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[Tue Nov 28 19:16:14 CST 2000]
[Anne]: ooc - how many days do we have to reach the city of Pershing?
[GM]: Setting: Morning arrives in Baxter. Jamison and Anne pick up the horses at the Duke's
castle and stop to get the supplies ordered for the trip. The party mounts up (except for
Valek, who seems reluctant to do so) and leaves the city. It is 9:30am on the 4th of
Methorah otherwise known as Bright Wednesday in the Summer of 1133p as we BEGIN SESSION 60.
[GM]: ((300 miles. What do you think?)
[Anne]: 10 days to 2 weeks
[Strider]: <Sounds about right to me>
Valek looks at the horse oddly looks at how much BIGGER it is then him, and looks into it's
[Valek]: "Uhhh, I don't think I can do this...."
[GM]: Outside the city of Baxter, the party passes several groups of people going into the
[Valek]: <Ok were just moving?>
(Valek whispered to GM): create object: silk rope
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,5 = [ 10 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): levitate
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,5 = [ 10 ]
[Anne]: "Hey, it might be intimidating Valek, but they're allright animals..."
[GM]: Jamison, setting the pace for the party which is not too fast at this point, "Anne
(pointing to Valek) what is wrong with him?"
[Anne]: "I think he's afraid of the horse ..."
Valek ties a rope to the horses saddel <A long one.> and levitates far behind it "I'd be a
lot more comfortabal if it were dead and I knew it would listen to me...."
[GM]: Jamison to Valek "Haven't you seen a horse before? These animals are well
[Valek]: "Actually this would be the fist time I've seen one."
[Anne]: "What? What good would it do riding a dead horse?"
[Valek]: "Where I come from we employ golems to do our burden work.
[Valek]: "Well for one it woulden't need to eat... What do these things eat?"
Phinnea bounces along in the saddle, holding on firmly and admiring the horse's strength
in carrying her.
Valek eyes the horse suspiciously.
[Anne]: "Ahh... Well, horses are flighty, and prone to panic, but they're also stupid.
They eat grass and grains."
[GM]: Jamison, "They eat grains and plants. No meat. You have no need to worry"
[ 'I'eknoholic joined the game ]
'I'eknoholic lurks about
Phinnea looks at Valek, "Where's dat you come frum den?"
[Valek]: "I'm sorry: the concept of riding and animal is one that my people have never
thought of...."
[Valek]: "Uhh, you surface dwellers call it the 'utterdark' I belive."
[GM]: Jamison looks at Anne, "You know, at this rate it may take us days to get there."
[Anne]: "True...But if he can levitate and be pulled by the horse, I don't see what would
slow us down..."
[Anne]: "Valek - can you levitate all day?"
[Valek]: "Specifically I come from a subteraining city"
Phinnea overhears Jamison and calls ahead, "Never mind us, just set the pace, we'll keep
[Valek]: "Of course."
(GM whispered to Phinnea): ((The only things underground you have heard of are the Dwarves
in their mountains and (shudder) the Goblins.))
[Anne]: "I don't think we'll have a problem with him, Jamison - except for attracting
(GM whispered to Anne): ((The only things underground you have heard of are the Dwarves in
their mountains and (shudder) the Goblins.))
Phinnea eyes Valek strangely.
[GM]: Jamison, "Fine then. I am going to try to set a faster pace."
(Anne whispered to GM): Does Valek look like a goblin?
[GM]: Jamison does just that. He sets a faster pace.
[Anne]: "Funny... I may be un-informed, but I thought only Dwarves and Goblins lived under
the mountains..."
(GM whispered to Anne): Actually he might somewhat. The ears are similar to goblin ears.
[Anne]: "Are you part Goblin, Valek?"
[Phinnea]: "I know me some dwarves that live in mountains underground." she says as she
urges her horse on.
Phinnea glances at Valek sharply hearing Anne.
[Valek]: "My people have lived in the mountains for a long time, but were mostly ignored."
[Valek]: "Depending on who you talk to we are either a subrace of goblin and elf."
[Valek]: "The product of some sort of magical blending of goblin and elf."
[Valek]: "Or the parant race for both speicies."
Phinnea shudders involuntarily and widens the gap between herself and Valek.
[GM]: ((hehe))
[Phinnea]: "Vell, I feel sorry for you, den, I really do..."
[Anne]: "Hmmm... Thank you for taking my question so well - I realized just now it could be
taken rather poorly. Whether goblin or elf, you have been a good travelling companion so
far Valek."
[Valek]: "I bear no prejeduce."
[Valek]: "Goblins are actually a rather interesting group if one takes the time to known
[GM]: Once outside of Baxter, the party makes good time travelling along the Old Mage's
Phinnea leans over to Jamison as she rides forward, "since when we inviting goblins and
elves and stuff to join us?" she hisses to him.
[Valek]: <that is a reaction to Phinnea's statment, not Anne's>
[GM]: Jamison "Actually, it was that Veridon that brought us all together, wasn't it? I am
sure that he had his reasons." he says not too convincing
Valek looks at the horse again "Do you not feal guilty, enslaving the living animal?"
