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[Tue Jun 20 18:52:17 CDT 2000]
Jackdaw yawns and leans back for a quick nap, being tired
from all our 'exertions'
[GM]: SETTING: The party have just arrived back in The Royal City with fuzzy memories of
the previous night. They seem to remember completing their mission and staying the last
night with Phinnea's uncle Brattle, but the details get blurred after that. They have
the chest and the papers that is a record of all of the people that Marle has cheated in
the past 5 years or so. It is 2:00pm on the 2nd (Dark) Monday of Drakurah in the Spring
of 1132p. BEGIN SESSION 44 ---
Jackdaw stirrs as the coach makes it's way into the city
[GM]: The coach pulls up to the station and comes to an abrupt stop.
[Phinnea]: "Ve should show dat paper to your friend. Vhat's his name again?"
Anval shifts around, then gets out and stretches...
[Jackdaw]: "come come, we go to nice lady what needed help now!"
[GM]: Jamison says, "eh, Sir Cornelius"
Jackdaw bounces out of the coach
Thor wakes up and looks around at everyone
[Anval]: "That feels better after such a long trip!" (Anne gets her luggage)
Phinnea groggily gets out of the coach also.
[GM]: Jamison exits the coach with his bag
[Anval]: ooc - we are staying where?
Thor exits the coach and gathers his things together
[Anval]: Sorry, but I forgot
[GM]: ooc - You still have rooms at the Holy Cathedral
[Anval]: ooc OK
Jackdaw bounces back into the coach and starts collecting his purchases, they are somewhat
ooverwhelming to the faun who usually travels so lightly
[Anval]: "Well, perhaps we should stow our gear - and new treasures, in our chambers?"
[Anval]: Anne is itching for a bath....
Phinnea fingers the malakite necklace around her neck. "I should go make some trades for
dees necklaces."
Jackdaw gets a bright idea and starts giving away the chests to his friends in the party
as 'thank you's'
[Jackdaw]: "Anval? you like a nice little chest?"
[Anval]: "uh... sure! Thanks JD!"
[Jackdaw]: "Here Phinea, this nice for keping you jewelry!"
Phinnea smiles happily. "Danks JD!"
[Anval]: Anne takes the small chest and looks it over... and smiles back at JD. "I'll
have something for all of you, too, in a day or so!"
Phinnea looks closely at the chest JD gave her.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): merchant skill on its worth?
[Jackdaw]: "Thor you might find this usefull"
[Jackdaw]: ooc who else is with us?
[Anval]: Jamison
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Roll
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,3 = [ 11 ]
[Jackdaw]: "Jamison, thank you friend for you helped"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): 14 skill
Thor takes his, smiling
[Anval]: Anne looks over the chest, and turns to JD. "It's lovely! Thank you!"
[Thor]: "I may have an use for this..."
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Blue pine being expensive, you estimate it's worth to be
between $100-$125
[ Strider2 left the game ]
(Phinnea whispered to GM): wow, thanks!
[Jackdaw]: ooc two of them were mahogany, for the girls and Thor and Jamison got two of
the Blue Pine with Brass ones, JD is keeping the last of the blue pine ones to hold his
other 'stuff'
Phinnea looks back at JD, "dis chest is very nice, you are too kind!"
Jackdaw blushes
Phinnea gives JD a peck on the cheek as a thankyou.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): ohhh... the mahongany chest is worth about $75, sorry. I
though you got a blue pine one.
Jackdaw gives her a wink and a pinch
(Phinnea whispered to GM): boooo :)
Jackdaw wiggles his eyebrows
[GM]: I need a vision -5 roll from everyone, please
[Jackdaw]: "you lonely?"
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,2 = [ 10 ]
[Anval]: fail by 1
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-5-3d6) : 3d6=4,5,3 = [ -2 ]
[GM]: and please tell me what you made it by.
DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,5 = [ 13 ]
[Jackdaw]: fail by 2
[Phinnea]: made by 1
[GM]: Thomas
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,4 = [ 7 ]
[Phinnea]: oops sorry
[GM]: Thomas made by 0
[Phinnea]: made by 6
[Thor]: fail by 3
[GM]: Phinnea a Vision-5 roll as in a penalty?
[Phinnea]: failed by 4 then :P
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Pip?
[Phinnea]: me dumb
[GM]: ooc: Whenever I give a -n it is always a roll at a penalty (harder); a +n roll is
always at a bonus (easier)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): vision should be 12 or better
[Phinnea]: ooc ok :) thanks
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): not sure for a Parrot, they have pretty good vision I think,
including color vision
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Actually roll vs IQ for PiP ... he might see it but not
realize the relivance of it.
DICE for Jackdaw: (7-3d6) : 3d6=5,5,5 = [ -8 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): no way
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): probably gawking
[GM]: ooc: I think Thomas is the only one that suceeded.
[GM]: oops Jamison
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,5 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: no
[Phinnea]: ooc test roll
DICE for Phinnea: (14-5-3d6) : 3d6=1,3,1 = [ 4 ]
[GM]: Thomas nudges Thor and looks accross the street
[Jackdaw]: ooc it's a good format to use
(GM whispered to Thor): A man in a brown robe is watching you.
(GM whispered to Thor): IQ roll please
Thor turns to follow Thomas' glance..
