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[Tue Jun 27 18:51:42 CDT 2000]
[GM]: SETTING: The party (minus Jamison) are in the middle of a private meeting with
Father Lucias. He has just informed them that the Church of St. Meliss (in Shevandale)
was attacked on Saturday Night by men in red robes. The discussion continues .... It
is 8:45pm on the 2nd (Dark) Monday of Drakurah in the Spring of 1132p.
(Lancelot whispered to GM): sorry to interrupt, but just a question, is there any gurps
games open?
[GM]: Switch camera to Jamison who is in Sir Petr's Flat
(GM whispered to Lancelot): Sure ... you can look at the FOGies homepage for a list of
them. Can you play on Sunday?
(Lancelot whispered to GM): sure
(GM whispered to Lancelot): I know of 2 games open then
(GM whispered to Lancelot): Give me your email again and I'll email you with the GM's
address for each of them.
(Lancelot whispered to GM): hey your page didn't send me back a confirmation of my
(Jamison whispered to GM): Sir P is SC's friend, right?
(Lancelot whispered to GM): rcalderon@mailbr.com.br
(GM whispered to Lancelot): That's odd
(GM whispered to Lancelot): I will check into it later.
(Lancelot whispered to GM): get it?
(Lancelot whispered to GM): got
[GM]: Sir P looking at Jamison: Listen, I have told you everything, young squire.
[Jamison]: later Lance
[Phinnea]: bye Lance
[GM]: ((later lancelot!!))
[Anval]: Seeya
[ Lancelot left the game ]
Jamison raises an eyebrow at Sir P's words....
[GM]: Sir P almost lilts across the room pointing at the wrapped package, "Do you
want to check it?"
[GM]: Sir P indicates the package that has been identified as Gloom .... the sword
of swords.
[GM]: ((oops .... Gleem .. typo!!))
[Anval]: ooc - hehehe
[GM]: Sir P waits for Jamison to respond.
Jamison walks towards the package and examines it..."I agree that it looks like
[GM]: ((or is it Gleam?))
Jamison reaches to open the package and checks..
[Anval]: ooc - gleam
[GM]: Sir P and as I said .. Sir C had to leave on the spur of the moment.
Jamison makes sure that the sword is still safe...
[Jamison]: and then rewraps it...
[Jamison]: WEW!!!!
Jamison feels better knowing that the sword is safe
[GM]: Sir P "He said ... very important business. He even made me cancel a match
that I had arranged. Do you play darts, by chance?"
[Jamison]: Darts...No, but I am willing to learn..
[Phinnea]: ((brb - getting a drink))
[GM]: Sir P smiles and goes over to reveal a dart board on the wall, "The I should
be glad to teach you! It is very a very fashionalbe game these days."
GM smiles and offers Jamison three darts.
[Jamison]: ooc:::hehehe
[GM]: ((I mean Sir P offered the darts))
[Jamison]: OOC, I'm game... let me get my bools..
[Jamison]: Shall we finish with me so you guys can carry the battle forward?
[GM]: Sir P and Jamison begin to play darts to pass the time
[Jamison]: OOC: Gaming skill????
[Jamison]: B146
[GM]: ((I don't see your ref, Jamison))
[Jamison]: sorry C1 146... my fault
(GM whispered to Jamison): How detailed do you want to get with this?
[Phinnea]: ((lag test))
[GM]: ....
(Jamison whispered to GM): let me hit the board..spend 1/2 a point get the skill and
we will work out the rules for advancement, later...
[GM]: Jamison, your default is at DX-2
(Jamison whispered to GM): Then you can work with the others... I'm slowing you down
too much tonight
[Jamison]: k
[GM]: Sir P throws his three darts explaining the rules, as he does.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,5 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,2 = [ 12 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,5 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: Sir P "Okay, now you try it"
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,5 = [ 10 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,2 = [ 14 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d62 out of 3) : = [ 0 ]
[Jamison]: 2 out of 3
[GM]: Jamison hits the board, nicely.
[GM]: Sir P "Hey, you are a natural!"
[Jamison]: Just lucky, I guess....
[GM]: Camera turns back to the meeting with Father Lucias.
[GM]: ((everyone here?))
