[Tue May 02 18:47:01 CDT 2000]
[GM]: I really have no idea where you guys are going to take this tonight ... but
hopefully I am well prepared.  :)
[GM]: ........................
[Thor]: {Back and ready, let's do this}
[GM]: SETTING: The Sphere known to many as the Purifier creeps above the Horizon over
the thick jungle that lies to the east of Southtown.  Thomas and Jamison who sleep
on the roof of a warehouse on the docks of this village are spared the discomfort of
it's rays for the moment as the corner of the The Blue Elephant offers them temporary
shade.  Anne and Thor rock gently in comfortable bunks on a nearby yatch, the rays
just crossing their faces notifying them of the dawn.  Jackdaw and Jing cling to the
dark recesses of the alley between The Blue Elephant and the warehouse next door,
hidden from the view of any that might pass by.  It is 7am on the 2nd (Dark) Sunday
of Drakurah, in the Spring of 1132p.  BEGIN SESSION 41 ---
[Anne]: Anne gets out of her bunk, and yawns loudly, shaking Thor awake...
(Phinnea whispered to GM): let me know when Brattle returns with Phinnea?
[GM]: Anne and Thor awaken to a sick feeling in their stomach, despite their comfortable
(Skyrender whispered to GM): I think I'm going to depart. Good luck with the game
tonight. ^_^
[Anne]: "Urg... Dry land will be a good change!"
Thor yawns as he gets up, a bit unsteadily
(GM whispered to Skyrender): Thanks
[ Skyrender left the game ]
[GM]: Phinnea awakens about the same time at Brattle's cottage.  Brattle seems to have
gone out early.
Anne feels ill, and gathers her gear to go meet Jamison and Thomas and the others.
Thomas awakens and rubs his eyes, rolling over and squinting in the light of the new day.
He carefully listens for activity below before gets up and more.
[Thor]: "Yes, let's go meet up with everyone else"
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=6,5,5  = [ 16 ]
Phinnea notices Brattle has left already, and hurriedly gets ready, rushing back to meet
her new friends.
Thor quickly gathers his stuff together
Anne looks for street vendors that might be selling food
Phinnea grabs some food from her uncle's house before she leaves.
[Phinnea]: "G'morning all! Got some food 'ere for ya!" she says happily as she arrives.
[GM]: There are a few boats that have pulled up to the dock that appears to be seeing
'imports' ... from one of them the smell of food whafts.
Thor glances around as he hears a new voice...
[Thor]: "Ahh, there you are. Morning."
[GM]: There are not too many customers at this point.
[Anne]: "Good morning Phinnea!  And thank you for the food!" Anne hands some to Thor,
and says "I'll get some more from the boats - I'll be right back!"
[GM]: A few people wander along the dock and up and down the street in front of The 
Blue Elephant
[Phinnea]: "Slept well I 'ope?"
Anne goes to the boats and buys a little more (warm) food for her friends... (she gets 
enough for everyone to have soemthing warm)
[GM]: Time is now 8:15.  The sun is beginning to cross Thomas' and Jamison's eyes and 
they begin to stir on their spots on the roof.
Thomas creeps over to the side and looks down, looking for a dark alley he and Jamison 
can slide into.
[GM]: Anne is suprised to not find any warm food.
[GM]: The boat sells smoked herring
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne will just supplement Phinnea's food with some herring to 
complete breakfast
(GM whispered to Anne): fine
(Anne whispered to GM): How much does that cost?
(GM whispered to Anne): 1 Shilling (1/5 of a Crown) buys one serving
Phinnea sits down, chewing thoughtfully on her bread.
[GM]: Thomas sees the alley but no sign of Jackdaw and Jing.  They are hidden too well.
[Phinnea]: "Where are da others, then?"
(Anne whispered to GM): Ok - Anne pays with 2 crowns and gets 6 servings (4 shillings 
[GM]: There are benchs set along the dock in which the party can sit to have their 
Thomas looks to both sides, seeing if there are any other eyes that might see them 
(GM whispered to Anne): Anne is given her change and a smile ... "Thanks Sister!"
(Anne whispered to GM): "Thank you!"
Anne returns with some smoked herring to add to Phinnea's breakfast foods
Thor takes a seat and starts eating
[GM]: Thomas notices only a few people in the street and on the dock.  Out for a morning 
stroll, perhaps.  No one is in the alley.
[Anne]: "When does the auction start?"
[Phinnea]: "hrmmm, I forgit when he said..."
Anne starts eating, eating only a little due to her upset stomach.
Thomas bellies back to Jamison, "I am going to 'port you down.  Should be no big thing
...However, you might feel a bit queezy."  He moves back and prepares to cast his spell.
[Anne]: "Maybe we better head there now, so to be early?"
[GM]: The smoked herring is much better than you would think.  It is tender and melts 
in your mouth.
[GM]: Jamison (yawning) "Alright then"
[Anne]: "mmm  good herring!"
[GM]: Jamison looks around for anyone that might be watching
Phinnea thoroughly enjoys the smoked herring and bread. 
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=1,6,6  = [ 13 ]
[GM]: Jamison "Ready when ..... "
(GM whispered to Thomas): Made by 4, right?
(GM whispered to Thomas): You aiming for the alley?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Right
(Thomas whispered to GM): Yes, in the shadows
(GM whispered to Thomas): You spend the fatigue .. but you should have time to regain it.
[GM]: Jamison appears in the alley in a shadowy place, ".... you are"
DICE for GM: (3d6) :  3d6=4,2,6  = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Jamison feels a little disoriented.
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=2,2,1  = [ 5 ]
[GM]: Jamison looks up toward the roof, scratching his head.
Phinnea talks while she eats. "you know, me've ben thinkun...."
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay.  Cast Recover Strength and wait a bit.  Will then 
teleport down.
[Anne]: "Thinking what, Phinnea?"
[Phinnea]: "well, we gonna try an buy this place at that auction?"
[Jackdaw]: back
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=5,2,6  = [ 13 ]
[Phinnea]: ((wb Jd))
(GM whispered to Thomas): Cost was 3, I belive .. that will take 30 minutes
[Anne]: "I think that's Jamison and Thomas' plan... I'm not too fond of it, but I 
suppose I would have just spent the cash I had anyway... At least its a good cause."
