[Tue Jul 11 19:50:19 CDT 2000]

[GM]: SETTING: The party wakes on Dark Tuesday (named for the absence of Silverna in the night sky), Drakurah, Spring of 1132 with the disturbing news of the attack on the Church of St. Meliss and the mysterious Red Robes on their minds. It is 8:00am. Sir C and Jamison are missing with a note posted to their door. Anval has just returned from morning prayers as everyone else begins to stir. BEGIN SESSION 46 ---
[GM]: The note simply says "Will return shortly"
[Thomas]: [Ready]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Jackdaw may return whenever her likes
[Jackdaw]: Jackdaw not finded party lasted night, him sleeped early
[Jackdaw]: in own bed even!
[GM]: Just before Anne enters the hallway that contains the room, Geoffrey greets her and hands her the morning papge.
[Anval]: "Thanks Geoffrey!" (looks at page)
[Anval]: paper that is
(GM whispered to Anval): The Headline reads: ATTACK ON HOLY CHURCH -- Shevandale. On Bright Saturday night it was reported that a group of men in Red Robes entered the Oldest Church in Methor and attacked the Priests and Cleric that resided there. Three Clerics and four priests suffered wounds defending Holy Ground, but by the the grace of Ral they have all been fully healed. A force on Knights headed up by High Commander Sir Aldreon continue to investigate the identities of these men and why exactly the Holy magic did not appear to affect them. If you have any information, please report to an Official immediately.
[GM]: Geoffry is gone when Anne turns back around.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Is there any nearby locations that I know of that might sell an item enchanted with Dark Vision. Since Jamison couldn't make it, I figure this might be some good "downtime" to do it.
[Anval]: Anne fumes at the blatant reminder of an Insult to her faiths' church... "A damned outrage!" she mutters...
(GM whispered to Thomas): You have no first hand knowledge of a place, but you hear talk of many local shops.
[GM]: Thor exits his room yawning, "Morning Sister"
Jackdaw yawns "what maked you so mad Anval?"
[Anval]: "Morning, Thor...JD."
GM looks around, "What is the matter sister?"
[GM]: oops (Thor looks around)
[Anval]: "Just what we learned last night - red -robed villains assualted a church - an insult to the faith of all Ralians everywhere! This insult cannot go unpunished!"
Anval looks extremely ANGRY
[GM]: Thor looks around and notices the note on Jamison's door. He walks over to inspect it.
Thomas awakens and looks in the mirror. He washes his face but neglects to shave, a two-day old growth lightly covering his chin and jaw. He ruffles his hair and stretches, walking out into the hallway. He looks at shock at the red-faced Anne and whispers to JD, "What's up with her?"
[GM]: Thor "Will return Shortly" I wonder when they got off to at such an early hour" saying it to himself as much as to anyone else. He yawns and rubs his eyes.
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne would have looked in a mirror when she awoke - its been about 3-4 days or more since the blessing, right?
[GM]: Even angry Anne looks very attractive.
Jackdaw whispers to Thomas, "she mad all over again about attacked on church"
[Phinnea]: ((back))
(GM whispered to Anval): Yesterday Anne was at about Very Attractive ... this morning She is at fully Beautiful
[GM]: Phinnea is awakened by Anne's display of anger.
[Phinnea]: "vhat is wrong?"
[Anval]: "When this business with the King and Baron is done, If I am able, I will pursue these villains - and Crush them, with my bare hands, if needed!"
(Anval whispered to GM): Cool... thanks!
[GM]: Thor scratches his head, "Do you think that will mean travelling to the far east?"
[Jackdaw]: "Your mace worked better my thinked"
[GM]: Thor adds, "...the infidel east" and then looks at Jackdaw almost embarrassed.
[Anval]: "I don't know.... Vestiviss wore a red robe - perhaps the serpents are closer to home than we expect?"
[Jackdaw]: "are all red robes the same?
[Anval]: "I don't know JD - I will not be jumping to any conclusions..."
Phinnea scratches her thick hair with her stubby fingers. "I need to get sum dings for you before we leave Anne, so I can do dem engravings. I vill go get some tools now."
[GM]: Thor, changing the subject before JD catches the insult to his people and homeland, "Well, wherever the search takes you Sister you can count on me for assisstance!" almost yelling
[Anval]: "I am not some enraged berserker - I am merely insulted and maddenned at the treatment of my fellow clergy and our holy church."
[Anval]: Okay Phinnea... Do you need money for the tools you need?"
[GM]: Thor, "I also have some things to do in the City today. It seems to me that we finally have some down time .... whether we want it or not."
[Anval]: "Thank you Thor... I appreciate your offer!"
Thomas nods at JD and looks to the group, waiting till Sister Anne has spent her fury. Then he calmly says, "Well, while we are waiting for Jamison, I think I am going to have a look about this city. I need to find a place that sells enchanted items, hopefully cheap or used." He turns to Phinnea, "You think your uncle or you might know of such a place?"
