[Tue May 09 18:49:23 CDT 2000]
[GM]: SETTING: After being served a meal of baked chicken, potatoes and hearty portion of 
Ale by Brattle, the party returns to The Blue Elephant a little before the auction is due 
to begin.  The tables that had rested in the center of the large shop have now been 
replaced by a 5 rows of chairs which have already begun to fill up.  The items that had 
been displayed on the tables can now be seen either behind the display case or just inside 
the door that opens to the warehouse behind the shop.  A sign hangs above the display case 
and reads, "Official Auction - The Estate of Master Bringem of Southtown, All bidders must 
be registered, Please see the Auctioneer"  It is 1pm on the 2nd (Dark) Sunday of Drakurah, 
in the Spring of 1132p.  BEGIN SESSION 42 ---
[Anne]: "Let's go get registered!"
[Thor]: "We must register, huh? Let's go do that"
[GM]: Brattle "Ya ... go du dat"
[GM]: Brattle "I vill get dus som seats"
Anne goes and gets in line to register
Phinnea steps closer to her Uncle Brattle, and whispers, "dink you can lend me some money, 
if something tickles me fancy?" she flutters her eyebrows to him.
[GM]: The auctioneer (the same man that you saw come in before lunch) stands behind a 
platform that contains a gavel and a large notebook.  There is a man in leather standing 
there signing some papers.
[GM]: Other than that there is no line.
[Anne]: "Excuse me Sirs... may I register for the Auction?"
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay.  Would you allow me to take Luck (B21) instead?  I think 
that might actually be a little cooler.  I was having some problems deciding on which one 
I should take.
(GM whispered to Thomas): I have no problem at all with luck
(Thomas whispered to GM): Done and done.  15 points into that then (and wish of course).  
I want to raise some of my spell points, but I can do that later.  Thanks.
Thor steps up behind Anne
Thomas approaches as well, waiting behind Sister Anne to register.
Phinnea shrugs at her Uncle's indifference, and decides to register anyway, standing 
behind Thomas.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Consider it final .. that leaves you 28.5 points remaining, I 
[GM]: The auctioneer hands Anne a parchment. "Fill this out please"
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay.  Might need it this night anyway ^_^
[Anne]: Anne reads the paper, and fills out the areas needed
Thomas decides not to register, as he thinks he has a better idea.
[GM]: The paper asks for you name ... title ... city of origin ... city of residence .... 
the usual.
[GM]: It also states that you must pay a $20 registration fee .... which can be applied 
toward the auction. .... non-refundable.
[GM]: The auctioneer hand Thor a parchment
(Anne whispered to GM): Anval Ironfist, of Shevendale, Sister of the Ralian Church, 
Currently staying in the Royal city (then back to Shevendale)
Phinnea sees the high registration fee and steps out of line, sitting in a chair in the 
back row.
[Anne]: Anne pays the fee with a Gold Sovereign
[GM]: The man in leather hands the auctioneer his parchment, filled out completely and 
returns to sit near a young lady.
Thor fills in the information, setting down a Soverign to cover the fee
[GM]: The auctioneer smiles, takes the coin, and hands Anne a small scroll.
Thomas pulls Sister Anne aside after she is done filling out the form and speaks to her 
[Anne]: Anne fill sin her info and hands the auctioneer her form
[Anne]: "Yes Thomas?"
Thomas pulls Sister Anne aside, "Sister, how bout you do the bidding.  I don't mean 
nothing offensive now, but the other guy might feel a little akward bidding against a 
religous person such as yourself.  Might give us an edge."
[Thomas]: "I mean the final bidding for the house."
[Jackdaw]: back
[Anne]: "Hmmm... Alright...  For the business, I agree."
[GM]: The Royal Auctioneer -- A man of about 40 dressed in a long dark blue robe trimmed 
in gold.  He has long dark hair that has begun to go grey.  He holds a gavel which he 
taps upon a wooden disk.  Two knights in shining armor stand on either side of him at 
with shields raised in a show of Royal power.  Four other knights can be seen about the 
room.  All are in full plate and have broadswords by their sides.
[Thomas]: "Err, rather the business."
[Jackdaw]: ooc sorry my youngest's birthday today and was giving her b'day song and 
[Phinnea]: ooc congrats!
[Thor]: ooc Great :)
[GM]: ooc: Great!
[Anne]: cool!
[Anne]: Anne takes the small scroll and sits, near Jamison, JD and the others
Jackdaw will try to register
[GM]: Anne's hair is revealing more red highlights than before.
Anne doesn't seem to notice
Phinnea cosy's up next to Jamison, grinning her winsome chubby smile.
[GM]: Jamison reads the parchment and seems deep in thought.
Jackdaw gets confused by the parer and all the questions and sayy " My Jackdaw, my wants 
to bidded, here money" and hands over a Soverign
[Jackdaw]: parer=paper
[GM]: Auctioneer hands JD a parchment "Please fill out the information ... then pay the 
[Anne]: Anne hears JD's trouble and comes over... "Jackdaw here is from the Pinddor 
forrests... Here I'll help."
[Jackdaw]: "what you wanteded to know?"
[GM]: Auctioneer (studying JD) "You can ask one of the Knights for help if you like ...."
[Jackdaw]: "my not Own any city!" he wails
[Anne]: Anne helps JD fill out the form
[Anne]: "No JD, it means "where are you from" and "where do you live now"
[GM]: Jamison turns to Thomas ... "I think I will have to pass on the $20.  Not sure if 
there is anything here that I absolutely cant do without"
[Jackdaw]: "um, there, ina woods, and um, right here" he points to where he's standing
[Anne]: We'll just sign it "Pindoor Forest" and "Shevendale" for now...
