[Tue Jan 30 18:52:15 CST 2001]


[GM]: ------------------------------------------------
[GM]: ------------------------------------------------
[GM]: Setting: In the wee hours of the 7th day of Methorah (Bright Saturday), Jackdaw notices while on watch that his spell is no more. As the other party members are awakened, a chest is discovered in the middle of camp with a scroll layed out on top. BEGIN SESSION #65
[GM]: Jackdaw has disappeared from sight and Valek walks away from camp as best as he can.
[ MikeL left the game ]
Valek continues hobbeling away from the antimagic site as quickly as his weakened condition will allow, ocassionally making very goblinish squeels in the process.
[GM]: It has been roughly 3 minutes since Jackdaw made his discovery
Jamison mentions to Phinney.." This seems to happen way to often..." go wake all the others and see if anyone can read the letter. I will watch the chest and the camp."
[GM]: Phinney "Fine den" she yells "Hey you guys ... wake up !!!"
(Valek whispered to GM): tell me when valek either gets outside the raidus or walks into some form of trap.
[GM]: Drei'Partha almost jumps straight up, landing on his feet with draw katana.
Jamison rolls his eyes...and mumbles.."that should wake everyon iin this quarter of the earth
[GM]: Lydia, Peshida and Anne rush to their feet.
[GM]: Valek move your mini on the map ... say about 30 hexes
[GM]: Anne rushes over to Jamison "What is the matter?"
Jamison mumbles.."Dwarves....no sense of sublety
[GM]: Anne's hair falls over her face in a very seductive way
[Jamison]: We have another suprise visit.. and if I am any judge... it may be another note from our wizard friend
[GM]: Drei moves with Thor to the SW in an attempt to secure camp
Jamison brushes the hair back with his hand... he is obviously, distacted...
[GM]: Phinny "Der been any of yous dat can read da language of da Old Elves?"
Jamison keeps watch....albeit distactedly...
[GM]: Peshida "I can read Old Elven"
[GM]: Phinny hands the Cursed Elf the scroll
[ Zuggtmoy joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Zugg !!!!)))
(Valek whispered to GM): I don't have the permissions.
Jamison hears grunts from the bushes...
[Zuggtmoy]: (Hi!)
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jamison]: OOC: Zugg
[Jamison]: hiya
[Jamison]: JD...you here to stay?
[GM]: ((Sorry Minis can be moved now))
[Anval]: Hiya MikeL, Everyone
[GM]: ((How goes it Zugg? Good to see ya ))
[GM]: Recap: Just started the session a few minutes ago. Everyone is awake now. Peshida is about to read the scroll.
[GM]: ((If you want to read the map, it may take awhile to load. Jamison had a little trouble getting it open, but waiting should do the trick))
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: It has been 5 minutes since Jackdaw made his discovery
(Anval whispered to GM): The doctors say I have to take it easy for a while... I might have had a mini-stroke with all those seizures.
[Jamison]: OOC: phinney is about to have Peshida read the note...
[ MikeL joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Anval): That is terrible. If you need to drop out of the Methoria game, then it is totally understandable. Count on me for any support that I can give you.
[Jackdaw]: here we go again
[Jackdaw]: maybe
[GM]: ((he speaks !!!))
[Jamison]: hi JD...good to see you
[GM]: It has been 5 minutes since Jackdaw made his discovery
(Anval whispered to GM): Actually, I had to drop everything pretty much except this - I have to keep a *few* vices... I still have one other game too, but I can't do "one game a day" like I used to
[Jackdaw]: had some crashes but it seems to be working now
(GM whispered to Anval): Yes, that DOES sound over taxing !!!
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did you get what JD was doing?
[Jamison]: looks good
[GM]: Waiting for Valek to move his mini 30 hexes
[Jamison]: how about Zugg...
[Valek]: I can't I don't have the permissions.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, move your mini to where you want to go
[GM]: Valek try again
[Valek]: ok it worked this time.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): where is my mini?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Okay, now your mini is visible
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks
[Anval]: How about what , Jamison? (hehe)
[GM]: Peshida takes the scroll and studies it in the low light of the fire. "This is not High Elven ... Hmmm.. this is rather odd."
[Jamison]: Just checking.. wanted to see if you were still here... been a tuff nite for all
[Anval]: (Sorry I'm late)
Jamison leans over to Anne..." I think it is from our wizard friend...
[GM]: 7 mintues since the discovery
[Anval]: (Last I heard ANne was asleep - is she awake now?)
