[Tue Aug 08 19:13:28 CDT 2000]

[GM]: SETTING: The party returns from the Royal Arena where Jamison has just triumphed in a contest of combat skills. The man in the Blackhood has been revealed to be Sir Dorje Dradul who is a retired Comissioned Knight who is somewhat of a legendary swordsman. Sir D made mention of a sponsorship to Squire Jamison and asked if he could join him for dinner tonight. Sir C suggested the meeting take place in the Hall of Fellowship at the Knight's Guild and has left to make the arrangements. It is now roughly 5:30pm on Dark Tuesday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132 as the party makes its way back to the Holy Cathedral. BEGIN SESSION 49 --
[GM]: Jamison walks back looking very tired. He has also begun to shake a little.
Thor follows the others back, somewhat stunned at the skills displayed by Jamison during the contest
[Anne]: Anne walks up to him, and lays her hand on his shoulder... "I think that fight took a lot out of you - Hhold still..." (Anne casts Lend ST)
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,6 = [ 12 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 2
[GM]: Jamison looks at Anne and smiles, "Thank you Anne.... I feel much better now"
[Anne]: She lends him 3 Fatigue
(Dorje whispered to GM): what time is dinner in methoria??
[GM]: Jamison "I still cant believe that I actually won"
[Thor]: "I'm still kinda in shock myself Jamison. You did very well."
[Anne]: "you're welcome! You and Sir Dradul fought well - I've never seen such skill before, except perhaps in the Orclands on a battlefield!"
(GM whispered to Dorje): Hmm... didn't really set a time. Sunset is at 7pm
(Dorje whispered to GM): so, should I come in now or wait for a while??
(GM whispered to Dorje): I'll get you in very shortly
[Thor]: "And I've seen plenty of good combat skills in my days."
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay
[GM]: The party soon finds themselves back at the Holy Cathedral
[GM]: Jamison to Thor, "Thanks Thor ... that means a lot coming from you."
[GM]: Will the party be doing anything before dinner?
Anne thinks she made a gaffe....
[GM]: (( Orclands? ))
[Anne]: Anne stows her inscribed rings in her room for now...
[Anne]: (where she worked for a few years before adventuring / joining the ring quest)
[GM]: Time soon passes and Sir C arrives.
(Dorje whispered to GM): Sir C?
Thor being ever wary for trouble, stows all his goods including his money in his room.
[GM]: He goes to the rooms where the party is staying and finds Jamison
(Dorje whispered to GM): do you mean me?
[GM]: Jamison washes up and has a rest
(GM whispered to Dorje): No, you are Sir D
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay, just checking
[GM]: Sir Cornelius calls everyone out into the hall, "Okay, here is the plan ...."
[Anne]: Anne washes up, and goes to inform the priests that we will be absent for dinner...
[Anne]: ...then returns to meet with Sir C
Thor exits his room when Sir C arrives and meets up with everyone
[GM]: Sir C "I have made arrangements at the Hall of Fellowship at the Knight's Guild for the dinner."
[GM]: Sir C "No offense Anne, but it would seem more appropriate than the Church kitchen"
(Dorje whispered to GM): who is this cornelius? what part does he play??
[GM]: Sir C "I know that Jamison and Thor knows who we are meeting ... but do any one else know who this is?"
[Anne]: "I understand... Knights deserve a little decor and such. It is their station after all."
(GM whispered to Dorje): He is a former PC that played an important role in the previous quest.
[Anne]: I have only seen Sir Dradul fight... I know nothing about him, really."
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay
[GM]: Jamison "The Duke of Baxter spoke of him often."
[GM]: Jamison "He and his Giant Sword are somewhat of a legend on the Northern Battlefield."
[GM]: Jamison "The Duke thought that he would be in the running for general or something ... until his accident....."
[GM]: [Time is now 6:30pm]
[GM]: Sir C "Well, anyway ... It should all be prepared in about an hour. We can dine at 8:00pm"
[GM]: Jamison "..... Sir Cornelius ... what about the cost?" he touches his pouch of coins.
[GM]: Sir C "Dont worry about that .... I would gladly pay the price to meet with this man. I invited my friend Petr too. I hope that is fine, Jamison."
[GM]: Jamison "I dont see any problem with that .... seeing that you ARE paying" he smiles
[GM]: Sir C "One last thing ... what about the sword?"
[GM]: Jamison looks to Anne with a concerned look on his face.
[Anne]: BRB
[GM]: Jamison "I didn't really think about that"
[GM]: ((okay))
[GM]: Jamison "I would feel better if I have it on me ..."
(Dorje whispered to GM): a special sword?
[Thor]: "I highly doubt that someone could break into these rooms, but Jamison's right it's probably best to carry it with us."
[GM]: Sir C "Fine, whatever you wish ...." he stands straight "but for now, I must get back to the Hall ... Shall I send someone for you in an hour?"
