someone has a contact with the local thieves' guild...there might be another way
Kalith looks for the news boy
[GM (as Thor)]: OOC: Who has lived in Shevandale for 4 years+
[Jamison]: my thoughts exactly, sir. Maybe the streets can provide...
[Jamison]: OOC: not I
[Sir Cornelius]: I would suggest...someone other than a knight.....
[Jackdaw]: Not even 4 days
[Kalith]: OOC: If I reamember right I came in from the forests
[GM (as Thor)]: Jackdaw? Did you get lead to this place by some priests?
Kalith would like to talk to the news boy
[Sir Cornelius]: perhaps the news boy is a link to the thieves' guild...
[Jackdaw]: No, heard there were lots of lonley ladies here, and was tired of forrest for awhile.
[Sir Cornelius]: do that
[Sir Cornelius]: the boy seemed to know a little too much
(Kalith whispered to GM (as Thor)): "Hey, news boy"
(GM (as Thor) whispered to Jackdaw): A priest from last game told the three in the street that they had been ministering to a collony of fauns near the Jodiac Desert.
(Kalith whispered to GM (as Thor)): "How well do you know this place?"
[GM (as Thor)]: OOC: did everyone/anyone leave the room?
Jackdaw "I'll be back" and leaves
Jamison looks at Kalith "He's a little shy, but if you could give me some coin, mayhaps I can get us into the thieves guild"
(Kalith whispered to Tip): I did
(Jackdaw whispered to GM (Tip)): Jackdaw will run to the place where he met the nice ladies in the big house who are always lonely and like shiney gifts and ask them
[Kalith]: (I left to look for the news boy... I thought...)
[GM (Tip)]: The newsboy is still on the corner selling his papers.
(GM (Tip) whispered to Jackdaw): ladies?
[Jackdaw]: ooc whorehouse
(Jackdaw whispered to GM (Tip)): oops
[GM (Tip)]: Jackdaw leaves.
[Kalith]: "excuse me, how well do you know this place?"
[Jamison]: OOC: Kalith, you didn't say you left so you can give me coin...
GM (Tip) looks at Kalith.
[GM (Tip)]: Hello sir Elf....I lived here all me life.
[GM (Tip)]: Paper sir?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM (Tip)): Jackdaw will try not to be too long, he can hurry if he needs to.
[Kalith]: "Good then mabye you can help me and I will buy a paper"
(GM (Tip) whispered to Jackdaw): No Problem
[GM (Tip)]: Paper costs a shilling....information can be more ecspensiv
[Kalith]: "I would like to find a guild of the sorts"
GM (Tip) looks at Kalith and grins.
[GM (Tip)]: What kind of guild....you a mage right? ...mage guild?
[GM (Tip)]: You with that knight?
[GM (Tip)]: You some kinda cop?
[Kalith]: "No I was think more like the local thievs gulid, no I am not with him, trying to lose him more like it."
(Jamison whispered to GM (Tip)): OOC: This is the hard way for us....
[GM (Tip)]: You a thief?
Kalith smlies
(GM (Tip) whispered to Jamison): OOC: Is it too much for you guys?
[GM (Tip)]: Well, a theif will understand...a man... a boy's gotta make a living.
[Kalith]: could you show me to where I need to go?
(Jamison whispered to GM (Tip)): OOC: Not for me... this is the story, not everything is blood and guts...
GM (Tip) holds out his hand.
Kalith hold up a elfish coin
GM (Tip) looks around the street.
[GM (Tip)]: Ahhh....Elven Silver....nice.
[Kalith]: "yes can you show me?"
GM (Tip) takes the coin ($1)
[GM (Tip)]: There is a shop ...three streets to the east.....(he points)
[Kalith]: "An once I am there"
[GM (Tip)]: Called Bilko's Blades.
[GM (Tip)]: You can get anything you want there.
[GM (Tip)]: .....not just weapons.
[Kalith]: humm... that sounds about right... good
[GM (Tip)]: Of course....I got more for ya
GM (Tip) holds out his hand and smiles.
[Kalith]: hand him three normal silvers
[GM (Tip)]: Thank you sir.
