[Tue Sep 05 19:00:32 CDT 2000]

[GM]: SETTING: As Flamos rises on Dark Wednesday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132, the party finds themselves just being handed summons to the trail of Baron Kessler. They leave for breakfast at the suggestion of Anval to get something besides cloister food and are just now setting out. BEGIN SESSION 50b --
[GM]: Anne, Thor, Phinnea, and Jamison are heading South down Main Street looking for breakfast.
Phinnea waddles quickly, for she is hungry this morning.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): A few minutes ago, Jackdaw had a rude awakening. It was Kelley DuLox delivering a summons to him. He might wonder how Kelly found him.
[GM]: Anne smiles as she walks, taking in the early morning sights.
Thor walks along with everyone
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): who Kelly DuLox?
[GM]: It is just about 8:30 am
(Dorje whispered to GM): I don't know if you have a plan to bring me in already...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The mage that has been keeping track of the party for the King. He steped backwards into a wall and disappeared, and on the fastcoach ride followed you all as an Eagle form.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Ah, that one!
(GM whispered to Dorje): You guys can come in whenever you want
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You guys can come in whenever you want
[GM]: Anne, "Ahh.... the air is nice here on the Island."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is summons a piece of paper?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, a small scroll. Jackdaw was instructed to save it and take it to the trail tomorrow
(Dorje whispered to GM): ((island? what Island? are we on a island??))
[Phinnea]: "Where shall we eat dis mornin'? I could eat a giant!"
[GM]: Jamison, "Yes, very nice" he winks at Anne
[Thor]: "Yes, early morning is very nice"
[Dorje]: ((island? an Island, we are on a island??))
[GM]: There are many vendors hustling in the streets, getting ready for the busy day
[GM]: ((http://www1.50megs.com/methoria/map.htm))
Phinnea hurries over to a nearby vendor to check his wares.
Dorje is standing at one of the sword vendors examining their wares
Jackdaw comes along with a puzzled look on his face
[GM]: ((The party is in The Royal City .... on Rothmand Island))
[Dorje]: ((oh right, I told you, (( [GM]: Jamison smiles and points at Dorje, "Hey, it is my sponsor!!"
Phinnea samples some bread on the cart.
Dorje hearing Jamison's voice he turns, "Ah, hello there youg squire"
[GM]: ((No, problem. I dont expect everyone to be into the details as much as I am. That's why I throw out reminders .... like Anne's comment))
[GM]: Jamison bows a little nervously, "Good Morning .... Sir "
[Dorje]: ((I am very detail oriented, i love them, it is just that they tend to slip my mind very quickly))
(Phinnea whispered to GM): will Anne be back soon?
Jackdaw asks "Anval?? what means paper?" as he holds out a small scroll to Anval
[GM]: ((By the way, Zugg/Anne had his computer in the shop all last week and hopes to make it back real soon))
[GM]: Anne "Oh, hello Jackdaw!"
[Jackdaw]: "is supposed to be for summoning somethings buy my not know what?"
[Jackdaw]: buy=but
[GM]: Anne explains to the faun, "That tells you that you must be at the Trial tomorrow."
[Dorje]: Bah, Stop being so nervous would you? ::after teaching for some many years, he knows nerves when he sees them:: Hey, tell me what you think of this sword, ::tossing a broadsword to Jamison::
[GM]: Anne "No, no .... it is not a spell"
[Jackdaw]: "oh, my thinked it be a new spell"
[GM]: Jamison catches it
[Phinnea]: (in his chest)
[GM]: Jamison examines it closely
[Jackdaw]: "my still wanted to finded new spells to learned"
[GM]: He still appears a little nervous
[Dorje]: "I like to check out the weaponry around every so often, just to check it out
Phinnea speaks with a mouthful of bread, "ism it omly me oo is humgree?"
[GM]: Anne "Perhaps after the trail, there will be time to do a lot of things that we have been wanting to do"
[GM]: Anne notices Phinnea, "Oh, Dorje .... Jackdaw ... will you both join us for breakfast?"
[Dorje]: "Ah yes, the trial, i think i was summoned to that, not sure though, will have to ask my assisstant"
[Jackdaw]: "sure, egges?"
