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[Tue Jun 13 18:52:47 CDT 2000]
[Jackdaw]: "hi Gottaname, can you seed a chest with papers in it?"
[GM]: ...
[Phinnea]: ((quick recap?))
Phinnea bats her big chubby eyes innocently.
[GM]: SETTING: The knights and auctioneer have just finished counting the old man
Vestiviss' money and leave. With permission obtained by Anne from the old man the party
is conducting a search of the premises. Vestiviss' two men walk around supervising the
search as the old man himself stands in the middle of the room watching. It is 6:00pm on
the 2nd (Dark) Sunday of Drakurah and approaching sunset, in the Spring of 1132p.
[Jackdaw]: /he leers not so innocently
Jackdaw whispers "hey Gottaname, can you seed a chest with papers in it?"
[Anne]: Ok - Anne scours the walls and floor as carefully as she is able, trying not to
miss the smallest details that might conceal JD's papers.
Phinnea helps in the search also.
Phinnea spreads out from the others - the guards cant keep an eye on them all at once.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The bird looks at you and "Squawk ... gottaname .... gottname"
[Anne]: (ooc - i believe Thomas planned on "accidentally" finding the hidden room)
[GM]: Do you all stay in the front room or go to the back room?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "What name? gottanaME?"
Phinnea ventures into to back room if she is able.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Bird "Squawk!"
[Anne]: Anne will begin in the main room, and move to the back room
Jackdaw looks around carefully talking in a low voice
[GM]: One of the men follows Phinny into the back room
[GM]: Thor goes to aid Phinny ... as does Jing.
Phinnea gives the man a big, flirtatious smile.
[GM]: Thomas and Brattle stay in the front and help Anne .... as does Jamison
[GM]: The man shows no emotion to Phinny's smile
Jackdaw whispers "Okie Squawk!, do you know where a chest might be'ed that could hideded
some papers?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Bird "Gottaname ..... gottaname"
[ Sav joined the game ]
Phinnea looks around the backroom with Thor and Jing.
(Anne whispered to GM): should we make IQ rolls for anything, to seee if we find something?
Jackdaw keeps poking around in the main room
(To GM) DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,2 = [ 8 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "Squawk! you name?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "or other name?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Bird "Squawk .... Pip" (the bird flutters his wings and jumps
into the air)
Jackdaw taps on the floor with his hooves listening for hollow sounds
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,3 = [ 11 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "pip you name then?"
Phinnea picks things up, moving them around, and looking inside them if necessary.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You hear "Squawk" from behind you.
Jackdaw turns around
Anne taps with one of her staves, for hollow sounds
[GM]: You all find nothing but empty crates
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): looking for Su=quawk . . . Pip
[GM]: Vestiviss to Jackdaw "You expect to find it up there?" he points with his staff
Jackdaw whispers "Pip you se'ed something?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Bird "Squawk .... casting a spell .... squawk!"
[Jackdaw]: "my don't expect to finded it anywhere but it could be'ed anywhere too"
[Phinnea]: ((Is Phinnea satisfied that there is nothing in the back room after thoroughly
[GM]: There is nothing to be found in the backroom
Jackdaw starts to whistle a tune under his breath
[GM]: Thomas and Brattle whisper to each other
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,4 = [ 10 ]
Phinnea leaves the backoom and enters the main room.
Phinnea whispers to Anne, "we need to get someone downstairs again!"
[Anne]: How is Anne & Jamison's search going?
[GM]: Thor, Jing follow along with the man in a red robe.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how frustrated do I have to get to qualify as a stress situation?
[GM]: Those searching in the front room find nothing either except empty boxes and a few
discarded flyers.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "Pip who be casting spells?"
Anne whispers back to Phinnea "Then get Thomas to trigger the door... accidentally, of
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I think this qualifies.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What was the roll for?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): whistling, in case he needed to do something defensive
[Phinnea]: (whispering) "wont that be too obvious? They may not allow us to go down there
if we do that! How about a distraction?"
