[Tue Aug 01 18:42:26 CDT 2000]

[GM]: SETTING: The party upon returning to the Holy Cathedral encounters an excited Jamison who tells of his entrance in a competition in the Arena at 3pm. The time arrives and the competition starts. The Man in a Blackhood takes on ten men (including Jamison). A barbarian gets a powerful hit on Blackhood immediately after the battle begins and Blackhood seems to be hurt, but Blacky comes back to take out the Barbarian and a Dwarf rams the other Barbarian with his shield and takes him out a moment later. Jamison takes out a Soldier who lets his guard down. All men vanish as they either lose consciousness or say 'yield'. There are 8 men standing against Blackhood as the session begins. It is roughly 3:30pm on Dark Tuesday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132. BEGIN SESSION 48 --
[GM]: Jamison has first action
[GM]: [map is up]
[Jamison]: just a sec
[Jamison]: step and attack
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,4 = [ 13 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): ahit
[GM]: Watch attempts to dodge keeping his 2-handed axe ready
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,1 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: The dodge is good
[GM]: Jamison another attack?
[Jamison]: yes
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,4 = [ 13 ]
(Blackhood whispered to GM): how detailed do you like attacks to be? should I just say he attacks, or do a more detailed attack, ie, blackhood steps forward and swings a vicious slice to the guys leg, followed by hilt punch to the face and then a he pulls the blade back across the guys neck...
[GM]: Watch attempts to dodge the quarterstaff as it comes for him on the upswing
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: But he fails.
[GM]: Damage Jamison
(Jamison whispered to GM): 2d+2?
Thomas sits, watching the fight with a slightly disinterest look upon his face. He orders and ale and sits with JD, more than likely checking out any pretty girls that walk by. He turns his eyes back to the battle after Sister Anne catches and chastises him and JD for oogling some poor woman.
DICE for Jamison: (2d+2) : = [ 0 ]
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=1,3 = [ 6 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: The young squire knocks the Watch to his backside.
[GM]: Blackhood, your action (but hold up I have to answer your question)
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay
(GM whispered to Blackhood): It can be as simple or as detailed as you want it. Just say what you want to do and I'll tell you what to roll.
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay
(GM whispered to Blackhood): If you call your shot (body part) then there is a penalty, but it could have benifits.
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Please feel free to ask any other questions that you have.
(Blackhood whispered to GM): since I get thre actions, that means i can move once, and attack twice right?
(GM whispered to Blackhood): No, your move is seperate. You have the option of either steping and attacking, or moving.
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You can take one step and still attack, though.
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay, attacking
[GM]: (okay)
Blackhood bring the greatsword down in a smashing blow against the dwarfs shoulder, smashing him to the ground
[GM]: Roll (3d6)
[Blackhood]: 3d6
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,2 = [ 11 ]
[Blackhood]: (forgot how to roll for a minute)
(Blackhood whispered to GM): then damage right?
[GM]: (hold)
(Blackhood whispered to GM): what is sw-1+6??
[GM]: Dwarf attempts a retreating dodge.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,2 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: And he successfully jumps out of the way of Blackhood's falling greatsword.
[GM]: (next attack Blacky?)
[GM]: (Dwarf is not considered out of range)
Blackhood follows up with a snap kick to the face /
[GM]: (technically he is moving back one hex as your next attack happens)
[Blackhood]: ((should I switch that to a sword thrust, it has a reach of 2))
[GM]: (Dwarf is still considered in range for the Greatsword. And you cant attack with a kick)
[Blackhood]: ((okay, sorry))
[GM]: (You can only have additional attacks with the Greatsword, since your karate skill is not high enough)
[GM]: (no problem)
[GM]: (You can swing or thrust with the greatsword)
[GM]: (You are that fast)
Blackhood continues the fall of the sword, swinging back into the air and around, to cut the dwarfs neck
[GM]: (wait)
[GM]: A call to the neck is at -5
[GM]: Roll vs Two-Handed Sword -5
[GM]: (3d6)
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You need a 13
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,4 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: The swing barely misses the Dwarf's neck
[GM]: (and 1 more sword attack)
[GM]: Many in the stands awe at the sight of a fast moving Dwarf
Blackhood gets really annoyed with missing and tries to shove the sword through the dwarfs stomache
[GM]: Dwarf says, "Your gold be mine Blacky!"
[GM]: (you going for the vitals or just towards the stomack?)
