[GM]: SETTING: The Trial of the Baron continues. Count Phinly, the Master of the Defense, has shown his expertise in the Law and had managed to discredit each witness until Thor took the stand. The testimonies of Sister Anne and Jamison have also strongly strengthened the case against the Baron. Sir Cornelius has just been called to the stand. It is about 11:00am on Dark Thursday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132. BEGIN SESSION 54 --
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): Oops
Anne holds her breath in anticipation!
[GM]: [GM]: After Sir Cornelius takes the stand the Duke speaks to him, "Sir Cornelius, what knowledge have ye that Baron Kessler Vespus took part in dealings with known assassins?"
[GM]: Sir Cornelius stands in his dress armor, a token shield on his arm, takes a deep breath and answers, "By my honor as a Knight of the realm, I did hear the Baron give an order to the assassins that descended upon us in his castle."
[GM]: The Duke looks to Count Phinly and nods, "Sir Cornelius, can you please tell the council what that order was?"
(Anne whispered to GM): What does "Di" mean? Old Haddin roll?
[GM]: Sir Cornelius looks to the Duke, "I believe by my best recollection that the word the Baron spoke was .... Di"
[GM]: There is a murmuring in the crowd.
(GM whispered to Anne): Roll
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,1 = [ 9 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 5
[GM]: Duke "And after this word was spoken, what exactly happened Sir Knight?"
[GM]: Sir Cornelius "As I said ... it was after this word was spoken that the Assassins descended upon us."
[GM]: Duke nods and takes a seat.
(Anne whispered to GM): succeeded by 5
[GM]: Count Phinly stands and flips through his notes.
(GM whispered to Anne): Di does appear in Old Haddin. But it usually is translated as either "The" or "That"
(Anne whispered to GM): is there an "unusual" translation that might be more appropriate?
[GM]: Count Phinly pauses for what seems an overly awkward amount of time, then finally says, "Sir Cornelius of Nearhill Downs ..... "
(Anne whispered to GM): since langauages change over the years... what means "The" now may have meant something different at one time...?
[GM]: The Count continues " ... What business brought you into the Baron's castle (he looks up at Sir C) .. in the first place?"
[GM]: Sir C pauses and looks to Jamison and Anne
Anne looks back at Sir C, thinking "Preserve your honor, Sir Cornelius!" Anne 's look is meant to give strength and courage.
(GM whispered to Anne): The only other translation of this word that you are aware of is sometimes it indicates the masculine possessive singular. As in His.
(Anne whispered to GM): thank you... "His" - Perhaps we were an offering to a foregin godling? as in "They're yours." Hmmmm
[GM]: Sir C answers, "Upon my honor, I was on Royal business conducting an investigation and have been sworn to tell no more."
[GM]: Count Phinly sighs... and then sits.
[GM]: The Duke stands and adresses the council master, "I request that Sir Corneilus be dismissed from the stand."
[GM]: ...and The Knight is dismissed and returns to his seat.
(Anne whispered to GM): Or perhaps it meant "...to me!"
[GM]: The Duke addresses the Council Master again, "If it please the council, there has been testimony from a Sister of the Church and an Knight of the realm, both showing evidence of the Baron's involvment in this. I call for a descision from the council."
[GM]: Count Phinly stands.
[GM]: Count Phinly "If it please the council, the Defense would like to hear the remaining testimonies. (he flips through his notes) There were others present during the mentioned attack by Assassins in the Baron's castle."
[GM]: Council Master Baron Tartulan looks to the council members and nods, "Yes, we shall hear the remaining testimonies from those present that morning."
[GM]: The Duke looks to Baron Tartulan and sighs.
(Anne whispered to GM): I'd do thomas first, then JD - to give JD time to return to computer
[GM]: "The requisition would like to call Thomas Wintersun of Shevandale to the stand."
(Anne whispered to GM): If you don't mind my butting in, that is... (Sorry)
Thomas stands up, brushes off his pants and walks to the stand. He keeps a steady face as he does so.
[GM]: The crowd waits in anticipation as Thomas takes the stand.
[GM]: Vision roll Thomas
Thomas is inwardly nervous, but tries to not betray his feelings, knowing they will sense his weakness.
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,1 = [ 5 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): You catch a glimpse of one of the Thieves Guild members of Shevandale in the audience. He sees you and smiles.
[GM]: [GM]: After Thomas takes the stand the Duke speaks to him, "Thomas Wintersun, what knowledge have ye that Baron Kessler Vespus took part in dealings with known assassins?"
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[Anne]: Hiya Jamison!
[Jamison]: Hey all, brb
[GM]: ((Hey Jamison!!))
[Thor]: ((Hi Jamison!))
[GM]: The crowd awaits Thomas' answer.
