[Tue Oct 24 19:24:01 CDT 2000]
[GM]: Setting: The party, after having traveled some 100 miles in a coach hired by Phinny, 
stop to rest the horses when Jackdaw encounters a ghost who keeps saying "Where is my 
sword?" The driver of the coach is 'spooked' when Jackdaw causes the ghost to materialize 
and then Valek creates a servant out of midair to go gather firewood, and the party is left
alone with only Anne's horse about 50 miles west of Baxter.
[GM]: As Jackdaw begins to put his resources to the test to find the sword that the ghost 
seeks, the rest of the party gets to know each other ... all except the Elf wearing 
tattered clothing and bearing a red mark on his forehead.  He remains quiet and distant, 
speaking not a word and sleeping a distance away from the party.  It is several hours after 
dark on the 3rd of Methorah in the Summer of 1133p.  The party camps just off the Old 
Mage's Web with no fire.  Thor is on guard.  Silverna has just risen over the Guardians 
and is entering its nightly 1st quarter phase as we begin Session 57.
Valek awakens in the morning softly squinting at the rising sun, getting up his bedroll 
and blanket disapear into there nothingness from whence they came
[GM]: Did anyone want to do anything during the night?
(Peshida whispered to GM): Has his usual rouond of nightmares ...
(Valek whispered to GM): outside of creating a bedroll and a blanket, no.
[Phinnea]: guess not
(Jamison whispered to GM): I made sure to clean my weapon's before retiring... other than 
that...Just catch up with Anne.
[GM]: Okay, if there is a question that you wish that you would have asked Veridon.  
Whisper it to me now.
[GM]: And I need an IQ roll from Valek
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,6  = [ 10 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): by 9
(Peshida whispered to GM): What do you know of me and my situation Veridon?  And how dare 
you suggest that you know how to lift my curse?!
(Jamison whispered to GM): This was brought up last week, are we near the Duke's place so 
that we can get horses for the rest of the trip?
[GM]: There seems to be some kind of dim shimmering all around the campsite for many yards.
(Peshida whispered to GM): ((asks the questions he woould have asked if his player had been 
there to speak for him ;-) ))
[GM]: This shimmering started sometime last night and can barely be seen even after sunrise.
Valek looks at the shimmerins and thinks lightly of it before alerting someone else to it's
(GM whispered to Valek): You recognize it as the spell, Mystic Mist.
Peshida silently walks up to the campfire where the others have gathered.  He remains as 
silent as ever.  His eyes appear haggard ... as if he was not refreshed by a full nights 
[Valek]: "Someone has gone to the trouble of casting Mystic Mist upon this area."
Jamison perks up.."And what is this Mystic Mist?"
(GM whispered to Peshida): Veridon replies "I cannot walk your path for you, only point 
you in the right direction.  And I do speak the truth when I say that the path to lifting 
your curse is in the direction of Pershing.  I can say no more"
Phinnea wakens with a yawn, "well, that was nice of 'em! Who stayed on guard all nite?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yes, 50 miles from Baxter where the Duke resides.  It is on 
the way to this city of Pershing.
[Valek]: "It essentially amkes us invisible."
Peshida sets his backpack down beside him and settles down with his staff clutched in both 
Phinnea looks at Peshida, "Did you sleep at all?"
[Jamison]: How long will it last???
(Peshida whispered to GM): Pah!  You are as bad as Elic himself!  An enigma to guide me!
[Valek]: "Depends, usually around 10 hours."
(GM whispered to Peshida): Veridon "Haha, Elic would tend to agree with that statement, I 
am sure" says to himself more than you.
Peshida turns to Phinnea,  "Aye I slept yet it did me no good,  it seems my lot to 
[GM]: Jackdaw is still asleep.
[GM]: Anne and Lydia begin to awaken
[Jamison]: While nice to hide...it will not be very usefull in helping us get some 
[Valek]: "It's centered aroudn this campsite, it shall no longer effect us once we 
(Peshida whispered to GM): Then be off with you if ye will help me no more!  Leave me to 
my own!
[Jamison]: Excellant... I am familiar with this area and do know the Duke.... we may be 
able to obtain some horses for the trip forward...
(Peshida whispered to GM): turns his back on the man and ignores him henceforth.
[Valek]: "I don't supose we can eat before we go off to do this?"
[Jamison]: Though I am a little hesitant to impose on the Duke....
Phinnea scrunchs up her eyes in suspicion, peering at Peshida, as if she was unsure of 
what to make of the situation.
(GM whispered to Peshida): One thing more, you remember that Veridon called you by your 
name of birth.
Jamison looks at Anne and blushes...
(GM whispered to Peshida): This conversation and the rememberance of him calling you by 
name come to you upon awakening.
[GM]: Anne wakes and smiles at Jamison
Peshida offers no insight as to his "problems".
Phinnea realizes she is almsot naked, and hurridly dons her clothes and armor.
[GM]: Lydia awakens and goes through her morning ritual.
[GM]: Jackdaw "Zzzzzzzz"
Phinnea prods JD with her toe, "JD! Wake up, you sleeping fawn!"
[Valek]: "Did anyone see a river around here?"
[Jamison]: I'm sure breaking our fast on some camp rations could be done before we move 
[GM]: IQ roll Jamison
[ Skyrender joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Lydia!!!))
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,3  = [ 10 ]
[Phinnea]: ((Heya SKy!))
(Jamison whispered to GM): dead on
[Peshida]: ((howdy Lydia!))
(Valek whispered to GM): I just noticed that I made an error on my magic sheet: I have 
teleport but none of the prequisit spells>
[Jamison]: OOC: Hi Lydia
(GM whispered to Jamison): There should be a river about 5 miles south of here.  Not a 
huge one, but a river none the less.
(Valek whispered to GM): <so teleport will become levitate>
[Phinnea]: "A small fire and some food might do us good. Shall I rustle up some grub?"
(GM whispered to Valek): Okay
[Valek]: "I will send a servant to do that."
[Jamison]: Valek, I believe there is a river about 5 miles south of here...
[GM]: The pile of sticks still lay on the ground.  No fire was made last night.
(Valek whispered to GM): Create skilled servant: Fishing 15.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6  = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Good thing it is Summer and rather warm.
[Peshida]: :'s stomache grumbles softly ... although he ignores it entirely.
Valek looks at the sky before him and a servant appears
[GM]: The servant awaits Valek's orders
[Valek]: "Go to the river 5 miles south of here and catch 10 fish, bring them back as 
soon as you can."
(Valek whispered to GM): create object: Fishing rod
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,1  = [ 7 ]
[Jamison]: And some water?