Anval smiles at Thor
[GM]: Thor smiles at Anval and then responding to the way that her hair lays across her face, "You are real welcome ... sister"
[Anval]: "uh..."
Phinnea looks through her pouch. "I may need sum money, ya....yes, yes, Thomas I could show you a few helpful shops. Follow me.'
[GM]: Phinnea knows the city fairly well. A successful IQ roll from her can give you a respectable Wizard shop in the area.
[Anval]: Alright... Thomas? I trust my presence will not be too taxing?"
[Jackdaw]: "my wanted to find a flute maker too"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): roll?
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Sure why not.
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,4 = [ 11 ]
(Phinnea whispered to GM): made by 3
[Phinnea]: ((wood carving have a default skill?))
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You know a place that you feel that Thomas could find some deals.
Thomas bows, "I travel this grand city in the company of two beutiful women? Could my dreams be coming true?" Thomas grins broadly.
[GM]: ((Why wood carving Phinnea?))
[Phinnea]: "ah yes Thomas, I remember a gud place that should help you very much!"
[Anval]: "I'll just grab some stuff, and meet you here..." (Anne goes to her room, and gathers her mace (belted) and her money pouches, leaving her armor in the room.)
[Phinnea]: ((carve a flute?))
[Jackdaw]: my can carve wood and maked my own flutes but this" he holds up a piece of the ivory, "it different"
[Phinnea]: ((ah nm ))
[GM]: ((the carving of the flute is going to be done in Tuscan Ivory. It would probably be better to leave to a professional. ))
[Phinnea]: ((he end up with a pea shooter else *grin*))
[GM]: ((There are mages that can used spells to help in the carving. It is like shape stone.))
[Jackdaw]: ooc JD has woodcarving skill for flutes and whistles and such
[Phinnea]: ooc cool
[GM]: ((And Tuscan Ivory IS differnent. It has inherent magic ))
Phinnea beams at Thomas as she hears him call her beautiful. "You are very nice, but you shud let that beard grow you now."
[Anval]: Anne arrives back at the group, carrying a carved staff - which she offers to JD...
[Jackdaw]: hmmm a flute that doubles as a blowgun?
[GM]: ((LoL at Phinnea ))
Jackdaw takes the staff and looks at it, "very nice" and hands it back "you getted good one"
[Anval]: "Jackdaw - I wanted to give you this - to say thanks for that beautiful chest you gave me...." (Its a beautiful staff carved with monkeys, made of ebony)
[Jackdaw]: "for me!" he squeeks, "thanked you!"
Thomas rubs his chin, "Nah, this is just lazyness. It never comes in fully."
[GM]: ((Now all JD needs is a Pimp hat!! ))
[Jackdaw]: ((got a wizzard's hat will that do?))
[GM]: ((that should do ))
[Anval]: "you're welcome, JD.... now lets head out into the city!"
[Thomas]: [ROGL...That it such a mental image.]
[GM]: Soon the party leaves the spare rooms of the Cathedral behind.
Phinnea waddles slowly out following Anne and the others.
Thomas looks ready and heads out with the others.
Jackdaw skips along
[Phinnea]: "meet back here then in an hour? or ve stay together?"
[GM]: It might just be your imagination, but the tourists who usually come to see the Holy Place seems to be gathering in some kind of demonstrations.
Anval wonders if Thomas was merely being polite with his nice comments...still, Anne HAS noticed a change lately....
[GM]: There is something of a mob forming ... an angry mob.
[Phinnea]: "I dink ve shud stay avay from dat." she points to the angry mob.
[Anval]: Anne listens to the mob...
[Jackdaw]: "Pip"
[Jackdaw]: "you here?"
[Anval]: ooc - what are they saying? Who is riling them up?
[GM]: One woman yells, "It is an outrage. Someone has to do something about these Red Robes."
[GM]: Roll IQ JD
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=3,1,5 = [ 4 ]
[Phinnea]: heh
Thomas nods at Phinnea, "You betcha." He gives the crowd a wide bearth. Even his prime, pick-pocketing was never his area of expertise or interest.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made it by 4
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You have just noticed that Pip seems to be missing when you are on Holy Ground .. but now as you step off of it, he appears *Squawk!!*
[Jackdaw]: "hi Pip, you know what they" pointing to the crowd, "mad about?"
[Phinnea]: "Come, the store you are looking for is dis way." she pulls at Thomas's arm.
[Anval]: "Hold on, friends.... this must be de-fused NOW, before the town is subjected to a riot... Why don't you wait for me over there (points) and I'll see what I can do..."
[GM]: You hear others in the crowd yell things like, "The Lord Patrona should do something about it!"
Jackdaw follows anne
[Anval]: Anne walks up to the crowd....
Phinnea stops and watches Jackdaw and Anne.
[Anval]: "Cease this rabble-rousing at ONCE!!!"
[Phinnea]: "uh oh, dis may get ugly..."
[GM]: A woman looks at Anne and smiles turning back to the crowd, "A sister of the church" the mumbling begins to die down.