(Jamison whispered to GM): Go to the others now...
[Phinnea]: (yep except Anne)
[GM]: Father Lucias waits for the parties responses.
[Thomas]: [yES]
[Phinnea]: "Who are dees men in da red robes?"
[GM]: Thomas, Thor, Jackdaw, Anne, Phinnea sit patiently while Father L paces nevously
[GM]: Father Lucias "We are not sure. I have begun research on the matter, but I must
admit that I am stumped."
[GM]: Father L turns to Jackdaw, "Can you tell me again what you know about these men?"
Thomas sits quietly, watching the others.
[GM]: Father L "Or I should say .... other men that you saw in Red Robes..."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): we figured out what they were looking for last time, didnt
[GM]: Anne speaks up, "Well, there was this ring, as we were saying .... that caused a
vision of people in red robes ... and a sacrific." She turns and shudders.
[ Old Man joined the game ]
[GM]: Father L "Hmmm..... a ring you say?"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): "Ver is dis ring now?"
[Phinnea]: "Ver is dis ring now?"
Jackdaw tells all he remembers
(GM whispered to Athiam): Hey welcome!
[Jackdaw]: "Thomas got the Ring from her, my wasn't there yet, my and Anval was helping
the skulls"
Phinnea looks at Thomas. "you have da ring den?"
[GM]: Father L turns to Thomas, "You have the ring?"
(Athiam whispered to GM): Shifts in his chair to let loose a rather loud burst of
flatulence. "Err, excuse me. Oh! Hello there."
[GM]: Anne speaks, "No, the ring was left at the Church, Father"
(Thomas whispered to GM): [Do I still have it? I honestly can't remember]
Thomas shakes his head.
Phinnea nods. "I wonder if dees men in robes found da ring...."
[GM]: Anne "I thought it evil and left it with Father Bartus to be destroyed. By the
way, you never told us ... is the good Father alright?"
[GM]: Father L "Well, unfortunatley my sources didn't know what was stolen. But
something must have been taken. And Father Bartus was not harmed, I am sure of that.
But there were a few priests that were wounded in this incident."
[GM]: Father L "No, one was killed, thanks to Ral!"
[GM]: Anne "Thanks be to Ral"
[Jackdaw]: 'maybe asked them if rign was tookened?"
[Jackdaw]: rign=ring
[GM]: Father L looks at Anne "Perhaps you are correct, young lady. Maybe they were
after this ring"
[Phinnea]: "Ve should hurry over to da church and talk to Fada Bartus."
[GM]: Father L turns to Jackdaw "I will send a post to my contact at the church and
inquire about it ... for sure."
[GM]: Father L looks at Thomas, "You carried this ring, then? Can you describe it
to me?"
[Phinnea]: "Did dey pursue the attackers? See which vey dey were going?"
[GM]: Father Lucias to Phinnea "I am not sure ... my details are sketchy. But my
contact must have not been aware of any pursuit or I would have been informed."
[GM]: Anne "Father Lucias, we have business the will keep us in The Royal City for
about 1/2 a fortnight, or we might go investigate this matter ourselves."
Thomas shrugs, "For only a brief time. I tried it on and was revealed a vision as
Anne said." Thomas describes the appearance of the ring as best he can.
Phinnea sits back down, sighing heavily and resting her legs which must support her
hefty body.
[GM]: Thomas tells that the ring was simple a gold band with a dark bloodred stone
set in it.
[GM]: Father Lucias "Hmm.... well, I will continue my research on this. I will search
the old texts for any mention of red robes or rings that meet that description."
[GM]: Father L looks at the party, "But for now .. I will thank you for this
information .. unless you can think of anything else. I will go to evening prayer."
[GM]: Anne stands.
[GM]: Father Lucias bows and exits the room.
[Jackdaw]: "also look for bad people what do nasty things to dead people, sombodies
had to hurted those skulls"
Phinnea shrugs helplessly. " I be at a loss, dat be for sure."
[GM]: Father L, "Noted, I will search in the records of the Necromancers first.
Thanks good faun"
[GM]: Father Lucias leaves and Geoff returns, standing next to the door.