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,6 = [ 13 ]
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,1 = [ 6 ]
[Jackdaw]: required skill/stat, +- penalty/boni, -3d6 roll
[GM]: Thomas "We are being watched"
(Thor whispered to GM): First roll counts, fail by 4
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,1 = [ 12 ]
Phinnea turns, and looks to see where Thomas and Thor are looking.
[Anval]: "From where?"
[GM]: A man standing across the street dressed in a brown robe and carrying a staff.
Jackdaw preens slightly, if he's being watched he wants to look his best
[Anval]: "Perhaps we would be safer from prying eyes in the Holy Cathedral?"
[GM]: He hides in the shadows mostly.
[GM]: Thomas, "Ahhh.... it is our old friend" Thomas waves and smiles wiping the hair
out of his face.
[Phinnea]: "I vunder chat he vants?"
[Phinnea]: "friend?"
[GM]: Jamison looks confused, "A friend of yours Thomas?"
[Anval]: "...Old friend? Who, Thomas?" Anne looks curious...
[GM]: Thomas, "Our watcher from the king"
[GM]: The man steps out of the shadows and approaches the party. He drops his hood
revealing brown busy eyebrows.
Phinnea studies the man as he approaches.
[GM]: Everyone remembers his as being present when the party purchased thier fare out of
[GM]: ooc: the man who followed you as an eagle and stepped back into the wall to
[Anval]: ooc - Cool
[Anval]: BRB Jen is home
[GM]: The man crosses the street and stops in front of the party, "Welcome back. My
sources told me that you had purchased fare back to this city this morning. I am glad
to see that you all made it."
[GM]: Kelley "Well, all but one it appears ... but he is of no concern to me"
[Phinnea]: ooc who is missing?
[Jackdaw]: "Jing get losteded?"
[Jackdaw]: "him keeped doing that"
[Thor]: "Yes we made it back here safely."
[GM]: By the way, no one except Jackdaw and Phinnea has any idea of who Jing is.
[Phinnea]: "Ve had some help on our return trip." she grins.
[Jackdaw]: ooc JD would have given the last chest to Thomas, my forgetted! my bad, so
Thomas has a Blue Pine chest with Brasswork too
[GM]: Jamison scratches his head and turns to Jackdaw, "Who did you say?"
[Jackdaw]: "jing"
[GM]: Thomas told Jackdaw "Much apprecited"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I know who Jing is?
[Jackdaw]: "him what helpeded me when nasty mans tried to hurted me"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You remember him being there with the party even at the
auction. He never said much though.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): ah, i think I understand.
[Jackdaw]: "and we spinned in the air till he throwed up"
[GM]: Thomas, "I am sorry Jackdaw .. I have no idea of whom you speak. Another one of
your ghosts maybe?"
[Jackdaw]: "my not think so"
[Phinnea]: yes, dis Jing is areal person, although he did not say much."
[GM]: Jamison: "Well, no one seems to ..."
[Jackdaw]: "him kicked nasty mans ina nuts, quirte hard"
[GM]: Jamison to Phinnea, "You remember this Jing?"
Phinnea nods her head vigourously. "He vas vid us at the auction!"
[GM]: Jamison has a look of total confusion.
[GM]: Kelley, "You purchased 6 passes to Southtown, as I recall, young squire"
Phinnea looks to Thor and Anne. "You remember Jing, right?"
[Jackdaw]: "my paided hims back"
[GM]: Jamison thinks, "You are right! But ...."
[GM]: Jamison counts the party, "Hmm... I did not pay Phinnea's way ..... that is very
[Jackdaw]: "since it was my party"
[GM]: Thor and Anne have no idea who this Jing is.
[Jackdaw]: "we meeted Phinea on the way"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is this a 'forgotten' fact? just currious
[Phinnea]: "Ve met on the coach, Jamison, and you and I cuddled for some of dat trip."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes
Phinnea winks mischeviously.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): cool, <<on plot hook
[GM]: Jamison blushes and then looks to Anne a little embarrassed, "Cuddled? Oh no ...
not exactly"
Phinnea grins. "No matter! Let us take dis paper to Corneo-lis."
[GM]: Kelley, "Well, anyway. I am very glad that I can report to his magesty that you
have returned." he turns to leave.
[GM]: Kelley turns back, "Oh, and dont be surprised if you are summoned by him in the
next couple of days."
[GM]: Kelley "Some business in Shevandale"
[Jackdaw]: "we should taked it to nice lady and see what she wanted to do with it, was
here dead husband wanted me to finded them"
[GM]: Kelley turns and crosses the street.
[GM]: Anyone watching him leave?
Phinnea watches Kelley leave.
[GM]: Mysteriously, you never see him reach the other side of the street. As a large
man walks in front of him, he seems to vanish.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): to remember the nice lady's name
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=5,3,4 = [ 1 ]
Phinnea looks around, wondering where kelley vanished to.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): For some odd reason you can seem to remember her name.
[Anval]: Back - I'll catch up
[Jackdaw]: good the orgy was just getting sta4rted
[Jackdaw]: ;-)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): IQ+2 roll will let you remember the way to her flat.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13+2-3d6) : 3d6=2,2,4 = [ 7 ]
[Phinnea]: ooc Phinnea helps Anne out of her clothes.