[GM]: From the Royal Encyclopedia of Methoria .... Old Mage's Web -- Created by Mages of
Old, this web of roads has connected all of Methoria since before the dawn of the Age of
Pendular. Even in the early days of Methor, the web was considered ancient with origins
unknown. The web extends from the Silver Desert in the South to the Elven Forest in the
North and covers most of the continent. The web is made up of stones that are fitted
together to form a pathway that is easily travelled by foot or horseback. The ancient
enchantment on the stones exists to this day and can be experienced when they are removed
and set along the pathway. Within hours they are magically returned to their old resting
[GM]: Lydia rides without saying much. She seems to be striking a balance between fatigue
from a restless night and deep thougth over the Egg that she carries.
[Phinnea]: ((Lydia is ovulating?))
[Phinnea]: (ok, bad joke))
[GM]: Jackdaw rides close to Valek, observing his method of travel
[GM]: ((LoL @ Phinny))
[GM]: Peshida lags behind and sometimes you lose sight of him, but when you look for him you
always find him.
[Anne]: Anne rides beside Jamison, recounting stories of stuff that has occurred over the
last year - and she asks him to tell her of his achieving his knighthood...
Valek notices no one answerd his question, and removes the scroll from his robes reading it
Phinnea maintains some distance from Valek, and rides on in somber thought.
(GM whispered to Anne): ((I will let Jamison answer that for himself.))
Phinnea looks about herself at the surrounding countryside as she silently rides.
[GM]: Soon the day is gone
[Anne]: "Valek, I think the point is we don't feel we ARE enslaving them - they receive food
and water, and shelter from the elements from us - and in return we use them as
transportation... I think most people seem to agree that's acceptable."
[GM]: The hilly countryside north of Baxter soon fades into monotonious grassy plains
(Think Kansas - if you can relate)
[Anne]: "But I can see your point - a very compassionate person might see even having a pet
dog or cat as a form of slavery - for they aren't truly "Free" - am I right, Valek?"
Phinnea looks at the darkening sky, "Ve are stopping soon?"
[GM]: Jamison rides close to Phinny "Yes, I have been looking for a descent campsite. Any
[Phinnea]: "Wide open grassy plains such as dis, leaves us not many choices."
[GM]: Everyone make me a Survival Plains roll
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne tests the weather - (Weather sense 13) to see if the evening
and next day holds bad weather...
DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,5 = [ 9 ]
DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): beat IQ by 5
[Anne]: (last roll was for survival)
[Valek]: "Correct."
[Valek]: "The instant you take away the creatures choice to be then it is no longer free."
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: ((tell me how much you made it by and if it was from default))
(Valek whispered to GM): I guess that's a default, unless Naturalist -2 counts?
[Anne]: ((made it by 0 on defualt))
[Phinnea]: ((not sure, my skill is default.))
[GM]: ((Naturalist-3, Other Survival3, IQ-5))
[GM]: ((Naturalist-3, Other Survival-3, IQ-5))
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,5 = [ 15 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): ok then he makes it by 4
(Valek whispered to GM): with naturalist.
[GM]: Jamison "I guess one spot is as good as another"
[Phinnea]: (Made by 2 then, IQ-5)
[Anne]: (I made my defualt roll, if that matters)
[ 'I'eknoholic left the game ]
(GM whispered to Anne): There was a grove of fruit-bearing trees that the party just passed.
It was off the road about 100 yds.
(GM whispered to Phinnea): There was a grove of fruit-bearing trees that the party just
passed. It was off the road about 100 yds.
(GM whispered to Valek): There was a grove of fruit-bearing trees that the party just
passed. It was off the road about 100 yds.
[Anne]: "Hey - I saw a grove of trees over there, about 100yds off road ... We could use
some for fruit, and some for firewood."
[Anne]: "It might make a good campsite too."
Phinnea nods. "Yes, I believe dat is true, Anne."
[GM]: Jamison "Hmm.... that might be a good idea. I have been looking for water ... but
without luck." he sighs.
(Anne whispered to GM): (let me know when I can try my weather sense, GM)
[ Vulk joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Anne): ((Sorry, you did make that roll ... correct?))
Phinnea edges her horse towards the trees.
[Valek]: "If we sqeeze the fruit there will be water."
[Valek]: "Or at least juce."
[GM]: Jamison follows Phinny
(Anne whispered to GM): not yet - that roll was for Surivival
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,4 = [ 15 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): Failed Weather sense by 2
Phinnea eyes the trees warily as they approach.
[Anne]: Anne follws her companions off the mage's web towards the trees
[GM]: And soon the party makes camp just off the road near a grove of Pear trees.
(GM whispered to Anne): You see no signs of bad weather approaching.
(Vulk whispered to GM): not to interupt but what is the difference between GURPS and AD&D?
(Anne whispered to GM): thanks!
Phinnea strips naked and lays down, yawning loudly. "Vake me when it is my turn to watch."
[GM]: The horses seem content to graze wherever you tie them up.
(GM whispered to Vulk): It is a skill-based system using only 3 six-sided dice.
(Vulk whispered to GM): skill-based?
[Valek]: "I'll get some juice made."
[Anne]: Anne ties up the horses, and rubs them down...
(GM whispered to Vulk): As opposed to Class-based.
Valek lands and ties the rope around his waiste, eyeing the horse oddly.
