[GM]: SETTING: Just after having left the King's Dome and the trail of Baron Kessler Vespus, the party travels along Gryphon Road as they suddenly become aware of a spell being cast in their area. Thomas is the first to say something, and Anne and Jamison both confirm a weird sensation. Seconds later a voice is heard saying "Wintersun". As the party looks for the voice, a man with an eye-patch steps from a dark alley holding a mace. He is soon followed by 5 men with swords. Time is 2pm on Dark Thursday, Drakurah, Spring of 1132p. What a way to start session #55.
[GM]: Combat mode on.
[GM]: Jamison waits.
[GM]: Thomas begins casting a spell.
[Anne]: Anne readies her mace... (I can't see the map!)
[ Thomas joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Thomas!!!))
Thor readies his sword
[Lydia]: (Evening, Thomas.)
[Thor]: (Perfect timing Thomas! Welcome)
[GM]: ((Try double-clicking on 'The Dark Alley'))
[Anne]: Access was denied
[Thomas]: [Hey hey all. Just came in the door. Give me a second to grab something to eat ^_^]
[GM]: ((Can everyone see the map "The Dark Alley"?))
[Valek Zharn]: still getting acess denied.
[Valek Zharn]:
[GM]: ((Yeah, that would help ... thanks!))
[GM]: Thor, your action.
[Thor]: (already did..)
[Anne]: I can see the map now... thanks
[GM]: The men make their move.
[GM]: The man in front with an eye patch and a mace winks at Anne and grins, bearing a mouthful of dental neglect.
[Anne]: Anne snarls in return... "Scum!"
[GM]: Out of the area step five men with shortswords badly in need of a bath.
[GM]: Make that out of the alley
[GM]: Round 2
[GM]: Jamison steps and waits.
[Anne]: Anne casts Distant Blow, but keeps her mace readied...
[GM]: Thomas looks around a little confused.
(GM whispered to Anne): Who are you targeting?
[Thomas]: [BAK]
[Anne]: The man with the teeth that smiled at Anne
(Anne whispered to GM): the spell lasts 5 seconds
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,5 = [ 11 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): succeed spell roll by 2
(GM whispered to Anne): Concentration round 1 of 3, I think.
Thomas takes a step back, allowing Thor to move through. He begins to foucs on a spell.
(Anne whispered to GM): nope - ttc = 1sec, I think - let me check
[GM]: Jackdaw is playing his syrinx
[Anne]: my bad - You're right!
[GM]: The man with the eye patch speaks, "Thomas, you shouldn't have tried to run away. No one leaves the guild .... not alive anyway."
[GM]: The man with the patch stands his ground, as the others move into position.
[GM]: Round 3
Thomas smiles grimly, "First for every thing. Although, I am quite sure you will leaving here without a few more of your teeth."
[GM]: Jamison swings his staff at the man on the far left (would be his right)
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,2 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Rogue attempts a parry and a dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,3 = [ 6 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,1 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Jamison's second blow connects.
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=2,1 = [ 3 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,3 = [ 9 ]
(Thor whispered to GM): Sorry to interrupt but i have 2 points. One, I got skipped in round 2, and second, us players can't move our minis..
(Anne whispered to GM): Does Anne have her armor, or just her mace? I didn't know if armor was allowed at trial...
[GM]: Hitting the man in the gut.
(GM whispered to Thor): Very good points.
(GM whispered to Thor): Now Try to move your minis
(GM whispered to Anne): Armor would have been allowed. Your choice.
(Thor whispered to GM): ok that's my round2 move, a step& wait.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne will be wearing her armor - It's just in her nature; she feels naked without it...
[Anne]: Round 3 action: anne spends 2nd round of three on spellcasting
[GM]: Anne's concentrates?
[GM]: ((very good))
[GM]: Thomas?
Thomas puts out his hand, jestering with his hand. He points to the lead man, "See ya."
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,4 = [ 15 ]
(Thomas whispered to GM): Using Luck
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,6 = [ 18 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Casting Teleport other?
(GM whispered to Thomas): Oops. What luck!
(Thomas whispered to GM): Well, Yeah...I was. Telepoting him 3 or 4 hexes straight up and letting him drop on the others. Not sure if a fifteen will pull that off.
[GM]: The man with the eye patch begins to laugh, "Maybe you are not as good as you think you are?"
(GM whispered to Thomas): Your spell did not go off. Something is interfering with it.
[GM]: Thomas' spell fails.
[GM]: Thor's action?
[Thor]: Step & Attack (Guy below me)
Thomas smiles, "You came prepared. Good for you. Now, I would like you to meet some of my mates." He jestures to Thor and Jamison, drawing his own sword.
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
(Thor whispered to GM): I think I get 2 attacks actually, skill of 18
[GM]: Roll again Thor
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,3 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: The man attempts to parry Thor's first blow, and dodge the second.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,5 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,1 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: The first blow connects.
DICE for Thor: (1d6+2) : 1d6=5 = [ 7 ]
[Thor]: (Cut)
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,5 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: Thor's blade connects to the man's foot, which is crippled.
[GM]: Actually, I would say it cuts a large piece out of his boot which contains a few toes.
[GM]: The man hobbles back in retreat
[GM]: The other's move
[GM]: The one that was hit by Jamison, swings his short sword at him.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,6 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: But misses
[GM]: The man with the eye patch steps and swings his mace at Thomas
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: Thomas, your defense?
(Thomas whispered to GM): Sorry, we have not had combat in a long time. Does it look like I can Blink?
[Jackdaw]: back
(GM whispered to Thomas): No, you believe that whatever was interfering with your port will stop it too.
[Jackdaw]: what have I misseded
[GM]: Jackdaw is casting a spell.
[GM]: ((Look at map and you can name it.))
[GM]: ((Sorry for the mini, by the way))
(Thomas whispered to GM): Dodging
[GM]: Roll Thomas
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,6 = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to Thomas): Is that a miss?
[GM]: The mace connects
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,5 = [ 15 ]
[Jackdaw]: I'm BAAACKK!!!