Phinnea nods vigotously at the mention of breakfast.
[Dorje]: "Sure, I would be glad to"
[GM]: Jamison "It is a fine bastardsword, but .... something is wrong with the balance, isn't it?"
[Dorje]: "Join you i mean, where are you doing btw??"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is my backpack still heavy? ie the gold still there?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, still pretty heavy
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No appearence from the Leprechan, yet
[Dorje]: "Ah, what? Oh yes, the broadsword..right balance"
[GM]: Anne looks at Dorje and then at the others, "Well, we dont know a good place, actually .. perhaps you could suggest one Sir Dradul"
Dorje holds the sword up in the air "yes, off, definatly"
[GM]: Jamison hefts the blade, "It is a little tip-heavy, I think"
[Jackdaw]: brb
Dorje tosses the sword back to the vendor
[GM]: The vendor frowns at Sir D
[Dorje]: "Anyway, food, hm, the Three Sisters is a very good food place
[GM]: Jamison winks at Phinnea, "Definately not a Dwarven blade."
Phinnea chuckles.
[Phinnea]: "I cud see dat frum 'ere!"
[Dorje]: "Dwarven? Ah yes, i wish I could get my hands on one of those, ooh yeah..."
[GM]: Anne smiles in a somewhat suductive way that she is yet to control, "Lead the way, then"
[Dorje]: "Lead the way? Lead where?"
[GM]: Anne looks confused.
[GM]: Jamison "I thought you mentioned something about .... the Three Sisters? Was that a place for breakfast?"
[Dorje]: "Hm, I am hungry, want to join me at the three sisters for breakfast??
[GM]: Anne smiles and nods
[Dorje]: "Yes, breakfast, good Idea...Follow me"
Phinnea still hsa an appetite, despite the bread she ate.
[GM]: Jamison, "Right behind you, Sir Knight, ... Sir"
Thor follows along
Phinnea tosses the vendor some money for the bread and chases after the others.
Dorje starts walking to the other side of town, inthe the less busy but still upper middle class area to a small restraurant hidden"
[Dorje]: behind some other buildings
[GM]: Anne comments, "We would never have found THIS place!"
Dorje enters, bowing at the doorway to the three twins running the restaurant
[GM]: The twins bow at Sir D as he enters
[Dorje]: "Yes, it is a closely guarded secret, probably the best food in the city"
[Dorje]: ((whoops, I mean triplets))
[GM]: One of them winks at Jamison as he enters and he looks back blushing a little.
[Phinnea]: "oooh, I sees Jamison has been getting around..."
[GM]: ((As long as there are three of them. : ) ))
[GM]: Jamison defends himself, "I assure you Phinnea, I have never met that girl before!"
[Dorje]: ((sorry, forgot where I was))
Thor enters behind the others
[GM]: The party is lead to an out of the way table
Phinnea winks a toothy smile at Jamison, "its ok son, mum's the word!"
[Dorje]: ((thanks))
[GM]: After everyone is seated a man approaches, "What will it be?"
[Dorje]: "Could I have the usual dear?" he asks the third of the triplets
[Dorje]: Sure, she answers, what would the rest of you like??
Phinnea squeezes her large buttocks in a chair, and squirms uncomfortably.
[GM]: The man nods at the girl, "Okay, Dorthe .... you take the order"
[GM]: The man hurries back to the kitchen
[Dorje]: "Hey, you got a stool back there for my dwarf friend here???"
[GM]: The place appears to be pretty busy, despite its size
Phinnea scowls. "I'll be fine, dank you Sir!"
[Dorje]: "My apologises, I did not intend to offend, I just noticed that that chair has some...uh, i am not sure what on the arms, I don't think you really want to use it"
[ dglass left the game ]
[Thor]: ((I really hate to do this but I have to leave, dinner and then I have shopping to do. I'll see you all next week))
[GM]: Dorthe sighs at Dorje's comment, "Okay dear you all ready to order?"