(GM whispered to Valek): Give me a Hearing roll
[GM]: Everyone is awake now
DICE for Valek: (19-3d6) : 3d6=2,2,1 = [ 14 ]
[ Harm joined the game ]
(Valek whispered to GM): of all the times to get a critical sucess: coulden't be when I'm trying to do my no sleep magic....
Jamison listens for Peshida's oritory
[Anval]: "Maybe, Jamison - but just in case, I think I'll don my armor... In a ny case it does not bode well."
(Valek whispered to GM): made by 14, on a critical sucess.
Anval begins donning her armor
(GM whispered to Valek): There is movement from the Southeast. You are still in a No Mana Zone. You may move another 20 hexes. Crit tells you that there are at least a dozen creatures coming your way
Jamison continues to watch the camp..... and of course...Anne
[ Harm left the game ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did jd find out how far the no magic goes?
(Valek whispered to GM): can he tell what sort of creatures?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): btw I'd like to change the mini but I seem to have losted all my old webrpg files 
Jamison thinks...wooo---hoooo..... what a woman...
[GM]: Peshida begins to read slowly "In the High Elven Alphabet, but in the Human tounge .... very odd ... it reads '
[Anval]: "Where has Valek gone? We should regroup incase this is some sort of magical ambush? And who was on watch?!"
[Anval]: "Sorry Peshida - please continue...."
Jamison holds up a hand.. waiting for the translation
[GM]: "Since ye have chosen to ignore my warning, you are focing my hand. I cannot allow the relic to fall into the hands of he who bears the crimson flame." Signed "Shaeloffic .. of the Blue Flame"
[GM]: Peshida frowns
(Valek whispered to GM): can valek tell what sort of creature: big ones like human or orcs: huge ones like trolls, small ones like dwarves, very small like goblins?
[Jamison]: Does this makes sense to anyone?
[Anval]: /she frowns...
(GM whispered to Valek): They must be small, their footfalls are too quick and light
Anval frowns
(GM whispered to Valek): Do you continue to move?
[Anval]: "I thought we left a certain relic behind days ago?
[ MikeL left the game ]
(Valek whispered to GM): well Valek is of the inheritly trusting sort, but taking the magic away is a definate attack, so he'll retreat.
[Jamison]: Drei.. can you come here
[Jamison]: ?
[GM]: Drie and Thor spread out looking for any signs of an encounter
[Anval]: (looks at Jamison) Could you be a dear and check your gear. If that sword was cursed, it may have hidden itself on your baggage...."
[Anval]: "And does anyone know whats in this box?"
[GM]: A voice from the West "Aye I be come over der"
(GM whispered to Valek): The footsteps come closer
[Anval]: (Anne tries to open the box)
[Jamison]: Well, certainly... but I find it hard to belive that this is what the note is about
[GM]: Drei hurries over to Jamison. Thor also moves back into camp
(Valek whispered to GM): he keeps running for the camp.
(Valek whispered to GM): well he's still not really running...
(Valek whispered to GM): but he's moving as fast as he can.
[GM]: Valek is coming back to camp, it seems
[Jamison]: Hold on Anne.. let's wait a second
[Anval]: "Okay..." (Anne waits a bit)
[GM]: 9 minutes since the discovery
[Jamison]: Peshida.. ask Drei if this message means anything
[GM]: Drei arrives back at the campfire, "What is it dat ye want?"
[Anval]: Anne ensures her armor is on, and ready - and gathers her gear and weapons, in case she is forced to mount and ride quickly.
[Jamison]: JD.. are you there... get over here
[GM]: Peshida nods and hands the note to Drei
[GM]: Lydia is getting her gear ready. She pulls out a twin crossbow and an autoprod and are checking them out thoroughly
[Jamison]: Darn Fawn... just when you need him
[Jamison]: everyone... arm themselves
[GM]: Jackdaw is no where to be seen, but Valek re enters camp
(GM whispered to Valek): You are back
[Jamison]: Valek... are you ok???
[GM]: Valek looks ... drained and weak
[Jamison]: we need a parimeter...
[GM]: Drei studies the scroll, "Dis be very odd. Da language of High Elves but words in da Human tounge of Ral" he scratches his head.
Valek shakes his head- looking quite yellow and exausted "There are at least 12 creatures not far behind me."
[GM]: Peshida readies his staff
[GM]: Thor "Which direction?"
[Jamison]: OOC: did Thor come back?
[Anval]: Anne readies her mace.... "I knew this could not bode well... Jamison - Thor - are you ready, in case it comes to blows?"
