[Wed Jun 02 07:02:15 CDT 1999]
[GM]: Okay, well you guys are outside the shop ...in a part of
town where there are such shops.
[GM]: It is probably about 2'oclock.
[GM]: Let's say 2:30.
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: First Cornelius waited outside and then Jamison finally
came out.
Sir Cornelius mentions that there is a small window on one side
of the shop...near the ground...
[Jamison]: shall we take a look?
[Sir Cornelius]: I will...you stand guard
[Jamison]: ok
Jamison tries to look bored and watches out...
Sir Cornelius wanders by the window...first trying to see what
can be seen as a passerby
[GM]: The window has bars on it....and beyond is very dark.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: it's the very dark part that bothers me...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: is he in shade at all...?
[GM]: OOC: Is Cornelius in shade?
[Sir Cornelius]: yes
[Sir Cornelius]: won't do any good if I'm in bright sunlight and
the room is dark :/
[GM]: The buildings here are about 4 stories tall.
[GM]: You are in shade ... and the sky is overcast.
Sir Cornelius gets down near the window...body along one side of
the building...and looks in
Sir Cornelius shields his eyes from the outside light as well as
he can
[GM]: Give me a vision roll
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,1 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: One from you too Jamison.
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): made it by 7
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You see some crates stacked
against the wall and some cobwebs on the window.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): The window hasn't been used in
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): any guess as to the purpose of
the room? a wine cellar maybe?
(GM whispered to Jamison): You see a man ripping of a merchant
right across the street.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): also...any exits from the room
visible? size of the room?
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Not wine....just a storeroom of
some sort.
(GM whispered to Jamison): ripping off
[Jamison]: What type of merchant...
(GM whispered to Jamison): He is sticking some items under his
shirt .... you can see him through the window.
Sir Cornelius gets up...brushing himself off...and slowly walks
back out front again
(Jamison whispered to GM): .he walks over to the thief.
(GM whispered to Jamison): The shop just says
(Jamison whispered to GM): when I get to the thief.."Don't
you think that you should pay for those?
(Jamison whispered to GM): "
(GM whispered to Jamison): You saw him through the window ....
did you go in?
(Jamison whispered to GM): Yes, I go in...
[GM]: Cornelius ... you see Jamison walk across the street...and
enter a shop ....
Sir Cornelius mutters under his breath... my faithful guard...
Sir Cornelius follows after him
[GM]: There is a loud bang and someone yells, "THEIF!"
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: from which direction?
[GM]: ooc: i will learn to spell that word, don't worry.
[GM]: The sound came from the shop.
[Sir Cornelius]: the one across the street I presume...OK
Sir Cornelius moves more quickly...to "investigate"
Jamison tands in the front door and watches the thief, and blocks
the door.
(GM whispered to Jamison): As you entered the theif saw you and
pushed over a table with some items on it and made a dart for the
[ Zonkedout left the game ]
[Jamison]: tands=stands
[GM]: Jamison is standing in front of the door and a man runs
into him.
[Jamison]: I don't think you'll be leaving through this door...
Sir Cornelius puts his hand on the pommel of his sword
(GM whispered to Jamison): OOC: Help me out ... contest of ST?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: I bet that smarts
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: where do the bodies end up :)
(Jamison whispered to GM): yes, or ....just a sec..
[GM]: OOC: Just a sec.
(Jamison whispered to GM): He can try to evade me and move
through the hex...
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): Is there a common method for
summoning help? no police whistles I guess <g> (whenever
you get time to answer is fine)
(Jamison whispered to GM): B113
(Jamison whispered to GM): Contest of DX at -5?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Okay ... he ramed you ... I need a
roll DX roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,1 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: As I said Cornelius .. you saw the man run into Jamison at
the door.
(Jamison whispered to GM): DX=13
[Sir Cornelius]: right...so I suspect he's a thief...but...did he
fall? is he running? what's the scoop?
(To GM) DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Roll again
(To GM) DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,1 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,6 = [ 9 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: did he get stopped at the doorway?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Okay roll vs ST to see if you feel
(To GM) DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 12 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,1 = [ 3 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Nope
(Jamison whispered to GM): st=12
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC good roll :)
[GM]: Okay, the man go by Jamison ... but Jamison manages to stay
on his feet.