[GM]: ((Okay, Thor ... next week, then))
[Dorje]: "The same thing I always have okay? "
[Dorje]: ((see ya thor))
[ « Jack » left the game ]
[GM]: Dorthe "For everyone?" she smiles
Phinnea shrugs. "sounds good to me."
[Dorje]: "Ah, i think they might like smaller portions"
[GM]: Jamison "I'll have what the knight is having"
[Dorje]: "Give them a regular size okay Hun??
[Dorje]: '
[GM]: Dorthe points to the menu on the wall
[GM]: It is written in Old Script, apparently a theme for this place
[GM]: Dorthe smiles, "Sure thing darling" she smiles and leaves.
(Dorje whispered to GM): He has a GIGANTIL ham egg sausage and cheese omlete, so the others get a regular size
[GM]: Anne sets up straight, "Well, I cant wait to see what we shall be having"
Dorje smiles crypstcally
[GM]: Jamison says quietly to Anne, "I am sure it will be very .. nice"
[Dorje]: ((damn I can't type today))
[GM]: Ale is served all around.
[Phinnea]: "are we heading towards the trial after breakfast then?"
[GM]: Jamison and Thor pass and ask for water.
Phinnea takes a hearty draught of ale.
[Dorje]: "Uhg, must not be paying attention, I need a water please"
[GM]: And soon the party is served a breakfast of Ham, Egg, and Sausage Omeletes.
[GM]: Dorje's is rather large
[Dorje]: "Ah"
[Phinnea]: (his breakfast too)
[GM]: Dorje notices that his mug was filled with water and not Ale.
[GM]: Dorthe smiles, "I didn't forget darling"
Dorje remembers to take of his chain mail gloves this time and begins eating voraciasly
[GM]: ((nice Phinnea))
[Dorje]: "Oh, yeah, thanks"
Phinnea digs into her plate of food hungrily also.
[GM]: The food is rather delicious. It has a home prepared taste
[Dorje]: ((okay, I am really hungry now))
[GM]: Those who ordered the Ale find it light and not too strong.
[GM]: Jamison takes a few bites of his omlete and then says, "Gosh, I am going to have to excuse myself .... I'll be right back" he gets up and goes over to ask Dorthe a question and then disappears.
[Dorje]: "Hm, wonder what that is about"
Phinnea wipes her chin with the back of her hand, looking up. "Where is Jamison going?"
[GM]: Anne, "Hmm.... I dont know"
[Dorje]: the other notice that about half of Dorje's gigantic breakfast is already gone
[Dorje]: ((others))
[GM]: In about 10 mintues Jamison returns and there is a .... Cleric with him.
[Phinnea]: (is Dorje a large man?)
[GM]: Dorje is almost finished at that point
Phinnea eyes the Cleric curiously.
[Dorje]: ((about 6 feet or so, but after doing sword training and teaching from sun of to sun down most days, he tends to eat allot))
[GM]: Anne "Jamison, if you needed a priest ..... perhaps I could have helped?" she giggles
Phinnea elbow's Anne playfully. "I thinks you've helped him plenty!"
[GM]: Jamison introduces the man, "Uh ... this is Cleric Smith"
Dorje smith hm, he whispers to himself
[GM]: Smith looks at Anne "That is Acolyte Smith" he nods
[Phinnea]: "Welcome, Cleric Smith! join us for breakfast?"
[Dorje]: "So what can we do for you Acolyte...Smith??"
[GM]: Anne "Ahh.... an Acolyte. Greetings" she stands and bows
[GM]: Smith turns to Sir D "Acolyte Hubbard Smith of Shevandale, that is" he bows to Anne and then to Sir D
Phinnea listens while continuing to eat.
Dorje inclines his head
[GM]: Jamison "The Cleric noticed me coming out of the bathroom and it seems that ..... "
[GM]: Jamison "Well, I'll let you tell them Smith"
[GM]: Smith smiles and nods, "Yes, I recognized the young squire from Shevandale."?
[GM]: Jamison pulls up a chair for Smith and he sits as he continues his conversation
[GM]: Smith "You see, I was called to the Royal City to testify before the King... "
[GM]: Smith "You may not remember me, but I showed you to your rooms when you stayed at the Church of St. Meliss"
[GM]: Anne nods "Yes, of course"
Phinnea nods and remembers the man.