[Thomas]: With an audiable woosh, Thomas appears in the shadows of the alley...
[Anne]: "What do you think of the plan Thor?"
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=2,6,5  = [ 13 ]
[Thor]: "Aye, it's for a good cause.  I will chip in my own money to help."
[Phinnea]: "they will 'ave a sort of open house I would guess? To preview da place?"
[Thor]: "We right now have no idea how much it'll be."
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made by body sense roll
(GM whispered to Thomas): Made teleport selve by 4 or 5?
[Anne]: "That would make sense..."
(Thomas whispered to GM): 7...Skill is at 20
[Thor]: "Yes it would. I think they will be doing that, if I heard correctly during 
our discussions last night."
Phinnea nods, "so, if one was to make it look like the place was in real bad shape, 
wouldn't it sell cheap?"
(GM whispered to Thomas): Oh .. okay ... that one was free .. it will still take 15 
mintues to regain back the 3 that you lost
(GM whispered to Thomas): with recover ST
[Thor]: "Possible. But remember that guy might be here, and he'll likely bid as much 
as he can."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): where is JD in relation to this discussion?
[Phinnea]: "ah, cause he wants whats in dat room, right?"
[Anne]: "Hey - good idea!  Can we make it look trashy without damaging it?  We don't 
want to buy a dump thats full of holes or anything..."
[GM]: I need a hearing roll from Thomas and Jamison
[Thor]: "That was my understanding"
[GM]: Here goes the one for Jamison
DICE for GM: (3d6) :  3d6=2,5,1  = [ 8 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=3,3,6  = [ 12 ]
Phinnea nods to Anne, "i've been known to trick people thinkin what they was looking 
at was real, if you know what I mean...."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): any interesting dreams tonight?
(GM whispered to Thomas): You hear the sound of snoring coming from the shadows ... 
just barely
[Phinnea]: "but that other guy won't care anyway, like Thor said."
[Anne]: "Then, if you can do it - and NOT get caught, maybe we should give it a try... 
It won't dissaude Marle, but it might keep other bidders from joining the bidding war."
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas takes alook, figuring it is either his friends or 
some transients, either way...
[Thor]: {{Ack I have to take care of a few things. Be back in about 20 mins or so.}}
[Thor]: {{AFK}}
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Oddly enough, no visit from the ghost of Gemmy ... there 
was an odd dream about a parrot though...  
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): cool
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): living or stuffed?
Phinnea nods to Anne. "Perhaps a bag, when opened could show a whole lot of money and 
scare off even Marle."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did you get my e-mail on the possibility of a dead familiar?
[Anne]: "Yeah - if he figures he CAN'T outbid us, maybe we'll get an easy win on the 
Phinnea grins at Anne. "Exactly!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are in this shop, browsing, picking up items and putting 
them on (jewelry)  This parrot keeps telling you ... "Pay or dont stay (sqwak) Pay or 
dont stay (sqwak)"  It gets to the point where you are picking up stuff and the parrot 
is just underneath the item and almost scares you.
[Anne]: "We should find JD....  He slept in an alley somewhere near the Blue Elephant 
I think..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He appears to be living
[Phinnea]: "Tell 'im no matter what, we're willing to spend this 'ere money." Phinnea 
looks around for Jackdaw.
[GM]: Thomas finds Jackdaw sleeping in the shadows
[GM]: Jamison still holds his head which is spinning a little, not having noticed 
Thomas yet.  He is still looking up to the roof.
Anne looks for JD.  "Thor, give us a hand finding the Faun, okay?"
Thomas kneels down next to the sleeping faun and whispers into his ear in a breathy, 
femine voice, "Wake up, big boy..."  He smiles and watches the faun's reaction...
[GM]: An old man walks buy, smiling at the people on the dock eating smoked herring, 
"Morning" (he smiles)
[Anne]: "Morning!"
Phinnea looks up and smiles at the man, "morning!"
Anne smiles back
Jackdaw leans up and gives out a big kiss
[GM]: Jackdaw's dream in interupted with the words, "Wake up big boy"
[Jackdaw]: "you lonely?" he asks without opening his eyes yet
[GM]: Jamison gets his senses and looks around and notices Thomas kneeling and getting 
a big wet one from Jackdaw.
Jackdaw wakes up with a start
[GM]: Thomas?  Jackdaw?  You guys cut that out!
Thomas staggers back, "Ugh...Wake up you furball..."  He chuckles.
[Anne]: ooc "Get a room!"
[Phinnea]: "Thomas and Jackdaw getting friendly over there" Phinnea grins.
[GM]: Jing steps out of the shadows and give Jamison a start
[Jackdaw]: "Where lonely lady go?" he wails
[GM]: Jamison "Hey, where did you come from?"
[GM]: Jing "You guys are just too loud" (yawning)
Jackdaw bounces to his hooves and streaches
(Thomas whispered to GM): [BRB...10 minutes...Picking up sister]
[Jackdaw]: "my hungry"
[GM]: Everyone's awake now
[Anne]: "Heya!  Thomas, Jamison, JD... I've got Herring for breakfast!"
(GM whispered to Thomas): k
[GM]: Everyone in the alley sees and hears Anne
[Phinnea]: ooc talk of food is getting me hungry :)
[GM]: The old man keeps walking, stopping at a couple of the boats on the dock.
[Jackdaw]: "fishy?!?   YUK!"
[GM]: The old man whistles as he walks and shops.  He also buys some herring and 
begins to eat as he shops at another boat.
[Phinnea]: "How about some bread, JD?"
[Jackdaw]: "that sound good"
Phinnea offers bread to  JD.
[Anne]: "Hey  guys... If we got a rowboat (rented) and used it to go under the docks, 
couldn't we find the room or hidden area from below...?"
[GM]: Jamison "I am sure that it is just fine Jackdaw.  I would appreciate some, 
Anne" (he smiles)
[Jackdaw]: "any fruit? or maybe . . .eggs?"
Phinnea shakes her head.
[Jackdaw]: "bread good"
[Phinnea]: "Not sure if there'd be room under the dock for a boat?"
[Anne]: "Here Squire... Eat up - It's good for you!"  (Anne looks around for Jing)
[GM]: You would have to go to an Inn for that! (a voice replys to Jackdaw)
[GM]: Brattle approaches the group.