Phinnea overhears Jamison, "ah, me's and you's vill watch da show together den!"
[Anne]: "They need the places for taxes or something, I assume."
[Jackdaw]: "is buncha <equine fecal matter>"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are from Barfar ... or a village very close to it.  If you 
really want to know
[Anne]: "hehe... yep!"
[Anne]: Anne hands the auctioneer the filled out form and JD's 20$ fee
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): but whether or not I'll tell anyone is another matter, it can 
be useful playing the blond sometimes
[GM]: Auctioneer takes the fee and the parchment and smiles
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I know
Anne smiles back....
[Jackdaw]: "Thanks Anval, you my good friend"
[Anne]: *How odd that people are smiling at me, rather than laughing...?"
[GM]: Soon everyone who wants to bid is registered.
Thomas nods at the man and says quietly, "Sure.  Besides I was thinking that if Sister 
Anne bid on the business we might be better  off.  She is religious >and< she is looking 
prettier and prettier every day...that has got to be tough to bid against.  Who wants to 
look like a heal and beat her?"
Jackdaw never laughed
[Anne]: "youre welcome JD - lets go sit before we miss the show."
[Anne]: ooc that was sup[posed to be a "thought balloon" - whoops!
[GM]: Just as Thomas says those words, three men in hooded robes walk in.  They go up 
and register.
[Anne]: "I know you never laughed JD!  That's why I like you so much!"
(GM whispered to Anne): Something about those three men make your skin crawl.
[Anne]: Anne whispers to Thomas and JD and Jamison
(Anne whispered to GM): Those guys seem creepy... i'll bet they're up to no good...
Thomas watches them with a practiced look of disinterest.  He leans against the wall with 
hands folded behind the crook of his neck and appears not to have a care in the world."
[GM]: You can not see their faces .... but they all carry staffs.
Phinnea stands and goes to lot 87, examining it closely.
[Anne]: "Hey Thor - what do you plan to bid on?"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I use my merchant skill?
[GM]: A man sitting behind you stare at the three men and shake his head, "Mages!"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Roll
(Phinnea whispered to GM): and possibly magery skill if magical?
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) :  3d6=3,1,6  = [ 10 ]
(Phinnea whispered to GM): merchant 10
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Roll IQ+magery to sense magic about the item.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): sorry 14 skill
(Phinnea whispered to GM): iq+ mag = 17
(Phinnea whispered to GM): rolling
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) :  3d6=2,3,3  = [ 8 ]
[Thor]: "Not sure yet, I saw a few things earlier that looked interesting"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): can I also examine lot 93 please?
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You sense no magery about them ... except that which is intrinsic 
within the Ivory itself.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): actual value of ivory using my merchant?
(GM whispered to Phinnea): There is a parrot, monkey, small horse, elephant, and large pig.  
All about the size of a large finger.
(Thor whispered to GM): Thor's interest lies in the first grouping, #1-23..
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Based on the current price of Tuscan Ivory .. you would estimate 
them to be worth $200 in weight alone .... probably due to the craftsmenship ... they woud 
retail for around $500 in a large city.
Thomas takes a seat where he can keep an eye on the trio with out being totally obvious 
about it.
(Anne whispered to GM): JD is really keen on me opening a mission for the poor...
(Phinnea whispered to GM): "they are worth at least $200 in weight alone, nicely crafted 
items, probably sell for $500 elsewhere." Phinnea whispers to JD.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): T Ivory is worth a little more than gold ... about $25/ ounce 
(size of a coin)
(Anne whispered to GM): I can't say as I'm really interested in that though... any ideaas 
on what we should do with the property if we win the auction?
Jackdaw tries to get as close to the front as he can and is quivering with excitement
Thor turns to the others "I am reserving $20,000 for my share of the building cost, I will 
not spend more than $1000 on other items"
Phinnea turns to examine lot 93.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): 2 rolls, mechant then magery
[Anne]: I will save 18,000$ for the business auction myself...
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) :  3d6=1,2,5  = [ 8 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) :  3d6=5,2,6  = [ 13 ]
[Anne]: possibly more, if I can conserve that much..."
[Jackdaw]: "my saveded as much as my can too, but my wants somethings too"
[Anne]: Phinnea, if I can get what I desire for cheap enough, You may borrow what I have 
left, if you wish..."
[Jackdaw]: "a little birdy telled me to buy somethings"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :smiles at Anne, "thank you!"
[Anne]: "A little birdy?  <chuckle>"
Phinnea smiles at Anne, "thank you!"
[Anne]: "Was she pretty?"
[Jackdaw]: "blue an green an yellow"
[Jackdaw]: "very pretty"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): 4 small tusks of raw Tuscan Ivory, about 8 ounces all together.
[Anne]: "Ooh.. a pretty bird after all!"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): No magic other than intrinsic
(Phinnea whispered to GM): thanks
[Anne]: "Phinnea, I'm bidding on lot 52... I'll know how much I have left after that."
[GM]: Brattle who seems to have been extra quiet turns to Phinnea, "I suppose that I could 
loan you a little gold.  But if you weren't so dear to me ....." (he smiles)
(Phinnea whispered to GM): "lot 93 is avout 8 ounces ov Tuscan Ivory, probably vorth $200."
[Jackdaw]: "my can giveded you some too, my likeded you, you nice people"
Phinnea grins widely, "you people are very gud!"
Anne smiles at the group... "This is so exciting!  I've never been to an Auction before!"
[Jackdaw]: "my not either"
[GM]: The three men take a seat on the front row.