[Jamison]: OOC:thx SC
Sir Cornelius tries to grapple the thief
[GM]: The man darts out into the street and see's Sir Cornelius.
[Sir Cornelius]: before he gets up too much steam
Jamison turns and tries to catch the thief...
[GM]: The man makes a quick turn and trys to escape from him.
[Sir Cornelius]: how close are we?
[Sir Cornelius]: can I grab him?
[GM]: The shop owner is coming towards the door yelling,
"Stop Thief!"
[GM]: The theif gets by both of you and turns south running down
the street.
[Jamison]: CATCH HIM,Sir Cornelius
[GM]: OOC: I am afraid that Cornelius didn't have time to make it
more than half way across the street.
[Sir Cornelius]: knowing that I'm not able to grab the
[GM]: ...
Sir Cornelius drew his sword and chased after him
[GM]: Jamison?
Jamison chases after the thief
[GM]: I need running scores ... or move for both of you.
[Jamison]: 6.25
[Sir Cornelius]: wow... 5.5 here
[GM]: Okay, the thief continues on down the street making better
speed than you guys.
[Sir Cornelius]: did I get close enough to see who it was?
Jamison slows
[Jamison]: Nuts...
[GM]: He heads to the next corner and begins to make a right. (He
was going south)
Sir Cornelius heads to the right...wherever he is...
Jamison jogs on...
[GM]: Vision Roll Cornelius.
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,3 = [ 11 ]
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): by 2
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Before you noticed that he had
dark hair and was wearing a red shirt .. you could probably
identify him .. if need be.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): cool...thanks
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): He also had on a brown
leatherish jacket.
[GM]: You guys following?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): human I presume
[Sir Cornelius]: no, I took a right
[Sir Cornelius]: I'm paralleling where he might go in case he
[Jamison]: yes..
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Human male about 28 150 pounds
[Jamison]: I just can run full out forever..
[Jamison]: can=can't
[GM]: Jamison follows ...Cornelius goes North?
[Sir Cornelius]: west...that's right from south...
(GM whispered to Jamison): The man make a right at the corner.
[Sir Cornelius]: he went west...so I am
[GM]: OOC: So you are following the thief also, Cornelius.
[Sir Cornelius]: at intersections, I'll look down the streets
toward the south
[Sir Cornelius]: not...directly...
(Jamison whispered to GM): I follow, SC is trying to parallel the
[Sir Cornelius]: off to the side if you know what I mean
[GM]: Okay the theif is now heading west .. Jamison is behind
Jamison continues to chase
[GM]: Cornelius is moving the same direction but not exactly
Sir Cornelius is travelling west...maybe a block or two to their
[GM]: Cornelius sees to the south at the intersection more shops
Sir Cornelius continues west
[Jamison]: OOC: I feel like I'm in a Dukes of Hazard chase...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: then why do I feel like the sherrif?
Jamison continues after the thief.
[GM]: The thief takes the next right...he is now heading
north....about 50 yds ahead of Jamison.
[GM]: ...about 100yds ahead of Cornelius.
[Sir Cornelius]: ahead?
[Sir Cornelius]: you would think I would have cut him off :/
Jamison follows, taking the right when I get there
[Sir Cornelius]: I was to his north after all...
[GM]: When you round the corner, Jamison you see the theif take a
hard left (heading back West)
[Jamison]: Is he still in sight?
[Jamison]: I'm not gaining am I....
[GM]: Jamison is still 50yds behind.
[GM]: OOC: Cornelius, you would have to go to the north a little
to catch the next corner to be north of these guys.
[GM]: OOC: Now, you told me that you didn't go to the north and
that you took a right.
[GM]: You still running Jamison?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): I don't see how...they both ran
south farther than I did in the first place...I *started* to the
north of them both
[GM]: OOC: The thief and Jamison took the FIRST right.
[Jamison]: Yep, it may be futile, but I'm still trying
Sir Cornelius gives up and goes back to the shop
(GM whispered to Jamison): As you round the next corner, you see
the theif stopped banging on a door.