[GM]: Thor is 10 yds to the south of everyone, but within earshot
[GM]: Thor "I be ready for a fight if need be"
[Jamison]: Peshida.. fill Drei in on the contents of the note... His runes may help us understand
Valek points <SW on the map>
[GM]: Drei "I understand wat it say. I can read da High Elven. Who is dis Shaeloffic?"
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jamison]: Anne... Thor...Myself.... let's make a wall of force...
[Valek]: "I'm afaraid I'm powerless in this no manna area, worse yet I'm quite sick."
[GM]: ((note is in the workbench.))
[Jackdaw]: eventually it may all work
[GM]: This is how it looks
[Jamison]: OOC: nice Rubix
[Anval]: oooh - pretty!
[Jamison]: OOC: new alphabet?
[GM]: 12 minutes since the discovery
[Anval]: (nice work Rubix!)
Valek looks at the scroll if no one else is doing it.
[GM]: ((that is the High Elven alphabet))
[Jamison]: Phinney... Anne..Jamison...Thor..... font line... let's meet who's comming
[Jamison]: font=front
[Anval]: "Fine by me... But Phinny may want to hold back - she's a merchant, not a fighter."
[GM]: Jackdaw reappears from the west
[Anval]: (Anne moves closer to Thor, to take up a defence position)
[Jamison]: Never met a drarf that I did not want at my back
Valek quickly finishes reading the scroll "I guess we did not correctly get rid of the artifact; quickly place anything magical you possess on the ground."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The whole valley is affected by this No Mana it seems. Do you keep looking around?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my wanted to looked at my new present so my will goed back
[Anval]: "All I possess in magic is my armor and you can strip it from my dead corpse before I'll take it off right now. I had it made special - its no relic."
[GM]: Lydia is ready with Twin Crossbow "You don't mean the ... Egg do you?"
[Valek]: "Anything that may be magical, the egg included."
[GM]: Jackdaw is returning
Jamison does something that no one else in the party has seen before.... he separates his staff
[GM]: Lydia "But you don't understand ... this IS the Philospher's Egg ... it is Priceless. I cannot let it go"
Valek places his staff on the ground <It has no magic, but better safe then sorry.>
[Valek]: "You you prefer to be feeding the mushrooms?"
[GM]: Thor does a double take at Jamison's staff. "Is that thing defective?"
[GM]: Hearing rolls from all
[Jamison]: Anyone noticing sees Jamison holding a Kantana
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,1 = [ 8 ]
[Jamison]: Hardly
[Anval]: (made it by 6)
DICE for Valek: (19-3d6) : 3d6=2,5,3 = [ 9 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=4,5,2 = [ 4 ]
[Jackdaw]: made by 4
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,1 = [ 12 ]
[Valek]: <Made by 9>
(GM whispered to Valek): the footsteps come closer
(GM whispered to Just watching): Many footsteps approach from the Canyon's entrance.
(GM whispered to Anval): Many footsteps approach from the Canyon's entrance.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Many footsteps approach from the Canyon's entrance.
[Valek]: "This is not the time to argue, or worry about silly things like material objects."
Jackdaw calls out "peoples comminged"
[GM]: Thor "Did anyone think to check inside the chest?"
[GM]: Valek Vision roll please
[Valek]: "No one openend the chest?"
[Anval]: "I hear what ever is coming, coming... I suggest those who aren't going to fight, take cover and hide!"
DICE for Valek: (19-3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 9 ]
[Jamison]: No time... when we know what's coming
[Valek]: <Made by 9>
[Jamison]: WWe can check out then... secure the camp
(GM whispered to Valek): You see them.... nearly a dozen and a half ... Goblins
[Valek]: "18 goblins on the rise."
Jackdaw moves to hide by the rock ion front of Thor
[Anval]: We could try and mount a defence near those two huge boulders if we hurry... Otherwise we'll be trapped in here."
[GM]: 15 minutes since the discovery and they arrive.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Haven't I moved yet... sorry..
[GM]: The horses are beginning to panic now.
Valek opens the chest figuring that if it's a no manna zone it has to be safe...
(Jamison whispered to GM): Hurry JD
Jackdaw then changes him mind and goes back to camp for him staFF
[GM]: The Chest is full of .... gold and gems
[Jamison]: Hurry JD
[Anval]: (huh?!)
Jackdaw picks up him staff
[GM]: Drei "Dis not be gud. Maybe we needs some help from Ral?" looking at Anne
(Jamison whispered to GM): Suggest moves in sequence now
Valek gives a pecular sound and starts knocking it aside as if it were worthless looking for something important hidden within.