[GM]: ((What is this with feet tonight?))
[GM]: It hits Thomas in the foot
[Thor]: ((your rolling..))
[Lydia]: (WB, Jackdaw. ^^)
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=2,5 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Crushing Thomas' foot and crippling it.
[Jackdaw]: which ones is Tjhomas making unable to dance?
[GM]: ((Yes, I am rolling for hit location tonight for some reason))
[GM]: The man next to Thor goes for him
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,2 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Thor, I need a defense
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): there are three in a triangle JD will center between them
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): a 2 hex area
[Thor]: Defense 11( Parry 9 + Shield PD 2)
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,5 = [ 16 ]
[Thor]: arrgh
DICE for GM: (1d6+2) : 1d6=6 = [ 8 ]
Thomas eyes tear up as the mace crushes his foot but he does not scream. He keeps his sword at the ready, hoping to get one good blow in before he collapses...
[GM]: Thor takes cutting damage to the
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,6 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: ... to the leg
[Valek Zharn]:
[GM]: Thor, what's your PD??
Jackdaw is playing a lively dance tune
[GM]: ((You were all wondering how I could make a year go by??))
[Jackdaw]: kind of like a jig as he moves closer
[Lydia]: (Recovery time!)
[Thor]: DR 1 from toughness, no other armor
[GM]: Thor, you take 6 points of damage to your leg. It is crippled and you are stunned.
[GM]: Jackdaw, your action?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): How many rounds of concentration do you need?
[Jackdaw]: move up while playing, how much can I move and cast?
[GM]: You can move one each round.
[GM]: You have been concentrating for 3 rounds. So, you really have 3 steps.
[Jackdaw]: ok moved into place
[GM]: Round 4 begins with ....
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): both Panic and Emotion Controll take 1 sec, but I figure this might take a bit more.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I want to make them dance uncontrollably to my music
[GM]: A shout from up the street to the north, "Hey, there they are!!"
[GM]: All 6 men stop and look up the street this round.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): and I may use a Patrona blessing, we'll see
[GM]: Jamison steps and attacks the man to his south.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,4 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: A dodge and a parry attempted
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,1 = [ 5 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,1 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Both good.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc is Bone breaker a nasty mans?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Oh yeah.
[GM]: Anne's action?
[Anne]: Anne casts her spell - 3rd round of 3..
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,5 = [ 11 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 2
(Lydia whispered to GM): Lemme know when you're ready for my elixirs and proposals. ^^
(GM whispered to Anne): Distant blow is active.
(GM whispered to Lydia): k
(Anne whispered to GM): can she attack this round too? her mace is ready
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes
[Anne]: Anne swings her mace at the man that disable Thor...
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,1 = [ 11 ]
[Anne]: Hitting!
[GM]: Roll damage.
DICE for Anne: (2d6+1) : 2d6=4,4 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,2 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: woo!
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: The man falls backwards and loses his balance.
[Anne]: 9pts crushing
[GM]: He hits the wall
[GM]: Thomas?
Thomas takes a parting shot and takes a step back...
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,2 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: The man attempts to dodge it
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: But misses, roll damage
DICE for Thomas: (1d6-1) : 1d6=6 = [ 5 ]
[Thomas]: [Cutting]
Thomas pays the man back, his vision swiming with the pain of his wounded foot.
[GM]: The man takes 1 point of cutting damage for a total of 2, "Argghh."
[GM]: Thor, your action?
[Jackdaw]: ooc which nasty mans are involved in fighting/
[GM]: Thor, roll IQ to snap out of it.
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,1 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Sorry, I meant HT and you made it.
Thor curses
[Thor]: er right
[GM]: Now, your action this round.
[Thor]: ok let's end this. I attack the "leader" (guy that was speaking)
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,6 = [ 13 ]
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: He attempts a parry and a dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,4 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,5 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: The first blow connects. Roll damage.
DICE for Thor: (1d6+2) : 1d6=4 = [ 6 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: The man takes 3 points of damage to his arm
[GM]: That leaves Jackdaw, I think to act
[Jackdaw]: are the three in a triangular formation actively engaged right now?
[Jackdaw]: what about the pair to the side?
[GM]: They are standing still looking up the street
Jackdaw make the music and the music makeded they dance!
[GM]: The other two are doing the same, except one just finished taking damage from Jamison
DICE for Jackdaw: (10-3d6) : 3d6=2,4,2 = [ 2 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 2
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): And the spell was?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): with the -4 for a new spell, they should get an IQ roll to resist
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): vasrriant on Panic and Emotion Controll
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): On whom were you casting?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): All of them?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Area?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I figure area , base cost 4, 1 min duration they dance to my tune
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I play faster they speed up.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,1 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,1 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,5 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,1 = [ 10 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): at the end a HT roll to avoid collapsing in exhaustion?
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,3 = [ 12 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,3 = [ 11 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): remember made it by 2 but it's targeted on the three
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): not all of them (not enough power)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): tho I may do a second casting to get the others too
[GM]: The men resist Jackdaw's spell.
[GM]: Round 5
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): high IQs?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): IQ-2 due to my success?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Only had to resist at IQ-2 right?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): means haveded 12 IQs?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The first three rolls suceeded.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): smart buggers
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): hehe
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): er, smart muggers
[GM]: All six men turn with an expression of panic and suprise and attempt to flee.
[GM]: Hearing roll from eveyrone
DICE for Thor: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,5 = [ 9 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): only was targeting those three in a triangle all within a 2 hex area
[Anne]: Anne all-out attacks - First attack is Ready Mace, second attack is to attack rogue south and left of her icon
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,1 = [ 11 ]
[Anne]: hearing succeeds by 3
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): 8 fatigue!, four from powerstone
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,5 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: Jamison is too focused on protecting Anne and the others
[Jackdaw]: there is a strong smell of ale wafting down the ally
[Thor]: (made exactly)
DICE for Thomas: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,5 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: You all are aware of a strong smell of Ale and the sound of dozens of running feet .... coming your way.