[GM]: ((Phinnea wasn't there))
[Phinnea]: (ok, so she nods in agreement then :P)
[GM]: Thor nods and smiles, remembering the night spent at the Church
[GM]: Jamison "Tell, them why you were called in to testify"
[GM]: Smith nods, "Oh, of course. It was because of what I saw. I saw it all..... "
[Dorje]: "What did you see sir??"
[GM]: Smith "It was, evil ... pure evil"
Phinnea slows her chewing, listening closely.
[Dorje]: "What was sir??
[GM]: Smith "Well, Father Bartus did as he said he would Sister Anne. He took the items that were found .... " he looks around making sure that no one can over hear him.
[GM]: Smith "... found in the catacombs. All of them were destroyed except for ... the ring"
[GM]: Smith "The ring was the source of all the trouble, I tell you."
[GM]: Jackdaw, "Ring, the pretty ring or the bad ring?"
[ Magnus the Unlikely joined the game ]
[Phinnea]: (brb - child summons me)
[Dorje]: ((if she is taking a brb, I think I will also and go grab some ice cream))
[Thomas]: [Evening all. Apologies for mu lateness]
[GM]: ((Perfect timing Thomas))
[Dorje]: ((So, BRB))
[GM]: The party sits at a table in the Three Sisters, enjoying their breakfast.
[GM]: Which has just been enterupted by a Cleric that happened into the place and noticed Jamison
[GM]: He is in the middle of telling his tale. The tale of Father Bartus in Shevandale and the attempts to destroy the items found in the catacombs.
[GM]: ((I will wait for Dorje and Phinnea to return))
[GM]: ((...and I guess Jackdaw too))
[Dorje]: ((me back))
[GM]: Thomas sits and enjoys his omlete of Ham, Egg, and Sausage and has been so quiet up to this point that many of you forgot that he was there.
[Thomas]: [Okay]
[GM]: Anne "Dorje, your choice of breakfast is excellent, I must say" she smiles
[Dorje]: 'Thank you, I do enjoy it myself"
Dorje points to his empty plate
[GM]: The Cleric drinks a mug of Ale which he had with him and gets ready to continue his story
Dorje indicating his empty plate
[Dorje]: ((i like that better))
[GM]: Cleric Smith takes a long drink and then continues.....
[GM]: Smith "As I was saying. It was the ring. That was the source of the trouble"
[GM]: Smith "The other items were easily destroyed. But the first attempt at destroy the ring failed outright. For the second attempt Father Bartus decided to use a full council and involk the 14 point star of Ral"
[GM]: Anne nods interested, "The 14 point star, you say?"
[GM]: Smith "Yes, but even that would fail ...."
[GM]: Anne look astonished.
Thomas forks another oversized bit of ham and egg into his mouth. He listens to the story and casts a side glace at Sister Anne and her ever increasing attractive appearance. He quickly looks back at the Cleric before Jamison catches him. His attention is drawn to the tale after the mention of the rign and 14 pointed star.
[GM]: Jackdaw "Bad ring .... it give bad visions too"
[Phinnea]: (sorry, back)
[GM]: Smith "The ring with the blood-red stone resisted the most powerful ritual that the church could involk"
Thomas talks with his mouth open, "Yeah, I had a bad vision too when I touched that thing." He forks another bit of the delicious food into his mouth.
[GM]: Smith "During the ritual all the priest forming the circle of 14 were thrown back by powers that came from only Ral knows where."
[GM]: Smith "Several of them were wounded and the next morning all 14 of them came down with a sickness. Father Bartus who was in the center of the circle seemed unharmed though."
[GM]: Smith takes another drink
(Phinnea whispered to GM): where is the ring now?
[GM]: Smith "The following day, Father Bartus fasted and prayed to Ral for guidance. Father Denn who was known to have the gift of divination was asked to consult the yarrow sticks. None of us knew what the next step should be"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Who knows?
[Phinnea]: "So where is the ring now, Acolyte Smith?"
