[Tue Jan 16 19:03:37 CST 2001]

[GM]: Setting: As the sun begins to set on the 6th day of Methorah, the party stops to make camp and encounters the man who has been following them for the past two days. He has been described as a Priest ... a Fanatic. BEGIN SESSION #64
[GM]: But who is he .... really?
[GM]: [GM]: Drei looks to Valek "Shall I tell me story again, to answer da Sister's question?"
[Valek]: Valek "Better to hear it directly from the source then second hand."
GM-Drei clears his throat and begins to recall the events of the past few days.
[GM-Drei]: Drei'Partha: "It twas tree days ago, un aye was meditatin' onna quest dat lay before me. An dis man came unta me claimin' ta be da Veridon himself! I brough him da question ....
[GM-Drei]: "How can ye claim ta be da man who talk to da Ancient Ones?" "I make no claims to ye", said he. So aye says to him, "Ye wear da mark of da Silver Wizard Augmena, aire ye claimin' ta be his heir den?" and he says unta me "Nay, I ave not yet right to lay claim to dat name"
GM-Drei looks around to those present "Da place were aim from isa importan to not claim a name ye hav no right ta!"
[GM]: Thor nods and continues to listen to the strange man.
[GM]: Drei'Partha "He say ta me dat he wans me ta give ye aid in ye quest. An I say dat I make no deals wit devils ... and I cast him out, I did"
[GM]: Drei looks at Valek when he says this. "I tell ye no lie"
[GM]: Drei'Partha continues in a respectful tone ... "Prophet Zern in da year 5217 spake thus 'Never shall one walk past three ages, be he Human, Dwarf, or Elf.' If this man be da Veridon of Ancient Times den he breaks da laws of da Ulmartha and he must be a demon of some kine."
[GM]: Drei'Partha "Only da Faye Folk still live after it been don 3 ages, but they have no honor amoung them! A prophet of Ral does not speak an untruth!"
(Anval whispered to GM): Has Anval heard of Zern?
[GM]: Drei "But I have other word of ye party ... "
(GM whispered to Anval): Anne has no clue who this Zern guy is.
GM looks around for any response
Anval looks on with interest
[GM]: Thor looks to Drei and then to the others, not sure how to take this man.
[Anval]: Please speak, Drei"
[GM]: Drei'Partha continues "I know of ye no only from da Wizard. Dat prophet Ulmas tell me about ye, as well"
[GM]: Drei'Partha "Prophet Ulmas del me when me quest begin dat I be meetin ye. He say "Der is a party also on a quest. Der be a Sister, a Knight, a Soldier, a Faun, a Dwarf, a Fell. Ral himself watches dis party and waits, ye would be wise to watch dem yerself."
Phinny listens intently.
[GM]: Drei "So Ayes watch ye .... and I watch ye more...."
[GM]: Drei "Deese are my words, take them as ye please"
[Phinny]: "All ya will do is watch us?"
[Anval]: "Thank you for speaking frankly Drei."
[GM]: Drei nods to Anne and smiles
[GM]: Drei looks to Phinny "I may be doing more dan dat now .... after da runes speak ta me last night"
[Phinny]: "Runes? What did tha runes say?"
Valek dose not look happy with this speech, but makes very littel idication of it.
GM speaks to Phinny with respect "Da runes del me dat I am ta be with ya. I saw me wit a Dwarf, a Soldier, a Knight, a Priestess of da Methor Church, a Faun and a Fell ... we travel on a journey together."
[GM]: ((make that Drei speaks))
[Anval]: "So what happened to Peshida and Lydia?"
[GM]: Drei points to Lydia and Peshida, "I saw not ye two in da runes"
Phinny looks at the others, wondering whether they should welcome a stranger in their midst.
[GM]: Drei looks a little embarrassed. "I know not why dey dinna show up"
[Anval]: "A bad Omen...."
[GM]: Jamison breaks the silence "Well, I suppose that someone should start making camp. The sun will be sitting soon."
[Valek]: "Not all divination is iron clad, and it is never as it appears."
Phinny agrees with Jamison, and begins to gather wood for a fire.
[GM]: Drei "I was brough up in da Runes and hav da gift from Ral"
[Valek]: "True, but if your runes told you that somone would bring much food a comunity, what would you think?"
[GM]: ((By the way, this man's accent is unlike any that you have ever heard. It seems evident that Human is not is original tounge))
[GM]: Drei looks confused, "I donna understan, why wud dey tell me such thins. Dey mostly speak of the paths dat must be walked by men"
[Valek]: "It'
[Valek]: "It's a simple example to show a more complex problem."
[Phinny]: :'s mind is spinning with Drei's words.
[Anval]: Anval says "I think I leave this discussion in Valek's hands - I know little of Divination." (She goes and begins preparing the evening meal).
Phinny helps Anval while she listens to them talk.
[GM]: "As Prophet Zern said in 5220, (he speaks in a respectful tone) "It is only meant for da few to see da signs."
