[Tue Jun 15 18:41:33 CDT 1999]
[GM]: The thief is hoping for a deal ... he is going to help
you get a map.
[GM]: ....for his freedom.
[Sir Cornelius]: Time for the map...lead the way
[GM]: He just lead you to Bilko's Blades and you are just about
to enter the door.
Jamison follows SC and the thief
Jamison scans the surrounding street area
[GM]: Some of the vendors are beginning to close up show... only
a few of them, though.
[GM]: There is increased 'through traffic' in the streets.
[GM]: Okay, what is Cornelius doing?
[Sir Cornelius]: following the thief into the shop...at a small
distance behind
[GM]: ...and Jamison is behing Cornelius?
[GM]: behind
Sir Cornelius knows that his word is good when it comes to the
thief...and hopes the thief does too :)
[Jamison]: yes
[Jamison]: Let's get the map, SC.
[GM]: The thief enters the shop and leaves the door open.
[GM]: He proceeds to the counter.
Sir Cornelius follows, entering the shop
Sir Cornelius looks around the shop for customers
[GM]: Behind the counter is the owner of the shop .... Bilko.
Jamison enters the shop and surveys its occupants.
[GM]: There is another person on your side of the counter in
conversation with Bilko, but he stop talking as the door opens.
[GM]: Bilko waves at the thief.
[GM]: Bilko: Hello Dirk!
[GM]: Bilko begins to show a look of concern as the Cornelius
enters behind him.
[GM]: Bilko: Is there any kind of trouble (to Cornelius)
[GM]: Dirk: Goes up to Bilko and begins to talk quietly with him.
[GM]: Customer: Moves away and begins to browse.
[Sir Cornelius]: "Just business my friend..."
Jamison eyes the customer closely.
[Sir Cornelius]: "Interesting things are all about these
[GM]: Bilko: Looks at Dirk and says, "Really .... a deal
with a knight?"
[GM]: Bilko looks at customer, "We will have to finish our
talk later, Jon"
[GM]: Jon (Customer) No, Problem ... I will see ya tomorrow.
[GM]: Jon moves to exit the shop.
Sir Cornelius begins to look at the merchandise...even knowing
that there is nothing that will interest him
Jamison looks at Jon "Interesting merchandise in this
[GM]: Bilko moves out from behing the counter.
[GM]: Jon tips his hat and smiles at Jamison, "Good evening
young man"
[Sir Cornelius]: "Still, some Dwarven steel would make it
more intriguing."
[GM]: Jon exits the shop.
[GM]: Bilko: Still looking for
[GM]: Bilko: Dwarven steel, huh?
Jamison steps out of the shop to watch Jon leave the area
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: I never met Bilko
[GM]: Bilkon closes and locks the door and begins to pull the
shades down.
[Sir Cornelius]: Where I come from...everyone knows the quality
of Dwarven goods...
[GM]: My apprentice told my that you were in earlier looking for
such weapons (to Cornelius)
[Sir Cornelius]: Perhaps you would like me to see whether I can
arrange a small shipment of it?
[GM]: Bilko: Of course, I get many such orders for Dwarven steel
[GM]: Bilko: Perhaps ... but I think that we might have other
business to talk about at this time.
[Sir Cornelius]: True enough.
[GM]: Bilko: Looks at Dirk.
Sir Cornelius looks about for something to lean back on
[GM]: Bilko: With the Orc raiders hitting the borderlands ....
Dwarven steel has become rare.
[GM]: Bilko finishes lowering all of the shades.
[GM]: Bilko: Dirk, get the light please.
[Jamison]: Enough banter SC, get on with it...
[GM]: Dirk moves over and touches a lamp and says the word,
[GM]: Bilko: Let's proceed to the back room.
[GM]: Bilko: Dirk would you get the door.
Jamison follows
[GM]: Dirk moves behind the counter and opens the door and waits
for the two men to enter.