[GM]: Smith, "Then an answer came .. of a sort"
[GM]: Smith nods and smiles at Phinnea as he takes another drink, "Why, it was taken ... by the men in red"
Phinnea nods.
[GM]: Smith "They came for it, and once they had it .... they were gone."
[GM]: Smith "We were warned, and all the powers of Ral could not stop them!!" he crys will anger.
[GM]: Smith drinks a little upset on the reflection of the events.
[GM]: Anne appears a little afraid, she has lost a little color from her face.
[GM]: Jamison looks to Sir D
[GM]: Thor slowly finishes his omlete
[Thomas]: [OOC: Don't we have the ring...or at least we think we do?]
[GM]: ((The ring was given to Father Bartus to be destroyed at the insistence of Anne))
[Thomas]: [Thanks]
[GM]: Jackdaw "Bad ring, bad visions, good riddence!"
[GM]: Smith "I only wish we could say that. There must be a reason why the Men in Red wanted it"
Phinnea finishes wiping her plate clean with bread, wondering what she could do to help.
[GM]: Smith "Ral only knows .... and he is not telling, it seems"
[GM]: Anne "Warned .... you said that you were warned?"
[GM]: Smith "Ahh.... yes.... Perhaps it was in response to Father Bartus' prayers, or perhaps it was Father Dunn's divination, but we had a visitor that warned us hours before the men arrived."
[GM]: Anne "Who?"
[Phinnea]: "A visitor?"
[GM]: Smith nods "A wizard"
[GM]: Anne "Wizard?"
[Phinnea]: "can you describe 'im?"
[GM]: Anne's face loses another shade of red.
[GM]: Smith "Long grey beard, long grey silver robes, pointed hat .... the classic wizard if there ever was one."
[GM]: Anne does not speak but is at a loss for words
[Phinnea]: "and you paid no heed to the warning?"
[Phinnea]: (lag test)
[GM]: Smith "On the contrary, we were ready for them!"
Thomas listens, eating at the same time.
Phinnea nods. "How did they fight?"
[GM]: Smith "With all the holy power at our disposal"
[Phinnea]: "the men in red that is, how did they fight you?"
[GM]: Smith "They wielded staffs and cast spells that made our priest sick. Some of them still have signs of the disease. Their skin seems to rot."
Phinnea winces in distaste.
[GM]: Smith "But the thing was .... our spells did not seem to effect them. Our high priests were no match for their powers."
[Phinnea]: "Did you attack with any weapons, sword, mace or the like with any success?"
[GM]: Smith "We could not get near them. Those that did, were struck with the sickness of their flesh."
[GM]: Smith "Their staffs were weilded with skills of a master."
[GM]: Smith takes another drink
[GM]: Anne "The wizard, tell me more of the wizard"
[Phinnea]: "yes, what did the wizard say exactly?"
[GM]: Smith looks at Anne "Ahh.... yes, he said that he came to answer our calls. He told us that Ral couldn't help us and that men would come for the ring within a few hours. He also told us that we would be no match for them. He said .... get out while we could."
Thomas speaks up, "I find it curious that you spells have no effect. Has that ever happened before?"
[GM]: Smith "Get out while we could. A faithful man does not leave when danger approaches."
[GM]: Smith looks to Thomas and shakes his head, "I have never seen the holy magic not work ... I have heard tales of priests in the heathen lands that had such expeirences. ... but never inside of a holy church!"
[GM]: Anne "The holy magic has even worked for me in the lands of the Orcs. I could not imagine that Ral would not be present in his own church"
[GM]: Smith "Aye, I have only heard tales of the holy magic failing in one place .... the Marshlands"
[Phinnea]: "what caused it to fail there?
Thomas ponders, leaning back and picking at an errant piece of ham stuck between his teeth with his fork. "History was never my speciality...but is there any possibility of a similiarity between what happened in the heathen lands and what this group had? Maybe thier is a link."
[GM]: Smith, "And that in only rare circumstances"
[GM]: Smith looks at Phinnea, "I do not know .... perhaps one could ask one of the missionary priests who have experienced it."
