[GM]: SETTING: The party arrives for the trial of Baron Kessler at the last minute. Jackdaw has a little trouble getting past the Knihgt that is guarding the interest, but finally the party is let inside the King's Dome and find themselves in the middle of a massive display of Justice. There is around 1,000 people in attendance on two levels. It is just after 9:00am on Dark Thursday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132. BEGIN SESSION 53 --
(Anne whispered to GM): I got HERO Creator in the mail today - sort of like GURU for Hero... I should have PCs up on the webpage within a week.
(GM whispered to Anne): Cool
(Phinnea whispered to GM): noJD tonite?
[GM]: A knight stands rapping a gavel calling out in a voice that can be clearly heard despite the noise of the crowd, "Order Please ... may we have order in the room. I call these proceedings to order in the name of King Rothand XVIII." He turns and salutes the flag and stands at attention.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): He had to cancel at the last minute because of work.
Jamison salutes the flag, also
Phinnea hastily imitates Jamison, and feels somewhat foolish.
Jamison looks at Anne and Whispers..."Impressive hall..."
[GM]: The Knight continues to face the flag as murmuring quietens in the crowd.
Anne "it truly is..."
[GM]: Description of the Dome: It is a huge circular room with many sections for seating. In the center of this room is a large wooden table with the seal of the Kingdom emblazed in shiney brass and lapis lazuli stone. Two sides of the table are vacant and platforms have been placed there. One faces the larger audience area and has a large flag of Methor hanging from the banister behind it. The other is just in front of the audience area. On the other two sides of the table sit at least a dozen men and women with books, scrolls, and pens. Behind each of theses sides of the table are areas for seating and squires can be seen going to and from these two areas.
[GM]: The party sets on the right-side of the flag.
[GM]: Above the main floor of the room, additional seating areas encircle the entire area. Behind the stand facing the audience and just under the large flag is the King's throne next to a long table. A raised box with seats sits not far from the King's table. Scribes and members of the Royal Press are contained in one of the seating areas that is of triangular shape. Another triangular-shaped seating area contains a small band of brass instruments.
[GM]: The floor is carpeted with dark golden carpet.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Rub, are there evidence of the recording crystals that we saw at the Baron's castle???
[GM]: Jamison, Anne, Jackdaw, Sir C, Thomas and Thor sit in a seating area close to the large square table.
Anne looks around, wide eyed.
[GM]: Sir D and Phinnea sits in the section behind them.
[GM]: A door opens and men begin to enter. The band plays. People in the audience as well as at the center table stand. Soon King Rothmand himself can be seen proceeding to a throne that has been placed under the flag.
Thomas stands with the audience.
[Anne]: Anne stands
Phinnea is already standing, she's jsut short.
[GM]: When the king sits upon the throne, everyone begins to take a seat. The knight with the gavel turns to the square table and announces, "I turn over these proceedings to Council Master Baron Tartulan." he turns and salutes the Baron and goes to sit at the King's table.
Jamison is captivated by the size of the audience and is just beginning to understand the task that is about to begin... he grabs his wrapped package that he has been carrying and shifts it to rest in front of himself
[GM]: Jamison notices people sitting on the upper level. He might wonder who all these people are.
Thor stands and sits when the others do and waits
[Jamison]: ooc: do the look to be of royal blood?
[Thor]: ((Semi-afk, eating dinner))
[GM]: The people on the upper level do not necessarily have the look of nobility.
[GM]: There is a diversity among them. Most of the nobility are taking an active part in the trial. The others that are hear, have a seat on the floor.
[GM]: Baron Tartulan moves to the platform facing the square table, salutes the King, and then proceeds to introduce his council.
[GM]: Council (REM) -- A body of advisors tradionally consisting of 14 members, such as a Council of Mages or Council of Priests. A Council of Archbishop advises The Patriarch of the Church. Many Councils have advised the King throughout history, for example The Council of Lox.
[GM]: Council Master: Baron Tartulan -- A grey-haired man in his late 50's with a neatly trimmed beard. He is Baron of the Duchy of Lexington who resides just west of the city of Shevandale.
[GM]: Council Members: 7 Barons, 5 Counts, and 2 Generals: Baron Dradington from the Lexington Duchy. Baron Fuller and Baron Jeldiah from the Paddings Duchy. Baron Celerious from the Baxter Duchy. Baron Uthiya and Baron Halessbred from the Kissel Duchy. Count Gennings from Shevandale. Count Phiscoe from Shevandale. Count Distrim from Lexington. Count Parpelus from Lexington. Count Desmond from the Royal City. General Richfield and General Oremand.
[GM]: The introduction takes about 10 minutes.
[Anne]: (ooc - do we have to remeber these names????)
[GM]: < dont worry about them>
[GM]: ...
[GM]: Baron Tartulan "We are gathered today with honor in search of the truth of this matter. I know recognize the Master of the Requisition, Lord Duefold, Duke of Lexington."
[GM]: <>
[GM]: The Duke of Lexington wears the robes of a merchant. He appears well-aged and very wealthy. He stands and begins to speak. His voice can also be heard cleary over the murmurings of the audience. "I call forth Baron Kessler before all witnesses present to answer the charges brought against him, by the King. I shall now read the charges."
[GM]: Pages, Squires and Knights can be seen moving too and fro in the audience. The murmurings of the crowd can be almost heard, but they seemed to be muted in some way.
[GM]: A page approaches Jamison, smiles and bows.
Jamison nevously fidgits in his seat.... he whispers to Anne.."And we have to speak to all these nobles??"
(GM whispered to Jamison): The page hands Jamison a note in a very discrete way. You do not even notice this until he is gone.
Jamison nods his head in return
[GM]: The page leaves, apparently without saying anything.
[Anne]: Anne whispers back... "I think so, Jamison. It's making us all nervous, I think."
(Jamison whispered to GM): Jamison discretely checks the note, trying to hide it from all but Anne
[GM]: Jamison and Anne notice that it is a little hard to hear each other. They have to speak normally and then they have to still listen carefully to make out each other's words.
