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[Tue Nov 07 19:00:08 CST 2000]
[GM]: Setting: The party arrives in Baxter. Jamison goes to
announce himself to the Duke; Anne and Jackdaw follow. The rest of the party go out into
the city of Baxter to browse the shops and see what the city has to offer. They all agree
to meet back at the Hungry Lion at dusk. It is the 3rd of Methorah otherwise known as Dark
Tuesday in the Summer of 1133p as we BEGIN SESSION 58.
[GM]: It is now 6pm. Roughly 3 hours before sunset.
[Peshida]: Hello JD!
[GM]: Who went shoping with Phinny and Valek?
Lydia did.
Peshida went along for a walk.
[GM]: You all find the merchant district a hustle and bustle of activity.
Peshida was trying to distance himself from the group of elves at the inn.
[ «Jack» left the game ]
[Lydia]: (Whoops.)
[GM]: You especially find a high degree or bartering and dealing going on on the square near
the castle.
Valek looks somewhat intimidated by this gross display of capitalisim....
Lydia cranes her neck to get a good look at the wheeling and dealing. "Hmm... it's pretty quiet
here. Compared to the Leibros market, I mean..."
[Lydia]: "... of course, in Leibros you have to be a lot more careful with your money, too..."
Peshida watches the bartering with little interest.
Lydia checks her hip pouches for presence (or lack thereof).
[GM]: Valek had no trouble finding a small notebook that he was looking for.
[Valek]: "I don't understand this.... Though I've been educated in the concept of 'trade' and
'currency'.... Where I come from, everyone is entitled to there fair share, and no more...."
Lydia raises an eyebrow at the Fell sorceror. "Fair share? And who, pray tell, determines that?"
(GM whispered to Valek): Phinny finds one for you for 10 crowns that you think will work nicely
Lydia keeps an eye out for an apothecary, just in case she can find reagents for an elixi
[Lydia]: (elixir)
(GM whispered to Valek): And the ink is only 2 crowns per small vial.
(Valek whispered to GM): crowns are gold right <we start the game with 1000 crowns?>
[GM]: The group moves on and finds a mage selling scrolls
(GM whispered to Valek): No crowns are silver.
[Valek]: "Well it's determined by the high counsil."
(GM whispered to Valek): 20 crowns = 1 sovereign (which is gold)
Lydia pokes through a few of the scrolls, but doesn't find anything of real interest... or
anything she can comprehend, for that matter.
[Valek]: "If there's any excess once everyone has claimed there part, then we store it for
when times are less fruitful."
[GM]: The mage has a shop which is somewhat of a relief from the hustle and bustle of the
crowds. He has two young helpers and a good variety of scrolls.
[Lydia]: "Is this 'high council' a fair arbitor? Are you sure of that?"
[GM]: Valek finds some that interest him
Peshida walks along quietly, his cloak pulled close around him and his staff in hand.
[GM]: Peshida does occasionally get a few askance glaces. Mainly from Elves that you pass..
and there are more here than in the other cities.
[Valek]: "The high counsil is selected every year. I've held the position more then once."
[Lydia]: "Hmm. I'm impressed, then...
Peshida simply stares back at the elves who notice his presence.
Valek flips through the scrolls and points out the ones he wants to Phinella
(Valek whispered to GM): I can't remember which scrolls I wanted....
(GM whispered to Valek): He does find a scroll of ferment for $25 and water to wine for $50
(Valek whispered to GM): ok. that's excelent.
Lydia frowns at one of the scrolls curiously. "Back home, people fought for as much power as
they could attain. Your value to society was directly attributable to your wealth and power...
merchants, Hunters, and alchemists like me were always better off than the peasantry or, forbid,
the street people..."
Valek picks up a few of the scroll and delicatly places them in the notebook
(GM whispered to Valek): one scroll of each? the tablet and one vial of ink? that comes to $87
(Valek whispered to GM): ok thanks. that's exactly what I wanted to know.
[GM]: You soon move on, back to the square
[GM]: After a search of the area you find a shop just to the south of the square.
Lydia brightens. "Ah! Here we go..."
[Valek]: "Humm, where I am from a person's status is the same as everyone elses no one is
considered superior, but those of incredibal skill will gain prestige of a sort."
[Valek]: "Your ways seem, very violent."
[GM]: Phinny "This be da shop of de Alchemist Guild. You wanna buy good supplies, Lydia?"
Lydia looks back at Valek. "My WORLD is violent, Valek. I'll tell you more, but... later. YES!,
Phinny, I'd love to buy some..."
Lydia hurries inside the shop to poke around. "Hm..."
[GM]: Phinny leads the party inside.
Peshida looks around the interior of the shop.
[Lydia]: "... I say, quite a different selection than I'm used to... this is going to be
[GM]: Inside are sold books and various raw ingredients as well as a wide variety of elixers.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): can JD wander down to the market too?
Lydia flips through a few of the books, and checks the ingredients for quality. She also pays
attention to the prices being asked for the elixirs... if she intends to sell any, that will
be quite important.
[GM]: A man greets Phinnea at the door and they exchange a handshake. Soon Lydia is show a
selection of raw ingredients.
Valek follows along, ocassionally making note of the herbs and regnants made avalibal, or
flipping through a few pages of a book, but never being really obvious about it, and never
acting like he has more then passing knoledge of alchemy.
Lydia rubs her hands together gleefully...
[Lydia]: :: Now to see if my alchemical knowledge still holds up in this world... ::
[GM]: Another worker approaches Peshida, "Care for any healing exilers while you are here?"
(Peshida whispered to GM): Spellcasting in Methoria does not require ingredients does it?
[Peshida]: I may be interested in your wares. What do you have?
Lydia checks her pockets for her silver, and is dismayed to learn that her resources are...
rather slim. With a sigh, she limits herself to reagents for a single Healing Tonic. :: Best
check to see if this works before I waste a lot of money... ::
(GM whispered to Peshida): I usually dont worry about them. Assume that you have them unless
I tell you otherwise. Sometimes on the more powerful spells I will require you to find a
particular ingredient.
[GM]: The man smiles at Peshida, "Exilers and Salves to heal and provide energy are the most
(Peshida whispered to GM): I would stock up if Peshida needed any ... but I will assume he has
enough for now.
[Lydia]: Having finished with those, Lydia then peruses their book selection to see if there's
a "bargain bin" with some cheap textbooks...
[Peshida]: Your healing ungruents may prove usefull.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, Jackdaw can browse the merchant district. I am just about to
get to your group.
