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[Tue Apr 25 19:03:54 CDT 2000]
[GM]: RECAP: The Party has just arrived in Southtown by way of a 7 hour coach ride.
They have just met a new travelling companion, a female Dwarf named Phinnea. It is
now 2am on the 2nd (Dark) Sunday of Drakurah, in the Spring of 1132p.
[Anne]: ooc session 40? Wow! Cool!
[GM]: The coach pulls to an abrupt stop. "Alright, Southtown!!!" yells the driver.
[GM]: Jackdaw hangs on for his dear life.
Thor looks to the others "Well, we're here."
[Anne]: "All out!" Anne leaves the carriage and begins gathering everyone's luggage
[GM]: Phinnea "Ya, this be tha place!"
[ MikeL left the game ]
Thor grabs his bag and exits the coach
[GM]: Jamison helps the others out and gets his gear from under his seat.
Thomas does the same, jumping to the ground.
[GM]: Thomas finds Jing there waiting and smiling.
[Anne]: "It's good to stretch your legs after such a long drive!"
[Anne]: Anne stretches, yawning in the process
[GM]: Southtown can be seen in the remaining moonlight given by Silverna as it sets
for the last time this fortnight, ending the Bright period. It is just past full,
telling you that the time is around 2am.
Thomas arches an eyebrow at the amn and walks by, stretching his legs.
[GM]: Jamison: Yawning, "It IS rather late"
[GM]: Phinnea exits the coach with some trouble, winking at Jamison who offers her a
helping hand.
Thor nods as he yawns himself "Aye, it is late. At least we got here without much
[Anne]: "Hey - Jackdaw - can this lady wait until morning, or do we need to see her
[Anne]: Anne watches Phinnea a moment, and nods if she turns in her direction....
[GM]: The driver disappears into the Inn. The 'guard' begins to stir in the front
section of the coach.
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Sorry Mike .. it seems that you are having quite a bit of trouble tonight))
[Thor]: ((WB again..))
[Anne]: ((hiya Mike))
[Jackdaw]: ((yeah my connection keeps dropping, maybe it'll be better now I did a
cold reboot))
[GM]: Southtown gives every evidence of a small village. Huts are spread sparsely
for many miles leading slightly downhill to the West showing an unusual sight to
most of you ... The Dragonmyst Ocean, clear and calm, with the illuminated sphere
of Silverna racing to meet it.
[GM]: ((let's hope so))
Anne gasps as the beauty of the scene... stares at the moon and water for a long
[Anne]: as = at
Jackdaw wants to swim in that ocean!
[GM]: Soon you notice Phinnea waddling away from the Inn ... and a small man waddling
to meet her.
[GM]: The coach has stopped just outside of a small Inn, probably the only in here
in Southtown. Other than the sounds coming from inside, and a few lights moving
farther down near the docks, Southtown appears dead.
[Anne]: "Hey JD - maybe we should wait until morning to meet this lady who's in
[GM]: "Aye me dear Phinney, as beautiful as ye ever vas!" says the small man.
[ MikeL left the game ]
[ MikeL joined the game ]
Thomas waits near the others, his hands in his pockets as he gazes across the endless
ocean. He looks up to moon, then back to the sea.
[Jackdaw]: ooc what time is it?
[Anne]: Anne turns from the beautiful ocean scene, and back to the inn... Looking
tired, she walks over to JD and Jamison... "What do you think we should do? If it
can wait, Morning might be best..."
[GM]: The man appears small, chubby, and a little old, even for a Dwarf. He has a
full beard with beads woven into it. He wears a robe made of homespun and sandals.
He has a large smile on his face and holds out his arms to meet Phinney.
[Anne]: ooc 2am
[GM]: Phinney "Uncle!"
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: The two Dwarves embrace
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: again
[GM]: Phinney "Uncle!"
[GM]: The two Dwarves embrace
[Anne]: ooc 2am
[GM]: Jamison: "Yes, I think all of our business can wait until morning ...."
[GM]: The guard rouses himself and gets out and stretches.
[GM]: He says not a word but heads into the Inn.
[Anne]: "Good... I hope you concur JD, 'cause I think we all need sleep!"
[GM]: The two Dwarves begin to advance on the party.
[Anne]: Anne looks carefully at the guard...
(Anne whispered to GM): what does the guard look like?
[GM]: The guard wears a 3-day beard, has uncombed hair and smells a little even
from a distance. His clothes are worn and not fancy. He wears a broadsword at
his side.
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: The guard enters the Inn, looking rather sleey.
[GM]: ((there he goes again))
[Thor]: ((ooc: This is getting rediculous!))
[ MikeL joined the game ]
Thor glances to the others, nodding at Jamison "I agree."
Jackdaw screams in frustration ooc of course
[GM]: Jing wanders over to a window and peers though it, looking into the Inn.