[GM]: Anne roll your attack if you still go through with it.
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,4 = [ 12 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 1
DICE for Anne: (2d6+1) : 2d6=4,2 = [ 7 ]
[Valek Zharn]:
[GM]: Roll damage, he has no defense.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,2 = [ 5 ]
[Anne]: 7pts crushing
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): hmmm, I forgot the range penalty, maybe they did resist after all
[GM]: The men is hit in the head
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,2 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: And he goes down. Knocked out!!
[Anne]: woo!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): anyway spell workeded, my spended 1 CP on it to learned how to doos it regular-like (as per the advantage)
[GM]: The other men expertly begin to disappear into the Alley. The man with the eye patch smiles at Thomas, "You have not seen the last of me!!"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): very good
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): next time my try harded!
Thomas nods and tries to limp to the side.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne will continue to swing at any rogues nearby until stopped by her friends or her spell ends
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): harder
(Anne whispered to GM): If she can get bonecrusher thug even once, she will do so
[Jackdaw]: they running away?
Thor curses as he tries to move onto the sidewalk
(GM whispered to Anne): Okay, the way I understand Distant Blow is that you have to cast it on One foe. To switch to another foe would require another casting.
Jackdaw stops playing and looks at his sirinx
[GM]: In seconds they are gone.
[Jackdaw]: "not what my try to make do"
[GM]: Except for the one that Anne knocked out.
(Anne whispered to GM): I was under the impression you could attack any target within range...
[Jackdaw]: "they should be making dancing"
(Anne whispered to GM): I'll look it up later
Jackdaw scratches his head absentmindedly
[GM]: Before the party knows it....
[GM]: About 2 dozen people descend upon them.
[GM]: They do not appear to smell of Ale, oddly enough. That smell must have come from some place else.
[GM]: The people ask each one of you questions like, "Are you Squire Jamison? Are you Sister Anne? Are you the faun Jackdaw?"
[Anne]: Anne struggles to hold back her wrath... stopping her attacks on the thug(s)
[Jackdaw]: "my yes"
[Anne]: "Yes... who might you people be... Thomas, Thor - I will be right there!"
[GM]: "Hey it is Thor ... are you the one that gave the crucial testimony that convicted the Baron of his wrong doings?"
[Anne]: Anne goes to Thor (pushing through the crowd) and casts Major Healing
Thor nods "Aye I am Thor"
[GM]: One woman shows her papers "I am Cealis of the Royal Press"
[Jackdaw]: "my
[Jackdaw]: Jackdaw"
[GM]: "Jackdaw, one question ... why did the Requisition decide not to call you to the stand?"
[Jackdaw]: "my not knowed"
[GM]: "Sister Anne, how long have you been a Priestess of the Church?"
[GM]: "Squire Jamison, have you accepted a sponsor for your Knighthood?"
[Jackdaw]: "they useded summoning scroll on my but not 'Re qui si tion' my"
[Anne]: (healing Thor) "About 2years as a full preistess, and about 2 years as an acolyte..."
[GM]: "Thomas, what connections with the Thieves Guild do you have?"
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: The surrond you and make it hard to breath
Thomas leans against the wall and says under his breath "Saved by the Press, how embarassing." He smiles...
[Anne]: (Anne succeeds on Thor - for 6HT)
[GM]: ((Thor feels much better))
[GM]: After about 30 minutes of this questioning, it becomes to get really irritating.
[GM]: becomes=begins
Anne pushes back through the crowd to Heal Thomas...
Jackdaw singles out the lady reporter "you ... lonely?"
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,5 = [ 17 ]
Thor smiles
Jackdaw winks
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=2,6,6 = [ -1 ]
[GM]: Thomas is not as lucky.
Thomas smiles at the reporter, "No comments..."
Jackdaw blows his sex appeal roll!
[GM]: ((LoL))
[Anne]: whoa!
[Jackdaw]: ah the power of the press
[Thor]: ((That's unusual..))
[GM]: Fastfoward to the near future.
[Anne]: "Sorry Thomas... wan't me to try again? I know that foot must be hurting..."
[GM]: You all find yourselves back at the Cathedral, after a very long day.
[GM]: Most of the press followed you back to the Cathedral and still wait outside.
Thomas nods, his eyes tearing, "Yeah, I think this is pretty bad.
[Jackdaw]: whoo, my life go flashing before my eyes
[Jackdaw]: my helped you Thomas?
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=2,5,4 = [ 4 ]
[Jackdaw]: 3 point minor heal
[Jackdaw]: that helpeded?
[GM]: Thomas does manage to get some help from Jackdaw.
[Thor]: I should've expected that, we'll have to deal with reporters
Jackdaw yawns, "my getting tireded, too many magic"
[GM]: The party finds the sancuary of the Church a welcome break from the thrashing they received from the Rouges and then the Press.
[Jackdaw]: "and pretty lady not even lonely"
[Jackdaw]: "maybe later?"
[GM]: Later that evening a letter arrives for Jamison.
Thomas nods as some of the pain recedes, "Thanks bud. Good job." He turns to Jamison, "Give me a shoulder will ya?"
Anne waits for Jamsion to read his letter before she asks what it says...
[GM]: Jamison helps Thomas back to the Cathedral but finds it hard with the press so thick around you.
[ Avatar joined the game ]
[GM]: Jamison reads the letter and then reads it aloud to everyone
[GM]: Squire Jamison: I have accompanied those responsible for escorting the Baron out of the country. I will contact you via post when the mission is completed. Worry not, for the situation is in hand. I trust you to take care of things in my absence. Signed Sir Cornelius of Nearhill Downs.
[GM]: Jamison sighs.
[Thomas]: [BRB]
[GM]: Jamison "I hope the good Knight knows what he is doing. The Baron is a dangerous man."
[Anne]: "At least we know that Sir C will see the baron out without compromise!"
[GM]: Jamison "Yes, I think we can count on that!"