[GM]: The party is lead back to their rooms. There is still no sign of Jamison
Phinnea looks at the others, perplexed. "So what shud vee do?"
[GM]: Time is 9:15 pm
[GM]: Anne "If only I knew."
[Jackdaw]: "now is good time to look for party or frollic"
[GM]: Jackdaw will leave?
[Jackdaw]: "they just getting good"
[GM]: ((what will everyone else do?))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): they asked what to do...
[Phinnea]: "how far is dis church of St Meliss?"
[GM]: Btw, Thomas spend two hours before dinner in town, probably taking care of
[Thomas]: [Do we have a bed for the evening?]
[Jackdaw]: "anybodies wants to come find frollic?"
[Thomas]: [Or a hotel?]
[GM]: You all have your rooms. They are small but sufficient
[GM]: Rooms at the Church.
Jackdaw will leave most of his stuff in the room
[Jackdaw]: taking what he needs to frollic
[GM]: Camera back to Jamison now
[Jamison]: Darn, Sir Petr... you win again....
[GM]: Sir P laughs, "You are very lucky young squire. I think we have each taugh each
other tongiht"
[GM]: There is a knock at the door.
[Jamison]: I believe that is true, Sir... I had an excellant time
Jamison looks to the door
Jamison looks at SP to see his response
[GM]: Sir Petr goes to answer, and before he gets there, "Open Sir Petr .. it is I,
Jamison relaxes...a little
[GM]: Sir P smiles and opens the door.
[GM]: Sir Cornelius enters.
Jamison relaxes more...
[GM]: Ahhh.... Jamison! I should have known it!
[Jamison]: well met SC... glad to see you...
[Jamison]: SP was just giving me a lesson in darts..
[GM]: Sir C "He didn't ..... ask you to bet gold, did he?" he smiles at Sir P
[GM]: Sir P "I dont think I could have lightened his pockets by much. He was rather a
[GM]: Sir P smiels
[Jamison]: No Sir C... he did not... but he is an excallant teacher.... I appriciate
the lesson
[GM]: Sir C "So, you have returned from Southtown ... A successful mission?"
[Jamison]: What news???
Jamison fills SC in on the recent trip to Southtown
[GM]: Sir C "And the party stays at the Church .... er Cathedral tonight?"
[GM]: Sir C looks around for any priests or priestesses that might be standing around.
[Jamison]: Yes, I believe so
[GM]: Sir C "Then perhaps we should go meet them. I have something interesting to tell
[GM]: Sir C " The whole party."
[Jamison]: Lead on , SC.. let me gather my things..
Jamison gathers his belongings and the very prescious package..
[GM]: Sir C nods to Sir P and tells him "I shall see you on the morrow. Thank you for
keeping the bastardsword safe"
[Jamison]: And that you for the lesson, SP.. glad for the time we spent together
[GM]: On the way there Sir C tells Jamison that he was called before the King and that
he had no choice but to leave the sword.
[GM]: Sir P smiles at Jamison and says, "anytime"
[Jamison]: I understand... I was worried though
[GM]: Sir C "I can understand that you would be"
[Jamison]: It was not something I expected you to do..
[Jamison]: I was worried for you.. you would only had done that with great cause
[GM]: Sir C "I considered my choices and taking the sword to the king was not something
that I wanted to do."
[GM]: Soon they arrive at the Cathedral
[Jamison]: I concur... it was a hard choice... as all life is...
Thomas turns to the others, "Well, it has a been a busy last few days. I think I am
going to turn in at the Chrurch."
[GM]: Jamison finds the rooms easily. Sir C has more trouble.
[Thomas]: [BRB}
Jamison leads SC to the rooms
[GM]: The party hears the two men arrive in the hallway.
(Athiam whispered to GM): Is Jamison the only person playing?
Phinnea greets Jamison and the others. "Jamison! Gud to see you again!"
[Jamison]: I believe they are down here, SC
[GM]: Anne who was discussing something with Phinnea says, "Phinnea ... I think that
our friends are back"
[Jamison]: Phinney.... Gud to see you, too...
Phinnea looks around. "Did JD take off for dat frollic?"
(GM whispered to Athiam): I have them all together again
[Jackdaw]: ooc not sure yet, how much time has passed?
