[GM]: SETTING: As Flamos rises on Dark Wednesday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132, there is a rapping on the door to Jamison's room in the Holy Cathedral which can be clearly heard by everyone. BEGIN SESSION 50 --
[Thomas]: [Ready]
Jamison looks towards the sound at the door and approaches it.
Jamison opens the door to see who is there.
[GM]: Jackdaw has not returned from his 'nightly' frolic. And Sir C spent the night at Sir Petr's flat.
[Jamison]: Hello??
Thor yawns and gets up, quickly dressing and peeks outside his door
[GM]: Standing in the hallway is Kelley Dulox. He smiles "Ahh.... it's the star of the Arena."
Jamison blushes and grins...."Well, I was lucky"
[GM]: Kelly bows formally and produces a rolled up parchment.
Thomas awakens and looks out his door, blinking in the harsh light of another day.
Jamison reaches for the document.."What have we here?"
[GM]: It is mearly 7am, and an early morning at that after your late dinner with Sir Dorje Dradul.
[GM]: Kelly smiles, "Oh, just a formality"
Jamison raises and eyebrow and begins to open the document.."A formality??? About what?"
Jamison begins to scan the document
[GM]: The Scroll is a legal document stating 'Squire Jamison of Baxter is requested to be in attendance at the Trial of Baron Kessler on Dark Thursday, Drakurah, 1132S
[Jamison]: Ahhh, I've been expecting something like this...
[GM]: '.... in the 9th hour of Silverna."
[GM]: Kelly "I have enough to go around" he produces a handful of similar scrolls, "Are the others in your party awake?"
Thor opens his door fully and steps out "I am of his party. I am Thor."
[Jamison]: I believe a few have awakened... but it was a late night last night...I'm not sure
[Jamison]: Ahhh, Good morning , Thor
[GM]: Kelly smiles at Jamison and then notices Thor, "Ahh... the mercenary!" he nods to Thor
[Thor]: "Morning Jamison."
Thor nods to the messenger and accepts his scroll
[GM]: Kelly produces a similar scroll for Thor. You notice that he seems to know which one is for Thor without opening it and looking.
[Jamison]: This good sir, has arrived with ours summons...to the trial of Baron Kessler
Thomas looks out blankly, taking a minute to recognize the fact that he is supposed to be doing something. He opens the door all the way, stretching and yawning, "I suppose there is one them for me."
[Thor]: "Ahh, I was expecting a formal summons."
[GM]: Kelly smiles at Thomas, "And the man called Thomas" he nods and gives the appropriate scroll to Thomas.
[Jamison]: I believe that Sir C is at a friends apartment...
[GM]: Kelly "Now, that just leaves the Sister and the Faun, there was 6 of you total, if I remember correctly."
[GM]: Anval opens the door to her room, yawning, "Good Morning?"
[Jamison]: IGood Morning Sister Anne... how are you this morning?
[GM]: Kelly "Ahh ... Sister Anne" he bows and gives her the scroll.
[GM]: Anne "I am quite fine Jamison, thank you."
[GM]: Anne smiles at Kelly and accepts the scroll.
Jamison smiles at Anne
[GM]: Anne smiles back at Jamison
[Jamison]: And the Faun, Jackdaw, is out on the town... we never really know when he will show up.
[GM]: Kelly looks to Jamison "The knight Sir Cornelius received his scroll first ... and yes I was aware of his whereabouts. Now, the Faun Jackdaw is another story .... I seem to have lost him sometime after midnight."
[GM]: Kelly smiles
[Jamison]: He is not very easy to keep track of.
[GM]: Kelly takes the last scroll and pockets it.
[Jamison]: But I am sure he will show up eventually
[GM]: There is another scroll in his pocket already and it catches his eye.
[Jamison]: Was there anything else?
[GM]: "It is too bad that Dirk has left the kingdom."
[GM]: Kelly "Oh, well .... I will leave you to your morning." he bows and begins to leave.
Jamison looks at Thomas....
[Jamison]: We will be at the trial, tomorrow...
[GM]: Before you know what has happened, Kelly is gone. No one seeing his departure.
Jamison looks around...
Thomas shrugs, "He had his own business to attend to too. I think we have everything we need from him, though."
[Jamison]: Thomas, how do those guys do that?
[GM]: Anne smiles trying to suppress another yawn, "Yes, the day is finally here."
Thomas smiles, "If I told you, I would have to make >you< disappear."
[Jamison]: hehehe
[GM]: Anne giggles
Thor laughs
[Jamison]: Well, as long as we are awake, shall we go break our fast?
[Thor]: "Yes we should."
[GM]: Anne "I would be all for that. Perhaps something besides cloister food?"
[Jamison]: Excellant idea, Anne... let's see what the town has to offer
(GM whispered to Dorje): Are you there?
(Dorje whispered to GM): Yup, me here
[GM]: Anne "Give me a few mintues and I will make myself ready."
[Jamison]: certainly ....
Thomas nods.
Jamison turns to get his things from his room...his staff and package.
(GM whispered to Dorje): <>
(Dorje whispered to GM): sure
Thomas gets his meager belongings together and is soon ready.
[GM]: In a few mintues, Anne is ready to go. It is mearly 7:30 am.
[Jamison]: ready all??
[GM]: << Ouch, I hate to do this but AFK for a bit. Unexpected company. Give me a few minutes guys. >>