[Jackdaw]: "him not all bads, him giveded my nice shirt"
GM hits the fastfoward button yet again
[Jackdaw]: whooo
[GM]: The rest of the day, Friday, and Saturday each one of you find yourselves set upon by dozens of members of the Royal press. They follow you wherever you go and surround the Cathedral waiting for you to leave. They ask you details of your adventures in Shevandale, Sou'town, and even personal details of your life before you were a 'celebrity' as they call you.
(Lydia whispered to GM): I've actually got my proposals (for equipment and elixirs) in a text file. Want me to ICQ it to you now?
[GM]: Phinnea is not seen very much in the next three days. She tells you that she has received a 'shipment' of potions from her Uncle Brattle and sells them on the City Square with the rest of the merchants. After sending her Uncle his share by post, she will find herself somewhat richer for her troubles.
(GM whispered to Lydia): Sure
[Anne]: Gah! This is too muc h attention... Anne is very shy of these reporters and leaves the Cathedral only if neccesary
Jackdaw doesn't hesitate to tell them stories
[GM]: Jamison "You would think that would run out of questions after awhile!"
[GM]: Jackdaw gets a lot of attention from the press.
Jackdaw preens
[GM]: Ralfast arrives and there is some kind of relief for the party from the press. Traditionally, all businesses close for the observance of this Religious day of fasting and prayer ... except for the Pubs and Inns who find themselves with more business than they can handle since travel is not condoned. Phinnea and some of the other non-Human merchants have one of their best days with many of her customers being Humans who make their purchases warily watching the eyes of the Church.
Jackdaw taked press for frollic at friendly pub
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): let me know the $$
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Drinks are on the house. Jackdaw keeps wondering how he can get them down.
(Lydia whispered to GM): Also, just for the record... who are the obvious non-humans in the group?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): apportation, of course1
(GM whispered to Lydia): Just the faun and Phinnea the Dwarf.
[GM]: The next day marks the observance of the Religious holiday, Ralsong. Many businesses remain closed by choice, but there is an air of celebration, more so in The Royal City as this day marks the day of the Wedding of Prince Gunthar to Lady Stephany of Paddings.
(Lydia whispered to GM): Okay. Thanks. =) Lemme know with the equipment/elixirs when you have a moment to spare.
[Jackdaw]: AH the BIG Frollic!
[GM]: Sir Cornelius is absent from the wedding.
Jackdaw plays for the wedding
[GM]: Jamison "I don't like this .... It worries me, but I suppose that he is just fine."
[Anne]: "It worries me too Jamison but I am sure Sir C can take care of himself.."
[GM]: The Royal Wedding is a glorious event - Knights in shinning armor, Dukes and Barons in their finest noble dress, and the King looking majestic and proud. You all attend as the guests of honor and Phinnea comes as the guest of Sir Dradul who doesn't have any trouble securing an extra invitation.
Jackdaw wears him nice shirt
[GM]: Jamison looks at Jackdaw's shirt.
[Jackdaw]: with flower garlands in him hair
[GM]: Jamison smirks and shakes his head.
Jackdaw gives out LOTS of kisses, if him can
[Jackdaw]: maybe even find ... companion?
[Jackdaw]: for a time
Anne watches the wedding and dreams... maybe someday?
[Jackdaw]: or maybe two or three or ...
[GM]: The Wedding goes off without a hitch (no pun intended).
Thomas watches, nursing his foot.
[GM]: No Baron appearing out of nowhere demanding quittance. Only a glorious event.
Jackdaw plays intensly
[GM]: Everyone seems to make allowances for the party
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): JD may want to buy some reputation as a party animal, he's been building up to it
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Sure that should be possible.
[GM]: Then the big day comes to an end.
[GM]: The day after Ralsong marks the first day of Summer for Methoria, and as if a switch were thrown somewhere in the heavens, the temperature in The Royal City reaches a level of discomfort by midday.
[Jackdaw]: and big night starteded!
[GM]: The party finds as they leave the Cathedral, that not only have the dozens of members of the Press returned, but the number of them has increased more than tenfold. A literal crowd follows the party (or each member) wherever they go. This continues for more than a fortnight before any relief can be sensed.
[Jackdaw]: any of the ladies want a 'personal' interview?
[GM]: Jackdaw finds many 'personal interviews'
Jackdaw 's havinbg a great time with the attention
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Did you want to buy the Rep +3 and the Baron as an enemy or not??
[Anne]: Anne goes out a number of times, but avoids attention if she can help it...she is noticably uncomfortable with the crowds at times (not always)
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): your choice, I'm not sure it is JD's decision, if he gets associated he will be
Jackdaw finds out which pubs the press hang out at
[GM]: Each party member sees his or her story told in the press, with details not always flattering coming forth. No lies are told, but the truth is taken to the outskirts of fantasy.
Thomas takes the time to heal, staying off his feet as much as possible. He spends much of his time just thinking quietly.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): maybe he will buy 1/2 CP of area knowledge Capitol City?
[GM]: Jamison "This is preposterous! I did not seduce the Duke's daugther. She made advances toward me!" he seems upset by this story.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, I am sure that he earned it!
[Anne]: "excuse me?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Specializing in Taverns and Pubs??? hehe
Thor makes a mental note to contact his old commander and straighten things out "That business with my unit is going to ruin me if I don't take care of it."
Jackdaw is encouraged by the stories to 'embellish' his tales even more
[Anne]: Anne believes Jamison's story over that of the Press...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes, and ALL houses
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Always Lonely Ladies
[GM]: Jamison trys to smooth things over, "Anne, this is why I had to leave the house of the Duke ... you must believe me that it is true."
[GM]: The attention continues for a few days longer than you can stand it.
[GM]: But ....
[GM]: The offers begin to come in.
Jackdaw stand a lot!
[Anne]: "Of course I believe you, Jamison... Your my friend - I trust you with my life... and my heart."
[GM]: Jackdaw is the exception.
[GM]: Jamison finds himself with at least a dozen offers to sponsor his knighthood.
[GM]: He ponders upon his decision, but finally announces, "No, I made a committment to Sir Dradul and I will stick to it."
