[Tue Sep 19 18:59:40 CDT 2000]

[GM]: SETTING: The party has just left the Library at the Royal Academy and finds Kelley DuLox following them. He offers to treat them to dinner 'on the King' and then a lavish meal begins. In the middle of the meal Kelley says "What know ye of the mythical Veridon of the Silver?" It is still early and just about 6:30pm on Dark Wednesday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132. BEGIN SESSION 52 --
Thomas cuts his steak and forks decent sized chunks into his mouth. He listens carefully to the conversation as he sips on his wine.
[Anne]: "Well, we know only little...If you are related to Rugers DuLox, however, you might be interested that he was said to have held council with Veridon.
[GM]: Jamison cuts another piece of the large Prime Rib that he ordered and puts it carefully into his mouth.
Anne takes a moment to eat a few large bites of steak...
[GM]: Kelley says "Held council with Rugers, you say? That is .....!" But just as Kelley gets those words out of his mouth ....
[GM]: The cook interupts, "Excuse me Count DuLox, but will there be anything else?" he hands Kelley a piece of parchment and Kelley begins to look at it carefully. Kelley says, "Yes, this looks fine. Make the King's note for 100 crowns over this amount, and leave the tab open in case anyone here wants to add something before they leave," as he takes up a pen and signs it.
[GM]: Sir Dradul smiles, "Count?"
[Anne]: BRB
[GM]: Kelley smiles at Sir D and says, "Oh yes, just an honorary title... but it has it's ... convieniences." he hands the parchment to the Cook.
[GM]: Kelley seems lost in thought and does not speak for a few mintues, then he finally says, "Veridon ... that name has come up quite a few times in my life. But I have reached the conclusion that he does not exist ... could not possibly exist."
[GM]: Kelley "I have also heard the tale that he held council with my Great Great Grandfather Rugers DuLox and advised King Rothmand XIII during the Paddings incident ... but is there any proof?"
[GM]: Kelley tops off his glass of wine as he waits for a response.
Thomas looks up and says, "He is in an awful lot of history books for him not to exist." He takes another sip of wine.
GM smiles at Thomas, "In history books do you say?"
[GM]: Kelley says, "For one thing, there is just not enough evidence that he ever existed. My grandfather once told me that he had been an advisor to King Rothmand XIII, but upon doing some research I found that his name does not appear in any of the great records. I once thought that these records had been altered in some way ... but that is not possible. Every spell that is cast, leaves a trace, even a minute trace. I do not believe that his name was ever there."
[Anne]: (back)
Thomas nods, "Sure, we did some bookwork this morning. He seems to get around."
[Anne]: "We made some facimilies at the Library... would you like to see them? They mention Veridon quite prominently."
[GM]: Kelley "Bookwork?" he looks at Thomas and then at Anne
[GM]: Kelley "Yes, I would very much like to see them"
Thomas shrugs, "Research."
Anne passes the Count the pages to examine.
[GM]: Kelley takes the pages given him by Anne and casually leaves through them while continuing ....
[GM]: Kelley "There is a legend amoung the nobility ... and I stress the term, legend ... that if the King is ever in trouble, this Silver Wizard will appear and give him advice. I have come to the conclusion that it is a legend fabricated to rouse a high moral amoung the people of the land."
GM stops and nods at one of the facsimiles.
[GM]: Kelley "The only record that I ever found is the scroll that my family holds. It is the source of the legend, I am sure. I have dated it and found it to be no more than 500 years old, though. I believe it to be a fake."
[Anne]: "Perhaps... but a legend usually have their basis in a grain of fact."
[GM]: Kelley looks at Anne, "Unless it had a purpose for being invented"
[GM]: Kelley looks at another facsimile
[Anne]: "These facimilies are, for the most part, from books far older than 500 years... Indeed, I have personally seen his "signature" if you will, on a stone tablet at least 1000 years old in Shevendale."
[GM]: Kelley "The scroll that my family holds is supposedly addressed to a Shaddim Quizland of the Beni Sagio and outlines a complex ritual for summoning this Veridon of the Silver. Two facts that make me belive that it is fabricated other than its age are that no evidence of the Sagio Benoi have ever been found, and it has been almost accepted that this group was mythical in itself. Also, the ritual is useless. There is no power in its words. Every spell, when written down holds a certain amount of power in the very words themselves, but there is not power there."
[GM]: Kelley looks at Anne again, "His signature?"
[Anne]: "Perhaps it is a ritual of Faith? - oh - on a stone tablet, deep in the catacombs of Shevanddale, there was a tablet with a long inscritpiton, signed "Veridon Augmena"
[GM]: Kelley "What means did you use to determine it's authenticy?"
[Anne]: "At the time, I had no means whatsoever... however, I can say that the catacombs were supposedly sealed for at least 1000 years
[GM]: Kelley "Yes, I did hear that you did discover those catacombs under Shevandale. That would make sense." he nods.
[GM]: Kelley "They would have to be."
[GM]: Kelley seems very interested.
[GM]: Kelley "But there is still the scroll that my family holds."
[GM]: Kelley "Why would such fakes exist if something, some idea, was not trying to be fabricated... just like the entire idea of the Sagio Benoi themselves. A whole clan could not vanish without a trace, let along preserve the entire body of wisdom that became the University!"
[GM]: Kelley finishes looking at the papers and hands them back to Anne, "I must admit it though .... you research is very detailed. I am impressed that you could find so much information on this Veridon. May I ask how you did it?"
[Anne]: "Why not? Is it easier to believe that someone or some group tried to create a historical figure and an entire "mythical clan", rather than believe that clan may have turly existed?" (Anne's tone is calm and friendly, not argumentative)
Thor sits there listening to the conversation, remaining quiet
Thomas ponders over the remains of his dinner. A glass half-filled with wine is held in one hand and his head in the other.
[Anne]: "Well, thanks to Dorje Dradul, we were able to use the library - the one with the ghostly tree inside... and we asked the librarian to use some I don't know...magic butterflies - to search for references to Veridon Augmena."
[GM]: Jamison finishes up his Prime Rib and seems totally satisfied with his meal.
[Anne]: The Butterflies all found books, except for one, which flew to the tree and remained there for the entire time."
[GM]: Kelley laughs heartily, "Magic Butterflies ... Ha Ha Ha ... you dont say!"