Phinnea realizes she is hungry and puts on her undergarments. She then proceeds to build a
(Valek whispered to GM): create servant Brute
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,6 = [ 11 ]
Valek gestures and a rather strong looking servant appears.
(Vulk whispered to GM): so is there fighting and magic and mysteries and stuff like that?
Phinnea stops, startled.
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[Valek]: More support, more books, more realistic, more belivibal, better charecter
creation,b etter charecter advancement, makes more sence, less logic errors.
[GM]: ...
[Phinnea]: Its a more mature playing style, with more emphasis on role-playing rather than
monster killing, etc.
[Valek]: More balanced, more choice, better system overall.
[Vulk]: oh
(Valek whispered to GM): what was the last thing you saw?
[Phinnea]: But do you like it better Valek? *grin* wb Rubix
[Vulk]: what are the different classes and races?
[Phinnea]: limited only by the GM
(Valek whispered to GM): I had just created a brute with a roll of 11, used shape earth
with a roll of 11, and used artists to shape the earth into bottels with an 8.
[Vulk]: what classes and races r u guys?
[Anne]: ooc - human priestess
[Phinnea]: any time period, style of game, etc can be played. I am a dwarf.
[GM]: The last thing I saw was Anne taking care of the horses. Valek creating a brute and
Phinny getting dressed.
[Phinnea]: Dwarven alchemist
[Valek]: ooc - Fell mage.
Phinnea continues to build the fire.
(Valek whispered to GM): do you want me to reroll those last two then, or just let it be?
[GM]: ((Yes, Valek reroll the rolls after the Create Servant, please))
(GM whispered to Valek): ((By the way, how much does it cost to levitate yourself?))
[GM]: ...
(Valek whispered to GM): nothing, valek only weighs around 125 lbs which gives a cost of 2
-2 for skill 20
[GM]: ((testing testing am I getting through?))
[Anne]: yep
[Phinnea]: yep
(Valek whispered to GM): shape earth, followed by artist.
(GM whispered to Valek): ((Yes, but doenst the created rope count as a spell on?))
(Valek whispered to GM): no.
(Valek whispered to GM): the object stays until put down, the spell itself is instatanious.
[Vulk]: i think i'd rather have more fighting and mysteries compared to what i've seen
[Anne]: ooc maybe.. but if that's the case, perhaps GURPS isn't the right game for you...
3rd ed D&D is quite good as well.
[Phinnea]: ((we lose Valek?))
[Vulk]: well i'm gonna go now
[Vulk]: bye
[ Vulk left the game ]
[GM]: Whispering with Valek
(Valek whispered to GM): ok rolling to get the shape earth and then artist to make it into
bottels and a funnel.
(Valek whispered to GM): <This is at -1 due to the brute.>
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,1 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: (roll)
(Valek whispered to GM): and artist.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 12 ]
Valek gestures at the ground and it shapes itself into several bottels.
[GM]: A brute stands awaiting Valek's commands.
[GM]: Anne and Jamison soon get the horses taken care of
[Anne]: Anne finishes with another horse, and moves onto the next few... she looks tired,
but continues her task.
[Valek]: "Servant squeeze these fruit into the bottels, use the funnel."
[GM]: Phinny does a fair enough job of getting the fire started, despite the shortage of
[GM]: The brute obeys Valek
[Anne]: Anne walks back to camp with Jamison... tired but happy to be with friends - and
new firends too.
Phinnea snorts, somewhat satisfied with her fire.
[GM]: The trees bear a good crop of Pears and they are rather tasty
[GM]: Peshida stays back away from the fire and does not say much
[Anne]: "Hmmm, these pears are good..." (juice running down her chin)
[GM]: Lydia still seems somewhat concerned about the Egg.
[Anne]: (Anne gathers some pears for Lydia, still not knowing most of what happened about
the egg)
[Anne]: "Hey Lydia... would you like some pears? I'm grabbing some for the trail, myself."
[Phinnea]: "Lydia, is your problem that you have forgotten some of your alchemy skills?"
[Anne]: (Anne packs a dozen pears in her pack for later in travels)
[GM]: Jackdaw looks at Anne "Why must you eats them in Pairs?"
(Valek whispered to GM): oh I forgot to ask is there a lot of stone he can use or should he
turn clay or dirt to stone for the spell?
[Phinnea]: "PEAR, JD, not Pair!" Phinnea grins at JD.
[Anne]: "Hehe.. no JD - I'll eat one at a time, but we call them Pears - P, E A, R, S - not
(GM whispered to Valek): ((I thought about that, but Valek DOES find enough stone to do what
he wants))
[Anne]: (ooc - I wonder if that school he went to taught with Hooked on fonicks")
[GM]: Jackdaw "Oh, me understand now." he takes two of them and proceeds to eat them
[GM]: ((hehe))
Phinnea tosses a pear to Valek. "You eat dees?"
[GM]: Soon, it is completely dark. The fire lights up the utter darkness around.
Valek attempts to catch it but fails
[Valek]: "Err, yes...."
Valek picks up the pear
[Phinnea]: "vell, its no dirtier den it would be underground." she mutters.
[GM]: Within an hour, Silverna rises and provides additional light.
[Valek]: "Actually we live inside stone mountains which keeps us away from the dwarves and
the trolls, as a concequence there is no dirt."