[GM]: Everyone is now back in the front room.
Jackdaw moves to the middle of the room and picks up his sirinx and starts to play
[Jackdaw]: as he plays he begins to dance around in the room
[GM]: Thomas stands by the counter next to Brattle.
Phinnea begins to sway to the music also, dancing with her short stubby legs.
[GM]: Vestiviss "Well, it doesn't appear that you have found it."
[Anne]: (ooc - GM - do strong emotions linger after death or abscense? would a "Sense
Emotion" spell find these elusive papers?)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Trying to cast a See Secrets spell, penalty -8 so chance is 6
[GM]: (ooc: No, I do not think so)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will use the Partriarchs blessing if I need
[Anne]: (ooc Ok)
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,4 = [ 13 ]
[Jackdaw]: oh well, it's a nice tune and dance
Phinnea also closes her eyes while she sways to the music, appearing to concentrate.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): needed an 11 to succeed with the blessing
[GM]: (spell description say "Not much use on non-intelligent creatures ... and must be
cast on a living being)
[Anne]: "Well, Magus Vestiviss, it would seem we have not... A shame - we really only
intended to buy this place to find those papers..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Missed by 2 then?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): missed by 7
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): right
Phinnea opens one eye, winking to Thomas as if to say get ready, then resumes her dwarven
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): could have worked with an 11 and using the blessing, I don;t
know if you want me to expend the bl3essing anyway since he would have used it
[GM]: Thomas nods toward Vestiviss who appears to be watching him closely
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No, it can be used after the fact.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my think my bloweded it, that makes it a crit fail doesn't it?
[Anne]: "I never knew exactly why - but it was important to Jackdaw, and he has been a true
friend - as true as Jamison, or Thomas, or Phinny."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I attemp to cast Sound, making the sound of a hissing snake
directly behind Vestiviss from a container or something.
Jackdaw whispers "Pip you se'ed a chest?"
[Jackdaw]: "or papers?"
[Anne]: "I would aid my firends if they told me they had to buy magic marbles... I had to
try and look. Thank you for allowing us to search; you have been most magnanimus, and
generous with your time..."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You see what appears to be death standing at the door to the
backroom. (In Methoria, death only comes for the souls of the wicked)
(GM whispered to Phinnea): okay ... give me a roll
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d63d6) : 3d63=61,54,25
5,4,2,1,2,4,4,5,4,4,2,2,5,4 = [ 501 ]
(Phinnea whispered to GM): oops
Jackdaw looks toward the door to the back room "you not here for my friends are you?"
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,4 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: Vestiviss "Of course sister" nodding
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Made by?
(Phinnea whispered to GM): made by two
(Phinnea whispered to GM): skill 15
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The figures stands ominously at the back door and points at
.... YOU.
[Jackdaw]: "you here for MY?"
[Jackdaw]: "now?"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Describe your use of this spell agian. Just the sound of a
snake behind Vestiviss?
[Anne]: Anne looks perplexed at JD's antics, and tries to see just what he is conversing
Jackdaw begins walking slowly towards the door
(Phinnea whispered to GM): yes, dangerously close.
[Anne]: "What's going on JD?"
[Jackdaw]: reluctantly
[Jackdaw]: "him here for my"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The figure just continues to point, his robe waving in some
unfelt breeze.
[Jackdaw]: pointing towards the doorway
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk .... in the dirt ..... in the dirt .... squawk"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): If he turns enough for Thomas to move down, I fade the sound
[Jackdaw]: "in the dirt?"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne casts sense Spirit on the door way and 1hex rad around it... -
skill 13
Jackdaw looks for dirt
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,3 = [ 10 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): Succeed by 3
[GM]: Suddendly, there is a sound just behind Vestiviss. A hissing as if a snake coming
from an empty box.
[Jackdaw]: ooc what are the floors made of?