[Sir Cornelius]: My young friend, it is good that we take a
moment to get acquainted...even as much as I desire to get on
with things. It's not every day that you find a knight and a
squire making deals...
[GM]: Bilko: The facilities in the back are much better.
Sir Cornelius leaves the rest of the thought go unsaid...
[Sir Cornelius]: Lead on
[GM]: Bilko: Of course, most people in these parts know me....
[GM]: Bilko: I don't often make deals with strangers. ... but it
seems that I might be making an exception.
Sir Cornelius follows Bilko as a comfortable, non-threatening
[GM]: Bilko shrugs his shoulders and heads for the door.
[GM]: Bilko: Gentlemen follow me.
[Sir Cornelius]: "Strange times make for strange
[Jamison]: Agreed, SC.
[GM]: Bilko: Proceeds down a short hall and to a back room with a
table and chairs.
[GM]: Dirk watches the two men.
Sir Cornelius sits opposite the store owner
[Jamison]: And you , Dirk, can come with us.
[GM]: The backroom is lit by two lamps attached to the walls.
[GM]: Dirk proceeds to the back room with Jamison.
Jamison follows Dirk into the back room.
[Sir Cornelius]: Young Dirk was a little sloppy earlier today.
Perhaps someone with more experience would not have been caught.
[GM]: Dirk sits in the seat facing the hallway.
Jamison remains stnding and guards the doorway.
[GM]: Bilko: I do try to help my cousin .... but he seems to
always be getting himself into trouble.
[GM]: Bilko: He has had a difficult time finding work....
Sir Cornelius nods...yes, he said that you might be able to help
him this evening
[GM]: Bilko speaks to Dirk: I might be able to, but my aid is at
the point of running out.
[GM]: Bilko: If anything else happens, perhaps Dirk will be going
before the courts.
[Sir Cornelius]: Perhaps...but he is not my concern this evening.
I have a rather straightforward proposition for you.
[GM]: Bilko: You said .... a deal for my cousins freedom?
[GM]: Bilko: Sir knight?
[Sir Cornelius]: Just a map...and some information
[GM]: Bilko: Ahhhh.... a map ..... eveyone wants a map!
[Sir Cornelius]: A "high quality" map....
[GM]: Bilko: I am beginning to think that the map business in not
my cup of tea.
[GM]: Bilko: I should stick to other things.
[GM]: Bilko: What kind of map would you be wanting.
Sir Cornelius raises an eyebrow... Perhaps what you might gain
from the giving of the map though...is more along your lines...?
[Sir Cornelius]: The Baron's castle is very well guarded.
[GM]: Bilko: Smiles .... the Baron's castle, huh?
Sir Cornelius stares back
[GM]: Bilko: You are not the first one that has asked me that
question .... this very day.
[Sir Cornelius]: Indeed?
[GM]: Bilko: I have such a map .... but I have already made a
deal to sell it.
[Sir Cornelius]: Of course, it would have to have many
details...that you would not find on an ordinary map...for it to
be of use to use.
[Sir Cornelius]: us
[GM]: What kind of details are you talking about?
[GM]: Details of the Baron's castle, per say?
[Sir Cornelius]: Many details...yes. Out of the way
places...hidden entrances and exits...guard
Sir Cornelius says that last word with some thought
[GM]: Bilko: Well, I don't think there is such a map ....
[GM]: Bilko: Perhaps, you need to bribe one of the Baron's
employee for that kind of information....
[Sir Cornelius]: Not even the great Bilko can produce such a
[Sir Cornelius]: Perhaps your cousin has overestimated you
[GM]: Bilko (smiles widely): Of course, I can .... for a price.
[Jamison]: It seems the price is your cousin's freedom...
[GM]: Bilko: But the merchandise I was speaking of is not exactly
what you have asked for.
[GM]: Bilko: ....and worth more than my cousins freedom, I am
Sir Cornelius smiles a small smile. Oh?