[Jackdaw]: I'll be AWOL for a bit, I'm going to try reloading the dial up networking
in Win95
[Jackdaw]: last time I had this kind of problem that's what my ISSP suggested
[GM]: The Old Dwarf speaks, "Greetings ones who travelled vit me dear niece Phinney"
[Jackdaw]: I'll be back as soon as I can
[GM]: ((okay))
[GM]: Dwarf "My name is Old Torvald ... but ye can call me Brattle" (he smiles)
[Anne]: "Greetings, Ser...Brattle! I am Anne of Shevendale, a priestess of Ral."
(she offers her hand to shake his)
[GM]: Phinney stands by his side, smiling.
[GM]: Brattle takes Anne's hand and nods, "Greeting Anne of Shevandale ... I be
pleazed to met ya"
[Anne]: "It's a pleasure... I've met very few dwarves!"
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: Jamison offers the Dwarf his hand, "Greetings Brattle .. Jamison ... at your
Thor smiles and nods "Greetings. The name's Thor."
[GM]: Brattle "Ahh... have ye now? Vell, there are very few abouts these parts"
[Anne]: "...is it true that a dwarven hammer is the finest blunt weapon a woman
could own? 'Tis what I've heard around the fire at times..."
[GM]: Brattle nods to Thor and smiles.
Thomas looks over, "Name's Thomas."
[GM]: Brattle laughs heartily "Aye ... nothin beats a Dwarven Hammer!"
[GM]: Brattle "Aye well met Thomas" he smiles.
Thomas smiles back.
[GM]: Jing sneaks around the window, spying on those inside.
[GM]: Brattle "Vel it is late .. might I offer ye a varm place to spend da night
and a varm mug 'o Ale?"
[GM]: Brattle "hehehe .... maybe even cold .... who knows?"
[Anne]: "That would be great, Brattle! We could all use a mug and a warm bed!"
Anne hopes she is not out of place speaking for the others....
[GM]: Brattle "Vel follow me den"
[GM]: Jamison "That would be greatly appreciated, Brattle"
[Thor]: "Aye, that would be good."
[GM]: Brattle turns and begins to waddle down the street.
Thor follows along
[GM]: Jing moves away from the windown and falls in with the party.
[Anne]: Anne looks for JD and makes sure he comes with everyone else...
[Anne]: "C'mon JD - we'll find the lady in the morning - we have to sleep first!"
[GM]: Jackdaw has been rubbing his backside and doesn't seem to have that old spring
in his step as usual.
Thomas nods, filing in with the others and taking a good look around.
[GM]: Jackdaw "Yeah, me need some rest."
[Anne]: Anne heads inside after Jing and Thomas, Thor and Jamison...
[GM]: You all pass various shops that have been closed for the night. Brattle turns
down a side street and leads you to a small cottage on the edge of the village.
[GM]: The cottage is small and cozy. Perfect for a Dwarf.
[GM]: Brattle "Come in ... come in."
Anne feels a slight claustrophobia as she enters the cozy (tiny) dwelling....
[GM]: Brattle "Have a sit at der table and I get ye a drink 'o Ale to help ye rest"
[Anne]: Thank you Brattle!"
Thor enters and finds a seat at the table
[GM]: Brattle busies himself filling mugs. Phinney helps by sitting them on a small
table in the center of the cottage.
[Anne]: Anne grabs a chair, but offers it to Phinnea if she has no chair
[GM]: There seem to be plenty of chairs and stools around. Even a few extras.
[GM]: Jing enters, not taking a seat at first.
[GM]: Jamison offers a seat to Anne, "Here take this one Anne'
[GM]: Jamison smiles
[Anne]: Anne smiles back... "Thanks Jamison!" (Anne sits)
Thomas takes a seat in the small dwelling, putting his hands in his lap.
[GM]: Jackdaw enters and sits on the dirt floor of the cottage near the table.
[GM]: Soon all the mugs are filled and Phinney and Brattle sit down with the rest of
[GM]: Brattle to Jing "Have a sit down young man... and have ye some Ale"
[Anne]: Anne offers her ale in a toast... "To Brattle, and dwarven hospitality!"
[GM]: Brattle raises his mug "Aye" and smiles
[Anne]: Anne drinks from her mug....
[GM]: Jamison takes a long sip
[GM]: Jing, haven taken a mug from the table and a chair near the wall, smiffs the Ale
and then takes a drink.
Thor nods and raises his mug, taking a drink
[GM]: The ale is rather good... especially after a long trip.
Thomas does the same, taking a sip afterward.
[GM]: Brattle "If ye don't mind sleeping in tha loft, ye are welcome to stay here vit
me and Phinney." he points to a ladder leading upwards to a wooden level above. "I
hav plenty of qvilts and such"
[GM]: Brattle "But suit yerselv" He takes another drink.
Anne smiles
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Anne]: "That suits me just fine - thanks Brattle!"