[GM]: Soon the auctioneer begins to rap his gavel.  "Auction to commence in 10 mintues ... 
last call for registration"
[Anne]: ooc Did Jamison register?
Thor goes and takes a better look at the stuff he was interested in
Phinnea quickly waddles back to her seat.
[GM]: ooc: Jamison did not register
(GM whispered to Thor): Anything in particular you are looking for?
Phinnea keeps a keen eye out for an item that seems underpriced.
Jackdaw looks around, how crowded has it gotten/
[Jackdaw]: ?
[GM]: The room fills to capacity: standing room only
Jackdaw whispers to Brattle "you seed nasty mans wants to hurteded Gemmys nice lady?"
[GM]: There seems to be just as many 'lurkers' as there are people that are seated.  You have 
only noticed a few that ever registered.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I attempt to use my merchant skill to spot an especially 
underpriced item.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): during the auction.
[Jackdaw]: testeded
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Okay
(Thor whispered to GM): Specifically, Thor was looking at the jewelry items.. he needs to 
replace a ring that he lost many years ago, looking for a new one that matches it as 
closely as possible. It was, obviously, made of Silver, with small gemstones of various 
colors set in a circle
[Anne]: gotcha
[GM]: Brattle nods and points to a man in the last row.
Phinnea turns to look at whoever Brattle is pointing at.
Jackdaw takes a careful look to be sure he'll remember
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,1  = [ 10 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): IQ 13
[Anne]: Anne carefully looks at the man...but tries not to be noticed
(GM whispered to Thor): You find one that vaguely resembles it in Lot #11
Jackdaw peers around the room for his "pretty bird"
Thor takes a close look, spotting what he was looking for and makes a note of the lot 
[GM]: Marle of Southtown -- A man of 40 dressed in Green and Brown.  He appears fat, bald, 
and cleanly shaven.  He is alone.
[Anne]: Anne reads her small scroll the auctioneer gave her...
[GM]: After no one approached the auctioneer's stand, he begins tapping his gavel.
Thor goes back to his seat by the group
[Jackdaw]: ooc did JD get one of those scrolls?
[GM]: Each of you received one of these small scrolls.  They simply state "20 Crowns 
Applied" ... signed by the auctioneer and given an official stamp.
[GM]: Auctioneer "The auction is commencing .... I ask for complete quietness while this 
official business is conducted."
Phinnea whispers to JD, "Me dinks an ivory necklace vud look beautivul around me neck. 
Jackdaw makes tweet tweet whistles calling softly "birdy, birdy, where you?"
[GM]: After the room is quiet the Auctioneer continues ....
Phinnea eagerly turns her attention to the auctioneer.
Jackdaw 's SO excited!!!
Anne is excited too!
Thor turns his attention to hte auctioneer, and waits
[GM]: Auctioneer "I open this auciton in the name of his magesty King Rothmand  XVIII."  The 
Knights stand at attention and raise their shields.
[GM]: Auctioneer raps his gavel "The list of bidders is thus ..."
Phinnea suddlenly slaps her chubby hand across her mouth. "Oops! I vorgot to register! Bid 
for me, JD, if I ask you too?"
[Jackdaw]: "my do"
Phinnea nods thankfully.
[GM]: The Auctioneer calls the names of these people:
[GM]: He recognizes each one of them by a nod in their direction
[GM]: Prithioc of Messington -- A man of 40 dressed in blue and black silks and large turban.  
He has a fine scimitar (with a jeweled scabbard) at his side and is decked out in fine gems 
and jewelry.  Three men wait on him, holding his drink, wiping the sweat from his brow and 
tending many large chests that are set on the floor about him and his party.
[GM]: ....
[GM]: Jeddison of Lexington -- A man of about 48 dressed in a fine brown silk tunic belted 
at the waist and black pants.  He wears a fine silver chain with an antique medalian.  He 
has a neatly trimmed beard and carries a broadsword.  A young woman sits next to him dressed 
in dark blue.  She has black hair that is cut to her shoulders.
[ californiawolf joined the game ]
[GM]: (the man that was registering when the party arrived)
Jackdaw ogles the young woman
[GM]: ....
Phinnea admires Jeddison's beard.
[GM]: (the woman seems not to notice Jackdaw)
[GM]: Narue of The Silver Desert -- A man of about 35 dressed in dark brown silks, black 
leather boots, and black leather gloves wearing what appears to be a katana at his side.  
He has two men sitting beside him dressed identically to him carrying the short katana 
Jackdaw raises an eyebrow and smiles slowly
[GM]: Jamison admire Narue's katana ... he nudges Thor, "That is the real thing!"
Thor nods to Jamison "Indeed."
[GM]: Marle of Southtown -- A man of 40 dressed in Green and Brown.  He appears fat, bald, 
and cleanly shaven.  He is alone.
[GM]: The auctioneer announces and nods "Sister Anval of Shevandale"
[Anne]: (Annne is wearing a church robe, over a suit of Chainmail)
[GM]: A few eyes look Anne's way ...  a few smiles from the back of the room too.  There is 
the sound of whispering.
Jackdaw tries to hear what the whispering is about
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=2,4,2  = [ 7 ]
[Anne]: ooc that might be more bargaining power - if I'm here, perhaps the church itself will 
be seen as being interested?
[GM]: Auctioneer "Thor of Shevandale"
(californiawolf whispered to GM): gm what do i need to join
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Made by how much?