[Anval]: "There has been a grave insult to our faith and church, I agree - and it will be dealt with!"
Thomas takes a look at the spot and stands aside, "Nah, we got sometime. Lets watch this." He sits down and leans against the wall, his hands in the crook of his neck. He looks unconcerned.
Jackdaw squats down beside Anval and fingers his sirinx thoughtfully
[GM]: A man approaches Anne holding the morning paper, "Sister .. how can this be? The power of the Church does not protect it ... please give us answers."
[GM]: The man acts threanteningly at first, but then realizes he is the presence of a Priest and then looks embarrassed.
[Anval]: "I will try - but I have few that will ease your minds.... These men who attacked the church may have been magically aided... but we cannot rashly strike out at anyone who seems a threat - whether it is the red-robed men, or sorcerors, or anything else...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how much area does the crowd fill?
[Anval]: "order must be maintained..! I spoke last night with Church officials, and they are aware of the situation - and want even more than I do to see this insult and offence against our faith quelled for once and for all - forever!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): They are roughly centered in a 4 hex area ... but others are joining .... they are outside that area.
[Phinnea]: "she is on a roll now...."
[GM]: A woman looks at Anne and smiles, "Then there is nothing to be concerned about?"
Thomas nods, "Yep, all fired up."
[GM]: A man reads aloud from the paper, "High Commander Sir Aldreon continue to investigate the identities of these men and why exactly the Holy magic did not appear to affect them."
[Anval]: "But my friend, Jackdaw, and others, had this to say - "do we attack anyone wearing red?" No...such actions would be sheer folly... We must find the True culprits in this misadventure and make sure the guilty are punished - with the full force of the churches might - magical and temporal!"
[GM]: The man looks at Sister Anne, "How can the magic not affect them ? How can a group of men do this ... on Holy gournd!??"
[Anval]: "That is true, sir... but magic is not the Only way to deal with darkness..."
[GM]: An older woman speaks, "Yes ... we must have faith ... perhaps this is a test!"
Phinnea pats her pouch. "I 'ave a few dings in here that will affect does red-robed demons!"
[Anval]: "Is it not true that sorverors cannot also be spellcasting clergy? Perhaps some strange, foreign magic protects them... but perhaps it was
[Anval]: simply that they were resistant to magic, like many people...
Thomas listens quietly.
[GM]: A man speaks, "I have heard of those that are resistent to magic ... but not Holy Magic. This is very odd."
[GM]: A woman speaks, "Who can stand against Ral himself?"
[Anval]: Some people are resistant to spells, so much so that any magic wilts at their presence... It could be that normal mages would have failed also - and since there were none present - mages that is - we will never know."
[GM]: Some people in the crowd began to nod and whisper to those around them.
[Anval]: "I know not, Ma'am.... Perhaps it is a test as you say, but we cannot let our fears and angers get the best of our reason!"
[GM]: A young man about 15 steps forward, "Sister, will you pray for us?"
[Anval]: "If you seek guidance, there is no better reason - and no better time than the present to seek Rals guidance..."
[GM]: He mother nudges him on the shoulder and then she looks at Anne and smiles, apparrently comforted by her beauty.
[Anval]: "My child, I will pray for all of us - and pray for the day I can crush the life from these villains as they seem to deserve!"
[Anval]: (Anne looks a little taken aback, and blushes, embarassed)
[GM]: The crowd is quiet and waits for Anne's response.
[Anval]: "But I musn't let my anger rule me.... And neither should you fine folk... I am a warrior at heart, and I yearn to crush these villains - but I am dedicated to this kingdom...
[GM]: Two priests are coming from the church, interested to see what is going on.
[Anval]: and the Kingdom of Methor is based on Faith and law - and a riot in the streets diminishes all of us, as does unfocused anger...
Phinnea nudges Thomas. "look, more priests coming."
[GM]: A few in the crowd nod at Anne's rational words.
[Anval]: You can all do a part - if you see something odd... then report it - but don't take the law into your own hands...
Thomas looks up, seemimg to have nodded off for a moment. "Priests, huh? Well, she should be okay. She is settling them down."
[Anval]: We can all do our part to protect Methor, and the Faith - by being aware of what happens around us... by being responsible
[GM]: A few knights appear and one of them begins to come close, but stops after seeing that Anne is a Preistess. He looks at Anne and smiles.
[Anval]: Support the church and the state in this time of fear and trouble - we will all be the better for it...!
[GM]: A third priest comes from the Cathedral.
Anval is blushing fiercly, and looks rather uncomfortable at all the attention focussed on her....
[Anval]: "...uh..."
[GM]: The knight speaks, "Sister, do you need any assistance?"
[GM]: The three priests whisper to each other.
[Anval]: "I....I think I may... I seem to have exhausted my words for now..."
Thomas chuckles and says quietly to Phinnea, "Her face looks like an apple!"
[GM]: One priest steps forward and you notice that it is Father Lucias
[Anval]: "Father Lucius.... aaahhh!"
Phinnea grins. "More flushed than our friend Jamison makes her!"