Thomas nods, "Bookworms they called them."
[Anne]: (Anne eats more of her steaks, finishing one, and beginning a baked potato.)
[Anne]: "As Thomas said... I was too busy looking at the books to pay enough attention..." (Anne blushes at her foolishness)
[GM]: Kelley sips his wine and nods to Thomas, "Yes, yes ... they are an ... improved form of what are commonly called book worms. And do want to know what is truely ironic?"
[Anne]: "I would be interested...yes."
Thomas nods.
Thor nods
[GM]: Kelley smiles largely, "The book worms were one of my projects!" he laughs
Thor smiles as he returns to his meal
[GM]: Kelley "I cant believe that I never used them to search out the name of Veridon!" he shakes his head.
[Anne]: "Don't berate yourself, Count...the name Veridon is not often heard in most circles, if I gather correctly."
[Anne]: "Why would you seek out a myth?"
[GM]: Kelley, "Well, in my younger days .. I sought out the name in vain."
Anne quaffs some ale, and continues with her dinner.
[GM]: Kelley "I actually believed in him."
[GM]: Kelley "If Veridon did exist ... If the legend did turn out to be true, I would very much like to talk to him. He would have to have knowledge that Dwarfs that held by the University, itself."
[GM]: Phinnea perks up at the use of the word Dwarf.
[Anne]: "If the facimilies are to be believed, he may have created the Invisibility spell..."
[GM]: Kelley just smiles and nods at her.
Thor finishes his dinner and leans forward slightly, listening intently to the conversation
Thomas ponders for a moment, "Was he credited with anoy other spells, Sister?"
[GM]: Kelley "Yes, I have heard legends that claimed that HE was the one that originally taugh the spells to Methoria"
Thomas ponders for a moment, "Was he credited with any other spells, Sister?"
[Anne]: "I don't know, Thomas..."
[Anne]: "I saw only that which we found in the books, and all they mentioned was invisibility."
[GM]: Kelley "Some believe that he was behind the Sagio Benoi that saved the tomes of magic."
[GM]: Kelley "I have heard the legends all of my life. It is hard to know what to believe"
GM looks at Thomas
[GM]: Kelley looks at Thomas
[Anne]: (anne takes a moment to scarf down the rest of her dinner)
Thomas nods, "Just thinking outloud. I was just wondering about the Count's spell on the scroll. Why make something that does not work...Maybe we are just missing something."
(GM whispered to Thomas): You feel as if you are being scrutinized by Count DuLox's glance.
GM smiles at Thomas, "I would not mind if you took a look at the scroll."
[GM]: ((ouch .... I better stop doing that !))
Anne says "I think that would be facsinating!"
[Thomas]: "I mean, if I made up all these fantastic spells, why make one that does not work? Unless, of course, I don't want to be bothered." Thomas smiles and nods, "All right, I think that would be good."
[GM]: Kelley "As I said, it has been in the possession of my family since the time of King Millborne Orcslayer."
[GM]: Kelley "Next time we meet, I shall have the scroll with me."
Thomas nods, "That would be good. Do you want to schedule a time when we could take a look at it?"
[Anne]: "Thank you, milord... And thank you much for dinner. It was a fine repast!"
Thomas nods, "Okay. When we meet again."
[GM]: Kelley "Yes Thomas, name the time and I shall be there."
[Thor]: "Alright that sounds good. And yes thanks for dinner. Very nice."
[GM]: Kelley "The dinner was on the King .... a perk of my office, I suppose."
[GM]: Kelley smiles
[GM]: Kelley "Thomas, I am interested to ask you a question."
Thomas nods, "Indeed, thanks for the dinner." He looks to the others, "What time is good for you all?"
[Anne]: Anne quietly orders another Ale, and something sweet for dessert (pie?)
Thomas looks at the Count, "Go ahead."
[GM]: The waitress brings an assortment of pies and cakes for you to chose from
[Anne]: "Any time before the trial, except for perhaps during prayers, thomas."
[GM]: Kelley "You are a mage. Trained privately in Shevandale, right?"
[Anne]: Anne selects apple pie.
[Anne]: brb
Thomas chuckles, "You could call it that."
[GM]: Kelley "I do not mean to pry ... but I was surmise that the Guild was involved in your training?"
[GM]: Kelley "They often seek to do things in such a way"
Thomas shrugs, "Fair enough. Yeah, they were."
[GM]: Kelley "But I am guessing that you no longer affiliate yourself with them? Do you have plans of attending one of our fine Universities?"
[GM]: Kelley studies Thomas again
[GM]: Kelley orders a piece of pecan pie.
[GM]: Jamison orders a piece of apple pie like Anne
Thor studies the choices and also orders a piece of the apple pie
Thomas blinks, "No, I try an avoid them when I can. Bad for my health, that crew is." He blinks again, "I was never the studious kind, I am afraid. Learned on the jobs and such. Why?"
[GM]: Kelley "And I appolgize if I am getting too personal, Thomas"
Thomas grins, "You'll know when it gets to personal."
[GM]: Kelley "I sense an apptitude with spells of the movement college in you, am I right?"
[Thomas]: [Last in a typical jovial tone]
[Anne]: (back)
[ Phinnea joined the game ]
[Anne]: Hiya Phinny1
[Phinnea]: ((sorry I'm late.)
[GM]: ((Phinnea!!!!))
Phinnea smiles at everyone.
Thomas nods, "Yep, that is my speciality. Well, to be honest, that is all I am good at." He shrugs, "I was never too good as the other spells."
[GM]: Kelley "The King is looking for men like you." he takes a fork and begins eating his pecan pie.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): real quick synopsis?
Thomas nearly snorts out the mouthful of wine he was drinking. He chokes for a moment then recovers, "The King is looking for a good-natured second story man with a bit of magical talent?" He laughs, "This I got to here."
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Kelley began talking and saying that this Veridon must be a myth, but the party seems to be bringing him around to believing. Now he is talking to Thomas about his abilities.
Anne listens to Count DuLox's offer to Thomas...
[GM]: Kelley smiles at Thomas
(Phinnea whispered to GM): tnx
[GM]: Kelley "It has been the priority of the past 3 kings do develope better means of travel throughout the Kingdom. There is a theory among the Deans that it might be possible to travel from one point to another by means of a meta spell, but so far that knowledge has escaped them."