[GM]: The man smiles, ".. and if you wish something more unusual, then I would be happy to try
and prepare something"
[GM]: While the party browses the merchant district, Jamison, Anne, and Jackdaw visit the
Duke's castle.
[Peshida]: My needs are simple sir. The healing salves will be enough.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I had figured you had uus on ice last time since we wern't here
[GM]: The Duke welcomes Jamison with an embrace, "I have been hearing good things about you."
Anne stands nearby, watching Jamison and the Duke
[GM]: The man speaks to Peshida, "Very well. Let me tell you what we have"
[GM]: The Duke and Jamison talk for awhile. He offers Jamison the use of the castle, but to
Anne's suprise Jamison refuses.
[Anne]: ooc - hmmmm?
[GM]: Jamison does request the use of some of the Duke's horses and the Duke responds,
"Absolutely! I will provide you with fine mounts"
(Peshida whispered to GM): Merchant defaults to IQ-4 (Ithink) so Peshida's default is 9.
(Nobility usually has little need to haggle)
(GM whispered to Peshida): Yes, go ahead and roll merchant
(To GM) DICE for Peshida: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,3 = [ 11 ]
Jackdaw looks around the audience chamber
[Jackdaw]: winking at any pretty ladies
(Peshida whispered to GM): And it shows in Peshida's lack of tact.
[Anne]: Anne whispers to Jamison "Why are we turning down the use of the castle?"
[GM]: There are a few pretty ladies that wink back at Jackdaw
Jackdaw preens
[GM]: Soon the meeting with the Duke is over and Jamison turns to leave.
[Anne]: "You seem uneasy Jamison - is there anything wrong?"
[GM]: Jamison speaks as you leave the castle, "The horses will be ready in the morning if we
need them. I am sure that the Duke will provide exceptional mounts."
[GM]: Jamison sighs, "I am reminded of difficult times being here"
[Anne]: "Oh.. I'm sorry. I hope I didn't bring up any bad memories." Anne smiles. "I'm sure
the horses will be great, if you say so. The Duke must be a good friend?"
[GM]: The three leave the castle and go to the Baxter Cathedral
[GM]: Anne roll vision
[GM]: Jackdaw you too
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,5 = [ 15 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,3 = [ 11 ]
[Anne]: fail by 1
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=3,2,6 = [ 4 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 4
(GM whispered to Anne): I was assuming the you would go to the Baxter Cathedral to return the
horse that you borrowed from the Church. What do you think? or maybe some other business?
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,5 = [ 12 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): I think that's a good idea...
(GM whispered to Anne): The party arrives at the Baxter Cathedral. The center of the Church of
Ral in this Duchy
[GM]: The party arrives at the Baxter Cathedral. The center of the Church of Ral in this Duchy
[Anne]: "I won't be long - I just have to return my Horse..."
[Peshida]: ...
[GM]: The man speaks to Peshida, "I can sell you an ungent of Chiron for 50 crowns. It will
heal damage that you take or fatigue. I can also sell you a potion of Aesulapius which will
cure disease for 200 crowns."
[Anne]: Anne ties her horse and heads inside, to ask about getting her horse returned to
(Lydia whispered to GM): Is a crown silver?
[GM]: ((Aesculapius))
(Lydia whispered to GM): Just how much do the reagents cost, if the final product sells for
(Peshida whispered to GM): and crowns areworth how much?
[GM]: One crown = $1 which is 1 silver piece
(GM whispered to Lydia): I am using the prices for GURPS Magic
(GM whispered to Lydia): Sorry with modifications.
(GM whispered to Lydia): You can assume that materials cost 1/2 of the selling price.
(Lydia whispered to GM): Hmm. Okay, so just 25 Crowns, then...
(Lydia whispered to GM): Are there are good, relatively cheap books on alchemy available in
the shop
(GM whispered to Lydia): Oops. Just a second. I made a mistake.
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne doesn't have any serious business at the church now, except
returning her horse. She informs them that she is compelled to leave the kingdom for a while
(on her "off time" right?) and that she is heading to the city of Pershing. If they push for
info, she tells them Veridon's warning/prophecy in detail
(Lydia whispered to GM): ?
Peshida nods, and pulls out two elven golds and two elven silvers and hands them to the man.
"One shall be enough for today."
[GM]: Anne returns her horse and the three of them set out for the market area?
(Anne whispered to GM): Otherwise, I'll finish with business and rejoin the group as soon as
JD, Jamison and I can
[Anne]: -ooc- yes
[Jackdaw]: shopped!
(Peshida whispered to GM): That is $50 I believe.
[Anne]: Did you want to buy something Jackdaw? How about you Jamison?"
[Jackdaw]: "my interest in warm blanket, it getted cold soon"
Valek carfully examins a few regnants, very carfully before putting them back and concieding
that there too expensive to buy...
[GM]: Actually, the prices that I gave you for the exiler is a remarkable price. (I made a
mistake) I will assume that through Phinnea's Merhcant status and Alchemist connections that
she got you an excellent deal. At cost!!
Lydia keeps looking at the books, hoping that the few reagents she could afford will be put
to good use...
[Lydia]: (Does that apply to the reagents too? <hopeful>)
[GM]: Give me an IQ roll Lydia
(To GM) DICE for Lydia: (14-3d6) : 3d6=3,2,1 = [ 8 ]
(Lydia whispered to GM): Made it for sure...
[GM]: Jamison "I wouldn't mind browsing for a good deal in the market!" he smiles
[GM]: Lydia realizes the excellent price that is being offered.
[Anne]: "Great - maybe we'll find something truly extraordinary!"
Peshida finishes his bargaining and places the ungent safely in his pouch.
[GM]: Anne and Jackdaw another vision roll
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,6 = [ 12 ]
[Anne]: made it by 2
Peshida looks around and sees the others busy examining the wares, so he steps outside of the
shop to wait for them.
(Lydia whispered to GM): :raises an eyebrow at the deal, and steps up to the alchemist. "Say...
these elixirs are going pretty cheap. Putting a sale on? How much for, say, a primer on alchemy?
My... er... my cousin Leo is getting into alchemy, and I want to send him some instruction..."
Lydia raises an eyebrow at the deal, and steps up to the alchemist. "Say... these elixirs are
going pretty cheap. Putting a sale on? How much for, say, a primer on alchemy? My... er... my
cousin Leo is getting into alchemy, and I want to send him some instruction..."
(Lydia whispered to GM): whoops, sorry 'bout that. ^^;;;
[GM]: Valek scans the Alchemical Tomes with something almost resemling greed.
[GM]: The first man whispers to Phinny and then speaks to Lydia, "Yes, I could make you a deal.