GM (Tip) looks at the coins.
[Kalith]: so what the more?
GM (Tip) whispers to the Elf, "Tell them Jasper sent ya"
GM (Tip) whispers to the Elf,"That'll get ya in"
(Jamison whispered to GM (Tip)): OOC: if the faun was here he would be dancing to the tune..."Hey, Big Spender..."
[Kalith]: : ) thank you I was hopeing you would tell me that : )
GM (Tip) smiles and pockets the coins.
[GM (Tip)]: Papers! Papers! .... read about the royal wedding!
Kalith Pates the kid on the head and heads for the gulid
[GM (Tip)]: OOC: Okay ...Jackdaw is doing something....Kalith heads for the guild....What is everyone else doing?
Jamison leaves the backroom and goes out to the street.
[Sir Cornelius]: I wonder what's taking him so long...
Jamison looks for Kalith.
[GM (Tip)]: You see Kalith pat the newsboy on the head and head off in a Eastern Direction.
Jamison spies the newboy and walks over...
GM (Tip) smiles at Jamison.
[GM (Tip)]: Hello Squire!
[Jamison]: What kind of trouble is he getting into?
[GM (Tip)]: Could be a mess of trouble...
[Jamison]: Goofy Elves.... Where is he going?
[Kalith]: OOC: this kid makes a good liveing
[GM (Tip)]: Uhhh......He wanted to know where he could by a sword.
[GM (Tip)]: I told him.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: so like...is anyone still wherever it was we were?
Jamison tosses Tip $1
[Jamison]: Where?
[GM (Tip)]: OOC: Everyone WAS in the pub in a meeting room.
[GM (Tip)]: I guess you and Thor are the only one left...and Thor is starting to look dizzy.
[Jamison]: OOC: Jamison is outside speaking to the newsie
[GM (Tip)]: You notice that he has a drink in his hand. (LOL)
Sir Cornelius stands up...Thor...you still with me?
[Sir Cornelius]: Alcohol....pthewy
GM (Tip) takes the $1 ....you'll find him at Bilko's Blades ....(he gives directions)
Sir Cornelius walks away
[GM (Tip)]: Thor: Yeah....he tries to focus his eyes.....where did everyone go.
Jamison looks at newsie "What kind of trouble?"
[GM (Tip)]: Thor puts his head down on the table.
GM (Tip) looks at Jamison.
Sir Cornelius shakes his head...and walks out into the pub proper...looking around
[GM (Tip)]: Someplaces are not what they seem.
GM (Tip) winks at Jamison.
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep: Sir Knight....You're party seems to have left.
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep: I hope you guys were comfortable in the meeting room.
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep: Of course, I was hoping that someone would by drinks.
[Sir Cornelius]: 't'is true Barkeep...I fear it's the alcohol that has a hold of them
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep points towards the meeting room....well it has hold of that one (Thor).
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep: He'll be on the floor before you know it.
Jamison looks at newsie "Thanks"
Sir Cornelius approaches the bar
[GM (Tip)]: don't mention it....Squire.
Jamison goes into the bar proper
Jamison sees Sir Cornelius
Sir Cornelius continues chatting with the bartender...
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep: How may I help you Sir Knight?
[Jamison]: Sir, I think the Elf is going to get into some trouble and I think we should follow
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep smiles at Jamison.
[GM (Tip)]: Barkeep: Plenty of trouble in this town for someone looking for it.
[Jamison]: Where's Thor?
[Sir Cornelius]: well...I'm wondering whether you know someone to call in case things flare up here in the bar...you know...someone to help heal the injured...?
GM (Barkeep) srathces his head.
[GM (Barkeep)]: I know a healer ... need one?
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): You find Bilko's Blades.
[Sir Cornelius]: it would be a good thing to know...I'll bet you have your shares of trouble...
Sir Cornelius looks about the room...
[Kalith]: Good
[GM (Barkeep)]: Well, it's not as bad as you would think.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): oops... Good
[GM (Barkeep)]: The knight's help me keep out the riff raff.
[Sir Cornelius]: Not with the knighthood certainly
[GM (Barkeep)]: Absolutly not.