Thor smiles as he listens and begins eating his pie
Thomas leans back, wondering what foolerly this.
[Thomas]: [BTW: Teleportaion is known, right?]
[GM]: Kelley "It is more than teleporation. Much more"
[Phinnea]: "A meta spell? Do you think Veridon knew this Meta spell?"
[GM]: Kelley "I am talking of a permanent opening in the fabric of space.
[Anne]: "A Gate, milord?"
[GM]: Kelley nods at Phinnea, "Yes, if he does exist ... then I am sure he does ... or did."
[Thor]: "A permanent Gate between two places? That would be a great convenience wouldn't it?"
[Phinnea]: "and a gate thru time it seems."
[GM]: Kelley nods at Anne, "Ah yes .... as a matter of fact .... it is called Gate Theory among the Deans! You have a sharp mind, sister" he nods.
[Anne]: Thank you, milord... I get little opportunity to use it on the battlefield, but lately its been quite handy."
[GM]: Kelley looks at Thor, "It would be astonding for trade between other Kingdoms. It would be worth very much to the King to acquire such knowledge."
[Phinnea]: Who are these Deans?"
Thomas looks intersted then amazed, "I have a tough enough time getting myself to blink about, I can only imagine how much energy it would take to make it permenant."
[Phinnea]: "Are they the council of mages?"
[GM]: Kelley smiles at Phinnea, "The leaders of the University, of course!"
[GM]: Kelley turns back to Thomas, "But as I was saying ... People that are adept in the movement magics have been in demand lately."
[GM]: Kelley "I am sure that I could find you a posistion Thomas .... if you would be interested."
[GM]: Kelley sips his wine
[Phinnea]: "heh, Thomas in a fixed position to study magic? I dont think he would like that for long."
[GM]: Kelley "But dont let me pressure you .... take your time and think about it."
[Anne]: Thomas, I know this may be out of order, coming from me, but you might want to consider this - Doing (as you called it) second story work - or even worse - adventuring, must lead to a short lifespan..."
[Anne]: "It sounds like an amazing opportunity - you would be on the cutting edge of movement magic!"
[GM]: Kelley smiles and nods to Anne
[Phinnea]: : looks at Thomas and chuckles.
Thomas thinks, "Dean Wintersun, huh? It does have a certain ring to it." He kicks back in his chair, "Also, we can get JD some college girls too..." Thomas tries to keep a straight face, but can't. He just grins.
[Anne]: Anne grins.... "A frollic every night!"
[Thor]: "Yes Thomas, I don't want to force you into a decision but I think it would be a tremendous opportunity to expand your own knowledge and maybe have a hand in a magical breakthrough that could change the course of history if the spell is discovered."
[Phinnea]: "I cant imagine our Thomas in a Dean's cloak though....much too structured, no?"
[Anne]: "Hmmm... I don't know Phinny. I think it would be possible. Maybe not easy, but doable."
[GM]: Kelley "It would not only be study, Thomas ... there is also danger that comes with it.... as with any new magical research."
[Phinnea]: "ah, now that he may like!"
[GM]: Kelley "Going where no man has gone before?!"
Phinnea whispers to THor, "They used to say that about Anne."
Thomas looks a bit more serious, but the idiot grin never really leaves his face, "I will have to think on it some more, but I think I will probabily accept once I get some things squared away. Also, I will need something from you. There are ways of getting the Guild off ones back, even after you leave the way I did."
Anne looks really upset when Phinny says that last comment - REALLY hurt .
[GM]: Kelley reaches into his pocket and pulls out a coin. It looks similar to the one given by Sir Dradul earlier today. It has his name on one side and his family crest on the other. "Keep this while you think about it... and when you wish to contact me .. use it."
[Phinnea]: "Just teasing you, Anne...no harm meant!"
Phinnea looks sorrowful and regrets her comment.
Thomas takes it and nods, "Seriously through, you all have the contacts to make this work."
[Thomas]: [Sorry...BRB]
[GM]: Kelley does not notice Anne's hurt expression but is deep in thought, "Thomas, there is power in the government. One can be .... relocated. You could ... become someone else, entirely."
[Anne]: "Maybe, Phinny, but for the last 20 years I've been the butt of so many "she's a dog" jokes that it's not remotely funny... I've never been looked at with affection, except by my mother...never by a man.... I'm sorry - I need some air.."
Anne gets up from the table. "I'm sorry, but I need some time alone.. I'll meet you all back at the Cathedral."
[GM]: Kelley and Sir Dradul stands as Anne does.
[GM]: Jamison gets up too.
Phinnea looks around, somewhat embarrassed.
[Anne]: "Thank you Count Du Lox... I look forward to seeing you again."
[GM]: Jamison "May I escort you back Anne?"
[GM]: Kelley "It was a pleasure" he smiles and bows
[Phinnea]: "Anne, I forget that not everyone is blessed wid me own gud looks. Please, accept my apologies..."
[Anne]: "I...." Anne looks upset, close to tears... "I don't know... okay Jamison, thank you."
[GM]: Jamison takes Anne's hand and leaves. He gives Phinnea a strong look as they leave over Anne's shoulder so that she doesn't see.
[Anne]: "I'll accept them in the morning Phinny... I'm sorry too."
[GM]: Kelley speaks to Phinnea, "What are your plans for tomorrow My dear?"
[Thor]: "Tomorrow morning.. is a big day for us. Be sure to get some rest Anne, and we'll see you later."
Phinnea takes a deep draught of ale, trying to hide her shame.
[GM]: Kelley speaks to Thor, "Aye, a big day for us all!"
Thomas nods and looks at the coin, "Yeah, I 'll get in touch with you. Thanks!"
Phinnea looks over at Kelley. "Dunno really...why?
[Anne]: "Good night Thor.."
[Anne]: (Anne leaves with Jamison)
[GM]: Kelley "I thought you might be wanting to attend the Trial."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): yes, i knew she was beautiful, and recently became so, but I am not sure how...
(Phinnea whispered to GM): oops, mistell
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne bursts into tears a short ways back to the cathedral... , and sobs into Jamisons shoulder if he allows it.)
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison accepts her onto his shoulder and does his best to comfort her.
Phinnea nods her head solemnly. "It may be better that I make meself scarce tomorrow."