Thor nods slightly as his name is called
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 7
(GM whispered to californiawolf): Sorry a closed game at the moment
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): One man says "A priestess of the church ... and she is bidding in 
this auction"
[Thor]: (lagtest?)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Another woman says at about the same time "Aye I tell you .... she 
is truely a priestess of Ral"
[Anne]: got it
(californiawolf whispered to GM): im sorry, for future referance can i get myself integrated 
if so what would i need at that time
(GM whispered to californiawolf): Familiar with the GURPS rules?
(GM whispered to californiawolf): If so ... an approved character ... based on 100pts
[GM]: Auctioneer "Jackdaw of .... (he hesitates) ... Pindoor Forrest"
(Thomas whispered to GM): THomas glances over in the direction of the whispering, males or 
Jackdaw bounces to his feet and bows to the room
(GM whispered to Thomas): Both male and female .... probably townsfolk
[Jackdaw]: "that me!"
[GM]: The Auctioneer smiles at Jackdaw
Jackdaw smiles back and settles back down
(californiawolf whispered to GM): understood that can be done if i can come up with that 
would you mind me joining next time around although i am a novice but i pick up rules quick
[GM]: He raps his gavel "And we shall commence with the lots from Kissel.  Silver Crafts.  
Lot #1  Silver chains.  Opening bid is $5"
[GM]: Prithioc appears to be following a list and announces "20 Crowns"
Anne sits quietly, waiting for lot 52
Jackdaw pays close attention to learn how 'auction' works
[GM]: The bidding continues, with Pritioc giving an opening bid for almost every lot.
[GM]: Occasionally Jeddison out bids him.
Thor quietly waits for his lot, #11, to come up
[GM]: Narue takes part in the bidding, also ... other than those three .. no one else seems 
to be bidding.
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot #11 - Rings of silver with varous gems"
[GM]: Aucioneer "Opening bid of $10"
Thor grins as his comes up
[Thor]: "25 crowns"
[GM]: Prithioc "I will bid $15 Crowns on the lot"
[GM]: Prithioc looks at Thor and smiles as he has been out bid.
[GM]: Auctioneer "Do I hear 30 Crowns?"
[GM]: Jeddison "Aye ... 30 Crowns"
[Thor]: "40 Crowns"
[GM]: Prithioc chuckles as one of his men wipe the sweat from his brow.
(californiawolf whispered to GM): did you get my last message
[GM]: Auctioneer "The bid is 40 Crowns ... Do I hear 50?!"
(GM whispered to californiawolf): Sorry, my game has been going for over 1 year as has been 
closed for months now.  You could check out the other games at the FOGies Homepage.
(GM whispered to californiawolf): www.bigfoot.com/~rubix
Phinnea looks at the faces of the bidders in anticipation.
[GM]: Auctioneer raps his gavel "Lot #11 to Mister Thor for 40 Crowns!"
Phinnea claps her hands, and congratulates Thor.
[GM]: Someone standing in the back applauds
[Anne]: "Oooh!  Congratulations Thor!"
Thor nods as he gets it
(californiawolf whispered to GM): ok thank you im sorry to have bothered you
(GM whispered to californiawolf): No trouble really
[GM]: Bidding continues ...
Thor turns to the group quietly "I still have just over 21,000 for the building itself"
[Anne]: Anne whispers "Great!"
[GM]: Aucioneer "An End to the Lots from Kissel.  And now we turn to Mythril Crafts from 
Mirror lake"
[GM]: Whispering begins all over the room
[  Naizelar joined the game ]
[ californiawolf left the game ]
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot #24  A collection of Mythril Rings.  No stones.  Starting Bid of 
$50 Crowns"
Phinnea whispers to her Uncle Brattle, "do you know of dis place, Mirror Lake, and these 
[GM]: Prithioc "I bid 100 Crowns"
[GM]: Jeddison "$125"
[GM]: Brattle whispers to Phinny "Aye dis on der south of der Elven forrest."
Phinnea nods thoughtfully.
(Naizelar whispered to GM): sorry for the distraction, but I'm curious. Are you using a 
homemade system for this game?
(GM whispered to Naizelar): Nope GURPS
[Anne]: Anne calls out "130$"
[GM]: Prithioc "200 Crowns!"
[GM]: There are a few gasps for the crowd
(Naizelar whispered to GM): Ahhh... not familiar with that system. After viewing Jackdaw's 
char sheet, it looks very in-deph. Is there some kind of online guide that you might be 
able to direct me to?
[GM]: Jeddison "250 Crowns!"
[Anne]: Anne gasps!
[GM]: Aucioneer "Come on .... rare Mythril Rings for the Elves ... you don't see that too 
often.  Do I hear $300?"
[Anne]: Anne calls out 300$
[GM]: Prithioc "Waves his hand" and then smiles as Anne bids
[GM]: This time the whispering is louder, "Did you see that .. the priestess outbid the 
man from Messington"
[GM]: The Aucioneer raps his gavel and announces "Lot #24 goes to Anne .... 'er Sister 
Anne for $300"
[Anne]: "Thank you sir!"
Phinnea cheers for Anne!
[Anne]: (Anne goes and pays the auctioneer)
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thomas glances at the trio of possible mages.  Have they made 
any bids on anything, as of yet?
[Anne]: (with a 500$banknote)
(GM whispered to Thomas): Not a sound out of them
[Anne]: ooc she waits for her change!!!
(Thomas whispered to GM): Hmm...Thats what I thought...Okay.
[GM]: A man ... stands behind the display case and gives Anne her change
[Anne]: Anne looks at her collection of rings....
[GM]: He hands her A Gryphon note ($100)
[Anne]: ooc what about the other 100$?
[GM]: ... then another one.
[GM]: ooc:    : )
[Anne]: "Thank you!"