(GM whispered to Jamison): He looks back and sees you.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: if I would have known that, I would have
known that I had to go north to get to the first intersection
north of where he turned...whatever
(Jamison whispered to GM): I continue on..
[GM]: OOC: Okay ...let's say that you did go north.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Trying to get to the thief..
[Sir Cornelius]: don't sweat it...I gave up
[GM]: Then you turned left at the first intersection hoping to
follow these guys to the north.
[GM]: Everyone chose a mini.
[Sir Cornelius]: I'll take a thompson
[GM]: OOC: What's a thompson?
[Sir Cornelius]: a submachine gun
[Sir Cornelius]: what's a mini?
[GM]: OOC: a miniature ... put it on the map.
[Sir Cornelius]: where...do I get one?
[GM]: Go to Reference ... Minis ..... People.
[GM]: OOC: on the left.
[Sir Cornelius]: oh cool...be with you in a sec...yes, just found
[GM]: OOC: I'm gonna place you Jamison.
[Jamison]: OK, Rub, put him where you want him...
[GM]: And Cornelius is a little further down.
[Jamison]: ok...
[Jamison]: OOC: How's that spelling coming?
[GM]: OOC: that looks about right.
[GM]: OOC: you tell me.
[Jamison]: ie
[Jamison]: thx)lol
[GM]: Okay, Jamison just rounded the corner and saw the theif at
the door.
[Jamison]: Now, Am I still chasing?
[GM]: The thief saw Jamison ...but has not seen Cornelius yet.
[Jamison]: I continue on...
[GM]: Cornelius is approaching from the east......Jamison from
the south.
[Sir Cornelius]: he's going into one of the shops then I take
[Sir Cornelius]: yes I have my bearings now...thanks
[GM]: The area around here appears to be more residential.
[GM]: This would be the alley behind the shops.
[Jamison]: Shall I move closer?
[GM]: Round 1
[GM]: Everyone give me 1d6 rolls
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (1d6) = [ 3 ]
DICE for Jamison: (1d6) : 1d6=4 = [ 4 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: add one for my initiative
[Sir Cornelius]: (assuming that's what this is for)
[GM]: OOC: Cornelius ...anything to add?
[Jamison]: Combat reflexes here too
(To GM) DICE for GM: (1d6) = [ 3 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: mine was from tactics
[GM]: The turns go Jamison, Cornelius, Thief.
[GM]: Jamison
[Jamison]: I continue on towards the thief, as far as my turn
[GM]: OOC: Can you move your mini?
[Jamison]: OOC: Rub, I'll let you move the mini's at this point,
[Jamison]: or I can...
[Jamison]: 1 hex per move?
[GM]: OOC: it's based on you move...
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: OOC: What was your move score?
[GM]: Jamison?
[Jamison]: Encumbered=3
[GM]: okay.
[GM]: Cornelius
[Jamison]: Basic=6.25
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: good grief...what do you wear in the city?
[GM]: encumberance?
[GM]: What ARE you wearing?
[GM]: Chainmail?
[GM]: ...or just your tunic?
[Jamison]: OOC: All the equipment I own is with me.... Just got
into town.
[Sir Cornelius]: I should have none...no armor to speak
of...tunic with crest...one weapon...the sword...
[GM]: OOC: You have the armor that is given every knight....did
you not wear it? .... because of R&R?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: right...SC was just relaxing when all this
happened <g>
[GM]: Okay...then you should have no encumberance.
[GM]: Move=?
[Sir Cornelius]: right...move 5
[GM]: move 5 then.
[Sir Cornelius]: +1 sprint OK?
[GM]: Okay.
[GM]: The thief who just saw Jamison approaching begins to bang
even harder at the door and then yells, "Open up!"
[GM]: Round 2
[GM]: Same order.
[Jamison]: Move...
[GM]: Cornelius?
(To GM) DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: The thief fast-draws a knife.
[GM]: ....and turns around.
[GM]: "Oh shit....as he sees Sir Cornelius approaching
[GM]: round 3
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: can I fast draw and continue on?
(GM whispered to Jamison): sure thing
(GM whispered to Jamison): but ya gotta roll.