[GM]: Kelley reaches into his pocket, "Well, I was not sure what your plans were Lady Phinnea, so I drew up some papers that would allow you into the trail, if you had a mind to attend."
[GM]: Kelley pulls out a couple of small scrolls.
[GM]: Kelley hands one to Phinnea and one to Dorje
(Anne whispered to GM): "I'm sorry Jamison... I shouldn't have acted that way, but it just hurt so much... I thought I was getting accepted... but it still hurts."
[Phinnea]: "Thank you, Kelley."
Phinnea places the scroll deep within her bosom.
(GM whispered to Anne): "I .... I ... cant believe that she said such a thing. You are .... so beautiful. (then he stops himself a little embarrassed.)"
(Anne whispered to GM): "And now that I'm beautfiul, I don't know how to react, how people think about me... Sometimes I think its only a shell, and that the real me underneath is ugly... and maybe some people can see that."
[GM]: Dorje "Thank you Sir" he nods.
Thomas puts the coin away carefully and waits for the others. He looks a bit dazed for a moment, then looks to Phinnea, "Nah, Anne is a soldier, she will be okay. Just hit a soft spot, thats all. Just don't do it again or you'll find your drawven butt about a mile out to see. Got it?" Thomas smiles and there is no malice in his words.
[Thomas]: [Grr. See =Sea]
Phinnea nods again at Thomas's words. "I guess it was more of a soft spot than I realized."
[GM]: Kelley "Well, I shall be leaving you all now. Thanks for a delightful dinner." he nods.
Thor nods to Thomas and Phinnea "Well it grows late, I think we should be going."
Thomas nods, "Thanks again."
[Phinnea]: "the delight was ours, Kelley."
Thor nods to Kelley "It was a pleasure to speak with you again."
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison "But your beauty has always been more than just skin deep .. dont you understand?"
[GM]: Kelley to Thomas, "Think of my offer. There are ways that you could disappear to everyone that knows you.... even to the guild."
(Anne whispered to GM): "I thought I was beautiful, on the inside...but the taunts of the years are hard to fight...
[Phinnea]: "I apologize to everyone for bringing our dinner to an abrupt end."
Thomas nods, "I will."
(Anne whispered to GM): Its like I'm living a dream, and I'm only just coming to terms with it.... I...
(Anne whispered to GM): Thank you Jamison - you're a sweet man. (She leans and kisses him on the lips)
[GM]: Kelley gets up and bows and then throws his cloak over his head.
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison embraces her and kisses her back.
Phinnea stands. "G'evening, Sir Kelley."
Thor stands and prepares to leave
[GM]: The cloak stays there as if hiding the shape of a man, but does not move.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne embraces Jamison... holds him tight for minutes that seem all too short...
Phinnea looks closely at the cloak.
[GM]: Dorje "Eh, Count DuLox are you alright?"
(Anne whispered to GM): "Come back with me..." She whispers. "To my chamber..if you would?" (She looks embarrased)
[GM]: The cloak does not move
Phinnea lifts the hood, peering within.
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison "I ... I have waited to be alone with you .... for so long."
[GM]: As Phinnea touches the hood, it falls into dust that floats away on the wind. There is nothing beneath it.
Thomas watches the cloak and Phinnea.
[GM]: Dorje chuckles.
[Phinnea]: "well, that was quite the exit."
[Thor]: "Huh? A teleport?"
Phinnea shrugs. "something like that."
(Anne whispered to GM): "I've wanted to, too Jamsion....I want to so badly..."
[GM]: Dorje "I dont know ... Thomas, any idea?"
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison "Let us go somewhere .. and be alone." he takes Anne's hand.
[Thor]: "Very useful. It would be handy for me, but I have no skill with magic."
(Anne whispered to GM): "Allright... Wherever you wish. "
Thomas looks, "I don't know...Usually I drag everything along with me when I go." He looks at the dust...
[Phinnea]: "Do you think there will be any shops open this time of nite?"
(Thomas whispered to GM): Can I check for residual movement magic?
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison takes Anne's hand and begins to walk. He leads you down a quiet street, not necessarily in the direction of the Cathedral.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Roll IQ
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne follows, smiling at Jamison, her heart beating madly, while her mind is saying "Is this true? Is this really happeneing?" She almost can't believe it!
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14
(GM whispered to Thomas): You can not find any trace of the spell, but you are pretty certain that it was not of the movement college.
Thomas looks up, dust on his fingers, "Wierd. Well, what ever it was it was not a port."
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison "Anne, can we be alone tonight? I mean .... really alone?"
[GM]: Dorje "Amazing! You mages astond me!"
(Anne whispered to GM): I don't understand, Jamison? Where would you suggest?"
[GM]: Dorje gets up and begins moving toward the door.
Thor walks over to the door
[Phinnea]: "I'm going to look around in a few stores on me way back. I may be a bit late, so dont worry about me..."
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison looks really embarrassed, "Uh, uh .... would it be an insult if I asked you if we could get a room some place?" he nervously awaits your answer.
Thomas nods, "I'll come with you Phinnea...I am probabily not going to be able to sleep anyway."
[Phinnea]: "Ok, Thomas."
[GM]: Dorje "I am going back to my apartment at the Academy. I will see you all at the trail tomorrow?"
[GM]: Dorje bows and departs
Phinnea nods. "I hope so..."
Thomas nods, "Yep."
(Anne whispered to GM): "No, Jamison.... Lets get a nice room. I suspected the cathedral was out of the question. Let's find one teogether."
Phinnea leaves with Thomas and looks around for some open jewelry stores.
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison seems relieved "Yes Yes, that's what I meant. A nice room ... a very nice one."
(GM whispered to Anne): Jamison smiles
Thor follows the others out
(Phinnea whispered to GM): I wish to get a pretty locket necklace which could hold some healing gel for Anne.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne smiles back, her heart lifting in joy...
[GM]: Even though the hour is late, the city still bustles with activity.
Thomas wanders the streets with Phinnea, hands in his pockets and his mind elsewhere.
[GM]: Probably due to the upcoming Royal Wedding of the Prince.
(Phinnea whispered to GM): Or perhaps with my jewelry and craft skills I could make one?