(Jamison whispered to GM): because I'm lost in the sequence
[GM]: Everyone in the place that they want to be?
[Anval]: I agree Drei - a few spells will aid in whatever fight is about to occur...
(Valek whispered to GM): the map is now crashing my computer: I had to shut it down.
Jackdaw rummages in him sachel and getted out 2 boas too
Jamison wants to stand next to Anne....... to protect her
[Anval]: (Anne begins casting Haste - 2 sec)
[GM]: Drei cast a spell
[Jackdaw]: boas=bolas altho he would like a boas
[GM]: here is the sequence ....
(Jamison whispered to GM): Zugg.... I hope I am not imposing.. and this note is going to Rub, also... I want to present myself(Jamison) as Annes, protector.... any problems?
[GM]: Thor, Jackdaw, Jamison, Peshida, Lydia, Drei, Phinny, Valek, Anne
[GM]: Goblins actions will come after the party's
[GM]: ((If anyone fells that this order is unfair ... whisper to me))
(Jamison whispered to GM): ok, then I will act accordingly
[Jackdaw]: a nice furry one
[GM]: Thor moves with ready shortsword
[GM]: Jackdaw's action
(Jamison whispered to GM): granted
Jackdaw moves to the rock
(Jamison whispered to GM): and appriciated
[GM]: Jamison's action
[Jackdaw]: holding the staff in his left hand and a bola in his right
[GM]: Peshida moves up from camp with ready staff
[Anval]: "Now that's a lot of sword Fodder" (looking at the 16 or so goblinoids approaching)
[Jamison]: OOC: where are these goblins.. I do not see them on the map?
[Jackdaw]: other bola also gripped in left hand
[Anval]: bottom right
[Valek]: <If he puts them on the map the room will crash!>
[GM]: Lydia moves beside the rock and sets her twin crossbow, ready to find a target
[Jamison]: ok
Jamison moves
[GM]: ((no one can see the goblin?))
[Jackdaw]: <<I can?
[Anval]: I can see a whole pile of them!
[Jackdaw]: ((many many))
[Jamison]: found it..sorry all
[GM]: Drei steps once while casting a spell
[GM]: Phinny moves past Valek with her rady mace
[GM]: Valek, your action
[GM]: Okay, Anne ... your action?
[Anval]: Anne completes casting her Haste spell (skill-14)
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: Nice!
[Anval]: makes it by 1
(Valek whispered to GM): sorry washroom.
[GM]: Gobins move
[Anval]: (her speed is +2 for 1 minute, cost 4 fatigue)
(Valek whispered to GM): Valek is going to figure that since the energy cost of converting 30+ hexes of land to no manna is too immense this is some kind of magical illusion- he's going to try casting magic through the illusion: Namely seeker- for the object mentioned in the scroll <A stretch I know.>
[GM]: The visibility from the darkness of the canyon with only the fire as light is going to cause a -3 to all vision based actions.
[Anval]: As battle is about to ensue, Anval feels a familiar fury - like an old friend - decend upon her....
(Valek whispered to GM): dose it even begin to work?
(GM whispered to Valek): Nothing
[GM]: Vision roll from all
[GM]: + a hearing from any that can speak goblin
DICE for Valek: (19-3d6) : 3d6=1,2,2 = [ 14 ]
DICE for Valek: (19-3d6) : 3d6=4,6,6 = [ 3 ]
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,2 = [ 11 ]
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: ((oops))
[Valek]: made by 14, and made by 3.
[Anval]: made vision by 3 (0 with penalty)
(GM whispered to Valek): The Goblin in the middle of the group points at your party and says something in Goblin
(GM whispered to Anval): The Goblin in the middle of the group points at your party and says something in Goblin
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=4,6,3 = [ 2 ]
[Jackdaw]: by 2
(GM whispered to Valek): "They must have it !! Quckly, to arms !! "
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The Goblin in the middle of the group points at your party and says something in Goblin
[GM]: Round 2
[GM]: Lydia Aims
[GM]: Peshida moves
[GM]: Jamison's action will wait until he returns
[GM]: Thor moves south
[GM]: Sorry missed Jackdaw. Jackdaw's action
Jackdaw will sense for magic still gone?
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,3 = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Not a hint of magic
[GM]: Dice for Drei
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,2 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Drei moves forward
[GM]: Phinny moves "I smell dem Goblins !! "
[GM]: Valek?
(Valek whispered to GM): tell me once I have another action.
[Valek]: "Wait they just want the object: we can settel this peacefully!"
[GM]: Anne, your action?