You have no desire to join the guild I suppose?" he chuckles.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Jackdaw, a vision roll
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=3,5,5 = [ 2 ]
[Lydia]: "Guild? You actually have a Guild in thi-... er... ah..."
[Jackdaw]: made by 2
Lydia winces and smiles nervously. "... how much does it cost?"
[GM]: the man "Why of course we do ... we are living in civilized times you know" laughing
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,6 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: You browse the market area, but see no sign of the party
[Jackdaw]: My looked for warm blanket
[Anne]: (Anne checks her purse to ensure her money is still with her)
[Anne]: "I'm sure we can find you a blanket JD..." (Anne helps look)
Peshida looks around the marketplace with a barely suppressed expression of disgust on his
face. Bored, he leans back against hte building both hands on his staff.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): one bespelled with the Warmth spel?
[GM]: The three members find their way to an Enchanter
Lydia nervously asks about the Guild... :: Back home, the Guild was more than just a group...
it was the true power in Leibros, probably throughout Regia. I don't know if I can trust this
one... but I should try, at least... ::
(Lydia whispered to GM): Incidentally, do you object to my "thinking out loud"?
[Anne]: Anne looks around Baxter as they walk - it seems to be a much bigger city than
Kissel... quite interesting!)
[GM]: The man to Lydia "I do not wish to give away any guild secrets. But (he reaches for a
tome near where Valek is browsing) I can sell you a book on the basics for let's say ...
100 crowns"
Lydia winces. "... too much... a pity..."
[GM]: It is not really bigger than Kissle in area, but it seems busier and to contain more
Lydia sighs. "How difficult is it to get into this Guild?"
[GM]: Phinny "Dat be a gut price" smiling at the man
[GM]: The man "Not really that difficult. Have you studied at the Colleges?" he inquires
Lydia would agree with Phinny, but unfortunately she's slim on funds at the moment.
[Lydia]: "... er... ah..."
Lydia looks helplessly at Phinnea.
[Lydia]: "... I'm self-taught?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Blanket enchanted with the Warmt spell?
[GM]: The man considers Lydia, "Hmm... the you would have to pass a test."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if available, 200 energy to enchant
[Lydia]: "Test, hmm? What sort of test?"
[Anne]: (Anne begins to ask around, to see if people have seen her other travelling
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): not sure if I still have enough byt he's interested
[Lydia]: "And more importantly, what's the benefit of joining this Guild in the first place?"
[Valek]: <Well you know the standard test: The rip your heart out of your chest and if you can
put it back and heal yourself before you die, you pass.>
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You do find exactly what you want, with a price tag of $1750 on it.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): good my haveded it
[GM]: The man "A test of general knowledge. Have you obtained your citizenship?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): JD will pay with 18 gryphon notes
[Lydia]: (<LOL at Valek>)
[GM]: Jackdaw finds a blanket with a pricetag of $1750 on it. It is blue and fuzzy.
[Lydia]: "..... citizenship...?"
Jackdaw snuggles into the blanket
[Jackdaw]: "my likeded!"
[GM]: The man studies Lydia, "How old are you exactly?"
[Anne]: ooc - now THAT's a blanket!
Lydia looks rather distressed. :: Just LIVING in this world is turning out to be incredible
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Will he haggle over the price?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw? of course not
[GM]: The mage-merchant "The good faun. It can be yours for a mere price of 1750 crowns!"
Lydia looks at the man. "Gee, that's a personal question to ask a lady... but... if you must
know, twenty-three winters."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc part of his naivete` disadvantage
Jackdaw pulls out 18 gryphon notes to make pay with
[GM]: The man to Lydia, "The surely you have obtained your citizenship by now? You are from
[Valek]: <better be one great blanket at that price....>
[Lydia]: "......."
[GM]: Jackdaw gets two sovereign and ten crowns in change.
[Peshida]: ((the salesman better give yo a big kiss with that!))
Lydia looks helplessly at Phinnea.
[GM]: The mage-merchant "Thank you good sir faun, and may you always be warm in the snow!" he
[Jackdaw]: "my hoped so"
Valek replaces his book and walks up to Lydia tuggin on her sleave so that her head comes level
with his so that he can wisper into her ear.
[GM]: Phinny gulps "Well, Lydia we should be going now. I can tell you about the guild of
Alchemy at a latter time"
Lydia leans down, albeit reluctantly, to listen to what Valek has to say.
[Lydia]: "... er... yeah..."
Lydia retreats quietly, but adds... "Elven highlands... that was it... I studied there...
gotta go... bye!"
(GM whispered to Lydia): She bought the ingredients for a healing potion?
Valek realeases Lydia's sleave and follows the outhers outside.
(Lydia whispered to GM): Yes, and paid. ^^;
(GM whispered to Lydia): We said $25 right?
(Lydia whispered to GM): I hope, anyways.
(Lydia whispered to GM): Yep...
[GM]: Phinny moves to the door, motioning for the others to join her.
Peshida eases himself up at their approach. "Find everything you were looking for?" He asks.
[GM]: The time is now 7pm and the sun is very low in the sky
[Lydia]: "... yes, and a LOT more than I bargained for..."
[GM]: Let's see I need a vision roll from Peshida (two of them) and one each from Lydia and
[Peshida]: That is usually the way of it.
Lydia waits until they're a good distance away before collapsing against a wall. "Blast, blast,
blast, blast, BLAST!... this is NOT going well. I can't even walk into an Alchemist's shop any
(GM whispered to Peshida): You were waiting outside right?
(To GM) DICE for Lydia: (14-3d6) : 3d6=6,3,2 = [ 3 ]
(To GM) DICE for Peshida: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,5 = [ 9 ]
(To GM) DICE for Peshida: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,4 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,1 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,2 = [ 6 ]
(Peshida whispered to GM): Yes
Jackdaw will look around for anyone begging
Valek stands before Lydia "Sorry I was so forceful, I just wanted to make sure that no one
gathered onto your secret...."
(GM whispered to Peshida): You notice Jackdaw coming out of a shop down the street just as
the others are coming out of the Alchemist Guild.
Valek fixes his now dully glowing eyes upon Lydia "People fear what they do not comprihend."
(Peshida whispered to GM): made all of them - (IQ 13).
[GM]: Phinny, "It not a good idea to tell them that you are a foreigner. I'm not sure how they
react to that"
(Peshida whispered to GM): How close ?
[Lydia]: "I know that..."
(GM whispered to Peshida): Two blocks away
(GM whispered to Peshida): They dont appear to see you or the others
Lydia looks mournfully at Phinnea and Valek. "But... it looks I'm not going to be accepted
here. Ever. I have to become a Citizen just to be a real person here? That means answering a
lot of bad questions..."