(GM whispered to Dorje): Yes, very special
[GM]: Jamison "Not if you give me directions ...."
[Anne]: ((back))
[GM]: Jamison walks Sir C out and then returns.
[GM]: Jamison "Okay, we should get ready to leave. Let's say in about 1/2 hour"
[Anne]: "Okay... I'll be ready."
[Thor]: "Alright"
[GM]: Jamison returns to his room and the mere 1/2 hour passes very quickly
[GM]: Soon the party is ready and on their way
[GM]: As the party makes its way to the Hall of Fellowship just after Flamos kisses the horizon. Largos just over the Eastern horizon shows its full blue glory as Contesta races after the setting Flamos in the West as a thinning red crescent.
[GM]: The Royal City comes alive in the light of sunset
[Anne]: "oooh!"
[GM]: Lights spring up all of the city ... it seems more alive tonight than in previous nights.
[GM]: Jamison "There is something in the air .... or is it my imagination?"
[GM]: Jackdaw "No, it smell just like air to me"
(Dorje whispered to GM): are horses ridden in the city??
[Anne]: "I don't know... Maybe its a festival before the wedding?"
[GM]: Thomas, "That could be ... "
[Thor]: "Definitely something."
(GM whispered to Dorje): Hmm.... not particually, except maybe by knights.
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay, just checking
[GM]: Soon the party arrives at the Coliseum
[GM]: Jamison leads them to the second floor and through a door, close to the desk that the party visited the very first night that they arrived.
[GM]: Jamison leads them into a large room with a long table.
[Anne]: "Hmmmm...."
Anne thinks "How long ago that seemed!"
[GM]: The table is perhaps 50 ft long
[Dorje]: .
[Dorje]: ((just making sure it didn't freeze))
[GM]: There are horns, hides, shields, and a few paintings on the wall. A bartender works behind a counter which apparently is a fully functional pub with many kegs of ale.
[GM]: You can see at least a dozen squires working, setting the table and a few knights. Sir C is directing them and smiles when he sees you.
[Anne]: ooc did Jamison wear the sword?
[GM]: Sir C approaches, "All is ready for the great Sir Dradul, it would seem"
[GM]: Jamison carries the sword strapped to his back, but it is still wrapped in cloth.
[GM]: Sir C motions for one of the squires and the boy comes up to you.
(Dorje whispered to GM): ((you know, of we build this guy up any more, we are going to have to make him royalty))
[GM]: Squire "May I show you to your seats?"
(GM whispered to Dorje): hehehe
[Anne]: "Thank you!"
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: [wb MikeL]
Thor nods "Please do."
[Jackdaw]: hihi
[Anne]: brb
[GM]: You are all shown to your seats and given whatever you want to drink.
[GM]: Sir Petr arrives soon after you do and all wait in anticipation of Sir Dradul.
[Anne]: ((back))
(Dorje whispered to GM): should I come in now?
[Anne]: Anne has a tall foaming ale
(GM whispered to Dorje): Okay, do you think that you would have done any checking on Jamison in the few hours before the dinner?
[GM]: [ whispering with Sir D ]
[GM]: [ will someone fill in Jackdaw? ]
Thor decides to be cautious and just has water
Jackdaw haved one too
(Dorje whispered to GM): you mean getting info about him??
[GM]: [ hehe ]
[Thor]: (Don't want to have a repeat of that passing out scene at this table!)
(GM whispered to Dorje): Yes
(Dorje whispered to GM): sounds good, since I would like the info, if you could present it somehow...
(GM whispered to Dorje): You have many contacts that could have given you some info about him and his party
(Dorje whispered to GM): maybe about the fries too
(GM whispered to Dorje): fries?
(Dorje whispered to GM): i meant friends
(GM whispered to Dorje): Give me an IQ roll, first please.
(Dorje whispered to GM): i think he would have looked into it, but how does it get from him to me
(Dorje whispered to GM): all rolls but damage are 3d6 right??
(GM whispered to Dorje): Yes, unless stated otherwise
DICE for Dorje: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,4 = [ 14 ]
(GM whispered to Dorje): missed by 4
(Dorje whispered to GM): yup
(GM whispered to Dorje): The name of Squire Jamison actually struck a cord in your mind, but you could not remember where you had heard it.
(GM whispered to Dorje): You could have asked one of your contacts about the party
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay
(Dorje whispered to GM): well, I got a way to do it, so should I enter??
(GM whispered to Dorje): And they would have told you that Squire Jamison and his party was in town to attend the Royal trial of Baron Kessler.
[Anne]: test
[GM]: [ still whispering .. just give me another minute ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,6 = [ 15 ]
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay, do I know anything about them questing??
(GM whispered to Dorje): They are the ones that apparently brought the Baron to justice. There is also some rumors that they entered the long forgotten catacombs under the city of Shevandale to enter the Baron's castle.