Valek hands the servant a rod "Use this."
[Phinnea]: "He wont be back for 2 hours!"
Phinnea begins to light the small pile of sticks with some flint.
[ Skyrender left the game ]
Jamison looks through is pack for some tea ..
(Peshida whispered to GM): ((who has the horse in this group Rubix?))
[ «Jack» left the game ]
[Phinnea]: ((dropping like flies?))
[ Skyrender_ joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Valek): ((Okay create object must be in contact with a living thinking 
being ... you think this applies?))
[Skyrender_]: (Blargh!)
[Valek]: <whys eveyone quitting all of a sudden?>
[GM]: ((That is odd))
[GM]: Anne goes over and checks on her horse.
[Skyrender_]: (... finally. Valek, I couldn't read anything I was posting... I don't know 
if anything was getting through or not.)
[Lydia]: (... anywho. Back. ^^;)
(Valek whispered to GM): I would hope so, in Grimore they say that Create object might 
have to be cast in conjuction with some illusion spells if the illusion/creation is 
(Lydia whispered to GM): Did I miss anything important? My apologies... I *did* get off 
work at a normal time, but I had to go get a meningitis immunization. Outbreak 'round 
these parts...
(GM whispered to Valek): ((That would make sense))
Jamison thanks Phinny for lighting the fire and begins to heat a little water 
Phinnea rummages through her  backpack for some food to cook.
[GM]: The servant heads off south with a fishing rod.
[Jamison]: Tea anyone??
[GM]: Anne returns from where here horse is tied up.  She points at Jackdaw "Well, did he 
manage to find that sword?  And what is all this shimmer about us?"
(Peshida whispered to GM): ((after we eat and break camp, Peshida is going to forget his 
curse for a second, accidentally walking to near Anne's horse.  <just giving you a heads 
up> ))
Valek wands off and returns a few minutes later
[Valek]: <wanders>
(Lydia whispered to GM): More importantly, am I alive/asleep/awake/aware/anything else at 
the moment?
[Jamison]: Valek says it is a Mystic Mist????  Some type of invisibility spell...
[GM]: Anne smiles "Okay, thanks Jamison'
(Valek whispered to GM): like most people he needs to relive himself upon awakening, and 
dosen't want to do it in front of or near the party.
Jamison blushes, "Your welcome"
[GM]: An hour passes.  Flamoz rises higher in the sky.
[Jamison]: Tea Sister?
[GM]: ((Flamos))
[GM]: Anne "Why thank you Jamison ...."
Valek looks about "Perhaps I should have instructed the illusion to gather mushrooms."
[Jamison]: Valek, How long do we need to wait for this servant???
[Jamison]: We really should get started..
[GM]: Another hour passes and Valek's servant returns with 10 fish.
[Valek]: "Ahh, excelent!"
[Jamison]: OOC: anything left of the fire?
[GM]: The sticks and fire is almost complete gone
(Lydia whispered to GM): 'ello?... <worry>
[GM]: Jackdaw rouses.  He hops up, "Morning Morning!"
(GM whispered to Lydia): Your not getting through, are you??
(Lydia whispered to GM): No, I'm still waiting for answers. ^^;;;
(Lydia whispered to GM): S'okay, you're busy. ^^;
(Valek whispered to GM): Create food on the fish: Instantly making the whole thing 
edibal, and somewhat tasty.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,3  = [ 13 ]
(GM whispered to Lydia): You are awake
Valek eats the fish in 32 bites, leaving nothing behind.
(Lydia whispered to GM): No, I seem to be getting through okay now. Just wasn't sure... 
has anything critical changed since last session?
(GM whispered to Lydia): It is after dawn.
(GM whispered to Lydia): Not much has changed
(Lydia whispered to GM): Alright...
[GM]: The food becomes instantly cooked and cleaned after one of Valek's spells.
Peshida eats his with the most enthusiasm he's shown so far.   
Lydia shakes off the light doze she must have been in and takes a wary look at the fish. 
After inspecting it very, very carefully, she seems to pronounce it "good" and eats it.
Phinnea looks at her fish, and decides its ok to eat also.
[Jamison]: Well, the morning is wearing on ...shal we egin?
[GM]: You have had better tasting fish, but it seems fine.
Peshida nods his assent.
[Phinnea]: "yes, lets start moving!"
[GM]: Jackdaw "Why cook fish?" he pouts
[Jamison]: I believe the Duke's residence is this way...
Lydia shrugs vaguely. "Why not..."
[GM]: Jackdaw "Wait ... me have to tell you about dream!"
Jamison slings his shield and sword over his shoulder and picks up his staff.....
Jamison looks at JD..."More lonely ladies, JD?"
Phinnea stops, and looks at JD.
[GM]: Jackdaw eats a piece of cooked fish reluctantly
(Valek whispered to GM): how much would a small wagon weigh?
[GM]: Jackdaw "No lonely ladies ... Monsters and Soldiers!"
Peshida stops halfway up from his seat on a log ... and then settles in again to listen 
to JD.
(Valek whispered to GM): like one of those deals you sit in and have another person pull.
[Jamison]: Go on JD
Lydia looks painfully at Jackdaw and decides not to bother straining herself understanding 
him this morning. She stretches visibly, trying to unkink the knots in her muscles after 
an uncomfortable night on the cold ground.
(GM whispered to Valek): I'm guessing 100 lbs?
(Valek whispered to GM): meant for a tiny person like valek.
(GM whispered to Valek): Hmm.... I forget what they are called but I think you could make 
one that is 25 lbs.
[Peshida]: ...
[GM]: Jackdaw proceeds to tell you all about his dream.
[Jamison]: Very interesting JD.. But we need to move on now...
[GM]: "Me was skipping on grass, and then me see monsters.  Many monsters. Orc monsters"
[GM]: Jackdaw "Then me find Soldiers."
(Valek whispered to GM): well it's slightly outside of his reach, but he is lazy, what if 
it was made entirely out of Balsa wood <or equivalant>
[GM]: Jackdaw "The Cap i tan.  He look for his sword.  He warn men to ready for attack"
[Jamison]: Well, I believe that this has been the area where many battles have taken place 
in the past, JD... Maybe you were dreaming about that?
(GM whispered to Valek): That is already made out of ultralight material.  Anything less 
would not carry Valek's weight.
(Valek whispered to GM): ok.
[GM]: Jackdaw nods, "Yes Ghost me saw yesterday, me thinks!"
(Valek whispered to GM): he's casting levitate on himself.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,4  = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Jackdaw "him look for sword in dream"
[GM]: Valek begins to float in the air.