[Jackdaw]: "this way, followed my"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): NO problem remembering where that party was!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does he ever?
Jackdaw starts off down the street
[Anval]: Anne looks at Jamison - and Phinnea - and says "Well. I for one am tired... If
you need me I'll be in my room at the Church
Phinnea waddles after Jackdaw.
[GM]: Jamison nods and follows Jackdaw.
[Anval]: ooc yeah right Phinnea
[Anval]: 8)
[GM]: Thomas waits for the others and then takes the rear
Jackdaw leads the way to a fancy townhouse
[GM]: Jamison talks to Jackdaw as the party walks down the street, "After this we must
go see Sir C. He still holds the precious package for me"
[GM]: The party arrives at the flat of Mrs so and so.
[Jackdaw]: "okie"
Thor follows the others
Jackdaw knocked on the door
[Phinnea]: ooc JD slept with this woman?
[GM]: A maid answers
[Anval]: Hrmmph... Anne follows, looking tired from the road, and eager to rest.
[GM]: ooc: You have to ask JD
[Jackdaw]: "my here to see'd nice lady, my haveded somethings from her husband"
[GM]: She looks at Jackdaw the fawn, "Oh, it's you .... "
Jackdaw winks at the maid
[Phinnea]: "How well do you know dis woman, Jackdaw?"
[Jackdaw]: "she haved nice party, but she SO sad"
[GM]: Maid "I will tell her ya are here. " She stiffles a giggle as she leaves.
[Jackdaw]: "my want to helped her"
[Jackdaw]: "Pip, can you see'd Gemmy?"
[Jackdaw]: "is him here?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk ... Gemmy is here. Gemmy is here!"
[Jackdaw]: "good"
[Anval]: Anne waits patiently....
[Jackdaw]: "Gemmy we finded the papers you wanted my to"
[Jackdaw]: "and bringed them for your nice lady"
[GM]: The widow arrives after a few minutes, "Jacky wacky!"
Jackdaw appears to be talking to the air
[Jackdaw]: "my haved somethings for you"
Jackdaw hands her the papers
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): ooc: Can you always see spirits or must you make a roll?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Anyway Gemmy walks out of one of the walls
[Jackdaw]: "you husband wanted my finded these to helped you stay safe, hims worried you
be in danger with out them"
Phinnea looks at the widow, "Can you read dem der papers, missy?"
[GM]: Widow "Danger, yes you told me that he said that. Funny, I have felt his presence
in the past two days."
[Anval]: "They seem to show that Marl cheated every customer he had..."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Pip should be able to see them always, I have to concentraqte
3 sec and spend 2 fatigue to start it then concentrate to maintain, it works like Rider
[GM]: Widow moves close to Jackdaw, looking at the papers.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM):
[Jackdaw]: afk brb
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk!" Pip flies to Gemmy's shoulder.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Gemmy "Ahh... old Pip ... it is good to see you! I have
missed you greatly."
[Jackdaw]: back
[GM]: The maid bids everyone to take a seat.
Phinnea sits down. "I dink ve saw dis Marle at the auction!"
[GM]: You are all served wine and small cakes.
[Anval]: "With thanks... but I think I'll stnad for now - I've been sitting all day and
my rump is as sore as...(blush) well it's pretty sore."
[GM]: Jamison winks at Anne
Anval partakes of the wine, but sparingly, and munches on a small cake
Jackdaw whispers "Gemmy do you want to Materialize? if so Pip and my maybe can helped
you to?"
[GM]: Widow "What are these papers that you bring?"
Phinnea munches hungrily on several cakes, looking at Jamison and Anne.
Anval blushes at Jamison's glance.
[Jackdaw]: "Marl was cheating peoples and Gemmy thought you might be in danger from himn
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, I think I would like to say goodbye to my wife. Can you
do this for me?
[Jackdaw]: "he thinked these papers would maked you safer"
Jackdaw whispers "we can try"
[GM]: The widow walks across the room and opens a drawer and takes out a piece of
parchment folded.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): with Pip's help I'll try to use a Materialize for Gemmy, if
he doesn't resist it should takle a 14 or less
[GM]: Widow "Well, I did receive this in the morning post."
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (14-3d6) : 3d6=6,1,2 = [ 5 ]
[Phinnea]: "Vhat is it?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made by five
[GM]: Widow reads it "I will have my quittance"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): actually this is one that probably doesn't require music,
since it's from the Familiar bond
[GM]: Widow "I did not understand what it meant ... but now .... " widow screams and
sit down fast.
Phinnea takes another cake and stuffs it in her mouth. "DMMdd msms be frofddm Malrrmm!"
she mumbles with her moutful of food.
[GM]: A figure of a man materializes in front of you all.
Phinnea hurridly finishes chewing, "Dat must be from Marle!"
[Anval]: Anne rushes over to the Widow... holding one of the three staves she
[GM]: He is tall and handsome, appearing to be a man in his 50's. He is dressed in
fine silks.
[Jackdaw]: "it Gemmy, hims wants to say goodbye"
[GM]: Widow "Gemmy! Is that you?"
[Jackdaw]: "we helped"
[GM]: Widow gets up and runs over to the man.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc materialize isn't solid
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): visual and sound
[GM]: The ladies hands pass right through him
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Solidify is MUCH harder
[Anval]: Anne sees what is either a spirit or an illusion, and is wary of tricks... Her
memories of the whole trip are soemwhat suspect, and she is rather uneasy about this
whole affair.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Gemmy "It is I my dear Prunella"
Phinnea looks at Jackdaw. "IS dis some kind of illusion?"