Blackhood stays silen, knowing better than to talk during a fight
[Blackhood]: ((just toward stomache, with my rolls tonight I would never hit a vital))
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Vitals? it's at -3 to your skill
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Stomach I will just treat as Torso ... no penalty
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,5 = [ 13 ]
(Blackhood whispered to GM): of course, it would have succedded as vitals, sheesh,I think these dice hate me
[GM]: Dwarf attempts to dodge again (he is already retreating and still gets the +3 bonus -- he needs an 8)
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,5 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: Roll Damage Blacky
[GM]: Blackhood's Greatsword finally connects to the fast Dwarf!
(Blackhood whispered to GM): what damage do I roll? greatsword is sw+6, sw is 1d-1
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Thrusting attack
(Blackhood whispered to GM): 1d+2, +6 is what? 1d+2
[GM]: It is your Thrust +2 damage
[GM]: What is your Thrust damage?
[Blackhood]: 1d-1
[Blackhood]: but greatsword is thrust +6
[GM]: And unfortunately, you don't get the bonus for impaling since all weapons have been blunted.
[Blackhood]: ((ah, okay))
[GM]: So, 1d6+5
DICE for Blackhood: (1d6+5) : 1d6=3 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: =2d6+2
[GM]: We will go with that
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2Greatsword=Thr+2) :BAD DICE FORMAT = [ 0 ]
[GM]: Dwarf grunts at the hit to his stomach
[Jamison]: Greatsword=thr+2
[GM]: I think Jamison is correct
[GM]: The sword is Thrusting (has a sharp tip) but it does not help here.
[Blackhood]: ((sword master damage bonus +1/5 of skill))
[GM]: If the weapon is a fine weapon it might be more
[GM]: Ahhh.... right
DICE for Jamison: (Greatsword has a blunt tip) :BAD DICE FORMAT = [ 0 ]
[GM]: my bad
[GM]: But Thrusting Greatsword does not Jamison
[Jamison]: Ahhhhhh
[GM]: Dwarf takes 8 points worth of damage
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: But he keeps his feet!
[GM]: He is stunned, though.
[Jamison]: then thr+3
[GM]: ....
[Blackhood]: ((the sword is thr+3, plus my 3 points of damage bonus from being a weapon master))
[GM]: Watch 1 and 3 move
[GM]: Blackhood is totally correct ... I forgot about his bonuses.
[Jamison]: My bad
[Blackhood]: no problem, it took me a while to figure it out
[GM]: Mine too : )
[Blackhood]: ((i think I am about to gets attack by way to many sides))
[GM]: Watch 2 tries to get to his feet and manages to get to a squating position
[GM]: ((hehe))
[Jamison]: ooc: that's what happens when you start as the center attraction...hehehe
[Blackhood]: ((lol))
[GM]: Soldier 1 moves
[GM]: Dwarf2 stands his ground going on All Out Defense
[GM]: Dwarf 1 moves
[GM]: Back to Jamison (if your keeping count ... it's like round 5 .... but who is counting)
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You know what All Out Defense is, right?
[Jamison]: watch 2 on Knees?
[GM]: Squatting
[Jamison]: attack
[GM]: Weapon not ready
(Blackhood whispered to GM): a little, I need to read gurps again
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,1 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6ouch) : = [ 0 ]
[GM]: (Is that a crit?)
[Jamison]: not 10 better...
[Jamison]: almost
[GM]: (Oh, your not at 16 with the staff yet)
[Jamison]: will be soon
[GM]: Watch attempts a retreating dodge, but he has to jump back and fall on his butt to do it.
[GM]: He needs an 8 to succeed
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,4 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: The staff hits him as he lurches
[Jamison]: at minuses?
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=1,4 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: And much minuses
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,2 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,4 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,4 = [ 8 ]
[Jamison]: ooc: jeez , Rub.. nice dice...
[GM]: Watch 2 lies flat on his back but is still conscious
[GM]: (but that happens after Jamison's 2nd attack)
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: He is trying for a dodge at extreme minuses
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,3 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: But you get him again
[GM]: Damaeg
[GM]: Damage
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=1,4 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,6 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: That puts him out of the game
[GM]: *Poof* he vanishes
[GM]: Blacky, your action.
[GM]: The crowd is on the edge of their seats
(Blackhood whispered to GM): /he steps toward the dwarf, bringing to the sword down on top of the dwarf head
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You can attack multiple opponents, but you will be at minuses
(Blackhood whispered to GM): K
[GM]: Your action?