[GM]: By the end of the next fortnight, Jamison finds himself leaving to begin his training for knighthood.
[GM]: Jamison "Now, Anne if you don't want me to go ... I will not."
[GM]: Anne gets an offer herself... from the Lord Patrona himself.
[Anne]: "Nonsense! I'll miss you like hell, Jamison - but this is your life..the Knighthood! I would no more ask you NOT to go than you would ask me to forswear the Church! I will be here waiting for you, squire... and we can always write!"
[GM]: Lord Patrona, "I have been watching you these past days and I find in you leadership qualities that the Church desperately needs."
Anne looks into the offer from the Lord Patrona... ((I assume this is a BIG event for a low-ranked preistess?))
[GM]: Lord Patrona "I have also read your report of your visitation from St. Meliss. A true miracle!"
[Anne]: "Uh - thank you Lord Patrona! I am humbled by the attention shown me, both by you and by the saints!"
[Anne]: "I only hope to continue to prove my worth to you, the Church, and to Ral, in the future!"
[GM]: Anne finds herself offered an appointment as High Priestess in Kissel, the place of her birth.
[Anne]: whoa!
[Thor]: "Wow a true honor Anne, make your decision carefully."
[Anne]: "Indeed Thor, I will...this is a great opportunity."
[Jackdaw]: don't high priestess get to wear those skimpy gold girdles and thingies?
[GM]: Anne leaves for Kissel a few days after Jamison leaves for the villa outside of Lexington.
[Anne]: "Lord Patrona, I am honored greatly - and I graciously accept your offer!"
[GM]: ..where he will begin his training for Knighood.
[GM]: Lord Patrona "It is Ral who will be honored by your faith, Sister Anne!"
[GM]: Jamison promises to keep in touch with Anne daily through the Royal Post.
[Anne]: Anne promises as well, even if it means the postman has to come twice!
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): With the appointment doesn't come an additional PI, but you get the spell 'Great Haste' and get 2 addional spells of your choice. Your pay will increase as well.
(GM whispered to Anne): With the appointment doesn't come an additional PI, but you get the spell 'Great Haste' and get 2 addional spells of your choice. Your pay will increase as well.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Oops, yous not posed to hears that!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thought not
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): hear what?
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=5,4,4 = [ 2 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my not heared nothing
[GM]: Sir Cornelius sends word of the Baron being lead out of the country and returns in time to see Jamison and Anne before they leave.
(Lydia whispered to GM): Still here...?
(Lydia whispered to GM): Oop. Just checking. ^^;
(GM whispered to Lydia): me??
[Anne]: Anne asks about the baron, and tells Sir C about her appointment to Kissel!
[GM]: Sir Cornelius, "That is wonderful news Anne! I also have good news." he smiles
[GM]: Sir C "I am to be accepted into the Honor Guard. It is truely a once in a lifetime chance for a knight!"
[Anne]: "What is that, Sir Knight?"
[Anne]: "Congratulations! That is wonderful news!"
[GM]: Sir C "I will immediately receive my commision and gain the rank of Commander."
[Thor]: "Truly an honor, that is great to hear."
[GM]: Sir C "Yes it is."
[GM]: Sir C shakes Thor's hand.
[Jackdaw]: "that good"
[GM]: Thomas gets a visit from Kelley who reaffirms his previous offer.
[GM]: Kelley "I really wish you would consider the position on the King's council."
[Jackdaw]: "everybodies haveding fun and good times, my liked that!"
[GM]: Jackdaw receives a fancy letter.
[Jackdaw]: "my will missed you all though" as a big tear rolls down his cheek
[Jackdaw]: "maybe we getted together again for more fun times?"
[Anne]: Why JD? You are always welcome to visit!
Jackdaw looks at his letter
[Jackdaw]: "now?"
Thomas nods, "I have given it a lot of thought. For once in my life, I would like to put this gift toward something useful." He smiles, "Do I have to wear a robe?"
[Anne]: "I agree JD - I think we should all meet again, if we can... and Phinny too, if we can."
[Jackdaw]: "my haveded one my could gived you"
[GM]: Kelley "Not if you dont want to." he smiles.
Jackdaw rushes to his room returning with a mages' robe and hat
[GM]: Phinny "Yes Indeed"
[GM]: Jackdaw receives a fancy letter.
[Jackdaw]: "here my not needed thems, my not even knowed why my keeped thems"
Jackdaw smells the fancy letter
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It states that you have been awarded a full scholarship to the University of Shevandale.
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=2,5,1 = [ 7 ]
Thomas winks, "Excellent. Fits my discription of a good job."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It smells important
[Jackdaw]: no perfu
[Jackdaw]: perfume?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): But not that important
[GM]: Kelley "..and Thomas. If you want to ... assume a new identity ... WE have the power to do that, you know?"
[Jackdaw]: "my be student! good. my heared they haved bestest parties"
[GM]: Jamison 'Student, you?"
[Anne]: "What - sorcerors get all the girls?"
[Jackdaw]: "maybe my joined so-ri-it-tea ?
[Anne]: "Chugga kega bru"
[GM]: Thor receives many offers via the post of those wanting to 'hire' him, some seem to pay good.
[Jackdaw]: "my hear they friendly, looking for new peoples?"
(GM whispered to Thor): Anything special that you would jump at??
[GM]: Jamison reads Jackdaw's letter, "A full scholarship? Jackdaw, you know what this means?"
[Anne]: Anne smiles... no Jackdaw - you would have to join a Fraternity = sorority's are for girls!"
[Jackdaw]: "unh, unh, not really"
[Jackdaw]: "my for girls too!"
Thomas nods, "Yes...And I think I will take advantage of it."
Anne laughs "Well Okay then! Hehehe!"
[GM]: Jamison shakes his head, "That means you can go as long as you like ... for free."
[Jackdaw]: "sound nice, my want learn how to go all night"
[Anne]: Congratulations Jackdaw!"