[Jamison]: OOC: interesting...
Thor sits straight in his seat watching everything
(GM whispered to Jamison): It is written in fine script and says only: ..... Mention Ye not the Name of the Prince.
[GM]: IQ roll from Thomas and Phinnea, please.
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,5 = [ 11 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): Did Jamison see a similar occurance to sir C or any of the others????
DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,2 = [ 7 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): No
(Jamison whispered to GM): Any signiture???
(Phinnea whispered to GM): made by 7
(GM whispered to Thomas): You recognize a spell having been cast on the seating area. The spell is similar to the silence spell. It makes the noise of the crowd hard to hear.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You recognize a spell having been cast on the seating area. The spell is similar to the silence spell. It makes the noise of the crowd hard to hear.
(GM whispered to Jamison): No Signature... and when you look at it a second time, the words have gone.... faded away.
Jamison mutters under his breath
Thomas sits back, taking it all in. He watches the procedings with some interest, but the darting pages and squires seem to make him a bit uneasy. Or perhaps it is that he will have to speak to the nobles or a little of both.
Phinnea whispers to Sir D, "there is magic here, which quiets the audience, very clever...."
(Jamison whispered to GM): Jamison wads the paper and places it in his tunic...
[GM]: The parties seating area is just behind where the Duke of Lexington sits - his side of the table.
Dorje whipers, "magic, hm, ah, okay"
[GM]: The Duke produces a scroll, clears his throat and reads, "King Rothmand XVIII charges Baron Kessler Vespus with soliciting the services of a master in the arts of assassination ..."
Thomas leans over to the others in his row, waving his hand about, "They got some kind of spell on us. Makes the crowd quieter."
[GM]: The crowd murmurs to the point of a gasp.... despite the spell.
[GM]: The Duke continues" ... and thereby defying Edict 8 set into the Millbornian Code by his predicesor King Rothmand XIII in the year of 1007 pendular."
Jamison looks at Thomas ... but of course...
Phinnea nods in agreement with Thomas.
[GM]: The Duke and Baron Tartunlan's voices carry clearly over the room as if amplified. You have no trouble hearing every word that they say.
[GM]: A man stands on the other side of the table and faces Baron Tartulan.
[GM]: The large square table is about 50ft x 50ft and is the tradional centerpiece of any legal room in Methor
[GM]: The man that stands is not Baron Kessler.
[GM]: Baron Tartulan "The council recognizes Master of the Defense, Count Phinly."
Jamison examines the parties at the table .. trying to remember if he had met any of them at the Duke's coourt
[GM]: Master of the Defense: Count Phinly of The Royal City. He wears fine robes that gives the Duke's attire a run for his money. Large diamonds can be seen on his fingers. He has a long handlebar moustache and a finely trimmed goatee.
[GM]: IQ roll from everyone
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,5 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Phinnea: (14-3d6) : 3d6=1,6,2 = [ 5 ]
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ 17 ]
DICE for Dorje: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,3 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,1 = [ 12 ]
[Anne]: eww- failed by 3
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,6 = [ 10 ]
[Thor]: (fail by 2)
[Jamison]: OOC: thank you, Thomas
[GM]: Everyone except for Anne seems to have heard the name Count Phinly. He has a reputation as a legal counsel. Some say that he wrote the law .... a slight exageration.
[Thomas]: [S'Okay Anne, your gorgous now. ^_^]
(GM whispered to Dorje): IQ=10
(GM whispered to Phinnea): 75 crowns and 2 CPs
[Anne]: (hehe - but she's not BLONDE!)
[Jamison]: OOC: Jamison frowns at Thomas...
(Phinnea whispered to GM): tnx
[GM]: Anne is very beautiful. You all notice the change.
[Thomas]: [lol]
[GM]: Count Phinly begins to speak. His voice is also heard clearly over the noise of the audience, "With all due respect to the Master of the Requisition and the King, the Defense insists upon knowing which representative of the King brings the charges against the Baron." he nods and sits.
Jamison has always belived that Anne was Beautiful
[GM]: Baron Tartulan almost shruggs, looking at Duke Duefold
[GM]: The Duke of Lexington sits and whispers to a few of the men at the table beside him. A squire moves from the Duke's side of the table over to the King's table. After about a minute the Duke stands.
Jamison blushes at his own thoughts...
[Anne]: /she blushes...
Phinnea notices that Anne is even more beautiful than Phinnea herself. She makes a mental note to compliment Anne in the very near future.
[Jamison]: OOC:hehehehe, Phinny
Thomas watches the proceedings.
[Phinnea]: ooc *grin*
Dorje has no clue what this whole beauty deal, since he never saw her any other way
[GM]: Baron Tartulan speaks, "Count Phinly, it is highly irregular for the person on trial not to take the stand at the beginning of the preceedings."
[GM]: Count Phinly stands, "With all due respect to the Council Master, there are precedents. The King vs Count Duvain in 1087 pendular, The council of Mendings in Lexington in 876 pendular, .... shall I continue?"
Dorje wisperts to Phinn, "isn't it unusaul to comit treason too??
[GM]: Baron Tartulan sighs and looks to the Duke, "Very well."
[GM]: The Duke nods to someone at the King's table and then says, "I call to the stand Sir Luxor, 2nd General of the King's Honor Guard."
[GM]: Jackdaw stands and claps.
Phinnea looks quickly at Dorje, "all this legal stuff is beyond me, sir.." she whispers.
[GM]: Sir Luxor emerges from a door behind the King's table and marches, armor clanking despite the carpeted floor, across the room towards the Duke. He stops and takes the scroll from the Duke after an appropriate salute and proceeds to the stand in front of the audience. He unrolls the scroll and reads it again.
Dorje says, "I like swords better, much simpler"
Phinnea hisses to JD, "shhhhh, sit down JD!"
[GM]: Jackdaw sits down a little embarrassed ... well as embarrassed as he ever gets, "It Luxor, Knight friend from Shevandale!"