[GM]: Jamison "This Ale is very good. The best I have had in awhile"
Thor nods and smiles "Yes, thanks."
[Jackdaw]: back, I hope!
[GM]: Brattle "Aye I brew it meself. It vas a gud batch"
[Jackdaw]: we frollicing?
[GM]: Phinney smiles "Aye Uncle Brattle is famous for his Ale ... and his other
she smiles
[Jackdaw]: "oother drinks?? what other drinks?? my try some??
[GM]: Brattle "Aye faun, if ye are not too tired to frolic!"
[Jackdaw]: "my not tireded!"
[GM]: Brattle "That will hav to vait ... fer now I vant to talk to ye about vy you
be here"
[GM]: Brattle "You be here fer me old friend Jemmy, right?"
[GM]: Brattle looks to each person in turn. Phinney has a look of confusion on her
Thor turns to the others
[GM]: Jamison "I beg you pardon?"
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "my not tireded!"
[GM]: Jing stops drinking and sits very still.
[GM]: Brattle "That will hav to vait ... fer now I vant to talk to ye about vy you
be here"
[GM]: Brattle "You be here fer me old friend Jemmy, right?"
[GM]: Brattle looks to each person in turn. Phinney has a look of confusion on her
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): do, I know who was talking to me?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): was it Jemmy?
(GM whispered to Thor): He did not tell you his name.
(GM whispered to MikeL): He did not tell you his name.
(GM whispered to Thor): The servant told you the husband's name was Brinjem
(GM whispered to MikeL): The servant told you the husband's name was Brinjem
(GM whispered to Thor): Sorry Thor
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: Brattle "Vel, you here for him aint ye?"
[ MikeL]: no I didn't!
(Thor whispered to GM): (That was supposed to go to JD I assume. That's ok)
(GM whispered to Thor): I had both of you chosen for that whisper. hehehe
Jackdaw asks "was Jemmy his whole named?"
[GM]: Brattle "His name vas Brinjem ... I called him Jemmy. An old friend."
[GM]: Brattle waits for a response from Jackdaw.
[Jackdaw]: "yes, yes, my here to helped hims, and hims lonely wifes"
[GM]: Brattle "Ah gud ... da runes never lie"
[Jackdaw]: "hims say she in danger unless my finded something"
[Jackdaw]: "to stopped him bad partner?"
[GM]: Brattle "Unless you finded something?"
[Jackdaw]: "him say there was some papers ina chest what could stopped him nasty
mans partner"
[GM]: Brattle "Mrs Jemmy in trouble? Aye, that partner is not von to be trusted!"
[Jackdaw]: "and helped to keeped hims wife safe"
[Jackdaw]: "she very sad, missing hims"
[GM]: Brattle "I should go pay her a visit ... and cheer her up."
[GM]: Brattle "But it has been fifty year since me left this place"
[GM]: Brattle takes another drink
[Jackdaw]: "she very sad"
[Jackdaw]: "but my helped her and hims too"
[GM]: Brattle "Partner's name is Marle. I think he been da von who killed me friend"
[Jackdaw]: "my said hims a nasty mans!"
[GM]: Brattle "He da greedy von too .. love da gold even more than der Dwarves!" he
laughs hertily
[GM]: Brattle "Vat is dis about a chest?"
[Jackdaw]: "my findes loving girls more fun"
[GM]: Brattle listens with interest.
[Jackdaw]: "hims say papers in a chest, but hims not say what kind or where"
[Jackdaw]: "or whose"
[GM]: Jamison begins to nod off and catches himself.
(Anne whispered to GM): Sorry Rubix... I can feel a seizure coming. and its going to
be a bad one... I had best go... Sorry!
[GM]: Jamison "Oh, sorry ... the Ale is good and I am weary"
[Jackdaw]: "but we finded the papers and they helped"
(GM whispered to Anne): Okay ... catch it early
(GM whispered to Anne): See ya later
(Anne whispered to GM): seeya!
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
[GM]: ((we lost Zugg for the night))
[Jackdaw]: ((sorry bout that))
[GM]: Brattle noticing the sleepy Jamison "Please feel free ta use da loft ven ye be
[GM]: Brattle to Phinney "Can ye lay out some qvilts up in da loft?"
[Jackdaw]: "do you knows where hims shop is?"
[Jackdaw]: "my not knows this place"
[GM]: Phinney "Sure Uncle" she gets up and leaves, getting the loft ready
[GM]: Brattle "Aye, I know the shop"
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: Brattle fills his mug again and fills any mugs that are low unless you object.
[GM]: ((welcome Jamison))
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[ MikeL left the game ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): You just arrived in Southtown and were met by Phinney's
Uncle Brattle. He invited you to his place for a drink and a bed up in his loft.
[Jamison]: Hi all, sorry for the late enterance..
(GM whispered to Jamison): He has just asked the party if they are here for his
friend Jemmy.