[Sir Cornelius]: still...where would you go if you needed healing help?
GM (Barkeep) scratches his head again......"Just a minute"
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: this barkeep could use a few points of IQ
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): Sign on the door says Bilko's Blades .... We make fine weapons.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): Enter
GM (Barkeep) walks over to a drawer and pull shuffles throught it.
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): Inside you see swords and axes, etc. hanging on the wall...a counter with an scruffy looking man behind it....and weapons displayed under glass.
GM (Barkeep) produces a small coin.
GM (Barkeep) returns to the knight and gives it to him.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): approch the scruffy looking man
Sir Cornelius takes the coin...what is this for good sir?
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): Sruff: Can I help ye?
GM (Barkeep) have a look at it.
Sir Cornelius looks at the coin in his hand
[GM (Barkeep)]: The coin is lighter than metal....doen'st feel like a coin.
[GM (Barkeep)]: There is a picture of a man on it.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): "excuse me sir a man named Jasper sent me here to get some infomation"
[GM (Barkeep)]: His hands are crossed ....the words underneath say....
Sir Cornelius continues to look at it...interested
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Barkeep)): good thing I'm literate <g>
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): "I was wonder if you could help?'
[GM (Barkeep)]: Neldor ....Doctor of Healing Magic.
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): /he puts a finger to his mouth.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Barkeep)): do I know where he is located?
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): Shhhhhsssshhhhh.
[Sir Cornelius]: Where would you go to find this man? How would you contact him?
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): Scruff: Whispers to Kalith.
[GM (Barkeep)]: Look at the token sir.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): Smiles and starts to whisper
Sir Cornelius looks at it...concentrates on it
[GM (Barkeep)]: The picture of the man winks and the words under his name give the address.
Sir Cornelius gives the coin back
Sir Cornelius blinks a few times...
[GM (Barkeep)]: Neldor has a place just right accross the street....not too far from here.
[GM (Barkeep)]: Take the token with you sir.
[Sir Cornelius]: well thank you good sir...
[GM (Barkeep)]: Tell him, Findal sent you.
[Sir Cornelius]: Indeed I will.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): in a whsper as light as air "I need to know about this baron"
[GM (Barkeep)]: OOC: Okay do you guys want to keep playing?
Sir Cornelius puts up several coins...
Jamison looks at the Knight..."Sir cornelius, I think you should come..."
[GM (Barkeep)]: OOC: I know that 10pm is our usual stop time.
[Sir Cornelius]: this should compensate for the...lack of business earlier
GM (Barkeep) thanks the knight.
[Jackdaw]: sure
[Kalith]: I would like to contiue
[Sir Cornelius]: I can go a bit longer
(Jamison whispered to GM (Barkeep)): Let me get us to follow Kalith
Sir Cornelius looks at Jamison...
[Sir Cornelius]: Lead on Man
[GM (Barkeep)]: OOC: okay a bit longer.
[Jamison]: I think Kalith may be in trouble...
[Jamison]: '/he looks around "Where's Thor?"
[Sir Cornelius]: I knew there was something about him I didn't like
[Jackdaw]: ooc I would like to know what jackdaw finds out from the always lonely ladies ;-)
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): Scruff: What ya looking for....(he looks around and then whistles)
[Kalith]: OOC: oh come on if I get into trouble you will see Flames all over
[Sir Cornelius]: You'll find Thor with his beer...in the other room
Jamison mumbles "No help at all..."
[Jamison]: let's go
Sir Cornelius heads out the door...pocketing the token
Jamison heads out the door and down the street
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): A man appears and the scruffy looking guy says, "follow me"
[Jamison]: he was going to this store
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): "I need to know if the Baron has the princes ring and how I can get my hands on it"
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): Follows
(GM (Barkeep) whispered to Kalith): As he leads you to a room in the back, "So, it's information that you seek?"
Jamison whispers to Sir Cornelius "I think it may be the thieves guild"
[Sir Cornelius]: I hope I don't have to arrest anyone there...I don't like the looks of it...