[GM]: Drei says
[GM]: Jamison and Thor are busy making camp
Valek sighs and speaks his mind anyway "The problem with prophecy is that it's often not fufilled in the manner that people see; bringing much food to a comunity may be a humanitarian effort, or you may just die next to an anthill."
Phinny whispers to Anne while they prepare the food. "What do you make of dis Drei person? And where'd he learn to talk like dat?"
[Valek]: "As such whatever is revealed in prophecy cannot be trusted unless you analize every option that can bring about that point- and then make ammends for options that were beyind your comprihention, ultimatly leaving the prophecy a useful hint, but only a hint, at the future."
[Anval]: Anne whispers to Phinnea "I don't know what to make of him... he claims to be a prohpet, or at least almost a prophet. I don't think we should trust his words just yet."
[Phinny]: ::ndos slightly in agreement.
[Phinny]: ((argg...ndos = nods))
[GM]: Drei "Believe ye or no, my path is wid yurs for now. I know dis for a fact"
[GM]: Drei "It comes to me as if Ral spoke da words in me heart directly .... an maybe he did"
[Valek]: "For instance you say that you are fated to travel with us, but not with Lydia or Pshedia- it may be that those two are bound for trouble, or it may be that we shall all be captured by slavers and taken away, and they will escape, Or perhaps we shall simply all die simultaniously, or be drawn into a demesional rift; the prophecy holds true in all situations"
[GM]: Drei "Ya, dat is true"
Phinny looks at Anne squarely, "You are close with dis Ral. Can you tell if he means us harm?"
[GM]: "As Prophet Zern said in 4821, (he speaks in a respectful tone) "Only Ral may know da future and den man can chose his own path. But Ral speaks to each of us ... if we but chose ta listen."
[GM]: Drei says
[Anval]: "I could cast a spell that would detect if he had hostile intent, but it might be taken as a hostile act on my part.... <<Whispers: Maybe later tonight, if he stays in out camp, while we're on guard...>>
[Anval]: "I do know this Phinny - Much of what he has been saying has merit... I am just unsure his source is the same as mine."
Phinny nods again, but is unnerved and confused.
[Valek]: "Hence prophecy dose not rule the lives of men- the future is not set in stone, and people have freewill; making the prophecy a guidline at best."
[GM]: Drei smiles "But we shall travel together if ye like it or not ... or aye like it or not. I know dis now fer a fact"
[GM]: Drei "If ye wish me to leave, I shall do so." he stands straight looking at Valek as if waiting for a judgement from him.
[GM]: Drei "Of is we wish for more proof ... I shall do what I may to give it to ye"
Phinny also stands and looks at Drei and Valek. "Drei has done us no harm. Let him stay if he so wishes."
[Valek]: "I do not wish to chase you away, I simply want you to know that I do not want prophecy spewed twoards me."
[Anval]: "I agree with Phinny. If we are in danger from Drei, it will make no matter if he is camped with us, or a mile away following us. Let him stay."
[Valek]: "I also want you to consider your choices fully before blindly following your prophecys into the night."
[GM]: Drei looks to Valek "I dinna mean to insult ye. I offer me appologies if I didso"
[Valek]: "I've seen too many friends die following prophecies, that had a strange way of fufilling themselves in there deathes"
Valek bows "I as well did not mean to be harsh, there is very littel I feal strongly about, divination is one of those things."
[GM]: Drei "If me prophecy leads me to me death, den dats what aye chose for me life. I am a prophet and I hav chosen and been chosen"
[GM]: Drei "What know ye of divination, sir Valek?"
[Valek]: "All midwives among my people practice it, as well many outhers pick up a few divinations as they progress along there studies- thinking that the small glmpses of the future will serve them well."
[GM]: Drei "I speak of da true divination, dat comes from Ral."
[Valek]: "It is magic, weither it comes from your god, or a wizards hand is irrelivant."
Phinny samples the food as it cooks. "All dis talk is making me hungry!"
[GM]: Before too long, camp is set up and Flamos touches the horizon as the night begins. Silverna sits high over the horizon and is in its half phase offering a good deal of light. The blue cresent of Largos shows strongly in the Eastern sky and Contesta is almost directly above you almost a full red sphere."
[GM]: Drei "It isna da same. Ask da sister Anne, and she wil tell ya. Da magic from Ral is na magic as from da wizard."
Valek bows to Drei "As interesting as our discussion is: I must tend to my studies before I retire if I ever plan not to
[GM]: Drei bows with respect
[GM]: Soon the food is ready
Valek goes off to a semi-seculded spot and places a page in front of him, looking at it intently he begins placing silver pins into himself.
Phinny makes sure everyone has food before she digs into her own.
(Valek whispered to GM): Trying to rerout the energy so that he dose not lose it while awake.
[GM]: Jackdaw approaches Anne, "My cast spell over camp now? or waits until man in silk leave?"
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 12 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): what was my peanalty again?
(GM whispered to Valek): What were you trying to do??
[Anval]: "i think he's staying JD... best cast it now."
[GM]: Jackdaw nods and goes off to cast his spell