[GM]: ((no problem Jamison))
(Jamison whispered to GM): He is Uncle Brattle?
[Jackdaw]: "You knows where the shop is?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yep : )
[GM]: Brattle "Ya it be down on der docks. But there be a problem if ya vant to see
Jamison looks around.. "Well I don't know about Jemmy, We are here to help our
friend Jackdaw....
[Jackdaw]: "what problem?"
[GM]: Phinney returns to the table after having made the loft ready.
[GM]: Brattle "It is being auctioned off in der morning."
[Jackdaw]: "then we go now"
[Jackdaw]: "it not morning yet"
[GM]: Brattle "That might be a problem too"
[Jackdaw]: "why?"
[GM]: Brattle to Jamison "More Ale young squire?"
[Jamison]: No, a little water would be nice though....
[GM]: Brattle to Phinney "Vould you mind dear Niece?"
Jamison looks at JD..."If it is going to be up for sale... it may be guarded
[GM]: Phinney nods and fetches the water.
[Jackdaw]: "but my haved to finded those papers"
[GM]: Brattle "Ya, der Crown has taken possesion ... a few days ago"
[Jackdaw]: "so if my can't do it tomorrow my do it tonight"
[Jamison]: It may be best just to purchase the item...tomorrow...at the auction..
[GM]: Brattle "Perhaps"
[GM]: Brattle "But ifin Marle knows about this ... then he might be purchasin
it too"
Thomas looks over, "How much is the place worth in any case? Any guesses?"
Jamison looks at the dwarf..."Perhaps...do you have resevations about the
[GM]: Brattle ponders the question posed by Thomas, "Vel in its day it vas a great
[GM]: Brattle to Jamison "resevations? Vat ye mean?"
[ MikeL left the game ]
[Jamison]: Do you think the auction is rigged?
[GM]: Brattle "Naw, being run by der Crown, its gonna be legal."
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "but my might not be able to buyed it"
[Jamison]: What is the value of the business?
[Jackdaw]: "it might costed too much, and anyway it belonged to nice mans!"
[GM]: Jing listens carefully to the discusion
[Jamison]: How much?
[GM]: Brattle "Also ... I dont remember no chest. But I can tell ye something that
might help ye."
[Jackdaw]: "why Crown selled the shop? it should belonged hims wife?"
[GM]: Brattle looks at Jackdaw "Ya, it make Marle very mad."
Jamison looks at JD.."What exactly do you need from the shop?"
[Jamison]: Papers in a chest??
[GM]: Brattle "Marle thinks that he get to pay wife for Jemmy's shares, but Jemmy
says in his Will dat he want it all sold and money divided by der Crown. Me not sure
vy he do that"
[Jackdaw]: "papers what will stopped the nasty mans from hurting the nice mans wife"
[Jackdaw]: "you say no chest?"
[GM]: Brattle "Also ... I dont remember no chest. But I can tell ye something that
might help ye."
[Jamison]: JD... are the papers at the shop, in a chest...?
[Jackdaw]: "yes
Jamison looks at Brattle....."What is that?"
[GM]: Brattle "Me friend showed me a secret room vonce ... under da shop. It might
be there."
[Jamison]: That would fit...
[GM]: Brattle "But I not know how to get past der guards. If der be guards."
[Jackdaw]: "but chest might not be box"
[Jamison]: Who's in for a little night prowling?
[Jackdaw]: "might be chest of someone or something'
[Jamison]: I think not, JD
Thomas rubs his hands, standing up and puffing out his chest. In a fuax heroic voice
he says, "Good sir! I believe I may be of some assistance here!"
[GM]: Brattle "Ya?"
Jamison returns Thomas jest with a hardy..."Good, you're leading...hehehe"
[Jackdaw]: "how much guarded will the shop be?"
[Jamison]: let's see what there is to see...
[Jamison]: JD, let's find out....
[GM]: Brattle "ya, I vil lead da vay"
Jamison looks at Thomas..."Can you help a dwarf walk silently?"
Thomas looks over, letting his shoulder slouch back, "Alright, but if I have to go
in, I prefer to go alone. This is where I do some of my best work."
[GM]: Waddling as best as he can, you find your way down to the docks and to the
shop that belonged to Brinjem. He stops about 2 blocks away from it.
[Jackdaw]: "my commed too"
[GM]: Jing follows Jackdaw
Jackdaw looks around carefully
[GM]: Anne comes along, not liking the idea very much.
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=5,4,4 = [ 2 ]
Thomas shrugs, "Dunno..Guess we will find out."
[GM]: Brattle whispers "Dat be der place"
[Jamison]: Let's let Thomas check out the area by himself... we will wait...
[Jamison]: Thomas... come back to let us know the story of the area...
[GM]: Brattle points to what appears to be a shop/warehouse opening up to the docks
behind it.
[GM]: It appears to be a rather large place.
Thomas nods, "Be right back..." He walks into the shadows and takes a look around.