[Jackdaw]: ooc just checking
(GM whispered to Dorje): You know nothing about their quest .. but you could ask them and see what they say. It might be a touchy subject though.
[Anne]: brb
(Dorje whispered to GM): have they been in town for long or did they just get here??
(GM whispered to Dorje): This is what your sources told you. Of course all information has been quitened by the Crown and none of it has appeared in any of the papers.
(GM whispered to Dorje): It will not appear until the trial begins.
(GM whispered to Dorje): Of course, everyone knows that the Baron is going to be tried but not what for or how he was brought in.
(GM whispered to Dorje): Okay ... gonna enter you now.
(GM whispered to Dorje): Been in town about 1 week
[GM]: The clock fastly approaches 8pm
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay
[GM]: And just a minute before the tradional time for dinner, the door opens and Sir Dorje Dradul enters.
[Anne]: back
[GM]: Sir C and Jamison stands
[Anne]: Anne stands
Thor stands
[GM]: Sir C "Welcome Sir Dradul. Would you please join us."
Jackdaw gets up too
Dorje enter the hall and bows at the door way.
[GM]: Jamison smiles and nods.
[Dorje]: I would love to
[GM]: There is something a little disturbing about Sir D's voice.
Dorje walks to the table, "Where should I sit?"
[GM]: Sir C motions to a seat between him and Jamison
[GM]: The Squire approaches Sir D "Drink sir?"
Dorje takes and seat, motioning for the others to sit
[Dorje]: No thanks squire, I am all set
[GM]: Sir C, Jamison and the others sit
Thor sits
[Anne]: Anne sits
Dorje holds up a water skin
(GM whispered to Dorje): There is rather a large crowd here. perhaps more than you expected.
Jackdaw sits, looking somewhat puzzled
(Dorje whispered to GM): how many?
[GM]: Thomas whispers to Jackdaw, "Now you behave yourself tonight"
[Anne]: "Perhaps introductions are in order?"
[Dorje]: I am surprised to see you here, Sir Cornelius, I was expecting to have dinner with just...ah...the squire here and his friends...
[Dorje]: Yes, that would be good
[GM]: Sir C stands taking his place as the coordinator
[GM]: Sir C "I am Cornelius of Nearhill Downs. I have been travelling with Squire Jamison for about 2 weeks now"
[GM]: Sir C motions to Jamison
[Dorje]: "doing what..if I might ask?"
[GM]: Jamison stands, "And you know me as Squire Jamison." he nods a little nervous
Dorje nods
[Anne]: "I am Anval Ironfist, of Kissel, and a priestess of Ral."
[GM]: Sir C " Er we have been brought together on a business that will not be concluded until this Thursday Sir Dradul"
[Jackdaw]: My Jackdaw!
[GM]: Thomas "I am Thomas" he stands and nods
[GM]: Sir Petr "I am Sir Petr of the Yellow Rose, an old friend of Cornelius here"
(GM whispered to Dorje): IQ roll please
Dorje nods politely, noticing his avoidance of the question
DICE for Dorje: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,2 = [ 7 ]
(GM whispered to Dorje): You recognize the name Petr as something of a champion in the Arena. He is also a comissioned knight.
(Dorje whispered to GM): has everyone been introduced??
Thor nods politely
[Thor]: "And I am Thor."
[Anne]: "jackdaw is from the Pindoor Forest..."
(Dorje whispered to GM): 'Ah, one of the ah...oh..."
Jackdaw looks around "not in forrest?"
(Dorje whispered to GM): ignore that
[Jackdaw]: "in city!
[Jackdaw]: "is more funner"
[GM]: Sir C "Now that everyone has been introduced, perhaps I should say for those of you who do not know him ... this is Sir Dorje Dradul .... something of a master swordman, I must say"
Dorje stands and bows to the assembled table, with clattering of his various weaponry
[Dorje]: "It is my pleasure to know all of you"
[GM]: Thomas makes note of the clatter as Sir D stands.
[GM]: Sir C continues, "While this place was designed for a much larger crowd. I took it upon myself to arrange for dinner here tonight. I hope it meets with your approval Sir Dradul."
(Dorje whispered to GM): "I am sure it will"
[Dorje]: 'I am sure it will"
[GM]: Sir C nods and the first course of dinner is served.
Jackdaw whispers to Anval "kinda slow frollic. will it getted better?"
(Dorje whispered to GM): is there somewhere we are trying to get?
[Anne]: Anne whispers to Jackdaw "Probably not.... Just think of a nice meal - you can always frollic when its over..."
Jackdaw whispers back "my NEED a good frollic, been too long"
Anne tries not to blush...
[GM]: As the meal begins Jamison gets up his nerve and asks Sir D, "Sir Dradul, I must say that I was suprised and honored at your mention of sponsoring me as knight."
[Anne]: Anne whispers back to JD - "I think you'll have to wait... If you leave now, it might embarass Jamison."
[GM]: Jamsion "Is this something that you do quite often?"