(Valek whispered to GM): he's casting create object: Silk rope
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,3  = [ 8 ]
Lydia blinks and looks up at Valek. She mutters something to herself, and resolutely goes 
back to packing her gear into her pack... all save her autoprodd.
[GM]: A rope appears in Valek's hand.
Valek ties a length of silk rope around his waiste and hands it to the servant "Follow 
them holding this."
Phinnea sees Valek begin to float, and looks around herself.
Jamison looks at Valek..."Interesting mode of travel.."
Valek puts his arms behind his head and lays back letting the servant pull his floating 
body through the air "Easier then walking."
(Jamison whispered to GM): I do know where the Duke's location is, correct?
[GM]: Jackdaw "me thinks me can find sword for him"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Of course.  Center of the city of Baxter
Peshida looks at Valek with a uterly blank expression and then throws his backpack over 
his shoulders.
[Phinnea]: "You can hold that indefinately, Valek?"
[Jamison]: Do we have time for this, JD....?  Is it really necessary?
[Valek]: "As long as I am awake."
[ Avatar left the game ]
[ Avatar joined the game ]
[GM]: Jackdaw "What about ghost?  Him need help"
[Phinnea]: "What use can a ghost have for a sword?"
Peshida looks around himself as if dazed for a second.
[GM]: Jackdaw ponders Phinny's question "Me not know.  But him want it bad"
[GM]: Anne "Well, whatever we do ... I suppose those bones (she points) should be properly 
taken care of"
Lydia frowns slightly. "... far be it from me to actually suggest a direction to this 
group, but... aren't the needs of several hundred thousand people greater than the needs 
of a single ghost?"
Phinnea chuckles to herself at Lydia's shrewdness.
[Jamison]: I'm afraid Lydia has the right of it... we need to get north as soon as 
possible.... Let's not get sidetracked.
[GM]: Anne considers, "I have a suggestion.  I have a horse.  I could stay here with 
Jackdaw and then we could catch up with you in Baxter after we deal with the ghost, last 
rights and such"
Lydia adjusts her spectacles self-consciously. "If it's that important to you, Jackdaw, 
we can come back after we've dealt with this whole whatever-mess-it-is. I don't think 
it'll be harmed by waiting another few weeks.'
[Phinnea]: "But it may die!" Phinnea laughs.
Lydia shrugs. "That would work too... do you think you can spare yourself, lady priestess?"
[GM]: Jackdaw frowns
[Valek]: "I supse that that is an acceptibal compromise."
[Valek]: "I wish you well on your mission, and hope that we meet without problem later."
[GM]: Anne "Well, I do have a duty to the dead.  And if my knowledge serves me well.  This 
spirit will not allow itself to be laid to rest until the sword is found."
[GM]: Jackdaw "Yep yep ... we find sword" looking at Anne
[GM]: Jackdaw says to Anne "Phinny not know that ghost is dead?"
Lydia fumbles at her pockets for a moment, before scowling and muttering something to 
herself. She sighs... "I'd love to help, but I am rather useless at the moment. I will, 
instead, lend whatever meager skills I have to the rest of the group."
Phinnea grins, "yes JD! that's my point! It can't get much worse for itself waiting a few 
weeks, no?"
[Jamison]: Try to hurry Anne...we will move on...
[Phinnea]: "Do you really think we should leave Anne and JD here alone?"
[GM]: Anne "But if everyone decides otherwise, then I will drop the matter at this time.  
But the bones will at least need to be re-earthed."
[GM]: Anne "I must say that I dont like leaving things unfished here .... I hate to say it 
but I must take Jackdaw's side in this issue."
[Valek]: "I'm sure you two willb e fine under the cover of the mysic mist spell."
[GM]: Anne smiles at Jamison "Dont worry .... we will catch up with you maybe before you 
reach Baxter"
[Phinnea]: "And when they venture outside of it?"
Peshida speaks, his voice even and firm.  "Veridon and his quest can wait.  And how do we 
know that he did not intend for us to pass through here?
[Jamison]: I believe they will be ok, and it should not take long to finish this deed for 
the dead... any danger should come from the direction we are heading...
[GM]: Jackdaw "Yes me cast mystic mist to protect us!" he smiles
[GM]: Jackdaw "Mist so nobodies can see us!"
[GM]: Anne "Okay, I suggest you leave now, before I change my mind." she smiles
[Jamison]: Come...let us get going....
[GM]: Anne says to Jackdaw "Okay, find the sword..."
Lydia waves farewell to Anne and Jackdaw, following after Jamison.
Jamison is almost bouncing with all the delaying..
[Peshida]: Very well then. 
Phinnea looks reluctant, but follows after the others. "Be careful, you two!" she yells 
[GM]: Jackdaw "Okie ... me cast spell now"
Valek is gently pulld behind the party by his servant.
[GM]: Anne waves a Phinny.
Jamison waves and then heads towards Baxter...
[GM]: Soon you are outside of the mist and they fade from sight.
Peshida grabs up his gear and head for the departing members of the party.   He passes 
near Anne and JD as he moves.
[GM]: Does the party keep to the road?
[Jamison]: Yes, otherwise Anne and JD would not know where to look for us
Phinnea near the road, but not  on it.
Lydia does, given the choice.
[GM]: You travel for a few hours, approaching the city of Baxter....
Valek dispells his active spells before entering the city
[GM]: Along the way, you come upon a few trees planted by the roadside and in one of them 
there is .... an Imp.  He smiles and nods at Lydia.
[GM]: Imp "Good Afternoon"
Jamison eyes the imp carefully
Lydia blinks at the Imp and sniffs. "You again. Are you going to finally quit pestering 
Phinnea maintains her distance from the Imp.
[GM]: Imp "You know what you desire?"
[GM]: The Imp is about 1 foot tall and has horns on its head and a very long nose.
Lydia crosses her arms over her chest. "Damn right I do. But you already told me you can't 
grant me that..."
Peshida stops in the middle of the road slightly behind and to the side of Lydia.
(Lydia whispered to GM): So, what *did* you decide about what we talked about yesterday? 
All of it, I mean?
[GM]: It is completely naked, alnatural
[GM]: Imp spits and winks at Phinny, "Well, maybe I can help you woman from across the 
(GM whispered to Lydia): You will see shortyly
[Jamison]: Do you know this 'creature', Lydia?
Phinnea snorts at the Imp. ""ow about I give you a taste of my mace?" she waves it 
[Lydia]: "Unfortunately, yes."
Lydia sighs. "When I first woke up here, I found what I thought was an elixir. It wasn't. 