Jamison sees Anne and a wide smile appears on his face...
[Jamison]: "Sister.."
[GM]: Sir Cornelius, "Jackdaw? I am sure that at this late hour he would be in search
of a frolic" he chuckles.
[GM]: Time is 9:45 when the two men arrive
Jamison chuckles with SC
[Jackdaw]: ?he is out looking for a lively frollic
Jackdaw is out looking for a lively frollic
[GM]: Sir Cornelius, "If everyone will listen, I must tell you what has just happened
to me."
[Jamison]: ooc: is there a deadly frolic you would look for???
[GM]: ooc: hehehe
[Phinnea]: "Did must be Sir Cornelius you 'ave been telling me about..." She attempts
a small but awkward curtsey.
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=5,3,6 = [ -1 ]
[GM]: Jamison "Did i miss anything in the meantime?"
[Jackdaw]: carousing roll to find one
Jamison pays attention
Phinnea listens carefully.
[Jackdaw]: must be a quiet night, maybe he can liven something up?
[Jamison]: hehehe
[Jamison]: ooc, as always
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sorry, sometimes I forget who I am playing. LoL
[GM]: Jackdaw has trouble finding any frolics on a Monday night, except for the usual
[GM]: Anne tells Jamison about the meeting with Father Lucias
[GM]: ((Any questions Jamison?))
[GM]: Then Sir C wants to tell about his meeting with the King
[Jamison]: OOC: many questions... I will consider..
[Jamison]: Red robes.. any idea who it may be, Sister?
Thomas greets his friends then gets ready to listen to Sir C.
[GM]: ooc: The Father told them about an attack on the Church of St Meliss on Saturday
night and a group of Red Robed men who took down the priests and clerics ... their magic
seeming not to effect them.
[Jamison]: Are they the cause of what we saw below the city?
[GM]: Anne "Well, Jackdaw and myself put or heads together and we came up with 3 things.
[GM]: Anne "I don't know Jamison"
Jamison listens
[GM]: Anne "We have encounted them three times: Vestiviss and his men in Southtown."
[Jackdaw]: afk, brb
[GM]: Anne continues "In the vision that the ring gave. And then there was the ghost
lady in the Catacombs - she wore a red robe too"
[GM]: Anne shudders after mentioning the dark vision of the ring
[Jamison]: I do no like this... all occurances have been evil... we must learn more...
[GM]: Anne "We think that maybe they were there to steal this ring. It was surely evil
as I suspected"
Jamison gets a very determined look on his face..."I will learn more.."
[Phinnea]: "Me thinks we shud go see Fada Bratus and see if he has da ring still."
[GM]: Anne "But at the present, we must be in The Royal City for the Trial .. and then
.... the Wedding"
[Jamison]: And the trial is...Thurs???
[GM]: Anne "Father Lucias said that he would search for answers also"
[GM]: Anne "I believe so. That is only 3 days away"
[GM]: Sir Cornelius "Well, perhaps what I have to tell can shed some light."
[Jamison]: Let us rest and go to Father Bartus tomorrow... then go on from there...
Jamison perls up
[Jamison]: perks
[Jamison]: ...
[GM]: Sir C "Father Bartus? That will be a long ride. Are you sure about this Jamison?"
[GM]: Sir C "Shall I tell about my meeting with the King, now?"
[Jamison]: No Sc, I am not... but let us hear your story...
Phinnea nods. "Please tell us Sir C."
[GM]: Sir Cornelius tells the party about his meeting with his Magesty: I met the King
in a private chamber, not in the throne room where he usually holds his meetings. He sat
at a long table surrounded by 14 mages. Our friend Kelley was there.
Thomas leans back in his chair, waiting for the story.
[GM]: Sir C says, "You know ... the one that keeps following us with the brown busey
(Jamison whispered to GM): Kelley, who's Kelley???
Phinnea nods.."and disappears in thin air!"
[Jamison]: ahhhh
[GM]: Sir C "He changed into an Eagle on the coachride here."