[GM]: Bilko: I have made a deal to sell it ....... for $500
[GM]: Bilko: No, cousin is worth that kind of money (He frowns at
[GM]: Dirk drops his head.
Sir Cornelius laughs a short deep laugh. Perhaps you would like
us to pick up a gold brick for you on the way out....
[GM]: CORRETION: 500 soverign.
[GM]: OOC: 500 soverign = $10,000
[GM]: Bilko: It is quite a bit of gold.
Jamison clears his throat.
[GM]: Bilko: Perhaps you would give my cousin his freedom for a
look at the merchandise?
[GM]: Bilko: You can be the judge in the value of a look at it.
[Jamison]: A look and a guide.
[GM]: Bilko: I think that you will be happy.
Sir Cornelius glances up at his friend
[GM]: Bilko(Looks at Dirk): What about my cousin ... seems
fitting that he should have the chance to earn his freedom.
Jamison looks at SC, "Seems only fair to me."
[GM]: Bilko(Smiles at Jamison): What about it Sir knight?
[Sir Cornelius]: What do you say Dirk...would you care to join an
interesting expedition? Perhaps...a rewarding one for you....?
[GM]: Bilko: Dirk, you could earn enough gold on this mission
.... to get your way to the northest as you have been wanting.
[GM]: Dirk raises his head.
[GM]: Bilko: You could even open a shop of your own...... Isn't
that your dream?
[GM]: Dirk smiles: Aye, that is my dream. The city is nothing but
trouble for me.
Sir Cornelius looks back at the man sitting across from him...
"Of course, we will need the map...to ensure his safety.
Wouldn't you think Bilko?"
Jamison prods Dirk, "Quit stalling, this is your
[GM]: Bilko: I don't know about giving you the map.
[GM]: Bilko: It is very valuable.
[Jamison]: Let's call it a loan...
[GM]: Bilko: What kind of collateral would I have.
[GM]: Bilko: If your mission fails ..... I lose all.
[GM]: Bilko: And I did tell you .... I have a buyer for the map.
[Sir Cornelius]: true...but that is also our assurance that you
will provide accurate information...
[GM]: Bilko: Well, there is much talk about the map ... and you
haven't even seen it yet.
[Jamison]: Let's have a peek.
[GM]: Bilko: Before I produce the map .... I want proof that you
really are a knight.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: who was in here b-4, I forgot.
[GM]: Bilko looks at Sir Cornelius.
Sir Cornelius stands...looking...and feeling rather offended...
(GM whispered to Jamison): As far as you know .... Kalith, the
(Jamison whispered to GM): ths
[Sir Cornelius]: Perhaps if I cut your ear off and hand it to you
on the end of my sword?
[GM]: Bilko: No offense, but I have seen impersonators
before....and there is quite a bit on the line here.
[GM]: Bilko: Might I ask your names?
Jamison looks at Bilko, "Was the buyer an Elf?"
Sir Cornelius relaxes a bit...but eyes his host warily...crossing
his arms
[Jamison]: You can ask...
[GM]: Bilko looks a little embarressed, "May buyers and I
have a confidence to keep. I do not discuss details with anyone
else ... I am sure you want the same confidence with me"
[Jamison]: Of course, but I imagine that your "buyer"
is alittle late for his appointment by now.
[GM]: Bilko: I normally do not ask names... but I do need to be
sure that you are a knight ... and obtain your word, before I
proceed further.
[GM]: Bilko: My 'client' is procuring the gold as we speak.
[GM]: Bilko: ...and he does have MY word that when he returns
with it ... he will get the map.
[Jamison]: And a wagon to carry it....
[Sir Cornelius]: What you ask is understandable... I am Sir
Cornelius of Nearhill Downs... a knight indeed
[Sir Cornelius]: Now...let us judge the quality of the
[GM]: Bilko: I would like to see your blade .... I can judge a
lot from your blade.