Thomas takes the stand. "I was with Sister Anne, Squire Jamison, and Sir Cornelius at the time they were attacked. When we met up with the Baron in a grand hall, he dismissed his normal guards, saying they would not suffer for his actions..."
[GM]: The Duke looks at Thomas and nods.
Thomas continues, "Once they were gone, he called out "Di" and 6 assassins appeared, three in red and three in black."
[GM]: The Duke nods and smiles. He takes a seat.
Thomas waits a few moments, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
[GM]: Count Phinly stands and flips through his notes. After a few mintues he asks Thomas, "Thomas Wintersun of Shevandale .... What might your profession be, good sir?"
Thomas looks at the man, "I am a mage, Sir."
[GM]: The Count nods calmly and says, "And where did you receive your training?"
(Thomas whispered to GM): I realize the Guild paid for my education, but I am guessing I went to school like most other mages.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Your training came from a private teacher hired by the Thieves Guild.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Are you with us??
[Thomas]: "I received most of my education from a private tutor in Shevandale. I am also partially self-taught."
[GM]: Count Phinly stares at Thomas for nearly a full minute, "Thomas, have you ever had any connections with organized crime?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): yes, for as long as I can...many things happening here.. hope to see the whole session..
Thomas knows he is cornered, but it does not particually phase him. He looks out at the man with his emarald green eyes.
[GM]: The Duke stands, "Council Master, this question borders on acqusation"
[GM]: Baron Tartulan "It is a fair question ... Thomas you should answer the question."
[GM]: Vision roll from Jamison please.
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,4 = [ 8 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): You eyes keep wondering to the second level and the crowd viewing from above. Then something ... someone catches your eye. You do a double take.
(Jamison whispered to GM): and who is it I may recognize?
[GM]: Count Phinly, "I will repeat the question, Thomas have you ever had any connections with organized crime in the City of Shevandale?"
Thomas looks at Count Phinly, "I will not lie in the sight of my King. In the past, yes I was. I was sold into the life at a young age. When I came to realize that what I was going was wrong, I left that life behind. I make no excuses for my actions in the past. I can not undo the past but I can correct the present and the future." Thomas sits upright, looking at Count Philly.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Standing, not sitting on the upper level far in the back ... going unnoticed except by you. A man in a white wizard's robe with a pointy hat and long grey beard.
[GM]: Count Phinly sighs.
[GM]: Duke Duefold smiles.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: Gandalf????
[GM]: The Count says to Thomas, "I have one more question if it please the Council. What was your business in the Baron's castle the morning of Bright Tuesday past?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): ooc: hehe
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Are you there??
(Jamison whispered to GM): do I know who it is that I am seeing?
[GM]: An IQ roll from Jamison, please.
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,2 = [ 9 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): ooc: you are hot tonight!
(GM whispered to Jamison): The man that you saw riding the horse following the coach from Lexington to The Royal City.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Man, 2 in 1 night.... I must be a blooming genius, tonight
(GM whispered to Jamison): The man in Anne's vision ....
Jamison gently elbows Anne, to get her attention..
Anne watches the trial with apprehension... She occaisionally glances to see her friends reactions as well.
[Anne]: "Yes Jamison?"
[GM]: The audience waits for Thomas' answer to Count Phinly's last question.
Thomas nods, "I was brought into the group as they were in need of my skills for Sir Cornelius' investigation. I will say no more, as Sir Cornelius has sworn to secrecy and I will not betray his oath."
[Jamison]: Do you see the man up there...Jamison points to the upper level.."The one in white with the pointy hat?"
[GM]: Count Phinly nods and sits and Thomas is dismissed from the stand.
[Anne]: ((Does Anne see the man?))
(GM whispered to Anne): ooc: Do you know when JD is coming back?
[GM]: Anne does not see the man at first.
(Anne whispered to GM): he said around 8:30 - which means he is either 30min late or will arrive in 30 min more
[Anne]: brb
[Jamison]: No Anne...over there...
Thomas walks back, taking a moment to wink at somebody high in the audience. As soon as his back is to council, a small smile crosses his face.
Thor slowly turns his head to look for the one Jamison mentioned
[Anne]: back
[GM]: Everyone give me a vision roll at -3
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,6 = [ 10 ]
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,3 = [ 15 ]
[Anne]: Anne fails by 4
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,6 = [ 12 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): IQ=14
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,4 = [ 13 ]
[Anne]: "What? Where? I don't see...."
[GM]: Anne still does not see him.
[GM]: Neither does Thor.
[GM]: Thomas see him though, just after he returns to his seat....
(GM whispered to Jamison): Jamison just happened to look up at the right moment, just as someone had leaned down .... serendipity, I guess.
(GM whispered to Thor): A man in a white wizard's robe and pointy hat .. long grey beard. Standing in the back on the upper level.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Gottcha...