Blackhood steps toward the dwarf, brining the sword down to brain the dwarf
[Blackhood]: ...to brain him ((I meant to say))
[GM]: Attack to the brain is at -7
[GM]: Roll
(GM whispered to Blackhood): 11 or less
[Blackhood]: ((i meant down on the top of his head))
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,5 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Roll damag
[GM]: He gets DR 2 from his skull
(Jamison whispered to GM): hehe, what only 2 for a dwarf's head?????hehehe
[GM]: Or is that DR 3?
[Blackhood]: ((id2 +8?
(Jamison whispered to GM): How hard is it?????hehehe
[Blackhood]: ((1d2, +8 rather))
[GM]: What is the swing damage for the sword?
[GM]: 1d6+8?
(Jamison whispered to GM): sw+3
[Blackhood]: my swing is 1d+2
[Blackhood]: sword is sw+3
[Blackhood]: damage bonus is +3
(Jamison whispered to GM): +bonus
[GM]: Right 1d6+8
[GM]: That would be 3d6
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,1 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: Dwarf takes 5 more points of damage
(Blackhood whispered to GM): I can attack again right?
[GM]: He rolls for knockout (head blow)
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,6 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: And he doesn't even get to roll for loss of consciousness, or loss of feet.
[GM]: It's nighty nite dwarf!
(Blackhood whispered to GM): ((FINALLY!!))
[GM]: He stands staring an instant, but his eyes roll up in his head.
[GM]: Blackhood make a vision roll
[Blackhood]: ((intel right?))
[GM]: (vs IQ)
[GM]: (unless you have acute vision or alertness)
[Blackhood]: (I have alertness)
[GM]: Roll vs IQ+1
(Blackhood whispered to GM): 3d6?
(GM whispered to Blackhood): yep
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,3 = [ 6 ]
(Blackhood whispered to GM): iq+1 = 11
[GM]: Okay, I rule that you notice the Dwarf is unconscious, though standing. You saw it in his eyes.
[GM]: You have a possible two other attacks with that sword, though.
[GM]: What will you do?
[Blackhood]: ah
[Blackhood]: ((if he is unconcisos I can leave him right?))
[GM]: And I think I am going to make a new rule.
[GM]: I have been letting anyone use one of the attacks to ready
[GM]: But I think a Weapon Master can use one of those attacks to move 1 hex.
[GM]: That would make sense.
[GM]: Or turn 1 hex
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: and not ready the weapon?
[Blackhood]: ((if he is unconsious, wouldn't he be out of combat??))
[GM]: He has not disappeared yet
[Blackhood]: okay,
[GM]: Remember your turn is only supposed to last about 1 second.... but yeah, you know he is out of it.
[GM]: They dont know it yet.
Blackhood knocks him off his feet
[GM]: Attack to the torso?
[Blackhood]: sure
[GM]: Just a sec
[GM]: Okay Roll. If you hit, he falls
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,6 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: The Dwarf is pushed over by the force of Blacky's sword.
[GM]: Roll Damage
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Were you thrusting to the torso ... or what?
[Blackhood]: yeah,
[Blackhood]: ((I basically just want him to dissapear))
[GM]: The Dwarf makes a death roll
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,1 = [ 7 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): thrusting= 1d+2 instead of 3d
[GM]: He falls and *poof* ... Dwarf is gone
(Blackhood whispered to GM): I really just wanted to push him off his feet so the judges take him out, not to kill him
(GM whispered to Blackhood): I know ... but there was a chance that you killed him
(GM whispered to Blackhood): He lived though
(Blackhood whispered to GM): good
[Blackhood]: ((can I reach watch 3?))
[GM]: Anything else Blackhood?
(Blackhood whispered to GM): or am I out of attacks?
[Blackhood]: ((was that three attacks or 2?))
[GM]: You can take a Wild Swing at him (B105)
[GM]: You effective skill is 9
[Blackhood]: ((nah, I will hold off, end turn))
[GM]: Or you can turn and face him
[GM]: You are facing NW at the moment
[Blackhood]: ((turn and face him))
[GM]: Watches turns
[GM]: Watch 1 steps up directly behind Blacky and lets him have it with his Great Axe
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,3 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: ..and I hate to say it but attacks directly from behind cannot be dodged or parried.
[Jamison]: OOC: and from behind, too....
DICE for GM: (2d6+2) : 2d6=1,5 = [ 8 ]
[Blackhood]: ((oh great, let me see what my armor is))
[Jamison]: No armor in this contest
(Blackhood whispered to GM): did you allow me armor? I forget
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Yes, I think I did
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay
(Blackhood whispered to GM):
(GM whispered to Blackhood): What is your PD and DR??