[Valek]: "I did not mean to imply you did not."
Peshida walks away briskly, calling back over his shouolder. "I'll be right back!"
[GM]: Phinny "Vell you still can be in guild. It just take some work!"
Lydia shakes her head. "I thought for a moment I could survive here. Now it's more important
than ever that I go home... whether I want to or not. If the truth gets out about me around
here... I don't want to think of what will happen to me..."
[GM]: Peshida disappears down the street
Peshida heads across the street.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,4,6 = [ 4 ]
[Valek]: "You could allwase live among my people, we don't care much about another's past."
(Peshida whispered to GM): He heads for the other group.
[Valek]: "We had best return to the inn now."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): to find a begger
[GM]: Jackdaw is coming out of the shop with a nice cozy blue blankee around him. Anne and
Jamison follow.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will keep looking
[GM]: Jamison "Now, let me get this striaght. You paid how much for that blanket??"
Lydia just LOOKS at Valek for a moment... "... no offense, Valek, but... I don't think it would
work. It's hard to explain..."
Valek walks along, his arms behind his back.
[GM]: Peshida approaches Anne, Jackdaw, and Jamison
[Jackdaw]: "but it WARM!"
[Lydia]: "... let's just say I'm not used to hanging around people who aren't human. Back
home... everything that wasn't 'human' was considered Chimaera, and a monster..."
Peshida calls out to the others in gretting, "Hello again!"
Lydia follows Valek forlornly, and barely looks up at Anne, Jackdaw, and Jamison.
[Jackdaw]: "sound interesting place"
[Valek]: "Perhaps, but you are the first to say it, you are not home."
[GM]: Phinny "It really not matter much here either. But it take some work!" she pulls out
her papers, "You gotta have papers to do things"
[Peshida]: I see you have done some shopping he says staring disaprovingly at the bright blue
[GM]: Jamison nods to Peshida, "Greetings."
[Anne]: "Hiya... How did it go?"
[Lydia]: "... old habits die hard..."
[Peshida]: "Did you make the arrangements?"
[Jackdaw]: "it keeped my warm when not haveded friend to cuddle with"
[Jackdaw]: "it pretty too"
[GM]: Jamison "Yes, we will have horses. We only need buy supplies now"
Peshida cracks a slight grin at Jackdaw.
[Peshida]: "Good. I am ready to be rid of this town. When do we leave?"
[Anne]: "I suppose we'll need a few weeks of food and water each?"
[Valek]: "Not until tomorow I hope, I had made plans to do some studying."
[Lydia]: "Me too...
[Jackdaw]: 'where we go'ed that we not finded what we needed?"
Lydia feels for the Egg in her bag. "I need to see what this does..."
[GM]: Jamison "Well, we could leave at dawn. But I need to shop for the supplies. If you will
excuse me, I can go secure them now?"
Peshida nods in sgreement.
[GM]: Jamison nods to Anne, "It would be wise"
Valek bows "My many thanks to you."
[Anne]: "What is that Lydia?"
[Anne]: "okay Jamison - I'll se you later - unles you'd like some company?"
[Lydia]: "That...? Oh. Right. On the way here, a... a little demon, or something, gave this to
me. Supposedly, it was my wish..."
Lydia shrugs. "I have to figure out what it does..."
[GM]: I will assume that the two parties made their way to each other by now. You are all
standing in the merhcant district about 1/2 hour before sunset. Oddly enough, activity here
doesn't seem to have slowed down"
[Anne]: "A DEMON?!?!?"
Anne looks shocked and horrified!
[GM]: Jamison, "I will meet you at the Hungry Lion in about an hour, okay?"
[Jackdaw]: "and my MISSED it!"
Valek intrecets "It was mearly an imp."
[Lydia]: "Well, I don't know... it was small and imp-like and... how'm I supposed to know what
you have in this world?!"
[Jackdaw]: "can you maked it comed back so my can meeted?"
(GM whispered to Anne): An Imp is still considered a demon by the Church. A small prankster.
Valek bows at Jamison again "Very well, my thanks again."
Lydia is hardly surprised by the busy market...
[GM]: Jamison starts to leave, "I think it would be quicker to get the supplies alone. Do we
all agree. One week's worth of food and water? Anything else?"
[Anne]: "Hrmm... Imps are pranksters - I would beware whatever gifts they give."
[Jackdaw]: "you needed any monies?"
[GM]: Jamison "I will settle up with you later." he smiles
[Anne]: "I can't think of anything... perhaps some food for the horses if the forage is poor?"
Lydia sighs at Anne, and resists the urge to explain why she could care less about "bewaring
gifts" right now...
[Lydia]: :: As though I'm going to be of any use to anyone if my alchemy won't work. ::
[Anne]: "How did this imp come to owe you a gift Lydia?"
Valek starts heading back to the inn, hoping the rest of the party follows.
[Jackdaw]: "maybe it just worked different? but still could bee'd good"
[GM]: As you pass the intersection of Main Street (Old Mage's Web) and Shevandale Ave, you
notice signs directing you to different parts of Baxter
Jackdaw says trying to comfort Lydia
[GM]: Valek notices something interesting to him, "Baxter Library" the sign points south.
[Lydia]: (Erk. ^^; Maybe I shouldn't think out loud... I'm going to confuse people...)
[Lydia]: (The stuff I put in :: ... :: was thought, not said. ^^;)
[GM]: ((Actually, I like it!))
[Jackdaw]: ooc oops
[Anne]: :: I like it too::
[Valek]: ((I prefer the ooOO {<Thought>}notation for thought))
[GM]: ((Just have to get used to it, I suppose))
[Lydia]: (S'okay. As long as you all don't mind it, just to clarify then... if it's in
:: ... ::, she thought it, rather than said it. ^^)
[Jackdaw]: ((I'll try to remember that))
[Jackdaw]: ((what JD thinks hooks directly to his mouth))
Lydia looks to Anne. "The short version is, I woke up, found this potion, thought it'd be
useful, opened it, and out popped the imp, which offered me a wish."
Valek seems torn unable to choose which way to go now...
[GM]: Which way does the party go?
Lydia shrugs. "It took me a while to figure out what to ask for, since it couldn't send me
[Lydia]: (<grins> I can tell, Jackdaw... =))
[Lydia]: p
[GM]: Jamison heads East at a brisk pace
[Anne]: "Wow... How odd. Perhaps its because you are a stranger to Methoria?"
Lydia looks at the signs. "Should we head back to the inn, or find something interesting to
distract outselves with?"