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (hi) :BAD DICE FORMAT = [ 0 ]
Anne waits for her rings
[GM]: Auctioneer "And the bidding on the Mythril continues ... Lot#25  Neck Chains of 
Mythril.  Bidding starting at ... shall we say 100 Crowns?"
[GM]: Prithioc "$300!"
Anne smiles...
[GM]: The bidding is intense over the Mythril Items
Phinnea whispers to Anne, "are they valuable?"
Jackdaw looks at the chains, how  long are they? could they be fashioned into a belt?
(GM whispered to Anne): They change temperature very quickly to match that of your hands.  
They feel very light, but sturdy.
[Anne]: "I guess so Phinnea...I just got caught up in all this...aand I wanted to see how 
far I could push Prithioc..."
(GM whispered to Anne): IQ roll please.
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) :  3d6=4,6,5  = [ 15 ]
Phinnea grins at Anne, "me thinks you got pushed then?"
(Anne whispered to GM): failed by 1
Thor nods to Anne "Aye, I have heard that Mythril is rather valuable. I think you got a 
good deal."
[GM]: Prithioc shells out quiet a bit of coins for the Mythril items.  His servents go to 
and from the counter paying the bids.
[Anne]: "Great!  Lets go sit down again..."
[Thor]: "Hmm, it just occured to me that I haven't payed yet, let me go do that"
(GM whispered to Anne): Some of the rings appear quiet worn.  But most of them are in mint 
condition.  Very nice workmanship ... gotta hand it to those Elves!
[ Archer of might joined the game ]
Thor heads up to the counter and pays for his lot, sliding across 2 Soverign
[Anne]: "oooh!  They ARE pretty!  Look Phinnea!"
[GM]: The man hands Thor his Lot
(Anne whispered to GM): how many rings GM?
Thor takes them then heads back to his seat
DICE for Archer: (1d100) :  1d100=82  = [ 82 ]
DICE for Archer: (1d20) :  1d20=9  = [ 9 ]
[ Archer of might left the game ]
Thor slides a particular one of them onto his finger "At last, a suitable replacement for 
my long-lost heirloom ring. Plus these others are nice also."
[GM]: Auctioneer "And now we turn to Malachite crafts from the Jodiac desert.  Lot#36  10 
Necklaces  Bidding to start at $20"
(GM whispered to Thor): It fits nicely
[Jackdaw]: "@0Crowns" calls Jackdaw, wanting to get into the action
[Jackdaw]: @0=20
(GM whispered to Thor): Jackdaw is soon outbid by Prithioc scanning his list "$50 Crowns"
(GM whispered to Thor): oops
[GM]: oops
[GM]: Jackdaw is soon outbid by Prithioc scanning his list "$50 Crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "60 crowns!"
(GM whispered to Thor): Prithioc "Ahhh.... " and waves his hand.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Roll merchant
[Thor]: ((BRB))
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) :  3d6=5,1,3  = [ 9 ]
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You estimate that these necklaces are worth much more .. if it is 
truely Jodiac Malachite.
Jackdaw whispers to Anval "this how it doneded, right?"
Phinnea whispers to Jackdaw, "May I bid for these?"
[GM]: Auctioneer "Sold to Jackdaw for 60 Crowns!" rapping his gavel
[Anne]: Anne whispers back... "Yes, just don't bid too high or you won't be able to afford 
your ivory stuff."
Phinnea scowls to herself.
Jackdaw bounces to his feet and rushes to pay, using 3 soverigns
Jackdaw gets the necklaces and giveded them to Phinnea
[Jackdaw]: "you wanteded?"
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot #37  Malachit Rings for Jodiac  Bidding starting at $25"
Phinnea grins widely from ear to ear.
[GM]: Pritioc "50 Crowns"
Phinnea turns to her uncle. "Can I borrow 60 corwns, uncle?"
[Jackdaw]: "was only buying to giveded to nice ladies"
[Phinnea]: "thank you JD!"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Again ... the bidding should be higher on this Malachite... you 
[GM]: Brattle "Ya, I recun"
[Phinnea]: "60 crowns!"
[GM]: Brattle hands Phinny 3 gold sovereign
[Phinnea]: "I may need some more, uncle, I will pay you back!"
[GM]: Auctioneer "May I remind you that you must be registered to bid.  He stares at Phinnea.  
The bid is at 50 Crowns"
Phinnea sniffs unhappily. "JD, buy it please!"
Phinnea hands JD  the 60 crowns.
[Jackdaw]: ooc what are we bidding on now?
[GM]: ooc: Malachite rings
Jackdaw places the bid for Phinny
Phinnea smiles nervously.
[GM]: Auctioneer soon announces "Lot #37 to Jackdaw for 60 Crowns"
Phinnea jumps up and down excitedly in her seat.
Jackdaw bounces foreward to pay again
[Anne]: ooc - this is almost TOO much fun!!!  lol!
Phinnea almost breaks the chair, which strains under her weight,
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#38  Carved Statuettes of Malachite.  Bid starting at $50"
[GM]: Prithioc "$100"
Jackdaw looks at the statuettes, what do they represent?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is he sure he picked out the correct birdy?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yep
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ok then he won't worry so much
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): These statuettes are from the Jodiac desert which isn't too far 
from where you are from.  Roll IQ
(Phinnea whispered to GM): do these appear real also?
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=3,5,3  = [ 2 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You would call them "good luck statues."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made by 2
(GM whispered to Phinnea): They are real and worth more than the bid too
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my already feel lucky!, got good friends, nice lonely ladies 
[Phinnea]: whispers to the others, "these are worth more, bid for them!"