Jackdaw looks around
[Phinnea]: "Uncle Brattle! G'morning! Where ya been?" She hugs him warmly.
[GM]: Brattle's beads that are woven into his beard catches the light of the sun and 
almost sparkle.  He waddles over to the party.
Anne thinks "Impressive beard!"
[Phinnea]: "And when did you say that auction was?" she asks curiously.
Jackdaw studies Brattles beard  "nice shineys! good braid!"
[GM]: Brattle "Just vat I vas gonna tell yah bout"
[GM]: Jamison enjoys the smoked herring, "I cant say that I have ever had better fish!  
Especially for breakfast!"
[GM]: Brattle "Dey open up fer browsing in da little vile"
(Anne whispered to GM): Jing around anywhere?  Anne still has one serving of fish 
[GM]: Brattle "But der buying un stuff isnt till afder lunch"
[GM]: Jing approaches, "That smells really good .. what is it?"
[Phinnea]: "Uncle Brattle, do you know vhere the secret entrance is to da room 
downstairs inside da Blue Elephant?"
[Anne]: "Then I think we should  browse for a while - to get the lay of the building 
- and perhaps that will help us figure out what to do?"
[Anne]: "Smoked Herring, Jing - its good.  Melts in your mouth..."
[GM]: Brattle carries a small staff and looks like a Dwarven sheppard in his homespun 
and sandals. "Yah, I dot der mite vant to browse"
[GM]: Jing "Ahh.... that would be most welcome" (smiling at Anne)
Anne smiles back...
Anne gives Jing the fish
[Phinnea]: "Does Marle 'ave a lot of money?"
[GM]: Brattle "yah ... (he gets close and whispers) .. under da case in der front of 
der store"
[Jackdaw]: "my want look see what there"
[Jackdaw]: "what usually there?"
[GM]: Brattle laughs, "Nah, Marle lost most of his money vit der cards, me dinks"
[Jackdaw]: "interesting things from far away?"
[Phinnea]: "maybe ve could slip down dere vhen we are browsin?"
[Jackdaw]: "hard to do and not be seed"
[Jackdaw]: "they opened yet? my can't wait!!!"
[GM]: Brattle looks at Phinne, "Me dot know .... der be many people in der me thinks"
[Phinnea]: "perhaps a distraction vud be called for?"
[GM]: Brattle studies Flamos, "Me reckon it vust be bout 9 now.  Mavey so"
[Anne]: "How?  If we use magic, we might be brandeed criminals... Anyone good at 
distracting folks here?"
Jackdaw hurries over to the door to see if they're open eyt
[Phinnea]: ooc use of magic against the law?
[Anne]: ooc using magic to interfere with a lawful auction might be a crime...
[Anne]: (ooc - I don't know)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): A sign sits in a large glass window reads, "Auction today.  
Open to the public"  Men can be seen inside arranging items upon a table.  Something 
catches your attention.....
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): A parrot sits atop a coat rack staring at you.
[Phinnea]: "the browsin' time would be before da auction. We vud not be stoppin' da 
[Anne]: "true...  "  Anne concentrates, thinking hard.
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes, you are pretty sure that that would be an illegal action.  
The place has, after all, been 'taken into possesion by the Crown' .. it would be a 
crime against the Crown.
[Phinnea]: "vhat if we openly went through da secret door anyvay? It is an open house, 
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw looks at the parrot
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): and winks
[GM]: Brattle, "Me thinks dose gards mite not like it"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does it look like the one in my dream?
[Anne]: "True!  But then the crown has legal right to claim the stuff in the hidden 
area...is that what we want?  JD?"
Phinnea nods agreeingly to her uncle.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The parrot only stares back.  Words echo from your dream 
"No Pay No stay (sqwak)"  You look away and look back and the bird is gone.
[Phinnea]: "I dink a dsitraction is da best plan. Den we may not 'ave to buy da place."
[GM]: Jackdaw is missing
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): he presses against the window looking for the parrot
[GM]: Brattle, "Me not know vat der best dink iz for gettin down in der chamber"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The bird is no where to be found.
[Anne]: "Darn and Drat!  Where did that Faun go?   What kind of distraction Brattle?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw knocks on the window to attract attantion
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): A Knight exits the door looking at you, "Browsing will 
begin in 30 minutes"  He leaves and returns inside.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "when opened?"
Thomas shrugs as he approaches, "Why don't we see how much it runs.  We can always 
do it the other way if we loose."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw hurries back to where he lefted the others
[Phinnea]: "If we lose, den Marle gets into da secret room and takes vhat is dere, 
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Brattle "Me vish you got her bout a veek ago.  Den der be 
no problem."
Jackdaw comes skipping back  "they opened in 30 minutes he saided"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): sorry
[GM]: Brattle "Me vish you got her bout a veek ago.  Den der be no problem."
[Jackdaw]: "my too"
[Jackdaw]: "but my not talked with Gemmy yet then, my was in Shrevedale talking to 
Thomas shrugs, "We watch and wait then.  Things can always be misplaced." Thomas 
smiles, "I honestly don't think we can loose here in any case."
[Jackdaw]: "and getting nice mans ring back for hims"
[GM]: Brattle "Vell, if Marle is all dat is biddin, den ve prolly can buy it.  But 
vord is dat many er commin frum alls over to bid on her"
[Jackdaw]: "my wonder if is . . . haunted??" with a suggestive tone
[Phinnea]: "I dink I will make da place look like a real mess den. Discourage these 
other bidda's."
[Jackdaw]: "then maybe peoples not wants"
[GM]: Brattle "Or maybe dits just der Ivory dey vant?"
[Phinnea]: "Ivory?"
[Jackdaw]: "what is ivory?"
[Anne]: What if we took out a loan?  Thomas - are there any contacts in the Theives 
guild that broker loans?"
[Jackdaw]: "good to eat?"
[Anne]: "Yeah... what is ivory?"
[GM]: Brattle "Yah, you no not vat Ivory is?  Tuscin Ivory?"
[Jackdaw]: "no"
[Anne]: "Nope!"
Thomas shrugs, "I broke my contact with them a while back.  It would be...unpleasent 
if I ran into them again."