[Lydia]: (ACK! That wasn't intended...)
[Anne]: I think with the late hour, we should find lodging."
[Jackdaw]: "we frollic?"
[Jackdaw]: "it not late ... yet"
Lydia raises an eyebrow at Anne. "Which, my being able to be sent home, or my finding the imp?
And yes, I agree... I want to look at this Egg..."
Valek 's ears flick "I'll return to the inn in one hours time, or sooner if the library
Lydia just raises an eyebrow at Jackdaw, and looks to Anne. "... is he ALWAYS this... er...
'eager to please'?"
Lydia blushes at the reference.
[GM]: Valek heads south
Valek walks along twoards the library.
[Anne]: "Alright Valek... Enjoy the books! Hehe... Yes - he is quite an adventuresome man -
he kept the lonely ladies in Shevendale quite busy I recall..."
Peshida turns, and heads off, looking at the signs as he passes.
[GM]: The rest of the party goes West to the Hungry Lion (Inn)?
[Lydia]: "Oh my."
[Jackdaw]: "maybe frollic at inn?"
Lydia does, indeed, return to the Hungry Lion.
[Anne]: "Lydia, I have some spells that may inform you about your egg, if you want me to cast
[Jackdaw]: "my try to get good frollic beginned"
[Anne]: ((Anne heads to the Hungry Lion))
(Peshida whispered to GM): He heads for the Hungry Lion unless a sign catches his eye.
Lydia also takes a few steps away from Jackdaw and closer to Anne. "Er... I suppose. I don't
really understand magic, though, so I don't see how you can just wave your fingers and know
the answer..."
Anne laughs at JD's antics - the last year has been a long one, and its good to be back amongst
friends and new folk!
(GM whispered to Peshida): I cant think of anything that would catch his eye.
[GM]: Everyone but Jamison and Valek makes it back to the Hungry Lion.
[Anne]: "I'm not - I am beseeching my God to fill me with knowledge... It is my skill at prayer
and my strength of faith which determines if I learn anything."
(Peshida whispered to GM): Then he makes his way back to the inn. Taking an indirect route and
staying in the shadows as much as possible without being suspicious.
[Lydia]: "... God?"
[GM]: It appears more crowded their than before. There is an Air of Jollility there.
Lydia looks blankly at Anne. "Forgive me for my ignorance, but..."
Jackdaw smiles, takes up his sirinx and joins in
[Anne]: "Ral, who ascended bodily into Rhisspen... Would you like to hear the legend of Ral?"
Jackdaw thinks he can liven things up even more
[Lydia]: "I suppose so. We should wait until we get into that room, though..."
[GM]: ((Making a convert would sure get Anne some major CPs!!! LoL))
[Anne]: "Alright... we need to order dinner soon anyway. Would you like an ale? I'm buying -
that goes for Peshida too, if he shows up."
[GM]: A wench approaches the party "Can I get you a drinking room?"
[Lydia]: (Don't bet on it. =P Regians have a long history of atheism, and trying to overcome
that isn't going to be easy... =))
[Lydia]: "Yes, but wine would be preferable..."
[GM]: (( I was just joking Lydia ))
Lydia lets Anne handle the server...
[Lydia]: (I know. =) But it's not entirely far-fetched...)
Peshida walks in the door on the heels of Anne's words, his cloak pulled up tightly around him.
[Anne]: "Yes, Miss - and a pitcher of fine wine, a pitcher of ale... food for 8 - the good
stuff, a mix of meat and vegetables... The works."
[Anne]: If you can have the food follow the drinks by about 30 minutes that would be great...
[Peshida]: A mug of ale would be most appreciated Anne.
[GM]: Wench "Very well!" She reaches into her bosom and produces a key which she hands to Anne
[GM]: The Wench leaves
[Anne]: "By all means, then - A round of Ales for my firends, too - and thankyou for the key!"
[Valek]: <Eww don't touch that, probabally covered in sweat.>
[Anne]: (Anne pockets the key)
Lydia has the extreme grace with which to blush. "... that's one thing I'll never quite get
used to..."
(GM whispered to Anne): The key has number 7 on it, and is very warm
Jackdaw follows the wnech
(Anne whispered to GM): ugh!
[ ~jetfire joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: <<Groucho eyebrow twitch>>
[Anne]: Anne heads to room 7 and lets everyone in.
Valek heads to the library and looks up all manner of things: finally deciding on locating and
preparing regnants for alchemy.
Peshida pulls a chair for himself near the far corner of the room.
[GM]: The room is identical to the other one. Small. Has a bench large enough to seat
about 8
[Anne]: "Peshida - If I'm to buy you an ale, you could at least share it us by sitting closer
than the corner!" (Anne is smiling, and not being pushy)
(GM whispered to Valek): Give me a research roll
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,2 = [ 8 ]
Lydia heads inside, grabbing a corner of the bench and resting her feet primly underneath as
she fans herself with one hand.
(Valek whispered to GM): skill 17, suceeded by 9.
Peshida looks up at her, ponders a bit then smiles. "I am sorry If I have been rude, but I
have been away from contact with other people for some time."
(GM whispered to Valek): You find what you are looking for
Lydia removes the Philosopher's Egg from her pack and gently sets it on the table, peering at
[GM]: The wench notices Jackdaw on her heels, "Hey goodlooking. What can I do for you?"
Valek creates a good pen before getting to work.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,3 = [ 7 ]
[Peshida]: "A quite corner has been my best friend for a long time."
[ ~jetfire left the game ]
[Anne]: "Don't worry about it... just enjoy the ale." (then to Lydia) "Would you like to
hear the tale later - it seems you are intent on your egg..."
(Valek whispered to GM): suceded by 13.
Valek sits at a table sorounded by books and starts making scribles in his notepad, very
strange scribles indead.
(GM whispered to Valek): You get your pen
(Valek whispered to GM): there written in his native language.
[Jackdaw]: "you ... lonely? maybe later?"
(GM whispered to Valek): I'm guessing it looks like Arabic or something?? : )
[Lydia]: "Perhaps... I'd really love to know what this does. I suppose..."
[GM]: Wench "I might be lonely, but I'm working at the moment" she giggles and coughs.
[Jackdaw]: "after frollic time, in quiet time"
(Valek whispered to GM): it'd be VERY tiny....
Lydia looks sheepishly down at the tabletop. "... I also owe you all an explanation. I've
probably made a fool of myself a few times already, and you must have questions for me."
Peshida stands and pours himself a mug full of foaming ale.