[GM]: Smith looks to Thomas, "Perhaps a link .... I do not know"
[GM]: Smith takes another drink, shaking his head.
[GM]: Anne "I cannot imagine what power could be greater than that of Ral himself. It is very disturbing to think of such"
[GM]: You notice that Anne has stoped eating
[Dorje]: "What about a device of a evil god...would that disturb their clerical magic???
[Dorje]: "escuse me if that is a stupid question, theology and magic are not my strong suit"
[Dorje]: "I do swords"
[ Mr Meow joined the game ]
[Dorje]: "Know swords rather
[Jackdaw]: ((still alive, I'll be there soon>
[GM]: Anne "What evil gods exist? I only know of the God of the Orcs ... and the god of the Kobolds."
Phinnea finishes her ale and looks at the others, "where can we fins those misionary priests that had problems in the Marshlands?"
Dorje shruggs
[GM]: Smith to Dorje "But an excellent question. Perhaps the ring itself was a device of some ..... (he shudders) demon"
[Dorje]: "I have always felt that where there is good, there must be evil"
[Dorje]: "Good Gods.....must be evil gods..."
[GM]: Anne "Sometimes I wonder if we are too smugg with our modern world. There has been no talk of evil, or demons for thousands of years."
[GM]: Anne "We see the only evil as the Orcs, or their minions"
[GM]: Anne shakes her head.
Thomas thinks for a moment, "Actually, I was wondering much the same as Dorje." Thomas ponders some more, "Just becuase you don't know something is there does not mean it does not exist. In fact, if I was an evil God, I doubt I would announce it."
[GM]: Smith to Phinnea, "I know not where to find those priests, but an inquiry to the church might turn up that information."
[GM]: Jamison "Not know something was there.... the catacombs were uncovered just days ago ... perhaps ... perhaps"
[ Nitelite joined the game ]
[GM]: Anne "... and the ring came from those catacombs."
[GM]: Jamison "Aye"
[GM]: Jamison "I shudder to think we released evil upon an innocent world."
Thomas thinks for a moment.
[GM]: Anne "Did the wizard say anything else? anything at all?"
[GM]: Anne seems intent upon something
[GM]: Smith nods, "No, nothing more .... he appeared inside of the church and then vanished..."
[ Nitelite left the game ]
[Dorje]: ((we going to 11 tongith??))
[Dorje]: ((tonight rather))
[GM]: Smith "He did introduce himself though .... he called himself Veridon. Yes, I think that was it."
[GM]: ((Yes, about 40 more minutes, if that is okay))
Thomas looks up, "You all remember when we got that the ring the first time around...I am wondering what happened to that spirit that held the ring. Remember, the Lady is Red....With the fireballs and all. Hmmmm."
[GM]: Anne loses another shade of red from her face and mumbles "Veridon .... Veridon"
[Dorje]: ((yeah, I just have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it))
Phinnea repeats the name to herslef, commiting it to memory,... Veridon...
[Dorje]: ((remember, I am an hour later here))
[GM]: Anne "The name upon the stone!"
[Jackdaw]: "my not se'ed lady, was she pretty?"
[GM]: Anne "Thomas, do you remember?"
[Phinnea]: "what stone?"
[GM]: Anne "Veridon Augmena or something like that..."
[GM]: Anne is lost in thought
Thomas looks at Jackdaw, "Kinda...but the fireballs flung at me kinda made me think of other things." He looks at Anne and shakes his head, "No, not really...What stone was it?"
[Dorje]: ((sorry guys, I am dead tired right now, I think I am going to turn in for the night, Really sorry, but I don't think you really need me tonight))
[GM]: ((Dirk saw the lady in Red when he returned to the catacombs the day after the Prince's ring was recovered. He told the tale to Thomas.))
[GM]: ((Okay, Dorje .. see ya next week!))
[Dorje]: ((guys and gal I should say'
[Phinnea]: (bye Dorke! *grin*)
[Dorje]: ((Sorry, I am just falling asleep herem have a good night all))
[ Dorke Dradul left the game ]
[GM]: ((back down to 3))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sorry to be gone so long, hope I didn't miss too much
[GM]: Cleric Smith stands with his empty mug. "I appologize for this, but I am expected at the palace shortly. I must be going now."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Glad to have you back
[Phinnea]: "Lets head over to the church and ask the missionaries about the Marshlands. THnaks for the help, Acolyte Smith."