Jamison looks at the others..."Let us have our best, scout the area... stay down and
wait for his return...
(GM whispered to Thomas): What ya gonna do?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw will whisper "you there Jemmy? you helped by
telling mes what we need?"
[Thomas]: Thomas walks around the perimeter, his hands in his pockets, but also
sticks to the shadows and walks quietly...
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,3 = [ 10 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Stealth is 14
(GM whispered to Thomas): Walking the perimeter, you don't really see anyone or
anything unusual.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You dont get an answer.
Jamison listens carefully for any sign of trouble...staff at the ready
Thomas notes guards, windows (on all stories) and chimeys and such. He also looks
for any source of lights or such.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): didn't really expect one but I can always try
(GM whispered to Thomas): The streets are dimly lit here, but there are more lights
out on the water. Some boats are moving about out there it appears.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You see no guards anywhere.
Jackdaw looks at the roof is it flat or peaked?
[GM]: Building is a 2-story building with a flat roof.
Thomas looks to the roof and the chimney, looking for easy lines of sights to other
building. He also looks for a back door.
Jackdaw moves back a couple of blocks and starts playing softly
(GM whispered to Thomas): Two very large doors open up behind the building, giving
access to the dock area.
(GM whispered to Thomas): There is a chimney going all the way up the building.
Jamison looks around for some cover that may be closer to the building
[GM]: On either side of this building is another 2-story building. They do not
appear to be shops
[ MikeL left the game ]
[Thomas]: [The back doors...Do they open into anything beyond the docks? Is there
enough cover to open and slide in without being noticed?]
[GM]: Each are seperated by a narrow alley from this building.
[Jamison]: Warehouses?
[Thomas]: [The back doors...Do they open into anything beyond the docks? Is there
enough cover to open and slide in without being noticed?]
[GM]: Letters are painted above the large window in front "The Blue Elephant"
[GM]: Jamison all three buildings look like they could be warehouses.
[Jamison]: Is the building on the docks?
[Jamison]: Right on the water?
[GM]: Yes, all three of these buildings are on the docks. The wooden dock is build
up right behind each of them.
Jamison looks to Thor...."Are you any good with a boat?
[GM]: Many people in Methoria have a fear of the water. Boating would be an unusal
skill to have.
[Jamison]: hmmmf
[GM]: Many people in Methoria wouldn't even know that they have a fear for the water.
It is something of a genetic thing.
[GM]: : )
(GM whispered to Thomas): How close do you get to the building?
[GM]: Thomas is still scouting the area.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Gee, thanks... that makes it.... harder
[Jamison]: OOC: any clue on what JD was trying to do/
[Jamison]: ?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Glad I could oblige you
(Jamison whispered to GM): hehehe
(Thomas whispered to GM): Close enought to check out those doors. Do I have anyway
to see if the thing is warded? I assume I would have run into such things before.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Magic? You can roll vs IQ+Magery to sense it.
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,5 = [ 11 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made it.
[GM]: Made by how much Thomas?
[Jamison]: OOC: let me know if/when Thomas returns.... and/or I notice a problem/trouble
[Thomas]: [IQ=14...Not sure if limited Magery counts but=3]
[GM]: It all seems rather quiet here now. Silverna is getting very close to the horizon.
Thomas slouches near the door, leaning against a pole as a drunk would do. He examines
the door from beneath his stringy hair.
(Jamison whispered to GM): cute
(GM whispered to Thomas): You dont feel any magical spells protecting this place. But
you think you feel something .... it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up,
but it doesn't seem to be a spell.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Direction it is strongest?
[GM]: Might I also add that the view of the dock and beyond to the Dragonmyst Ocean is
(GM whispered to Thomas): From below, it seems
(GM whispered to Thomas): Below the shop, that is
Thomas staggers near the door, his hand brushing against one of the doors as he mumbles
[GM]: Thomas is still scouting the area
[Jamison]: OOC: At any other time... Jamison thinks this veiw would make a fantastic
walk... if he was only walking with Anne...
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,4 = [ 13 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Back door? One of the large ones? or the front door?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Backdoor if out of sight. Just cast Lockmaster on it and made
(GM whispered to Thomas): The lock pops open
(Thomas whispered to GM): /he peers in for a moment then staggers in...
(GM whispered to Thomas): I am afraid that the backdoor is open to the docks and there
is a little moon light left. You might be visible to anyone out in a boat.
(GM whispered to Thomas): It is pitch black in here.
(GM whispered to Thomas): The light coming in the door shows you that there are many
boxes stacked around.
[GM]: Jing looks impatient
(Thomas whispered to GM): /he blinks, like is surprised, and staggers in.
[GM]: Anne looks nervous .... and tired.
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: ((wb ml)
[Jackdaw]: ((sorry had to reboot that time))
(Jamison whispered to GM): Thomas is still scouting...I think?