Dorje shruggs
[Dorje]: "Now and again, it has been a while"
[Dorje]: "You were very good in the arena, showeded good tacticle sense, the kingdom can always use good nights"
[Dorje]: ((I mean knights))
[GM]: Jamison "Well, I am going to gladly accept your offer. It is a great honor I must say"
[Dorje]: ((this is not my night for good spelling either))
[GM]: Sir C "Last I heard, you were doing great things on the Northern border ... and then you were retiring. Surely, it is a great waste of your skill."
[Dorje]: "Well, with a voice like this, i tend to scare the men more then the enemy does"
[GM]: Sir C nods at Sir D and smiles
[GM]: Sir C "Still a waste of a good knight!"
[Dorje]: "I have found that I do like teaching, though I would like to get back on the road again, it has been a LONG time"
[Dorje]: "Thank you sir"
[GM]: Jamison "Yes, travel has been a welcome change the past few fortnights."
[GM]: Jamison "But I must say that I never expected to find myself in the Royal City"
[Dorje]: "miss the battle too..."
[GM]: Squires wait the table and the others courses follow.
[Dorje]: "It is a rather nice city isn't it? Though I like the wild better myself"
[Anne]: "I've spent a few years on the borders... The city is a nice change from all that."
Dorje nods
[Jackdaw]: "is more funner than woods, more to see and do"
(GM whispered to Dorje): You notice the package strapped to Jamison's back. Your expertise tells you that it must be a sword.
[GM]: Sir C "Ahh... the borders. I have had my fill of them."
[GM]: Sir C "But within a few months, I am sure to find my way back there."
[Dorje]: can I tell anything about it...that it is balanced...what kind is it, long, broad, katana, etc
[Dorje]: ((whooops, ignore that))
[GM]: [oops]
(Dorje whispered to GM): I meant to wisper that
(GM whispered to Dorje): Roll IQ
DICE for Dorje: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,4 = [ 9 ]
(GM whispered to Dorje): You can tell it is a little too long to be a long sword, but it is too short for a greatsword like you carry.
(GM whispered to Dorje): It is hard to tell more than that, without actually seeing it.
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay, does he carry another kinds of sword too?
[Dorje]: "Why do you expect to go back so soon??"
(GM whispered to Dorje): He does not have any other weapons on him. There is a morning star on the floor near him. you can be safe to assume it is his.
(Dorje whispered to GM): did he use a sword in the arena? if so what kind?]\
[GM]: Sir C "Duty of course. I am active .... taking my yearly leave here in the city ... with my friends."
[ Corax joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Dorje): In the arean he fought with the staff and then switched to the morning star at the end.
[Dorje]: "Ah, active duty"
[GM]: [welcome corax]
(Corax whispered to GM): Heya Rubix, Mind if I lurk? I need to stability test WebRPG on this puter
(GM whispered to Corax): Not at all ... you are welcome
[Dorje]: "Ah, jamison...if I might ask? Why do you carry a sword when you do not seem to use one...??"
[GM]: Jamison gulps his drink, acting a little nervous. He looks at Sir C for help in this situation.
[Dorje]: "The sword is my chosen weapon, so if you do use one, I might be able to give you some tips"
[Dorje]: "But since you did not use one in the arena..."
[Anne]: Anne whispers to Jamison...
[GM]: Sir C "It is a rather touchy subject." he looks at the other party members.
(Anne whispered to GM): "Perhaps its too precious to entrust to a room without a trsuted guard, so we brought it with us...?)
[GM]: Jamison "I would very much apprecitate any pointers that you could give me with the sword."
[GM]: Jamison looks to Anne and nods.
Thor remains silently attentive as he enjoys his meal
[GM]: Jamison "It is a very precious weapon. I could not leave it without a trusted guard."
[Dorje]: "Ah, always a good practice to have weapons with you, I never leave home without mine"
Dorje raises his shoulders to make his sword clatter
[GM]: Sir C looks to the other party members "I am not so sure that we might not ought to get the opinion of a master swordsman on our package here? What thinks the rest of you?"
[Dorje]: ((swords rather))
[GM]: Thomas eyes the swords closely, "You do come prepared, dont you?"
[GM]: Jamison looks to Anne.
[Anne]: "as for swords, they lie outside my field of expertise... If you all feel it a good idea, then I am with you."
Anne smiles at Jamison...
[Dorje]: He shrggs again, "When you spend as many lears on the border as i did, youy take a liking to having a few weapons withing easy reach"
[GM]: Sir Petr "I know that I have been brought in on this, and I dont really have a say here. But I think your party needs the help of an expert."
Thor looks to Sir C "Might be a wise idea."
[Anne]: "Then, let us show him...."
[GM]: Sir C motions to a squire and the squire comes over.
[Anne]: "Sir Dradul... we have found a very unusual sword."
[GM]: Sir C "clear the room ... everyone that is not sitting at the table."