[Anne]: Soon after dark falls, Anne readies her bedroll for sleeping - it's been a long
day...She removes her armor for sleep. "I'll take a watch, if you want (to anyone) - who
knows what we might find in the wilds this night? If you want, I'll take the early morning
(Valek whispered to GM): Can he attempt to ferment the pear juce so the party has booze to
[GM]: As always, it starts in its first quarter phase and then proceeds to wax to fullness.
Phinnea volunteers to take first watch.
[GM]: Jackdaw still eating and slurping a pear, "Me casts ... sssspell to helpsss us be
[Phinnea]: "Yes, JD, that vud be gud."
(GM whispered to Valek): From the scroll?
[Valek]: "Then we have nothing to fear, and can all sleep soundly."
[ Vet joined the game ]
[grady]: hello
(Valek whispered to GM): no can he attempt to learn the spell now.
(Valek whispered to GM): <If he casts it from the scroll it will be gone.>
[Anne]: "We should still have a watch, regardless. If you take first, Phinny, then get me
to take second or third.
(GM whispered to Valek): He has to spend 20 hours of study to be able to use the default.
[Anne]: hi Grady
[grady]: May i play?
Phinnea nods, and props herself up against a tree near the fire.
[GM]: ((Sorry, this is a closed game))
[GM]: Jackdaw finishes his food and casts his spell.
[grady]: ((Thanks alot))
[GM]: Jamison suppliments his diet with some dried meat. He offers some to everyone else.
[grady]: ((I'll never get in a rpg))
[Anne]: (Anne accepts the dried meat - Yum yum)
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,1 = [ 12 ]
[ Vet left the game ]
[Anne]: ooc - How rude...
(Valek whispered to GM): haw much time has he spent? He studied for a few hours last night
and the entire trip today?
[GM]: Soon the party is bedded down. Do you place watch?
Phinnea stays awake for first watch.
[Anne]: Phinny, Jamison, Anne
(GM whispered to Valek): You have 10 hours in study = 1 Study point .... at this time.
Phinnea decides to put her equipment back on while on watch.
[GM]: Lydia stays up for awhile sitting near the fire and contemplating the egg.
[GM]: Lydia does not say much
[Phinnea]: "Lydia, if I hypnotize you, will you know what to do with da egg?"
(Valek whispered to GM): ok.
Valek crosses his legs in his lap and closes his eyes, breathing slows.
[GM]: Lydia "Hypnotize?" she sits up and blinks?
Phinnea nods. "Sometimes the inner mind has da strength to do things dat you dont realize."
[GM]: Lydia, "Thanks, I will .... take that into consideration."
[ Luthaine joined the game ]
[Luthaine]: hello
[GM]: Soon it is Jamison's watch
[Anne]: hi
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,2 = [ 12 ]
Phinnea removes her clothes and snuggles down to sleep when it is Jamison's turn.
[GM]: Lydia beds down about the same time that Jamison's watch begins
[GM]: Jamison's watch passes without event and he goes to wake Anne
[Luthaine]: er...is this somekinda sex game?
[Anne]: Anne dons her armor and gear, and sits for her watch....
[Anne]: (no)
[GM]: ((Sorry, Luthaine you will have to be quiet if you want to stay. We are in the middle
of a game))
[Luthaine]: sorry...go on
[GM]: Vision roll Anne
[Anne]: When dawn arrives, she spends a half-hour in prayer, then begins readying the
breakfast of champions - Porridge.
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,6 = [ 11 ]
[Anne]: Make it by 4
[Anne]: oops - by 3
(GM whispered to Anne): Anne notices a few small creatures scurring around the area
(Anne whispered to GM): what kind of creatures are they? She gets up for a closer look,
with her mace, just in case....
[GM]: How far from the fire does Anne venture?
(Anne whispered to GM): until she can't see anything clearly... about 10-12 ft I would
[GM]: At 4 yds from the fire, she still cant make out any details
(Anne whispered to GM): Anne goes back, lights a torch, and investigates closer
[GM]: She only catches glimpses
(Anne whispered to GM): - she goes as far as 5-6 yards from the fire
(Anne whispered to GM): More if needed
[GM]: She goes 8 yds from the fire and still cannot do more than catch glimpses of what is
out there.
[GM]: Give me another vision roll, Anne
(Anne whispered to GM): "Hmmm well so far it's not been hostile... Maybe its field mice."
(To GM) DICE for Anne: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,6 = [ 11 ]
(Anne whispered to GM): made it by 3
[ Luthaine left the game ]
[Tue Nov 28 20:52:08 CST 2000]
[ Rubix2 joined the game ]
[Phinnea]: wb
[Valek]: welcom back rubix.
[Anne]: back
[Rubix]: back
[Anne]: rehi!
[GM]: ....
[GM]: Where were we?
(Anne whispered to GM): I had just made a vision roll by 3
Valek continues sleeping soundly upright
(GM whispered to Anne): You catch only glimpses of creatures roughly 2 feet tall. They do
wear clothing and possibly armor or sorts, but seem to avade your direct glance.
(Valek whispered to GM): Dose recover strength include the ability to meditate?
(GM whispered to Anne): The seem to be circling the campsite and wathching.