[GM]: Bilko: You are asking for my trust .... I will ask for
[Sir Cornelius]: I draw my blade only when I intend to use it my
good sir...you know this
[Sir Cornelius]: Or perhaps that is your proof....
[GM]: Bilko: Hmmm.......
Jamison prepares to ready his morningstar.
[GM]: Bilko: Dirk perhaps I should let them take you away.....
[GM]: Dirk frowns.
[GM]: Bilko: Okay, I need your word that you will not take the
map without my permission, sir Knight.
[GM]: Bilko: .... or you will not let your friend take it .... as
[GM]: Bilko smiles.
[GM]: Bilko: Then I will produce the map.
[Sir Cornelius]: you have my word...that neither I nor the squire
will mishandle any of your merchandise...including the map
[GM]: Bilko: Very good.
Jamison shakes his head..."He just had to say that, didn't
[GM]: Bilko: Reaches into the pocket of his vest...."Perhaps
this will not be what you are looking for ....but it is VERY
[GM]: Bilko open a large leather envelope and takes some old
manuscripts out.
Jamison looks on with interest.
[GM]: Bilko lays them on the table and begins to spread them out.
[GM]: Bilko: What we have here is not a map of the Baron's
castle, I'm afraid.
[GM]: Bilko: I have been very lucky .... or not so lucky .... to
obtain a very old map.
[Jamison]: A map of what?
[GM]: Bilko(he points): These are the old catacombs that are
under the city of Shevandale.
[GM]: Bilko: They are vast ....as you can see (points to the
other 3 pages)
[GM]: Bilko: They are under the entire city, and as might
interest you ... under the Baron's castle.
Sir Cornelius looks...trying to judge their extent.... being
familiar with Dwarven passages may help some...he thinks
[GM]: Bilko points to the drawing of the castle on the map.
[GM]: Bilko: This is the Baron's castle ... the map was drawn
about the same time that the castle was built.
Jamison wonders how long this map has been in Bilko's control.
[Sir Cornelius]: And nothing exists down there?
[GM]: Bilko: Well, I wouldn't bet on it, Sir Knight.
[GM]: Dirk looks a little worried.
[GM]: Bilko: My guess would be that the map was made in the year
100 P
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: maybe 60 points isn't too much for
photographic memory afterall <g>
[GM]: OOC: That would be 1000 years ago.
[GM]: Bilko: These catacombs could get you into the castle ...
past the guards.... past the magic.
[Jamison]: Do you have a map of the castle layout?
[GM]: Bilko: Do you not know that no one .... knows of the
existence of the catacombs? This is lost knowledge.
[Sir Cornelius]: If there is an entrance to the castle...this may
be true...
[GM]: Bilko(points): Here .... that looks like a tunnel to me ...
right into the castle.
[ curiousg joined the game ]
[Sir Cornelius]: and 1000 years of wear and tear...could have
obliterated the tunnel completely
(curiousg whispered to GM): don't mind me, i am just watching.
(GM whispered to curiousg): no prob
[Jamison]: That may be, SC. But, it's better than the front door.
[GM]: Bilko: Of course, that is a chance you would have to take.
[GM]: Bilko begins to fold the map up.
(curiousg whispered to GM): actually, do mind me for a second.
can i have the url to the fogies site.
[GM]: Bilko: There is also the other option. I can obtain you a
map of the castle.
(GM whispered to curiousg): There ya go.
[Jamison]: We will need that once we're inside, SC.
(curiousg whispered to GM): thanks
[GM]: Bilko: It will take me some time to get it.
[GM]: Bilko: ....depending on how much detail that you need.
[GM]: Bilko: I can get a duplicate of the building plans for the
castle. ... my contact at the museum can get that for me.
[GM]: Bilko: But as far as the Baron's defenses go .... that will
take some time.
[GM]: Bilko puts the map back in the leather envelope.
[Jamison]: How long to get the map?