Thomas causually glances up as he sits down.
(GM whispered to Thor): Oops ... not you!!!
(GM whispered to Thomas): A man in a white wizard's robe and pointy hat .. long grey beard. Standing in the back on the upper level.
[Jamison]: Thomas.. Is that the guy who was following us on the road..?
[GM]: The Council Master leaves his stand and approaches the Council.
[GM]: There is something of a discussion going on at the Council Platform.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Back yet??
(Thomas whispered to GM): Does it look like that guy? Can I make an IQ roll?
(GM whispered to Thomas): Yes, give me a roll
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,1 = [ 7 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Pass by 7
(GM whispered to Thomas): You feel strongly that it is him. The same man that you saw in the Catacombs.
[Anne]: "Which man was that, Jamison? The mage which watched over us to ensure we made it to trial?"
[ WTF! joined the game ]
[Anne]: "Are we looking for someone in the crowd?"
Thomas nods, "Yeah, I think it is. I think I saw him in the catacombs as well...but I am not so sure about that part."
[GM]: Council Master Baron Tartulan returns to the stand and announces, "The Council has heard enough. Solid testimony linking Baron Kessler Vespus to the control of Assassins. The Council shall retire and make its decision."
(Anne whispered to GM): I hope you're planning what I'm guessing!!! EEEEEE!!!
[GM]: He steps down and walks back to the council and all 15 of them leave through a door to the north ... just to the right of the flag.
[GM]: The brass band begins to play and several audience members stand and begin to move around.
[GM]: Needings approaches the party in their seats, "May I have a word?"
[GM]: ((Needings the man from the Duke's bench that took you aside last session))
[Thor]: ((Thought I recognized the name..))
Thomas nods, taking one last look at the man in white.
Thor nods
[GM]: Needings leads whoever follows him back to the room just as before.
Thor stands and follows
(GM whispered to WTF!): Hello?
Thomas follows as well.
[Anne]: Anne follows
(WTF! whispered to GM): Hi there i'm just listening in if you don't mind
Jamison speaks with Anne..."I believe that a man in white that was following us on the road... is now in the upper balcony.... Thomas thinks he saw him in the catacombs... he's up there..' Jamison points carefully
[Anne]: "C'mon, Jamison."
[GM]: Once inside Needings talks to those that followed, "Well, things are going very well. We are sure that the council will find the Baron guilty. Excellent! Excellent!"
Jamison joins the rest... watching the man... if possible...
[Anne]: "Oh dear.... THis could be either very good or very bad... I can only hope for good."
(GM whispered to WTF!): Not at all ... you are welcome
[Jackdaw]: back
(WTF! whispered to GM): Just out of curiosity... what gaming system is this?
[GM]: Needings looks at Jackdaw, "Good faun, you may not have to testify at all."
(GM whispered to WTF!): GURPS
(WTF! whispered to GM): OIC thank you
[GM]: Needings continues, very excited, "Things could not have gone better, I must say!"
[Jackdaw]: ooc: what just happened?
Jamison whispers..."I'm not so sure..The Baron looked awful confident in the court room.."
[GM]: Needings "You should all congradulate yourselves on bringing the Baron to justice. Of course, let's not count out eggs before .... "
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): any dead peoples wanting to talked?
[GM]: Needings looks to the young squire, "Yes, he did at that. Probably just that noble blood"
[ Strider left the game ]
[Thor]: "Exactly. We all feel the conviction will come but we can not be totally certain."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No dead peoples.
[Jamison]: Not so sure about that.. he is a tricky man, the Baron...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc all in all that's probably good, it might be...misunderstood
[GM]: Needings, "And that Count Phinly too. He is said to know the law better than the King himself!"
[Anne]: I fear that we may fail... I don't know why - call it woman's intuition, if you will, but I feel the Baron will succeed in this endeavour unless there is intervention.
[Thor]: "Well my statement was big, but will it be enough combined with the others' statements..?"
[GM]: Needings looks at Anne intrigued, "Intervention? Oh, you mean of the divine kind?"
[Anne]: "No... at least I don't expect it. Just nameless fears making themselves known..."
[GM]: Needings nods to Thor, "Yes, your testimony was key! It linked the Baron to the Assassins directly, but adding to that the testimony of a Sister of Ral and a Knight of the King!"
[Jamison]: I think the good Sister is referring to some other source of information about the Baron... another point of view... maybe some one who was close to the Baron that will testify against him....
[Anne]: "Just call it my Paranoid musings. Heh..."
[Jackdaw]: maybe bad peoples comed to helped hims?
[Jackdaw]: nasty peoples in red?
Jamison cocks an eyebrow and thhe thought he was the only paraniod one...