Thor heads back to his room and disappears for the night
[GM]: You pass a couple of jewelry shops on the way but Phinnea doesn't see what she is looking for.
Phinnea addresses Thomas, "I am looking for something special..."
[GM]: But then, closer to the square, there is a vendor selling jewelry from a stand.
Phinnea walks up to the vendor and examines what he has.
[GM]: The pieces look of rare quality
[Phinnea]: "G'evening, kind sir!"
[GM]: Exquisite workmanship
[GM]: Vendor "Eve nan"
[Phinnea]: "You have beautiful items here, I see. You make them yourself?"
Thomas shakes of his revere, looking at the woman. He was going to ask what she is looking for, but waits a moment.
[GM]: Vendor "Er ya inter sted in fine qualatie jewelrie"
[GM]: Vendor "Ya, I makes them meselves in me home town o Pindoor"
[Phinnea]: "Yes, I am. I wish to buy a small necklace with a locket, one that seals tight with no air to pass within."
[GM]: Vendor "Aye Ya" he opens a case that is under his stand and pulls out a tray "Hav a luk a dees"
Phinnea examins them closely.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): He apparently put some time into making these. Craftmanship is pretty good for a Human
[Phinnea]: "hmmm, very nice."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): merchant estimate of value?
(Phinnea whispered to GM): i dont have my char sheet :(
[GM]: Vendor "I mak dem tight so der air don get in" he smiles and reveals a couple of missing teeth.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Roll
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,3 = [ 9 ]
(Phinnea whispered to GM): its at least that anyway.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Workmanship like this should bring 100 crowns desite the material that it is made out of
Phinnea removes a particularly attractive necklace, with a small locket. "I'll give you 75 crowns for this one."
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You made it by 5, btw
[Phinnea]: "and a kiss too, seeing your so handsome and all."
[GM]: Vendor smiles "Aye Aye .... tis a deal" he seems very excited.
Phinnea grins, and give the man his money. "Good day, kind sir."
Phinnea gives him a peck on the cheek. "A deal is a deal!"
Thomas grins and rolls his eyes.
[GM]: Vendor blushes a little "you are the pretty one!"
Phinnea looks at Thomas, "Want to head back now?"
[GM]: Vendor takes the money and glaces at it quickly "Than que missy!"
Thomas nods, "Sure. What do you need an airless locket for?"
Phinnea smiles at the vendor and begins to walk back to the Cathedral with Thomas.
Thomas says as they walk.
[Phinnea]: "Ah...well, I gots something special to put inside it. And it cant be seeing air, or it loses its strength. I'm gonna give it to Anne as a present."
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Now that you have held it for longer, and judged it's lightness and conformity to temperature, you believe that it made of a silver and mythril mix. It is worth more like $150 crowns.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): It seems very air tight, as well. Small hinges that show the craftsman's skill off.
Thomas nods, "Okay. I am sure she will like it."
[Phinnea]: "I thinks she will like this. It is truly exquisite."
[GM]: You soon arrive back at the Cathedral
[Phinnea]: "Good nite, Thomas, Thanks for the escort!"
Phinnea gives THomas a strong kiss on the cheek and a big hug.
[GM]: Brother Geoff is waiting for you, and greets you.
[GM]: BroGoeff "Good Evening!"
[Thomas]: [Wasn't I sleeping at the Cathedral too?]
[GM]: ((Yes))
Thomas smiles, "Alright. Sleep tight."
[Phinnea]: "G'evening, Bro, Goeff. I am tired, but could you show me where miss Anne is sleeping?
[GM]: Bro Geoff "I have had your beds made with clean sheets. If you need anything please dont hesitate to ask"
[GM]: Bro Geoff looks at Phinnea confused "I assumed Sister Anne was with you today Lady Phinnea"
Phinnea nods. "She was, but she returned earlier than us."
[GM]: Bro Geoff goes and opens a door, "But this is the room that she was using"
Phinnea looks within her room.
[GM]: Bro Geoff still looks confused "She has not returned."
[GM]: Geoff "You three are the first to return"
Phinnea suddenly turns pale. "I hope she is alright!"
[Phinnea]: "She is with Jamison. I am sure they will be fine..."
[GM]: Geoff "She was not at Evening prayers, either... (he gulps) I checked for her"
[Phinnea]: "And she can look after herself, anyway."
[Phinnea]: "Hrmmm, that is strange."
[GM]: Geoff "Fine fine ... then I will leave you for the night" he nods and departs
Thor comes out of his room upon hearing the conversation
Phinnea enters Annes room, and sits on her bed. Looking up at Thor, "Have you seen Anne?"
[Thomas]: "Thanks, that should be good." Thomas does not look terribly concerned, "Right. I am sure they are just out for a stroll or such."
[Thor]: "Hi Thomas, Phinnea. I hear Anne never made it back here?"
[Thor]: "I have not seen her or Jamison since they left us at the steak house"
Phinnea removes the necklace from her pocket and begins to fill it quickly with a strong, but not unpleasant smelling gel.
[GM]: Geoff returns, "Excuse me, I forgot to tell you ..... "
Thomas turns around.
[GM]: Geoff waits appologetically
Phinnea then closes the locket tightly.
[Phinnea]: "Yes?"
[GM]: Brother Geoff "There was a message ...."
[GM]: Brother Geoff smiles
[Phinnea]: "And it was?"
[GM]: Brother Geoff "A Knight delivered it earlier today. He said that the coach would be here in the 8th hour of Silverna to pick up those going to the Trial"
(Phinnea whispered to GM): The gel is an ungent of healing I had made earlier.
[GM]: Brother Geoff "That was all he said"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Okay
[GM]: Goeff bows and exits again
Phinnea looks at the others." I hope they are back by then."
[GM]: What does the party do now?
(Anne whispered to GM): heheh... Knowing the trial is on the morrow, Anne will have the innkeeper awaken Anne and Jamsion well before breakfasttime...
Phinnea places the necklace on her pillow, with a small note.
[Thomas]: [How late is it now?]
(GM whispered to Anne): What time do you think Anne and Jamison will return?
[GM]: It is merely 9pm
Phinnea writes on the note, "with deepest apologies, Phinny"
(Anne whispered to GM): Probably before morning prayers... say wake at 5am, be at the cathedral at 6am?
(GM whispered to Anne): sounds good
[Thomas]: [Is there a cerfew or anything?]