[GM]: Gemmy "It is I my dear Prunella"
Jackdaw pats anval on the shoulder, "it ok Anne, it just Gemmy wants to say goodbye to
hims wife"
[GM]: Jamison stands and readies his staff, "What kind of madness is this?"
[Anval]: "Peace, squire... JD might be whimsical but he has never lied to us... I think
we should trust him."
Phinnea stays Jamison's arm, "easy wid your staff, you've had enuf fun wid dat for the
past few days." she grins.
[GM]: Gemmy "I cound't leave you until I knew that you were safe. This Marle vows his
revenge .. he sought to claim what was left of my buisness, but his plans have been
[Anval]: "Maybe we should leave the Widow and her husbands wraith alone for some privacy?"
[GM]: Jamison does not repond to Phinnea, looking too shocked from what has happened.
Jackdaw smiles happily
[GM]: Gemmy turnes to Anne, "Wait ... I have something to tell you all"
Anval lays her hand on Jamison's arm... "It's Okay, I think, Jamison"
[Anval]: "Yes?" Anne looks rather uneasy talking to the spectral form.
[GM]: Gemmy "I now know that you are going to be safe. If Marle tries anything, then
these papers (he points) should keep you safe. Put them in a very safe place."
[GM]: Gemmy "I want to say one last time how much I love you dear Prunella" he smiles
[GM]: Gemmy looks toward Anne, "I thank you all for what you have done for me ... and
my wife."
Phinnea winks at JD.
[Jackdaw]: "my happy to helped"
[Jackdaw]: "you be ok now?"
[Thor]: "We're glad to have helped."
[GM]: Gemmy "If I were alive I would want to pay you in any way that I can"
[Jackdaw]: "not needed"
[Phinnea]: "Dont be so hasty, JD, let him speak."
[Jackdaw]: "my liked helping peoples!"
[Anval]: "I helped because JD wanted help... I don't need any payment!"
[Phinnea]: "I;m interested in what Gemmy has to say!"
[GM]: Gemmy "I am okay now" smiling at Jackdaw "thank you faun"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc if JD ever gets killed can I play him as a ghost?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): hehehe .... maybe
[GM]: Gemmy looks up.
(GM whispered to Anval): Suddenly you see 4 people standing around him
(GM whispered to Anval): All dressed in white. They give you a very warm feeling.
[Anval]: "I pray it does, Mr. Gemmy... And I will pray for you tonight, f you wish."
[ .Jack left the game ]
[ Phinnea left the game ]
[GM]: oops!
[Jackdaw]: have they gone to the afterllife too?
[Jackdaw]: it's contageous!
[Jackdaw]: ;-)
[GM]: hehe
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne bows her head in reverence when she sees the holy spirits
(GM whispered to Anval): There is a brillant white light that glows starting from above
Gemmys head and gets brighter and brighter...
(Anval whispered to GM): When the presence is departed she looks to the widow Prunella...
"Ral has taken him to his breast... he is at rest, at peace."
[Anval]: When the presence is departed she looks to the widow Prunella... "Ral has taken
him to his breast... he is at rest, at peace."
(GM whispered to Anval): One of the people/angels produce a chalice and as Gemmy drinks
the ligth becomes so brillant that you are forced to avert your gaze.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Gemmy vanishes and you feel his presence no more.
(Anval whispered to GM): he assumed the body glorified? whoa!
[ Phinea joined the game ]
Jackdaw digs out the set of malachite good luck figurines and gives them to the widow ,
"here you haveded these, they from Gemmy for good luck"
[GM]: Jamison "He's gone!"
[Phinnea]: ((crash?))
[GM]: wb Phinnea
[Jackdaw]: wb
(Anval whispered to GM): rehi
[Anval]: rehi
[GM]: Thomas stands near the door watching in amazement
[Phinnea]: ooc did I miss the payment? *grin*
[GM]: Gemmy is gone
[Anval]: ooc Our payment was a job well done....
[ .Jack joined the game ]
[Phinnea]: ooc easy for you to say :P
[Jackdaw]: my helped, it enuff
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk" You notice Pip back on your shoulder. You are not
sure when he came back to you.
[Phinnea]: "I dink Gemmy vud have felt better if ve had let him pay us..."
[Jackdaw]: ooc JD's a sweetheart
[GM]: Thomas speaks "Well, whatever he had should go to the widow. She will need it"
[Jackdaw]: "Hi Pip, you stay with my now?"
[Anval]: "We should go see Sir Cornelius soon - very soon.... And then rest."
[Phinnea]: ooc wb Jack
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk. Gemmy say Pip stay and help Jacky wacky ... squawk!"
[GM]: wb Thor
[Anval]: rehi thor
[Thor]: (thanks)
[GM]: Widow takes the papers.
[GM]: Widow "I will give these to my attorney"
[GM]: Widow "I also want to thank you all for your help. Is there anything that I may
offer you?"
[Jackdaw]: "you be ok now?"
[Jackdaw]: "that what my wanted"
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne stares a little, thinking at how blessed she is to see
constant reminders of Ral's power, and the blessings Faith can bring....