[GM]: Soon the room is cleared and the doors shut.
[GM]: Sir C "Very well ... now I think it safe to proceed."
Dorje pulls off his gauntlets to expose the softer leather gloves "Let me take a look"
[Anne]: "Squire?"
[Anne]: (to jamison)
[Jackdaw]: ooc he'e *eating* with plate gauntlets on???
[GM]: Jamison removes the package from his back, hesitatingly, and then hands it to Sir Dradul.
[Dorje]: ((LOL, oh yeah, I forgot about that, sorry))
[GM]: [hehe]
[Thor]: (Heh)
(GM whispered to Dorje): You have the package
Dorje takes the package carefully and unwraps it, holding it with on hand on the blade and the other on the hilt
[Dorje]: ((...one hand under the blade...))
[Jackdaw]: ooc IRL I make those things and I wouldn't try eating in them, tho I have to admit you could with a little practice
[Dorje]: ((you do? can you stay a minute to talk after the game??))
Dorje steps back from the table to test the balance
[GM]: The bastard sword glimmers in the low light of the lanterns of the room
Thor watches Sir D handle the sword from his seat
[Anne]: Anne stands, and goes to refill her flagon... "Jackdaw - you want a refill of ale?"
(Dorje whispered to GM): how is the balance?
[Jackdaw]: yes!
[GM]: It glimmers a little brighter than even Sir Draduls gauntlets. [lol]
[Anne]: Anne gets herself and JD an ale...
[Jackdaw]: "this getting boring"
(GM whispered to Dorje): You have never seen such balance. The weapon is more superb than any that you have ever seen.
[Dorje]: "Wow, this sword is incredible"
(GM whispered to Dorje): Roll IQ
DICE for Dorje: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,5 = [ 10 ]
(GM whispered to Dorje): The sword is also is of very old make. over 1000 years
[Anne]: Anne brings the ale back to the table.
(Dorje whispered to GM): is it better for the roll to be lower? would I get more info?
(GM whispered to Dorje): Yes
(Dorje whispered to GM): okay
[Dorje]: "Well, it is over 1000 years old"
[Dorje]: "Perfect balance"
(GM whispered to Dorje): You can even identify the maker of the sword. Malkiny. It predates the the first kings of Methor.
(GM whispered to Dorje): Actually, it kind of makes you drewl .. it is such a superb weapon. You literally have never seen such craftmenship ...
[GM]: Jamison smiles and nods.
[Dorje]: "Ah, yes, i recognize the smith, it woud be Malkiny, one of the greatest smiths of all time, it predates even the ealiest kings of methoria
Dorje looks around for a bench or serving tray or something
[GM]: Sir C smiles at Jamison "Well, our appraiser was correct then."
[Dorje]: 'Anyone have something I can test this on?
(Corax whispered to GM): Heya Rubix, can I get your ICQ UIN? I had you on my 'list of important UINs' when I moved out but yours and a couple other peoples didn't get copied right
[GM]: About 40 ft of the long table is unused.
(GM whispered to Corax): 35374100
[Dorje]: "ah"
Dorje goes to the fireplace a takes a piece of wood of the rack
[GM]: There is also serving trays about and many chairs.
[GM]: Luckily it is summer and there is no fire.
[Dorje]: coming back to the group..."Would one of you hold this for me?"
[GM]: Jamison whispers to Sir C "I assume he knows what he is doing"
[GM]: Jamison takes the wood and holds it.
[Dorje]: "Just rest it on top of you hand at arms length please"
[GM]: Jamison does what Sir D asks of him.
[GM]: Thomas whispers to Jackdaw, "Have some more Ale .. this might take awhile."
Thor goes and refills his water glass then returns to his seat
Jackdaw whispers back "thanks"
Dorje shakes his wrist to loosen it, then uses a reverse double handed grip and cuts at the wood
[GM]: The wood slices as if it were a mellon
[GM]: There is a faint glint of a spark when the sword makes contact with the wood.
[Dorje]: "Damn" recovering quickly as it cuts it more easily then it shoud, "Well, that answers the question if Melkiny was just a smith or if he was a mage smith"
[Dorje]: "Ladies and gengtleman, what you have here is one incredible enchanted blade, the likes of which I have never seen"
[GM]: Sir C nods, "It has been enchanted .... we have it on good authority"
[GM]: Jamison "Well, what you have there is the legendary sword ..... Gleam"
(GM whispered to Dorje): you really thought it was just a legend.
(GM whispered to Dorje): The Sword of King Millborne Orcslayer.
[Dorje]: "Oh, you sure?"
[Dorje]: "Nevermind, of course you are"
[GM]: Jamison "Yes, quite"
[Dorje]: 'Where did you ever find it?
[Dorje]: "
[GM]: Jamison "You see .... it was removed from ... (he pauses)"
[Anne]: Hmmm... Jamison, Sir Dradul - may I hold the swrod a moment... I feel I have forgotten soemthing important that needs to be rectified."