[GM]: Brattle "Naw, it be from der beast of der Silver desert .. it vorth mor dan 
gold.  Gemmy made most of his money tradin it"
[Anne]: "Okay... I didn't know.  Won't mention it again!"
[Jackdaw]: "is sparkley?"
[Anne]: "Waht if we bid only on the contents of the specific case that hides the 
secret room, and the building itself, allowing all the other objects to be sold?
[Thomas]: [GM: In general, how much would a building cost?  Straight on the market, 
not in auction]
[GM]: Brattle presents his staff showing you the Tuscin Ivory that is implanted in 
it for decoration.
[Phinnea]: "vhere is dis ivory?"
[Jackdaw]: "it just a tooth"
[GM]: Brattle "yah, just a tooth!" he laughs
[Jackdaw]: "like tusk tooth on boar"
[Phinnea]: "inside da Blue Elephant?"
[Jackdaw]: "they maked nice armrings if can catch"
[GM]: There are golden yellow implants in Brattle staff, "It make der magic go 
better do"
[Jackdaw]: "but they tuff"
Anne thinks trafficing in body parts sounds vaguely necromantic....
[GM]: Brattle "Yah, it be der for der browsing ... it vould be"
[Jackdaw]: "make magic better?" Jackdaw asks inquisitively
[Jackdaw]: "can maked a flute from it?"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): brb - munchies!
[GM]: Brattle "Yah .. he smiles at Jackdaw .... dey say dat it do"
[Thor]: {{Alright I'm back now, sorry about that.}}
(GM whispered to Phinnea): k  I'm eating now too!  hehehe
[Phinnea]: ooc brb
Jackdaw decides to look for an ivory flute if there's one there
[GM]: Time soon passes and the store is open for browsing.
Jackdaw is waiting outside the door bouncing with inmpatience
[Anne]: Anne steps up to Jamison... "Shall we have a look?"
[Jackdaw]: or maybe the need of a bathroom
[GM]: A knight in shinning armor opens the door and says, "Open for Browsing"
Jackdaw rushes in looking around wide eyed
[GM]: The Blue Elephant -- A room of 30 hexes by 40 hexes defines the area that used 
to house the items for sale in The Blue Elephant.  On tables set in the center of the 
room, items have been arranged and tagged for the public to view before the auction.  
Some items are displayed in a large glass case that runs almost the entire length of 
one wall (the one containing the door to the back storeroom and warehouse) ane some 
have been displayed on the walls.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my seed birdy again?
Thor turns to the others "Ahh, it's open now. Should we go in and have a look 
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No sign of birdy
Jackdaw eagerly studies EVERYTHING
[GM]: Flyers have been posted around the room listing all that is for sale.
[Anne]: Anne goes and reads the list of items for sale
[Jackdaw]: "so much" he whispers to himself
[Jackdaw]: "pretty"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): anything really unusual catch his eye?
Thor goes inside and reads the flyer himself
[GM]: You may have a look at the Flyer (in the workbench)
[Phinnea]: b
Thomas enters as well, taking a look around with an appearntly disinterested eye.
[GM]: The larger items are set out on the tables in the middle.  The jewelry is in 
the display case.  Rugs and Scabbards hang from the walls.
Phinnea looks casually for the case that hides the secret door.
(Thomas whispered to GM): That wierd feeling...Is it coming from below still?
[GM]: Oh yeah .. and 6 Knights in shinney platemail, shields, with broadswords by 
their sides stand at strategic points in the room.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw will especially look at Wood Crafts from Pindoor 
Forest made of Rich Mahogony, Ebony, Blue Pine  Small Chests
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes, you can sense it now.
[Phinnea]: ooc heh...a small addition.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Anything in particular you seek?
[Thomas]: [Also, I am not sure if you saw my post regarding the general price of 
buildings...Just so I have a rough idea.]
Anne looks interested in the staves for sale.... "ooohhh"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The Ebony and the Blue pine are beautiful woods.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will look at them all and try to judge if any might have a 
hidden place in them, he did say look in the chest
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will also look at figurines and statues, any birds?
(GM whispered to Thomas): Thomas finds after asking around that The building could go 
for anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 ... or higher even.
Phinnea waddles around the room, carefully noting details.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): especially ones that look like the one my seed earlier?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will also look at the hat rack it as on
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The chests are empty but well made enforced with brass.  
You find no hidden places.  The statuettes are of mostly creatures .... and you do 
find one of a bird.  A parrot to be exact.  It looks well worn though.
[Anne]: Anne turns to Jamison... "Hey, Jamison... I've been thinking about practising 
with a staff in battle - do you think you could help me see if any of the staves here 
would stand up in a fight?"
[GM]: If anyone wants additional details, tell me exactly what you are looking for and 
I'll tell you if you find it.
Jackdaw is very busy, rushing back and forth, looking at things, so much so that there 
seem to be several fauns in here not just one
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will make note of the parrot and bid on it
[GM]: Jamison "Yes,  I'll look them over for you." (he smiles)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): what material?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is the parrot?
[Anne]: "Thanks Squire!"
Jackdaw sees so many sparklies he almost goes into sensory overload
Thomas catches the hurried little faun, leaning down to his level, "Save your money
...This place may go for as much as 50,000 or 100,000.  Now I don't have that much 
money, but combined we could probobily do it."
Phinnea is still trying to see if he can see the case which hides the secret entrance 
without being obvious.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It is in lot #87 with other 5 other exotic animals.  They 
are carved Ivory ... ranging from the size of a Human finger to a Human hand.
[Phinnea]: ooc he = she :P
Thor takes a slow walk around the shop, looking at everything
[GM]: Jamison examines many staff and presents one to Anne that is made from Mahogony,  
"This seems to be a very fine staff.  I don't know if I have ever seen one."
[GM]: Brattle notices Phinnea looking at the display case and begins to whisper to 
[Anne]: "Ever seen one this well made?"
Phinnea listens to Brattle while studying the display case.
Jackdaw looks at the raw ivory, looking for some that might make a flute
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Yah, von section ov dis case vill slide over und reveel 
der stairvay.
[Anne]: Anne looks at the staff, and handles it a bit, to guess its weight., and notes 
the item number of the staff so she can bid on it later
Phinnea nods her head.