[Anval]: I beleive Anne's mace is already "readied" so she moves slightly ahead of Jamsion
[GM]: right
[Anval]: "Ii don't think they're here to chat over scones Valek!"
[GM]: All the Goblins are pointing now and yelling
(Valek whispered to GM): next action Valek Shouts in goblin "We don't have to suffer any casuties on either side- we can talk, settel things pecefully."
[GM]: The Goblins move toward the party
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: Jamison's action in round 2
[Jamison]: Am I back?
[GM]: ((welcome back))
[Jamison]: ty
[GM]: Just need your action to finish round 2
[Anval]: ooc - "Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
[Valek]: <hahaha!>
[Jamison]: give me a sec to reload the map
[GM]: okay
[GM]: Drei "Oh dat Ral could bless us with da light out here in da darkness!!"
(Jamison whispered to GM): Can I spend 1/2 of a round doing my salute and move 3 spaces?
[Anval]: "I hope he can Drei! I can barely see my nose in this damned darkness!"
(Jamison whispered to GM): you tere?
(Jamison whispered to GM): there
(GM whispered to Jamison): here
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sounds good to me
(Jamison whispered to GM): May I do that and be in character?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yes, go ahead sounds good
Jamison salutes the goblins and moves forward
[GM]: Begin Round 3
[GM]: Thor moves
[GM]: Jackdaw's action
Jackdaw moves and begins swinging a bola around him head saynig "why we fighting? what they wanteded?"
[GM]: Jamison's action
[Jamison]: move and ready
[GM]: Peshida moves
[GM]: Lydia continues to Aim
[GM]: Drei moves
[GM]: Phinny moves
[GM]: Valek's action
[Valek]: "They just want the artifact this dosen't have to become a battel!"
[GM]: Anne's action
[Anval]: Anne advances. "If they wanted to talk they would have sent a messenger, not warriors!"
[ Tas left the game ]
[GM]: The Goblins move and one of them shouts in Goblin
[GM]: 4 of the Goblins are taking aim with Shortbows
(GM whispered to Valek): "They be the ones that have our treasure. Kill the Theifs !!"
[GM]: Begin Round 4
[GM]: Thor waits
[GM]: Jackdaw, your action
[GM]: Then Jamison
(Valek whispered to GM): He shouts in goblin "You can have the treasure: we just woke up and it was in our camp!"
Jackdaw moves swinging him bola
(Valek whispered to GM): "Back off before this get's ugly and I'll explain it to my friends."
[Jackdaw]: "what artifact?" "my not haveded any"
(GM whispered to Valek): A thief has no honor !!! You will die for this !!
[GM]: Jamison, your action
(Valek whispered to GM): remember Valek's race is considered above most things- a goblin would probabally be more likely to belive the most proposterous Fell story then think that a Fell would willingly do them wrong <sanctity>
(GM whispered to Valek): But he is not necessarily speaking to you. There is an Elf and a Dwarf in the party, as well .. and you are with them.
[Jamison]: attack 2
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,4 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Remember all attack rolls at -3
(Jamison whispered to GM): made it by 9 at -3
[GM]: 2 attemps a block with his small shield
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,3 = [ 8 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): minus on the shield skill?
[GM]: Jamison's blow gets just past the shield, but fails to connect.
(GM whispered to Jamison): For the Goblin?
[GM]: Another attack Jamison?
(Jamison whispered to GM): certainly... let's get rid of these buggers..
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): made by 8
(GM whispered to Jamison): You skill in Staff is 15?
(Valek whispered to GM): I have no idea what action velek is on- he's going to run between the figting sides next round, and shout stop in as many languages he can belt off.
[GM]: 2 attempts a dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): Kantana..... 18...dropped the staff... earlier
[GM]: But fails. Roll damage Jamison
(GM whispered to Jamison): Duh .. then you have 3 attacks
[GM]: Damage, Jamison
DICE for Jamison: (1d6+2) : 1d6=1 = [ 3 ]
[GM]: 2 grunts at the force of Jamison's blow
(Jamison whispered to GM): cutting
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,4 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: 2 fall to the ground with a shout "Arrggg !!! @$#@:
[GM]: 3rd attack Jamison?
(Jamison whispered to GM): 1 sec
[GM]: Peshida steps and swings his staff at #10. 2 quick attacks
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,4 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,6 = [ 16 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 12 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): I did the damage wrong on the last swing... is G2 down?
(GM whispered to Jamison): G2 is down
(Jamison whispered to GM): Is G11 in reach?