[GM]: Sir C "The tomb of King Millborne Orcslayer."
[Anne]: (sorry)
(Dorje whispered to GM): does it have a sheath?
(GM whispered to Dorje): Yes, it does.
Dorje sheaths the sword and then hands it to Anne
(GM whispered to Dorje): It is quite plane without any decorations though.
(Dorje whispered to GM): what skill is a bastard sword used with?
[GM]: Jamison "Anne, what are you thinking"
[Anne]: Anne takes Gleam, and moves aside, while Jamison tells Sir Dradul about where it was found...
[Anne]: "I was thinking about casting "Ancient History" on it - to see if it has any unseen secrets."
[Anne]: "It might take 10 minutes or so, though - can you wait?"
(GM whispered to Dorje): Depends on how you use it. Broadsword if used one-handed. Two-handed sword if used two-handed.
(Dorje whispered to GM): just curious if I could use it with my greater skill if ever needed, lol
[GM]: Jamison nods to Sir C "That might be a good idea, what do you think Sir C?"
[GM]: Sir C "Proceed Anne"
Thor nods as he smiles "Agreed."
(Dorje whispered to GM): not that mine if greater than jamison, I don't know, I meant the greater of my skills
[GM]: Thomas stands and goes to the bar
[Dorje]: "Very nice weapon you have there"
[Anne]: Anne begins casting... Chanting prayers to Ral and the saints.. asking to use one of her 3 blessings... (a +5 modifier, if I'm not mistaken!)
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,1 = [ 8 ]
[Anne]: Skill 13
[Anne]: succeed by 10!
[GM]: [A super crit!!]
[Anne]: Woo!
[Dorje]: "Though I do have to say that I do prefer great swords"
[Dorje]: ((very nice anne))
Thor nods
[Anne]: ((thanks))
[GM]: Anne gets a vision ... a long vision. Her eyes begin to blink and she assumes a catatonic state for about 10 minutes
[GM]: Jamison becomes worried about her.
[Thor]: "I was trained in the quicker combat style, my skills are with the short sword."
Jackdaw watches her closely
[GM]: Jamison "Think she is okay?"
[Anne]: Anne mutters "this preview rated G for all audiences..."
[GM]: Sir C "Let's not bother her. She is still standing ..."
[Jackdaw]: "my not sure, magic do funny things sometime"
[Dorje]: "Where did you train if I might ask??"
(GM whispered to Anne): Shall I give the vision to you or to everyone?
[Dorje]: "I have done a little with the short sword, but not that much"
[GM]: [Who are you talking to Dorje?]
(Anne whispered to GM): give it to everyone - I'll just be telling them anyway
[Dorje]: (thor)
[GM]: When Anne comes out of it she tells of her vision ....
[Thor]: "Most of my skills were picked up when I was a young soldier in the Royal Army. I was good friends with my commander."
[Thor]: "If you wish I can give you some tips on handling the shortsword."
[Dorje]: "Trained to line fighting I assume?"
[Dorje]: 'I could use some actually, I rarely use it"
[Thor]: "Correct. I never acquired the skills to ride horses so I was always an Infantry man."
[GM]: She tells a tale of blood. Thousands upon thousand of Orcs riding upon what would one day be the city of Shevandale. The Humans small force uses all of its tactics to defeat a force that outnumbers them by 10. She tells of the valient deeds of King Millborne Orcslayer.
Jackdaw listens enthralled
[GM]: She feels the sword drenched in Orc blood.
[Dorje]: "Have you attempted to make the switch to slightly longer weapon? In line fighting there is not superior weapon to the short sword, but when you have no on on either side, I always liked a little more distance between me and my oponent. Hm, lets continue this later" ::finally noticing anne speaking::
[GM]: Then she gets a brief glimspe of the King sitting upon the throne in Shevandale, as peace finally reigns. Then she tells of a battle of the undead. Thousands of Zombies overrun the City.
Jackdaw shivers
(Dorje whispered to GM): Sorry bout inturuping I had already typed is and hit enter before I saw that you were in the middle of telling the story
[Anne]: Anne shivers... and realizes, at least a little, why the catacombs may have been sealed.
[GM]: Many emerge from the catacombs, and there are Humans comanding them. They are necromancers. There is a battle that clears out the many halls of the catacombs.
[GM]: And she sees the death of King Millborne.
[GM]: Her final vision is of a man putting the sword Gleam into the tomb of King Millborne.
[GM]: Words are being said and the ceremony is elaborate. Many attend this Royal funeral.
[GM]: She decribes the man that places the sword in the tomb. A man wearing long grey robes a grey pointed hat and has a long silver beard.
[GM]: That is the end of her vision
[GM]: The rest is darkness
[Thor]: "Well. It would seem to me that it is now proved beyond a reasonable doubt. This is in fact the true Gleam."
Anne thinks about her vision...