(Blackhood whispered to GM): it is pd/dr 2
(Blackhood whispered to GM): the other armor does not add to t because it was aimed right?
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Whatever is covering your back
(Blackhood whispered to GM): k, then is is PD-2, DR-2
(GM whispered to Blackhood): It was not aimed so it either hits the torso or back (from behind)
[GM]: Black I need a DX roll not to lose your feet
(Blackhood whispered to GM): k
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,6 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: Blacky falls
[GM]: And more important a HT roll not to lose consciousness
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You are at -1 now
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay
(GM whispered to Blackhood): If my math is correct
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,3 = [ 11 ]
(Blackhood whispered to GM): bye bye consiousness
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Oddly enough .. you are still conscious
[GM]: He is still conscious
[GM]: But he is on his butt
(Blackhood whispered to GM): not my turn yet is it?
[GM]: Watch 3 goes for the killing blow
[GM]: He steps and attacks the fallen Blacky
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,1 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: You may defend at -4
[GM]: What does Blacky do?
[Blackhood]: defend of course
[GM]: Which kind... parry?
(Blackhood whispered to GM): can I do an all out defense? or is parry betteR?
(GM whispered to Blackhood): All Out Defense is called on your turn.
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You cant do that now
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay
Blackhood tries to parry the blow from the ground
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You can roll out of the way
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Never mind
(GM whispered to Blackhood): That would be if you were dodging.
(Blackhood whispered to GM): wouldn't I be more efective parrying with my skill level anyway...? right
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You cant roll AND Parry
(GM whispered to Blackhood): I think so
(Blackhood whispered to GM): i got that
(Blackhood whispered to GM): so I roll half skill to parry or what??
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Half skill ... then - 4
(Blackhood whispered to GM): ouch
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You can dodge at -4 and then gain a +3 by rolling, though
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Your call
[GM]: The crowd cheers, shouting "Down with Blackhood!!"
[Blackhood]: I think I will dodge at -4 then +3 by rolling
[GM]: He attempts a retreating dodge by rolling
[GM]: That means your normal dodge -1
[GM]: And dont forget to move the mini in the direction of the dodge
(Blackhood whispered to GM): okay, dodge is 3, what do I roll?
(Blackhood whispered to GM): I space right?
(GM whispered to Blackhood): That is not good.
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You roll 3d6 and hope for a miracle
(Blackhood whispered to GM): it could be wrong though
[GM]: Roll
(Blackhood whispered to GM): my dex is 14, how is dodge calculated?
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,3 = [ 11 ]
(Blackhood whispered to GM): I think the dodge I have here is wrong
(GM whispered to Blackhood): HT+DX .. then divided by 4
[GM]: The Great Axe catches Blacky as he starts to roll
DICE for GM: (2d6+2) : 2d6=6,2 = [ 10 ]
[Jamison]: Has the game changed much from when I played it... I needed to be a fighter , then a thief, then a druid to get to the bard catagory.. is that still the same???
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,3 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: (Random damage points to the head)
[GM]: The Axe catches Blacky on his head
[GM]: Blackhood, I need at HT roll for you to avoid knockout
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You are at -7 now
DICE for Blackhood: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,3 = [ 12 ]
(Blackhood whispered to GM): sheesh, not a good showing for the great blackhood
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Goodnight Gracie ... I think that just about does it.
(Blackhood whispered to GM): yup
(GM whispered to Blackhood): If you would have rolled an 11, you would have made it. But you were going to have to start rolling each round to retain consciousness.
(Blackhood whispered to GM): k
[GM]: Blackhood slumps to the ground ... unconscious
[GM]: Then .... *Poof*
[GM]: The Soldier hesitates a little confused. He takes one step forward.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Sorry Rub.. was chatting with Thomas....about his game on Sunday's
[GM]: The Dwarf charges the soldier attempting a shield bash from behind
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,5 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,5 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,2 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,5 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,4 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: The Soldier slumps forward to his knees
[GM]: Jamison, your action
[Jamison]: are the positions current on the map???
(GM whispered to Thomas): Sorry, you are not getting any action tonight.
[GM]: Positions are current.
[Jamison]: move
[GM]: Both watches step and ready
[GM]: Watch 3 turns SW
[GM]: Soldier drops and attempts to roll out of the way of the Dwarf that he knows is behind him.