[GM]: Needings, "Well, I must thank you all once again .... we can expect the Council to be out for at least an hour. I think I will go back to the Duke's table and find out what is happening there." he leaves still very excited.
[GM]: ((Jamison is rubbing off on Anne - LoL ))
[Anne]: (heheh)
[GM]: (( So to speak ))
[Anne]: (eww - you dirty old man!)
[GM]: Time will pass slowly for the next hour. What will the party do?
Thomas gets a drink and waits it out in the room.
[Jackdaw]: "you there Pip?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk .... Squawk"
[Anne]: Anne says "I'm going to go and sit in the court... If I stay here, I'll just end up musing and worrying - and Phinny and Sir Dradul might want an update."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Pip .... Squawk ... Pip here"
[Jackdaw]: "good, tells me if you see's anything strange"
Thor waits awhile in the room then returns to his seat
[Jackdaw]: 'you needed anythings?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk .... Pip Lookout ... Squawk .... Lookout"
Jackdaw is talking to the empty air ... again
Jamison returns to court... but he heads towards the upper balcony with sume trepudation...
Anne goes to sit, and tell Phinnea and Sir Dradul what she has seen/heard/mused/feared. Anything to pass the time....
Jackdaw looks sharply around
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=3,3,1 = [ 8 ]
[Anne]: Hey JD... how is pip?
[Jackdaw]: perception roll
[Jackdaw]: "somethings Wrong!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made by 8
[Anne]: "What?! Tell us!"
[Jackdaw]: "not knows yet, Pip say Lookout!"
[Jackdaw]: "my lookeding"
[Anne]: Anne looks towards the king... she hopes to spy any threat to him, if possible.
Thomas follows the others, not wanting to be left alone now.
Thor is on his way back to his seat when he hears JD's comment and stays in the room
Jackdaw fingers his sirinx but doesn't start playing ... yet
[GM]: The King is surronded by at least a dozen knights, with Sir Luxor in charge.
[Thor]: "Let's go back to our seats, safer there."
Thor goes back to the courtroom and returns to his seat
Jackdaw continues to look around
[GM]: About an hour and a half will pass and then a Knight approaches the stand and begins rapping the gavel.
[Jackdaw]: "what you see'd Pip?"
[GM]: Jackdaw finds nothing interesting.
Jamison looks around the upper balcony, trying to spy out the man in white..
Jackdaw feels very nervous
[ Strider joined the game ]
Thor takes a deep breath and relaxes, sitting up straight in his chair
[GM]: The Knight "I call this room to order. Please stand for the Council of Record"
[Anne]: Anne stands
Thor stands
[GM]: Everyone in the room stands, even the King.
[GM]: The council returns to their raised platform and Council Master Baron Tartulan returns to his stand.
Jamison gets very nervous while looking for the man in white... and not seeing him... returns to his seat with the others...
[GM]: The King sits, followed by the Council and then everyone else.
Thor sits remaining straight
Anne sits, on the edge of her chair - wiating for the verdict
[GM]: Tartulan makes his announcement, "The Council has reached a decision in this matter of Baron Kessler Vespus ...:"
Anne 's breath catches in almost a hiss
[GM]: "As to the charge against Baron Kessler Vespus of soliciting the services of a master in the arts of assassination and thereby defying Edict 8 set into the Millbornian Code by his predicesor King Rothmand XIII in the year of 1007 pendular.
Thor holds his breath while not realizing it
Jackdaw is paying more attention to the surroundings and is only listening with half an ear
[GM]: Tartulan "The Council finds the Baron guildty of this infraction. We put this matter in the hands of the King."
[GM]: Tartulan leaves the stand and returns to sit with the council.
[GM]: The King stands, and then everyone else does.
Thor stands and exhales, realizing how nervous he was over the verdict
[GM]: The King moves over and takes the stand where Tartulan was and clears his throat.
[Anne]: Anne waits for the king's decision - it's not over yet!
[GM]: Baron Kessler and Count Phinly faces the King. Count Phinly kneels.
[GM]: Vision rolls from all.
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 13 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=3,5,1 = [ 6 ]
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,2 = [ 10 ]
[Thor]: ((sigh..))
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,5 = [ 14 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 6
[Anne]: succeed by 4
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Using Luck to roll again
[ Strider left the game ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): NM, I made it...Duh
(GM whispered to Anne): Count Phinly is facing away from you, but you can see several small scrolls of varying colors in his hand.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Count Phinly is facing away from you, but you can see several small scrolls of varying colors in his hand.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Count Phinly is facing away from you, but you can see several small scrolls of varying colors in his hand.
[GM]: Count Phinly stands close to Baron Kessler, but he holds his head down in respect of the King.
[Anne]: "Hey guys - Phinley has some colored scrolls in his hands..."