[Anne]: Anne turns and looks for the sound, her spell yet uncast, its words dying on her
(GM whispered to Anne): You sense nothing .... there is nothing there. But you pick up a
faint hint of something in the room. Not sure what it is.
Phinnea looks at Vestiviss' reaction.
[GM]: Vestiviss turns and wops the crate with his staff in a fluid motion.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,1 = [ 11 ]
[Anne]: Anne rushes over to mark the spot making the hiss sound
[GM]: Vestiviss wops the crate 2 times very fast and it splinters into pieces.
Jackdaw looks at the doorway "why you here for My? You should be'ed here for the wickeded
and My be'ed good Faun, some lonely ladies even sayed my be'ed great faun"
Phinnea digs her elbow into Thomas's side.
[ Sav left the game ]
[GM]: He quickly looks around, "What madness is this?"
[GM]: Thomas is no where to be seen.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): He slipped below with help from Brattle.
Phinnea runs over to the broken box. "What was it, sir?"
Anne looks around , confused with what is going on....
[GM]: Vestiviss "I see that we have a prankster in the group? I do nothing but offer my
hospitality and someone decides to play a trick on me." he points
Jackdaw 's pace slows as he watches the doorway intently
[Anne]: Anne gains a look of realization....
[GM]: Vest: Where is the man that was standing behind that counter?!
Phinnea looks around startled.
[GM]: Vestiviss closes his eyes and concentrates.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): i cast Compelx illusion of Thomas making some noise and running
out of the shop.
[Anne]: "I agree. I can have nothing further to do with this... Although I want to help
JD find his papers, I cannot involve the church in this... Vestiviss, I am sorry, but I
must leave. I beg you, please, accept my apologies for my firneds behaviour....
Jackdaw stands just outside the doorway and says "if you take my, leaveded my friends"
[Anne]: Anne waits for Vestiviss's reply (if any) and gathers her staves, ready to take
her leave and await her friends outside the business.
[GM]: Vestiviss waves his staff and taps it on the floor
Jackdaw calls out "lookeded in the dirt to finded the chest"
(To GM) DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,1 = [ 7 ]
[Jackdaw]: and waits
[Jackdaw]: watchin
[GM]: I need a HT-9 roll from everyone. (yikes!)
(Phinnea whispered to GM): ow
[GM]: To resist
[Anne]: ooc WOW! I need a 1!
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,2 = [ 13 ]
[Phinnea]: ooc i need a 2!
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,2 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: fail by 12
DICE for Jackdaw: (11-9-3d6) : 3d6=2,3,4 = [ -7 ]
[GM]: for Jamison
[Phinnea]: failed by 8
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,4 = [ 9 ]
[Jackdaw]: fail by 7
[Phinnea]: uh-oh
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,3 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: for Jing
[GM]: and for Thor
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,4 = [ 13 ]
[Jackdaw]: Rule of 16?
[GM]: Yes ... he rolled a 7 on a skill of 21
[GM]: I used the rule of 16
[Jackdaw]: ouch!
[Jackdaw]: good roll
[Phinnea]: ooc -what is that rule?
[Jackdaw]: ooc max effective skill level for resistance is 16
[GM]: Give me a couple of mintues to see what happens to Thomas
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,3 = [ 12 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 12 ]
[Jackdaw]: if your spell skill is higher it's treated as a 16 for determining the resistance
roll penalty unless your target has a higher resistance, then it's limited to matching
[GM]: okay
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,5 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: ...
[Jackdaw]: ooc lota 12's
[GM]: I need an IQ-4 roll from everyone now
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,3 = [ 13 ]
[Anne]: fail by 3
[GM]: for Jamison
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-4-3d6) : 3d6=4,3,2 = [ 0 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,2 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,3 = [ 8 ]
[Jackdaw]: made it
[Phinnea]: made by 1
[GM]: by how much JD?
[Jackdaw]: on the nose
[GM]: for Thomas
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,4 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: ouch
[Phinnea]: ooc - did vestiviss speak this spell?