[GM]: He goes on All Out Defense
[GM]: Dwarf steps and attacks the Soldier as he lay on his back
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,4 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: His mace just misses him
[GM]: Jamison, your action
[Jamison]: move
(GM whispered to Blackhood): You are healed remarkable quick and allowed to watch the rest of the battle.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Thats okay. I am watching and working on another PC for another game. I got into a superhero campaign (not gurps though) and am just writing up her history. Basically spectating ^_^
(Blackhood whispered to GM): K
[GM]: Watches move
[GM]: Watch 3 faces Jamison
[GM]: Watch 1 approaches the Dwarf
[GM]: Watch 1 "Leave Him alone Shorty!"
[Blackhood]: the crows watches as Blackhood appears out of the back of the stadium, and sits on the royal box to watch the rest of the match
[Jamison]: OOC:::??????hmmmmm
[Blackhood]: ((that was supposed to be the crowd
[GM]: Soldier squats on All Out Attack
[GM]: Dwarf lets him have it with his mace
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,2 = [ 11 ]
Blackhood is still wearing his hood so no-one can see his face
[GM]: Soldier parries with his broadsword.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: But the mace connects
DICE for GM: (2d6+2) : 2d6=2,3 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Soldier "Oooff!"
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,5 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Jamison, your action?
[Jamison]: step and attack
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,3 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Watch 3 attempts a retreating dodge, still holding his ready Great Axe
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,1 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: But the staff connects
[GM]: Roll Damage
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=3,6 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: (Ouch)
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,2 = [ 12 ]
[Jamison]: OOC: thank you very much...
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: The Soldier moves reflexivly to keep his feet, but his eyes glaze over.
[GM]: Jamison vision roll please
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,1 = [ 10 ]
[Jamison]: ooc::yes...hehehe
[GM]: You can tell he is out of it.
[Jamison]: step back
[GM]: And 1 more subaction?
[GM]: Oh, my bad ... that counts as 2
[Jamison]: all done with my turn, only 2
[GM]: Watch 1 steps and attacks the Dwarf
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,3 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: The Dwarf attempts a retreating dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,3 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: But fails
DICE for GM: (2d6+2) : 2d6=6,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: The Axe comes down hard on the Dwarf
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,2 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,3 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: But he keeps his feet and consciousness
[GM]: Watch 3 falls to the yells from the crowd and *Poof* only 4 remain
[GM]: The Soldier Stands and attacks the Dwarf
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,5 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: The Dwarf tries to dodge again
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,3 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: ...and fails
DICE for GM: (2d6+2) : 2d6=5,1 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,4 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: He keeps his feet but the two previous crunchs are telling that he must be badly hurt
[GM]: The Dwarf manages 1 more step backward on All Out Defense
[GM]: Jamison?
[GM]: ...
Jamison trirls his staff and awaits the outcome of the current fight... he sees no reason to rush headlong in a field of multiple opponents
[GM]: The Watch readies his Great Axe
[GM]: ...and takes a step forward
[Jamison]: Besides...he holds the "high" ground...
[GM]: The Soldier Steps and Attacks the Dwarf once again
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,4 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: The Dwarf blocks with his shield
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,3 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Successfully
[GM]: The Dwarf readies his mace and takes another step back
[GM]: Jamison, still waiting?
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 12 ]
[Jamison]: nope.. now it's time to move...
[GM]: But suddenly, even before Jamison Moves ....
[GM]: The Dwarf falls from his wounds.
[GM]: ...and *poof* there are 3
[Jamison]: can I remove????
[GM]: (take your action again you mean?)
[Jamison]: correct?
[GM]: (yes)
[Jamison]: just a small change...
[GM]: (No Problem)
[Jamison]: done
[GM]: The watch steps NE with his readied Great Axe
[GM]: He appears to be circling Jamison
[GM]: The Soldier steps toward Jamison
[GM]: Jamison?
[Jamison]: attack soldier
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Soldier attempts to parry
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,1 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: But fails
[GM]: Roll Damage
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=2,5 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,4 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,6 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: The Soldier falls as the resounding crunch from the staff echos over the arena
[Jamison]: I hope Anne is seeing this....
[GM]: *Poof* only two remain .... and the Watch with the readied Great Axe is uninjured.
[GM]: The Watch turns to face Jamison and Waits
Jamison takes a step back and motions for the watch to join him on the raised platform...
[GM]: Jamison?
[GM]: The Watch looks confused
[GM]: (Raised platform is in the middle)
Jamison salutes the watch.. and again motions to the raised platform..
[GM]: The Watch takes one look and the young squire and then starts to laugh.
Jamison smiles..."Shall we dance, sir???"