[Jackdaw]: "not fall asleep after 5 or 6"
(Thor whispered to GM): Nothing in particular, although something around my home area would be good. Thor will also take time to re-contact his old friends and deal with the aftermath of how he left the army.
[Jackdaw]: "or 7 or 8"
Thomas nods, "Congragulations JD...and all you too. Seems like things are shaping up for us."
(GM whispered to Thor): How about a Command (Non comissioned of course) of a regement of Soldiers. The pay is real good this time.
[Anne]: It's as if the hands of fate stretched forth and all our stars are rising! Perhaps we are fated for greater things yet?"
(Thor whispered to GM): Whoa.. perfect.
[Jackdaw]: "for you too, maybe nasty mans not finded you again?"
[GM]: Thor receives a offer. A Command of a Unit of Soldiers near his home town.
Thomas shrugs, "Nope, I hope not."
[Thor]: "Whoa.. now that is just perfect for many reasons."
[GM]: The pay is good too.
[Jackdaw]: brb
[GM]: The next few days see everyone leaving the Royal City.
[GM]: Except for Phinnea
[Anne]: ((I take it we will be doing our increases to skills etc by email?))
[GM]: She remains and goes on to establish herself as a merchant
[GM]: Soon the fortnights begin to pass as life takes its toll.
[GM]: ((Yes, I think that will be best))
[GM]: Fall arrives.
[GM]: Then Winter.
[GM]: Then finally Spring.
[GM]: Then the Spring fortnight of Drakurah ...
[Anne]: Anne struggles to fit in with the new position and its responsibilities... and the new faces in the clergy.
[Jackdaw]: ooc "daytona beach dude!"
[GM]: Anne receives a letter in the post. It is from Jamison which does not suprise her.
[ Avatar left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "spring break!"
[Anne]: Anne reads the letter as soon as her time allows... eagerly reading each word!
[GM]: What does suprise her is the urgency of it. It asks her to meet him at the Guardians in three days. It says that it is a life or death matter.
[Anne]: ooc - what are the guardians?
[Anne]: ooc - and where are they?
[GM]: ((Three mountains in the northern part of the Kingdom))
[GM]: ((Just between Kissle and Baxter))
[GM]: ((Just north of Shevandale))
[Anne]: ooc - can anne leave her post like that? or will she lose her position?
[GM]: Anne has some leave saved up and was thinking of spending some time with Jamison.
[GM]: She has not seen him for nearly a whole year.
[Anne]: Anne will rush to Jamison's side... Life and death must be important... and she misses him greatly.
[GM]: It crossed her mind that he signed it Sir Jamison.
[Anne]: ???
[Anne]: ooc- could you explain that? It came from Sir C or Jamison?
[Anne]: oops!
[Anne]: He got his knighthood!!!
[Anne]: yay!
[GM]: She is curious at the Signature, but recognizes his writing.
[GM]: In another part of the Kingdom a carraige pulls to a stop.
[Anne]: Anne is wary from the odd signature... perhaps he was forced to write this? When she goes to meet him, she will be wary - and eager!"
(GM whispered to Lydia): You ready?
(Lydia whispered to GM): Yep.
[GM]: The driver of the carriage comes to a stop next to a young lady. He calls to her, "Hey you!"
(GM whispered to Lydia): That would be you
Lydia looks up at the driver through twin circles of glass. "Yes? What would you have of me, sir?"
[GM]: The driver "Are you Lydia Hoarfrost?" he reads from a scroll.
Lydia blinks in some surprise... and suspicion. "Yes, I am. Who are you that you know such a thing?"
[GM]: The driver "Well, I was paid to give you a ride ... and paid well, I might add."
Lydia tosses her hair, confined to a neat auburn braid, over her shoulder and mulls over that for a moment. "Who sent the carriage, if I may ask?"
[GM]: The driver reaches around and opens the door to the coach revealing it's emptiness except for a table containing a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine.
[GM]: The driver "I got no name."
Lydia raises an eyebrow at the gesture and orders her empty stomach to stop growling for a moment. Having been on the road for so long, she forgot what such things tasted like...
[GM]: The driver "Oh, he did say that if you refused to say ... " he fumbles with the scroll.
[GM]: The driver "Regia ... yea .. whatever that means."
Lydia blinks. Three times. Quickly.
[GM]: The driver "Well are you coming?"
Lydia immediately tosses her pack into the carriage, which lands on the floor with a heavy thud. She joined the pack in the carriage shortly.
[Lydia]: "What are you waiting for? Drive, sir, drive!"
[GM]: The carriage takes off headed for an unknown destination.
[GM]: In another part of the kingdom a man ... no something like a man walks.
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): That would be you.
Valek Zharn walks along staring at the setting sun letting out a deep breath, his jouney has finally begun...
[GM]: A walks up behind him.
[GM]: A goblin walks up behind him.
[GM]: Goblin speaks in goblin jibberish which translates to, "He you ... funny man that want big magic"
Valek Zharn stands roughly 5'4" with pale bone white skin, and shoulder length hair of the same upsetting colour tied behind him, his eyes globes of dull red, wearing heavy black robes and walking with a short staff made from a tree root.
[Valek Zharn]: "Greetings and goodwill fellow creature of the underground."
[Valek Zharn]: "Yes, I do see magic, in all it's forms."
[GM]: Goblin "Yeah, you ... red eye .... you want big magic, dont you?"
Valek Zharn bows to the goblin showing upmost respect.
[GM]: Goblin chuckles in a way that turns a Human's stomach
[GM]: Goblin smiles and bows as best he can
[Valek Zharn]: "Yes my friend I do."
[GM]: Goblin hands Valek a scroll.
[GM]: Goblin "You read it tonight .... before it fades, okays?"
Valek Zharn gracefully accepts the scroll and bows again "My thanks friend for bringing this to me, I shall do as you ask."
Valek Zharn immediatly opens the scroll egar to read it's contents.
[GM]: Goblin begins to scurry off grunting and laughing.
[GM]: It contains a spell unlike any you have ever seen.
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): Thaumatology roll
[Valek Zharn]: "By the firey earth!"