[GM]: for Thor
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,3 = [ 6 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): JD will almost certainly attribute anything that happens to him
to the figure in the doorway
[Jackdaw]: ooc skill 21 he didn't have to
[Phinnea]: nod
[GM]: No, at level 21 you dont have to
[GM]: It seems that JD and Phinnea are the only one's to not fail there rolls on this
[GM]: Now another IQ-4 roll from everyone ... one more time.
[Anne]: (ooc - what exactly just happenend?)
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-4-3d6) : 3d6=2,4,3 = [ 0 ]
[GM]: for Jamison
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,5 = [ 8 ]
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,4 = [ 12 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,5 = [ 14 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,1 = [ 7 ]
[Anne]: failed by 2
[Jackdaw]: again, on the nose
[Phinnea]: made by 2
[GM]: for Thor
[GM]: and for Thomas
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,3 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: And lastly ....
[GM]: I need a Will-1 roll from everyone
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,5 = [ 13 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,1 = [ 4 ]
[GM]: Jamison, Thomas, Thor
[Anne]: Made it by 0
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,4 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,2 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,2 = [ 9 ]
[Phinnea]: made by 8
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-1-3d6) : 3d6=1,2,3 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-1-3d6) : 3d6=4,2,5 = [ 1 ]
[GM]: Okay, the next thing that any of you realize is that you are on a coach heading to
The Royal City.
[ MikeL left the game ]
[Anne]: in chains?
[Phinnea]: rofl
[GM]: You sit in a coach just like the one that you arrived here in.
[Phinnea]: All of us?
[Phinnea]: including Thomas?
Anne stirs, confused as to where she is.... Is everyone here? Are her belongings with
the coach?
[ MikeL joined the game ]
Phinnea looks around the coach, confused.
[GM]: There is Thomas, Phinny, Anne, Jamison, Thor, and Jackdaw
Phinnea notices her uncle Brattle is missing.
[Anne]: "Wha...what happened? Someone tried to trid Vestiviss?"
[GM]: You all see your gear stored around in the coach.
[Anne]: trid = trick
[Jackdaw]: ooc did I make my will roll?
Phinnea looks somewhat sheepish.
[GM]: ooc: Yes JD .... both of them
[GM]: You all feel very sleep except for Anne and Jamison
[Jackdaw]: "Where's Death?"
[GM]: sleep = sleepy
[Anne]: "AAGGH!" Anne tears at her hair in frustration....
[Jackdaw]: "him was right there pointin+69gat my"
[GM]: You also have no memory of what happened after the search begin ... except that you
found the chest, spent the night at Brattle's and then left early this morning.
[Anne]: ooc - MINDREAM!!!
[Phinnea]: ooc we found the chest??
[Jackdaw]: "pip? you there?"
[GM]: Phinny notices a mud-stained chest sitting in the middle of the coach.
Phinnea rubs her eyes wearily.
Phinnea peers down at the chest. "whats that?"
[GM]: Jackdaw notices the carved figure of a parrot around his neck.
Phinnea tries to open the chest.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk" comes from somewhere distant ... but you do hear
[Jackdaw]: "thanks Pip"
[GM]: The chest is not locked
Phinnea pulls the lid open.
[GM]: It creaks open revealing a bundle of scrolls
Jackdaw asks "Anval, what it mean when you se'ed Death and him poinst at you?"
[GM]: Jamison says, "Vestiviss wouldn't let us keep the gold and gems that we found inside."
[GM]: Jamison shakes his head "Did I just say that?"
[Anne]: "JD - I honestly don't know.... Let me think on it."
[Phinnea]: "What happened to us all, Jamison and Anne?"
Jackdaw yawns
(Anne whispered to GM): GM - Does anne know what it means when Death sees you and points
at you? Is there a religious myth about it?
[Jackdaw]: "long day my thinked"
(GM whispered to Anne): The figure of death only comes to those who have died not
deserving of the afterworld of the just - Rhisspen.