It was this... toad... sealed inside a vial. He wants to grant me a wish."
Valek bows at the imp "It's a pleasure to meet you kind sir.  I am Valek Zharn."
[GM]: Imp sticks its tongue out at Phinny
[Phinnea]: "any wish?"
[Jamison]: But not the wish you want?
[Peshida]: Yet it cannot give you the one thing you desire the most?
[Lydia]: "No. I wanted to get home, and he said he couldn't. He also can't make my alchemy 
work the way it's supposed to."
[GM]: Imp "I dont want to grant it .... I am bound by laws to grant it.  But it must be 
something that (he points at Lydia) SHE desires"
[Lydia]: "... yeah. And at this point... I dunno. Okay, fine, I can't get home. Maybe I 
can't ever get home."
[Jamison]: And how do you know what she 'Desires'  /
Lydia scowls. "But in this world, my alchemy is USELESS! Worse than useless! Nothing works 
[GM]: Imp hops down from the tree and bows formally to Valek, "Greetings Fell"
[Valek]: "Why not have your knoledge of alchemy changed to match this world?"
[GM]: Imp "It does not matter that I know it.  She knows it.  That is all that matters"
[Phinnea]: "have all your knowledge matched to this world."
Lydia grits her teeth. "Because it's too damn slow. You know how long it takes to brew a 
potion in my world? A day! A *day*! I found a text here... said it would take a week!"
Lydia waves her arms with a grumble. "Meanwhile, you folk can throw this anti-scientific 
'magic' force around like it's child's play. Damnit, I wish my alchemy worked like your 
magic did!"
[Phinnea]: "oooo, was that a wish?"
Valek looks to the imp.
[GM]: Imp "You cant rush the good stuff" it rubs itself up against the tree
[Lydia]: "... er... I dunno. I didn't make it formal..."
Lydia looks warily at the imp. "... 'sides, I don't trust him. He's... weird."
[GM]: Imp looks at Phinny "I think it dame well was"
[Lydia]: "Erk!"
Lydia stiffens. "W... wait a minute! You can't be serious!"
[Jamison]: oh oh...this may be an ooops...
[GM]: Imp reaches behind its back and produces something gold and shiney
Lydia looks warily at the gold-and-shiny thing...
Peshida steps  away from Lydia ...
[Lydia]: "H-hang on! Don't do anything drastic! Or rash! Don't be like ME!"
[GM]: It is a small egg, fabragee' (sp?) style
[Lydia]: "... eh?"
Lydia blinks at the egg. "..... an egg?"
Phinnea stands to one side, holding her shield up in front.
[GM]: Imp "You always wanted the egg of the philosophers, right?"
[Lydia]: "!"
[Lydia]: "Th... th..."
[GM]: Imp "Isn't that what you desire most?"
Peshida manages a weak smile.
Lydia drops to her knees right in front of the imp, eyes wide with surprise and... glee. 
"The Philosopher's Egg?! You're kidding! You're kidding! You're kidding, right?"
[GM]: Imp "Why should I kid you?"
[Jamison]: What , pray tell, is the Philosopher's egg..?
Lydia reaches out, hands hovering near the egg. "... oh, goodness... I have no idea... 
it's a legend, practically... it's supposed to..."
(Lydia whispered to GM): ... is this Option A, then?
[GM]: Imp smiles at Lydia "Why dont you tell the young .... knight?  Hey you a knight, 
aren't you?"
(GM whispered to Lydia): Call it that.  But it wont be as powerful as you would think.
Jamison bristles at the comment...."Of course I'm a knight..."
[Lydia]: "It's supposed to let one brew an elixir in a fraction of the time it usually 
takes to do so... This... this might actually let me be USEFUL..."
[GM]: Imp spits, "Damn shamful wast of a life!"
(Lydia whispered to GM): Alrighty. ^^;
(Lydia whispered to GM): Although, to be fair... do *YOU* think Lydia is strong enough 
with this?
[GM]: Imp "Then all you have to do is take it and our business if finished."
(Lydia whispered to GM): You have a better idea of what you're throwing at us than I do. =P
[Jamison]: I think not....
Lydia watches her fingers twitch for a moment...
Lydia snatches the egg from the Imp's hands. "Hell, why not? Maybe I can even find a way 
to get home with this... eventually. For now, this is better than anything else I could've 
hoped for."
[GM]: Imp looks around "At least that damn priestess is not around.  Them folks make me 
Phinnea looks at the egg with great interest.
[Jamison]: And I would imagine a little nervous, too....
[GM]: Imp is caught by suprise, but does not resist Lydia's snatch, "Then it is yours ... 
for good or ill."
[Lydia]: "Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
[Phinnea]: "Got another of those, Imp?"
[Valek]: "Well a good day to you, kind sir.  Goodluck in your travels."
Peshida steps towrds the Imp, "Sounds like you know a good deal too much about our 
business, creature."
[GM]: Imp stands up straight, "You wanna make me an offer, good looking?" said to Phinny
[Phinnea]: "what kind of offer?"
[Lydia]: "... he he he... c'mere, little eggie... what secrets do you hold, I wonder, 
Lydia wanders a little ways down the road, just far enough that she has some quiet with 
which to examine the egg in detail. "How does this thing work, anyways?"
[GM]: Imp nods to Valek "And a goodday to you fine sir.  Be wary of these surface-
dwellers.  I dont know if they are trustworthy."
Valek bows again "I shall take your advice to heart."
[GM]: The Imp vanishes in a puff of smoke and the smell of Brimstone ... ignoring 
Phinnea's question.
[GM]: High shrill laughter can be heard as he leaves.
[GM]: ...
Phinnea snorts in frustration. "What a rude creature!"
[Lydia]: "..... let's see..."
[Valek]: "What a plessant fellow."
[GM]: ((LoL))
[Lydia]: "... I can't see a switch... or a catch... or a latch... or a button... or even 
a knob..."
[Lydia]: "... how do you open this thing? There must be some way to..."
Phinnea scowls at Valek.
Phinnea then hurries after Lydia. "Lydia? Let me see that, will you? Please??"
Peshida looks up the road in teh direction of the city.
Valek seems very afaraid of Phinnea's scowel.
[Lydia]: "What? No! ... not yet, I mean. I want to figure it out first..."
[Jamison]: MAybe we should see about some rooms for the night and you can inspect your egg 
there, Lydia.
Lydia peers at the egg, intrigued. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say, Jamison. There's GOT to 
be a lever, or a screw, or... SOMETHING..."
Phinnea stops pestering Lydia, and tries to hide her disappointment.