Phinnea turns around to see how many of the guards can see her where she stands.
(GM whispered to Anne): Lot # 52 with 2 other staff.  They appear mostly decorative ... 
one is facily carved out of Ebony with monkeys on it.
(Anne whispered to GM): thanks
Jackdaw looks at the Malachite beads
[GM]: Two guards can see Phinnea.  One appears to be watching the 2 dwarves talking 
behind the counter.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It is a very pretty necklace.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): a necklace, not individual beads?
(GM whispered to Anne): Staff must be between 4 and 5 pounds you think.
Phinnea turns back to the display case, leaning over it as if to look inside at an 
object, and hefts her weight against it to gauge its weight.
[Anne]: <whispering in his ear> "Jamison, let's wend our way over to Phinnea and 
Brattle, and see what they've found."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): what lot would have a piece of Ivory suitable for a 
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Sorry there is a necklace of individual beads
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ok
[Phinnea]: ooc Phinne is 280 :P
(Anne whispered to GM): thanks for the wieght... 
Anne puts down the staves
Jackdaw goes to look aththe belts
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You find a fine piece of raw ivory that would make a good 
flute in lot #93
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks
Anne wonders what on earth a monkey is, recalling the pictures on the staff...
[GM]: The Browsing continues.  About 12 locals have joined you it seems.
[GM]: Jamison, "that is a money .... I saw one once in a travelling circus"
Phinnea looks to Anne and Jamison as they approach. "Its under here", she hisses 
under her breath at them when they are close.
[GM]: Jamison smiles at Anne, "Are you thinking about bidding on them?"
[GM]: Jamison hears Phinnea and moves over to her.
Jackdaw bounces over "where monkey?"
[Jackdaw]: "my not seed one, what looked like?"
[Anne]: (Smiling back to Jamison) "Actually, yeah... I don't think they'll go for 
too much... I think I can get 'em..."
[Anne]: <whispering to Phinnea> "So now what?"
[GM]: Jamison "excuse me sister" (as he moves toward Phinny)
[Anne]: "Of course, Jamison!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did Jd pay for everyone's coach fares?
[GM]: Brattle taps the counter in a chosen spot and points down with his other hand 
in such a way that the Knights cannot seehim.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if so how much was the total?
Phinnea looks around. "Dunno....maybe an illusion right here, looking like da 
original display case, could hide someone slipping below?" she whispers.
[Anne]: Anne turns to the guards watching Brattle and Phinea... "Excuse me warriors?  
Could you show me how to handle a warriors' staff?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Jamison payed for it.... I believe ... No one offered to 
reimburse him
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how much was it?
[Anne]: she walks over, and grabs a staff, and sees if they will help her...
Phinnea tries not to laugh at Anne's choice of words.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): 1 Sovereign apiece
[GM]: Two Kights look at each other and smile
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): JD will reimburse him since this is my expedition
[GM]: Knights
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is that 4 or 5?
[GM]: One of the Knights winks at Anne, "I can help you ...."
[Anne]: Anne holds the staff near the center, like an amatuer, and looks at them 
like her head is full of air...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Jackdaw, Jing, Thomas, Thor, Anne, Jamison ... that's 6
[Anne]: Ok - where do I move my hands?"
Phinnea gives Thomas a poke, "Want to try to slip below after I give you the sign?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I think it's 5 and we met Phinea on the coach/
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ah, forgot to count Thor
[Anne]: (she smiles when he answers, and she tries to engage the other knights' 
attention too)
[GM]: Knight "Here little lady .. let me show you how an expierenced Knight does 
Thomas nods, looking once to the Knights to see if they are distracted.
[Phinnea]: "I'll tell you when,, you have 2 minutes down there, ok?"
[GM]: One is completey distrated, and the other one is partially distracted by the 
Thomas whispers, "If something happens I will meet you in the alley outside."
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,3,5  = [ 6 ]
Thomas causally waits for the signal...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): to notice what they're doing
[GM]: Brattle waits for the word from Thomas or Phinny.  He puts his hand under the 
counter and then smiles and nods when he apparently finds what he was looking for.
Phinnea nods, steps to one side, holding a musical auction object as if studying it, 
and begins concentrating as she sways to an inner music.
Jackdaw stumbles and knocks against the table
[GM]: Another Knight notices Jackdaw and begins walking his way.
[Anne]: <changing her grip on the staff>  "How about this?  Or should I slide my hand 
up here?"
Jackdaw looks at the floor
Jackdaw gets down on hands and knees
Jackdaw thumps the floor and says "it triped me!"
[GM]: Knight "No No ... not like that .. you have to brace it with you whole body.  
Put your weight into to.  Hey, are you sure you want to know this.  Why would a 
pretty lady like yourself be needing a staff?"
[GM]: Knight walks up to Jackdaw, "Excuse me?"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :helps Jackdaw to his feet, brushing him off.
Phinnea helps Jackdaw to his feet, brushing him off.
Jackdaw bounces back to his feet and says "anything hurted?"
[Phinnea]: "we're ok, sir, dank you!" She smiles brightly.
[Jackdaw]: "floor tripped me"
[Anne]: "I...pretty?  Why THANK YOU!!! <gush>  "I was thinking that a lady needs to 
protect herself, and my mace is too cumbersome... I need something I can really grip!"
[GM]: Brattle noticing what seems to be a good time, presses a latch and the whole 
counter begins to slide in one place.
[Jackdaw]: "my knockeded table was anything hurted?"
Phinnea winks at Thomas.
Jackdaw points to the table full of auction items
[GM]: A stairway is revealed under the counter
Thomas ducks in quickly...
Phinnea turns to the Knight, "You are very nice man, dank you for your concern!"
[GM]: Brattle closes it quickly behind Thomas.  It took no more than 10 seconds.
DICE for GM: (3d6) :  3d6=5,5,6  = [ 16 ]
[Jackdaw]: ooc did I start something with talking dwarves? norse accents?
[GM]: The only guard who had a chance to notice didn't see a thing.