Jackdaw begins to look at the papers in the chest
[Anne]: "I don't know... I feel as if something odd has occurred. "
[Jackdaw]: 'only wanted the papers anyway"
Phinnea helps in reading the scrolls.
[GM]: They seem to be a record of those that Gemmy's partner have cheated.
[Anne]: "Jackdaw... Death only comes to those who die, and don't deserve to go to the
afterworld of the good peoples - Rhisspen. It might mean you were near a spot someone
died, and couldn't be laid to rest..."
[Jackdaw]: "we need to go back then, and helped them rested"
Phinnea turns to Thomas, "Did you get another look at those strange markings in the
hidden room downstairs?
[Anne]: "Or it could be a warning that you might be near death - although I would not
want to have THAT occur..."
[GM]: This document would make many angry at Marle ... and perhaps they would want to
claim Quittance of their debts. This record would most likely hold up in any court.
[Jackdaw]: "him standed in the doorway and when my asked who he was there for him
pointed at me"
Anne looks worried
[Phinnea]: "when did this happen JD?"
[GM]: Okay JD I need a roll from you... just a second.
[Jackdaw]: "my seeing and hearing many weird things since we looked for the nice man'sring
[Anne]: "Jackdaw... This is very grave... it means - and I'm only guessing - that if
you die before you complete a task, you may not be granted access to the afterlife,
doomed to wander as a wraith!
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,4 = [ 14 ]
[Jackdaw]: "could my still frollic?"
[Jackdaw]: "what is a wraithe?"
[Anne]: "I don't think so... a ghost, JD, like the unhappy skulls in the catacombs."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): This is a roll to gain the parrot as a familiar. Usually
you have to roll IQ-6, but since this is an unusual circumstance and you carry the
figurine of the parrot, I want you to make an IQ-2 roll. (also, the GM usually makes
this in private, but I want you to make it)
(Anne whispered to GM): Can anne make a theology roll to glean some more accurate info
about JD's vision?
[GM]: roll JC
[GM]: JD, even
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-2-3d6) : 3d6=2,2,3 = [ 4 ]
[Jackdaw]: sorry did you want that public?
(GM whispered to Anne): You remember that you cast sense spirit and there was nothing there.
[GM]: fine by me
[Jackdaw]: I had the To GM button clicked
[Jackdaw]: did you get it?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The parrot is sitting on your shoulder. (got the roll)
[Anne]: "Jackdaw - I cast a sense spirit spell just as we searched - and there was no
spirit nearby...."
(GM whispered to Anne): Roll theology - Ralian
[ OOGecko joined the game ]
[Anne]: 'What you saw might have been an illusion, cast by someone else, or it might
have been a Delusion.... It was not a spirit, angel or demon."
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,6 = [ 12 ]
(Someone whispered to GM): oooooooooooOOOOOoooo00OOO00OOO0ooo
[Anne]: made it by 1 (5 vs rallian)
(GM whispered to Anne): The firgure which is known as death is believed to be a spirit ..
perhaps someone even older than Methor or Methoria even.
Jackdaw looks at his shoulded, "welcome Pip! you stay with me for a little?"
(Anne whispered to GM): thanks
[Jackdaw]: "we be friends?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk ... no body there .... squawk ... no body there"
[Phinnea]: "Who should we show these scrolls about Marle to?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Squawk ... gottaname .... squawk .... gottaname"
[Anne]: "JD - this is important.... The spectre of Death is a spirit, and I detected no
spirits in the chamber... perhaps you were dreaming; have you hit your head lately?"
(OOGecko whispered to GM): still looking for that ring?
[GM]: Jamison "We have a friend who is a knight staying in the Royal City .. he would
probably know."
(GM whispered to OOGecko): nope
(OOGecko whispered to GM): ;)
Phinnea nods. "I wish I could remember saying goodbye to my Uncle."
[GM]: The coach continues on. The sun is getting high in the sky approaching midday.