(To GM) DICE for Valek Zharn: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,2 = [ 9 ]
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): It is similar to a teleport spell, but ... isn't
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): As hard as you study it, you can not determine what it will do.
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): The language is Haddin - the language of magic, but it is in an almost primitive form. "Pure" as you might call it.
[GM]: Valek finds himself all alone.
[GM]: The words on the scroll seem to be slowly fading for no known reason.
Valek Zharn throws his fate to the wind and reads the scroll aloud
[GM]: In front of Valek everything seems to burp. Colors swirl, as if a wall of some sort exists for a split second.
[GM]: Then it coalleses into a hole in the air.
[GM]: The hole seems to absorb the light around it.
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): Roll Vision + magery
(To GM) DICE for Valek Zharn: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,4 = [ 10 ]
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): It seems to such the very mana out of the world around it.
[Valek Zharn]: "Some form of.... passegway though space..."
[Valek Zharn]: "How terribly interesting...."
[GM]: The hole seems to stabalize ... for the moment
Valek Zharn steps though the gateway.
[GM]: ... and he vanishes.
[Valek Zharn]: "I simply must se-"
[GM]: Three days later, Anne arrives near the Guardians.
[Anne]: Anne looks for Jamison - no "Sir Jamison" - hoping beyond hope that he is not in danger...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You received a letter too. "Come quickly to the three mountains. We need your help. Life or Death."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my go
(GM whispered to Thor): You received a letter too. "Come quickly to the Guardians. We need your help. Life or Death. Signed Sir Jamison"
[GM]: As Anne passes near to the Guardians, on the Old Mages Web leading to Baxter and see a sign.
[Anne]: ((I think it was atrap... Jamison would have sent his ring with the letter otherwise...))
[Jackdaw]: "my hurried"
[Lydia]: ()
[GM]: She sees a road sign that reads, "Augmena 2 miles ahead."
[Anne]: (Lol!) Anne hurries towards the sign... and heads in the Direction it points... She felt that it might one day come to this... she just didn't expect this!
[GM]: Following the sign she comes upon a very small village.
(Lydia whispered to GM):
[GM]: There is 1 pub and a smithy.
[GM]: The pub is simply named, "Come on In"
[Anne]: Not sure if Jamison would be near, she heads to the pub - ready for anything, and casting sense foes before she enters
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
[Anne]: made it by 0
[GM]: There are several horses tied up outside.
(GM whispered to Anne): You sense no foes
[Anne]: Anne enters, after securing her mount (Should she purchase one over the year)
[GM]: One has been provided by the Church (on loan)
[GM]: ((unless she did decide to purchase it))
[Anne]: ((ok))
[GM]: Inside there seems to be a crowd. Despite only three villagers about outside.
[Anne]: Anne scans the "crowd" of the inn
[GM]: She sees Jamison sitting at a table, looking anxious.
[Anne]: "Jamison!!!" Anne calls out, and begins walking over.
(GM whispered to Thor): You are minutes behind Anne. Oddly enough, you know these parts and have never heard of a village by the name of Augmena.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You are minutes behind Anne.
(Thor whispered to GM): Interesting, I'll go into the village..
[GM]: Jamison stands embracing Anne, "Oh, it is so good to see you!!"
[GM]: Thor enters the village, noticing the Inn
[Anne]: "It's good to see you too! Oh, I missed you!" (HUG!!)
Thor wonders at the few people outside and enters the Inn
[Anne]: Thor! What brings you here? And to that, what brings ME here, Jamison?"
[GM]: A young lady sits in the back of the pub, watching the two young lovers (?)
[GM]: Jamison "Why are you asking me?"
[Thor]: "Anne? Jamison! Nice to see both of you, it's been about a year hasn't it.."
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): You also sit in the darkness of the pub... not rememering how or when you arrived.
[Anne]: "I knew it! This may be a trap! I was lured here by a letter , ostensibly from you... but It was signed Sir Jamison."
Thor smiles as he walks over to them
[GM]: The pub is dark for the most part, there is ample light near the bar. A man stands there cleaning a mug and whistling.
[Anne]: "I knew you would send your ring if it was really you..."
[GM]: Jamison "I came in response from a letter from you Anne. Here ... let me show you!!"
Valek Zharn looks about his red eyes glowing slighly from the darkness, like two dying embers in his head. Seeming slighly confused...
[GM]: Jamison looks dumbfounded, "It was just here"
(Lydia whispered to GM): I take it I'm in here... the young lady?
[GM]: Jamison "But now it is ..... gone"
[Anne]: "Trickery is afoot, my firend... Thor, how were you brought here?"
(GM whispered to Lydia): That is you.
(Lydia whispered to GM): .... geez, the lack is strangling me. ^^;
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne suspects this entire village may be a vast illusion...
Thor turns to Jamison "Uh oh I suspect foul play. I was told to meet you here regarding a life or death situation, by a letter with your handwriting signed Sir Jamison."
(Anne whispered to GM): heheh
Lydia frowns slightly as she sips her glass of wine, watching the confused reunion.
(Valek Zharn whispered to GM): so he dosen't remember reading the mystic scroll?
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): He remembers reading the scroll, but does not remember entering this pub.
[Lydia]: :: They've clearly been lured here... as I was. Why? A trap? I shouldn't have trusted that message... ::
[Anne]: "Well, it would seem someone wants us all here... perhaps we should ask the innkeep - or perhaps these others were brought here by a ruse as well?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Where is Jackdaw??
[Lydia]: "... quite possibly." The auburn-haired lady speaks up, setting her glass on the table and dropping the pretense of ignoring them.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): comming, maybe here, in the kitchen cadging a meal and cuddle from the barmaid?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Sounds good
[ Avatar joined the game ]
Anne turns to meet this new patron... "Hello? I am Sister Anval, of the Church of Methor... Can you help explain this oddity?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): let them know they hear the sound of a sirinx
[GM]: You hear the sound of a sirinx
[GM]: Coming from what might be the kitchen
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): and giggle
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): s
[Anne]: "Jackdaw!!! He's back too?"