[GM]: Wench "Sure honey" (she produces a small notepad and begins writting) "This is were I
stays" she winks
(Valek whispered to GM): since as a knoledge based species they'd value being able to place a
lot of information on a page, so the text is also very complex, probabally more like Chinese,
with a 2000+ charecter alphabet.
Peshida then turns and takes a seat slightly closer to the rest ofthe group.
Jackdaw gives her a quick promissory kiss and squeeze
[Jackdaw]: "later"
[Anne]: "If you're ready to tell us... "
[GM]: Wench "I'll be looking for you honey!"
[Jackdaw]: 'my bee'd there"
Jackdaw returns to the room
Lydia shrugs. "I suppose. It might help explain some of the problems I'm having already, as
Phinnea can attest to..."
Peshida turns his quiet gaze to Lydia and listens to her tale.
Anne pours a wine goblet for Lydia and an ale for herself as Lydia's tale unfolds...
Valek continues scribeling until the page looks like a solid sheet of black with a 1 cm border
from a distance, however on closer examination there is some VERY fine text written with very
few apparant repeats of letters scribed on the page.
[Lydia]: "I suppose I should start at the beginning. Regia is... not a nice place. There,
humans are the dominant species... there's a few other intelligent races, but none which the
Alchemist's Guild cares to acknowledge. Everything else... including creatures like Valek...
are considered Chimaera... it's a word that in my world means... broken."
Valek replaces the books while he lets the ink dry and then heads back to the inn,
complementing himself for taking but 40 minutes with his task, though he'd never admit that
type of pride outloud.
[Lydia]: "Anyways... I was your average alchemist... plying my trade in a fairly large City,
Leibros, and making a fortune. And then I got a little too curious..."
Lydia wrings her hands slightly. "It turns out that my Guild was... hiding a rather big secret.
Now, it's common knowledge that the Alchemist's Guild doesn't share its knowledge with
everyone... that's how they keep power. But this one..."
(GM whispered to Valek): Make an IQ roll
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,2 = [ 6 ]
Lydia shrugs. "Basically... our alchemy is a lot faster than the one in your world. From
everything I've been able to figure out, Regian alchemy takes a great deal less time... an
elixir of healing that, here, would take a week to brew, takes a mere hour in my world."
(Valek whispered to GM): made it by 13....
(GM whispered to Valek): The Ink is magically enhanced to dry faster, and blot/smear less.
(Valek whispered to GM): and that's a critical sucess I belive as well.
(GM whispered to Valek): It is different than the ink used in your country
[Anne]: " I understand most of what you have said, Lydia, but what do you mean by "world"?
[Lydia]: "Well..."
(Valek whispered to GM): <Actually his people most likely make use of the scribe spell, but
he dosen't know it, or make use of graphite>
[Anne]: "Or is that part of your tale?"
(Valek whispered to GM): <Ink would be a rare comodity among cave dwellers there's nothign
with that kind of pygment to juce.>
Lydia shrugs sheepishly. "It's hard to explain... but I'm pretty sure that the land I come
from isn't even a part of your world. You know that there are other lands beyond Methoria...
but Regia isn't one of them.
(GM whispered to Valek): True
[Lydia]: "My world is a frozen, harsh land... Regia is surrounded by a glacier that you can
travel across for a week by airship, and still never find the end of it. And magic simply
doesn't exist... nor do 'gods', although we once believed in such things."
[Anne]: "Go on... I'll try to understand."
Lydia nods, and takes a deep breath.
[Lydia]: "The catch to our alchemy is... the waste leftover from our alchemical processes is
very poisonous to the world around us. Nearly all of the wasting diseases, chimaerical
mutations, and the like that we fought against daily in our world... we were creating them,
simply because alchemy was so sloppy."
Valek thinks to himself that the ink has an interesting enchantment upon it, and continues
along to the inn.
Lydia looks down, almost guiltily. "I was sloppy, too. When I learned the truth, I didn't
bother to hide that fact... and the Alchemist's Guild didn't want that secret getting out.
So they sent assassins after me."
[Lydia]: "... and this is where I get confused myself. One moment, I'm in my lab working
peacefully, and suddenly I'm under attack. I fought my best, but I knew I was as good as
Lydia shrugs. "The next moment, there was this big explosion... some chemicals must have
gotten mixed together badly... and I woke up on a beach in Methoria."
[GM]: You all have been served pheasant, carrots, beets, greens, bread along with a large
pitcher of Ale and two bottles of wine. You are supplied with pewter plates and mugs and
silverware .. not of a high quality.
[Anne]: ((Fair enough - its not like we were nobles))
(Valek whispered to GM): do I make it back to the inn?
(GM whispered to Valek): Not yet
(GM whispered to Valek): Soon
(Valek whispered to GM): ok.
Peshida looks at the flatware and remembers much better. Although he remembers many a time
without any at all.
Lydia grabs a portion of bread and munches on it as she finishes her tale. "From there, I
found that potion on the beach, released the imp... when it said it couldn't send me home,
I ignored it until it went away. For a year, I wandered around Methoria... slowly picking
up the language, slowly learning that my alchemy simply didn't work the same any more. And
that imp kept coming back and asking me to make my wish."
[GM]: The sound of the crowd outside the 'drinking room' subsides a little as the sound of a
'song' begins.
[Anne]: "It sounds as if you've had a strange adventure, Lydia... If there is anything I can
do to help you ease into life here in Methor, let me know."
Jackdaw looks at the silverware and eats with his fingers
Lydia frowns. "That's just it... from what I understand, I have to attain... citizenship?...
just be to recognized in this land."
[GM]: By the way (to the newbies) Methor is the Human Kingdom. Methoria is the entire world
[Jackdaw]: "get papers? my dided that too"
Lydia sighs, resting her face in her hands. "I can't answer their questions about where I
come from... at the least, they'd laugh me out of the room. At worst, they'd probably lock
me up and call me insane."
Jackdaw rumages in his pouch and pulls them out
[Anne]: "Jackdaw was able to do that, at least get idenetification papers... "
[Lydia]: :: ... that's what they'd do to me in Regia... ::
[Jackdaw]: "see they like this"
[Jackdaw]: showing Lydia his 'papers'
Lydia shakes his head. "Yes, but... he isn't a problem! He still comes from this world..."
Lydia glances at the papers, not hugely impressed.
[Anne]: "Well, this isn't Regia. I think I can help at least a little - I'll ask around
quietly for you, if that's allright?"
[GM]: It is a piece of crisp parchment with a lot of seals on it.
[Jackdaw]: "unh ... lie?"
[Lydia]: "... I'd appreciate that... thanks..."