[Anne]: I agree Jamison... If we turn them over to the courts, they will surely take
action against Marle, on behalf of the people he cheated!"
(OOGecko whispered to GM): later...just seeing whats all happening, heheheh
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): unless you think otherwise I'll address Pip out loud and his
replys can come as a whisper
[GM]: Thor "You know ... I cant remember saying goodbye either ... but I know that I
must have"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): That's what I would prefer.
[ OOGecko left the game ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Also, we will settle on the cost in CPs after the session.
[Phinnea]: "So we have found then what JD was looking for?"
[Anne]: "True... I'm sure I would have recalled saying Goodbye to Brattle. Odd."
[GM]: Jamison looks at the papers "It would seem so"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne (on a lark) casts sense spirit on the entire coach (to see if
we are all dead, and spirits...)
[Jackdaw]: 'so maybe my not se'd the real death, just a make believe one?"
[GM]: Jamison "You know .... I dont' even remember paying for this coach"
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Jamison counts his coins
[Anne]: success by 3
Phinnea looks outside the coach, and studies the countryside,trying to see if this is just
an illusion or a dream.
(GM whispered to Anne): You sense Jackdaw to be a spirit
(GM whispered to Anne): Or maybe ..... part of him.
[GM]: Jamison proclaims "No, I am missing not a Shilling. That is very odd"
Anne pales... and looks at JD.
[Anne]: Anne touches JD's arm... is it solid?
[Jackdaw]: "oooh, more please!"
Jackdaw winks
(GM whispered to Anne): It is solid but then you notice something else. A parrot on his
(GM whispered to Anne): The parrot looks at you and "Squawk!"
(Anne whispered to GM): A parrot? This is Peculiar!
[Anne]: Anne lets go of JD's arm with a start, and an exclaimation of surprise!
[Phinnea]: "whats the matter, Anne?"
[Anne]: "JD - there's a bird on your shoulder!"
[Anne]: "Or maybe I'm seieng things too!"
[Jackdaw]: "yes, is Pip"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): She touched you
(GM whispered to Anne): The parrot looks at you and "Squawk!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The parrot squawks at Anne
Jackdaw holds out the figurine "like this"
(GM whispered to Anne): "Squawk .... pip ... gottaname .... pip .... Squawk!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk .... pip ... gottaname .... pip .... Squawk!"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne looks back at the Parrot, and tries to calm herself...
"Hi Pip!" (then thinks *I hope you don't want to hurt JD....*
[GM]: Roll IQ Anne
Anne says "Hiya Pip..."
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,3 = [ 15 ]
[Anne]: failed by 1
[Anne]: ooc - Have I made a roll tonight? 8)
(GM whispered to Anne): "Squawk .... Hiya .. Squawk .... Hiya ....Squawk"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk .... Hiya .. Squawk .... Hiya ....Squawk"
[GM]: ooc: hehehe ... Theology
[GM]: The coach continues onward
Phinnea shakes her head, still confused and foggy.
[GM]: Thor and Thomas get some sleep.
[Jackdaw]: "Pip a pretty bird, also smart bird, him telled my about chest in the dirt"
[Anne]: "JD... is Pip a familiar?"
[GM]: Jamison "That must have been how we found it. Where was it exactly?"
[Jackdaw]: "my thinked so"
(GM whispered to Anne): Anne is not sure how she feels about a ghost parrot. Ghosts
usually need to be put to rest.
(GM whispered to Anne): Or I should say this is the offical Church stance.
(GM whispered to Anne): But perhaps an animal is different.
(Anne whispered to GM): Don't worry - I have reservations about this bird too!
Phinnea closes her eyes, and decides to sleep it off also.
(Anne whispered to GM): It might be a demon familiar, for all we know, and it could be
duping poor JD!
[Jackdaw]: "my thinked we should take papers back to nice lady and let her decide what
to do with them"
Phinnea opens one eye, "wake me at Royal City!" and almost starts snoring immediately.