DICE for GM: (1d6+2) : 1d6=2 = [ 4 ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): G11 is within reach, but an additional -3 for a divided attack
[GM]: G10 takes 4 points from Peshida's staff
(Jamison whispered to GM): done, attack G11
[GM]: Roll Jamison
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,2 = [ 12 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): just got him
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,3 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: G11 caught by suprise is hit by Jamison's katana. Roll damage for G11
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=3,6 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,6 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: The katana hits the leg .. and it comes off with a terrifying scream. G11 falls spurting blood
[GM]: 18 points of damage, but only 3 with the blow through
[GM]: Lydia fires
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,4 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: A crossbow bolt hits the leader, nice shot
DICE for GM: (1d6+2) : 1d6=6 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,6 = [ 13 ]
[Anval]: whoa!
[GM]: Hitting him in the leg.
(Valek whispered to GM): cancel that action....
[GM]: G14 screams in a broken Human "Kill dem thieves!"
Valek curls up in a ball rocking back and forth.
(GM whispered to Valek): ???
(Valek whispered to GM): this is his first exposure to carnage on this level; it's frightening to him.
[GM]: Valek does not look good
[GM]: Drei moves
[GM]: Phinny moves
[GM]: Valek, an action?
[GM]: Anne's action
[Anval]: Anne steps and attacks #1
[GM]: Rol
[Anval]: Skill 10 in the darkness
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,1 = [ 7 ]
[Anval]: hit!
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: It connects, roll damage
DICE for Anval: (2d6+1) : 2d6=4,3 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,5 = [ 16 ]
[Anval]: 8pts crushing
Valek is rocking back and forth sobbing to himself...
[Jackdaw]: ooc how big are these guys?
[GM]: Connecting to G1 foot doing 3 damage, but severly crippling it.
[GM]: ((Standard Goblin size.))
[GM]: (( 5 1/2 feet tall ))
[Anval]: ooc - I take it these are Valek's clan-folk? or something similar?
[Jackdaw]: ((we hitting a lot of legs/feet for such big people hitting on such little guys))
[Jackdaw]: ((Oh, I guess I was thinking D&D type, my sorry))
[Valek]: <Nope: this is the first time Valek has seen battel- it's scary! keep in mind he's seeing the carnage as if it were full daylight.>
[GM]: ((by the way ... if you do not call your shot, I will roll for a random location. If you wish to call the torso, then there is no penalty for that.))
[Anval]: Ok - gm - I thought torso hits were default... hehehe
[GM]: Goblins actions
[GM]: G1 tries to retailiate on Anne
[GM]: He swings his shortsword
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,5 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: But misses
[Anval]: ooc yeah!
[GM]: G2 starts to get up
[GM]: G3 moves to attack Thor
[GM]: Thor, who was waiting attacks as G3 gets in range
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,6 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: ---
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,6 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,1 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: A block and a dodge from G3. Thor is unsuccessful
[GM]: G4 moves closer to Thor
[GM]: G5 steps and attack Anne
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,2 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Anne, defense?
[Anval]: Anne blocks (skill 14)
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,2 = [ 10 ]
[Anval]: made her block by 4
[GM]: G6 fires a shot that was aimed for Anne
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,1 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: The arrow will hit
[Anval]: dodge 12
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,3 = [ 14 ]
[Anval]: crud!
[Anval]: DR:4 vs imp
(Jamison whispered to GM): man, about this time..if I was a beserker... I'd be nut's
DICE for GM: (1d6-3) : 1d6=4 = [ 1 ]
[Anval]: ?
[GM]: The arrow bounces off
[Anval]: ooc - yeah!
(Jamison whispered to GM): excellante'
[GM]: G7 fires a shot at Jamison
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,1 = [ 10 ]
[Jamison]: excellants'
[GM]: Which will hit
[GM]: A dodge?
[Jamison]: dodge
[GM]: Roll
(Jamison whispered to GM): I'm not prepared for this
[GM]: The arrow swishes toward you
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,1 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: A miss?
[GM]: And if so, what is your DR vs impaling?
DICE for GM: (1d6-3) : 1d6=6 = [ 3 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): like I said... not prepared... I need to figure... move is 6+what else?
[GM]: This one hits for 3 points of damage if you don't stop it.
[GM]: Dodge = move .. but you get to add any PD into that
(GM whispered to Jamison): What armor does Jamison wear?