[GM]: Smith nods to everyone and then is gone.
[GM]: Anne "Wait Phinnea. There is something that I want to tell you now that Smith is gone."
Phinnea nods, "yes?"
[GM]: Anne "The wizard."
Thomas begins to get up, but sits down to hear out Anne.
[GM]: Anne "Remember last night when I touched the sword? and had the vision?"
[Phinnea]: "yes, I remember dat."
[GM]: Anne "He. He was in my vision. At least, it could have been him"
[GM]: Anne "The name on the stone. The stone that was placed in front of the entrance to the catacombs. It bore the name Veridon"
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: Anne "As if signed by him"
[GM]: ((ouch ... Jackdaw!!!))
[Phinnea]: "So, this sword is connected in some way with Veridon?"
[GM]: Anne "I do not know about the sword ... but I think he had placed the seal upon the catacombs."
[GM]: Jamison "I saw a wizard of such description following us when we came to The Royal City by fastcoach."
[Phinnea]: "Your vision was trigured on touching the sword, surely there must be a connection."
[GM]: Jamison "Long grey beard, silver grey robes, pointy hat."
[Phinnea]: "Did you speak with him?"
[GM]: Anne "The wizard in my vision was saying a few words at the funeral of King Millborne Orcslayer."
[Phinnea]: "who owned that sword..."
[GM]: Anne "He touched the sword, as he touched the King"
[GM]: ((It belonged to the King))
[GM]: ((And was buried in the tomb with him))
[Phinnea]: ((nod ok))
[Thomas]: "You think we are being followed by a ghost then?"
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: Anne "Thomas, did you not say that you say a wizard in the catacombs the night that we were there?"
[Phinnea]: The wizard is not dead, only the King!
[GM]: Jamison "By how could a wizard live for so long?"
[Phinnea]: "I have heard of many ways of prolonging life...."
[Phinnea]: "fine ale and good food is one way!"
[GM]: Thor laughs and smiles at Phinnea.
[Jackdaw]: that was interesting...
[GM]: Jamison "Thomas, could the man be the same? Why would a ghost have need for a horse?"
[Thomas]: "Possibly...but you are right. Then again, why would he need a horse. I don't need one and I am not particually the best of sorcerers."
[GM]: Anne "We must ask ourselves what purpose does this man or ghost serve here. He follows us .... follows the sword. And is also there to warn the priests about the ring."
[GM]: Anne "He does not seem to be evil."
[Phinnea]: "It seems that Veridon is on the side of the priests, and against these men in Red."
[ Mr Meow left the game ]
[GM]: Jamison "Also, I saw his in bright daylight. Do ghosts appear in the heat of the day?"
[GM]: Jamison appears to be putting a lot of thought into this
Thomas thinks as well.
[Phinnea]: "How long ago did the King die?"
[GM]: Anne "Thomas, you have studied some magery haven't you?"
[GM]: Anne looks to Phinnea "About 1,000 years ago, I think"
Thomas shrugs, "Sure, but only 'porting and such. I was never good at the rest of it. Just my knack."
[Jackdaw]: "how long cats shut up my wondered?"
[GM]: Dorje "The good King Millborne Orcslayer was crowned in the year 97 pendular"
[Jackdaw]: "maybe him stucked there until we opened?"
[GM]: Anne shakes her head, "I would guess about 1000 years Jackdaw"
[GM]: Anne nods, "Perhaps"
[GM]: Jamison "And perhaps so was the lady in red"
[Jackdaw]: "maybe we makeded an oopse"
[Phinnea]: "a long time, even for a dwarf, no doubt."
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,1 = [ 7 ]
[Thomas]: "So, at this point, it looks like >we< might have started this whole thing inadverntly. A BIG oopse."
[GM]: Dorje "Veridon, Veridon .. I knew the name sounded familiar"
[Jackdaw]: 'now we fixeded? but how?"