Anval looks Mortified
[Anval]: "I had to counsel them, Father... they were troubled, and scared."
Thomas stifles a laugh, trying to look serious but failing miseribly.
[GM]: F. Lucias "Please everyone .... I would invite you into the holy Chappel for prayer, concerning the events of last Saturday night. Consider the doors of the Holy Cathdral open to you at this time."
[Jackdaw]: "she doed a great job to"
[GM]: The other two priests motion towards the chappel.
[GM]: A few people begin to follow; others disperse and continue down the street.
[Anval]: <gleep!>
[GM]: Soon the crowd is cleared.
Phinnea calls over. "Anne! Can ve go now?"
[GM]: Father Lucias walks towards Sister Anne, "That was quit an amazing feat that you performed."
[Phinnea]: "oops, I guess not..."
[GM]: Lucias smiles at Anne
[Jackdaw]: /he looks at her feet
[Anval]: "Amazing? If I hadn't who knows what they may have done....
[GM]: Lucias, "True ... true."
[Anval]: "They're just scared - and so am I, a little"
Thomas gets up and dusts himself off as the crowd breaks up.
[Anval]: "Thank you,, Father...."
[GM]: Lucias bows to Anne, :"Rals blessings be upon you." he turns to leave.
[Anval]: Anne bows to Father Lucius, and waits until he departs before leaving the bow
[Anval]: "And on you, Father"
[ Blackhood joined the game ]
[GM]: Thor, "Well, that was interesting."
(GM whispered to Cadre): I am sorry to say that Jamison is not here.
[Anval]: *whew...did I just do that?* Anne thinks....
(GM whispered to Cadre): He said that he had to work late and I am not sure when/if he will make it. It was a last minute thing.
Phinnea nods. "vell done, Anne!"
Thomas approaches, looking ready to go. "Good job, Sister."
[Anval]: "Yeah... but I don't want to hold you guys up - lets head out... I need some fresh air."
[Anval]: "Thanks!"
(Cadre whispered to GM): okay
(GM whispered to Cadre): Maybe he will show shortly. I have things set up, if he does.
[Jackdaw]: "you talked them nice"
Phinnea struggles to stand up. "Ok! dee store is over dis way, Thomas!"
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay, cool
[GM]: Soon the party is roaming the City.
[Anval]: Thanks JD.... I didn't know if I was going to make it through that without buckling.... it was pretty hard!"
[GM]: Festival is in the air. There is a great bustle on the streets.
[Jackdaw]: "you did great job"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You know that buying from the street vendors would not be practicle. They have raised their prices for the festival.
[Anval]: Where did you guys want to shop first?"
Phinnea wavers her arms at the street vendors. "Stay avay from dees thieves! Der prices are sky high!"
[Thomas]: "Phinnea knows a good magic store. Thats where I want to go."
(GM whispered to Anval): You consider that Father Lucias is 4 Status Levels above you and could possibly be the Lord Patrona someday.
[Anval]: Hey Phinny! Let's head to that store, eh?"
Phinnea points at a small wooden door down a narrow alley. "Der it is!"
(Anval whispered to GM): GAH!!!!!!! Cool! I hope I impressed him.... (worried)
[GM]: Phinnea heads Thomas to a store off the beaten path. There are no customers but a Mage and his apprentice hard at work.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): name of the mage?
[GM]: There is not sign on the door, except a symbol that those in magery would recognize as of the College of Enchantment.
Thomas heads that way, "Glad you knew about this palce. Would have walked right past it."
[Anval]: Anne follows Thomas and Phinnea.... She walks with JD, behind the front two
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Parodoc
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Master Parodoc
Phinnea knocks on the door, and push it slowly open. "my good firend Master Paradoc!"
Thomas enters and looks about for a moment.
[GM]: An old man approaches Phinnea, "Ahh... Phinney .... Greetings. How are you this fine day?"
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne whispers to JD - "Don't worry, JD - we'll find someone to make that flute for you sometime today!"
[GM]: There is the essence of magic about the shop but very few items displayed.
[Anval]: brb
Phinnea smiles warmly. "me? I am gud. I hope you are as well? Dis is Thomas....can you help my friend?"
[Phinnea]: "my Uncle Brattle was asking how you were just recently..."
[GM]: Parodoc, "I will sure try. When is that Uncle of yours coming to the city, Phinney, I am in need of some of his potions"
[GM]: Parodoc turns to Thomas, "Greetings Thomas ... what is it that you seek?"
[Jackdaw]: /he looks around interestedly
[Anval]: back
Thomas smiles at the man and nods at him, "Yeah, I was hoping to find an item that would allow me to see in the dark. I have some talent in magic, but not enough to allow me to cast that spell."
[Jackdaw]: /he looks around interestedly
[GM]: A young apprentice works polishing some rings and does not look up.
Jackdaw wanders over to look
[GM]: Parodoc rubs his chin, "Ahh... a ring of Night Vision I would assume?"
[Jackdaw]: "what they do'ed?" he asks
Phinnea leaves Parodoc and Thomas and also approaches the apprentice.