[Jackdaw]: "my bidded 150 crowns"
[GM]: Auctioneer "Sold to ... "
[GM]: Auctioneer "The bid is 150 Crowns"
Anne whispers "I'll let JD handle this..."
[GM]: Soon JD is announced as winner
[Phinnea]: :'s face is getting red, her excitement showing.
[Anne]: <whisper> Congrat's JD!  I'd save some for your ivories, though..."
[Jackdaw]: <whisper> "my do"
[Thor]: "Aye we don't want to spend too much, we do need the bulk of our money for the 
building itself"
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#39  1 large statuette of a pig.  Bid starts at $200"
[Thor]: (whispered)
[GM]: Prithioc "$300"
Anne sits and waits for lot 52
Phinnea looks carefully at the Malakite rings and necklaces.
Jackdaw pays
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Finely made.  They must be worth at least 500 Crowns all 
Phinnea grins greedily at JD. "yes, and valuable, too!" she hisses under her breath.
[GM]: Jackdaw returns to his seat with 5 statuettes
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne clasps Jamisons hand in excitement, not noticing at first, but 
not pulling away once she realizes....)
[GM]: Prithioc wins the large pig
(Anne whispered to GM): GM- How many rings did Anne win?  You never mentioned....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): are they somewhat similar in conception to the Chinese Fortunate 
[GM]: There is also a lot of malachite chip necklaces which starts at $20
[GM]: Prithioc "$35"
(GM whispered to Anne): About 20.  No stones ... but various sizes.
Phinnea whispers to JD, "we divide the necklace and rings between us?"
[GM]: Then Malachite bead necklaces are announced for $40
(Anne whispered to GM): thanks
[GM]: Prithioc "$50" after scanning his list
Phinnea excitedly stuffs the necklaces and rings in a pouch inside her clothing.
[GM]: ..and soon all the Malachite is sold
[Anne]: Anne waits in anticipation....
[GM]: Actioneer "And now, Wood Crafts from Pindoor forrest.  Lot#43 A set of Ebony Canes 
tipped in Silver.  Starting Bid is $25"
[GM]: Prithioc "$30"
[  Naizelar left the game ]
[GM]: It seems that Prithioc gets some good deals as no one bids agaisnt him on the first 
few lots.  Then Lot#52 comes up....
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#52 3 staffs from Pindoor.  Bidding starts at $30"
[Anne]: "eeeeee!"
[GM]: Prithioc "$40"
[Anne]: 50$"
[GM]: Prithioc smiles at Anne and then gestures with his fingers from his turban to Anne.  
He does not bid again
Jackdaw restrains himself from bidding 60 crowns
[Anne]: Anne lets out a breath she did not know she was holding..... Did she win?
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#52 to Anne for $50"
[Jackdaw]: caught up in the excitement
[GM]: Jamison to Anne "I think you got a good deal"
Thor nods to Anne "A good deal indeed. Nice one Anne"
[Anne]: "Yay!!!"  (looking a little sheepish)  "Thanks Jamison - I'd never had looked twice 
if it werent for you!"
[Anne]: Anne goes up front to pay for the staves
[GM]: Anne is given her staves once she pays
Phinnea is happy for Anne.
[Anne]: she pays with her voucher (20$) and 2 gold sovereigns (40$) total 60$
[GM]: The bidding continues with 3 small chests made out of Blue Pine, enforced with brass.
[GM]: Bidding starts at $50
Jackdaw bids 60 crowns
[GM]: The man smiles at Anne as he hands her his staffs.
[Anne]: (anne takes her 10$ in change)
[Anne]: "Thank you Sir!"
[Anne]: Anne carries her wooden treasures back to her seat....
[GM]: Prithioc studies his list "$75 Crowns"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): are these the only chests up in this auction?
[Jackdaw]: "80 crowns"
[GM]: Jeddison "$80"
[Anne]: (To Jamison) "You know now you'll have to teach me how to use this...." Pointing to 
the staff...
[GM]: Jeddison "85 Crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "90 crowns"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The first ones to be auctioned .. but others are also up.
[GM]: Jackdaw wins for 90 Crowns
Jackdaw bounces with pent up excitement
[Jackdaw]: then rushes up to pay
Jackdaw brings them back and shows off their woodworking "they commeded from my home!""
Thor turns to JD as he comes back to their seats "I suggest you wait for your Ivory items 
before bidding again"
[Anne]: "Cool JD!"  (Anne looks at the carved chests)
Jackdaw whispers "but was told what my looked for was in chast, want buy them too"
[Jackdaw]: chast=chest
[GM]: They are made ofBlue Pine which is a very hard dark blue wood, popular in Methor these 
days .. with fine workmanship in the brass reinforcements.
[Thor]: "Aye, but remember we need most of our money for the big item.. the building"
[Jackdaw]: "my still haved much"
Thor nods to JD
[Anne]: "Yes Thor... I will not be buying anything else..."
[GM]: Other Chests come up for auction made of Mahogony.  These are a little larger than the 
one's JD got.
[Thor]: "Ahh yes. I think we all have gotten things we really wanted here."
[GM]: "Starting bid of $40"
[GM]: Prithioc "$50"
[Jackdaw]: "60 crowns"
[GM]: JD gets the 2 larger chests for 60 crowns
Phinnea grins at JD. "I dinks he got da bug."
[GM]: Soon all the wooden items are sold.
Jackdaw bounces up to p[ay again
(Anne whispered to GM): JD is going to have a zillion pieces of luggage and nothing to store 
in them!
Phinnea jokingly wipes the sweat from JD's brow.