[GM]: Widow "I feel much better, thanks Jacky ... 'er Jackdaw"
[GM]: Jamison approaches Anne, "Are you okay?"
[Anval]: "huh?! Uh.. yeah, I'm fine... I was just...thinking a little..."
[GM]: Thomas: "I think that we should be going now. You happiness is all that we need
dear lady" he nods.
Thor stands and looks at the others
Anval smiles. "I'm back with all of you now though!"
Thor nods and smiles "Yes we should be going."
[GM]: Jamison, "That is ... very good" he smiles
[Anval]: "I agree... Jamison has business to attend to now, as well."
[Anval]: Actually I suppose we all do."
[GM]: Jamison, " er Yes .. we should be going."
Phinnea grabs the last cake and also stands. "Danks Prunella!"
[Jackdaw]: "bye bye"
[GM]: Widow "You are very welcome. And if there is anything that I can ever do for you.
please don't hesitate to ask."
[GM]: Thomas opens the door and holds it for everyone.
[Anval]: "Thank you for your hospitality!"
[GM]: Jamison nods to Anne, "After you sister."
Jackdaw skips out, happy to have helped
[GM]: Widow "You are very welcome"
[Anval]: "Thank you, Squire!"
[Anval]: Anne heads out
Phinnea waddles out the door into the street.
Thor follows the others out
[Phinnea]: " Are ve off to dis Corneelus?"
Jackdaw streaches and smiles, "what we do now?"
[GM]: You soon all in the street heading to?
[GM]: Jamison, "Well, I must go see Sir C"
[Anval]: Anne waits for the others to decide....
[Jackdaw]: "my hungry, we eated?"
[Anval]: "Well, I'm getting exhausted carting around all this luggage... If you will all
meet me at the cathedral, I'll meet you there at dinner... I must go rest!"
[GM]: You all DID miss lunch. The cakes were nice, but you are for the most part hungry
[Jackdaw]: "my helped you carry it"
[Phinnea]: "dose cakes ver tiny! Lets go eat!"
[Jackdaw]: "then we eated"
[Anval]: "Hmmm... eating sounds like a good Idea."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The bird is gone
[ Kin-Kithnos joined the game ]
Jackdaw picks up some of Anvals load and starts for the Catherdal
[Anval]: Hey thanks JD!
[GM]: Jamison "I can meet you all there in a little while?"
[Anval]: Sure!
Phinnea follows JD to go eat.
[Anval]: What about you Thor - You going with Jamison?
Jackdaw stares into the sky for a bit and concentrates
[GM]: Jamison "Sorry Anne, but I am just too anxious to check on ... (he whispers)
the sword"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): burn 2 fatigue to "see' thru Pip
[Thor]: "Right now I just need to rest.. I'll go with you."
[Anval]: "Hey! Don't worry! I'll meet you at the cathedral later!" <Smiles>
[Anval]: brb
[ Kin-Kithnos left the game ]
[Thor]: ((OOC: I unfortunately have to leave now, I will see you all next week.))
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Do you have to roll for that?
[Anval]: Seeya Thor!
[Jackdaw]: see you later
[GM]: ooc: Okay ... later Thor!
[Phinnea]: bye Thor!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): no it's automatic
[Thor]: See ya :)
[ .Jack left the game ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He is soaring over the city. A beatiful sight.
[Phinnea]: "So vhere shall ve eat?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): but I looked over the Materialize and I think I should
probably treat it like any other spell, so I'll have to use music since M2 is in the
prereq chain
[Anval]: Let's stow our luggage, then find an eatery..."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): cool
[Jackdaw]: "sound good"
[GM]: Jamison leaves the party and heads hastily in the direction of Sir Petr's
apartment, hoping to find Sir C there.
[Anval]: (To Phinnea) "Phinny, can you engrave metals? If so, I'd gladly pay you for a
small but important job..."
Jackdaw 's happy he got rid of most of his recent 'baggage' and is travelling lightly
[Phinnea]: ooc I cant view my own sheet!
[Anval]: ooc wierd!
[GM]: ooc: try now Phinnea
[Phinnea]: cool
[GM]: ooc: Is everyone going back to the Holy Cathedral?
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I have blacksmith, armory and leatherworking - can I engrave
[Anval]: ooc Anne is
[Jackdaw]: oops now I can get it too
[GM]: It is now 3:30 in TRC
[Jackdaw]: try cutting it and reloading
[GM]: ooc: Probably since you left the room earlier, Phinny.
[Anval]: "You know, by the time we reach the Cathedral, stow our gear , and rest a bit,
Dinner will be served..."
[Phinnea]: ooc nod, I had to change my name to one with one n
[GM]: ooc: The party moves slowly in the direction of the Holy Cathedral
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I have blacksmith, armory and leatherworking - can I engrave
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Hmmm.... good question
[Anval]: Anne marvels at the sight of the Temple.... It's almost like a small city by
itself, compared to the smaller churches of Shevandale!
(Phinnea whispered to GM): probably rudimentary skills at it, since I can work armor and
I'm a blacksmith?
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Actually that skill is Jeweler
(Phinnea whispered to GM): hrm ok any default?