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): And mabye some serivces as well
[Sir Cornelius]: too many weapons about
(Kalith whispered to GM (Barkeep)): But that will come later
[Jamison]: how much time should we give him, before we go in to help
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): Well, the Baron is a formidable enemy.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC what time of day is it?
[Jamison]: Morning?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): I give you information on him.....(he motions that his throat would be cut)
[Jackdaw]: ooc if things keep on like this maybe thor will get an acholic disadvantage
[GM (Scruff)]: OOC: Just after noon.
[Sir Cornelius]: the shop's open...let's just...visit
Sir Cornelius walks in
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Yes he is wich is why I need as much info as I can get
[Jamison]: ok
Jamison follows the knight
[Jamison]: trying to appear as a squire
[GM (Scruff)]: There is a scruffy looking boy behind the counter.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Humm... you would like hazdared pay then?
Sir Cornelius walks up to the counter...
[GM (Scruff)]: There are swords and axes hanging from the wall and a few small weapons under glass.
Jamison checks out the weapon selection
[GM (Scruff)]: hello sir knight....what may I do for you?
Sir Cornelius looks at the smaller weapons...and asks the boy if he knows anything about Dwarven steel...
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): A bell sounds.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): ??
[GM (Scruff)]: We get dwarven steel in occasoinally....it's hard to find these days.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): ( from where? )
[Sir Cornelius]: I'm sure it is...
[GM (Scruff)]: Can I show you some fine enchanted blades?
Sir Cornelius looks around for the greyish color of the metal that marks such steel...
Jamison walks over to watch..
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): At the top of the wall ... back of the room.
[Sir Cornelius]: Enchanted? By who?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): Seems we have a visitor.
Sir Cornelius looks around...trying to find their lost companion
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): the room we just left
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): OOC: yep
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): OOC: Being trained by a weapons master, should I be able to tell fine quality weapons, by weight and heft?
[GM (Scruff)]: IQ roll .... Jamison and Sir Cornelius.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): "made you should see to your freind before we continue.
(To GM (Scruff)) DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,4 = [ 9 ]
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): made by 4
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): IQ=10
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): I need to check it out....I'll be back.
(To GM (Scruff)) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,6 = [ 11 ]
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): He leaves.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): cbt reflexes also if needed :)
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): I try to see who it is as he gose
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Jamison): Most weapons here are of average quality....
(To GM (Scruff)) DICE for Jamison: (3d6ok) : = [ 0 ]
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): You need to get closer to the doorway that you entered to get in the backroom.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): ok
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Most weapons here are of average quality.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): I will then
Jamison looks for Kalith
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): You notice that the scruff goes to the door but does not open it.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): He puts his face up against it and appears to be looking out.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): k
[GM (Scruff)]: No sign of Kalith.
[GM (Scruff)]: Boy: goes over to a cabinet and produces a sword.
[GM (Scruff)]: ....after unlocking it of course.
[GM (Scruff)]: ....by whispering a word.
[GM (Scruff)]: It is a two handed sword .... it shines with brillance.
GM (Scruff) hands the sword towards the knight....here is a fine one sir.
Sir Cornelius looks at the thing...
[Sir Cornelius]: It's a man sized weapon certainly...but how is a knight to use his shield wielding it?
Jamison looks over the knights shoulder at the weapon
[GM (Scruff)]: It is a thrusting bastard sword ... fine craftsmenship...could be enchanted.
[GM (Scruff)]: Boy: What did you have in mind sir?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): The man continues to stare out front.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): OOC: is that at me or Cornelius?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Walk over to the man
[Sir Cornelius]: a Dwarven hand axe is more my style boy
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): He looks back towards you, "Seems we have a visitor....a knight"
Jamison wanders towards the back of the store...
[Sir Cornelius]: but certainly a shop such as this wouldn't have such a fine weapon
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Jamison): Got stealth?
GM (Scruff) reaches for the sword.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): "let me see"
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): Nope, just wandering...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: SC never took it from him
GM (Scruff) keeps an eye on Jamison (He is a little nervous)
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Jamison): He moves back ..... They must not know we are back here....Have a look.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): Any Flails or Mourningstars on the back wall?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: Jamison was the squire?