[Anne]: "Bidding Fever...."
[GM]: Auctioneer "And now what many of you came for Tuscan Ivory.  Lot#68 fine silver chains 
with a single stone.  Starting bid $50"
[GM]: Prithioc "$100"
[GM]: Jeddison shakes his head
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): unless there's an ivory chest next lot JD's interested in is 87, 
the figurines
[GM]: Prithioc wins that one without another bid.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :wishes she knew the effects ivory had on magic.
Phinnea wishes she knew the effects ivory had on magic.
Thor turns to Phinnea "I believe you wanted a few items from this section?"
[Thomas]: [brb]
[GM]: Prithioc continues doubling most of the starting bids.  Jeddison bidding on and winning 
some of the lots.  Then Lot#82 is up
[Phinnea]: "i'm not really sure, Thor...but thanks!"
[GM]: Auctioneer "Belts with buckels and ornamented with Ivory.  Starting bid $25"
[GM]: Prithoic "$50"
Thor grins "If you spot anything, let me know, I'll bid it for you"
Phinnea nods gratefully to Thor.
[GM]: Jeddison "$75"
[GM]: Prithioc "$95"
[GM]: Jeddison "$100"
[Anne]: ooc didn't JD want a belt?
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#82 to Jeddison for $100"
Jackdaw takes a look at the belts to see what might be attracting so much interest
[Jackdaw]: ooc he's already spent a bit and these aren't quite what he wanted
[GM]: The Ivory itself seems to be doing it.
[GM]: There has been more activity since the Ivory came up for auction.  Even Narue has been 
[Anne]: Has marle bid on anything?
[Phinnea]: "Me thinks an ounce of ivory is vorth at least $25." Phinnea tells the group.
[GM]: Marle has not ... neither has the man in the hooded robe.
[Anne]: <whistles>  "That's pricey!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): any chests left? or was that all?
[GM]: By the way ... I think I forgot to mention his name....
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You got all the chests.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks
[Phinnea]: ooc Darth Vader?
[GM]: ooc: LoL
[Thor]: "Aye, it's rather rare, thus it's valuable. I can see why it's been popular during 
this auction"
[GM]: Vestiviss of Shevandale -- Appears as an old man (from his slightly wrinkled hands) in 
Dark Red Robes carrying an elaborate staff.  Two men are at his side dressed in the same way 
carrying each a quarterstaff.  None of their faces are visible.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=1,4,6  = [ 2 ]
[GM]: Neither Vestiviss or Marle has bid on anything ... and Narue only started with the 
Tuscan Ivory.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): have I heard of him, made IQ by 2
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#87  5 Statuettes of Ivory  Starting Bid $50"
[Jackdaw]: "my bideded 100 crowns!"
[GM]: Prithioc "100 Crowns .... 150 Crowns!"
[Jackdaw]: "175 crowns"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No ... never heard the name.
[GM]: Jeddison "200 crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "250 crowns"
[GM]: A gasp goes through the crowd
Phinnea frowns.
[Phinnea]: "not sure if dey are worth much more..."
Jackdaw gets ahead of himself and bids "275 crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "oops"
[GM]: Prithioc "I do not need Ivory that bad" He laughs.
[Jackdaw]: in a small voice "my makeded mistake?"
[GM]: Auctioneer looks astonished "I believe that you had the bid for 250 Jackdaw"
[Anne]: "go get them JD!  You Won!"
[GM]: Narue "I'll pay 275 Crowns!"
[Jackdaw]: "thank you
[Jackdaw]: 'now my say 300 crowns?"
[GM]: Whispering begins
Anne tries to encourage JD...
Phinnea tries to elbow JD. "let em have it."
[Jackdaw]: "300 crowns!"
[GM]: The auctioneer slams his gavel down "Sold for 300"
Phinnea shakes her head in disbelief.
[GM]: Most of the other auctions for Ivory go much the same way
[GM]: Soon ....
Jackdaw goes to pay, comming back with a much lighter pouch, but happily grasping his 
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#93  Raw Ivory  Start Bidding at $50"
[Anne]: ooc medeival action figures...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): still want bid on 93
[Jackdaw]: "&5 crowns"
[Jackdaw]: &5=75
[Phinnea]: "perhaps hollow one out, and make a flute?" she says to JD.
[GM]: Prithioc "100 Crowns!"
[GM]: Jeddison "125 Crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "150 crowns"
[GM]: Prithioc frowns "160 Crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "175 crowns!"
[GM]: Auctioneer "4 tusks of the Tuscan beast itself!  The bid is now .... 175"
[GM]: Jeddison "190 Crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "200 crowns"
[GM]: mumbling begins
[GM]: Pritioc "210"
[Jackdaw]: "225 crowns"
[GM]: the crowd gasps
[GM]: Jackdaw's bid stands
[Anne]: "JD...are you sure?" anne whispers....
[Jackdaw]: "my sure"
[GM]: Auctioneer "Lot#93 to Jackdaw for 225 Crowns"
Phinnea again shakes her head in disbelief.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): How much did you spend on both the chests lots?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): #55 and #57?
Jackdaw bounces up and pays with a note for 200$ his voucher and 5 Crowns
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ??
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oh
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 90 and 60
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): got it .. thanks
[GM]: The auction continues frantically until the last Ivory piece is sold.
[Anne]: ooc I hope we get to the business tonight!
Jackdaw says "auctions very exciting, almost as good as a good song!"
[Thor]: ooc: I think we're all done bidding on other items, so we should get to it
[GM]: The Miscellaneous crafts are mostly taken by Prithioc for small amounts.