Anne notes that pen and writ are the weapons of Royalty...
Jamison watches what the propewr salute was that Sir Luxor preformed
[GM]: Sir Luxor's armor shines brightly. It is highly polished gold and could serve as a mirror.
Dorje shakes his head at the impracticality of burnished armor
[GM]: Luxor's salute was very elegant. He put out the palm of his hand and then clenched it, raising it to his breast at the very moment that he half-way kneels.
[GM]: Sir Luxor reads the scroll.
[GM]: "King Rothmand XVIII charges Baron Kessler Vespus with soliciting the services of a master in the arts of assassination and thereby defying Edict 8 set into the Millbornian Code by his predicesor King Rothmand XIII in the year of 1007 pendular.
[GM]: Sir Luxor nods, rolls up the scroll, and then salutes the King.
(GM whispered to Jamison): This salute is different than the other one, but just slightly.
[GM]: Count Phinly stands, "Sir Luxor, is it not true that you entered the Baron's castle illegally and without authority in an attempt ..."
(Jamison whispered to GM): noted
[GM]: The count is stopped by the rapping of a gavel by Baron Tartulan, "Count Phinly, we will NOT be showing dishonor to a representative to the King in these preceedings! If you wish to ask a question of Sir Luxor, then ask it. Otherwise, keep your accusations to yourself."
[GM]: Count Phinly smiles, nods, and then proceeds.....
[ Ainlaili joined the game ]
[GM]: Count Phinly "My humble appologies to Sir Luxor of the Honor Guard. With permission from the Council Master, I would ask of you one question. How did you come to be in the Baron's castle?"
(GM whispered to Dorje): You notice the hundreds of people sitting on the upper level.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You notice the hundreds of people sitting on the upper level.
[GM]: Sir Luxor stands at attention, "Count Phinly, Council, I was sent to the castle of Baron Kessler, on order of the King to investigate allegations brought by residents of the city of Shevandale that the Baron was acting in a dishonorable manner."
[GM]: Count Phinly "With permission (he looks to Baron Tartulan) I would ask Sir Luxor: (he turns to the knight on the stand) What procedure did you use to bring the Baron to (he hesitates) the King's justice?"
Anne mutters "before or after I was imprisoned..."
[Anne]: ?
[GM]: Sir Luxor does not bat an eye, but stares straight toward the flag that from his perspective is just behind Baron Tartulan's stand.
[ Ainlaili left the game ]
[GM]: Sir Luxor "At first chance, I took my place as a representative of the King and demanded his arrest."
[GM]: Count Phinly continues, "And when was this first chance? How long after you entered the castle before the arrest was made?"
[GM]: Sir Luxor sighs, "I demanded arrest 4 fortnights from the time I entered the castle."
[GM]: Another murmuring from the crowd.
[GM]: Count Phinly "Countinue Sir Knight. Why was this?"
[GM]: Sir Luxor "I was imprisoned in the Baron's dungeon durning that time."
[GM]: The murmuring gets a little louder, but you still cannot hear what other people in the audience are saying without great effort.
[GM]: Count Phinly "And did you perform this arrest .... alone?"
[Phinnea]: :, even with her knowledge of the sound-related magic, cant help but admire the intricacy and power of the silencing magic here.
[GM]: Sir Luxor, "I did this with the aid of 6 citizens that I comissioned to help me."
[Dorje]: ((I will be right back, time to make some food))
[GM]: ((alright))
[GM]: Count Phinly sits and begins talking to one of the men at his table.
Jamison does not recall releasing any others than Sir L
[Anne]: (ooc - the other 2 ppl in Luxor's cell were skeletons...)
Phinnea whispers to Thomas, "who are the 6 citizens he commissioned?"
[Jamison]: OOC: Hmmmm
[GM]: The party released only Sir Luxor. He was speaking of Anne, Jackdaw (who is not technically a citizen), Thomas, Thor, Dirk, and Lendyll.
Thomas leans over, "I assume he is talking about us. Well, not you of course, but me and some of the others."
[GM]: Sir Cornelius and Jamison were also present.
[GM]: There are a few moments of awkward silence and then ....
[Jamison]: OOC, ok
[GM]: The Duke stands and speaks, "I repeat the request for Baron Kessler to answer to these charges. The requisition demands a statement from Lord Kessler Vespus."
[GM]: A man stands up who was siting next to Count Phinly. It is Baron Kessler. He produces a scroll and reads it, "I state before my King and country (he pauses and salutes the King and the flag) that I have faithfully acted to serve His Magesty in all situations, (he pauses) and that I have never directly solicited the services of a master in the arts of assassination."
Jamison mummbles ascent to this demand
[GM]: The Baron's statement is carefully read from the scroll which he replaces in his pocket when he is finished.
Phinnea tries to peer closer at Baron Kessler to percieve if he is lying.
Jamison leans over to Anne and speaks..."Why are there no charges of necromancy??"
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You have detect lying?
[Anne]: ((But doesn't state that he has acted honorably to the CROWN, or that he indirectly hired assassins...))
(Phinnea whispered to GM): nope
(GM whispered to Phinnea): You can roll from defaul, if you like.
[Anne]: Anne whispers back "I don't know Jamison...perhaps they couldn't make it stick?"
[GM]: Baron Kessler continues to answer a series of questions from the Duke.
[Thomas]: [BRB]
(To GM) DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,6 = [ 16 ]
(GM whispered to Phinnea): nope
(Phinnea whispered to GM): heh
[GM]: Baron "I also state that Sir Luxor never identified himself as an agent of the King other than a regular knight. I felt it my duty to confine him until I got answers to my questions. I claimed absoulute authority in the manner."
[GM]: At the mention of absolute authority there is another murmuring from the crowd. This time Baron Tartulan raps his gavel.
Phinnea leans back in her chair, unsure of her opinion of Baron Kessler.
[GM]: Baron T "There will be silence in this room."