[GM]: ((No, not really. The priests seem to turn in pretty early though.))
Thor nods and heads back to his room "Well I must get some sleep. I will see you all in the morning."
[Thomas]: [Okay]
[GM]: ((Morning prayers begin at 6 am))
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :then adds a PS to the note "Inside is a very special healing cream. Use wisely."
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne will ensure to arrive before 6am then... 8)
(GM whispered to Anne): noted
[Phinnea]: ;"Good nite Thor and Thomas."
[GM]: The night goes without event. Jackdaw is of course missing.
Thomas waits up for another hour or so, thinking about the offer on the table. He also waits to see if Anne and Jamison come in somewhere in the next two hours or so. He just listens for them.
Phinnea heads to her room and tosses and turns in her bed, not sleeping soundly.
(GM whispered to Thomas): No sign of Anne or Jamison in the next 2 hours
Thor enters his room and sleeps well, waking early
[GM]: It is a very quiet night
(GM whispered to Thomas): Do you go to sleep then?
Thomas waits, but eventually turns in.
(Anne whispered to GM): I assume Anne and Jamison spent a romantic evening?
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes
Phinnea awakens early, and sits upright, immediately thinking of Jamison and Anne.
[GM]: Things start to bustle around the Cathdral just prior to 6 am
Thor prepares for the day and has a sudden thought, wondering if Anne ever returned
Phinnea jumping out of bed stark naked, she dons her clothes and heads out to the hallway.
[GM]: Phinnea awakens at about 5:45am
[Thomas]: [BRB]
[GM]: Thor minutes after her
[Phinnea]: "Morning, THor, seen Anne?"
(GM whispered to Anne): Does Anne go to her room or directly to morning prayers?
[Thor]: "Not yet, but if she is here she should be at morning prayers in a short while."
[Phinnea]: "What should we do if she is not?"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne goes to her room, then to prayers... she needs to wash up and drop off her stuff... When she finds the necklace
(Anne whispered to GM): when she finds the necklace she goes and knocks on Phinny's door.
(GM whispered to Anne): You will meet Phinnea and Thor in the hall
[Anne]: Anne emerges from her room, into the hall to see Thor and Phinny
(Phinnea whispered to GM): :lets a big sigh of relief escape.
[Anne]: "Phinny! I don't know what to say."
Phinnea lets a big sigh of relief escape.
Thor turns at a small sound and sees Anne "Good morning."
(To GM) DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,1 = [ 8 ]
[Phinnea]: "Say nothing, it is better that way. Please."
[Anne]: (She is holding the locket in her hand... "Good morning Thor , and Phinny."
(Thor whispered to GM): Made it by 1
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,3 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: Anne comes over to Phinny and gives her a strong hug... "Phinny, you are a good friend... I'll always think that of you."
[GM]: There is a glow about Anne this morning
Phinnea smiles, very relieved. "I am glad you think that." SHe beams brightly and returns the hug warmly.
[Phinnea]: "Did you sleep ok?"
[Anne]: "Ummm" <> "Yes... very well."
Thomas gets up and shaves, baths and otherwise makes himself presentable. He draws his hair back into a simple ponytail and puts on his best clothing. After pulling himself together, he exits into the hallwall as he can here the voices of the others.
(GM whispered to Thor): Anther Roll please
Phinnea nods, and deems it prudent to let it drop. "well, I'm famished. Lets eat!"
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,6 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: "I'll meet you after prayers, all of you. - But for now, I think I'd better rush!"
(GM whispered to Thor): You can hardly help yourself, Anne looks really great this morning. She is very attractive.
Anne heads for morning prayers
Thor nods to Anne and seems about to say something, but doesn't before she leaves
[GM]: You all find breakfast being served in the kitchen.
[Phinnea]: "Morning Thomas! Ready for breakfast? WE have a coach to catch at 7 Anne, dont forget!"
[GM]: You are the first to eat, of course, with everyone else being at morning prayers.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne puts on the necklace, but doesn't open the locket yet
Thor smiles as he enjoys his meal
(GM whispered to Anne): Okay
Thomas walks with the others to get breakfast. He eats carefully as not to get anything on himself.
[GM]: This morning the food tastes really good. There is hot porridge with cinnamin and apple .. and plenty of fresh milk to drink
[Phinnea]: "Trying to stay polished, Thomas? For the trial?"
[GM]: You all realize that Jamison and Jackdaw are not there.
Thomas turns to Phinnea, "Morning. She liked the locket, huh?"
[Phinnea]: "It looks like it!" She smiles happily.
Thomas nods, "Yeah, got to look presentable and all."
[Thor]: "Morning Thomas, have you seen Jamison around this morning?"
[Phinnea]: "And JD too?"
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne would have returned with Jamison - is he in his room?
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes, he said he had to freshed up.
[Phinnea]: "quickly finishes her breakfast. "I'll go knock on their doors in case they over-slept."
[GM]: Jamison emerges from the door to the parties rooms, clean shaven and hair damp.
Thomas shakes his head, "JD will show up when he shows up. Not sure about Jamison."
[GM]: Jamison "Morning everyone"
Phinnea stops, looking at Jamison. "You slept in the parties room?"
[GM]: Jamison joins the rest of the party at the table.
[GM]: ((LoL))
[Phinnea]: ((heh, my mistake *grin*))
[Thor]: "Morning Jamison"
[GM]: ((The rooms that are being used by the party is in its own wing, so to speak))
Thomas looks over, "Morning."
[GM]: Jamison "Morning Thor"
[GM]: Jamison says no more but fills a bowl with porridge.
[Phinnea]: "I apologized to Anne, Jamison. And I apologize to you also."
[GM]: Jamison looks at Phinnea, "Oh, no appology necessary. I think Anne is over it, now."
Phinnea nods. "Ok, enough said."
[GM]: Jamison nods and begins to eat
[GM]: Jamison appears deep in thought
[Phinnea]: "The coach will be here at 7 for the trial."
[GM]: Jamison "Oh, that is good. A am anxious to see the trail over and done"
(Anne whispered to GM): let me know when anne returns from prayers ok?
[Phinnea]: "Is there something else on your mind, Jamison?"
[GM]: Jamison smiles at Phinnea, "Oh ... Oh, no. Not a thing."