[GM]: Sir Cornelius continues: I felt very odd once I realized that every one of them
were Half-Elven, even Kelley himself. The King was the only one that spoke. He
questioned me about the items that we removed from the catacombs, asking for specific
details and he seemed very curious about the ring with the dark red stone. You know
the one that we took away from the ghost lady in red?
[Jamison]: AHHHHH
[GM]: Sir Cornelius continues: The king then proceeded to ask about details of the
cats themselves and a full description of the two that we met down there. The lady
in red and Father Drascal ... I think that was his name. He put me through a lot of
mental anxiety, I must say. If talking to the King is not enough.
[GM]: Sir C chuckles
[GM]: Sir Cornelius contineus: He informed me that the catacombs have been closed,
but that the council of mages at the table along with a council appointed by the
church were organizing for a thorough search of the cats.
Phinnea mumbles something under her breath at the mention of elves.
Jamison smiles
[Jamison]: Did the King indicate why, now. ???
[Jamison]: Why after all these years, search the cats?
[GM]: Sir C "I think that very odd. That we were each being questioned about the
same matter at the same time":
Jamison looks at Anne..."The book???"
[GM]: Sir C "Well, the King was curious as to why no one even knew that they existed
until a few days ago. Now it seems that metions of them are appearing in literature
in all the old books."
[Jamison]: Or something else...
[GM]: Anne sighs, "Perhaps ... I just dont know"
[Jackdaw]: back
[GM]: IQ roll from Thomas
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,5 = [ 8 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made it by 6
[GM]: Sir C "But is appears that the King is very curious about these cats. And the
men in the Red Robes"
(GM whispered to Thomas): You remember your last meeting with Dirk. He told you about
his return to the cats the next day.
[Jamison]: Was he curious or angered about the Red Robes?
(Thomas whispered to GM): That is when he found the sword, correct?
[ MikeL left the game ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): He said that he saw this ghostly red lady exit the cats past
the large stone slab. The slab had been broken down the middle - a clean break.
[Phinnea]: "Did da attack by the red-robed men happen after your talk wid da King?"
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes ... when he robbed the tomb of King Millborne Orcslayer.
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: Sir C " He seemed more curious than anything. But Kings dont often show their
anger. ... at least .... unless they are ordering men to death.
[Jackdaw]: ooc back, connection dropped
[GM]: Sir C "No, the attack happened this past Saturday night - Two nights ago.
[Jamison]: ooc, wb JD
[GM]: ((wb Jackdaw))
[GM]: ((I would turn the camera to Jackdaw, but it offend some of you. LoL))
[Jamison]: What else was said, SC?
Thomas looks around, "There is one thing that I had not mntioned before. The reason
we have "Gleam" is that Dirk went back into the catacombs a second time and retrieved
the blade from King Millborne Orcslayer. Now he also mentioned something about the
ghostlady in red leaving the Cats by passing a big, stone slab. I din't think much of
it till now."
[Jamison]: OOC: hehehe, or make us go...HMMMMMM
[GM]: Sir C "That was about it. By that time, I am sure that everyone could see that
I was totally exhausted. I actually walked the streets for about 20 minutes thinking
before I came back to Sir P's flat.
Jamison looks at Thomas..."Past the stone, or through it???"
[Thomas]: [Hehehe...You can digitially fuzz the naughty bits ^_^]
[GM]: ((hehhe))
[Jackdaw]: ooc why take the fun out of it
[Jackdaw]: ooc why take the faun out of it
[Jamison]: heheheh
[Thomas]: "He said past...The stone had been crtacked in half"
[Jackdaw]: anyway, no good frollics, maybe everybodies resting for BIG frollic later
[GM]: Sir C "Well, this is all very interesting ... but what do we do next?"
[GM]: Anne "Cracked?"
[Jamison]: Where is the ring now???
[Jamison]: Who would crack that huge piece of rock, and how?
[GM]: Anne "I don't think anyone knows. Perhaps in the Church ... or perhaps .... stolen."
[GM]: Anne "And surely it would have had to make a loud noise?"
[GM]: IQ-5 roll from everyone.
[Jamison]: Is it something we need to find... or?????
Thomas shrugs and tries to remember, "He said it had been split down the middle."