[GM]: With or without the defenses, squire?
[Sir Cornelius]: If you can get the map...soon...along with
locations of the interconnections with the tunnels beneath....
perhaps we will have something valuable
[GM]: Bilko: I can have the plans here tomorrow night.
[GM]: Bilko: The cost for that map .... will be my cousin's
[GM]: Bilko smiles.
[Sir Cornelius]: And any treasure that he manages to
acquire...but I get the first choice in division of spoils
[GM]: Bilko: I also need to make something else clear.
[GM]: Bilko: I want my name to no how be connected with this
Jamison looks at SC and nods.
[GM]: Bilko: If you are caught, and you name me to the Baron ....
I might as well leave the city.
[GM]: Bilko: It would not be good to have the Baron as an enemy
..... as a knight .... or as a thief, he could ruin you.
[GM]: Bilko: I have much invested in this city.
(curiousg whispered to GM): i am gonna leave a blank character
sheet for everyone to copy down to their hard drive if they want.
a good gurps sheet. also, i modified it to include the other two
attributes for clay's game.
[Sir Cornelius]: I can understand that.
(GM whispered to curiousg): ok
[Sir Cornelius]: I will do what I may be able to do.
[Sir Cornelius]: Just as I expect that you will not make it known
that we were here this evening.
[GM]: Bilko: Of course, I am a man of my word to (he smiles)
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): Does he mean that?
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You got lie detection?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): default :) I think it's like
IQ-6 or something...
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): role
Sir Cornelius looks Bilko in the eye
(To GM) DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,5 = [ 15 ]
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): um....nope nope nope nope LOL
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You cant tell.
(GM whispered to Thomas): Sorry, this has gone on longer than I
Jamison looks at Bilko, "As long as we are going in, is
there someone you know that could assist us, and want to
accompany us?
(GM whispered to Thomas): I will work you in asap.
[GM]: Bilko: I can find you anyone that you need.
(Thomas whispered to GM): np, reading history of methoria and
webrpg forums...
[GM]: Dirk: I know of a someone that would want in. ... I think
he can offer you something.
(curiousg whispered to GM): see you, i am gonna work on my
character for clay's game. you still planning on playing?
[Jamison]: Perhaps someone with certain skills that may be in the
grey area of the law?
(GM whispered to curiousg): I decided to back out of the game.
(curiousg whispered to GM): okay, talk to you later.
[ curiousg left the game ]
[Jamison]: And you can have the map ready by this time tomorrow?
[GM]: Dirk: I think that he might do nicely. I will let you meet
[GM]: Bilko: Yes, I can.
[GM]: Bilko: But there is a problem of this map (he taps his
pocket). The buyer said he would return tonight make the
[GM]: A bell rings
Sir Cornelius looks at Dirk... and then back at Bilko... Then you
had better find a way to stall him.
Jamison looks around
[Jamison]: what is that...
[GM]: Bilko: Excuse me .... I must see to something..... I will
be back.
[GM]: Bilko gets up from the table and walks past Jamison at the
entrance to the hall.
Jamison looks at Dirk, "Is there a way to observe the front
room, unnoticed?"
[GM]: Bilko shuts the door to the front.
[GM]: Dirk: Yes, I will show you.
[GM]: Dirk gets up and heads for the hallway.
Jamison follows Dirk
Jamison motions for SC to follow.
[GM]: Dirk goes up to the closed door and points at something.
Jamison looks
(GM whispered to Jamison): there are some peepholes on the door.
Jamison points to Dirk, "You first"
[GM]: What is Sir Cornelius doing?
Sir Cornelius looks about the room...trying to see anything of
interest...hiding places...other doors...etc.
[Sir Cornelius]: (while the others are busy...)
[GM]: Dirk look out the holes .... "You can see the front
from them":
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): There are some crates against
the wall on one side.