[Thor]: "Yes, I admit that I am glad that the day has finally arrived."
[GM]: In about 1/2 hour Anne returns from morning prayers.
[Phinnea]: ((what time is it now?))
[Anne]: Anne rushes in... "Hiya! Any breakfast left?"
[GM]: Time is 6:30am
[GM]: Jamison stands and smiles as Anne enters.
Anne smiles back
Phinnea tries to nonchalantly look to see if Anne is wearing the locket.
[GM]: Jamison "Good Morning Anne" he looks at her for a long moment
Anne is wearing the locket
Phinnea smiles to herself.
[Thor]: "Hi Anne"
[GM]: Other priests begin to wander in and find their places at the other tables in the large room
Anne returns the look, looking quite happy
[Phinnea]: "better eat quick, coach will be '
[Phinnea]: "here in 30 minutes."
[Anne]: Hi Thor, Thomas....I'm sorry about running out on all of you last night... I'll try not to have it happen again."
(GM whispered to Thomas): Give me a roll please
[Anne]: "Whoa! I'd better hurry!" Anne tears her stare away from Jamsion and sits to eat
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,6 = [ 13 ]
Thomas sits back, "No worries."
[Anne]: Anne eats in a hurry
Thor finishes his meal and smiles
[Anne]: When done, she gets up, and says "Sorry to run - I had better get a clean robe and all that... I'll be right back!"
(GM whispered to Thomas): You cant help but notice Anne. She is very attractive this morning .... more so that you have ever noticed. There is something especially about her breasts. They are ... perfect. (you failed your roll by the way)
Anne heads for her room to change
[GM]: Jamison watches her leave.
Phinnea nods. "Me too!" She returns to her room to quickly freshen up.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne cleaned up at the other inn before leaving... she just changes into a clean robe, and brushes her hair.
Phinnea comes back down, wearing something more appropriate for the trial.
[GM]: Jamison after the girls are gone, "I wonder where we are to meet that coach?"
[GM]: Jamison "Phinnea, that looks really lovely .... good choice" he smiles
Phinnea blushes. "why thank you. "
Anne returns...
[GM]: Jamison smiles and nods
(Thomas whispered to GM): So, it seems as she is becoming more and more perfect? Even more so than before?
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yeah
[GM]: Jamison remains standing after Phinnea came back, "Well, I guess when Anne returns we should go find that coach?"
[ Phinnea left the game ]
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
[ «Jack» left the game ]
[ Ogreblood left the game ]
[GM]: ....
[GM]: ((Ouch! the room collapsed!))
[ Phinnea joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Ouch! the room collapsed!))
[Phinnea]: nod
[ Ogreblood joined the game ]
[ «Jack» joined the game ]
[Phinnea]: Hi Sky
[«Jack»]: Thor Hate Room Crashes
[GM]: ((Welcome back all!))
[GM]: ((Now, just need Anne))
[Ghostmoon]: Hello
(Phinnea whispered to GM): Its not Anne who is leaving, is it?
[ Zuggtmoy joined the game ]
GM ducks
[Anne]: gah! I locked up!
[Anne]: (sorry!)
[GM]: ((Room crashed))
[Phinnea]: we all did
[GM]: ((Let's continue .....))
[Thor]: [Yes let's continue]
[GM]: Jamison remains standing after Phinnea came back, "Well, I guess when Anne returns we should go find that coach?"
[GM]: It is now about 7am
Phinnea nods. Should be right outside, me believe."
[Anne]: Phinnea - can I ask you a question? What's in the locket? (Anne moves as if to open it and look)
[Phinnea]: "wait!"
[Anne]: (Anne had returned just as the room locked up)
[Phinnea]: "dont open it!"
[Anne]: "Uh..okay."
[Anne]: "Why not?"
[Phinnea]: "Its a special healing potion, my uncle Brattle showed me how to make."
[Phinnea]: "actually its a cream, not a potion."
[Anne]: "Oh! Thank you - how on Methor did you manage to fit a potion into this little locket?"
[Anne]: "Ah! Thank you Phinny!"
[Phinnea]: "but if exposed to air it will only last a week. Its very strong, only need a little to do the job."
[GM]: Jamison pats his foot. "I think it is after the 7th hour. Phinnea where is this coach supposed to be?"
Thomas nods, "Yeah, we don't want to miss our ride."
Phinnea gasps,"right outside, me thinks."
[Anne]: Anne begins to look for the coach
Phinnea waddles outside the cathedral to look around.
Thomas walks outside and has a look around.
(GM whispered to Skyrender): hehehe ... those seem to be pretty rare! keep him! LoL
[Thor]: "I believe we were told that it would be here at the 8th hour. But let's make sure."
Thor follows the others outside
[GM]: ((Question: Does anyone else remember the message given to Thomas and Phinnea by Geoff?))
[Anne]: I believe he said 8am
[GM]: The coach is of course not there.
[Phinnea]: ((heh))
Phinnea looks confused.
[Phinnea]: "WE could go ask Brother Geoff if we missed it."
[GM]: Phinnea remembers that Brother Geoff said in the 8th hour of Silverna.
[Phinnea]: "and then again, he may have said 8th hour....."
Phinnea looks somewhat embarassed again.
Thomas thinks, "Yeah, I think he said eight." He sits down, "Might as well wait here. Hope JD shows up soon."
[GM]: The priests and clerics finish their breakfast and go about their daily duties.
[Thor]: "Yes let's hope JD is here on time.."
[Anne]: "Yeah... Although sitting through a trial will be hard for him."
Phinnea sits down beside Thomas.
[GM]: Soon, 8 am comes ... but no Jackdaw.
[Phinnea]: "What should we do?"
[Anne]: "Uh oh... we all have to be at the trial by law.. if JD doesn't show, he be in BIG trouble..."
[GM]: Sir C and Sir Dradul show up.
[GM]: Sir C "Good Morning!"
[Thor]: "We are required to be there, I'm going to get on the coach when it arrives."
[Anne]: "Good morning Sir Cornelius, Sir Dradul!"
[Phinnea]: "G'morning Sir C. Jackdaw is not here yet!"
[GM]: Sir Cornelius "What ... that silly faun is not here?!!"
[Thor]: "Good morning."
[Phinnea]: ((am I required by law to be there?))