Jamison mumbles... yeah, right... even under torture he did not diclose that he was an agent of the king... give me a break
[GM]: From the Millbornian Code: Edict 6 - King Rothmand VI - 745p One shall not use his title (or office) to claim absolute authority over another unless that title be 2 levels that of his subject, and in all matters shall act for King and Country.
Phinnea overhears Jamison's mumbles, " the knight was tortured??"
[GM]: Technically, the Baron was in his rights to take absolute authority in the matter.
[GM]: Count Phinly stands, "Council Master, now that the Baron has answered the charges brought against him, I request a dismissal of these proceedings on the basis of his position in society, at once!"
[Dorje]: ((back))
[GM]: The murmurings rise from the crowd.
[GM]: Baron Tartulan adresses Duke Duefold, "The Baron has spoken, and a request has been made to dismiss these proceedings. What say ye Duke Duefold?"
Thor mutters to himself
[GM]: A bead of sweat can be seen on the Duke's forehead.
[GM]: The Duke takes a deep breath and speaks....
[GM]: "The requisition is prepared to call witnesses that will show the Baron in a commanding role with known assassins."
[GM]: The Duke "I also call for the dismissal of Sir Luxor from the stand."
[GM]: With a command from Baron Tartulan, Sir Luxor goes clanking across the floor over to the King's table where he finds a seat.
[GM]: With this the Duke calls his first witness: A shop keeper from Shevandale. He gives a statement that it was the talk on the street that Baron Kessler was involved in the dealings of the Guild in Shevandale and that the rumor was that he used Assassins to intimidate many citizens into submission.
[GM]: Count Phinly questions the shopkeeper after his statement "Do you have any REAL evidence besides hearsay that links the Baron to known assassins?"
[GM]: Shopkeeper shakes his head finally and simply says "No"
Jamison wonders if there was an organised street protection racket goin on
[GM]: He is dismissed and the next few witnesses are also discredited in a similar way.
[GM]: A man approches Jamison and hands him a note.
Jamison accepts the note
(Jamison whispered to GM): is it noticed that I recieved this by others???
[GM]: The man stands in the aisle waiting for a response from Jamison. Everyone notices.
Jamison reads the note
(GM whispered to Jamison): Please accompany me. Bring all those that are with you.
Phinnea nosily tries to peer over Jamison's shoulder to read the note.
(GM whispered to Jamison): This is what it reads.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): It reads: "Please accompany me. Bring all those that are with you."
[Jamison]: ooc: neat trick for a dwarf
[GM]: The man waits.
[Phinnea]: ooc heh
[Phinnea]: ooc ok, thru your armpit then.
[GM]: ooc: hehe
[Jamison]: hehehehe:)
(Jamison whispered to GM): give me the text
(GM whispered to Jamison): It reads: "Please accompany me. Bring all those that are with you."
Phinnea looks at Jamison to see what he will do.
[Anne]: Anne squeezes Jamisons hand for courage...
Jamison reads the note and nods agreement to the man...
[GM]: The man came from the Duke's table. He now produces another piece of paper.
[GM]: He shows it to Jamison, but does not hand it over.
Jamison motions for Anne, Sir C, Thomas, Etc.. to follow him and then rises
Phinnea wonders if she is included as being with Jamison since she was not involved in the case.
Jamison reads the paper
[GM]: It identifies him as Master Merchant Needings
Dorje decides to tag along, curious as a cat they always said, well a panther anyway
[Anne]: Anne rises and follows Jamison
Phinnea doesn't want to be alone, so she quickly follows anyway.
[GM]: The man leads Jamison and the others to a door just north of the seating area into a small room.
Jamison looks at Phinney and Sir D... motioning for them to sit
Thor stands as Jamison does and follows behind him
Phinnea shrugs and sits back down.
[Jamison]: OOC: another view point of the proceedings is always good...
[GM]: The group of people are not hardly even noticed leaving the Room as a witness on the stand undergoes scrutiny
Dorje shruggs, sits back down
Thomas gets up and follows, acutely aware of the eyes upon him.
[Phinnea]: ooc nod
Phinnea whispers to Dorje, "hope they dont cut off their heads."
[GM]: You all go inside the room, which contains a table and chairs. The man shuts the door. It is quiet inside here ... no sounds of the trial escape the door.
[GM]: Needings "Greetings. Everyone please have a seat."
Thor nods and takes a seat
[Jamison]: Any Ideas of what is next????
Anne sits
Thomas takes a seat.
[GM]: Needings "As you may be aware, things are not going as smooth as we had hoped."
[Jamison]: Jamison remains standing... he is very anxious
Thor nods
[GM]: Needings "The Baron has strong friends in the right places. This Count Phinly is the best defense council that ... (he pauses) money can buy'
[Jamison]: No kidding.. would you like to state something a little more obvious
[Anne]: "I think what Jamison means is 'howcan we help?'"
[Thor]: "I believe I have a statement that would link the Baron to the assassins, but I might be discredited in the same manner."
Jamison looks at Anne and bows his head in shame...
[GM]: Needings smiles at the young squire, "Well, the reason I called you in here is that your testimony is going to be crutial in this case. Can you please tell me exactly what evidence you can provide to link the Baron with the hiring of assassins?"
Jamison sits and tries to be more productive..
Thor turns to the others "may I speak first?"
Jamison looks at Anne
(Jamison whispered to GM): Did Anne read my first note????
Anne smiles at Jamison...
[GM]: Needings looks at Thor and nods, "I can arrange that. You were to be called in alphetic order, but I can change that."
(GM whispered to Jamison): No, it vanished too fast.
(Jamison whispered to GM): k
[GM]: Needings looks at everyone, "But do you have ... solid evidence that can link him to the hiring of Assassins?"
Jamison leans over to whisper in Anne's ear... as Thor is speaking...."Do Not Mention The Prince...."
[Thor]: "Let me state it here so you may hear it. One night in Shevendale I was walking along a side street with a friend of mine. We were attacked by some masked men. I was knocked unconscious and the last thing I saw was the murder of my friend. I woke the next morning in the Baron's dungeon and was saved by my friends here."