(Jamison whispered to GM): sorry, Rub...I am unprepared... give me a sec
[GM]: G8 fires at Peshida
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,5 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: But the arrow is diverted at the last minute before hitting him
[GM]: Sorry, strike that
[GM]: G8 was firing at Drei and it was diverted
[GM]: G9 fires at Peshida now
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,6 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: and misses
[GM]: G10 attacks Peshida
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,3 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Peshida parrys with his staff
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,6 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: and succeeds
[GM]: G11 grabs at his dangling foot and tries to get up
[GM]: G12 moves
[GM]: G13, 15, 16 all move
(Jamison whispered to GM): can I have made it an acrobatic dodge?
[GM]: G14 attempts to take Lydia's bolt from his leg
(GM whispered to Jamison): You need to call that first. You are telling me that your roll failed?
(Jamison whispered to GM): and ake the 8 for the success on the first roll?
(Jamison whispered to GM): yes it would have as a straight move score...
(GM whispered to Jamison): And Jamison wears no armor?
[GM]: Hit location for the arrow that looks as if it will hit Jamison
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,6 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: It will hit your foot Jamison
[GM]: Do you wear boots?
(Jamison whispered to GM): other than his clothing...correct...sometime I need to get his defensive abilities corrsect..been lacking in that
(Jamison whispered to GM): yes
[GM]: Actually what is your dodge Jamison?
[GM]: A 6 right?
(Jamison whispered to GM): I think..and not sure..my move is 6
(Jamison whispered to GM): dex=16
[GM]: With the shot hitting your boot, it will miss because boots have a PD of 2 .... so you luck out. That hit location roll saved you some damage.
(Jamison whispered to GM): is 16 dex= 6 mov?
[GM]: The arrow hits Jamison's boot but is deflected. Jamison might feel that that one was a little close for comfort.
[GM]: BEGIN ROUND 5 (everyone still with us?)
[Valek]: <Still here>
[Jackdaw]: my here
[GM]: Thor attacks G3
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,1 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,2 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: and G3's defense
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,3 = [ 8 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,2 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Block succeeds but the dodge doesn't
DICE for GM: (1d6+2) : 1d6=4 = [ 6 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,1 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,3 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: It is a blow that can be heard by everyone, but G3 manages to keep his feet anyway
[GM]: "Cruch!!!"
[GM]: "Crunch!!!"
[GM]: Jackdaw and Jamison's actions
Jackdaw moves
[GM]: Jamison?
[GM]: Peshida attacks G10 once again
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,3 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,6 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: His second attack is not good.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,6 = [ 11 ]
[Jamison]: OOc: hard to see... 2 is getting up ..15 is close..16 is close...First choice.. 2
[GM]: But the first one connects
DICE for GM: (1d6+2) : 1d6=3 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: And it connects good
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,1 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Crippling his arm
[GM]: Roll Jamison
[GM]: Wait
[GM]: Did I mention that G16 carries a halberd?
[GM]: As does G15
[Anval]: ooc - no...
[Valek]: <Strong goblins!>
Valek continues sobbing....
[GM]: They are smaller than normal Halberds, but look pretty deadly
[Jamison]: OOC a halaberd.. no you did not
[Jamison]: if I have a chioce...15 first..
[GM]: You got the choice .... Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,5 = [ 8 ]
[Jamison]: made by 7
[GM]: G15 attempts a dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,4 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: But misses miserably
[GM]: Roll damage
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=4,5 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Location
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,6 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: The leg again (evil GM laugh)
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2ooc: is this my zorro mark?) :BAD DICE FORMAT = [ 0 ]
[GM]: It is a terrible gash, but G15 just grunts at you
[GM]: Roll your next attack
[Jamison]: same
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,2 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Another dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,2 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: And another failure
[GM]: Roll damage
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2) : 2d6=1,6 = [ 9 ]
[GM]: Location
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,2 = [ 10 ]
[Valek]: <Damnit were going ot have a whole mess of legless goblins on our hands>
[GM]: torso
[GM]: 13 points to the torso
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,3 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,1 = [ 9 ]
[Jackdaw]: ((a good time to begin that prostetics business??))
[Anval]: ooc better call the war amps then....
[GM]: But despite this brutal treatment .... he still stands
DICE for Jamison: (2d6+2Well I've hit this one for about 29... he should be hurting) :BAD DICE FORMAT = [ 0 ]
[GM]: Next action, Jamison?
[GM]: You can always call your shot, you know?
[Jamison]: head
[GM]: Roll -8 totla
[Jamison]: oops.. weapon.. need to protect Anne
[GM]: Weapon arm or weapon?
[Jamison]: arm
[Anval]: I'm fine - protect yourself till I can get closer!
[GM]: -5 total then
[GM]: Roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,3 = [ 14 ]
[GM]: Miss by 1?