[GM]: What might first be mistaken for an insult is soon revealed to be a hearty gesture, "Why sure .... I'll split it with you Squire"
[GM]: The Watch salutes Jamison with his Great Axe
[GM]: The Crowd cheers
[ Ghostmoon left the game ]
[ Blackhood left the game ]
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: The Watch steps back and points to the Raised platform.
[GM]: ...
[ Jamison1 joined the game ]
[GM]: wb Jamison
[Jamison]: Still not done with the guard..
[Jamison]: shall I continue.. this is great
[GM]: Did you get it all?
[GM]: What might first be mistaken for an insult is soon revealed to be a hearty gesture, "Why sure .... I'll split it with you Squire"
[GM]: The Watch salutes Jamison with his Great Axe
[GM]: The Crowd cheers
[GM]: The Watch steps back and points to the Raised platform.
[ Ghostmoon joined the game ]
[GM]: (wb Thomas)
[Jamison]: Jamison nods in agreement and asks the guard if he would like to spare for the crowd.... and still split the money, no matter what the outcome???
Thomas takes a seat in the Coliseum, sipping his ale and watching the fight.
[GM]: The crowd looks on as the two talk
[GM]: The watch smiles at Jamison "Aye .. give me your best shot"
[GM]: The Watch steps towards Jamison and Waits
[Jamison]: Let us move to the platform then.. let's give everyone a good view...
[GM]: The two of you posistion yourselfs on the platform
Jamison once again, salutes hs opponent and readies himself...
[GM]: The Watch salutes and readies his Great Axe
[Jamison]: ooc: who is first???
[GM]: Jamison, you go
[Jamison]: k
[Jamison]: move
[GM]: The Watch steps down off the upper portion of the platform continuing to face Jamison
[Jamison]: ooc:::: sorry was this a double raised platform???or flat?
[GM]: ((It is double raised))
[Jamison]: can we redo then I would have joined my combattant on the upper level...
[GM]: ((lets start over))
[Jamison]: k
[Jamison]: same order or do you want to throw dice?
[GM]: Jamison, your action
[ Blackhood joined the game ]
[GM]: wb Blacky
[Jamison]: attack
[Jamison]: wb Blacky
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,2 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: He steps back to the edge of the second level and attempts to dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,5 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: But he is hit by the staff
[GM]: Roll damage
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=4,4 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,2 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,4 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Next attack?
[Jamison]: yes
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,6 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Watch attempts to dodge that one too (still gets the +3 for retreating)
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: ..and he succeeds
[Jamison]: damage from going down 1 level?
[GM]: Watch steps and attempts to crush Jamison with his Great Axe
[Jamison]: he's lower...
[GM]: ((He didn't go down))
[Jamison]: at legs???
[GM]: ((He steped to the edge))
[Jamison]: k
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,6 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: Defense Jamison?
[Jamison]: parry
[GM]: You have a great axe coming for you
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,2 = [ 10 ]
[Jamison]: yes..
[GM]: Jamison your action?
[Jamison]: attack
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,4 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Watch steps back, trying to dodge the skilled blow from the staff
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,3 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: And succeeds
[GM]: Next attack?
[Jamison]: again
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,2 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: and again
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,2 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Another success too
[GM]: Sorry ... no that misses by 1
[GM]: Roll damage
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=3,6 = [ 11 ]
[Jamison]: ouch
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,1 = [ 5 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,1 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: He is still standing and conscious
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: He drops the great axe in the middle of the upper platform and draws a shortsword
[GM]: Jamison your action
[GM]: The crowd seems to be loving this
[Jamison]: ooc:how wide is the upper plat form????
[GM]: ((Each hex is 1 yard))
[Jamison]: 2 or 3 steps?
[GM]: ((Yes))
[Jamison]: which?
[Jamison]: it's a circle?
[GM]: ((You can step into any portion of a hex))
[GM]: ((It is 3 yards in radius))
[GM]: ((Oops . diameter))
[Jamison]: I need to know if I can be 3 hex's from him?
[GM]: You are 3 hexes from him now
[GM]: You would have to step to attack
[Jamison]: can I drop staff and ready morningstar?
[GM]: Droping a weapon is a free move
[GM]: Yes, you can do that
[Jamison]: done.
[GM]: Jamison drops the staff and readies his morning star
[GM]: ((where do you drop the staff??))
[Jamison]: lower level
[GM]: ((behind you?))
[Jamison]: yes
[GM]: ((which direction?))