Jamison fast draws his morningstar
[Jamison]: skill=14
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,6 = [ 16 ]
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): OOC wow...you can FD a
morningstar? :)
[GM]: OOC: wait a minute?
[GM]: OOC: Can you?
[Jamison]: yep...
[Jamison]: OOC: Hey SC...
[Sir Cornelius]: not according to how I read the book
[GM]: OOC: Hey Jamison ... I don't see that skill listed on your
[GM]: OOC: and I don't think there IS such a thing anyway.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: Hey J :)
[GM]: OOC: You can step and ready ...but that's about it.
[Jamison]: It's under Skills:, below shield
[Jamison]: But Your right... not for flail....
[Jamison]: misread it the first time... sorry.
[GM]: OOC: I see it listed now.
[GM]: OOC: But there aint no such thing.
[Jamison]: never mind...
[GM]: You gonna step and ready...or just keep moving?
[Jamison]: yep...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: I think you have to dedicate it to a
particular weapon when you choose it
[Jamison]: OOC: you do, but a flail is not a weapon that can be
[Jamison]: i hex GM?
[GM]: OOC: that's the problem
[GM]: Yeah..you can move only 1 hex if you draw your weapon.
[Jamison]: ok, sorry for the delay...
[GM]: So, Jamison has his morning star ready.
[GM]: Cornelius?
[Sir Cornelius]: no longer sprinting...now that he seems trapped
Sir Cornelius calls out..."Yield!"
[GM]: The thief seeing his impending doom ...panics and tries to
[GM]: OOC: Running skill of 8, btw.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC figures :)
[Jamison]: Quick little bugger..
[GM]: round 4
[Jamison]: move to intercept...
[GM]: okay.
[ Patyrsun joined the game ]
[GM]: OOC: Hey Pat!!!
[GM]: OOC: Guess you got the phone buisness taken care of??
[Pat]: OOC: Hi guys....;-}
[GM]: Cornelius?
[GM]: your turn.
[Sir Cornelius]: standing ready to take a swing if he tries to
run past
[GM]: OOC: how far did you move Cornelius?
[Sir Cornelius]: 1
[GM]: OOC: then you are chosing step and wait for your manuever?
[Sir Cornelius]: yes
[GM]: Cool.
[GM]: theif.
[GM]: He lunges at Jamison with his ready knife.
[GM]: Knife Skill=13
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,5 = [ 14 ]
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: hi Pat
[Jamison]: OOC: someone finally missed me....
[GM]: Yikes bad swing....the panic must have got him
[GM]: round 5
[Jamison]: OOC: Yeah---we bad...
[Pat]: OOC: Hi Cornelius
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC... didn't the thief have to move closer to
Jamison to attack?
[GM]: OOC: Sorry .....thanks.
[GM]: OOC: meant to do that.
[GM]: Jamison?
Jamison takes 1 step back and salutes the thief with his flail...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC LOL
[GM]: roll
[GM]: OOC: is that an attack?
[Jamison]: Nope, a salute...
[GM]: Cornelius?
(GM whispered to Pat): really good to see ya Pat.
[Sir Cornelius]: step and wait
[Sir Cornelius]: "I said yield!"
(Pat whispered to GM): Thanks, good to be seen....;-}
[GM]: The thief looks at the knight and says,"Don't wan no
troubl wit no knight"
[GM]: The thief drops his knife and shows his empty hands.
[Sir Cornelius]: "Squire...do not harm him if he does not
try to escape
[GM]: Thief: I wont escape....just dont hurt me, okay?
Jamison watches the thief carefully, "Maybe he should drop
the rest of his knives, also"
[Sir Cornelius]: "Place what you have on you on the ground
and you will not be harmed
[GM]: The thief takes off his jacket and places it on the ground.
It seems to be heavy for a jacket.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): while he is doing that...SC
looks around the alley...just in case
[GM]: He takes a knife from his boot and places it on the ground.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): One of the doors that you passed
coming in this alley is open and someone watches.
Jamison looks at the thief, "And the rest of the
[Sir Cornelius]: He's all yours Jamison...I'll collect his
belongings and follow after you
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC LOL this is some thief :)
[GM]: Okay...what are you guys doing now?