[GM (Scruff)]: OOC: Yep ....
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): sorry...having a hard time remembering who and what everyone is :/
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Jamison): You see two Flails and one morning star....average craftmenship.
[Sir Cornelius]: Well, if you have nothing that I am looking for boy...I'll be on my way
[GM (Scruff)]: He puts the sword back into the cabinet.
Jamison heads towards the flail section on the back wall "Can I see these weapons?"
Sir Cornelius turns to leave
Jamison points to the flails
GM (Scruff) looks up,"Help yourself"
[GM (Scruff)]: Sir Knight....I could place an order for you.
Jamison listens carefully as he lifts a flail from the display
[GM (Scruff)]: We can get such weapons.
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,4 = [ 14 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: Now that would be a fine thing...a Dwarven blade...suitable for enchanting...how much would such cost?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): If you looked through the holes in the door you see what's going on outside.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): I will then
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): this is not the capital city, is it?
[GM (Scruff)]: You are talking of an unenchanted dwarven blade...
[GM (Scruff)]: Axe or sword?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): No this is not.
[Sir Cornelius]: Axe...their swords are usually...too small to be of much use to men
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): What do I see?
[GM (Scruff)]: Regular Sized or Great Axe?
Jamison sets the Flail down with a disapproving look, and picks up a mourningstar
[Sir Cornelius]: a regular axe...
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Is it them???
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): You see Sir Cornelius talking to the boy.
Jamison hefts the morning star.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): i have not been paying attention
[GM (Scruff)]: A fine dwarven blade....
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): In a low airy whisper "who is the boy?"
Jamison puts the morningstar back and mumbles" The worst of a poor lot"
[GM (Scruff)]: Suitable for enchantment...
Jamison goes back towards the clerk and SC
[GM (Scruff)]: I think the price for such a weapon is usually $200
GM (Scruff) looks through a book of prices.
[Sir Cornelius]: usually...to those who come in off the streets...with a great deal of money to spend perhaps...
[GM (Scruff)]: A dwarven axe, regular, from the Findor Mountains ...yes $200.
[Sir Cornelius]: I could go there myself and pay half of that
[GM (Scruff)]: That would include the importation tax, of course.
[Sir Cornelius]: come now, you can do better than that...$150, yes?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): The boy was with the scruffy man....perhaps his son or apprentice.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): I was asking the scruff man...
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): I guess I have 150 to blow...I never did sit down to buy all my stuff :/
[GM (Scruff)]: Well, seeing that you are good for it, sir knight, I think we could make a deal .... $175
[Sir Cornelius]: guaranteed to be of fine quality Dwarven steel?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): He is my apprentice....he does pretty good on his dealings.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): OOC: what if the name Jasper was tossed around during this dealing?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): aaa... well let us contiune I know them noghting to worry about.
GM (Scruff) places his hand on his chest....of course sir knight ....everything is guaranteed here.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): Bah...knights......bad news.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Takes a seat
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): He returns to the back room.
[Sir Cornelius]: That is a fair price then. And I know...that you would not want any trouble for failing to come through on the deal.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): So information?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): "Why do you think I am not with him right know"
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): anyway I can know he's being sincere?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): good tool but anoyance
[GM (Scruff)]: Sir Knight, we do quite a bit of business with the Fendor Dwarves.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): What kind of skill are you using?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): so what can you tell me about the baron and the ring I look for?
[Sir Cornelius]: do you now? which of the merchants do you have dealings with? I know many myself.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): As I was saying....The Baron is a powerful man.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Yes I know what is it you want in return?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): What can you offer me? ..Elven Silver?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Why yes I can
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): /he goes to the back of the store and looks around carefully...
[GM (Scruff)]: Ummm.....ahhh.....There is a dwarf that usually comes in with his wares twice a month.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): just detect lies...defaults to IQ-6
[GM (Scruff)]: His name is Fisbane.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Elven silcer is somthing i have pleanty of
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): though I *do* know some of them :)
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): You haven't heard of Fisbane.