(Anne whispered to GM): Jamison has 20,000$ for the pot, right?
[GM]: Auctioneer "And now Lot#120  A Large Cargo boat  Bidding to start at $1000"
[GM]: Prithioc "$1500"
[GM]: Marle "$2000"
[Jackdaw]: brb
[GM]: Prithioc gets outbid and Marle gets the boat for $2000
(Anne whispered to GM): I can count on 20,000$ from Jamison, right?
(GM whispered to Anne): You can count of 22,000 from Jamison
[GM]: Auctioneer "And the final lot in the auction.  Lot#121  The Blue Elephant itself.  
Shall we start out at ..... $10,000"
Thor speaks up "12500"
[GM]: Prithioc "$20,000"
Phinnea sits anxiously on the edge of her seat.
[Thor]: "22500"
[GM]: Marle "25,000 Crowns"
Phinnea whispers to Anne, "I thought dat you wud bid for it?"
[Thor]: "For the record, I'm bidding joinly with Sister Anne and Jackdaw on this item. 
[Thor]: (jointly even)
[Anne]: "I thought so too..."
[Jackdaw]: b
[GM]: Marle "40,000 Crowns!"
[Thor]: "45,000"
[GM]: Marle "50,000!" in anger
[Thor]: "55,000"
[Phinnea]: "how much do we have?" she whispers.
[GM]: Marle stomps his foot "I bid $60,000!"
[Anne]: Anne whispers "102 grand"
[Thor]: "65,000"
Jackdaw studies his figurines, paying special attention to the birdy
[GM]: Marle "$70,000 Crowns!  And it is my Quittance that I seek!"
[GM]: Some in the room eye Marle with suspicion
Thor shakes his head slightly in disbelief "72,500"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): Can I cast Hush on Marle?
[Jackdaw]: "What a 'quittance'?"
[Anne]: "I dunno JD..."
[GM]: Brattle whispering "Quittance he says?  He has no right"
Jackdaw asks Brattle "what is 'quittance'?"
[GM]: Milbornian Code article #3
[GM]: III: A citizen may demand Quittance of a debt of property owed to him by another 
citizen. Either party may declare a mediator. Yet if the mediator is not affirmed, the 
dissentor takes upon himself the task of finding an accepted mediator. A citizen who is 
affirmed mediator is bound by honor to serve the Truth.
[GM]: note: Quittance cannot be claimed from a dead person.
[Jackdaw]: "why not?"
[Anne]: "You cannot lay claim upon the dead, Sirrah!"
[GM]: ooc: Nice Anne
[Thor]: "As I understand the Code, you cannot claim Quittance on property of a dead person. 
I repeat my bid of 72,500 crowns"
[GM]: Marle "I bid $80,000"  shaking his fist
(Phinnea whispered to GM): Can I cast Hush on Marle? unwise?
[Thor]: "85,000"
[Anne]: ooc GO THOR!
(GM whispered to Phinnea): That would be a crime against the Crown
(Phinnea whispered to GM): would it be proveable?
[GM]: Marle is losing any of his cool that he might have had, "90,000 Crowns"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Who knows?
[Thor]: "92,500"
Thor looks a little worriedly at the others
[GM]: Marle begins to pace
(Phinnea whispered to GM): "I can cast Hush on Marle if you wish" she wispers.
[GM]: Auctioneer "The bid is at 92,500 .... "  He looks at Marle and waits
[Phinnea]: "I can cast Hush on Marle if you wish" she wispers.
[Jackdaw]: "no do that!, it be bad"
[GM]: Marle "95,000 Crowns"
[Thor]: "97,500"
[Phinnea]: "it may be our only chance!"
[GM]: Marle throws up his hands and walks out of the room
[Jackdaw]: "but my like how you think" he says with a wink
[Anne]: "Aye and we'd go to jail..." Anne whispers
Phinnea breathes a deep sigh of relief.
[GM]: Marle mumbles something about Quittance under his breath.
[GM]: ... as he leaves
[Phinnea]: "And me dancing may have been a bit obvious, too!"
[GM]: Auctioneer raises his gavel
Jackdaw nods at the mages "maybe that what they here for, to find if someone try cheet"
[Anne]: "We'll see trouble from him sooner or later...."
Phinnea grimaces at the thought. "Think so?"
[GM]: An old raspy voice speaks
[Jackdaw]: "yes"
[Thor]: "We will have to watch out for trouble from Marle. He seems a little upset with us"
[GM]: Vestiviss "150,000 Crowns"
[Jackdaw]: "oh shit"
Phinnea gasps.
[Anne]: Anne stares in shock.... "150,000?"
[GM]: Auctioneer's tries not to be shocked.
Phinnea tries not to pee her pants.
[Anne]: "we cannot even hope to match that number... JD, I am sorry..."
Thor mutters as the bid for 150,000 is announced
[Jackdaw]: "my know"
[GM]: Auctioneer "Can you repeat that please Master Vestiviss?"
[Jackdaw]: "but maybe nasty mans stopped anyways!'
Thor whispers to the others "That is a bit over our limit, unfortunately"
[Jackdaw]: "him not getted"
[GM]: The raspy voice reitterates .... "I announced 150,000 Crowns"
[GM]: The auctioneer places his gavel down "Lot#121 to Vestiviss for ... (he gasps) $150,000"
Jackdaw whispers to Thomas "you sure no chest down there?"
[Jackdaw]: "gemmy clearly say papers in chest"
[GM]: Auctioneer "I declare this auction at an end"
[Anne]: "maybe we could approach Vestiviss and ask for his permission to search for a chest?"