(Anne whispered to GM): Hmmm. Okay, Anne heads back to the campfire
(Anne whispered to GM): She gently shakes Jamison and Phinny awake
(GM whispered to Valek): No. Meditation is an esoteric skill.
[GM]: Jamison gets up, "What is it?"
(Anne whispered to GM): "We're being surrounded by a bunch of tiny people in armor... best
we were ready."
[Anne]: "We're being surrounded by a bunch of tiny people in armor... best we were ready."
[GM]: Jamsion hurriedly puts on his armor and grabs his staff
[Anne]: (While Jamison and Phinny wake, Anne moves over to Lydia and Valek, Pehsida, and
wakes them as well
(Valek whispered to GM): I imageine this is how his race sleep anyway, but Meditation is
probabally a skill Valek would like to pick up.
Phinnea hurridly dons her gear on hearing the news.
[Anne]: ((ooc - Jamison has a sword - he told me he has changed his character concept)
[Anne]: ((Has he talked with you about that yet?))
[GM]: ((Actually, the jury is still out on that one, Anne))
[Anne]: ((Ok- Forget I mentioned it!))
Valek awakens slowly looking at the morning brightness "This sun is difficult to get used
Phinnea grabs her mace and places her shield over her arm. "Vhat is it?!"
[Anne]: "We're being surrounded by a bunch of tiny people in armor... best we were ready."
[GM]: Jamison also wears the scabbard containing Gleam.
[Valek]: "Tiny peple in armor? Allow me to go reason with them?"
[GM]: Jamison "What do they look like?"
[Phinnea]: "smaller den me?"
Phinnea peers into the darkness.
[Anne]: "I couldn't get a good look at them - they were tiny - about 2ft tall - and when
you looked at them they seemed to shift away."
[Anne]: "I couldn't seem to look directly at them."
[Anne]: "Much smaller Phinnea..."
(Phinnea whispered to GM): Do I sense JD was successful with his spell?
[Anne]: They looked like tiny people, with armor and such, but I couldn't see any more with
my torch..."
Phinnea frowns.
(Valek whispered to GM): would termatergy or history let me recognise them by that
[Anne]: (Speaking of torches, Anne douses hers to save on its lifespan)
(GM whispered to Valek): Give me an IQ roll
[Phinnea]: ((we lose Rub again?)
[GM]: ((I am here))
(Valek whispered to GM): mad it by 5
[Phinnea]: ((Cool *smile*))
(Valek whispered to GM): <made>
(GM whispered to Valek): ((Nothing rings a bell. You can think of no race that are that
[Valek]: "At two feet tall: I can't think of anything that short that would wear armor....
Except imps, but you'd have noticed the wings...."
[Anne]: Anne keeps watch for the strange creatures... "Maybe they're leprechauns?"
[GM]: Jamison "Any ideas? I don't like the idea of going out there and investigating.
That might be what they are trying to get us to do."
[Phinnea]: "Valek could float out there and check them out."
[Valek]: "It would be easier to walk...."
[GM]: Jackdaw wakes, "(yawn) Leprechauns? Where you sees them?"
[Anne]: Anne begins casting a spell...
[Phinnea]: "yes, but den dey could reach you. But be me guest."
(Anne whispered to GM): sense foes, skill 13
(Anne whispered to GM): succeed by 7
(Anne whispered to GM): (Area 3 hexes radius)
Phinnea readies her mace, turning it in her hand as she looks out into the darkness.
Valek smiles, somehow not seeming afaraid "I'm sure there perfectly amiabal and simply
curious as to why we are near there home."
(GM whispered to Anne): ((I don't believe that that would be far enough to encompass the
(Anne whispered to GM): Ahh - what would?
Phinnea looks at the horses to see their reactions.
(GM whispered to Anne): ((They stay out from camp in a 10-hex radius))
(GM whispered to Phinnea): The horses seem calm
(Anne whispered to GM): Ok - Cast the spell 6 hexes away, with a 3 hex radius - my success
of 7+ will easily accomodate that, right?
[Phinnea]: "Anne, are you sure you saw something?"
[Valek]: "There's no need to prepare for violence."
[Valek]: "Were there weapons drawn Anne?"
[Anne]: Yeah... I'm sure I saw something... And I think it was these little people, but I
can't be sure exactly... I didn't see any weapons - just armor - but I thought it best if
we were alert, and not asleep.
Phinnea walks slowly a few feet into the darkness, "I can see anything....."
[Anne]: "They had an odd way of moving away from my eyesight... I suppose I can't be sure I
saw people, but that is sure what they looked like!"
[Phinnea]: ((cant))
(GM whispered to Anne): ((Yes. Anne gets no sense of hostility, but a sense of mostly
(Anne whispered to GM): Thanks Rubix
[Valek]: "I'll go see, my eyes are acostomed to this kind of darkness, and I belive that
whatever they are they can be reasoned with.
[GM]: ...
Phinnea returns to the fire, and nods. "Sounds good."
[Anne]: "I cast a spell - and I don't think they are hostile - curious, rather... Maybe
they will approach if we talk?"
[Anne]: "Good idea Valek, but why don't we invite them to the fire instead?"
[Valek]: "Do we know what language they speak?"