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,1 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-5-3d6) : 3d6=3,5,1 = [ -1 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,1 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: ((and tell me if you made it))
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made it=14
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (14-5-3d6) : 3d6=4,3,2 = [ 0 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made it IQ=14
[Phinnea]: made it by 0
(Jamison whispered to GM): Miss by 1
[GM]: ((Oh, sorry ... Phinnea wasn't there))
[Jackdaw]: nope
Phinnea sniffs sadly.
[GM]: Thomas remembers something
[Jackdaw]: but my not there now
(Jamison whispered to GM): I gota work on that IQ thing, soon...hehehe
(GM whispered to Thomas): Just before you entered the room below the castle, you hear a
loud noise like an explosion.... perhaps this was the stone splitting???
(GM whispered to Thomas): ...or the top of the slab falling?
[GM]: Sir C thinks about all of it.
[GM]: Sir C "There is surely a mystery here."
Thomas thinks for a moment, getting up and looking around. He spins around, "Now that I
think about it, when we entered the rooms below the castle, I thought I heard something
...a loud boom. Again, did not seem important at thre time but could have been a rock
[GM]: Sir C "Aye .... I remember that sound too. It came from the direction of the
[GM]: Sir C "But who could have done it? Surely we were along down there."
[Jamison]: Magic???
Thomas shrugs, "The ghost? She flung fireballs at us."
[Jamison]: And we know we were not there alone.. remember Father Drascus....
[ Old Man left the game ]
[GM]: Sir C "Ahh... yes. The ghost ... she could have done it."
[GM]: As you stand in the hall talking, someone comes around the corner and bumbs into
[GM]: A man dressed as a Priest "Oh excuse me!"
Jamison holds solid and looks at the person
Phinnea looks at the newcomer closely.
[Jamison]: Father.. Can we help you?
Thomas does the same, causually.
[GM]: The man looks at Jamison. "Er .... Brother actually."
[Jamison]: Brother... Can we help you?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Can I check for a pick-pocket? That is a pretty standard
[GM]: The man "Brother Frederic, actually." he bows
Jamison scxowls..."Do you need assistance?"
Phinnea whispers to Anne, "Do you know dis Brother?"
Jamison begins to check and make sure all his belongings are where the belong on his
(GM whispered to Thomas): You can detect lies ... or
(GM whispered to Thomas): Make a pickpocket default roll IQ-6
(Thomas whispered to GM): Rolling...
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,5 = [ 14 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Can I use Luck on that?
[GM]: Brother Frederic "I am sorry .... I was just returning from my evening prayers
and I took a wrong turn, it seems."
(GM whispered to Thomas): Which one were you rolling?
(GM whispered to Thomas): And yes you can
(Thomas whispered to GM): PP at default
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,3 = [ 7 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): sure
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made that roll
[GM]: Anne whispers to Phinnea "Never seen him before"
(GM whispered to Thomas): You didn't see any signs of PP. (you can now purchase the
skill, if you like)
(GM whispered to Jamison): Jamison, everything seems to be there.
[Jamison]: For a Brother.. you seem alful confused in your ome surroundings...
Phinnea whispers back to Anne, "Is he really a priest here, do you think?"
[GM]: Bro Fred "Well, I have just returned from some missionary work."
[GM]: Anne looks at him carefully.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,3 = [ 11 ]
Thomas watches him carefully, but makes no movement toward him.
[GM]: Anne nods at Phinnes, "he seems okay."
[GM]: Brother Frederic "I appoligize once again. As I said, I am just back from
missionary work .... in the badlands. Did I hear you say ...."
Jamison looks at the Brothers feet...
[Jamison]: Boots or sandels????
[GM]: Fred's Shoes are leather boots worn from much walk.
[GM]: Brother Frederic ".. something about Father Drascal?"
[GM]: Brother Fred scatches his head.
[Jamison]: What do you know of Father Drascal????
Phinnea suddenly interrupts, "have you seen a group of men in red robes?"
[Jackdaw]: brb
[GM]: Brother Fred "Er ... I think so. I dreamed of him last night. YOU have heard
of him?"
[GM]: Brother Frederic turns pale "You know of the Red Robed Ones too??"