[Jackdaw]: did you get my last action?
(GM whispered to Thomas): As I said ... it is pitch black. You have someway of seeing?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): withdrawing and ccasting levitation on mysely?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The whispering?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): with the die roll?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Oh no ... didn't get that.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Or the roll
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (17-3d6) : 3d6=5,2,2 = [ 8 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Please roll again and tell me how much you made itby
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): crit
(Thomas whispered to GM): /he closes the door and lets his eyes adjust for a moment.
He then takes out his glowstone and keeps it hidden mostly in his cloak and has a look
around, keeping windows in mind.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made by 8
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are levitating without fatigue cost
(GM whispered to Thomas): You see more boxes and a door leading to the front.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I will maintain it till I tell you otherwise
(Thomas whispered to GM): [Front of the building...as in out?]
(GM whispered to Thomas): The door is closed, but there is no sign of a lock
Jackdaw rejoins the party, waiting for Thomas
(GM whispered to Thomas): No, as into the front shop part with the big window
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Noted
[GM]: Hearing roll please Thomas
(Thomas whispered to GM): /he does a search of the room, looking for secret doors and
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 13 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14
(Jamison whispered to GM): JD, did you get up to the roof tops?
(GM whispered to Thomas): As you get close to the door, you think you hear a sound
coming from the front. It could be snoring.
(GM whispered to Thomas): I need another roll for secret doors .... IQ based
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,4 = [ 6 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Do I get that the weird feeling is directly below me now?
(GM whispered to Thomas): The floor seems hollow the closer you get to the door to
the front part of the shop, but look as you may, there doesn't seem to be an door to
below in this part of the building.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes, the weird feeling IS directly below you now.
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: ((too bad Mike is having a rough night of it.))
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay. Is their a window in the door between the back and
the front?]
(GM whispered to Thomas): No windows in this part of the building
[Jamison]: OOC: been through those nights, myself...
[GM]: Jing impatiently whispering "Maybe I should go find him?"
[Jamison]: OOC:GM... are you still working with Thomas?
(Thomas whispered to GM): /he goes back to the door he came in and listens for a
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,6 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Thomas is still searching
[Jamison]: ooc:ok
(GM whispered to Thomas): The door to the docks? There is no sound from there.
(Thomas whispered to GM): If he hears nothing, he leaves the way he came in,
staggering out like a drunk and continuing on. He evntually circles back to the
others, but not in a direct fashion. He sticks to the sahdows...
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: Steath roll Thomas
Jackdaw walks back to the party to await Thomas
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
Jamison looks at JD and nods.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You make it back to the party. They haven't noticed you
[GM]: Jing "Where is he?"
Jackdaw says "him come soon"
Thomas walks up behind you all quietly, whsipering, "Hey...Its me."
[GM]: Brattle "Vel no news is ...."
[GM]: Jing turns around abruptly
[Jackdaw]: "Thomas hasd skills"
[GM]: Anne "Oh, hello Thomas"
[Jackdaw]: "what you seed?"
Jamison turns around slowly..."I've asked you not to do that..."
Jamison grins
[GM]: Brattle "Vel der be any guards?"
[Jamison]: And your assessment?
[Jackdaw]: "you checked roof?"
Thomas chuckles, "I could have suprised you, but I like my body in one peice."
Turning to JD, "Not much. The back room has some crates and such, but I thought I
heard somebody sleeping in the front..."
[Jackdaw]: "only two rooms?"
[Jamison]: Access?
[GM]: Time is now about 3:30am
[GM]: Dawn is in 2 1/2 hours .. or thereabouts
[Thomas]: "I also got a...Creepy feeling directly below the building. I was not
going to investiage any further until we know a little more. If you want, I can
check the roof right now."
[Jackdaw]: "my helped?"
Jackdaw raises slightly from the ground
[Jamison]: Can you get us in... with out awaking the guards?
[GM]: Brattle "Aye dat be the secret chamber ... I get da same creepy feeling ven I
vent down dar"
[Jackdaw]: "secret?"
[GM]: Brattle "Vel it no secret no me guess"
[Jackdaw]: "can you tell us? or is it too much sacret?"
Thomas shrugs, "I can do it by teleporting to the top of the roof and I won't be seen."
[Jamison]: And us?..Can we get in?
[GM]: Brattle "Dat guard be spoling yer plans, ya?"
[Jamison]: Is there only 1 guard at the front?
[Jackdaw]: but if hims tired maybe hims just sleep while we's in there?"
Thomas shrugs, "Why? I don't see why we can't do this legit. I want no problem with
the law...besides if we get caught now, we will have hell to pay. I can always port
away, but are you all so lucky? Might look bad when your in jail and you have to
testify before a criminal like the baron."
[Jackdaw]: "maybe a lullaby would helped?"
Jamison looks at Thomas..."Buy this dump?"
[Jackdaw]: "if what we wants be's in secret room maybe it not be finded and selled"?