[GM]: Dorje "I remember a bit of history. A wizard by the name of Veridon was an advisor to King Rothmand XIII. Hmm... but it couldn't be the same man." he shakes his head.
[Phinnea]: King Rothmand was king before good King Orcslayer?
[GM]: Dorje "Not hardly, he was King merely ...... 140 years ago."
[Phinnea]: "Perhaps Veridon had children?
[GM]: Dorje "But he was advised by a wizard by the name of Veridon. It is in the Royal records, I have seen it written there."
[GM]: Dorje "Perhaps"
[Thomas]: "That is a 900 year or so gap though..."
[GM]: Dorthe returns and clears the plates.
Phinnea nods. "It is all very confusing."
[GM]: Jamison "Very confusing"
[Jackdaw]: "maybe we not the firstest to make an oopse and he fixeded it before?"
[GM]: Anne "Perhaps inquiring at the Cathedral about the missionary priests would be a good idea."
[Jackdaw]: "and could helped us fixed it now?"
[GM]: Dorje stands. He gives a few coins to Dorthe and says, "Well, I have some business to attend to, but I would like to meet with you later and find out how your investigation is going." he smiles.
[GM]: Dorje "All of this if very interesting to me. I will give you any aid that I can"
[Thomas]: "Well, I think we are missing some vital information. This Veridion fellow seems to have been around for an awfully long time. WHo could we ask about this stuff?"
[GM]: Anne "Thomas, you studied a little magery did you?"
[GM]: Anne "How would a mage find out about a mage of history?"
[ left the game ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Education finaced by the Guild of Theives.
Thomas cracks his knuckles, "Guess I would look it up if I could get to a library."
(GM whispered to Thomas): Perhaps one of the reasons that are looking for you. They want a return on their investment
[GM]: Dorje "Why there is a sufficient library here in The Royal City"
[GM]: Dorje "At the Royal Academy, in fact!" he smiles
[GM]: Dorje produces a coin and hands it to Thomas.
Thomas nods, "Alright then. Sister or Jamison, they might not let me in so I think at least one you should come with."
Thomas takes it and looks at. Anything special?
[GM]: Dorje smiles at Thomas, "That will get you in"
[ Phinnea joined the game ]
[Phinnea]: (sorry, crash)
[GM]: It is too light to be gold or silver, and has a family creast on one side and the name Barodahn Dorje Dradul on the other
Thomas looks up, "Ah...Thanks." He defitaly makes it disapear from his hand. "Well then, I think I shall be on my way. Where do you want to meet up?"
[GM]: Dorje "I have ... privleges there."
[GM]: Dorje smiles
Thomas smiles as well, "Good to have conections in High Places."
[GM]: Dorje "But as I said ... I will have to meet up with you later. Now, if you will excuse me."
[GM]: Dorje bows and is gone
[GM]: Anne "Well, Thomas shall we go to the Library ... or to the Cathedral?"
[GM]: The party moves outside the Three Sisters as they try to make their decision
Thomas looks at the coint, "Library for me. I got the key, might as well go thier first."
[Jackdaw]: "my wanted to go shopping today"
Phinnea shrugs, "and the cathedral after?"
[Jackdaw]: "we meeted at cathedral later then?"
[GM]: Outside the party finds themselves a little lost.
[Phinnea]: "missionary priests at the Cathedral, right?"
[GM]: Everyone give me an IQ-4 Area-Knowledge:The Royal City default roll
[GM]: Time is 10:30 am
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,3 = [ 15 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6-4) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ -3 ]
[Jackdaw]: nope
DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: ((Phinnea?))
(Phinnea whispered to GM): missed by one
[GM]: The party loses their direction and is lost for about an hour trying to get their bearings.
[GM]: Are we going to the library?
Jackdaw looks around, especially if we pass thru any interesting places while losted
[Phinnea]: trying to
[GM]: This is a better part of the city and one that Jackdaw is not used to
[Thomas]: Eventually...
[GM]: The party finally arrives at the Royal Academy at 11:30 and finds the Library around Noon.
Jackdaw stares at the fancy houses
[GM]: I think I will END SESSION at this point