[GM]: Needings "I am afraid that this is the best that the Requisition could come up with. Critical witnesses mysteriously came up missing in Shevandale. If you all had not left the city as soon as you did, perhaps you would have too."
[Jamison]: besides the fact that we tangled with 6 of them while on his premises... and that they were responding to his commands... no
[Thor]: OOC: Basically the way things were, I read through the logs again to be clear on that point.
[Anne]: We killed a number of them - who tried to kill us at his behest..."
[GM]: Needings smiles at Thor, "You were attacked by Assassins and then found yourself in the Baron's dungeon!!! My friend, I think this is what we need!" he seems terribly excited.
[Thor]: "I believe they were assassins, certainly the death of my friend could prove that point."
[GM]: Needings nods at Jamison "Yes, your testimony is vital to our case. All of your testimonies."
[GM]: Needings looks at Thor, "Were they dressed in the tradional assassin garb?"
[GM]: Needings, "Did they carry katanas?"
[Jamison]: But... there is the reason that we were at the castle to begin with... that may eliminate our testimony
[GM]: Needings, "Ahh.. yes good squire. What was that reason?"
[GM]: Needings "I am sure that the Count will inquire"
[Thor]: "I believe so, but can not be perfectly sure. My memories of the incident are slightly fuzzy due to the head blow I received, which was the reason I fell unconscious."
Jamison looks to Anne for help
(Anne whispered to GM): Could you re-tell me what they looked like? - the assassins I mean.
Thomas nods, "Yes, they carried katanas. That I remember."
[Jamison]: I know they carried kantanns... I vowed to distoy the guild if I could
[Anne]: "We were there on business for the crown... why we were there is irrelevant to the fact that baron Kessler is a traitor and a criminal, and possibly a necromancer."
(GM whispered to Anne): Three in reb robes, three in black. Silk (I cant remember what the dress is called, but what Ninja's wear) outfits of the traditional assassin.
Jamison looks at Anne..."But, the slick council will push the point on why we were there...
[GM]: Needings nods, "Please dont mention anything about the Necromancy. The defense would use that to discredit you and possibly get the whole proceedings dismissed."
[Anne]: "Ahh.. I see - I will remember that."
[Jamison]: And why do we think he is a necromancer... that too will come out
[Thor]: "Yes since the fact that the rest of you were there is the reason I was rescued."
[Thor]: "I leave it to the rest of you to determine your explanation of why you were in the castle."
[GM]: Needings looks at Thor, "I believe that you are our best witness. You were forcably taken to the castle."
[Anne]: I think we are going to have to tell the prosecutor WHY we were there..." (She looks to Jamison for permission?)
Jamison leans over....whispering.."Can we trist this to be a rescue attempt of Sir L?"
[GM]: Needings, "How do you suspect that the defense will try to discredit you, good sir?"
[Thor]: "You are right, my statement might indeed be the key we need to convict the Baron on this charge."
[Jamison]: trist=twist
Thomas looks up, "What is punishment for the hiring assassins and such?"
[Jamison]: your head
[GM]: Needings, "Why death of course."
[GM]: Needings "It is clearly written in the code."
[ Celth joined the game ]
[ Celth left the game ]
[GM]: Needings, "I must also tell you that if something goes wrong, the King himself has told the Requisition that he would stand and call for the punishment of the Baron himself. He wishes this matter to be over with as soon as possible."
[GM]: Needings "But that could present problems of its own"
[Anne]: "Such as the other nobles fearing they would be treated in a similar manner, without recourse to the courts?"
[GM]: There is a knock at the door. Three sharp raps, a pause, and then two raps.
[Jamison]: We must find a way to present the Baron's evil deeds to the court
Thomas nods, "Then no reason to bring up necromancy."
[Thor]: "Perhaps you should arrange for me to be the first of us to be called, my statement might be the key to this whole affair."
[Jamison]: Agreed....Jamison looks at the others
[GM]: Needings nods to Anne, "Yes, the King does fear the Merchants Guild as well as the Colleges. He must always act in strick accordance with the Code"
[GM]: Needings nods to Thor, "Yes, I will arrange for it. But that knocking tells me that we need to return to the floor."
[GM]: Needings "Good luck to you all ... (he looks at Anne) and may Ral give you guidance."
[GM]: Needings stands and moves to the door.
Thomas nods at Thor. "Sounds good." He thinks, "What is the punishment for trespassing in the Baron's castle?"
[GM]: Needings turns back to Thomas before he opens the door, "The Baron could claim absolute authority in the manner and demand your heads for trespassing in his castle."
[GM]: Needings "Then it would be up to you to prove your intentions were just"
[GM]: Needings "If you were given the chance, of course."
[GM]: Needings turns and opens the door. He leaves the party in the room alone.
[Anne]: "Shouldn't we follow him?"
[GM]: Jackdaw, "After long talk, THEN we frolic?? Yes yes??"
Thomas nods, "Just weighing the odds. If he hired the assissans, I am guessing that he would be striped of his rank before he lost his head. Might save our heads..."
[Jamison]: We should... but we must find a way to avoid telling the court the original mission
[GM]: Jackdaw "Me tell everyone about bad bad Baron. Him practice bad magic."
Jamison thinks and hopes JD is last on the stand
[GM]: ooc: hehe
Thor turns to JD and shakes his head
[Jamison]: The court should not hear about the ring'
[GM]: Jackdaw "Baron have two rings. One is bad magic, me thinks."
[Jamison]: we must have a real story for being there or we lose
Thomas ponders, "Is this kind of stuff all that uncommon among the nobles. I mean, is any body going to be shocked that the ring was stolen and had to be retrieved? We just bumped into something bigger than us."
[Jamison]: A Baron stealing a ring... who would believe that...
[Thor]: "My story should get the conviction. I leave it to you as to your explanation for being in the castle at the time to rescue me."
[Anne]: JD - you mustn't mention the bad ring - the Baron might get away if you do... and then we might all be put to death!