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Blacksmith-4 is the default or IQ-6
(Phinnea whispered to GM): BS-4 = 11
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Cool
Phinnea looks to Anne, "Vhat vud you like me to engrave?"
Jackdaw thinks it's impressive for a built thing, but compared to a grove of thousand
year old trees...
[GM]: You all arrive at the Cathedral
(Phinnea whispered to GM): "I can try to engrave the rings. Vhat shall it say on them?"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Hmm... whatever you wish I guess. Not sure I understand the
Jackdaw helps Anval get her things to her room
[GM]: You rooms are still as you left them
[Anval]: Thanks JD!"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I just copied you the whisper i made to Anval
[GM]: Brother Geoff hears you enter and approaches you.
[Anval]: Anne stows her luggage
[Anval]: Hello, Brother Geoff... How are things in the Cathedral?
[GM]: Geoff "Welcome back, I hope that Ral blessed you all with a safe trip."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :[to Anne] "Give me da rings and I vill do my best."
[Anval]: Our trip was safe, boring, and hard on the posterior! I'm glad to be back..."
[GM]: Geoff "Things are nice. But one Father Lucias has been asking for you."
[Anval]: "IS it urgent? Should I see him now, or after the evening meal?"
[ Phinea left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "trip was fun!"
[GM]: Geoff "I think that after the evening meal would be fine. Just before the evening
prayers begin."
[Jackdaw]: "meeted nice peoples, did what my needed to do and helped people"
[Anval]: "Alright... I will seek him out shortly after the meal! Thank you, Brother...
Ral be with you!"
[GM]: Geoff smiles at Jackdaw "You cant ask for more than that, good faun"
[GM]: Geoff "and Ral be with you too. Oh, he was asking to see the whole party."
[Jackdaw]: "my can ask for lunch?" in a small voice
[Anval]: "I'll try to arrange it... Jamison is busy, but hoped to meet us here later."
(GM whispered to Anval): Father Lucias is a High Patrona .... on the Lord Patrona's high
(GM whispered to Anval): High council is 14 members by the way.
[ Phinnea joined the game ]
[Anval]: "I... I'll see that everyone is there, Brother Geoff!"
[GM]: wb Phinnea
[Phinnea]: ooc damn crashes
(Anval whispered to GM): Faux pas! Oops! (hehehe)
[Jackdaw]: ooc I know! that's why I'm still using the old version
[GM]: Geoff "and I'll pass on the word that you have returned and will be joining us for
[GM]: Geoff leaves
[Jackdaw]: new version and my machine don't get along very well
[GM]: ooc: New version likes Win98
[Phinnea]: ooc what does get along with a 386?
[GM]: l
[Jackdaw]: linix?
[Jackdaw]: actually I'm thinking of giving that a try
[GM]: You all freshen up and in two hours dinner is served (7pm)
[Jackdaw]: I've heard good things from friends using it
[Jackdaw]: sorry for the ooc
Phinnea feels much better now that she is clean beneath her armor.
[Anval]: Anne gathers JD, Phinnea, Thomas, Thor, and Jamison as best she can, and heads
to the dining hall...
Jackdaw eats with good apetite
[Anval]: (Anne is wearing a priestly robe, without armor or weapon)
[GM]: Thomas returns in time to make dinner
[GM]: Thor had to be awaken
[GM]: Jamison is no where to be seen.
Jackdaw wears his nice shirt
[Anval]: "Drat! Where is that man?! "
[GM]: The dinning area is full of priests and priestesses and clerics
[Anval]: "Lets get a table for all of us, In case Squire Jamison decides to actually
show up...." Anne looks miffed
[GM]: Some tables are emersed in conversation; some tables are quiet
Phinnea looks around, feeling a little out-of-place in this hall.
[GM]: A man dressed in a blue robe with two gold stripes stands and raises his hands.
Anne recognizes him as Father Lucias
[GM]: Everyone in unison lowers their head for the blessing
[Anval]: "Shhh... "
[Anval]: Anne lowers her head
Jackdaw looks around at all the lowered heads
Phinnea decides to follow suit.
[Jackdaw]: and smiles at Father Lucias
[Phinnea]: "Vhat are we looking on da ground for?" she hisses
[GM]: Brother Lucias "Unto Ral we give thanks. Mericias tutile et meh gracias u dravel
ca mon Ral"
[Anval]: "Father Lucius is giving thanks for the meal... please observe it, while
[GM]: Voices chant in unison "Ca mon Ral"
[GM]: After the chant everyone begins to eat.
[Anval]: "Ca mon Ral."
[GM]: Upon your table you find bread, soup, and wine.
[Phinnea]: "Ca mon Ral. If it means I can eat now, no problem!"
[Jackdaw]: On Ral come on Ral, smite that evil down!
[Jackdaw]: Do it fast and do it hard, and smite it with a frown!
[Anval]: Anne digs into the food - and looks Harshly at Phinnea...and then at JD
[GM]: Geoff approaches the table, "Is there anything you need?"
[Jackdaw]: smite! Smite! Smite!
[GM]: Thomas and Thor eat without saying a word
Phinnea digs hungrily into the food, not noticing Anne's glare.
[Anval]: "Those kind of jokes are not funny, firends....and border on blasphemy... Have
some respect!"
Jackdaw looks at Anval sheepishly and says in a small voice, "old seminary fight song?"