[Anne]: "No Idea..."
[GM]: The time is two hours before dawn. Silverna has passed it's fullness and is almost
at it's 3-quarters phase.
[Valek]: "If I can see them I can attempt sign."
[Anne]: I wonder what those darned Moon-mites are up to?
[Valek]: "Also the fire, or the horses, may intimdate them...."
[Anne]: "Alright Valek - that makes a lot of sense... Do you want company?"
[Valek]: "Please."
[Anne]: Anne will accompany Valek
[Phinnea]: "I'll stay here with dee others."
Valek walks out to where Anne says she saw the people.
[Anne]: Anne puts her mace back on her belt (no longer readied)
[Anne]: and follows Valek
[GM]: You both see nothing out there.
[ Epiphanis joined the game ]
(Epiphanis whispered to GM): May I lurk quietly for a bit?
Valek jibbers off in Goblinish "Excuse me, is anyone out there?"
(GM whispered to Epiphanis): sure
[Anne]: "I guess they left?"
(GM whispered to Valek): Do you speak Goblin?
(Valek whispered to GM): yes.
[GM]: Whispering
Phinnea scowls suspiciously at the sound of Goblins coming from the darkness.
(Valek whispered to GM): it's the only outher short person language he knows so he thought
he'd try it.
[GM]: A voice, "How attempts to speak the tounge of the Goblins?"
[GM]: A voice, "Who attempts to speak the tounge of the Goblins?"
Valek continues in goblin "I am Fell, Valek Zharn."
[GM]: ((And that was in Goblin, by the way. Anne would not recognize what was said))
[Anne]: ((okay))
[GM]: The voice continues in the rough Goblin tounge
(GM whispered to Valek): "A fell? Then you ARE the ones that quest to the city of
(Valek whispered to GM): "Yes...."
(GM whispered to Valek): "I approach if you will allow"
(Valek whispered to GM): "Very well."
Valek wispers in human "He is appraoching, make no sudden movments."
[GM]: A Goblin appears from around a bush that you did not remember being there.
[Anne]: Anne stands still, and makes no move
Valek bows respectfully.
[GM]: He wears elaborate blue robes that sparkle in the moon-light and a three-pointed
jester's cap of the same material.
[GM]: The Goblin bows
[Anne]: Anne bows to the Goblin as well - he seems a person of Importnance!
(Valek whispered to GM): do I know what the significance of the blue robes are?
(GM whispered to Valek): IQ roll
(Valek whispered to GM): made by 9
[GM]: I will speak in the weak Human tounge to allow an understanding of your companion
(said in Human)
(GM whispered to Valek): He must be a mage of some repute, or at least think himself one.
[Anne]: (Hrmmph!)
[Valek]: "Greetings and goodwill to you great mage."
[Valek]: "You wear the mark of your station well."
[GM]: Goblin "I am Shaeloffic." he says something in Goblin
[Anne]: Hello, Shaeloffic... I am Sister Anne of Kissel, a Priestess of Ral."
(GM whispered to Valek): "Shaeloffic the Master of Demons and Bearer of the Blue flame."
(GM whispered to Valek): ((His full name and title))
[GM]: Goblin bows again to Valek
[Phinnea]: ((can those of us at the fire hear this conversation?))
Valek bows deeply "You must truly be a mage of many talants to have mastered deamons."
[GM]: Goblin nods to Anne, "I know well what you are Anne of Kissel. Greetings this fine
[Anne]: "Greetings Shealoffic. Have we intruded upon your territory un-announced?"
Shaeloffic smiles, "You honor me with your words Sir Fell"
[Valek]: "It is evident that you may have been seeking us; may I ask why?"
[Valek]: "The honour is mine, great Shaeloffic."
[Shaeloffic]: "My sources tell me of your quest ... although I must admit that even they
are somewhat unsure as to what it is."
(Valek whispered to Shaeloffic): this may very well become of battel of 'who is more
honoured to meet the outher'
[Shaeloffic]: ((hehe))
[Shaeloffic]: ((that was directed at Valek))
[Shaeloffic]: "This territory is clearly marked for the Humans. Although, your party does
make some of kin very nervous"
[Shaeloffic]: ((some of my kin... it should read))
[Valek]: "The horses, quite offsetting."
(Valek whispered to Shaeloffic): <Goblin> "I would be much more comfotabal were they dead."
<Uses the mage word for death/life, so that it is understood to mean undead>
Shaeloffic laughs, "No, it is not just the horses....and I agree that the only good horse
is a dead horse... it is the relic that is carried by one of your members"
(Shaeloffic whispered to Anne): IQ roll Anne
(Valek whispered to Shaeloffic): I imagine that the fell would be on very good terms with
the goblins: the goblins would like the fell because they don't assume there better then
goblins simply because they aren't, and the fell would like the goblins because they don't
automatically assume everything the Fell say to be meaningless, and will freely assosicate
with them.
(Shaeloffic whispered to Valek): A valid assumption
Phinnea calls out into the darkness, "ANNE? VALEK? Is everything alright out there?"
[Shaeloffic]: "I will take no more of your time, but I offer a word of warning...."
(Valek whispered to Shaeloffic): they probabally have simmilar bonds with many of the
'unclean' races, but the goblines would share the most kinship.