[GM]: The door to the room is cracked only slightly. The noise from the preceedings can be heard inside. Another witness is on the stand and is undergoing the Counts harsh questioning.
[GM]: Jackdaw "Me not want to be put to death. It no fun. Too hard to frolic"
[Jamison]: hehehe
[Jamison]: Any Ideas????
[Jamison]: I like the rescue attempt
[GM]: Suddenly there is another knock on the door. Three raps, a pause, and then one rap.
[Jamison]: it's time folks....
[Anne]: "but it's not the right knock...?"
[Anne]: (Anne grasps her mace, and remains ready.)
Thor stands and moves to the door
Jamison looks to Anne... I think that Ral's blessing right about now would be very benificial
[GM]: What does the party do?
[Anne]: "I think so as well... but I'm afraid we have no time... we must go now, and trust in His Benificence."
Thor slowly opens the door to see who was knocking
Jamison still has his staff..."who is it.."
Thomas sits back a bit, not expecting trouble.
[GM]: There is no one standing at the door.
[Anne]: Anne casts "Sense Foes"
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,5 = [ 13 ]
Jamison is instantly suspicious...
[Anne]: succeeds by 0
(GM whispered to Anne): You sense no foes in the vicinity.
Phinnea looks at Dorje, "I wonder where they took our friends, I hope they are alright?"
Jamison readies staff and has pachage strapped to his back'
[Anne]: "It should be allright.. but still, keep wary."
Dorje says, "Hm, it has been a while hasn't it??"
Phinnea nods, looking worried.
[Anne]: Can we hear other witnesses being called?
[GM]: Phinnea and Dorje noticed the man that took them away return to the Duke's table a few mintues ago, but no sigh of the party.
Dorje notices her uneasyness, "Lets go check it out"
[Anne]: Perhaps we should return to court?"
Thor walks through the door and back over to his seat
[GM]: There is a witness on the stand now. He is giving his statement
[Anne]: Anne walks back to her seat
Jamison looks at the others... I will preceed the party
[Phinnea]: "ah, there you are! We were worried!"
Jamison heads for the seats
[GM]: Needings looks at the party when they return, he nods and winks at Thor and then turns back to the other men at the table.
[GM]: You barely hear Phinnea's words.
Thor mouth quirks slightly as he sits, very straight awaiting what's coming
Thomas does the same, cracking his knuckles to work his nervousness through.
[GM]: You take your seats and watch as three more witnesses are called. One is a woman. She leaves the stand in tears.
[Jamison]: be ready all... it is time
[Phinnea]: "ready? for what??"
Thor nods slightly to Jamison
[GM]: Then the Duke stands and announces, "The Requisition calls to the stand Thor a Mercenary from Shevandale."
[Anne]: Anne gives Thor a pat on the back for luck...
[Anne]: (and a punch in the arm)
[Jamison]: whatch and learn... politics
Phinnea looks nervously at Thor.
Thor stands and boldly walks over to the stand
[Jamison]: he awaits to hear all that is said
Thomas watches the warrior go.
[GM]: After Thor takes the stand the Duke speaks to him, "Thor of Shevandale, what knowledge have ye that Baron Kessler Vespus knowing took part in dealings with known assassins?"
[GM]: ((knowing = knowingly))
[GM]: There is a quietness as Thor's testimony is anticipated.
[Thor]: "One night in Shevendale I was walking along a side street with a friend of mine. We were attacked by some masked men. I was knocked unconscious and the last thing I saw was the murder of my friend. I woke the next morning in the Baron's dungeon and was saved by those that stand with me."
Thor indicates Jamison and the others with a wave of his hand
[GM]: Count Phinly eyes Thor closely. A man whispers into his ear and the Count flips through a stack of papers"
[GM]: Many members of the audience nod, and a few men at the table too. Smiles can been seen around the room.
[GM]: Count Phinly stands.
[GM]: There is an awkward silence.
Jamison sits on the edge of his seat
[GM]: Count Phinly "Thor of Shevandale, can you please describe your career for the past 10 years?"
[Phinnea]: "uh-oh"
Jamison looks at Anne and nods..."here it comes... the Game.."
[Anne]: "the game?"
[GM]: Sir Cornelius, "This man is good, I must admit"
[Thor]: "For most of my adult life I trained and fought as a soldier of the Army. Upon release I have been working as a mercenary, accepting jobs from various people."
Jamison explains..."Politics is a game... war is a game.... the courtroom is a game... all one needs to learn is the rules..."
[GM]: Count Phinly "And what exactly does a mercenary do? Can you please describe how you spend the majority of your time in that occupation."
[Jamison]: And how to work within those rules...
[Thor]: "Basically, mercenaries operate as freelance soldiers, accepting jobs from those that are in need of our skills."
[GM]: Count Phinly does not look at Thor, but flips through a set of papers in his hands.
[Jamison]: And how to work the rules..
[Thor]: (OOC: This guy is very sharp, I'll give him credit for that.)
[GM]: Count Phinly nods, "Is it not true that you left the service of our King under questionable circumstances?"
[Thor]: "That is correct, my unit was sent out as a self-contained patrol unit. We disbanded on our own after our money and provisions ran out."
[GM]: Count Phinly "Correct me if I am wrong, but does not fall into the area of 'abanding your post' ?"
[GM]: Count Phinly "Correct me if I am wrong, but does that not fall into the area of 'abanding your post' ?"
[Thor]: "That is correct. We made that decision only after numerous messages sent through the chain of command regarding our status went unanswered."
[GM]: The Duke stands, "Council Master, the witness has given his statement. The rest of this is irrelivent."
[GM]: Count Phinly "How can it be irrelivent if the witness is guilty of treason, himself ... Council Master? (he nods)
[GM]: The Duke "With permission, I have a question for Thor" he says to Baron Tartulan
[GM]: The Duke to Thor "What evidence do you have that these men who attacked you were assassins?"
[Thor]: "By virtue of the fact that they wore masks to avoid identification, and their clothes were all black, even their shoes."