[GM]: ooc: it looks like it!  : )
[Phinnea]: ooc rofl
(GM whispered to Thomas): You are in total darkness.  An item glows from within your 
[Anne]: ooc just dont try a "tickle-me-Hastur"
Thomas stays still till the door closes over him and then takes his glwostone out, 
letting his eyes adjust to the gloom
(GM whispered to Thomas): Soon your eyes have adjusted
[Thomas]: [lol@anne]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas squints and sees if he can see the bottom of the 
[Anne]: <to the guard> "Is swinging with a staff really that much different from a 
club?  Its just *longer* and *bigger*, right?"
(GM whispered to Thomas): The stairway leads downward only about 2/3 of a story 
revealing a chamber that is no more than 5 feet high that goes back for about 50 hexes 
.. leading in the direction away from the dock or the warehouse.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You can make out some red stones on the floor of this room
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas continues down, drawing his shortsword in his right 
hand and holding the glowstone in the other.  He begins his descent...
[Anne]: "or does size matter?"
[GM]: Knight "Well, it is very different than a club.  Must faster ... you don't have 
to pull it back and get ready for the next swing."
[ Paul left the game ]
[GM]: Knight pauses and looks at the staff, "This particular staff seems to be 
exquisitly balanced."
[ !Jack left the game ]
[GM]: .....
[GM]: ooc: Lag test
[Anne]: Gothcha here
(Thomas whispered to GM): 
[GM]: ooc: We lost Phinny and Thor
[ Paul joined the game ]
[GM]: Welcome back Phinny
Phinnea smiles happily.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Water drips from somewhere.  The sounds from above seem very 
distant.  In the middle of this chamber are arranged a group of stones.
Phinnea smiles and winks at the Knight, pulling  his attention away from the display 
Anne feels like she'll need a bath after this "distraction"
[Jackdaw]: ooc or a cold shower?
(GM whispered to Thomas): They are made from a red stone with goldish flecks.  There 
are 20 so pieces and they are arranged to form a pattern.
[Anne]: ooc lol
[Jackdaw]: ooc maybe she'll get lucky?
[GM]: Brattle pretends to browse the jewelry in the case.
Jackdaw looks around, any musical instruments at all?
(Thomas whispered to GM): /he has a look around the chamber, circling the stone 
structure and seeing if there is anything else in the chamber before investigating 
the stones.
(GM whispered to Thomas): The chamber appears to be empty except for some digging 
(GM whispered to Thomas): ...and the arrangement of stones.
Phinnea keeps counting to herself while she distracts the guard, trying to guess when 
Thomas will be ready to exit the room below.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas looks at the digging equipment, seeing if it is of 
recent used.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Roll IQ
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=6,4,2  = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Unless you have criminology
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14
(GM whispered to Thomas): The equipment appears to have been used about 1 month ago... 
but not in the past few days.
Anne continues to take lessons from the guard
[GM]: The Knight trys to show off a little for Anne
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas quickly takes a look at the stone circle.  Is the 
weird feeling coming from the stones?
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes, the closer you get to the stones ... the more you 
sense it.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Hexagram -- Stone with weird symbols (not Old Haddin) 
indicating that it predates the Golden Age.  Stone have been arranged to form a 
hexagram (and upper and lower triangle joined) but is not yet complete.  Each vertex 
has a sunken hole that could hold a sphere of about 2.5" in diameter of some kind.  
Symbols look like Egyptian Hyroglyphs.  Stone is red with gold specks, worn but in 
very readable condition, made up of 25 pieces: 4 for each point and 1 for the center 
hexagon (large).
[Anne]: "ooh!  Ahhhh!" Anne claps in <mock> delight!
(Anne whispered to GM): I hope Jamison won't think Ill of me after this!
(GM whispered to Thomas): There are about 4 pieces that are missing
Phinnea wiggles and waddles around the other Knight, pretending to admire his armor 
and sword.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Do you touch the stone?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas makes a mental image of the sight and returns to the 
surface [No, just looking]
[GM]: The other Knight smiles at Phinny
[GM]: Brattle estimates that 2 minutes are up but waits, not sure if Thomas has had 
enough time.
Anne begins to think she might have gotten herself into a bit of a pickle... *I hope 
someone helps get me out of this situation soon!*
Phinnea smiles back and blushes, her big chubby cheeks glowing red.
[GM]: Knight speaks to Phinny, "Are you a local?"
[ !Jack joined the game ]
[GM]: Welcome back Thor
[Anne]: Hiya Thor!
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas returns to the door, sheathing his sword and pushing 
slightly up on the door, hoping that is enough of a signal.
Phinnea shakes her head, "No, but my uncle lives here." She smiles again.
[GM]: Brattle notices the movement, but waits for just the right time to open.
[GM]: Noticing the guards' attentions drawn he throws the latch
DICE for GM: (3d6) :  3d6=3,6,2  = [ 11 ]
[GM]: The counter slides back revealing Thomas crouching on the stairs
[Phinnea]: "You live here all ya life, den?"
Phinnea asks the Knight.
Thomas moves out and pulls out his money pouch at the same time.  He holds in his hand 
as he stands back up...
[GM]: Stealth roll from Thomas please
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=6,3,3  = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): What's your skill?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Stealth=14
(Thomas whispered to GM): Stealth=14
[Drake]: ((Yes I'm back, sorry about that
[GM]: The conter slide back hiding the stairway.  It 'clicks' into place.
[GM]: ooc: Drake?  Are you 2-timing us??  hehehe
[Jackdaw]: ooc is the counter built in? or free standing?
[Thor]: ((Char name from a Sunday AD&D campaign.))
[Anne]: ooc Thor:Your character is named after a duck?
Thomas stands ups and brushes off his knees, shaking his head as puts his money pouch 
back on his belt.  With a sheepish grin and low voice, "Damn thing is always coming 
[Anne]: ooc <joke>
[GM]: The counter is built in sections but is free standing, allowing walking behind 
it and in front.  It goes almost the whole length of the back wall.
Phinnea looks nonchalantly over towards Brattle, making sure Thomas has returned 
[GM]: No one appears to have noticed anything.
[Jackdaw]: ooc is it listed seperately or would it be part of the shop?
Thor slowly turns to look over at Thomas
[Phinnea]: "Dank you sir Knight, I hope ve shall meet again?"
[GM]: The 12 customers have grown to about 20, but they all seem interested in items 
on the tables.
[GM]: Knight "You are welcome" nodding
[Anne]:  /she looks distracted for a moment...