Thomas shrugs, "I am sure he will find his own way. He'll turn up."
[GM]: Sir C looks at Dorje
[GM]: ((No, Phinnea you did not recieve a 'summons'))
[GM]: Dorje "Well, I dont have to be there .... should I go and find him?))
[Phinnea]: "well, I dont 'have' to be there really. Think I should wait for him?"
[Anne]: "It might be best - just so he knows where we are - and where he SHOULD be..."
[Thor]: "Yes, Sir D, why don't you and Phinnea try to locate him for us."
[GM]: Dorje "Yes, Sir Cornelius ... I you all want to go catch the coach, I will wait here with Lady Phinnea" he smiles at Phinnea
Phinnea agrees, albeit reluctantly.
[GM]: Dorje "What do you think" to Phinnea "I know this City pretty well"
[Phinnea]: "It is a large city, Dorje..."
[Phinnea]: "with many a place to frolic."
[GM]: Dorje "Well, that is true .... "
[Thomas]: he shrugs and smiles, "The furball always seems to show up." He leans against the wall and waits.
Phinnea laughs at THomas's comment.
[Thor]: "Well he'd better or he'll find himself in trouble."
[Phinnea]: "Lets start looking now then Dorje. When will the coach leave?"
[GM]: Dorje "It is a Royal coach. I suppose it will leave when you ask it to."
[GM]: Does the party wait for Jackdaw?
[Anne]: How long will it take to reach the court?
[Thor]: "Probably, as long as we are there on time. Any idea what time the trial is set to begin?"
[GM]: Or send Dorje and Phinnea to look for him?
[GM]: Dorje "It should only take 1/2 hour by coach"
[Phinnea]: Dorje and I head off to find clues on JD within the Cathedral.
[GM]: Dorje "No more"
Anne thinks we should wait for Jackdaw... his testimony will be valuable
[Phinnea]: "Maybe we will be back in time..."
[GM]: 8:15am
[GM]: 8:30am
[Phinnea]: ((Trial is when?))
Phinnea looks at the scroll within her bosom.
[GM]: Jackdaw arrives
Phinnea cheers!
[GM]: Jackdaw "Mornin' Me here, me here!"
[Anne]: JD! Hurry! We have to go to the trial!
Thor boards the coach at 30 after, and smiles as he spots JD "There he is, let's get going or we'll be late!"
[GM]: Jackdaw "What everyone look at me for?"
Phinnea quickly boards also.
[GM]: Everyone boards and the coach takes off.
[Anne]: Anne boards the coach
[ MikeL joined the game ]
Phinnea shakes her head and chuckles at JD.
[Anne]: Hiya MikeL!
[Thor]: ((Speaking of JD..))
[GM]: The party arrives at the palace minutes before 9am... the time that the summons requested your presence
Thomas smiles, "Come on....Your going to be walking." He helps him onto the coach.
[MikeL]: hihi
[Phinnea]: ((heya Mike!))
[MikeL]: my justed getted home my missed it all?
[GM]: ((perfect timing!))
[Anne]: pretty much
[Jackdaw]: :-(
[GM]: Kelley is waiting outside the doors to the Royal Dome
Phinnea presents her scroll to gain admittance.
[GM]: Kelley smiles a relief when he sees the coach approach.
Thor steps out of the coach and smiles as he spots Kelley
[Anne]: Anne smiles, and gets out of the coach, waiting for Jamison
[GM]: The entire party is lead into the great dome and Knights check your papers at the door.
[Thor]: "Hi there, yes we made it on time."
Jackdaw waves to the crowd, and blows kisses to pretty ladies
[GM]: Jamison escorts Anne into the Dome, holding her hand.
Thor presents his summons scroll when asked
[GM]: At the door, the knights also check your papers. They ask Jackdaw for his.
[Jackdaw]: "it was gived to ME!"
[GM]: Knight "Sir, do you have your citizenship papers?"
[Anne]: (Does Anne have trouble with her papers? her looks....)
[Jackdaw]: "but you can see'd it if you liked"
[GM]: Anne is not questioned by the knights
[GM]: Knight "I am afraid that I am going to have to keep the summons .... and I would also like to see your citizenship papers."
[GM]: Jackdaw is having trouble with one of the knights.
[GM]: Kelley approaches.
[Jackdaw]: "it bee'd a 'summoning scroll' and it worked! it summoned my here!"
[Jackdaw]: "it bee'd a 'summoning scroll' and it worked! it summoned my here!"
[GM]: Kelley "He is not a citizen" he tells the knight.
[Jackdaw]: "my want keep it so no one esles summoned my"
[GM]: Knight nods at Kelley and frowns at Jackdaw "Very well. I suppose you may enter."
[Jackdaw]: "my could go frollic?"
[Jackdaw]: "my not haved to enter if you no wanted
[GM]: Knight "I must have the summons, though. It is the procedure"
Phinnea pulls JD with her into the trial.
[Phinnea]: "Come on you...frollic later!"
[GM]: Jackdaw gets inside
[GM]: The party is led inside an enormous room.
[Jackdaw]: ooc does he keep his 'summoning scroll'?
Anne wonders if Phinnea is making JD an offer...
Jackdaw wondered too
[GM]: It appears to be a dome ... but on further inspection it does appear to have sides.
Jackdaw thinks there be ...possibilities?
Phinnea isn't thinking of such things.
[GM]: There is also a balcony that encircles the entire room. There are at least 1000 people sitting about and more coming in all the time.
[Jackdaw]: maybe Jackdaw can helped, him thinks of such things LOTS
[GM]: In the center of the floor, there is a large square table.
Thor waits with the others, not sure where they should sit
Jackdaw waves to the crowd and smiles
[GM]: Many noble men can be seen around that table and down on the central floor area.
[Jackdaw]: any pretty ladies?
[GM]: One man scoffs at Jackdaw and looks embarrassed.
[GM]: The press is there too
[GM]: The party is lead to their seats.
[GM]: Sir D and Phinnea sit in a different section, but near to Anne, Thor, Thomas, Jackdaw, Jamison, and Sir Cornelius.
[GM]: A man raps a gavel and calls for order in the room.....
Thomas walks along, a little self-consious at the crowd
[GM]: You can see a picture of the Royal Dome at this addy:
[GM]: http://www1.50megs.com/methoria/code.htm