[GM]: There is a murmuring
(Anne whispered to GM): I believe that "Ninja" outfits were called "Obi's", if that helps any
(GM whispered to Anne): thanks ... what is a gee? I am not sure of the spelling.
[Thor]: "Only one seemed to be armed, but it appeared to be a katana-type weapon, the hilt of which was used to knock me unconscious as I said, and the blade was the cause of the death of my friend as I mentioned."
(Anne whispered to GM): A Gi (correct spelling) is the outfit used to practice martial arts, and is often seen as a "Tournament Uniform" - the white robe-like outfit everyone is familiar with.
[GM]: The Duke first smiles at the Count and then at Baron Tartulan, "The tradional signs of those practicing Assassination. Thor, did you see any signs of these assassins in the Baron's Castle?"
(GM whispered to Anne): Thanks, you are a lot of help!!
(Anne whispered to GM): You're welcome!
[Thor]: "Yes, we were attacked by a group of them during our attempt to get out of the Castle."
[GM]: Duke "Let me be perfectly certain of what you are saying. You saw assassins INSIDE of the castle of Baron Kessler Vespus as you were attempting to bring him to justice??
[Thor]: "That is correct."
[GM]: Duke "And assassins are responsible for you being brought to this very same castle?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): any seat on th Baron's brow, yet?
[Thor]: "Indeed."
[GM]: Duke "One last question ... how long were you kept there before rescued?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): seat=sweat
(Phinnea whispered to GM): what was the motive for the assassins to take THor to the castle, or even attack him?
[GM]: Baron Kessler sits calm and does not appear to sweat.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): ((They were also trying to recover the Prince's ring.))
[Thor]: "I lost track of time due to the lack of windows in the dungeon. All I know is that it was nighttime when I was attacked, and around the middle of the day when I exited the castle with the others."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): ah :)
[GM]: The Duke turns to Baron Tartulan, "Lord Baron, I request that Thor be dismissed from the stand." he nods.
[GM]: Count Phinly nods.
[GM]: Council Master Baron Tartulan, "Thor, you are excused from the stand"
Phinnea whispers, "and he gets to keep his head!"
[Jamison]: so far... let's see about the rest of us
[GM]: The Duke sits and whispers to the men on his side of the table.
[Thor]: Walking straight and tall, Thor steps down and walks back to his seat
Phinnea is glad now she is not included in 'us' .
[GM]: After a few minutes the Duke stands and announces "I would like to request that Anval Ironfist of Shevandale take the stand"
[Anne]: Anne stands, whispering "Wish me luck" to the others...
[Anne]: Anne smoothes her robes, and walks towards the stand
Jamison reaches over and clutches Anne's hand as she rises
Thor nods in encouragement to Anne as he resumes his seat
[GM]: Sir Cornelius pats her on the back as she leaves.
[Anne]: Anne squeezes Jamisons hand...
[Anne]: Anne walks to the stand
Dorje finds this very interesting, seeing as he is learning the rest of the story with the rest of the court
Jamison looks into Anne's eyes and silently wishes for help from Ral
[GM]: ((The Duke would have called Anne -- Sister Anval Ironfist of Shevandale -- even emphasizing the title Sister))
Phinnea addresses Thor, "well done up there!"
Anne looks back into Jamsions eyes deeply, then heads for the stand.
[GM]: Needings turns and gives Thor the 'thumbs ups' and a smile.
Thor smiles back and nods
[GM]: After Anne takes the stand the Duke speaks to her, "Sister Anne, what knowledge have ye that Baron Kessler Vespus took part in dealings with known assassins?"
[Anne]: I personally saw 6 men dressed as Assassins from legend, wearing black silk, and red silk. They wielded Katanas, and tried to kill us - Sir Luxor, and the others - at the Baron's behest.
[GM]: Duke "What do you mean at the Baron's behest, Sister?"
[Anne]: These men were in the Barons Great Hall, disguised with either magic or great skill, and surprised us, nearly killing some of us. We have yet to determine the whereabouts of one friend - and ellyl named Lendyll
[GM]: Count Phinly looks at Anne closely
Jamison growls under his breath
[Anne]: "I mean that the Baron had us out numbered with soldiers and other forces, and left the room - with his troops - confident we would be "taken care of." As ssoon as he left the room, we were attacked by assassins... (GM - is that right?)
(To GM) DICE for Dorje: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,4 = [ 9 ]
(Dorje whispered to GM): sorry, just seeing what that would do
[GM]: Duke "Did you at any time observe the Baron giving what might appear as an order to these men?"
[Anne]: We had walked into the great hall, and Surprised him in front of Sir Luxor and Sir Cornelius... We must have ruined something he had planned, for at that moment he seemed rather irate."
[Anne]: {{GM - I don't recall, but Anne might... any help?)
[GM]: Give me an IQ roll
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 12 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 2
(GM whispered to Anne): No, the Baron just stood there and did nothing while these men were in the room.
[GM]: Count Phinly watches patienly
[Anne]: "No... I did not see him order the assassins. He was present in the room during the battle, however, and did not lift a finger to aid us. Neither did he suffer an attack from the killers, who concentrated on my group of friends."
[GM]: The Duke nods
[GM]: Count Phinly looks to Baron Tartulan, "Council Master Tartulan, the Defense has no questions for Sister Anne"
[GM]: The Duke nods
[GM]: Count Phinly looks to Baron Tartulan, "Council Master Tartulan, the Defense has no questions for Sister Anne"
[GM]: The Duke "Then I request that the Sister be dismissed from the stand."
[GM]: Tartulan "Sister Anval Ironfist, you are dismissed."
[Anne]: Anne looks confused... *Is that it? she thinks..*
[Anne]: Anne stands, and heads back to her seat
Jamison smiles.. glad that Anne was saved from the fierce and terrible rebuttle of the defense lawyer
[GM]: You all noticed that as she spoke her words could be heard clearly, just as Thor's words were heard without any trouble.
[GM]: Then the Duke stands and calls "... Jamison Johnson of Baxter to the stand."