[Anne]: "We can't JD.... we're already halfway to the royal city, and we need to testify
at the Baron's trial... we don't have time."
[GM]: Jamison "Well, that might be best .... but shouldn't we ask Sir C also?"
[Jackdaw]: "nice lady in royal city"
[Jackdaw]: "now maybe her husband can rested"
[Jackdaw]: now=then
[Anne]: "Then seek her out - If she is in the Royal city, these should be given to her..."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I have to leave at 10:00
[Anne]: I thought she was back in the southern village
[Jackdaw]: "no she gived nice frollic my at"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Dont worry ... will rap up soon.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): ok :)
[Jackdaw]: "but she sad and her husband talked to me and askeded my to get papers to protect
Anne looks utterly confused!
[Jackdaw]: "since him dead and not able to do it himself"
[Anne]: "So you can see and hear dead people? JD - are you *sure*?"
[Jackdaw]: "my hear them, you heared them too with me in cats"'
[GM]: By the way, Anne's hair looks almost totally red now. It sparkles in the sunlight
that now strains to get inside the coach.
[Jackdaw]: "my not see them much, only in special times"
[Anne]: "I just don't know what to make of this JD... I need spells to 'hear' or 'see'
the dead... Either you have a strange gift, or are under some bizaare ensorcelment!"
[Jackdaw]: "my think it rude to not talk to them just because they dead"
[GM]: Jamison "You say that you first heard the spirit of Gemmy in the Royal City ...
right? Did you talk to them before this time?"
[Anne]: Anne turns away for a moemnt.... "I need to think about this JD... get it
straight in my head. This is too odd. "
[GM]: Jamison looks confused and a little sceptical
Phinnea stirs, opening up her eyes. "Whats all the chatter about? JD can see dead people?"
[Jackdaw]: "in cats my hear the skulls whispering 'help me' and my getted Anval and we
Anne thinks hard... *is this some strange gift, or is JD deranged and delusional - or is
it merely some strange satyr antic?*
[GM]: Jamison shakes his head. "Well, sister Anne one thing is true"
[Anne]: "Yes, Squire?"
[GM]: Jamison "Jackdaw must have spoken to the ghost of Gemmy in TRC ... or else this
wouldn't be here now"
[GM]: Jamison points to the chest.
[Anne]: "True... and he's right about the catacombs too... If he hadn't heard the voices,
we never would have been able to lay them to rest."
[GM]: Jamison "But I do agree, Anne .... it is very odd"
[Anne]: "I guess JD CAN talk to dead people - at least sometimes..."
Phinnea looks strangely at JD.
[GM]: Jamison "But what is this business about a parrot?"
Anne doesn't know if she should feel lucky to know such a person, or really creeped out!
[GM]: An air of confusion reigns in the coach until it arrives in The Royal City. It is
[Anne]: "JD has an invisible Parrot - I sensed it with a spell that detects spirits...
I suspect its a familiar of some sorts."
[GM]: You all exit the coach and get your bags and everything seems to be there.
[Jackdaw]: ooc including all our new purchases?
[Anne]: whew!
[Anne]: Confusion reigns!
[Phinnea]: ok i am clueless :P
[GM]: Did anyone want to do anything else?
[Anne]: 8P
[Jackdaw]: confuse the other PCs more?
[GM]: Questions/Comments/Gripes??
[Jackdaw]: fun sess
[Phinnea]: I guess i ticked off Vesitiviss?
[Anne]: Anne was going to say "I don't know about you, but after that ride, I need a
rest..." and was going to head off for a nap...
[Jackdaw]: session
[Phinnea]: what was the spell he used?
[Anne]: What the heck did he do to us?
[Jackdaw]: spellS
[GM]: Should I tell you all what happened?
[Phinnea]: yes!
[Jackdaw]: he probably used several
[GM]: The first spells was Mass Sleep
[Jackdaw]: I would guess an immobilization or sleep spell
[Phinnea]: which we all failed?