[Jackdaw]: "sayed you from somewheres far off"
[GM]: A hearing roll from all inside the drinking room
Lydia looks at Jackdaw. "I don't know anyplace else that makes sense."
(To GM) DICE for Lydia: (14-3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 2 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,4,5 = [ 5 ]
DICE for Peshida: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,4 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: And tell me by how much you make it
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,1 = [ 7 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 5
[Anne]: made by 8
(Lydia whispered to GM): By 2...
[GM]: The song outside is being sung to the plucking of a lyre.
[Peshida]: made by 4
(GM whispered to Anne): You hear your name mentioned in song
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You hear your name mentioned in song, you think
[Anne]: "Wha... That song has me in it?!? I HAVE to hear this - I'll be right back folks.."
[Anne]: "This is too wierd..."
Lydia blinks in surprise as Anne runs out... and winces as she realizes the implications.
Anne looks curious and embarassed all at once.
Jackdaw hurries out
[Lydia]: "Oh no... no no no... bards. Will no world ever be rid of them?"
[GM]: All you have to do is open the door to the room and the song can be heard
[Jackdaw]: listends intently and joins in as he picks up the tune
[ Avatar left the game ]
[Anne]: Anne listens too
[GM]: A Half-Elven man plays a lyre, smiling and nodding to the party and signing his tune,
"Ol' Sister Anne by Ral's great hand, brought the Baron down ..., and good Squire James
earned his fame, when the Black Baron fell... When the Black Baron fell .... And Jack the
Faun played his pipes, and Tom he snatched the blades. Soldier Thor brandished his sword,
when the Black Baron fell. When the Black Baron fell."
Lydia decides to bury her surrows with a healthy triple portion of food and drink...
[Anne]: "Bards are like carp ..."
[GM]: The Bard does appear to look your way as he sings his song
[Lydia]: (sorrows... GAH! I can't spell worth a farthing tonight...)
[Jackdaw]: ((bottom feeders?))
[Anne]: ((lol yup))
[Lydia]: (Clueless and frequently open-mouthed. =P)
[GM]: The Half-Elven continues his song, "The Fearless Five crept through the graves, of
ancient spirits past. And Stormed Castle Vespusian in the dark days of Spring. The Baron
slept his final day in royalty and fame, but the Five brought justice down on the Black
Baron's name.... The Black Baron's name."
[Jackdaw]: ((sounds a bit like JD too)
[GM]: The bard welcomes Jackdaws accompaniment
Lydia raises an eyebrow halfway through her second course. "Is this at all accurate?"
[Anne]: ooc - is Anne in the room to hear lydia?"
[GM]: The bard finishes his tune. Some in the crowd applaud, but then go back to their
private conversations.
[GM]: ((that is up to you, Anne))
[GM]: The Half-Elven approaches Anne and bows gracefully, "Greetings, I am Storic of the Blue
Pines and I am honored to grace your presence."
Jackdaw picks up the slack with a lively dance tune
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (17-3d6) : 3d6=3,6,5 = [ 3 ]
[GM]: Some in the bar begin to clap to Jackdaw's tune
[Anne]: "Greetings Storic... I am Sister Anne... I'm pleased to meet you as well, but please,
leave the formalities..."
Jackdaw beging to dance the jig to the tune as he plays
[GM]: Storic "You are the Sister Anne that I sing of, are you not?"
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (11-3d6) : 3d6=6,3,6 = [ -4 ]
[Anne]: "I enjoyed your song.... - and yes I am."
[GM]: Storic bows again, "Then I cannot contain my honor at meeting ... a legend"
[Jackdaw]: ((somewhat clumsily, throwing off his music until he stops to concentrate on
[Anne]: "May I ask WHY you ask?"
[Anne]: "A legend? what?"
[GM]: Storic smiles "Yes, if I have anything to do with it"
[Anne]: "Oh dear... You aren't exaggerating a great deal are you..."
[GM]: The Half-Elven wears long golden-brown robes decorated with green and blue
[Anne]: (Does this mark him as a member of a guild or somehting?)
[GM]: Storic "I am only relating events as the were recorded in the press. I of course am
taking a poetic license, as is my right"
[GM]: Anne give me an IQ roll
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,5 = [ 8 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 6
(GM whispered to Anne): The markings on his robe are simply ornamentation, but he does wear a
pin and you know that a Bard's guild DOES exist.
[Valek]: <You realise he's lying through his teeth and making you out to be a god of some kind:
best kill him before it becomes belived....>
[Lydia]: (<snicker>)
[GM]: Storic "Perhaps you would care to correct me where I have gone wrong Sister Anne? May I
buy you a drink?"
[Anne]: "Heh... Well the truth is far less than the tale... I know I cannot keep bards from
their embellishments - but perhaps you could mention all that were there, and not just the
[Valek]: <Then mentioned Jackdraw.>
[GM]: Give me another roll Anne
[Anne]: "Perhaps later, Storic - later tonight. I am eating dinner with friends, and expect
more later this evening... quite soon in fact, and our room is rather small."
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,6 = [ 11 ]
[Anne]: succeed by 3
[Anne]: ((But they didn't mention Lendyll))
[Valek]: <Most likly becaus he couldent find a name to rhyme with it. Or found it difficult
to pronouce.>
(GM whispered to Anne): You find Storic rather attractive, you are somewhat charmed by him
[GM]: Storic "I look forward to you setting me straight, Dear Sister Anne." he bows and kisses
her hand.
[Anne]: "Storic - I would like to enjoy a drink with you later, and to fill you in a little on
what happened.."
[Anne]: <giggle> "I'll try sir bard!" <blush>
[GM]: Storic smiles and then returns to the bar, "As do I sister ... as do I ... "
[GM]: Storic begins his song again ....
[GM]: "Ol' Sister Anne by Ral's great hand, brought the Baron down ..., and good Squire James
earned his fame, when the Black Baron fell... When the Black Baron fell .... And Jack the
Faun played his pipes, and Tom he snatched the blades. Soldier Thor brandished his sword,
when the Black Baron fell. When the Black Baron fell."
[Anne]: Anne waits a moment until the red leaves her face before returning to the small room
to eat dinner.
[GM]: (( Ooops ... he would wait until Jackdaw finished his tune))
[GM]: Question: Did Jackdaw carry his blanket with him to the bar or leave it in the room?
[Jackdaw]: ((which will segue into a lively drinking tune, to help payback the innkeeper by
upping consumption))
[Anne]: "Sorry folks - I heard some friends and myself in a song, and I had to see what rumors
were spreading about our exploits..."