Jamison uses the same peep holes as Dirk did, and observes the
front room.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): There are two doors on the back
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): similar to the ones seen
downstairs through the bars
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko is talking to a man.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko is listening and shaking his
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): They are much newer than those.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): good enough...thanks
(Jamison whispered to GM): Can I hear anything?
(GM whispered to Jamison): hearing roll
(Jamison whispered to GM): What is that against?
(GM whispered to Jamison): IQ ...unless you have acute hearing or
(Jamison whispered to GM): nope, IQ=10
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,3 = [ 9 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): Okay, you hear Bilko say .. this is
intesesting news.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko: And when was the body found?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Are you still looking?
Sir Cornelius returns his attention to the others
(Jamison whispered to GM): Yes.
(GM whispered to Jamison): The man ... who is the customer from
earlier .... makes a slashing movement over his neck.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko shakes his head.
[GM]: Jamison has his face up against the door to the front and
Dirk watches him.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko says something to the man and he
begins to leave the shop.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko locks the door behind him.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Did I hear what?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko just said to him ...:"We
shall talk again tomorrow about shipment.
(GM whispered to Jamison): ....before he left
Jamison turns away from the door and motions for Dirk to follow
him back to the backroom
(GM whispered to Jamison): Bilko heads to the door
[GM]: Bilko comes through the door and returns to the back room
and takes his seat at the table.
[GM]: Is everyone seated.
Jamison still guards the door, as before.
Sir Cornelius returns to his seat
[GM]: Bilko looks around the room.
[GM]: Bilko: It appears that the map is for sale, after all.
Jamison smiles...
[GM]: Bilko looks a little grim.
[Jamison]: and the price?
[Sir Cornelius]: It's hard to come by that much gold so quickly
[GM]: Bilko: That's changes things a little....
[GM]: Bilko: For my cousin's freedom, I will show you how to get
to the catacombs .... even let you make a copy of the map ... and
provide you with the map of the Baron's castle.
Sir Cornelius leans back...listening...
Jamison looks at SC and smiles.
[GM]: Bilko: With the understanding that Dirk joins the party and
recieves a share of the spoils.
[Sir Cornelius]: that would only be fair...I am sure his talents
will be useful
Jamison looks at Dirk, "And you will still provide your
[GM]: Dirk: I will ... and maybe some others if you wish.
[Sir Cornelius]: Hmmm... well, I don't know how many we wish to
take with us...
Sir Cornelius looks at the squire...
[GM]: Bilko: I can provide you with a Elloyon translater if you
wish.......(he laughs)
Jamison scowls
[GM]: Dirk: Just the ones with the skills that you need.
[GM]: correction:Ellyllon
[Sir Cornelius]: Perhaps.. We will consider it.
[Sir Cornelius]: (that was to dirk of course....)
[GM]: OOC: That was a joke
Jamison looks at SC, "I think we should preview these
[Sir Cornelius]: later
[Jamison]: OOC: I know
[GM]: I see that the map is still for sale.
[Sir Cornelius]: We have a deal then do we?
[Sir Cornelius]: your terms seem good to me
[Jamison]: SC, can you copy the map?
[GM]: Bilko rubs his three-day old beard.....Well, it doen't seem
that I am getting anything from this deal.
[Jamison]: Except getting rid of your troublesome cousin,
[GM]: Bilko: Perhaps I should ask for a share of the spoils
[Jamison]: For a share of the spoils, you can loan us the map...
[GM]: Bilko: Perhaps .... for the use of the map ..... yes .... I
can loan you the map.
[Sir Cornelius]: I can see that as beneficial to us both. Agreed.
[GM]: Bilko: What amount of 'spoils' do you anticipate? (He looks
at the knight)
[Sir Cornelius]: We will give the map to Dirk when we part
company...he may return it to you
[GM]: Bilko: .... along with my share, I hope.
Sir Cornelius chuckles... What amount of spoils exists in the
Baron's castle?