[GM]: A group of merchants pass the party on the road, going to Baxter.  A wagon loaded 
down with wares, it seems.
[Jamison]: Come along all let's go...
Lydia absently winds her way down the road as she tinkers with the egg, somehow managing 
to keep from getting sidetracked. She glances at Phinnea, and sighs...
Phinnea scrutinizes the merchants closely.
[Lydia]: "What do you know about the egg anyways? Are you an alchemist too?"
Peshida quickly takes up walking again.
Valek approaches the merchants
(Phinnea whispered to GM): my merchant skill detect they are real merchants?
[GM]: One of the merchants seem to wave a formal bow in Phinny's direction, ignoring the 
rest of you.
Lydia takes note of the merchants, and sidesteps them warily.
Phinnea nods eagerly to Lydia. "yes, my uncle was one of the best."
[Jamison]: Someone you know, Phinny?
[GM]: The wagon does not slow down, even though Valek approaches them
Valek realises that he'll be run over and quickly steps to the side.
[GM]: IQ roll Phinny
DICE for Phinnea: (14-3d6) : 3d6=2,3,4  = [ 5 ]
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Merhcants have ways of knowing each other.  Your garb can 
identify you as a merchant and even give your status.
[GM]: The wagon is soon out of sight
Phinnea acknowledges the waving merchant.
[Lydia]: "Hmm. Well, maybe you can help me figure this out when we stop for the night. 
But it's mine first, okay?"
[Phinnea]: "not really, Jamison. Just a merchant."
(GM whispered to Phinnea): He was of equal status as you.  A guild-recognised merchant.
[Phinnea]: "He is recognized by the guild though, as am I."
Phinnea agrees with Lydia.
[Jamison]: Well, let's get to town...
Phinnea follows after Peshida.
[Valek]: "Well I must purchase some paper, possibly a small notebook...  Peopl;e have a 
tendancy to give my kind poor deals in towns, I don't supose I could impose on you to 
purchase the items for me could I phinnea?"
Peshida looks to Jamison as if finally hearing a voice of wisdom.
Jamison looks back down the road, wondering what is keeping Anne and JD
Phinnea nods to Valek. "Should be no problem."
Valek knods and walks twoards the town, ckecking hte bootom of his robes for fraying.
[GM]: You travel another hour and a few more wagons pass, as well as some travellers on 
[GM]: In another 1/2 hour, Anne and Jackdaw meet up with you.  Just as you begin to see 
the signs of the city.
Peshida quietly moves aside as the travellers pass by ... going out of his way to avoid 
close contact.
Lydia continues poking and prodding at the Egg along the way. "You *will* yield me your 
secrets, little egg... yes you will..."
[Phinnea]: "Anne! JD! What a relief!"
[Jamison]: Anne, JD.... any problems?
Lydia waves absently at Anne and Jackdaw.
[GM]: Anne pulls the horse to a halt and Jackdaw hops off, "We find sword and put ghostie 
to rest!"
[Phinnea]: "well, I'm glad you were able to help!"
[GM]: Anne "Yes, the soul apparently was that of a soldier that had been killed by Orcs.  
He wandered looking for his sword.  Now his soul is at rest."
[Jamison]: That's great... 
(Valek whispered to GM): I came up with another concept for my charecter race.
[Jamison]: Did you learn anything useful from the ghost?
(Valek whispered to GM): They are a Marxasist society
[GM]: Anne "Well, I am glad that we met up with you before you entered the city" she 
[Jamison]: Yes, I was beginning to worry...
(Valek whispered to GM): There is no social class, or personal wealth inside the society, 
and all of Valek's money is just stuff that he found in a wall one day and thought might 
be useful <making it uneven cunks of gold from a vein>
[GM]: Anne "I cant say that I have ever been to Baxter .... but I have often heard you 
talk about it in your letters Jamison." she smiles.
(GM whispered to Valek): Would their economy be based on gold?
Lydia shuffles her Egg from one hand to the other. "Well, they're here, let's find an inn, 
c'mon, c'mon..." She looks very eager to find lodgings...
Jamison smiles and blushes all at the same time..."Well, er ..I mean...well I was raised 
Peshida leans heavily upon his staff.  Waiting for the others.
[GM]: Anne smiles warmly at Jamison
(Valek whispered to GM): no there economy would be based on the good of te comunity.
[Jamison]: Let's find an Inn for the night
(Valek whispered to GM): everyone is essentially 'equal'
(GM whispered to Valek): But what would be the units of trade?  no money?
(Valek whispered to GM): no money, there not a marxasistic, not capitalistic.
(Valek whispered to GM): <they are a marxasist society: Comunists>
(GM whispered to Valek): I understand.  But money does not exist?  Hmmm.....
[GM]: Soon you are all entering Baxter
[GM]: The Settlement that is Baxter is one of the smaller cities in the Kingdom. It 
contains roughly 25,000 residents.  It is surrounded by stone walls that show the signs of 
disrepair in some spots, but yet appear sturdy enough to withstand an onslaught from the 
Orcish army if that ever were to happen.  
(Valek whispered to GM): right, as far as material items go trade is acceptibal: But some 
peopel gatehr food outhers protect etc, and everyone is entitled to there own fair share 
of the fruits of that labor.
[GM]: Watch towers top each of the four corners of the wall and guards can be seen along 
their tops, many of which wear the familiar regalia of knights.  In the center of this 
city is situated a large castle which houses the Duke of Baxter.  Around the castle lies 
a small market area which appears to have a good deal of activity.  Apartment complexes 
have been built along the northern wall (which is the only wall without a gate), and a 
few cottages have been built in other places inside the city walls, nothing exceeding 2 
stories with the exception of the castle.  Most of the buildings are constructed of the 
same stone as the city wall:  It is a multicolored gray with tones of blue, green and 
yellow.  The Old Mage's Web continues through the center of the city running east and 
west, and another road crosses it made of the common stone here.
[GM]: To the north of Baxter lie hills showing signs of over-mining; to the south, the 
numerous farms and cottages of those that could not afford the security of the city walls. 
East and West of Baxter the Old Mage's Web continues on into the distance.
Peshida looks slightly uncomfortable entering this city of stone.
Valek also smiles comfortabally at the sight of worked stone, but his face seems to form 
more of a longing then a relief.
Phinnea is looking forward to a good ale.
Jamison smiles..feeling quite at home...
[Phinnea]: "where's the tavern?"
[GM]: There is a map in the workbench
[GM]: You enter Baxter about 2pm
Lydia rests her hand comfortably on the autoprodd on her belt.
[GM]: No one seems to pay you any attention.  You see more Dwarves and Elves than in the 
other cities, and even a few other races.