[Valek]: <Come now, he's still wearing it now!>
[GM]: ((hehe))
[Jackdaw]: ((Probably it's in the room
[GM]: About this time, Valek will reach the Inn
[Jackdaw]: ((But he could be wearing it
[Jackdaw]: ((he does wear his blanket like a cloak
[ Avatar joined the game ]
Valek looks around for the others.
[Jackdaw]: brb
[Peshida]: ((sorry all computer locked up and I had to reboot :-( ))
[GM]: Valek does not see them, at first.
[GM]: Soon Jamison returns to the Inn, as well. He approaches Valek
Valek bows slighly
[Valek]: "A good day to you."
[Anne]: If anne sees Jamison and Valek, she calls them over to the room...
[GM]: Eventually, Anne will see them and they are called to the room
[GM]: Jamison enters the room and takes a seat near Anne
Valek walks slowly smiling softly to himsef.
[Anne]: Hi... Was buying supplies difficult? How much are we out?"
Lydia finishes her third helping (at last) and sits back to relax.
[Anne]: "Valek - Jamison - we've got some pheasant, and plent y of vegetables for dinner,
plus some wine and ale - dig in!"
[Valek]: "My thanks."
[Anne]: (Anne eats with them)
[GM]: Jamison "I have made arrangements for the supplies. I ordered 1 and 1/2 fortnights
supplies of dry meat and fruit for each of us. It will all cost about 300 crowns.
[GM]: Jamison "Ahh... I am famished. Thanks"
[Jackdaw]: b
Peshida finishes his meal and pushes the empty plate away from him.
[GM]: Jamison "I also got grain for the horses in case we need it. And water"
[Anne]: "Not too bad... I'll chip in in the morning - Oh - can you guys do without me for this
evening after dinner? I'm to see that elven bard for a drink and a tale.."
Valek eats slowly "I am afaraid you have most likely exceded my budget... I'm afaraid I will
have to abstain."
[GM]: Jamison "Elven Bard? The one that I passed at the bar?"
[Anne]: "Nah - Valek - I'll pay if you guys cannot - it's not a problem."
Lydia hardly has enough money for the current supply of food, let alone chipping in for that...
[GM]: Jamison nods to Valek "Yes, dont worry about the supplies. I would be glad to cover it
as well. It is apparently important that we all come along for the ride"
[Anne]: "Yes - he was singing some tale about how we crushed the Black Knight's evil, and I
wanted to set him straight on the Oficcial history, not, you know, what really happened..."
Valek bows "I have plans for making some funds by the time we reach the next city, I'll repay
you once they are avalibal."
[Anne]: "That and he forgot Lendyll..."
[GM]: Jamison "Yes, I have heard a few misleading stories about us. They are all the gossip
around Shevandale!"
[Valek]: "I did not mean abstain from the quest, just eating your food. I'm sure I could
mannage to scrounge up something when I am hungry..."
[Anne]: "Well I don't want gossip to go out of control - perhaps I can minimize the damage?"
[GM]: Jamison digs in and begins to eat. He insists on ordering water, though
[GM]: Jamison "Good idea Anne."
[Valek]: <that dosen't sound quite pathatic enough....>
[Valek]: <let me change it.>
[GM]: Jamison "Did you arrange for our rooms for tonight?"
[GM]: ((hehe))
[Anne]: "Perhaps Valek, but we are under time constraints - why not just eat our food, at our
expense... If it was truly a problem, I'd tell you. I make far more than I usually spend in a
fortnight anyway."
[Jackdaw]: "my haveded room"
[Valek]: "I simply meant I woul not eat your food. I'm sure I'd survive without it."
[GM]: Jamison looks around the table
[Anne]: "Ummm... No..."
[Valek]: "Very well, I shall repay you as soon as I am able..."
[GM]: Jamison looks at Jackdaw and smiles
[Anne]: "I'll do that before I see the Bard - I'll take care of it now... How do we want the
sleeping arrangements?"
Valek bows "My apologies for being a burdon."
[GM]: Jamison "Hmm.... how many rooms will we need?"
[Peshida]: "We are staying here at the inn then?"
Lydia frowns slightly. "... if I can make my alchemy work, I can pay my way... but until I
know for sure, I can't guarantee I'll be able to pay much."
[Anne]: "I suppose. Like I said, Lydia - its not a problem."
[GM]: Jamison "Fine, when you have the money you can repay us. But it is not a problem ...
Lydia blushes. "Thanks..."
[GM]: Jamison "This mission seems important enough not to let the funding get in the way"
[Lydia]: :: ... I just hope they won't come to regret having me around... ::
[Anne]: "I agree... the future of our homeland may be at stake... Money is not worth squabling
over right now."
[GM]: Okay to sum things up ....
[Jackdaw]: "besides, it not really important anyways"
[GM]: Rooms will cost 1 sovereign each.
[GM]: ((20 crowns))
[GM]: Jackdaw does not need one
Lydia winces... :: There goes all my money... ::
[GM]: Jamison will not mind someone sharing his room
Lydia takes out 20 crowns to pay for her room for the night... she'd prefer to sleep alone.
[GM]: Jamison pays for a room
Jackdaw buys a room anyway, "anybodies who likes used it"
Peshida catches the innkeeper and pays for a room for himself.
[Anne]: "Lydia - what did we just say? (LoL) I'll take care of it."
[GM]: He asks Valek if they would care to share it.
[Jackdaw]: "my just wanted place to leaved a few things
Valek bows "I must warn you, I have plans to study during the night...."
[Lydia]: "But... but..."
Jackdaw pays with a soverign
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne whispers to Jamison "I might share aa room with you someday
squire... but I'm still a bit nervous... it's been a lonely year."
[Jackdaw]: "my goed now"
Lydia wrings her hands with embarassment. "I'm not used to living off the charity of others...
and I'm still not sure why that old coot wanted me to come along. For all you know, I might be
of no help..."
(GM whispered to Anne): Yes, I do understand and feel the same way. (he smiles)
(Peshida whispered to GM): Peshida pays for hisown room so as his nightmares dont keep anyone
else up this night.
Jackdaw leaves some of his things in his room but proudly wears his new blanket/cloak as he
[Anne]: Anne pays for a room for Lydia, and a room for herself and Phinney, if she wants to
[GM]: Okay Lydia, Jackdaw, Jamison, Peshida, Phinny pays for a room
[GM]: Did I miss anyone
[Anne]: Anne
[GM]: Phinny "I be paying for me own room"
[GM]: Sorry and Anne.
[GM]: The time will be 10pm
[Anne]: So it looks as if we all have our own rooms?"
[GM]: And we shall END SESSION there.