DICE for Jamison: (3d6??? What can that mean, Anne???) : = [ 0 ]
[Anne]: "Perhaps he's a spellcaster? Or perhaps they are proof of "innocence?"
[GM]: King Rothmand XVIII "Baron Kessler, I have dealt with you for many years as has my father dealt with your family before me... and it saddens me to see things come to this.
Thor wonders what it could mean..
[Anne]: "I suspect foul play...but without proof, we could never get close enought to the king to make a difference."
Thor quietly agrees "True."
(Anne whispered to GM): Are the scroll red and black only?
[GM]: King "The charge of hiring an Assassin as set into the Millbornian code is a very serious one. It carries the sentence of death as you well know."
(GM whispered to Anne): No, green, yellow, red, brown, purple, etc.
[GM]: Count Phinly hands a scroll to Baron Kessler.
(Anne whispered to GM): okay - thanks
[GM]: Baron Kessler reads it and then speaks, "Your Magesty, before you pass sentence on me I believe that I have a right to say a few words in defense of myself."
[GM]: King "Yes, that is your right .... speak but it cannot save you now"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sorry I was AFK
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): glad Anne caught it
[Anne]: Anne readies herself to protect the king if need be...
Jackdaw puckers his lips for a whistle
[Jackdaw]: and takes a deep breath
[GM]: Baron Kessler studies the scroll and then continues, "I as the last true descendant of Kill Millborne implore you to spare my life as you would be ending this noble line ... the very blood that is responsible for writing the Code itself!"
[ Strider joined the game ]
[GM]: King sighs "It was once noble, I give you that ... but oh what has happened to it over the years." The king appears to be thinking.
[ Strider left the game ]
[Anne]: Doesn't the blood of the old King make his crime all the more heinous?
[Jackdaw]: << cue omnious music >>
[GM]: Count Phinly hands the Baron another scroll.
[Anne]: Anne mutters to her firends...
[GM]: ....
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
[ Strider joined the game ]
[ Zuggtmoy joined the game ]
[Anne]: Did we crash?
[Jamison]: ooc: no
[GM]: King "It is truely a disgrace that you have brought upon the name of King Millborne the Just ... as well as the Orcslayer and all of the Vespusians."
[GM]: (( close ))
Jamison looks at Sir C to see what his reactions to all this are..
[GM]: Sir C stands at attention totally intrigued in what is happening.
[GM]: King "My Baron ... no one is above the code!"
[GM]: King "But I also hold the highest respect for King Millborne as you well know, as did my father before me."
[GM]: The Baron and Count await the King's justice.
[GM]: King "Let it not be said that a Rothmand shed the blood of a Vespusian. Let not the history books be written such. I cannot sentence you to death as you well know....."
[GM]: The crowd begins to murmur despite the King before them.
Anne whispers "..no..."
[GM]: King "But let it be written that Baron Kessler Vespus has been banished from the land of Methor, to be in effect at dawn of Bright Sunday. And I decree that if ye show yourself in this land afterwards that it will be the duty of every knight to pass the sentence of death upon you."
Jackdaw whispers "maked hims go bye bye? Like my?"
[GM]: The King lowers his head in apparent defeat.
[Jackdaw]: "Big guy says my goes bye bye to
[GM]: Count Phinly hands another scroll to the Baron
[GM]: The Baron reads it but keeps silent.
[Anne]: "Who says you have to leave, JD?"
[GM]: The King departs and the proceedings are called to a close by the rapping of a gavel on the stand.
[GM]: The Duke and those at his table look somewhat confused.
[GM]: Knights escort the Baron out of the room, lead by Sir Luxor.
[Jackdaw]: "Big Guy faun, hims say my not fitted in rights and maybe my should go bye bye for awhile"
[Jackdaw]: "it ok, my haveding Much fun!"
[Anne]: "I think we just got screwed...."
[GM]: Once the King and Baron have left, Kelley DuLox approaches the party.
[Jamison]: And I know I did not like it....
[GM]: The audience begins to mingle and talk. The brass band plays.
Jamison blushes at his own comment
Anne smiles in spite of herself....
[GM]: Kelley bows to the party, "It is a grave thing that just went down. I do not know if anyone is pleased with it."
Jackdaw whispers to Anval "my thinked hims not liked my playing games with Gobblins when my was supposed to chased thems off, but was more fun"
[Jamison]: We have not seen the last of the Baron...
[Anne]: Anne whispers to JD: "Ahh.. wise faun."
[Anne]: No - and I fear the King has made an enemy - as have we."
[GM]: After some time the room begins to empty out. The Dukes, Generals, and Counts leave quickly ... others take their time in departing.
Thor waits with the others
[GM]: Kelley remains with the party as things get quieter.