[GM]: Brother Fred pinches himself and says under his breath, "must be another dream"
[Phinnea]: "Vee need to know what you know of them!"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Serendipity
[GM]: Fred "I know of the Red Robes. I saw them quiet oftne in the Badlands.'
[Phinnea]: "Can you take us to them?"
[GM]: Fred "The Badlands?"
[Phinnea]: "If dat is where the red Robed ones are."
[GM]: Fred "Lady Dwarf ... do you realize that it took me over 1 week to get back here?"
[GM]: Fred "On a fast coach?"
[Jackdaw]: b
[Phinnea]: "Perhaps you can make us a map?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): I see, nice feature...
[GM]: Fred "You would only need follow the Web to Athen and then turn south."
[Jackdaw]: ooc sorry I've gotta call it here for me now. JD will look for a good
frollic till midnight or so then return and crash
[GM]: ooc: Okay .... see ya later JD
[Jamison]: What do you know of the Red Robes?
[Phinnea]: ooc bye JD
[Jamison]: bye JD
[Jackdaw]: ooc also sorry but it looks like I'll have to miss next week's session,
I've gotta work on the 4th
[Jackdaw]: night all
[ cadre joined the game ]
[Jamison]: night
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: Fred "It was my job to minister to the infidel Benoi (nomadic people) and they
spoke often of these men in Red Robes.
[cadre]: ((Hello))
[GM]: ((hello cadre))
[Jamison]: Who are they.. Please Brother.. give us your story
Jamison leads Brother Fred into his room and offers him some water..
[GM]: Fred "Well, I heard many tales of them, and one night I heard a noise ... a
chanting. I went to investigate alittle ways from my camp and I saw them"
[GM]: Fred takes the water and drinks, "Thank you"
[GM]: Fred "Prayers can leave one's mouth dry"
[GM]: Anne "Speaking of prayers ... I really should be going to say mine"
[Jamison]: I thought you just returned from prayers...?
[GM]: Anne looks at Jamison and smiles "Can you fill me in later?"
[GM]: Anne "No, I was waiting for you to return."
[GM]: Anne smiles and leaves.
[Phinnea]: ((oh, the innuendoes!))
[GM]: ((hehe))
[Jamison]: What more do you know of the red Robes... who are they... what do they
Jamison is an innocent and on the scent of trouble... he does not see...
[GM]: Fred sighs, "Well, as I was saying ... I saw them. They were chanting, standing
around this stone formation. The words were ..... guttural ... nothing like I ever
heard before."
[Phinnea]: "Who is der leader?"
[Jamison]: What type of stone formation???
[Phinnea]: "Perhaps similar to da one below the auction shop?"
[GM]: Fred "I do not know who was the leader. Their faces were covered .. perhaps
there wasnt one."
Jamison looks at phinney and winks..."Exactly.."
[Phinnea]: "Thomas, can you remember the stone formation you saw der?"
[GM]: Fred "I did not get close enough to see. But I returned the next day."
[Jamison]: ANd.....?
[GM]: NOTE: No one knows anything of the stone formation under the Blue Elephant
except for Phinnea
[GM]: ... and Jackdaw (but he is not here)(
[Phinnea]: ((well, that will make things difficult.))
[Jamison]: OOC: I thought Thomas went down there????
[Thomas]: [Yeah...I drew a picture for everyone]
[Phinnea]: "Thomas, let me hypnotize you. I can help you remember something you have
[GM]: ooc: It was erased from everyone's memory. Only Jackdaw and Phinnea made their
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Good Idea Phinnea
[GM]: Fred "I am sorry to say that I found nothing"
[Thomas]: [Ok...When did this happen? Not that I would remember...]
[Jamison]: OOC: oh, convienient... I forget the other reference, but still ask the
question about the formation
[Thomas]: [OOC: ^_^]
[Phinnea]: "Thomas, please.....you must let me hypnotize you."
(Thomas whispered to GM): Could I have used luck then?
[Jamison]: hehehe, innuendoes???
Phinnea wiggles her fanny.
[GM]: Fred finishes his glass of water, "Thank you squire. It is rather odd that I
came down this hallway. If you need anything else, you may ask for me"
[Jamison]: Will you be here in the cathedral???