[GM]: The soup is very tastey. The bread is a little dry but has a good flavor as well.
[Anval]: "Thank you Brother Geoff... I think we will be fine here. I was not able to
find Squire Jamison... will that be a problem if he does not appear soon?"
Phinnea looks up with a mouthful of food, somewhat surprised. " I didnt mean to be
disrespectful! Sorry Anne!"
[Jackdaw]: "my heared it before"
[Anval]: "Hehehe... Maybe JD.... Maybe.
[Anval]: "Apologies accepted, friends."
[GM]: Thomas looking at Jackdaw "You should have some repect for the people here"
[Jackdaw]: "my do but can haved fun too"
[GM]: Thomas goes back to eating
[Anval]: ooc - Anne seems to be a tight ass when it comes to religion... hehehe
[GM]: ooc: hehe
Jackdaw eats quietly
[Phinnea]: ooc a sore tight ass :P
[GM]: If you try the wine you will find out that it is some of the best that you have
had. The dates on the bottles range from 30 to 50 years old.
[Anval]: Anne drinks a little more wine than usual - to "bolster her courage" when
facing Father Lucius after dinner....
Phinnea takes a deep, satisfying draught of wine. "hrmmmm, dis is sure gud stuff!"
[Anval]: "Father Lucius would like to see all of us after dinner... I accepted on your
behalf - I hope that is all right...? Father lucius is a High Patrona."
[GM]: Thor speaks up, "A high patrona? (he looks around) I dont see the Lord Patrona.
Does he usually join the rest for dinner Anne?"
(GM whispered to Anval): You dont know.
[GM]: Thomas sips his wine slowly
[Anval]: "I don't really know, Thor... I've only had one other meal here. I suspect he
eats privately, or with the other High Patrona's, for safety's sake."
Phinnea nods her head agreeingly to Anne. "I wonder what Father Lucius wants with us?"
[Anval]: "I'm not sure Phinnea... It might have to do with the Sanctum Ral, or perhaps
some other subject..."
[Anval]: "Something about Shevendale."
[GM]: Thomas glares at Jackdaw "Maybe it's for being disrepectful" (he winks at Anne and
[GM]: Thor "Yeah, what was that Kelley saying about Shevandale?"
[Anval]: "hehehe... I don't think word travels THAT fast in the church!"
[Anval]: "Kelly?"
[GM]: Thor notices that he was talking with his mouth full and quickly wipes his face.
[Jackdaw]: "my learned that song from a preist!"
[Jackdaw]: "hims was having a happy time in the tavern and him singed it to me"
[GM]: Thor "You know ... the mysterious disappearing eagleman" he chuckles
[Anval]: "I believe you JD! Honest.... It was a jest in good fun. I just get tense
about taht stuff somethimes..."
[Anval]: "Ahhh... The mage."
[Jackdaw]: brb
[GM]: The dinner is pleasant and soon the room begins to clear.
[GM]: Geoff approaches the table again.
[Anval]: "The King might summon us at any time in the next few days - and I suspect he
wishes to talk about Shevendale as well."
Phinnea looks up at geoff as she wipes her plate clean.
[Anval]: Anne stands, pushing away an empty plate and an emptier goblet.
[Anval]: "Is it time, Brother?"
[GM]: Geoff "Father Lucias asks if you will join him in the Southern Study"
[Anval]: "Friends? Are you ready?"
Phinnea stands, "Lead on, brother!"
[GM]: Geoff "I trust you meal was satisfying?"
[GM]: Geoff waits until everyone rises and then leads the way to the Study
Phinnea smiles a huge, toothy wide grin. "It vas delicious!"
[Anval]: "It was excellent! Wines such as these are hard to find in the smaller
[GM]: Thomas rises; Thor wipes his face and grabs a piece of bread to take with him.
[GM]: Goeff "There are benefits in being stationed in the Holy Cathedral, Sister Anne"
he smiles
[Anval]: Anne Heads to the Southern Study "I am beginnign to suspect there is more
truth to that than is apparent, Brother Geoff!"
[Jackdaw]: b
[GM]: You are lead to a long room with a long table. One wall is a long bookcase.
There is a small desk with parchment, ink, pens, and pencils.
[GM]: Geoff smiles at Anne. He does not follow the party into the room.
[GM]: Inside a man sits quietly reading a book.
(Anval whispered to GM): When Anne sees the High Patrona, she kneels and kisses his
ring (if that is the way things are done)
[GM]: It is Father Lucias. He stands and smiles as you all enter.
[Anval]: Anne kneels "High Patrona.... I am Sister Anne, and these are my friends."
[GM]: The high priest allows Anne to kiss his ring.
Anval kisses his ring
Phinnea looks confused as Anne kneels, and doesn't know what to do.
[GM]: Lucias "Please Sister ... sit ....and friends of Anne .. sit"
Jackdaw wanders over and looks at the bookshelf
Phinnea sighs in relief, and quickly finds a seat.
Phinnea pulls JD over to a seat also.
[Anval]: Anne pulls up a chair for herself... "High Patrona, We are missing one member
of our group - Squire Jamison...."
[GM]: The bookshelf contains mostly old books. Large bound volumns that must be
hundreds if not thousands of years old.
[Anval]: "We didn't expect to be seen, and he had other business to attend to - I
didn't know where to find him."