[Sir Cornelius]: I see...perhaps some other time
Sir Cornelius turns toward the door
[GM (Scruff)]: Well, sir if you reconsider.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): /he looks for a backdoor
GM (Scruff) looks at Jamison.
Sir Cornelius walks out
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Well for the right info of course
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Jamison): There is a door behind the counter.
[Jamison]: Hey clerk, what's back there?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): You will pay well?>
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): For the right info yes
[GM (Scruff)]: That goes to my room sir....where I sleep.
Sir Cornelius begins walking about the building(s) looking around...taking his time about it
[GM (Scruff)]: I am an apprentice here.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): Okay what do you want to know.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): The Baron?
[Jamison]: I saw an Elf come in here a few minutes ago, where is he now?
Jamison begins to move around the counter.
[GM (Scruff)]: Don't know about that sir ... he musthav left.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): Word is that he does have the ring.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): First off I would like to know if the baron has aquirred a ring from a prince
[Jamison]: And may be he didn't..... May be he went out another door, huh?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): And where he keeps it
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): I am sure he has it secured at his castle.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): ....or on himself.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): How can I get into the castle at night
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): It is well guarded.
Jamison goes towards the door behind the counter
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): yes but I am sure there is some way in
[GM (Scruff)]: Sir Squire .... I said that this goes to my room... where I sleep.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): A bell rings.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): The man gets up and says, "I'll be back:
[GM (Scruff)]: The boy goes towards the door.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): Humm....
[Jamison]: I was curious, is your room better than the room a squire is given?
[GM (Scruff)]: Sir Squire you should not be back here.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): The man looks out the holes .. and then opens the door and goes out.
[GM (Scruff)]: The door opens and a man comes out.
[GM (Scruff)]: The is scruffy and probably hasn't bathed in a week.
[GM (Scruff)]: The has a sloppy appearance.
[Jamison]: hello?
GM (Scruff) looks at Jamison,"May I help you boy?"
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): You hear what's going on outside....the door is still open.
[Jamison]: I was just curious, Does a clerks room have a better view than a squire's room?
[GM (Scruff)]: Can a man get any sleep around here?
[GM (Scruff)]: There is no view...Ihave no windows.
(Jamison whispered to GM (Scruff)): Is the door still open?
[GM (Scruff)]: What exactly did you want here, squire?
[GM (Scruff)]: OOC: The door is still open....you see a hallway...but that's all.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): I will get up and look around
[Jamison]: Just curious... I always had a room that ended at the walls, not down a hallway...
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): There is no window. ... two doors at the back of the room....boxes around stacked up....A table and some chairs.
Jamison looks at the clerk "Seems to be more than your room"
[GM (Scruff)]: If you are looking to build a house, I suggest you seek out an engineer mage....
Jamison looks at SC " Seems the clerk does not always tell the truth SC"
[Jamison]: I think we should move on
[GM (Scruff)]: Boy: It is where we sleep.
[GM (Scruff)]: Man: Seems that a squire is not always a squire.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC SC is outside
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Looking for anything in particular?
Jamison looks at the man " Many things are not what they seem, sir"
Jamison heads for the door
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): other exits/entrances...perhaps something underground?
[GM (Scruff)]: Goodday.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): There are shops around pretty thick in this part of town.
[Jamison]: When outside..."I think we should watch carefully for Kalith, SC
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Most buildings are two story.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): There is also signs of a basement.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): A barred window at ground level.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Man returns.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Sorry sir.....
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): let us do this already I want a way to ethier get to the baron or into his castle
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): Where were we?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): still whispering?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Sir Cornelius): yep
[Jamison]: OOC: Would this be a good spot to stop, and get the info from Kalith next week?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM (Scruff)): I haven't met this man...only saw the boy
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): I know a way in the castle.
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): aaa... good
[Jamison]: OOC: or save him and Jack Draw?
(Kalith whispered to GM (Scruff)): how?
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): But what kind of guarentees can you offer me?
[Sir Cornelius]: it is getting kinda late
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): If the Baron's truthsayers get you and you name me.
(GM (Scruff) whispered to Kalith): I am finished.
[Jamison]: GM?
[GM (Scruff)]: Okay...it is a good stopping point.