Phinnea is happy to see so many fellow dwarves.
[GM]: Jackdaw "We make time for Frolic?"
Lydia blinks at all the elves, and seems a little nervous. She also notes the large number 
of dwarves, and keeps glancing at Phinnea with confusion. "...? ...? ...?"
[GM]: Everyone does carry a weapon, as is the tradition of the Kingdom.
[Phinnea]: "I see Baxter welcome us dwarves with open arms!"
[GM]: Knights also seem pretty abundant.
(Lydia whispered to GM): I don't see any map, am I missing something...?
(GM whispered to Lydia): Double click on Baxter and let me know if it still doesn't work
[GM]: ((Is anyone getting the map??))
Valek sees a sign for the library.
[Valek]: <yea.>
[GM]: ((Cool))
[Peshida]: ((looking it over now))
[Phinnea]: ((yep))
[Jamison]: yes...looking it over.... we are going throught he business district?
[GM]: Even though it is small ... as cities in Methor goes ... it is still a city.
[Lydia]: (Funny. I can't see it in the map, but I can see it if I follow the link to the 
[GM]: Unless you say otherwise, I assume you travel along the Mage's Web just south of the 
Duke's castle.
Phinnea looks around for a tavern.
[Jamison]: let's find an Inn for the night before I go to see the Duke..
[GM]: You pass a tavern soon after you enter the city.
Lydia walks idly through the streets, breathing in the scent of a busy city. "Ah-h-h-h... 
this is almost like home. The air's still too warm, though... I wonder if this world has 
any cold climates?"
Phinnea hurries over to the tavern. "Ah, there's one!"
Peshida looks up at the tavern, with a slight frown.
[GM]: Just north of the road, you find a tavern called "The Hungry Lion"
[Valek]: "High in the mountains it is never warmer then the frezing temprature of water."
Lydia looks at the tavern, checking to see what the quality of the establishment appears 
to be from the outside.
Phinnea turns and butts the door of the tavern open with her rear. "What are you waiting 
for?" she yells back.
[GM]: The sign says "The Hungry Lion : Tavern and Inn" it is written in three languages: 
Human, Elven, and Dwarven
Lydia glances at the short Fell sorceror. "Really? That sounds like home to me."
Peshida sets his shoulders and follows Phiny in.
Phinnea stops within, letting her eyes adjust.
[Jamison]: Shall we follow our friend Phinny?
Lydia walks in, all set to scrunch up her nose and sigh with ill humour, should the inn 
prove to be a low-class dive...
Valek enters the tavern.
[GM]: Inside, you enter a crowd of what appears to be travellers.  There are all kinds.  
There are many tables and a few 'private' rooms in the back.
(Lydia whispered to GM): <smirk> I suppose I should explain... in Regia, alchemists are 
ALL part of the "upper class". Hence, taverns frequented by them tend to be the best of 
the best...
[Lydia]: (Tavern I mean. One-track-mind...)
[GM]: Several wenches serve drinks and two men tend bar.  There is also a kitchen in the 
Jamison walks up to the bartender and asks for a private room for his traveling companions 
and himself
Phinnea heads for a nearby table, calling the serving wench over. "A round of ale for my 
[GM]: Jamison is handed a key without another question
[Lydia]: "Er... if you have wine, I'd prefer that...!"
(GM whispered to Jamison): The key has a large number '8' on it.
Lydia sits down, testing the chair for creaking. Since it doesn't collapse immediately, 
she pronounces it suitable.
[GM]: One of the wenches approaches and trys to determine who is in Phinnea's group.
Peshida nds slightly when the serving whench looks his way.
Phinnea notices Jamison hedging for a private table, and nods to the wench.
[GM]: Wench "Will two pitchers be enough, Maam?"
[ ~jetfire joined the game ]
[Phinnea]: "yep, we'll take 'em over there with him."
[Jamison]: Phinny, why not have one of the serving girls come to our private room... we 
can all talk then...
[GM]: IQ roll Peshida
(lurker whispered to GM): can i lurk?
Jamison shows phinny the key
(To GM) DICE for Peshida: (3d6) :  3d6=2,3,6  = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to lurker): Yes, you are welcome
Phinnea shrugs and follows Jamison.
Lydia gets up, hoping that they will eventually be able to settle down.
(GM whispered to Peshida): Someone is watching you.
(Peshida whispered to GM): made by two
lurker lurks and plays with some techno wizards devices
Valek enters the private room and carfully atempts to dertermine what it's primary 
function is.
Peshida turns and pulls his backpack off ....
[GM]: Wench looks at Jamison, "Which room?  I will bring it back to you."
(Peshida whispered to GM): looks around the room nonchalantly while doing so.
(Valek whispered to GM): just to make sure that the 'private' rooms are not for 
[Jamison]: 8 please... thank you
(GM whispered to Peshida): A group of Elves eyes you with suspicion.
(Peshida whispered to GM): trying to determine who's watching us.
[GM]: Wench nods and is gone
Jamison heads for room 8
Peshida s eyes narrow ever so slightly at a group of elves sitting in the common room.
Lydia follows after Jamison, still wary and keeping a hand on her weapon.
[GM]: The room is small containing a long bench that will accomodate the party nicely
Phinnea helps the wench carry a pitcher, sipping it as she walks.
[GM]: Soon two pitchers of Ale arrive.
Peshida ignores their stares and turns from them, entering the room with the rest of the 
Jamison enters the room and removes his shield
Jamison hands the Wench a soverign.."Will this cover it?"
Phinnea sits down heavily with a large sigh.
Valek looks at the ale discuragingly, but remembers the brown colour of most of the water 
in this area and reluctantly pours himself a small glass drinking it slowly.
[GM]: Wench smiles and takes the coin, "Might nicely sir"
[Jamison]: See that we aren't disturbed...
[Lydia]: "Ah... excuse me..."
[GM]: Wench "Might I get anything else for you?"
Phinnea pours the ale for those that wish it.
[Peshida]: Sets himself down in a corner of the room, with a clear line of sight to the 
[Lydia]: "... might I trouble you for a bottle of wine, please?"
[Lydia]: "Anything dark will do..."
Jamison nods to the Wench....
Peshida takes a mug and lets Phinnea fill it.
[Valek]: <<A note about midevil times, the distilates are safer then the drinking water!>
[GM]: Wench "Fine, wine for drinking"
[GM]: Wench "Sipping wine, I mean?"
[Lydia]: "Yes... is there any other kind?"
Jamison chuckles...
Lydia looks a bit blankly at the serving wench.
[Phinnea]: "well, i've gulped some wine!"