[GM]: The apprentice continues to work but raises his head and smiles at Phinnea as she comes close.
Jackdaw looks around for any musical instruments
[Jackdaw]: or other interesting items
[GM]: Unfortuneatly there are no musical instruments.
[Anval]: Anne browses the shop, but isnt seriously looking for anything....
Thomas runs his hand through his hair, "Does that work in caves and such. I need something that always works."
[Phinnea]: "Jackdaw, I am sure dose rings he is polishing are very special."
[GM]: There is only a rope, a staff, and a small axe hanging on the wall. It seems pretty bare. A few interesting paintings decorate the wall.
[Jackdaw]: /he goes over to study the paintings
[GM]: Parodoc looks at Thomas intently, "Always works in any kind of light ... or always work on you? Mmmm?"
[GM]: One is of a man in shinning armor fighting a gryphon, Jackdaw.
Phinnea addresses the apprentice, "gud sir, could you help a poor distressed lady such as meself? I need some fine tools to engrave some rings. Do you have anything such as that?"
[GM]: The apprentice nods without looking up from his work, "Master Parodoc has such tools."
[Phinnea]: "Perhaps I cud buy or borrow some while he helps me friend THomas?"
[GM]: The apprentice looks to Master Parodoc and then to Phinnea and then disappears into the back room through a curtain.
Thomas ponders for a moment, "I have found myself in places where there is no light. I would need it to work there. Like I said, I can work some magic so if let me cast it, I guess that would be okay. But one that always was on would be best."
[Phinnea]: "Anne, you have the rings on you now?"
[Anval]: "Yes, Phinnea... (digs in a pouch for them) Here they are..."
[GM]: Parodoc stares at Thomas as if looking into his very soul, but just before Thomas can get nervous, "I see .. I see. Then the next question is how much would you be willing to spend on such an item?"
[GM]: Parodoc looks at Phinnea and smiles, "I mean a rough estimate, of course."
Phinnea takes them carefully and places them in her pouch. "I am sure your price is fair, Master Parodoc."
[GM]: Parodoc, "I would not have asked that question of a Dwarf, for it would have been an insult."
[GM]: The apprentice returns with a small box and hands it to Phinnea, then goes back to his work.
[GM]: The box contains engraving tools of fine quality.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): can I engrave them here?
(Phinnea whispered to GM): or buy the tools?
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Time would be the only factor
Phinnea admires the tools within the box, estimating their worth.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): merchant roll?
[GM]: The apprentice speaks, "they are enchanted of course." without looking up.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): "oh yes yes...of course..."
[Phinnea]: "oh yes yes...of course..."
Thomas smiles, "Well, I am not broke, but I know I am asking for a lot. If you got one used or a little quirky, I could use that." He says quietly, "I got 'bout 20,000...but I would like to eat today."
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Fine tools of this quality would be worth around $200 .. but that is without an enchantment of course.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): and enchanted? can I judge their worth?
[GM]: Parodoc smiles a knowing smile, "I will return in a few minutes"
[Anval]: I can handle a fair Price Phinny... see what they cost!"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You would have to know the spell(s) .. probably double price at least.
[Phinnea]: "My friend, wud you take 400 for these fine tools?"
[GM]: Apprentice does not look up, "You would have to speak to the master about them"
[GM]: Parodoc returns with 2 rings.
Phinnea nods. "yes, thank you. Master Paradoc? Could I buy these fine engraving tools for $400? Perhaps I coould return a potion soon for you?"
[Anval]: ooc - Paradoc - not quite a paradox???
[GM]: Parodoc, "Well, I have 2 of them in stock now that might interest you, Thomas"
[GM]: ooc: hehe
Thomas nods, "Tell me what the differences are, please."
[GM]: Parodoc looks up at Phinnea, "Ahh ... the engraving tools? what need do you have of them?"
[Phinnea]: "or perhaps they would fall in with the large business deal I brought you with Thomas here?" Phinnea winks at Parodoc.
[Anval]: Anne continues to browse the shop, looking quietly at the goods.
[GM]: Parodoc turns back to Thomas, "Well, the first will give the wearer full Dark Vision and it will power itself. ... once cast of course."
[Phinnea]: "I vish to put some personal touches on some rings for a friend."
[GM]: Parodoc turns back to Phinnea, "Well, if you would give me the first pick of Brattle's next shipment .... then I wouldn't mind just loaning them to you." he winks
[GM]: Parodoc to Thomas, "Of course it has a flaw ....."
Thomas listens intently.
[GM]: Parodoc gets close to whisper to Thomas, "It creates a ... somewhat bad smell"
[Phinnea]: "yes, first pick of a Brattle elixir seems fair. It is a deal den?"
Jackdaw gets somewhat bored loking at the paintings and wanders over to the rope
[GM]: Parodoc speaks up, " A ring of these virtues usually sells for $35,000 crowns. ... but the price is halved because of the flaw."