Jamison stands as Anne approaches the seats
[Anne]: Anne sits beside Jamison... she squeezes his hand and whispers "It wasn't so bad, but I think I made a terrible mistake ."
Jamison stands again...felling like a yoyo.. and approaches the stand
[Jamison]: before getting to the stand
[GM]: After Jamison takes the stand the Duke speaks to him, "Squire Jamison, what knowledge have ye that Baron Kessler Vespus took part in dealings with known assassins?"
[Jamison]: he goes before the crown and gives the same salute that Sir L gave earlier today
[GM]: ((noted))
[GM]: Jamison receives many nods and smiles from the crowd and even some from the King's table.
[GM]: After Jamison takes the stand the Duke speaks to him, "Squire Jamison, what knowledge have ye that Baron Kessler Vespus took part in dealings with known assassins?"
[ «Jack» joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Welcome back Thor))
[Anne]: hi Thor!
[Thor]: ((Thanks.. darn lag.))
[Jamison]: As the good Sister of Ral stated earlier... while in the prescencse of the Baron our party was attacked by assasissins... they did not attack him.. but our party
[GM]: ((Sorry, we had a room crash back there too))
[Jamison]: hi thor
[Jamison]: OOC: my turn on the burner
[GM]: The Duke "Did you observe at any time the Baron in command of these men?"
[GM]: Count Phinly flips through his papers and glaces up at Jamison
[Jamison]: I can only give the court my ttrue impressions of the occurance....
[Thor]: ((Figured))
[GM]: Baron Tartulan "No impressions good squire, only actual facts as you observed them please."
[GM]: The Duke smiles and nods at Jamison.
[Jamison]: As I was in a life and death struggle.. and I was worried, not only about my own life and the lives of my comrades...
[GM]: The Duke "Did you observe at any time the Baron in command of these men?"
[Jamison]: What I saw was an evil grin on the face of the Baron and I did hear a low chuckle from him... a chuckle that I will never forget... and it happened just as the assassins appeared...
[GM]: The Duke nods and takes a seat.
[GM]: Count Phinly stands.
(Jamison whispered to GM): ok so far???
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yeah
(Jamison whispered to GM): go on
[GM]: Count Phinly "Good Squire Jamison, is it not true that you gave Baron Kessler Vespus a blow in the head from your mace .... from behind?"
[Jamison]: yes, it is certainly true...
[GM]: Count Phinly "How was the Baron threatening you at the time? Is this not seen among knights as a sign of cowardice?"
[GM]: Council Master Tartulan raps his gavel, "I will remind the Master of Defense that accusations against the witnesses are not part of these preceedings."
[GM]: Count nods at Tartulan.
[Jamison]: certainly not... it was a choice that I had to make at that time... and I prayed that Ral was with me as I made my choice...
[GM]: Count begins to take a seat
[GM]: Then he gets back up.
[Dorje]: (brb0
[GM]: Count Tartulan, "I have one more question, with permission from the Council?"
[GM]: Tartulan "Proceed"
[Jamison]: I saw an Evil man... using evil means.. attacking an agent of the king... I would use any means necessary to presrve and protect the king... and his wishes
[GM]: ((Tartulan = Phinly in the previous post))
[GM]: Count Phinly nods as Jamison continues to answer his last question, "Very good. One more question good Squire. How come ye to be in the Baron's castle in the first place?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): Why did I know that this was coming...any wishes on how I should answer it...???
(GM whispered to Jamison): Your call
(Jamison whispered to GM): Awwww nuts... you make it sooo easy...
[Anne]: uh-oh
[Thor]: ooc: I knew that was coming.
[GM]: Count Phinly continues before Jamsion has a chance to answer "Am I not correct in the fact that Thor and Sir Luxor were both imprisioned and had no way of contacting you?"
[Jamison]: I had many reasons to be in the Baron's castle... and non of those reasons could be considered at the Baron's consent... I freely admit that...
[GM]: Count Phinly turn to Baron Tartulan, "I will make one last request for the witness to answer the question."
[Jamison]: Rumors were rampid
[GM]: Baron Tartulan, "Good Squire, the question is what brought you to the castle. Was it only rumors that brought you there?"
Anne prays Jamison will answer the question to Phinly's satisfaction....
[Dorje]: (bACK)
[Anne]: "Blessed Ral, if ever our band needed your insights, now is the time..." Anne whispers
[GM]: Sir Cornelius clenches his fist in anticipation.
[GM]: The audience awaits the young Squire's next words.
[Phinny]: ((dont end it here Rube, we'll kill you.))
[GM]: ((You dont know how close I was to writing the words ... to end it.))
[Anne]: ((I was thinking the next line was "end session" myself...))
[Phinny]: ((heh, I could feel it))
[GM]: ((Jamison, do you want a full week to consider your answer??))
[Thor]: ((I think we all want to keep going..))
[Jamison]: Baron... it had come to my attention... through romurs on the street, that the Baron was acting in a most unchivorous way... that many things that the Baron was doing and aquiring was being done unfairly... and as word of a possible investifgation from the crown... and rumor of a lack of respose to that investigation occurred... it became evedent that something further needed to be done...
[Anne]: Take the week, Jamison!
[GM]: The Count Nods....
[GM]: ....and then takes a seat.
[GM]: The Duke calls for Jamison to be dismissed and he is.
[Jamison]: Now I admit that I may be hasty in my responses... and that I always am ready to act
[Jamison]: ok.. nevermind...OOC: had a great story tho
[GM]: ((Shall we stop here?))
[Jamison]: k
[Anne]: sure
[Thomas]: Saved by the bell ^_^
[Thor]: Up to the group as a whole, I'd prefer to keep going but..
[Jamison]: Any ideas Zugg?
[GM]: The Duke stands and announces, "The requisition would like to call Sir Cornelius of Nearhill Downs to the stand."
[Anne]: I'm thinking we *might* have to tell the truth (gasp!)
[GM]: And with that we shall say END SESSION