[Jamison]: right handed.. so NW
[GM]: I need a roll vs your Staff Skill to drop it properly.
[ Avatar joined the game ]
[GM]: I know it sounds odd .. but I do
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,1 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Roll
[Avatar]: ((Hello again))
[GM]: It lands fine.
[GM]: ((Sorry Avatar ... no sign of Zugg))
[Blackhood]: ((brb afk))
(Avatar whispered to GM): No problem!
[GM]: Watch steps and attacks with his shortsword
[GM]: But first
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,5 = [ 10 ]
[Jamison]: Can he... he is 3 away??
[Jamison]: that is why I asked..
[GM]: No, you are correct.
[GM]: Instead, he goes on All Out Defense, staying where he is.
[GM]: Jamison?
[Jamison]: Well at least he could have moved...
[GM]: ((hehe))
[GM]: ((He has other problems))
[Jamison]: move 1
[GM]: The Watch
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,6 = [ 15 ]
(Avatar whispered to GM): I seen the "colliseum" mentioned during play but never viewed it ... is this the regular map?
[GM]: Watch slumps over and loses consciousness from his wounds
[Jamison]: ooc:ohh
[GM]: ((He was in the negatives since the last blow))
Jamison moves forward, slowly.. to check his opponent
[GM]: Before Jamison can check him *Poof* he vanishes
[GM]: Jamison alone remains
[GM]: The Crowd begins to throw roses
Jamison looks around for his opponents and suddenly realizes....he is alone.....
[GM]: 4 Knights begin to approach from outside the Arena
Jamison bows to the 4 corners of the arena and goes to retrieve his staff
[GM]: If the crowd wasn't all standing... they are now.
[GM]: The knights approach Jamison and carry a wreath which they place over his head.
Jamison rehitches his morningstar and grasps his staff and then watches the Knights...
[GM]: One of them take his hand and raise it high
[GM]: Blackhood is lead into the Arena
Jamison bows low with the recognition that the honored knights have bestowed onto him..
(GM whispered to Blackhood): Blackhood ... are you there?
[Jamison]: embarrassed by the acculaids... he recognizes one of his opponents as the man in the Blackhood.
[GM]: Men go around the arena picking up the weapons
[Jamison]: OOC: Jamison still has all of his?
[GM]: ((Yes, Jamison still holds his))
[Jamison]: hehehe
[GM]: The wounded men that participated make an appearence at the edge of the Arena ... all are well.
Jamison wonders if Anne has seen the show... he hopes that he was able to impress her with his abilities
[GM]: Their wounds have been completely healed.
Jamison walks over to all the men and congradulates them on their abilities and stops in front of the last guard..
Jamison confirms his comittment to split the purse
Jamison the salutes the guard
[GM]: The Watch smiles, "A man of your word!"
[GM]: The men are given back their weapons and Jamsion is lead back to the raised plateform.
[Jamison]: Of course... just as I know you woould be.....
[Thomas]: [Alright guys, I am going to take off. Thanks Rubix and I will see ya all next week.]
[Jamison]: Later Thomas
[Avatar]: ((bye))
[GM]: ((Okay Thomas .. I will see ya next week!!!))
[Thomas]: ]See ya all]
[ Ghostmoon left the game ]
[Jamison]: OOC: SOrry this took so long...
[GM]: Jamison is given a sack containing 1000 Crowns
[GM]: And then Blackhood approaches the center platform
Jamison then splits it with the watch(guard)...whoever it was...
[GM]: He removes his hood and reveals himself to the crowd.
Jamison looks up and sees Blackhood approaching
Jamison eyes widen..
[GM]: As every eye is on him and his idenity revealed ...
[GM]: The men are given back their weapons and Jamsion is lead back to the raised plateform.
[GM]: Jamison is given a sack containing 1000 Crowns
[GM]: And then Blackhood approaches the center platform
Jamison bows his head as he is lead through the arena
[GM]: He removes his hood and reveals himself to the crowd.
[GM]: As every eye is on him and his idenity revealed ...
Jamison mouths an OHHHH
[GM]: The crowd gasps and then the talk begins
[GM]: Jamison you know the face
Dorje Dradul is revealed as Dorje Dradul
[GM]: Sir Dradul
[Dorje Dradul]: ((that should have been, back hood is revealed as...))
Jamison looks around to see if anyone is going to arrest him for his affront to this great knight..
Dorje Dradul bows
Jamison looks like a big scared kid, right now...