Jackdaw takes up his sirinx and starts to play softly
[GM]: Parodoc, "A loan of the tools for first pick? I will take that deal, Lady Phinny."
DICE for Jackdaw: (16-3d6) : 3d6=1,5,1 = [ 9 ]
Phinnea smiles broadly. "Many danks Master Parodoc! I will return dem shortly."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is the rope magical?
Thomas takes a moment, "And the second?"
[GM]: Parodoc, "The second ring will give you Night Vision without cost once it is cast .... it has no flaws and sells for $17,500"
(Blackhood whispered to GM): what is the differance between night vision and dark vision?
[GM]: Parodoc, "I have rings of Night Vision and Dark Vision also in stock that has no power of there own."
Phinnea sits on the window sill and begins engraving the first ring.
[GM]: Parodoc, "They sell for $5000, and $10,000 respectively."
[Anval]: Anne wanders over to Phinny...
[GM]: Parodock "And of course ... I could custom make anything that you want." he smiles
[Phinnea]: "you vant dem to have our names on dem, Sister Anne?"
Thomas ponders for a moment or two.
[GM]: Night Vision -- lets you see without penalties as long as there is any light at all.
Phinnea shakes her head.
[GM]: Dark Vision -- lets you see even with 0 light.
[GM]: Answering someone's question.
[GM]: Parodoc walks over to Phinnea.
[Anval]: Yes... Thor, Jackdaw, Phinnea, Sir Cornelius, Jamison, Thomas, and Anval
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :(whispering) "the cost was slight. I promised him a pick of my Uncle's next batch of potions."
[GM]: Parodoc, "How long do you think you will need these tools?"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :tries to estimate the time it will take her.
Phinnea tries to estimate the time it will take her.
[Anval]: ooc - My grandpa was a jeweller - a ring would take like 10 minutes
(GM whispered to Phinnea): About 1 - 2 hours/ ring
[Phinnea]: "I shud be dun wid them in a few days?"
[Anval]: tops
[GM]: Okay, Phinnea ... let's go with that. but doesn't he use electric tools, Zugg?
[Anval]: for carving, yes, but for fine engraving they still use a jewellers Loupe and tiny chisels
[GM]: ooc: And with the tiny chisels it only takes 10 minutes??
[Jackdaw]: ooc too true, better controll and a finer result
[Anval]: Well, he was good... But maybe you are right
[Jackdaw]: for a simple engraving by an experienced artisan, yes
[Jackdaw]: more complicated things would take longer
[GM]: Parodoc, "And what are you using them for?"
Thomas ponders for another moment. "I'l' take the night vision one that has its own power. I think the other rings might take too much out of me"
[Phinnea]: "Anne here wud like some names on these rings."
[Anval]: "I asked Phinny to engrave them for me - I wanted to give them as gifts to my firends - and hoped they might serve a higher purpose one day as well - but not a magical purpose."
[GM]: Parodoc produces an interesting looking item and gives it to Phinnea
Phinnea studies the item.
Thomas takes a fat wad of bills out of his pocket, counting most of it out and paying for the ring.
[GM]: It has two lenses of glass joined in the center
[Phinnea]: "Vhat is dis?"
[GM]: Parodoc, "You put then on your nose and it allows you to see ... small things."
Phinnea chuckles. "I've known a few men that cud use dees." She places dem on her nose.
[GM]: Parodoc, "You are welcome to use them as well ... as long as I get first pick"
[GM]: Phinnea suddenly cant see anything ... it is all blurry
Phinnea puts the ring up close to her face.
[GM]: Parodoc, "you have to get up close to use them, dear"
Phinnea nods. "ah yes! Dis will help!"
[GM]: Phinnea sees tiny scratches that would otherwise go unseen. She can also see a smudge that looks like a small mountain.
[GM]: Parodoc smiles
[GM]: Parodoc, "The closer you get, the bigger things get.... you have to get used to them"
Phinnea studies the ring, moving it closer, concentracting on the scratches and the smudge.
[Anval]: "JD... why not play us a song, while we wait for Thomas and Phinny to finish their business.... then we can get your flute done..."
[Jackdaw]: ok
Jackdaw starts to play again
[GM]: Parodoc, "I once heard tale of a mage who copied the whole first book of Ral on the head of a pin with glasses like those!!!" he beams proudly.
[GM]: Parodoc winks at Anne
DICE for Jackdaw: (16-3d6) : 3d6=3,3,6 = [ 4 ]
(Phinnea whispered to GM): can i make out what the scratches and the smudge is?
[Anval]: "hehehe.... I would like to see that pin someday, Sir! (grin)"
[Jackdaw]: ooc my becommed muzak ;-)
[GM]: Parodoc laughs heartily.
Anval taps her feet and claps quietly, humming in tune to the music.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): was the rope mqagical?
(GM whispered to Thomas): Thomas you got a ring of Night Vision with a power of 1. The spell costs you only 1 to cast initially and then can be left on.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The rope is magical
(Thomas whispered to GM): Neat. Do I have to shut it off?