[Dorje]: "Wow"
[GM]: IQ roll Anne
[Jackdaw]: "you al right Anne?"
[Anne]: "I think there may be more to this vision than proof this is gleam.. But I think I will need to think about it, later..."
(GM whispered to Anne): You are awarded 1 level in this spell
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,6 = [ 12 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 2
(GM whispered to Anne): You are also a little shaken. It was rather vivid.
[Anne]: "I... I'm a bit shaken,,, nothing another ale and a chair can't cure..."
(GM whispered to Anne): The man that placed the sword in the tomb catches your attention. You have seen him somewhere before.
Jackdaw gets a chair
[Thor]: "Yes, we will have to ponder the true meaning of the visions."
(Anne whispered to GM): Brother drascal?
Thor gets up and refills Anne's ale
[GM]: Jamison "Wow, Anne ... that was amazing."
[Dorje]: "He took the words right out of my mouth, literally" ::he says to himself"
[Anne]: "I think I amazed myself...."
[Anne]: "whew!"
(GM whispered to Anne): Your first thought is not correct. You keep thinking and then it comes to you. But it couldn't be. You feel a little creepy, but the man that you saw in the catacombs that disappeared when Thomas teleported to him.
(Anne whispered to GM): Uhoh... I won't mention this bit until later...
(GM whispered to Anne): A man dressed like all of the classic wizards from literature.
(GM whispered to Anne): k
[Dorje]: "So, what are your plans for Gleam? Are you just going to carry it around all wrapped up?"
Thor hands Anne her ale as he returns to his seat
[GM]: Sir C shakes his head, "Actually we dont rightly know":
[Thor]: "That is still a matter of discussion amongst us."
[Anne]: Anne takes the ale.. "Thanks Thor...
[GM]: Jamison "Rightfully the sword would belong to the descentdant of King Millborne Orcslayer"
(GM whispered to Dorje): That would be Baron Kessler
[Thor]: "Aye, and we have discovered that the living heir of King Mellborne Orcslayer is none other than the Baron that goes up for trial in a few days"
[Dorje]: "Well, the only thing that I think I might point out...no offense intended...but it does no one any good if it isn't used"
[GM]: Sir C "Aye"
(Dorje whispered to GM): thanks
[Dorje]: "Hm, that is a bit of a complication isn't it"
[Dorje]: "What is he on trial for anyway?"
[GM]: Jamison "We were going to await the end of the trial"
[Anne]: "Our dilemma is whether to give it to its rightful owner - a man who is a traitor at best, and a necromancer at worst, or do we give it to the King to decide its fate?
[Dorje]: "Well, since the Duke is currently under arrest I assume, I don't beliece it is feasable to give it to him"
[Dorje]: ((i don't believe rather))
[Anne]: "But if we reveal it exists, the courts may demand we give it to him..."
[GM]: Sir C "It is rather complicated .. and some of it we are bound not to tell.... But perhaps the Hiring of an Assassin? or perhaps Necromancy? I am not sure... there may be more."
[GM]: Jamison takes the sword and reraps it, "But until then, I have taken it upon myself to keep it safe."
[Dorje]: "That is probably best"
[GM]: Once the sword is rerapped and put away, Sir C signals the Squires to return.
[Dorje]: "But frankly, I don't think you should let the Duke have it under any circumstances if he does as he says" ::he wispers to jamison::
[Anne]: Anne seems to have recovered now... and walks over to Thomas, whispering in his ear.
[GM]: [that would be the Baron]
[GM]: Thomas listens
[Dorje]: ((okay, the baron))
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne tells Thomas about the resemblance of the Wizard to the man she saw in the catacombs... to see if he has any ideas.)
[Dorje]: ((this still working))
(GM whispered to Anne): He asks if it could be the same person and if Anne thinks he could be a ghost? He also reminds Anne that Jamison thought that he saw this same man riding a horse on the way to the Royal City.
[GM]: There is more talk of swords and such.
[GM]: Sir Dradul is encouraged to tell the tales of his expertise in battles against the Orcs. All quite boring to Jackdaw.
(Anne whispered to GM): I'm not sure THomas... He might be a living person, immune to age, or he might be a spirit... It bears some thought - I will tell you later which I believe more true."
Jackdaw keeps drinking the good ale and begins to get a bit 'good to go'
(Anne whispered to GM): I Think it might be a spirit - but if so, I'm not sure if its hostile or merely protecting the sword."
[GM]: The dinner is finished and the mugs are continually filled by the Squires.
(Corax whispered to GM): Hey Rubix, if you ever have room for any more players in this game (It looks neet) drop me an ICQ message or e-mail at RevCorax@juno.com
[Anne]: Anne stops drinking Alcohol after her 4th ale...
(Corax whispered to GM): Gotta run right now though
(GM whispered to Corax): k later
[ Corax left the game ]
[Anne]: whoa! ooc - is this working?