[Jackdaw]: "Gobblins was friendly, they teached my a game with 'dice' and my winned everythings they haveded, but my gived most of it back and they giveded my my powerstone"
[GM]: Kelley "What shall your plans be now if I may ask?"
[Jamison]: I think the Baron was the King's enemy before today.. he has just given the Baron his freedom... a terrible thing...
[GM]: Kelley nods to Jamison, "Yes, a terrible thing indeed. It was a difficult decision on the King's part."
[Anne]: I daresay we could find where the king's enemies were if we followed baron Kessler on his trip to exile...
[GM]: Kelley "I daresay that you might be right."
Jamison looks at Anne..." AN interesting idea..."
[Anne]: "But a dangerous one..."
[GM]: Kelley hands Jamison a note asking him "You wouldn't happen to know what this is all about, would you?"
[Jamison]: Perhaps that is the King's intent
[Jackdaw]: "we goes someplaces new? my liked it!"
Jamison takes the note and reads it...
[GM]: The note simply says, "If an animal is cornered, he is sure to bite. If I must demand my quittance from the Prince, I shall."
[GM]: Kelley awaits Jamison's response.
[Anne]: brb
Jamison hands the note to Anne....
Jamison looks to Kelley and asks..."Is this from the King????"
[Jackdaw]: "my not understand this 'quittance' thingie"
[Jackdaw]: "is it bad?"
[GM]: Kelley "I did not know what to make of it. But the King took it as a lead weight when he received it just before the Council returned."
[Jamison]: Yes, I believe I do understand.... Did the King give you anything else???
[GM]: Kelley "I was sent anonomously, but it is not hard to guess who it was from"
[GM]: Kelley "No, he said not a word to me"
[Jackdaw]: "nasty mans in |Southtown talked of 'quittance' too"
[GM]: Kelley "He only gave me back the note after he read it."
[Jackdaw]: "but hims not allowed"
[Jamison]: Well, the note does explain the King's decision... and it also makes the Baron even more dagerous than I thought..
[Anne]: "I understand this - it is a threat, to the king, and to the crown. If it is allowed to succeed, there will be a scandal that rocks the monarchy, and may cause a civil war... "
Jamison nods in agreement
[Jackdaw]: "a 'friendly / polite' war? how do that?"
[GM]: Kelley shakes his head. "I wish I could understand it."
[Anne]: "If the Baron calls quittance on the ... on whom we know he plans it - the whole sordid mess will come out, and the king will seem like he is exiling the Baron to preserve his family's face, and not for the assassins."
[Jackdaw]: "my thinked war was bad"
Thor waits with the others
[GM]: Kelley "But once outside the Kingdom, one loses the advantage of calling quittance."
[Anne]: "Civil war means that a nation fights people of its own nation - an Internal war, in o ther words, jD"
[GM]: Kelley "I am sure the King did this to preserve his son ... and the upcoming wedding."
[Thor]: "True, but there are a few days yet before that exile takes effect."
[Jackdaw]: "Oh, _very_ nasty, not 'civil' at all"
[Anne]: "Yes, but he has until sunday - and the wedding is on saturday. When the priests ask if there is a reason not to wed the Prince and his affianced, the Baron will be there, waiting."
[Jamison]: But it gives the Baron a second chance at life... and a second chance at what I think his real designs are.... the crown...
[GM]: Kelley "But the Baron is under guard ... and still a prisoner of the Crown."
[Anne]: Yes, but he will be allowed to attend the wedding, I would expect - even if he is under heavy guard, they cannot deny him that, as the king did not strip him of his title."
[GM]: Kelley "The Baron? his eyes on the Crown? I do not see how that could be possible."
[GM]: Kelley nods, "True ... until he is in exile, he is still a Baron"
[Jamison]: And if I am not mistaken... 3rd in line to the crown?????
[Anne]: And I believe it is at the wedding itself he will attempt to call quittance..."
[GM]: Kelley shakes his head, "No, Jamison, you are mistaken. The Baron has no claim to the throne."
[Jamison]: Who is in line after the Prince??/
Thomas looks over, "I doubt he will play his card now. Its keeping him breathing at this point. Better exiled then dead and he can blackmail for years if not decades. I think the Baron is a cagey sort...I doubt he will tip his hand so soon. More than likely he will just stand there and smile, letting the whole thing fall into his hands."
[GM]: Kelley "Only if all three Princes were to fail the test. Prince Rupert, Prince ____ , Prince Gunthar.
[Anne]: Sorry guys - something has come up -- I have to take off now.
[Anne]: Sorry about that
[Jamison]: Later Anne
[GM]: Kelley "Then there would be a open call to the throne ...."
[Thor]: ((Ok.. later))
[GM]: ((later Zugg))
[Anne]: Cya
(WTF! whispered to GM): Thank you sir it's been very interesting. I wish i could keep watching but i have to head off. :(
[ Zuggtmoy left the game ]
[Thomas]: [See ya]
(GM whispered to WTF!): okay
[Jamison]: And open competition to the throne, I assume..