Phinnea continues to engrave the rings, using the glasses and the guidance of Anne's words.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You can simply think about turning it off and it goes off. Or remove the ring of course.
[GM]: Phinnea finds that the very fine tips of the tools carve the metal of the rings as if they were made of soap.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Right, but I could turn it on right now and never shut it off unless I want to. There is no untoward effects of doing this, right?
[GM]: With the help of the specs, she can also be very neat at doing it. BTW, I need a roll for each Ring Phinnea. Jeweler.
[Phinnea]: ooc heh, i thought this was too easy :)
(GM whispered to Thomas): All spells are at -1 for each spell that is 'on' at the moment of casting, though.
[Phinnea]: ooc how many rings?
(GM whispered to Thomas): It does count as a spell on.
[Anval]: Anne gave Phinny 8 rings I think
[GM]: Phinnea you will be at +2 for the fine tools and +2 for the specs.
[GM]: Jeweler defaults to Blacksmith -4
[Phinnea]: ooc 11+4-3d6 then?
[GM]: or IQ-6
[GM]: Yes
[Jackdaw]: oc 11-4-3d6 I think
[Jackdaw]: if blacksmithing is at 11
[Phinnea]: ooc +4 they are bonuses
[Jackdaw]: ah
[GM]: Yes . bonuses
[Jackdaw]: do you have Jeweler?
[Phinnea]: ooc nope, defaulting to Blacksmith-4
[Phinnea]: ooc which BS is 15
[Jackdaw]: then just 11-3d6 the boni and penalty cancel
[Jackdaw]: ah
[Jackdaw]: sorry for messing into things then
[GM]: Make your rolls
[Jackdaw]: <my bad>
[Phinnea]: ooc rolls coming
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=2,6,6 = [ 1 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=3,3,2 = [ 7 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ -2 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=4,5,3 = [ 3 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=4,2,4 = [ 5 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=3,5,1 = [ 6 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=3,1,5 = [ 6 ]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (11+4-3d6) : 3d6=1,6,6 = [ 2 ]
[GM]: One is slightly flawed, but you couldn't tell it unless you really studied it.
[GM]: The others appear quiet flawless .... identical to each other.
Phinnea examines her work, and then returns the rings to Anne. "I did my best, Anne." She smiles.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You can put up to 1 point in Jeweler if you wish .... your option.
[Anval]: "Thanks Phinnea... That's all I asked for!"
[GM]: Anne do you inspect them?
[Anval]: Anne will look at them
[GM]: Parodoc talks to Thomas, "So, this is the one you want?"
[GM]: Vision roll from Anne, please.
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,5 = [ 12 ]
[Anval]: succeed by 2
[GM]: Anne sees no flaw in any ring
(Phinnea whispered to GM): using a CP that i have earned previously?
[GM]: They look perfect to her.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): xp that is
[Anval]: "They're perfect Phinny! Thank you so much!"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Yes, or from tonight's sesssion .... either way.
Phinnea smiles. "You are welcome!"
[Anval]: "I'll put them away for now - you'll all see them again at dinner tonight..."
Thomas nods, "Yep, thats the one." He takes and examines it, slipping it on his finger after paying Parodc.
[GM]: Thor smiles at Anne's mention of dinner tonight and gets a curious look on his face.
Anval blushes
[GM]: Parodoc counts out the money and stops at $17,000. "this is enough for a friend of Phinny" he smiles and then winks at Phinny
Phinnea puts the tools back in the box and returns them to Parodoc. "You are too kind, as usual Master Parodoc."
[Anval]: "Master Paradoc... would you happen to know anyone who can carve Tuscan Ivory? Our firned Jackdaw would like a piece carved into a flute...."
[GM]: ((Btw, magical items sells for what GURPS Magic lists as COST in Methor ))
[Anval]: ooc - cool!
[GM]: Parodoc thinks rubbing his chin, and then looks at Jackdaw, "Can I see the piece of Ivory?"
[Jackdaw]: Sure
Jackdaw pulls out his ivory pieces
Thomas smiles, "Thanks, I don't think I would have found the place without her." He thanks him again and stands aside, admiring the ring.
[Jackdaw]: "my wanted to get made a flute and whistle like my sirinx"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): if i spend 1/2 point in Jewelry, what will be my skill level? +3 to craft skills because of dwarf.
[GM]: Parodoc takes the Ivory and looks at it, "It is not often that I see a piece so large."
[Jackdaw]: Yes my have big piece
[Jackdaw]: Ivory too
Phinnea grins.
Jackdaw grins
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Mental Hard ... so 1/2 CP give it to you at IQ-3 ... so you would have it at IQ
[Jackdaw]: "my thinked that with 4 pieces my could geted something nice maded"
Anval grins....
(Phinnea whispered to GM): tnx
[GM]: Parodoc does not get JD's joke.
[GM]: Parodoc, "And what do you wish made?"
Thomas looks, smiling.