[Jackdaw]: followed by False memory
[GM]: Yes, his skill was 21 ...and he made it by 9
[Phinnea]: heh
[Jackdaw]: maybe with a contreoll person or Geas
[GM]: No, followed by Permanent Forgetfullness
[Jackdaw]: ah
[GM]: Which all of you but two failed each time
[Anne]: Vestiviss is one mean spellcaster!!
[Jackdaw]: should be a |Flase Memory there too
[GM]: Actually no.
[Anne]: Now about the vision of death....
[Jackdaw]: ok
[Anne]: that's kinda funky
[Jackdaw]: crit spell failier I assume
[GM]: After the PF, he used hypnotism repeatedly until he got you to do what he wanted.
[Jackdaw]: ah, that expalins it
[GM]: Yes, JD cast a spell and got a critical failure. The spell that he was casting was
See Secrets.
[Jackdaw]: and found the papers and chest so we wouldn't come back?
[GM]: He saw .... something that was not real.
[Jackdaw]: but him thinks it real!
[Anne]: ahhh....!
[GM]: Yes, Vestiviss' men found the papers and gave them to you.
[Anne]: IT was a very good session!
[Phinnea]: we were lucky they were nice to us
[Anne]: It's nice to play methoria again after so long!
[GM]: Part of your hypnosis was to go purchase passage on a coach back to TRC
[Jackdaw]: sure is
[GM]: It is only beginning to wear off.
[Jackdaw]: JD probably paid since it was his mission
[Phinnea]: SO can JD see dead people?
[Jackdaw]: hear them
[GM]: Btw, there were two instaces of Permant Forgetfullness cast.
[Phinnea]: ah
[Anne]: Geez... I feel like a clueless nob after my speech about wraiths and stuff... hehe
[Phinnea]: what is permanent forgetfullness
[GM]: I hope I didn't go too crazy on you guys.
[Anne]: It was good!
[Phinnea]: heh no you did good :)
[Jackdaw]: interesting, and if we succeeded twice in resisting?
[GM]: Phinny: A spell used to make you forget one fact.
[GM]: Hyptnosis?
[Anne]: It had me totally baffled and confused - and possibly thinking JD might be somewhat
[GM]: Oh, the PF?
[Jackdaw]: or was there a penalty
[Phinnea]: I have hypnosis also :)
[GM]: Then you will remember those two facts.
[Anne]: (but in a GOOD way JD!)
[Jackdaw]: in time?
[GM]: No, JD .... you rembmer them now
[GM]: But they just havent been brought up
[Jackdaw]: was that what the IQ-4 rolls were f
[Jackdaw]: for
[Jackdaw]: ok
[Phinnea]: I made a save on IQ-4 by 8, did that help me much?
[GM]: Yes
[Phinnea]: sorry that was will-1
[Anne]: We're lucky to survive a tangle with that Vestiviss!
Jackdaw should be confusing sometimes
[Phinnea]: definately Anne!
[GM]: Sorry, but the will rolls were verses the Hypnotism.. which only made Vest have to
perform them over and over.
[Phinnea]: heh ok
[GM]: If you passed then you are more sleepy than the other
[GM]: Anne and Jamison failed the first time ... so they got a good night's worth of
[Anne]: Ahhh - You will awaken well rested?
[GM]: : )
[GM]: Vest worked on the others all night.
[Anne]: hehe
[Anne]: Sometimes it pays to be pliable!
[GM]: Phinny: his skill on Hyp is 20 btw
[Phinnea]: Is a 4 a critical roll though? would he be able to hypno me after?
[Phinnea]: maybe think he had?
[GM]: I hope so ... otherwise he would have to kill you.
[Phinnea]: ok, i'll buy that ;)
[GM]: Just kidding.
[Anne]: hehehe
[GM]: but I am not sure what I would have done. Perhaps he would have cast False Memory
on you.
[Phinnea]: ok guys, gotta go.....cya next week!