[GM]: Brattle "A lullaby vud be nice"
Thomas shrugs, "A hidyhole is always nice. Besides, you could always rent it out."
[Jackdaw]: "maybe haved to buy whole thing" his gesture sweeps the building
[ Jester joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "what rent?"
[Jackdaw]: "you means we haved to ripped it all up?"
[Jamison]: Don't worry, JD... we will handle that...
[Jamison]: And no ripping
(Jester whispered to GM): hi
[Jackdaw]: "but him say we needs to rent it?"
[Jackdaw]: "rent not mean to ripped holes in?"
[GM]: Brattle "Vel, only 2 of us know about secret room now that Jemmy is gone to
great battle in the sky ... me and .... Marle"
(GM whispered to Jester): Hello
Thomas shakes his head, "No other people rent it from us...." Thomas smacks his
head, "No, they pay us money to use it."
[Jamison]: Ok, hold it... let's vote... go in now or buy it tomorrow....
[Jackdaw]: "then hims try to buy it too, maybe haved more"
[ Jester left the game ]
[GM]: Brattle "And you bet he be bidding on dis place in der mornin"
[Jamison]: JD... buy or go in?
[ Kalin joined the game ]
Thomas shrugs, "He could be...elsewhere." Thomas smiles.
[Jackdaw]: 'my not know!" Jackdaw wails
(Kalin whispered to GM): mind if I sit in?
[Jamison]: Thomas?
[Jackdaw]: "all strange things here"
(GM whispered to Kalin): No, you are welcome
(Kalin whispered to GM): thanks
[Jackdaw]: "my just know my needs finded paper"
[GM]: Anne speaks up in a sleepy voice "I don't know (yawn) what to do here.... I
surely dont wont to break any laws"
Thomas shakes his head, "I think we got bigger fish to fry. I don't want to run
afoul the authorities with the wedding a week a way."
[Jamison]: Jing?
[Jackdaw]: "how much it costed do you think?"
[GM]: Jing "My vote goes with Jackdaw. Whatever he decides"
[Jamison]: Thor?
[Jackdaw]: "my haved some money"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how much did we get again?
[Jamison]: We have a majority... let's go get some sleep, and buy the plpace.. I
will pool my money into the purchase... will everyone else do the same?
[GM]: Brattle "I vod think that it at least go fer 3000 sovereign ($50,000). I vod
think dat Marle would pay dat much himself"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): $20,000 each ... not to mention what you might have
had before.
Thomas nods his head.
[Jamison]: JD... will you help?
[Jackdaw]: "my only haved 20000$ and a little more, but it's mostly just paper"
[ Kalin left the game ]
[Jamison]: Anne?
[GM]: Anne "Yeah .... whatever the group decides ... count me in."
[Jamison]: That may be enough.... what time is the auction?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): the GM giveth and the GM taketh away
[ Jacqueline joined the game ]
[GM]: Brattle "Vel, we got get some sleep then?"
[Damia]: ((steps in curiously and watches))
[Jackdaw]: "sounds good"
[Jamison]: Hes...Brattle..can we get an Inn... we need to be here at least 1 hr.
before the auction
[Thomas]: [brb]
[Jackdaw]: "what time au tion ?"
(Damia whispered to GM): what game is this again...I am sorry...if I am interupting
I will gladly depart sir.
[GM]: Brattle thinks to himself "I believe auction is scheduled for 2pm tomorrow"
[Jamison]: Let's get here by Noon....
(GM whispered to Damia): GURPS game ...world is called Methoria
[Jackdaw]: "will whole thing be solded or each thing?"
[GM]: Brattle "Dey open der shop in der morning for da browzing and such"
[ Avatar joined the game ]
(Damia whispered to GM): oh...well being that I know not what game that is I shall
also pressume I have not a character. *sigh* wish I could play....well...good day
[GM]: Brattle "Naw, piece by piece ... as usual"
[Jamison]: We should let Anne Bid... who could resist that face with the strong
(Jamison does his best Arnny impression) backers that she has...
[Avatar]: ooc Hi! Just lurking a bit....
[GM]: OOC: You are welcome!
[Jackdaw]: "what time they opened? my should be hers then"
[GM]: Brattle "Ya, ve cum back at noon ... plenty of time"
[GM]: Brattle "Dat would be bout 10 me thinks"
[Jamison]: Jd , why not be here by 9.. the rest of us can get some sleep... and you
can get us if there is any trouble
[GM]: Anne watches Silverna creep close to the horizon
[Jackdaw]: "good, my do"
Jamison acknowleges the moon set
[GM]: It is now getting close to the last quarter
(Damia whispered to GM): and it is a shame ...*smiles* you apear to be a tallented
GM sir....*curtsys and finally heads out*
Jackdaw looks around the area, anywhere good to curl up and crash?
[ Jacqueline left the game ]
[Jamison]: An Inn, Brattle?