Jackdaw wanders back to the figurines in lot 87
Phinnea smiles and winks to the Knight, and saunters back towards her Uncle.
[Anne]: "Sir knight?  Where might one find Toilet facilities?"  (loooking VERY 
[GM]: A man enters the shop.  Dressed in a dark blue robe trimmed with gold.
Phinnea turns to study the newcomer.
Jackdaw examines the figurines closely, especially the parrot
[GM]: The Knight hands the staff to Anne hastily and grabs his shield, " Er yes 
maam .... through that door"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): anything when I touch the parrot figurine?
[GM]: Knight points standing somewhat at attention.
Phinnea guess the man is the boss, by the actions of the Knights.
[Anne]: "uh... Thank you sir! "  Anne puts the staff back on the table, and rushes 
for the facilities...
[Phinnea]: "who is dat, Uncle Brattle?" she whispers.
Jackdaw whistles a bit of a tune somewhat under his breath
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (14-3d6) : 3d6=4,6,5  = [ -1 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): When you touch the parrot figurine you hear a "sqwak" ... 
but you dont see anything.
Anne mutters under her breath "Thank Ral for distractions!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): failed, gotta improve my whistling skill
Thor glances around the shop, noting the newcomer
[GM]: Brattle "Dat must be der Auctioneer"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): couldn't detect if there's magic there
Phinnea nods thoughtfully.
Phinnea looks at Thomas. "We all set?"
Thor then turns back to the others
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne makes for the facilities, and after a breif pitstop, 
returns to the auction... she looks very embarassed and feels dirty inside.
Thomas looks up, "Yeah...I am ready."
[GM]: The Auctioneer carries a small box and heads over to one of the Knights where 
he places the box.  He says something to the Knight and he nods.
[Anne]: Anne returns about 5 minutes later, looking very embarassed  -- blushing to 
the roots of her hair!
[GM]: The Auctioneer exits the shop
[GM]: Brattle "Me thinks der auction vill be in da few hours.  Mayve we go get some 
[ Mylon joined the game ]
[Phinnea]: "yes, dat is a great idea!"
[GM]: Brattle winks at Phinny and then at the others, "My place for a bit of der 
Phinnea beckons to the others and walks towards the exit.
[Thor]: "Yes, let's eat before the auction starts."
Thomas nods, "Sounds good.."
Thor nods and follows Brattle
[Anne]: "Okay... I need a drink."
[GM]: Brattle leaves
[Phinnea]: "Ale vud quench my thirst!"
[GM]: Soon everyone is outside.
[Anne]: "jamison?  You coming with us?"
Jackdaw asks a knight "when acution started?"
[GM]: Brattle "Shall ve go tu my place?"
[GM]: Jamison "Yes, right behind you sister"
Phinnea nods. "Everyone coming to ma uncle's place?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Knight responds, "At 1 o'clock"
Phinnea follows her uncle.
Thor nods and smiles "Aye"
[GM]: Jamison, "Yes, shall we go there and (looking around in case anyone is listening 
or watching) talk in private?"
Thomas nods.
Jackdaw thanks the knight and hurries after the others
[Anne]: C'mon JD - Drinks at Brattle's!"
[GM]: Soon you are all back at Brattle's Cottage
Phinnea helps her uncle serve the guests some ale.
[GM]: Time is approaching 11:00am
[GM]: The Ale is poured at room temperature .... Dwarven-style.
Phinnea takes a large satisfying quaff of ale, and smiles.
[GM]: Brattle "All rite, vat did yer see Thomas?"
[ Thomas joined the game ]
Jackdaw drinks with a gusty thirst
[GM]: The Ale is superb
[ Ken-Ohki left the game ]
[GM]: ooc: Oh, there you are Thomas!
Thor slowly drinks his ale
Phinnea turns to Thomas to hear his story.
[GM]: The party is back at Brattle's drinking Ale, awaiting Thomas' tale of the secret 
[Anne]: Anne drinks her ale almost in one try... (she looks flustered and embarassed)
[GM]: Jamison sips his carefully
[GM]: Jamison "Well, Thomas ... don't keep us in suspense!"
Phinnea grins at Anne. "you did a great job in dere!"
Jackdaw asks Anne "Knight lonely? and friendly?" with a grin
Thomas takes sip as he explains what he saw, "Well there is a stair case leading down 
into a rather large chamber..."
[GM]: Brattle "Yah, ve not make it iv id not be fer Anne"
[Anne]: "Perhaps JD... Phinnea... but I feel really dirty."
[GM]: Brattle listens, "Yah, i ben der before"
Phinnea chuckles. "Ale cleanses all, drink up!"
[Anne]: "I think I will... Fill'er up!"
[GM]: Brattle laughs and smiles at Phinnea raising his mug, "Aye!"
Phinnea refills Anne's mug.
[Thomas]: "In the center of the room was someking of wierd set up...like a what-do-you 
call it...hexagram.  The thing was made up of these red stones with flecks of gold and 
looked like it was missing some peices."
[Anne]: Anne drinks this one much slower... listening to Thomas's tale
Phinnea listens to Thomas.
Thor drinks his ale, slowly, as he listens to Thomas
[GM]: Brattle "Hexagram?"  he looks surprised
Thomas takes another drink, "There was also some shovels and such, but they looked like 
they had not been used in a month or so."
[Jackdaw]: "any chest?
[GM]: Brattle "Dat is very odd"
[Phinnea]: "Hexagram...dat is the dark side, ya?"
Thomas shakes his head at JD, "Nothing like that I am afraid.  Just those odd stones 
and the tools."
[Jackdaw]: "him sayed papers in chest"
[GM]: Brattle to Phinny "Maybe der dark side.  I don know any dat used dat hexagram"
[Phinnea]: "perhaps it has been buried? Is the ground dirt in dere?"
Thomas shrugs, "I only had a chance to take a real brief look around."
[Phinnea]: "Can you draw dis Hexagrma for us, Thomas?"
[GM]: Brattle "I ben down der bout a year ago vit me freind Gemmy.  But I saw no 
(Thomas whispered to GM): Was the floor stone or dirt?
[Thor]: "Wierd. I think we need to get a better look down there."