(GM whispered to Thomas): Possilby ... I forget what you rolled. I can look at the
Chat Logs.
[GM]: Fred nods, "I will be here."
(Thomas whispered to GM): Ehh. Mind if I roll now?
[cadre]: ((how do switch from talk to do??))
[Jamison]: Thank you Brother... May Ral bless you....
[GM]: Brother Frederic bows "..and may Ral bless you." he leaves
[Jamison]: Thank you...
Jamison looks at the others.."Any thoughts..?"
Phinnea looks again at Thomas. "Well??"
(GM whispered to Thomas): Why not let Phinnea hypnotise you?
[Phinnea]: "Jamison, you remember the room below the Blue Elephant?"
[Thomas]: [Phrina: Working...]
[Jamison]: Room??? what room???
(Thomas whispered to GM): OK.
[GM]: Jamison has no clue what you are talking about.
Phinnea scowls, frustrated.
Thomas shrugs, "If you think it will help. But I don't want to be strutting about
like a chicken or anything." He smiles.
[Phinnea]: "Dat mage Vestivisuss played some games wid your memories!"
Jamison smiles... and can not imagine Thomas falling for hypnosis...
(GM whispered to Jamison): You do feel this discontinuous sense about you memory
regarding that whole incident, especially your last night/day in Southtown
Phinnea turns to Thomas. "Ok good. Please sit down and try to relax. I will do nothing
to hurt you."
(Jamison whispered to GM): Did I miss my roll by much???
(Jamison whispered to GM): or the usual 5-10 points..hehehe
(cadre whispered to GM): I take it this is a fantasy game??
(Jamison whispered to GM): I gotta work on that IQ...
Thomas gives the dwarf a skeptical look but takes a seat. He pushes the hair away
from his eyes.
Jamison looks at Phinney and Thomas...
(GM whispered to cadre): yep
[Jamison]: I will fill Sister Anne in on what we learned...
Phinnea smiles warmly at Thomas, and begins to wave her necklace in front of his
face, murmuring low tones as she does it.
[GM]: Okay Contest of Skills
Jamison heads for the door
[Phinnea]: ((major cleavage on my end too))
[GM]: Phinnea's Hypnotism Skill vs Thomas' Will-1
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,4 = [ 10 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): e
DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,4 = [ 12 ]
[Jamison]: hehehe
[GM]: How much did you make them?
[Jamison]: willing subject????
[Thomas]: [What does Will derive from?]
[Phinnea]: made by 2
[GM]: Thomas made his by 4, I think
[GM]: IQ + Strong Will if you have it
(cadre whispered to GM): Do you play every week??
[Phinnea]: second attempt at -5?
[GM]: Er Thomas made it by 3, I mena
[GM]: mean
[Phinnea]: only contest of skills if he resists it says
[GM]: Yes, .... the first attempt took 5 seconds but was unsuccessful
[Phinnea]: basic 65
[Phinnea]: maybe I am wrong....dunno
[GM]: You trying again?
[Phinnea]: sure...doesnt it seem that a contest is only when resisted though?
[GM]: Thomas' brain resists naturally, though
[Phinnea]: heh ok
[Jamison]: First time subject will resist
[Phinnea]: second attempt
[GM]: Phinnea works with Thomas for 5 minutes
Thomas shakes it off and stares into the girl's eyes.
[Phinnea]: roll Thomas :P
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,1 = [ 11 ]
Phinnea grumbles to herself.
[GM]: Phinnea made her roll by how much?
[Phinnea]: -5?
(Phinnea whispered to GM): my skill is 14
[GM]: Sorry, Thomas' Will seems too strong to be hypnotised
[Jamison]: OOC: suprise, suprise...
Phinnea stops her efforts and walks away, muttering.
[GM]: Anyone do anything else (gonna end session)
[Phinnea]: ((post hypnotic suggestion would have been fun too))
Jamison heads to Annes\'s room to let her know what was learned
Thomas shakes it off, "Sorry Phinnea."
[GM]: Anne is at evening prayers.
Jamison looks in, disappointly he goes to his room
[GM]: The party takes in their new information and considers their next move.
The night comes to an end as the party except for Jackdaw settles in awaiting the