[GM]: Brattle "Sorry, not here on der docks"
[Jackdaw]: what's the weather like?
[GM]: Weather is clear and nice. about 67 degrees
[GM]: Warm air is coming off of the Dragonmyst Ocean
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (9-3d6) : 3d6=1,6,2 = [ 0 ]
[Jamison]: Sleep on the docks... with the rat's... well, it is a good idea to keep an
eye on the place....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): default Urban survival to spot a good place
[Jamison]: JD, Thomas, can we get qa spot on the rooftops?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made on the nose
[GM]: Brattle thinks "Vel, me has a friend that owns a boat .... I think he vould be
okay vit you to stay on it for der night"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): including things I could levitate to
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The alleys between the warehouses would be cozy. The roof
would be safe but the sunlight might be too much in the am.
Thomas looks over, "In general, or just that roof? I can fly around once the moonsets."
[Jamison]: I'd rather sleep up on the roofs, and keep an eye on the place... Thomas..
can you find a place?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): can I pick a spot where the sunlight will come in around
9 am?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The roof would be much safer though ... and you would not
be noticed there.
[Jamison]: And get us up there?
[Jackdaw]: "there's a nice ally there" Jackdaw points "we could sleeped there"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, you see a spot that you think would get the sun a
little later. An astronomy roll would tell you more.
Thomas looks at Jamison, "Most likely I could, but I not sure why. Brattle said he
has a nice place...I doubt this one is going anywhere."
[Jamison]: ok... get me up on the roof...I will watch... you guys can go to a boat
that is out of vies of the warehouse...
[Jamison]: view
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (7-3d6) : 3d6=1,5,3 = [ -2 ]
[GM]: Brattle "Sleep in da boat, sleep in my cottage, or sleep in der alley ... but
me ... I'm going home now. I vill see ya in der monring"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): fail astronomy on default so he'll use the spot he found
Thomas looks at Jamison, "I will go with you so we can get out in trouble."
[GM]: Brattle "naw der boat is right out der" (he points)
Jackdaw settles into the ally and curls up in his blanket
[Jamison]: Somethings wrong here, Thomas... I have a feeling...
[Thomas]: [Distance for teleport of Jamison?]
[GM]: Let's say 100 yds
[GM]: Skill - 2
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,4 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Jamison *poofs* vanishes and reappears ....
(Thomas whispered to GM): Skill is 17
[GM]: Tell him where he is Thomas
(GM whispered to Thomas): No fatigue is spent
[Thomas]: Jamison reappears on the roof top of the warehouse we are going to
attempt to buy.
[GM]: Jamison, body roll please
Thomas nods and does the same for himself.
[GM]: Body Sense
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,4 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Thomas appears on the roof too.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is JD in sight of the building entrance?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Skill is 20
DICE for Jamison: (1d6) : 1d6=4 = [ 4 ]
[GM]: Roll 3d6 Jamison
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,1 = [ 8 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,1 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Jamison, you just made a Body Sense roll from default.
[GM]: The trip was a nice one and you arrive with your senses intact
DICE for Jamison: (3d6Woah... what a rush....) : = [ 0 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): A chance to purchase it if you think you would need it
in the future. just a thought
Jamison settles in for the remainder of the evening...
[GM]: Thomas, Jamison are on the roof
[Thomas]: Thomas stands beside Jamison after a moment, looking out over sea and
qucikly settling down for the night.
[GM]: Jackdaw is in the alley?
[Jackdaw]: yes
[Jackdaw]: can I see the entrance?
(Jamison whispered to GM): excellant advice...
[Jackdaw]: or windoes, back door or some such?
(Thomas whispered to GM): [I have to run...I will see you next week.]
[GM]: Jing settle down beside Jackdaw
(GM whispered to Thomas): okay ... later
[Thomas]: See ya guys, Thanks Rubix.
[GM]: Jackdaw: Not from the alley
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw thinks maybe if he sleeps then his mnew friend
may be better able to talk to him again
(Jamison whispered to GM): later thomas
[Jackdaw]: any cover so we are not too exposed?
[Jamison]: G'nite Thomas
[Jackdaw]: night
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[GM]: Alley is very secluded ... a good place to hide ... also it will be dark
and shadowy
(Jamison whispered to GM): I'll need to go soon... 3:00 comes early...
[Jackdaw]: trash, doorways etc
[GM]: ....
[GM]: ....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): camoflague skill 12
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (12-3d6) : 3d6=5,3,3 = [ 1 ]
[GM]: Roll Jackdaw
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You manage to camoflague yourself and Jing to blend in
to the darkness and such
[GM]: I will assume that Anne and Thor follow Brattle to the boat that he spoke of
[Jamison]: OOc: ok
[GM]: They spend the night in bunks on this boat that is about 100 yds down the dock
from the shop.
[GM]: Brattle then goes home. Phinney is with him