[GM]: Wench "Domestic or Import?"
[Valek]: "Sometimes around our holodays we make a wine so strong that it's vapors can only 
be inhaled and not drunken directly."
[GM]: Wench looks at Valek "Where exactly are you from honey?"
[Lydia]: "... uhm... whatever. Your best, I suppose."
[Valek]: "Crhik'sel"
[GM]: Wench "We do carry a variety .... I would suggest a bottle of Elven frost ... the 
nectar of the gods."
[Lydia]: "Sure, alright..."
[GM]: Wench "Hmm... never heard of it.  Is that in the Jodiac desert?"
Peshida nods, remembering that particular vintage.
Lydia bites her lip lightly, hoping this won't cost her too much.
[GM]: Wench makes a note on a pad
(Valek whispered to GM): where is his home city anyway?
(Valek whispered to GM): I was thinking along the dragon mountains at the top of your map.
(Valek whispered to GM): of possibly at that node of mountains just above the orc teritory.
(GM whispered to Valek): In the underdark.  I think the entrance is in the East and could 
be near the desert.
(GM whispered to Valek): That node of mountains is the Dwarven Kingdom ... I think not.
Phinnea takes a deep draught of ale.
(Valek whispered to GM): then no, they don't live near the dwarves....
(GM whispered to Valek): Perhaps farther to the east ... possibly in the same mountians.
[Valek]: "No far from it..."
[Valek]: <not>
[GM]: Soon the wench returns with a bottle of wine.
Phinnea slinks back on the bench with a satisfied grin.
[Jamison]: After everyone has settled...
[GM]: ....and some glasses.
[Phinnea]: "so where from here?"
Lydia pours herself a glass of wine and holds it beneath her nose, scenting it first...
(Lydia whispered to GM): Distilling check...
[GM]: Wench looks at Jamison "That will be another sovereign for the wine, Sir"
[Jamison]: Well, we've made a good beginning today but we have much farther to go...
[Valek]: "To a bed?"
(To GM) DICE for Lydia: (14-3d6) : 3d6=3,6,1  = [ 4 ]
[Valek]: "But it is still early in the day...."
[Jamison]: I may be able to get some horses from the Duke, and I do need to present myself 
to him...
[Lydia]: "Uhm..."
(GM whispered to Lydia): What exactly are you looking for?
Lydia fumbles in her coin purse for a bunch of silver coins. "How much is a sovereign, 
(Lydia whispered to GM): Poison, first and foremost. Vintage and quality of the brew, 
(Lydia whispered to GM): Call her paranoid. =)
Jamison hands the Wench another soverign..."Thank you, "
[Jamison]: I've got this one Lydia..
Lydia blushes with embarassment at Jamison. "... I should be paying you back for that..."
Phinnea raises her glass to Jamison. "Thanks Jamison!"
(GM whispered to Lydia): No posion.  It is safe.  Vintage is perhaps 20 years ago.  Very 
good quality.  One more thing....
(Lydia whispered to GM): Yep...?
(GM whispered to Lydia): Give me anther roll
(To GM) DICE for Lydia: (14-3d6) : 3d6=6,3,2  = [ 3 ]
(Lydia whispered to GM): Alrighty...
[Jamison]: Now, does anyone know for sure how many days travel we have left?
(GM whispered to Lydia): It seems more sanitary that the wine back in Regia.
[Valek]: "No one can really know the future *for sure*."
[Jamison]: If everything were to go well, that is...
[GM]: Jackdaw "There be an old woman in Shevandale.  She know future!"
Peshida refills his mug, "This is far from any road I have travelled.  I must depend on 
all of you to chose the correct path."
[GM]: Jackdaw takes one of the glasses and plays with it.
Lydia sips at the wine, rolling it over her tongue and swallowing delicately. She smiles 
faintly. "Not bad at all. Very fine. ..... I'd kill to know how they brew this stuff. I 
can't even taste the distillate..."
Lydia licks her lips with curiosity, peering at the glass of wine intently. "I wonder..."
(Jamison whispered to GM): Does Jamison know how far...was it pershing...Is?
[GM]: The wench leaves and closes the door behind her, locking it.
Phinnea looks at the locked door, then at her glass of ale, and shrugs.
(GM whispered to Jamison): He has never travelled outside of the Kingdom, but it is beyond 
the mountain pass that is good days rid from Baxter to the East.
Lydia reaches into her pocket and pulls out the Egg again. Having little to contribute to 
the discuss at this point in time, she concentrates on unlocking the oblong orb's secrets.
[Peshida]: ...
[Phinnea]: "I have no clue how far we have left to travel."
[Jamison]: Well, Phinny...will you be able to get the provisions we will need for our 
[GM]: Anne "I have heard of this Pershing.  Not a nice place."
Phinnea nods her head vigorously. "That will be the easy part."
[GM]: Anne "Outside civilization" she takes a long drink of Ale.
[Jamison]: I do know it is past the mountains to the east.. but that is the extent of my 
[Phinnea]: "May want to tell me what to get...if its outside the ordinary stuff od food 
and drink."
[Valek]: "I may be benificial for the more obvious of you to travel incognito." **He 
gestures to Anne, and Phinnea both who everyone seems to guess there professions just by 
[Jamison]: Depends on if any of the others need something special...
[Phinnea]: "what do I care of that?"
Lydia shrugs. "I still say it sounds like a group of amateurs runs the city. Back home, 
thieves ran everything... didn't matter if they were real thieves, or Hunters, or 
alchemists, or merchants, they were ALL thieves..."
[Phinnea]: "Its the same here, Lydia..."
[GM]: Anne "Yes, unfortunately"
[Lydia]: "Well, these guys sure aren't shy about admitting it. The lot in Leibros were..."
Lydia shrugs, taking a long sip of her wine.
[Valek]: "They haven't admitted it persay, it just happens that we were aware of there 
[lurker]: ?
[Lydia]: "... as for what I might need... plenty. Phinnea would likely be able to guess 
the most what I need. Of course, we haven't got time for me to do anything I'd like to..."
[GM]: Anne "So, Jamison what would you suggest that we will need for our journey?"
Lydia grimaces, and shrugs. "But that's life. I can still shoot things, even if I can't 
do much else at the moment."
[Jamison]: Well, I will let you all discuss your needs... I need to visit with the 
Duke.... Anne, could I ask you to join me?
[Valek]: "I have no needs."
[Jamison]: We may be able to get more information from him...
[GM]: Anne "Yes, I would be honored.  I also have some business in the city...."
[Jamison]: Paper and pen, Valek?