[GM]: He is a comissioned Knight that retired and no teaches at the Royal Academy
[GM]: no=now
[Dorje Dradul]: "Hello...I hear you are looking for a sponser", he says
[Jamison]: fear enters into Jamison's soul at this point....what has he done...
[GM]: He has a strong reputation amoung swordsmen as one of the all time greats.
[Dorje Dradul]: "You did very well...better than I did anyway"
[Jamison]: YYeeeeessss, siiirrrr... I am.....
[Dorje Dradul]: The price of age I think
[GM]: Jamison is disturbed by Sir Dradul's voice.
[Jamison]: But Sir.... yyyouuuuu arre ooooneee offff theeee greeeaaatest kniiighttts innn hisstory...
[Dorje Dradul]: Well, i think I would be willing to sponser you, assumming you want to sponsership of someone who did as bad as me today
Dorje Dradul shrugs
[GM]: His voice is .... (can you describe it Dorje?)
Dorje Dradul voice sounds as though it has been run through gravel, blasted with fire, and as though it were coming out of a tunnel
[Jamison]: SIR,...I wopuld be absolutely honored by just getting your recognition... but to get your sponsorship... That is beyond belief...
[GM]: Apparently Sir D set up this contest to find a new person to sponsor to knighthood.
[ Avatar left the game ]
[GM]: But having the name of Sir D on your application would be ... very impressive to say the least.
[Dorje Dradul]: You did very well, and I might as well sponser you, seeing as how you didn't let those that beat me win
[Dorje Dradul]: .
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]:
[Dorje Dradul]: Hello?
[Jamison]: Of course I will accept... and with pride... and with a little horror... Now I need to live up to your ledgend...
[GM]: ....
[Dorje Dradul]: Keeping fighting like that and stay young and I think you will do fine
[GM]: The crowd begins to grow quieter and some begin leaving.
Jamison looks confused..."stay young.. how can one do that??"
Dorje Dradul shruggs "Beats me"
[Dorje Dradul]: I dwell a little too much on past times, I think it is about time for me to get out into the world again, I have been teaching for way to long
Jamison rools his eyes... "I do not understand all that sponsership means.. but I will do everything I can to be your best, pupil"
[GM]: One knight approaches smiling at Jamison, "Sir Dradul" he salutes the retired knight.
Dorje Dradul bows
Jamison bows
[GM]: Knight "I must say it was a great honor to observe ... a legend"
[GM]: Knight bows
Dorje Dradul mutters something about should have seen me fight the orcs, but no one can hear what he says
Jamison looks unsettled as he vaguely hears that muttering
[GM]: Knight "My father served with you ... in Kissel's Assalt." he nods
[Dorje Dradul]: A good fight, better victory
[GM]: Knight looks at Sir D and almost has tears in his eyes.
[Dorje Dradul]: .
[GM]: Knight "My father was of course killed by the Orcish legions"
(Jamison whispered to GM):
[Dorje Dradul]: He took many with him and died well
(Jamison whispered to GM): That's not the same place that my father died..is it???
[GM]: Knight raises his broadsword in a salute, "Thank you Sir" he smiles and turns and leaves.
(GM whispered to Jamison): No
(Dorje Dradul whispered to GM): having never heard of kissels assault i had to wing it
(Jamison whispered to GM): good...new story..
[Dorje Dradul]: Well, ah...i didn't get your name squire...
(GM whispered to Dorje Dradul): That was the battle that Sir D was one of 4 survivors
Jamison looks to SD..."Who was that?"
(Dorje Dradul whispered to GM): oh yeah, memory is not my strong suit
Dorje Dradul shruggs, The son of someone who died a long time ago
[Jamison]: I am Jamison... previously squire to Duke Jared...
[Dorje Dradul]: Nice to meet you
(Jamison whispered to GM): I think??
[Dorje Dradul]: It looks like you have some friends in the stands, I will let you go meet them, mind if I join you all for dinner??
[Jamison]: Sir...My friends and myself would be most honored...
[GM]: Jamison was squired to the Duke of Baxter himself.
[Dorje Dradul]: I will see you at dinner then, night
Dorje Dradul bows and leaves
[Jamison]: I do not think they will believe me that you will come... so I hope they will act nicely...?
[GM]: Jamison is reunited with his friends and tells them of the planned celebration.
Jamison bows... and pray.. he cannot belive his luck, this day
[Dorje Dradul]: ((I think I am ending up playing him that he is just a little senile)
[Jamison]: OOc: np
[GM]: Sir C suggests the Hall of Fellowship in the Knight Guild.
[Jamison]: End???
[Jamison]: k