[Jackdaw]: ooc I see the sirinx as a double whistle/reed instrument, kind of like a pair of tin whistles fastened together and palyed with both hands and dual notes, chords and such
(GM whispered to Thomas): The metal has a tint of blue .... the stone is jet black. (1 point dedicated powerstone)
[Jackdaw]: "something like this" he holds out his sirinx
[GM]: ooc: So, you estimate that it will take all of your Ivory?
[Jackdaw]: "my can played one or two notes at same time with this"
[GM]: Parodoc studies the sirinx and then the pieces of Ivory
[GM]: Parodoc, "Do you seek an artist? or mearly a carver?"
[Jackdaw]: my wanted the bestest
[Phinnea]: "I wud seek an artist, JD."
[GM]: Parodoc, "Then you want Doc Xeno." he states.
[Jackdaw]: "my wanted someones who can let the music free from this ivory"
[GM]: Parodoc, "He can carve you a piece of art."
[Jackdaw]: "Doc Xeno? my not heared of hims"
[Jackdaw]: "but my tried hims"
[GM]: Parodoc, "Of course .. and he is skilled in musical instruments, as well. His specialty is magical violins."
[Jackdaw]: "where my finded hims?"
Jackdaw smiles
[Jackdaw]: "my liked hims already"
[GM]: Parodoc, "Just a minute." he leaves and reappears with a piece of parchment. He begins to write.
[Anval]: "This Doc Xeno sounds good JD...."
[GM]: Parodoc, "Doc Xeno .... Hmm... I could never be a doctor of Enchantment (he says aside). Doc Parodoc ... just would sound to strange." he smiles.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I spent 1pt on Jewelry, making it IQ+1.
[GM]: Parodoc hands Jackdaw the note. "Take this to 115 Royal Lane."
[Jackdaw]: "thanked you"
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Sorry that Jamison was a no show .... I know that he really made an effort to be here.
[Jackdaw]: "one other asking please" he points to the wall, "what rope do'ed?"
(Blackhood whispered to GM): no problem
[GM]: Parodoc, "Ahh..... it is a mere novelty ... really." looking at the rope.
Jackdaw looks interested
(Phinnea whispered to GM): ok if I load Gurps Lite for Blackhood?
[GM]: Parodoc goes over and takes it down, "It cannot be broken ... 2 enchantments placed on it to prevent that. Cannot be burned, either."
[GM]: Parodoc, "It also changes color to detect if someone is lying."
[GM]: The rope wiggles in his hand.
[GM]: Parodoc, "And it sometimes has a mind of its own."
(Blackhood whispered to GM): Is this ending time or do you still have an hour left?
[GM]: The rope wraps itself around Parodoc's waist in a show of shyness.
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Ending time
Phinnea stares at the rope. "vhat a strange rope."
[Jackdaw]: "it cute"
[Anval]: "That's really cute....!"
Jackdaw reaches out to pet the rope
[GM]: A voice says, "thank you"
[Jackdaw]: "you talked too?"
[GM]: It dodges Jackdaw's touch.
[GM]: Parodoc, "It has never let me sell it."
[Jackdaw]: "it must be yours then"
[GM]: Parodoc, "Yes .... we are old friends."
[GM]: Parodoc smiles.
[Anval]: "Its adorable!" Anne watches the rope...neat!
[Jackdaw]: 'or it waited for right person"
[GM]: Parodoc places the rope back on the wall and it goes back to being lifeless.
[Anval]: Well... Shall we off to Doc Xeno?"
[Jackdaw]: "yesa yes"
[GM]: Parodoc, "Yes, and I must be back to work!!!"
[Anval]: "Thank you for your time, Master Paradoc!"
[GM]: Parodoc looks at his apprentice who continues to work, "Very dedicate young student, you are."
[Phinnea]: "yes, danks Master Parodoc!"
[GM]: Parodoc bows as you leave.
[Jackdaw]: "thank you"
[GM]: Parodoc to Phinnea, "..and remember our deal, Lady Phinny"
Jackdaw skips off toward the address he was given, undaunted by not knowing where it is
Phinnea nods. "I vill remember..." She wves as she exits the store.
Thomas thanks Parodoc as he leaves, making sure the ring is securely on his finger.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You left the tools, right?
(Phinnea whispered to GM): yes i gave them back. Unless I didnt have too? grin
[GM]: The ring compliments your skin and gives you a dignified look.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Just checking.
[GM]: ((Shall we end it here tonight? ))
[Phinnea]: ((you really want jamison here huh))
[GM]: ((How can you tell? ))
[Phinnea]: ((grin))
[Jackdaw]: ok by me
[Anval]: ok
[Thomas]: [Yeah, I am beat...Sounds good to me]
[Phinnea]: ((fine with me))
[GM]: (( I am sorry for the needless roleplaying ... but it was fun for me.))
[Jackdaw]: it is fun
[Anval]: I really enjoyed the mob scene
Phinnea nods.
[GM]: hehe
[Anval]: !
[Jackdaw]: it fleshes out the characters
[Anval]: True
[GM]: The party leaves the shop of Parodoc and heads to 115 Royal Lane.