[Jamison]: Where were you running to, Thief...
[Sir Cornelius]: take him back to the shop...where the shop owner
can tell us what he's missing
[GM]: Thief: Just tryin to escap with me life.
[GM]: The thief watches the two of you carefully.
[ Corbett joined the game ]
Jamison looks around "Where's the Watch when you need
[GM]: OOC: wanna send Cornelius to find them? ;-}
[Sir Cornelius]: LOL
[Jamison]: Let's take him back to the shop...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: I presume we can keep him from running
[GM]: OOC: Is that what you guys are going to do?
[Sir Cornelius]: yes...I'll gather what he's placed on the
[Pat]: OOC: Guess I'll cut out, lightning storm in my area. Cya!
[GM]: Okay, Jamison begins to escort the theif back to the shop
and Cornelius picks up what he has dropped on the ground.
Pat is gone
[Jamison]: later Pat
(GM whispered to Pat): So, we on for Frid?
[ Patyrsun left the game ]
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC take care Pat
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: Is he willing to go peacefully?
Jamison keeps a close eye on the thief..."Not a very good
getaway for a thief"
[GM]: OOC: He seems pretty cooperative.
[Sir Cornelius]: once out of earshot of where he was trying to
go...(that building)...
Sir Cornelius makes the theif a proposition...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC now you have me doing it
[GM]: The thief listens.
[Sir Cornelius]: "We don't want any trouble around these
parts...do we Jamison?"
[GM]: The thief nods.
[Sir Cornelius]: "No, see? Anyway...we don't want to cause
you any more trouble than we have to...in fact...you might even
be of some help to us....."
[GM]: The thief raises an eyebrow.
[GM]: Yes i can hep yu
[Sir Cornelius]: "We will have to return what you took
earlier...but we won't bring up any charges...if you can."
Jamison raises an eyebrow
[Thief]: You is not one a those city knights ....er you?
[Thief]: The thief stares at Cornelius.
[Sir Cornelius]: "What we are is of little import... it's
whether you can help us contact some particular folks..."
Thief smiles, " I know people .... who do you want to
[Thief]: I am just a poor man trying to make a living, you know?
Sir Cornelius lowers his voice...looking into the thief's eyes...
"what rumors of the Prince have you heard...?"
[Thief]: The Prince?
[Thief]: ....uhhh.... you mean ......Gunthar?
[Sir Cornelius]: The one and only.
Thief looks at you questioningly.
[Thief]: I know he likes to gamble.
[Sir Cornelius]: /me looks at Jamison...perhaps he won't be able
to help after all...
[Sir Cornelius]: rats
[Thief]: I can help ....I can help.
[Sir Cornelius]: How do you know that?
[Thief]: People talk.
[Jamison]: Oh, I think he can help, we may need other
Sir Cornelius smiles...I'll bet they do...
[Thief]: The Prince comes to town about once a month and meets
the Baron.
[Jamison]: Where?
Thief has a sterner look on his face now.
[Thief]: They gamble.
Thief looks at the two men.
[Sir Cornelius]: there is something that the Baron won from
him...that would bring a very pretty penny in another part of the
[Sir Cornelius]: I want to own it.
[Thief]: I heard about that.
Thief laughs.
[Thief]: The Baron took him for his noble ring....is it really
[Thief]: That's what they are saying.
[Sir Cornelius]: Whatever it is...it's worth a lot...
[Sir Cornelius]: and I want it
[Thief]: A lot of people want that ring.
[Jamison]: where might the Baron keep a precious babble?
[Sir Cornelius]: If the Baron has something like that...what does
he want for it?
[Thief]: I am sure ....if he does have it.....he keeps in on
[Thief]: ...or locked up in his castle.
[Thief]: I don't think the Baron would see it.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: would see it?
[Thief]: What he wants is the Princes head....that's what he
[Thief]: OOC: would sell it.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC Oh :)
[Jamison]: Why does he want the Prince's head?
Thief scrathces his chin.
[Thief]: Or the crown.
[Jamison]: The Prince seems to lose alot to the Baron...