[Anne]: My screen blanked for 2 seconds!
[Dorje]: ((ouch))
[GM]: Dinner is finished and everyone begins to walk home. It is about 10:30pm.
Anne is having blackouts now.... hehehe
[GM]: Sir C leaves with Sir Petr.
[GM]: [ hehe LoL ]
[Dorje]: ((LOL, wow, it is actualy the same time as IRL, for once anyway))
Jackdaw staggers down the street
[Thor]: ((Screen Freeze!))
[Jackdaw]: singing inb a strange language
Thor stands and exits, following the others
[Anne]: "It was nice meeting you Sir Dradul... I hope you and Squire Jamison get on famously! And Sir C, Sir Petr - it was nice seeing you again too!"
[GM]: Thomas, "Are you okay there Jackdaw? You seem to be swaying a bit."
[Dorje]: "Nice meeting you anne"
[Anne]: Anne follows JD and Thor, waiting for Jamison...
Jackdaw calls out "hey Pip! you knowed this one" and beging singing another tune
[Jackdaw]: "my haveded a leetle beet too muchhh too drinked my thinkeded"
[Jackdaw]: "Whee!"
[GM]: Jamison tells Sir D before he leaves, "I am staying at the Holy Cathedral if you need to contact me. When shall I see you again?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Pip "Squawk .... Squawk!!"
[Dorje]: "Soon"
[Dorje]: "I will be around I expect"
[GM]: Jamison smiles and nods.
[GM]: Jamison hurries to catch up with Anne and the others.
[GM]: The walk home is uneventful
Dorje gets up, tying down his weapons before he leaves and goes back to his house
[Anne]: "Well, Jamison... do you think your meeting with Sir Dradul went well? You didn't talk much about becoming a Knight."
Jackdaw begins another song and even tho the language is strange the body and hand motions soon make it clear that the song is about certain anatomical impossibilities ... at least for humans ...
[GM]: Jamison "Well, we did some talking there at the end ... I think I am going to have to train for a long time before I take my test."
Anne chuckles at JD's antics
[GM]: Thomas shakes his head and laughs at Jackdaw.
[Anne]: "Really? How come?"
[GM]: Jamison "I am beginning to think that there might be more to learn than I thought ... and besides, I dont want to have a bad showing if Sir Dradul is my sponsor."
Jackdaw 's feeling mello ... finally
[Anne]: "Hmmm... Okay. I'm sending well-wishes your way!"
[GM]: Jamison "But there is much to do before I can begin. I will be glad when this trial is over and we decide what to do with this sword."
[Anne]: "I think I should head back... Evening prayers are about to begin, and I should attend."
[ ,Jack left the game ]
[GM]: Jamison "Of course, I think i am heading back too. This has been a very long day for me'
[Anne]: "That will be a relief - getting rid of that sword!
[GM]: Jamison nods
[GM]: Thomas whispers to Anne
(GM whispered to Anne): Should we say anything to jamison about the wizard?
(Anne whispered to GM): I think so.... Let's tell him as we walk back.
(Dorje whispered to GM): GETTING RID OF, ah, that is no fun
(GM whispered to Dorje): Well, who knows what they will do with it.
[Anne]: ooc - Guys - I'm going to have to go - I feel a siezure coming on and need some meds... sorry! 8(
[Anne]: test
[ Sir Dradul joined the game ]
[GM]: The city streets are quiet, but the festive air is still present. Many decorations are around and lights glow even at this late hour.
[ Sir Dradul left the game ]
[GM]: ((Okay Anne))
[Jackdaw]: ksorry too
[Sir Dradul]: ((Did this just crash for anyone else?00
[GM]: ((I think it was just you))
(GM whispered to Anne): take care
[Sir Dradul]: ((okay, just checking))
[Anne]: Thanks guys.... I'll check the chatlog later to see what Imissed
[Anne]: seeya
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: my REALLy gotted lag
[Sir Dradul]: ((WOW, you really are))
[GM]: The party arrives back at the Cathedral and many begin to bed down for the night
[GM]: [anyone doing anything else this night?]
[GM]: ...
Jackdaw go finded frollic?
[Jackdaw]: ooc but we don't have to role
[Jackdaw]: play it
[Jackdaw]: ooc my screen keeps blanking out
[GM]: Roll IQ-4 JD
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-4-3d6) : 3d6=2,5,6 = [ -4 ]
[GM]: ((Ouch, you too JD??0
[Jackdaw]: bloweded it
[GM]: You have some trouble, but you do find a nice pub with some action going on.
[Jackdaw]: yes
[ ,Jack joined the game ]
[Jack]: (Stupid crashes!)
[GM]: Thomas, Anne, Jamison, and Thor are awakened the next morning early by a knock at the doors to their rooms.
[Jackdaw]: will frollic, play for my drinks and maybe find some "company" and will show up in rhe morning at the cathedral
[GM]: But I think I will END SESSION here.