Lydia stands, her light braid tumbling from her shoulders to lay flat against her back. Sea-green eyes stare out from behind a pair of well-wrought spectacles. Fair-skinned and slight of stature, she smooths out her soot-stained white tunic with calloused hands.
[GM]: Then giggles
Thor stops and listens "I know that sound.. a sirinix. Could that be Jackdaw?"
(Figure lurking in the shadows. whispered to GM): I miss it all? (I hate my ISP)
Valek Zharn stands up, not that that actually increases his height as he feet were dangeling off the chair anyway and walks up to the group his pointed goblin like ears framing his slim but not ultimatly unattractive form "I hope you'll forgive me, I was listening in on your conversasion in my confusion.... I can't seem to remember how I got here, nor do I know where 'here' is, may I ask your help?"
[Lydia]: "I wish that I could, priestess, but I am as in the dark about this as you are. I am Lydia Hoarfrost and..."
(GM whispered to Figure lurking in the shadows.): You are in the bar, describe yourself to them
Lydia notices Valek at that moment, and while she doesn't visibly recoil, she does pause in her speech to give the goblinoid a wary glance.
[GM]: The barkeep continues to whistle, paying you no mind.
Jackdaw comes into the room from the kitchen,with a mug and piece of cheese in hand
Valek Zharn bows deeply while he speaks.
Jackdaw stops and stares
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): have I ever seen anything like Valek before?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is he Fay?
[Anne]: "Hi JAcky!"
[Thor]: "Well I'll be.. it's a reunion! Very nice to see you again JD."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Roll IQ
(Valek Zharn whispered to GM): can I paste the fell descripion?
[Jackdaw]: "Anval!"
(GM whispered to Valek Zharn): Sure, good idea
[Lydia]: "... and I have also been brought here under false pretenses, it seems."
(Valek Zharn whispered to GM): Or perhaps you should direct them to the website addy for my race template...
[Jackdaw]: "Jamison and Thor too, now we frollic again!"
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=6,1,3 = [ 3 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made by 3
Peshida turns and studies the group quietly. He is a tall lean elf dressed in travel worn and tattered clothes. A dark cloak covers and conceals most of his features. One feature does stand out - a small red tatto embedded into his forehead.
[Anne]: "Well, let's see what we can do about it... I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Hoarfrost."
[Valek Zharn]: ((Valek is a member of a mostly ignored race, there description is in that block of text.))
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You have seen his kind before ... They are called the Fell. Not nice, you think.
Lydia merely nods, glancing at the sudden explosion of nonhumans in the room. She mumbles something to herself, and leans against the wall, her feet idly kicking against a small backpack by her chair, fairly bulging at the seams.
Peshida seems interested in the conversation, yet he moves no closer nor introduces himself either.
[Anne]: ((I will describe myself next week folks, after I know what kind of gear etc... I will have.))
[GM]: The barkeep continues to whistle, and then begins to laugh to himself.
[GM]: He slams a mug down on the counter that gets everyone's attention.
[Anne]: "What is so funny, barkeep? (Anne walks over) "Do you know why we have all been brought here?"
Lydia turns her head and glares at the barkeep. "What's so funny?" she inquires rudely.
[GM]: The Barkeep nods and points behind you.
Peshida slowly turns his attention to the barkeep and waits for his reply.
Valek Zharn immeadly looks at the bartender and makes like he might do something in between destroying the entier room and urinating himself.
[Anne]: Anne turns around...
Lydia looks back in the direction that the Barkeep has pointed... expecting in her case to see dozens of armed soldiers...
Thor turns to face the indicated direction
(Valek Zharn whispered to GM): now there's a vauge statment!
Jackdaw looks around
[GM]: A man stands behind you all. Dressed in a long white robe, white pointy hat, and long grey silver beard. "Good, you all made it! Now, shall we all have a seat and get down to business?"
[Jackdaw]: "oh, you again. hihi"
(Peshida whispered to GM): Is it justa coincidence that Peshida is here, or did he recieve an invite as well?
[GM]: Jamison's jaw drops.
Thor looks closely at the man
[Jackdaw]: "what we make do now?"
[Anne]: "Perhaps if you could explain? Veridon Augmena?"
Lydia glowers at the bearded man. She debates a number of choice epithets, then finally settles on fuming silently at the manipulation. It wouldn't do to lose her temper in a room full of strangers...
[GM]: The man smiles to Anne, "touche' " he says to her "very cunning of you to have figured out my name"
Valek Zharn quickly sits down.
[GM]: Veridon nods to Valek and smiles
Lydia leans defiantly against the wall, glaring testily at Veridon.
[Jackdaw]: "Anval smart lady"
[Anne]: "Perhaps... I have been expecting to meet you for some time.. " (To the others) "I think we can trust this man - his very name is the word for Truth."
Thor takes a seat and waits
Peshida studies the newcomer over the rim of his mug as he finishes off the last of his ale.
Anne sits, and motions for the other to come over as well...
[GM]: Veridon speaks to Lydia "Now, I dont remember Regia as being a barbaric place without manners." he winks
[Jackdaw]: "my thinked him name was Veridon", jackdaw says confusedly
Valek Zharn knods "I shall do as you say."
[GM]: Veridon turns to Peshida, "And you too, cursed one, I brought you here too"
Lydia grinds her teeth and resists the urge to snarl. "Don't bandy that name about too readily, old man... I don't appreciate being threatened with it."
Lydia does, however, sit down and shut her mouth.
[GM]: Veridon to Lydia "Oh, no threat intended .... no threat indeed"
Peshida looks at the man questioningly ...
(Lydia whispered to GM): Mental Note: Add "Hates being manipulated" and "Lightning Temper" to quirks.
(GM whispered to Lydia): How appropriate
(Lydia whispered to GM): Funny how it turned out that way without my expecting it. ^^;
[GM]: You all sit and Veridon begins to speak, but before you can hear what he says ....
Peshida speaks in a ominous voice, "What do you know of me stranger?"