(GM whispered to Thomas): Dirt, but it was firm except near the wall opposite the 
stairway.  There is where you saw the digging tools and fresh mounds of dirt.
[Anne]: If Thomas draws the hexagram, Anne tries to decipher it with her Theology 
skill, to see if it has any religious significance.
Thomas nods, "Sure.  If you have a scape of paper and peice of charcoal I can sketch 
it out for you..."
[GM]: Brattle waddles over and produces some parchment and a pencil.
[GM]: Brattle "How is dat?"
Thomas nods and thanks the dwarf, sketching out the shape to the best of his abilities.  
He tries to remember where the missing stones were...
Thomas looks up as he does so, "I also got a strange feeling from it...I felt it the 
night before as well."
[Phinnea]: "A bad feeling?"
[Anne]: "what kind of feeling, Thomas?"
[GM]: Thomas how about an Artist roll (default of IQ-6)?
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=4,2,6  = [ 12 ]
[Phinnea]: ooc heh...pretty bad drawing? :P
[GM]: Thomas is not completey happy with the drawing ... 
[Anne]: ooc - How about Anne's decipher attempt?
Thomas 's tongue sticks out as his brow furrows in concentration...
[GM]: IQ roll to produce some of the symbols Thomas
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) :  3d6=5,2,6  = [ 13 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): iq=14
[GM]: Thomas does manage to reproduce some of the symbols that he saw ... this is what 
he describs:
Thor looks at the drawing when Thomas finishes
[GM]: Hexagram -- Stone with weird symbols (not Old Haddin) indicating that it predates 
the Golden Age.  Stone have been arranged to form a hexagram (and upper and lower 
triangle joined) but is not yet complete.  Each vertex has a sunken hole that could 
hold a sphere of about 2.5" in diameter of some kind.  Symbols look like Egyptian 
Hyroglyphs.  Stone is red with gold specks, worn but in very readable condition, 
made up of 25 pieces: 4 for each point and 1 for the center hexagon (large).
Thomas looks at the thing, "Ehhh...This is why I stick to my night job."  He smile 
as he shows the others his crude drawing.
[GM]: 4 stones were missing
[GM]: Decipher roll Anne .... or similar skill
[Phinnea]: "So Uncle Brattle, if dis Hexagram vas not der vhen you ver in der a month 
ago, who drew it den?"
[Anne]: ooc Theology?
[GM]: Note: The Hexagram is not a drawing but an arrangement of stones.
(GM whispered to Anne): Theology -5 would work
[Anne]: Theology : 13 (+5 for Ral Faith)
DICE for Anne: (3d6) :  3d6=5,3,6  = [ 14 ]
[Anne]: failed by 1
[Anne]: sorry - by 6
(GM whispered to Anne): You dont recognize most of the symbolds but do believe that 
they are very old .. older than Old Haddin.  But you do recognize the symbols for 
Flamos, Silverna, Largos, and Contesta
(GM whispered to Anne): Another you think represents a man ... or mankind in general 
... but not sure.
[GM]: Anne studies the symbols
[GM]: Jamison sips his Ale
[Anne]: "Hmmmm... I think these symbols represent Flamos, Silverna, Largos and Contesta, 
and this symbol might be Man, or Mankind, but I'm not sure...
Phinnea also looks at the symbols.
[Phinnea]: "So vhat does it all mean?"
[Anne]: "I have no idea.  Sorry..."
[GM]: Brattle "I vust say dat I hav never seen anythin like it ... not even in Fendor"
[Anne]: It might be a calendar, fortelling some great event that will affect a Man or 
Mankind - it seems linked to the stars and moons in some way."
[GM]: Brattle "Or der Elven Forest"
(Thomas whispered to GM): I am going to have to run soon.  I am beat and it is getting 
late here
[Anne]: "It is very old - these symbols predate Old Haddin, which is over a thousand 
years old - older, probably."
[GM]: Brattle "I vill tell ye dat the chamber vas a natural von ... Gemmy told me ven 
he found it."
(GM whispered to Thomas): Okay
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I don't think JD would have much chance of recognising it 
since his schooling was informal but...
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,5  = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Not a clue
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): it could have been a crit, ah well
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Pretty shapes though.  You think Thomas is an artist
[Anne]: "I think it would be a good idea to buy the building just to keep Marle from 
getting his greasy mits on it... it interests me a great deal!"
[Phinnea]: "I cannot add much money to da pot, I have very little."
Thomas nods, "But it might be expensive...50,000 to 100,000.  Maybe more."
[Jackdaw]: "how much we haveded?"
[Anne]: "I can come up with maybe 20,000$
[Jackdaw]: "my haveded what the nice mans gived us and some more"
[GM]: Note to Anne: Old Haddin was instituded as a written language over 6000 years 
[Jackdaw]: "but my wants buy two things too"
[Anne]: ooc - oops!
Thomas takes his out a fat wad of bills, "Bout the same here. 20,000."
[Jackdaw]: ooc 20,000$
[GM]: .... legend says that Ral himself established it when he organized the 8 tribes.
[Jackdaw]: plus
[Thomas]: [Jamison was in on it too right?]
Thor takes out his own pile of notes "I have about 21,000 I can chip into the effort"
[GM]: Jamison pulls out his cash
[Anne]: thats 101,000$
[GM]: Jamison "I have about $22,000 here"
[Phinnea]: takes out a small pouch, and removes a small wad of money - $50 "Di is all 
I 'ave!"
[Anne]: 103,000$
Thomas looks at the huge amount of money between them, "Alright.  We can most likely 
swing it."
[GM]: Brattle "Un I kin com up vit $50,000 meself ... "
[GM]: Brattle "If it vill help me old friend Gemmy"
Phinnea turns to her uncle and beams brightly. "great!"
[Jackdaw]: "my haveded about 800$ more too, but my really wants to buy..."
[Thomas]: [Hey guys, I have to run.  See ya guys next week.  Thanks Rubix.]
[GM]: Jamison giggles at Jackdaw, "Aw you silly faun"
[Anne]: Seeya Thomas!
[GM]: ooc: Later Thomas
[Jackdaw]: later Thomas
[ Thomas left the game ]
[Thor]: {It is late. Perhaps we should stop here and do the actual auction next week? 
I should be going myself soon.}
[GM]: I think this might be a good place to stop