[Sir Cornelius]: How would you...perhaps...with a few of your
friends...like to earn some real money...?
[Thief]: That is true.....everyone loses a lot to the Baron.
[Thief]: Money? ....what kind of money? ... for the ring?
Thief looks around for any listeners.
[Sir Cornelius]: for a map...an *accurate* map...of the Baron's
castle...along with a way in...and a way out...without being
[Thief]: Hmmm.....
Sir Cornelius looks around while the thief contemplates this...
[Thief]: It is possible to get a map .... but to get past his
security .... that would be pretty hard to do.
[Sir Cornelius]: Perhaps there is something that can be done to
get past...?
[Thief]: He has many guards ...... many mages.
[Jamison]: But, I'm sure it could be done, hey?
[Thief]: Then there is the problem with the Baron himself.
[ Klaatu joined the game ]
[Thief]: If you cross the Baron .... you would not be able to
stay in this town.
[Sir Cornelius]: you don't have to worry about him...all you'll
be getting is the map...we'll worry about the Baron
[Thief]: He could have you killed .... without a problem.
[Sir Cornelius]: As I said...it's worth a lot...in other places
in the kingdom
Jamison nods his head in agreement.
[Thief]: The ring is worth a lot here too.
[Sir Cornelius]: When we have it then...you can make us your
[Thief]: I know some who would pay 1000 soverign for it.
[Thief]: Personally, I don't see why it's all that valuable.
[Thief]: It's just a ring.
[Sir Cornelius]: Maybe it's not...who knows...all I know is that
people will buy it
Thief looks at Cornelius.
[Thief]: Why would you want it?
[Thief]: You're a knight right?
[Sir Cornelius]: /me smiles... "Do I really really have to
tell you that?
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC grrr... I spend too much time in IRC
[Thief]: Well, maybe you are a knight....maybe you're not one...
Thief shakes his head.
[Sir Cornelius]: Now...is it a deal? a map...for your
freedom...and a chance to purchase it...if we get it...?
[Thief]: But I don't see how you could get past the Baron's
[Sir Cornelius]: a way in...help getting past the guards...
[Sir Cornelius]: that's all we'll need
[Sir Cornelius]: and if we're not successful...what have you lost
for your freedom?
[Thief]: I can get you a map....but I still say....the
guards....that will be the problem.
[Jamison]: Do you know someone who could help?
[Thief]: If the Baron finds out I helped you.... it could be my
Sir Cornelius smiles again... We don't even know who you
are...how could we say?
[Thief]: If you turn me in.... the worst that would happen is
that I would spend time in jail or be marked as a thief.
[Thief]: But I do enjoy my freedom.
[Thief]: And the jails are not too nice places.
Thief smiles.
[Jamison]: A one-handed thief is a very obvious thief.
[Thief]: A map will cost money.
[Sir Cornelius]: If you're that anxious to get tossed in
[Thief]: If I take you to someone who has or can get a map ....
would that be good enough?
[Thief]: Information for my freedom?
Sir Cornelius looks at Jamison...
[Thief]: If I take you there?
Jamison nods "It's a start.."
[Sir Cornelius]: the item you took at the store will also have to
be returned
[Thief]: Of course.
[Jamison]: Let's go.
[Thief]: Alright.
[Sir Cornelius]: I want the item first...
Jamison looks around the area for observers.
[Sir Cornelius]: and I will return your other equipment
[Thief]: What item?
[Sir Cornelius]: that he took :/
[Thief]: It's all there in my jacket.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC SC goes through the jacket and takes
whatever is in there...puts it away...somewhere...and goes with
the thief and Jamison
(Thief whispered to Sir Cornelius): You find some ivory
carvings....a horse.... an elephant ... and a dog.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to Thief): k...
Thief follows Jamison.
[Thief]: I will show you who can get you a map of the castle.
[Jamison]: OOC: Are we going back to the store now, or following
the thief?
[Thief]: OOC: The thief is following Jamison.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC we better get to the store first...return
the stuff...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC you can return the stuff while I stay with
the thief out of sight
Jamison leads the thief towards the store...