[GM]: Anne "The horse that I am using is borrowed from the Church.  I would like to return 
it before I leave the Kingdom"
[Valek]: "......  Though if my funds will allow it, I'd like to purchase a small notebook 
and a pen, and if there is still money, a few scrolls...."
Phinnea nods, listening to the list of items.
[Jamison]: Can you help with that too, Phinny?
[GM]: Jackdaw "Silver Wizard say we need be there in fortnight.  Why rush?  We frolic for 
[Phinnea]: "I dont see why not."
lurker is chased by a angry dragon
[GM]: Jackdaw looks around smiling "This look like nice place to frolic"
[Jamison]: We don't know what trials and tribulations we may run into JD... every moment 
may count...
Lydia looks at the faun idly. "My idea of 'fun' would entail being cooped up in a room for 
a week. I don't think you want to stick around here that long."
[Phinnea]: "I think we should leave in the morning."
[Jamison]: Let us get to the castle before it get's to late, Anne...
[GM]: Jackdaw "Me help make you not lonely anymore" he smiles
[Jamison]: Phinny....here is the key to this room....
[GM]: Anne "Very well.  I will follow you"
Jamison tosses Phinny the key
Lydia raises an eyebrow at Jackdaw. "I never said I'd be lonely, furry one."
[Phinnea]: "Jamison, can you get us horses?"
[Jamison]: Let's see what can be arrange ..we shall return soon...
[ Epiphanis joined the game ]
[GM]: Jackdaw "Jamison want me come too?"
Phinnea slips the key inside her clothes and gulps down the rest of her ale.
Jamison heads for the door, and then remembers that Phinny needs to unlock it first
Phinnea stands and unlocks the door.
[GM]: The door can easily be unlocked from inside without a key
[Jamison]: Sure JD.... why not..
[Jamison]: let's go..
[GM]: Jackdaw hops up, "There be women in castle?"
(Epiphanis whispered to GM): (Lurking quietly if allowed)
Jamison leaves the room...
(GM whispered to Epiphanis): You are welcome
Lydia holds her head in her hands. "Philosophers preserve me... he can't think of anything 
besides that..."
[GM]: Anne and jackdaw follows
Phinnea follows them out. "W dont need the key any more do we?"
[Phinnea]: "Meet here?"
[Dragon  Bait]: (another anne? LOL)
[Jamison]: Yes..
[Dragon  Bait]: (LOL like name ;)
Peshida asks of them, "What time shall you be meeting us here?"
[GM]: ((  : )   ))
(Jamison whispered to GM): How far do you want to go tonight, Rub?
[Jamison]: How about dusk..
[GM]: Jamison, Anne and Jackdaw make their way to the Duke's Castle.
Phinnea agrees, "dusk it is then."
Lydia pours herself another glass of wine.
(GM whispered to Jamison): How far do you want to go??
Peshida nods as well.
[Phinnea]: "anyone want to shop with me, or will you wait here?"
[Lydia]: "In the meantime... Phinnea, I might as well go with you. I can save the Egg for 
(Jamison whispered to GM): Well, it's almost 10.... shall we let them shop and I will do 
the Duke next week?
Phinnea nods. "Peshida? Valek?"
Lydia pulls herself to her feet, downing the second glass in a single shot... and wobbling 
slightly. "Besides... it might get my mind off some things."
[Valek]: "I will acompany you if you do not mind..."
(GM whispered to Jamison): sure
Peshida looks up from his ale, "Waiting here will not speed us any faster towards our goal 
... I will accompany you."
[Phinnea]: "the more the merrier."
[Phinnea]: "Let us be off then."
Valek rises, obviously adversely effected even by the small ammount of ale he consumed, 
though not drunk persay.
Lydia looks between the three of them... and sighs slightly. ^^;
[Lydia]: "Phinnea, I've been meaning to ask you..."
[Phinnea]: "yes?
[Lydia]: "You're... not entirely human, are you?"
Phinnea laughs loudly. "Me?"
[Lydia]: "Well, yes, you."
Lydia blinks slightly at Phin's outburst.
[GM]: As the party minus Jamison, Anne, and Jackdaw get up and begin to leave a group of 
Elves approach them.
Peshida grabs his staff and follows the others at a slight distance, keeping mostly to 
Peshida looks over the approaching elves ...
[Phinnea]: "You are the observant one, I see."
Phinnea turns to address the approaching crowd of elves with distrust.
Lydia frowns. "Look, where I come from, there's not much other than huma-..."
Valek bows slighly to the elves.
Peshida keeps walking, not acknowledgeing the elves.
[GM]: They have to talk loudly to be heard over the crowd.  They point towards Peshida, 
"Are you with him?"
Lydia notes the reactions of her compatriots and turns towards the elves... then backs 
away, slightly.
[GM]: They look disgusted
[GM]: They leave shaking their heads, steering clear of Peshida.
Peshida stares coldly back at them.
[Phinnea]: "Ignor them, Valek. They are rude elves, is all."
[GM]: One of them spits as he makes his exit.
Lydia chooses not to answer on the grounds that the answer may serve to shackle herself. ^^;
Phinnea looks at Peshida. "What was that all about?"
Peshida shrugs off the whole encounter as if this has happened so many times as to become 
[Phinnea]: "Is it that mark on your head?"
[Peshida]: Not directly ....
[Phinnea]: "what gave you the mark?"
[Valek]: "It is allwase in ones best interests to be civil."
Valek follows the group.
Phinnea leaves the inn, talking to Peshida as she goes.
Peshida answers Phinnea ...
Lydia hangs back glumly. She doesn't look very happy with everything that's been going on, 
and she seems uncomfortable with all the nonhumans around her.
[Peshida]: I was born with the mark ... as were all of my family's line.
Phinnea nods. "I see..."
[GM]: What are the parties plans?
[Peshida]: As to the others, I will not say ... the problem is my own.
Valek wants to buy a notebook and a pen, and if he still has money buy a scroll of ferment 
and water to wine.
Phinnea heads towards the merchant district.
[Lydia]: (Follow Phinnea on her errands. See just how expensive alchemical supplies are 
going to be. Maybe purchase a few if her resources allow.)
Peshida did not want to stay trapped in the confining tavern.
[GM]: (( Fine ))
Peshida has no money to spend, but wants to learn more of the city.
[Phinnea]: "we need to buy supplies for travelling through the mountains. 
[GM]: Jamison, Anne, and Jackdaw arrive at the Duke's castle.  The other members of the 
party stroll through the merchant district as the time is just after 3pm. I think a lot of
this can be handled via E-mail (purchases, etc.) and at this point we shall END SESSION