(Anne whispered to Shaeloffic): He obviously means GLEAM - didn't we give that to the
King? I didn't know Jamsion still had it....
[Anne]: made IQ by 2 GM
(Shaeloffic whispered to Anne): I didn't get that roll. Am I still GM?
(Anne whispered to Shaeloffic): you weren't, but are now
(Anne whispered to Shaeloffic): Oops!
(Anne whispered to Shaeloffic): I rolled 12, IQ:14
[Anne]: "It's Okay Phinnea.... Let's give Valek some more time."
(Shaeloffic whispered to Anne): You might be suprised by how fluently this Goblin speaks
Human. You always heard that they were an uneducated, bruttal race.
Shaeloffic looks at Anne, "I will say that you take a great risk bringing the relic into
the Marshlands. The balance of things could be .... upset."
[Anne]: "Actually, Sir Shaeloffic, I wasn't aware of it until you mentioned it just now - I
thought we had given it to our King a year ago... We have just rejoined together - and it
is as much a surprise to me, as it is to you, I'm sure..."
Shaeloffic waves his hand "I will say no more about it. I leave you know."
Shaeloffic looks at Valek
Valek bows "We shall take your words into account very dearly."
(Valek whispered to Shaeloffic): "My friend; being that you are such a great mage, I was
hoping you would take it upon yourself to share knoledge with me?"
Shaeloffic speaks in a very odd tounge
[Phinnea]: ((perhaps the egg is the relic? not the sword?))
(Shaeloffic whispered to Valek): In perfect Fell "It has been a pleasure meeting you. What
is it that you would desire?"
[Anne]: ((perhaps...))
Shaeloffic reaches into his robes and produces a scroll. He hands it towards Valek, but
then drops it on the ground.
Shaeloffic is gone
[Anne]: "Wha..? Valek - could you please explain to me what just happened?"
Valek picks up the scroll and reads it, but not aloud, just in case it is magical.
[Anne]: Did we anger them, or was this a warning of sorts?"
[Valek]: "He simply gave us the warning."
(GM whispered to Valek): What knowledge was Valek seeking? What was the answer to
Shaeloffic's question "What is it that you would desire?"
(Valek whispered to GM): "I seek to learn all magic, in time: I would be glad to exchange
knoledge of spells with you so as to expade both outer spellbooks."
(GM whispered to Valek): The scroll contains 2 spells. Teleport. Teleport Other.
(Valek whispered to GM): rock on.
Phinnea cannot withold her curiosity any longer, and rushes out into the darkness after
Anne and Valek, weilding her mace. "ANNE!" she calls out desperately.
[Anne]: "Phinny! Its alright!"
Phinnea stops, breathing heavily.
[Anne]: "It was a visitor, who came with a warning.... everything is ok."
[GM]: Jamison runs out after Phinny
[Phinnea]: "Phew! Me thoughts you were gonners."
[Anne]: "At least for now.... and tell Jamison to STAY THERE!"
[GM]: Jamison "What is going on out here?"
Valek carfully rolls the scrolls and slips them into his pocket "What a plessant fellow,
even for a goblin his manners were impecabal."
[Anne]: "We're coming back to camp..."
Phinnea scowls at the mention of goblins. "Goblins? where?"
[GM]: Jamison "Anne? Can you tell me what happened out there?"
[Anne]: "True... I had always been taught Goblins were uneducated and crude, but he seemed
very different."
[Anne]: "I will when I get back to camp... I'm on my way."
Valek frowns at that but says nothing.
Phinnea follows the others back to camp.
[Anne]: (Anne heads back to camp.)
[GM]: Note: No one else was close enough to see or hear anything except what Valek and Anne
Valek waves to the outside before returning to camp.
[Anne]: "Perhaps it was my education that was at fault..."
[GM]: Phinny, smelling roll please.
DICE for Phinnea: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,2 = [ 14 ]
[Phinnea]: ((not sure the default for that.))
[ maddmax joined the game ]
[Anne]: Valek... what was said in the scroll the sorceror left you?"
[GM]: ((Based on IQ, Phinny. Made by 0, I believe))
[Phinnea]: ((yes))
(GM whispered to Phinnea): Phinny catches the scent of a Goblin upon the wind as she is
returning to camp
[Valek]: "They are two spells, which I intend to learn. Evidently Shaleoffic belive I may
have need of them as well."
[GM]: Everyone is back in camp
[Anne]: I take it by what he said he means the relic which Jamison carries - or did he mean
Lydia's egg?"
Phinnea curls her nose up distastefully. "pew....... I can smell something goblin alright."
[GM]: Jackdaw yawns "Me goes back to sleep. There no frolic"
[GM]: Lydia "What is that about the Egg?"
[Valek]: "I dbought it is the egg."
[Anne]: "Jamison - You still carry Gleam... Why didn't we give it to the King?"
[Valek]: "Generally the more leathal the relic, the more likely it is to take the form of a
[Anne]: "Isn't it a national treasure - how can we justify putting it at risk by taking it
out of the kingdom?"
[Valek]: "Gleam?"
[GM]: Jamison "Well .... the time never seemed right. I have been meaning to talk to you
about that"
[GM]: Jamison "Actually, I don't know that we can justify doing that" he ponders the thought
[Anne]: "THE TIME NEVER SEEMED RIGHT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! JAMISON! That is crazy!"