[Jamison]: Let's go
[Thief]: Alright.
[Jamison]: Once we get to the store, I take the stolen items into
the shopkeeper..
[Thief]: OOC: Is that the plan?
[Jamison]: SC?
[Sir Cornelius]: yup...and I keep the thief in hand...
(Thief whispered to Sir Cornelius): You give the stuff to
(Sir Cornelius whispered to Thief): yes
[Thief]: Okay Jamison has the stolen merchandise and walks into
the shop.
[Jamison]: Shopkeeper!!
[Shopkeeper]: Yes....did you find the thief?
[Sir Cornelius]: "It's not that I don't trust you...but...I
will return your other things when Jamison gets back....
[Jamison]: The thief dropped these things, I hope it is
[Shopkeeper]: Ahhh.....it is good to get them back.
Jamison hands over the items..
[Shopkeeper]: They are worth much money....imported all the way
from the Silver Desert.
[Shopkeeper]: Yes ....Yes....
Shopkeeper frowns.
[Shopkeeper]: And the thief?
[Shopkeeper]: The thiefs around here have been robbing me blind.
[Shopkeeper]: I want him put away.
[ Klaatu left the game ]
[Jamison]: The thief dropped these as he got away from me.
Shopkeeper shakes his head.
[Shopkeeper]: got away hmmm?
[Jamison]: He was afraid for his life.
[Shopkeeper]: I think I have seen him before.
[Jamison]: And saw little profit in fighting me.
[Shopkeeper]: I want to file charges on him....where is that
[Jamison]: Where have you seen him b4, maybe I can watch for him?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to Shopkeeper): OOC: Quite the ham that
Jamison, isn't he? :)
(Shopkeeper whispered to Sir Cornelius): yep
[Shopkeeper]: He is from around here I think.
[Shopkeeper]: I would know him, if I saw him again.
[Shopkeeper]: He's up to no good....I knew if when he first came
[Jamison]: Sir Cornelius does not do grunt work, that is for his
Jamison winks at the shopkeeper
[Jamison]: you know how touchy knights can be about physical work
[Shopkeeper]: Yeah....never one around when you need one!
[Jamison]: Isn't that the truth..
[Shopkeeper]: If you see him .. tell him I want to file charges.
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: One would remind the young squire...what
his future profession will be :)
[Jamison]: If I see him, I will.
[Shopkeeper]: Thank you good squire.
Jamison heads for the door
Shopkeeper smiles and looks at his merchandise.
[Jamison]: Oh, 1 more thing.
[Shopkeeper]: He look at the squire.
[Shopkeeper]: Yes?
[Jamison]: Maybe a discount would be in order the next time we
need anything, heh?
[Shopkeeper]: You in the market for some imports?
[Shopkeeper]: This could be arranged.
Shopkeeper smiles.
[Jamison]: I'll return later to inspect your wares..
[Shopkeeper]: Do that....do that.
Jamison walks out the door
Shopkeeper waves at the squire...
[Shopkeeper]: Good bye.
Jamison heads down the street
Thief looks at Cornelius.
Jamison observes the crowd in the street.
[Jamison]: OOC: Well 10:00\
[Thief]: There are more people in the street now than earlier.
[Thief]: It is about 5 pm, now
[Sir Cornelius]: I'm curious where he's going to show us...can
you run that by us quickly? or should we save it for later?
[Thief]: The thief tells you that the shopkeeper at Bilko'c
Blades can get you a map.
[Sir Cornelius]: LOL
[Sir Cornelius]: somehow I figured as much
[Thief]: LOL
[Jamison]: where is that Kalith...
[Sir Cornelius]: we just happen to be standing next to it near as
I can figure :)
[Thief]: Who knows?
[Thief]: OOC:
[Sir Cornelius]: we can let the thief show us in and introduce us
[Thief]: Yeah....it's right across the street, sir knight.
[Jamison]: ok
[Thief]: OOC: keep playing or stop here?
[Jamison]: Stop here
[Sir Cornelius]: let's call it, eh?
[Thief]: Yeah.
[Jamison]: Also, keep the thief out of sight of the shopkeeper.
[Rubix]: OOC: no prob