(WTF! whispered to GM): And i have been reading the whole thing I assure you :).... farewell
[ WTF! left the game ]
[GM]: Kelley "Only then could the Baron claim a right to the competion."
[Jamison]: I wonder if the Baron has had any contact with the other Princes...
[GM]: Kelley "And now with his impending banishment .... I do not see how that is possible."
[GM]: Kelley "I guess only they would know "
[GM]: The room has almost completely cleared out except for a few knights that remain on guard.
[Jamison]: Something feels very wrong here... but I can not put my finger on it... anyone have an idea....? And does anyone know who the man in white is....?
Thomas shakes his head, "Again, to obvious, I would think. I think he will bide his time and use the Prince as a puppet."
[GM]: Kelley "Man in white?"
[Jamison]: Earlier today, in this very courtroom... I noticed a Man in white with a tall pointy hat and beard watching the proceedings..... I believe we have seen him before...
[GM]: Kelley increduously, "A Man in white, with a tall pointy hat. That is impossible. No one dressed that way would have been let in here. Who would wear such garb?"
[Jamison]: My very question.. who is this man....????
[GM]: Kelley excuses himself and talks to a guard and returns shortly.
[Jackdaw]: "Pip, you see'd the mans in white with the pointy hat?"
[GM]: Kelley "There was no man dressed that way let in here through the front door."
[Jamison]: Then he must have come to the courtroom some other way..... any ideas, Thomas??
Thomas turns to Jamison, "We should check with the paper folks that use them crystals to capture a scene. Maybe someone took a picture of him."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk Silver Wizard Squawk ... Grey Beard .... Squawk."
[Jackdaw]: "hims ... alive?"
[Jackdaw]: "or hims somethings else?"
[GM]: Kelley "Yes, the Royal Press did record the proceedings. Where exactly did you see this man? And Jamison, was it only you who saw him?"
[Jamison]: Excellant idea Thomas.... Kelley, were the proceedings recorded... and all the spectatorss, too?
Thomas shrugs, "He could teleport in, but I would think the place would be rigged against that."
Jamison points to the upper balcony.... " Over there..."
[Jackdaw]: "Pip called hims Silver Wizard, Grey Beard"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Squawk .... Silver Wizard .... Squawk ..... Alive ..... Squawk.
[ Skyrender joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Silver Wizard!!!!!!!, Could it be>>>????
[Jackdaw]: "might hims be toe one we was lookeding for in the big book place?"
[GM]: Kelley looks at Jackdaw and then at Jamison "What is wrong with your friend there?"
[Jackdaw]: "Pip sayed hims alive"
[GM]: Kelley "Yes, Thomas ..... there is an anitmagic field in place. Alarms would have sounded .... I would have known. That is MY job."
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: what was that wizards name again??
[GM]: Kelley "Please .... you said in the upper balcony ... show me the exact spot Squire .... please."
(GM whispered to Jamison): I'll tell you for an IQ roll .... hehe
Thomas nods at Kelley, "Right." He helps Jamison find the exact spot,
(Jamison whispered to GM): hehe, gee thanx...
[Thor]: ((AFK awhile..))
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,3 = [ 10 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): hehe made it
[GM]: Kelley nods at Jackdaw, "Yes, he is the one in the same .... "
(GM whispered to Jamison): Veridon ... Veridon Augmena ... The Silver Wizard.
[Jamison]: It seems that we may know who the man was....Are there any pictures or paintings of the wizard Veridon???
[GM]: Kelley goes to the exact spot and takes out a rod. He holds it over the spot and begins to cast a spell.
[GM]: Kelley "As I said, there are many such pictures of the legendary Veridon. He is always showing up in paintings and such ..."
[GM]: Kelley stops on one spot. He does not say anything for a few minutes but casts two more spells.
[ ~jetfire joined the game ]
[GM]: Kelley finally speaks to Thomas, "Are you familiar with a spell that will remove that mana from an area called Drain Mana?"
Rufus wonders what this rpg is about
Rufus gets quite and lurks
Thomas shakes his head, "No, but it sounds fairly self-explanatory. I would suppose it surpressed the mana in a certain area. But why?"
[Jamison]: Didn't we run across this spell in the hotel on the way here???
[Jamison]: or a form of it?
[GM]: Kelley "I have cast a modified version of this commonly known spell in the entire dome that reduces the mana and will cause a flux and delay if any spell is cast. It's something of an alarm."
[GM]: Kelley nods to Jamison "You probably did ... it is commonly used in construction, these days."
[GM]: Kelley goes back to talking to Thomas, "Well, the mana in this entire room has been reduced ... but strangly enough in this one spot, there is an affluence of mana ... even more than would naturally occur here on this island."