[GM]: Lucias nods and Geoff appears and closes the door, "Thank you all for joining
me here this evening."
Anval sighs at the sight of such ancient, and obviously holy, manuscripts
[GM]: Lucias "As Ral wills"
(GM whispered to Anval): Many books seem to eminate a sense of Sanctity
(Anval whispered to GM): noted - thanks!
[Phinnea]: (lag test)
[GM]: Lucias "I hope that I am not out of line here. But I have heard news from
Shevandale that I thought you should be aware of .... and perhaps get your opinions on"
[Anval]: "please continue, Father Lucius..."
[GM]: Lucias "I hesitate to speak of it, since it has not made the press yet and might
have been quited by the Crown."
[GM]: Lucias looks around the table
[Anval]: "Anything you say I will keep in the utmost confidence, Father..."
Phinnea leans forward, listening intently.
[GM]: Lucias "The news if very disturbing and I am not sure what to make of it."
Jackdaw 's ears perk up
[GM]: Lucias paces and thinks and then returns to the place he was standing.
[Anval]: "Whatever it is, is bothering you greatly... can we help?"
[GM]: Lucias "There was an attack on the Church of St Meliss on Saturday night"
[Anval]: Anne sits bolt upright... "An ATTACK? Is Father Bartus alright? Was anyone
[GM]: Lucias "My sources tell me that it was 6 men dressed in red robes. They fought off
a group 12 priests and clerics."
[GM]: Lucias "Yes an attack as hard as that is to believe"
[GM]: Lucias shakes his head "On Sacred ground"
[Anval]: "Red robes?" Anne looks perplexed, and uncomfortable. "Were they captured?
What were they after?"
[Phinnea]: "Do you know who da men are that attacked?"
[GM]: Lucias "What is more disturbing is that the men appeared to be untouched by the
Holy Spells cast at them"
Jackdaw tries to remember anything about Red Robes
[GM]: Lucias "We no nothing of these men"
[Anval]: ooc same here
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=5,2,3 = [ 3 ]
[GM]: Jackdaw IQ roll plese
[GM]: please
[Anval]: Does anne recall anything?
[GM]: Anne IQ roll
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6 = [ 12 ]
[Jackdaw]: another one?
[Anval]: succeed by 2
(GM whispered to Anval): Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that Vestiviss and
his men wore Red Robes.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Well, the first thing that comes to mind is that Vestiviss
and his men wore Red Robes.
(GM whispered to Anval): But there seems to be something else. You know that you have
seen someone else in Red Robes in the past two weeks.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): But there seems to be something else. You know that you have
seen someone else in Red Robes in the past two weeks.
[GM]: One more roll from JD and Anne at -2
(Anval whispered to GM): Jing? The fellow I can't remember ?
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-2-3d6) : 3d6=5,1,1 = [ 4 ]
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,4 = [ 14 ]
[Anval]: made it by 0
[GM]: Made by?
[Jackdaw]: 4
[GM]: Anne a -2 roll?
[Anval]: whoops! Failed by2
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The lady in the Catacombs. The one that you fought for the ring.
(Anval whispered to GM): can I spend a cp for a reroll?
[Jackdaw]: still made by 4, but the To GM button seems to have stuck a bit
[Phinnea]: ooc a religious lady cheating! *grin*
[GM]: Lucias begins to pace again, "You see what I mean by very disturbing?"
Jackdaw sits up sharply "the nasty Lady in Cats!"
[Jackdaw]: "she weared Red robes, maybe they looking for the book what we finded"
[Anval]: "What nasty lady JD?"
[Phinnea]: "What book?"
[Anval]: ooc I don't recall - was I absent that session?
[Jackdaw]: "the one with the Ring what gived bad visions!"
[GM]: Lucias looks confused
[GM]: Lucias "What is this that you speak of?"
[GM]: (looking at JD, btw)
[Jackdaw]: "of the poor boy being nastily killeded by a bunch in Red Robes" Jackdaw wails
[Anval]: Anne suddenlt recalls!
[GM]: Oh, yes and the Red Robes were in the vision too
[Anval]: We were in the catacombs in Shevendal, Father....
[Jackdaw]: "when we in Cats we finded skulls what asked for help and we helped them"
[GM]: Lucias "The catacombs? Hmm.... I did hear mention of that"
[GM]: Lucias "So, that was true ...."
[Anval]: We found what the Lord Patrona called the Original Sanctum Ral, and while there
we found a ring that gave visions - horrible visions of sacrifce and death
[Jackdaw]: "also fought nasty Lady, she getted away but we catched her ring, but when
holded it it gives nasty visions"
[GM]: Lucias "Sacrife and Death. .... please explain it might be very important"
Jackdaw will explain in as much detail as he remembers
[Anval]: "I don't recall it very clearly... I will try to tell you as best I can..."
[GM]: Lucias raises his hand as if he has an idea "The ring .. yes that is it .... "
[Jackdaw]: ooc probably more than I do
[Anval]: ooc not really!
[GM]: Lucias "This is beginning to make sense now. You speak of a ring. You left it in
the Church of St. Meliss .... and ...."
[GM]: Lucias "You found it in the cats!"
[Phinnea]: ooc I gotta go guys....
[Anval]: "And the red robed people went to recover the ring! It must hold some special
[Anval]: ooc - I have to go too