[Sir Cornelius]: Certainly. He will be holding two shares and the
map when we leave his side.
[Jamison]: I'm sure your cousin will make sure that your share of
the spoils is fair...
[GM]: Bilko: It is said, that there is enough in there that we
should never have to work another day for the rest of our lives.
Jamison grins
[Jamison]: Shall we meet at the Tavern at dusk tomorrow?
[Sir Cornelius]: Tell me...why have you never attempted this
[ Silph joined the game ]
[GM]: Bilko: I do not understand .... why does a knight wish to
rob the Baron?
[GM]: Bilko looks at the knight.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: do we need to move this along to
get the newbies in?
[Sir Cornelius]: We all have our secrets I suppose.
[GM]: Bilko: I have told you that the Baron is a terrible enemy
to have.
[ Silph left the game ]
[GM]: Bilko studies the knight. ... we do have our secrets.
Jamison looks at SC, "I think that is enough for now, SC.
Until tomorrow, Dirk, Bilko"
[Sir Cornelius]: Then we understand each other. We should leave.
Sir Cornelius gets up from the table
[GM]: Bilko: For now, I must close this meeting .... Tomorrow
Jamison opens the door.
[GM]: Bilko and Dirk remain at the table.
[Sir Cornelius]: Hmm...perhaps there is a more...suitable exit?
[GM]: Bilko: Dirk show them the rear exit.
Jamison glances back, "The Tavern , at dusk. Bring the
maps.. and friends"
[GM]: Dirk gets up and opens one of the doors on the back wall.
[GM]: Dirk leads you up some stairs which opens to a hallway.
Jamison follows
[GM]: There are doors along the walls. He leads you to the end of
the hall and opens a door.
[GM]: There is a stairway going down .... out into an alley.
[Jamison]: OOC: Time?
[GM]: It is 7:30 PM
[GM]: It is dark outside.
[Jamison]: Until tomorrow, Dirk.
[Sir Cornelius]: Let's find our companions...and a bit of light
[GM]: There alley is dim ... there are some city lights.....
Jamison heads down the stairs
[GM]: Dirk: Tomorrow...
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: didn't think he was still there...
Jamison rests his hand on his weapon.
[Jamison]: shall we return to the tavern for some food and rest?
[GM]: Okay you exit the alley and come back the part of town
where Bilko's was in.... the shops are closed. Traffic is light.
Sir Cornelius is well ahead of you :)
[GM]: Okay, you both reach the tavern/pub with no trouble.
Jamison follows SC back to the Tavern.
Sir Cornelius tells the quire in passing...while en route...
[Sir Cornelius]: grrr
[Sir Cornelius]: squire
[Jamison]: grrr?
[Sir Cornelius]: that he doesn't think that it's a good idea to
involve anyone other than Dirk
Jamison looks to see if the knight is a weredog.
[Sir Cornelius]: wereknight
[Jamison]: I didn't want to trust or lives to someone of Dirks
[GM]: Okay any other actions for the evening?
[Thomas]: [brb]
[Sir Cornelius]: nor I to one of his more capable friends....
[Sir Cornelius]: none here, no
[Jamison]: We shall watch, carefully
[Jamison]: no
[GM]: Okay the morning brings a fresh air from the west and clear
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: I have to run...can you make do without me?
[GM]: OOC: As fresh as it can be in an overpopulated city.
[GM]: OOC: What were your plans for the day, Cornelius?
[Jamison]: Go, we'll try....
[GM]: OOC: Hang out until the meeting tonight?
[Sir Cornelius]: pass the time...provision as well as
possible...basically, yes. I think also...he will visit the
temple...just because
[GM]: OOC: The temple?
[GM]: OOC: Just to say some prayers?
[Sir Cornelius]: to make an appearance...see what happens if
anything...brush up on theology...whatever
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Okay ... .that is where you will
start next time.....
[Sir Cornelius]: night folks
[GM]: night sir knight