(GM whispered to Thomas): IQ roll if you study the spot
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,5 = [ 10 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): In about 1 hex there is a VEry High Mana Zone ... the rest of the room is low mana.
[GM]: Kelley "Something strange is at work here." he shakes his head.
Thomas follows, "Okay. Can the spell be reveresed...Therefore intensifying the mana in the area." He concentrates for a moment, "Yeah, I can feel it too."
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: sorry Rub.. I'm going to have to leave also....
(GM whispered to Jamison): Okay .... talk to you later!
(Jamison whispered to GM): Take care... good crowd tonight
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: Kelley "Possibly ... but I know of no spell that could have been cast that would not have set off the alarms."
[Jackdaw]: "that one would be usefull"
[Jackdaw]: "but better to just what there"
[GM]: Kelley "I must call for a crew to investigate, this"
[GM]: Kelley calls to one of the Knights and whispers something to him.
[GM]: Kelley begins to move away, "I will have it investigated."
Thomas thinks and nods, "I have heard of some folks that can disrupt spells just by thier presense. But I have never heard of the revererse."
[GM]: Kelley "Until we find out what could have caused it, this balcony will be closed off"
[GM]: Kelley "I have heard of such beings .... but even they could not have entered here without my knowledge .... or could have caused a permenent effect.
Thomas nods and moves out of the way, "Do you know if the Press was taking crowd shots?"
[GM]: Kelley "Yes, they were. But I am not sure that their equipment would have reached this far."
[GM]: Kelley "Good thinking though ... I will have the recordings studied as well."
[GM]: Kelley "Thomas, I must be going now. I have other business to attend. I hope you are considering my offer."
[GM]: Kelley smiles.
[GM]: Kelley "Good thinking though ... I will have the recordings studied as well."
[GM]: Kelley "Thomas, I must be going now. I have other business to attend. I hope you are considering my offer."
[GM]: Kelley smiles.
Thomas nods and smiles back, "Indeed. I think I will have an answer soon for you."
[GM]: Sir Cornelius leaves with his friend Sir Petr who had been in the audience.
[GM]: Kelley departs.
[GM]: The party starts back to the Cathedral?
[GM]: Time is about 2 pm
[GM]: When the party leaves the Dome ... and go on their way to wherever they are going .....
[GM]: Roll IQ everyone who is here.
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,5 = [ 10 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=5,6,1 = [ 1 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 1
[Thor]: ((ouch, fail by 1)
[GM]: ((Thomas??))
[GM]: Here are the rolls for Anne and Jamison
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,6 = [ 14 ]
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,2 = [ 12 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,2 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,1 = [ 7 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Made it on my first by 0
(GM whispered to Thomas): You realize that a spell is being cast on the area in which you are walking.
(Thomas whispered to GM): Recognize the Spell?
[GM]: Jamison halts, "Hey, does anyone feel that?"
Thomas turns to the others, "You all feel that?"
[GM]: Anne "Yes, something odd is going on ... "
(GM whispered to Thomas): Roll IQ - 5
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ 17 ]
[Jackdaw]: "feels somethings"
(Thomas whispered to GM): Using Luck
Thor hand reaches down to his belt "What? I don't sense anything.."
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Failed on both.
(GM whispered to Thomas): You cant tell
[GM]: The party stops
Thomas nods at Jackdraw, "Yeah, I feel it too...but I am not sure what it is."
[ ~jetfire joined the game ]
[GM]: And you hear a voice out of the shadows of an nearby alley.
[GM]: "Wintersun"
[Jackdaw]: "Pip you feeled anythings?"
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,1 = [ 8 ]
Thomas turns to the alley...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk ... Spell ... Squawk .... Spell"
[GM]: A man with a patch over one eye steps out of the shadows. He is holding a mace, "Thought you could leave without saying goodbye?"
[Jackdaw]: "there bee'd a spell here Pip sayed"
(Thor whispered to GM): OOC: Were personal weapons allowed in the dome?
[GM]: The man grins at Thomas and reveals a few missing teeth.
(GM whispered to Thor): Yes
[Jackdaw]: "you friend Thomas?"
Thor grasps the hilt of his sword and waits
[GM]: As the man with the eye patch stands there swinging his mace, five others step out of the alley behind him.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Members of the theives guild. You recognize the one with the patch as being a bone-breaker.
Thomas shakes, "No friend of mine, but don't touch him...yet" He turns to the man, "Nah, nothings that easy, right?"
Jackdaw watches intently
[GM]: The six men begin to laugh. One of them looks at Anne, "Nice pretty girl ... you wanna give me a kiss?"
[GM]: Jamison moves in front of her, "Leave her alone." He moves into an defensive stance.