DICE for Jamison: (3d6yep) : = [ 0 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6yepyep) : = [ 0 ]
[GM]: Lydia fires her second bolt at G14 aiming at the torse
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,4 = [ 9 ]
[Jamison]: yep
[GM]: dodge
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,6 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: It hits
DICE for GM: (1d6+2) : 1d6=1 = [ 3 ]
[GM]: It sticks doing 2 points of damage
[GM]: Drei moves
[GM]: Phinny moves
[GM]: Valek, an action?
[GM]: And Anne's turn
[Anval]: Anne calls out "Drei - get the archers if you can... Phinny, close ranks with Jamison and Peshida - Jamsion and I will try to break their line!" (Does leadership and tactics serve to aid us in any way?)
[Anval]: (Anne steps and readies her mace)
[GM]: Phinny "Aye!"
[GM]: ((Only tactics helps with your turn in the sequence))
[Anval]: ((ok))
[GM]: Valek still has an action if he wants one ... 
[GM]: The Goblins turn
(Anval whispered to GM): should we stop here for the night?
[GM]: G1 attacks Anne, limping on a crippled foot
[GM]: ((I will make this fast guys))
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,2 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Anne, defense?
[Anval]: Anne blocks (14)
DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,4 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Roll
[GM]: Good
[GM]: G2 stands and attacks Jamison
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,4 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Defense Jamison?
[GM]: G3 attacks Thor
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,1 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: Thor parries
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: And succeeds
(GM whispered to Jamison): Need a defense against G1
[GM]: G4 moves
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,3 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: What defense Jamison ... parry?
[Jamison]: parry, 2/3
[GM]: G5 attacks Anne
[GM]: Jamison succeeds in his parry
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,6 = [ 18 ]
[Anval]: wooo!
[Anval]: crit fail!
[GM]: G5 slips and falls on his arsh
[Jamison]: You devil you
[GM]: Dropping his shortsword as well
[Anval]: Anne smiles at this small blessing from Ral....
[GM]: G6, 7, 8, and 9 fastdraw an arrow
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,6 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,5 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,2 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,1 = [ 4 ]
[GM]: They all succeed
[GM]: They all take aim
[GM]: G10 attacks Peshida
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,2 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Peshida parries
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,3 = [ 11 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): shouldn't they all be nocking their arrows?
[GM]: G11 goes for Jamison
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Jamison, I need a defense against G11's Axe
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What do you mean?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): fast draw gets the arrow out as a free action but nocking still has to be done
[Jamison]: acrobatic dodge
[Anval]: does it have a reach of 2 (just curious)
[GM]: ((I will remind you that you have 2 more parries))
[GM]: Sorry G11 had to step to make that attack
[Jamison]: go again then
[GM]: G12 moves
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): normally a bow takes 3 actions to fire, ready arrow, ready bow (nock the arrow) and draw, then any aiming
[GM]: Roll Jamison
[GM]: Note: the Bowmen are nocking their arrows and not yet aiming.
[GM]: G13 moves
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): fast draw arrow cuts one and high skill (16+) may allow the other two in one action
[GM]: he advances on Phinny
[Jamison]: parry
[GM]: Jamison roll a parry
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,3 = [ 9 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): just fyi
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): thanks
[GM]: That succeeds easily
[GM]: G14 pulls Lydia's other bolt out with a scream, "Arrrrgh!!"
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,4 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: G15 collapses from his wounds
[GM]: G16 swings his polearm at Jamison
[GM]: After he steps
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,6 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Jamison ... defense?
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,6 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: A success?
DICE for Jamison: (3d6no) : = [ 0 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6nono) : = [ 0 ]
[Anval]: ooc is Jamison wearing armor?
[Jamison]: no
[Anval]: ooc What?!?! Geez....
[Jamison]: Leather
DICE for GM: (1d6) : 1d6=2 = [ 2 ]
[Jamison]: can I try that roll again???
[GM]: Okay .... what is your parry roll Jamison?
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,4 = [ 15 ]
[GM]: 2/3 of 18 is 12 + 2 for leather is only 14 isn't it?
[Jamison]: obviously....15
[Jamison]: yep
[GM]: And you tried that roll again how?
[Jackdaw]: ((combat reflexes?))
[Jamison]: nope...does not apply
[GM]: Doesn't CR give you a +1 to any active defense?
[Anval]: yep
[Jamison]: yes
[GM]: Then you succeed
[Jamison]: really..thought I was a goner
[Anval]: ooc - aaaaagggghhhh! (tears hair out. Red locks fall to ground)