[GM]: Jamison "Anne, WE need to speak about this at a later time .... just the two of us"
Valek definatly dosne't like shouting, and looks for somewhere to hide.
Phinnea looks back and forth between Anne and Jamison.
[Anne]: "Alright... Sorry I blew up... Let's talk..."
[GM]: Jamison looks around at everyone looking at him, "You mean ... here ... now?"
[Anne]: "I was just taken by surprise.. sorry Jamison... I'll try and control myself."
[GM]: Jackdaw begins to snore
[Phinnea]: "Is there something we shouldn't know?"
[Valek]: <Actually Valek is hiding....>
[Anne]: "Not if you feel uncomfortable... We can talk later, when we have some privacy, if
you wish."
[Valek]: <Probabally behind or inside the tree....>
[GM]: Jamison "Well, it is a delicate matter. I need your opinion on something"
[Anne]: "But we must speak about this soon - soon as we can, my friend. I will be glad to
offer my opinion, when we speak."
[ !Prankster! joined the game ]
[GM]: Jamison looks toward the moon Silverna "I suggest we salvage the rest of the night.
Anyone who can shoud get some sleep"
[Anne]: "You know you can trust me to speak my mind, Jamison. If you want my thoughts, I
will offer them. And I'm sorry I blew up - I really am."
Phinnea is confused, and decides to return to sleep.
[GM]: Jamison "Actually, I did deserve it'
Valek eventually comes back out from wherever he hid
[Phinnea]: "damn typical of a goblin to disturb me sleep." she mutters.
[GM]: Time passes
[Valek]: <That's right: potential army sorounding them and Valek is perfectally calm: a
tall person shouts and he's lookign for somewhere to hide!>
[Anne]: <hehehe>
[GM]: ((hehe)
[Valek]: "Ann did you mean it when you said that perhaps your teachings had been flawed: or
did you say that simply to avoid hurting my fealings?"
(Just watching whispered to GM): if its not a bother can you give me a basic setting idea
time period and world attitude very intersted
[GM]: Jamison does not attempt sleep
[Valek]: <Anne>
[Anne]: "No Valek... For most of my life I have been a soldier - I call things as I see
[Valek]: "Back in my home city there are two libraries."
[Anne]: "I meant it when I said perhaps my teaching was wrong - people can be awfully close
minded and put things down they are afriad of... Maybe this was just such a case?"
[Valek]: "One is the library that outhers want to see: the history which is written by the
victor, the stories that are embelished, and not the ones that are deamed unapealing."
(GM whispered to Just watching): Fantasy. Tolkienistic-type world which strives for a
higher technology and knowlegdge, but which is heavily influenced by Magic and Religion
[Valek]: "It is full of steriotypes, casting, and outher violations of true timekeeping."
[GM]: The party continues to talk and soon it is dawn
(Just watching whispered to GM): what age are they in bronze steem steel?
[Valek]: "When someone comes demanding to see our records, this is what we direct them to:
they find the answer they were expecting and leave."
[Anne]: "And the second is the true history of your people?"
[Valek]: "Not just of our people: we have kept accurate records for over 4000 years."
(GM whispered to Just watching): Not exactly any of them. Mass prininting ... but no
[Valek]: "Those are hidden deep in our city, protected from fire, and shrouded by illusion."
[Anne]: "It is true many poeple see only what they expect to see... I hope that humans, as
a race, can rise above that - but if not, then at least I can hope I myself can do so."
[Valek]: "Those are the records that those who seek knoledge are directed to: those with an
open mind."
[GM]: ((This would interest Anne. Accurate records for over 4000 years?))
[Anne]: "4000 years... I would be deeply interested in seeing those records...
[Valek]: "I'd like to show them to you someday."
(Just watching whispered to GM): ok so golden age age of wisdom and science cool i like
the idea i know the gurps system i'd like to try sometime perhapse but for now i
shall watch
[Valek]: "But you must keep an open mind, over that much time: much is changed, rewritten."
[GM]: Jamison "Well, it is dawn ..... perhaps we should eat breakfast and get on our way?"
[Valek]: "Or simply destroyed."
[Anne]: "...it would be as if a door to the past was opened... I would be honored to see
them Valek, if I can prove worthy of your trust!"
Phinnea yawns as she awakens. "You people stayed up all night?"
[Valek]: "I hope I can show them to you, but the path for us is set for now."
[Valek]: "There is juce in the stone bottels, I was unable to ferment it, but I imagine it
is still good."
[Anne]: "Hmmm... I understnad... It will take some mental preparation. I would guess that
the past is not as we believe it, in totality. Even so, I would rather know the truth, if
such a thing is possible to discover."
[Anne]: "Yeah Jamison - lets make some porridge and some fruit..."
[Anne]: (Anne makes her porridge breakfast with pears tossed in)
Valek simply drinks some of the crushed pearjuce.
Phinnea watches Anne and asks her for some porridge also.
[Anne]: (Anne made enough for all of us)
[GM]: As Flamos creaps above the horizon and the party contninues to talk of things with a
trek towards Pershing in front of them (unless they decide to postpone the mission). We