[Tue Feb 27 19:07:57 CST 2001]

[GM]: Setting: It is an hour after dawn as Anne, Jamison, Jackdaw, Thor and Valek study the Airship that has just crashed into the mountainside. Tas, a passenger on the vessle has just be introduced to Jackdaw and the other party members. Drei, Phinny, and Peshida wait down in the canyon near a chest full of gold for who knows what will come. We BEGIN SESSION 69 with Valek making preparations to cast a spell.
[GM]: It was discovered near the end of last session that part of the Airship had to be out of the no mana zone
[Tas]: ((would love to know how)(since he isn't allowed to cast any :-( ))
(GM whispered to Tas): You would have sensed that when you did your check.
[GM]: If you look at the sketch, you will see the extent of the no mana zone.
[Valek]: <He had allready cast the barrior for the inside, now he needs to cast another one for the outisde>
[GM]: Note: the part of the ship that is outside the no mana zone had no powerstones.
[GM]: Valek. What was the cost of the spell, did you figure it?
(GM whispered to Valek): Which spell were you casting? Force Dome, right?
(Valek whispered to GM): yea.
(Valek whispered to GM): working out the math for the cost right now.
[Jackdaw]: <<boing!!!>>>
Tas stands along the side of the ship waiting for the mage to do whatever he is doing
Jackdaw entertains the passengers, and gently flirts with any ladies
[GM]: If you try to cast Force Dome over a 100 hex diameter, with a base cost of 3 ....
[Valek]: <He got the critical sucess- but it would be 6x normal cost>
[Jackdaw]: ((carousing roll to keep the party going? or not necessary?))
[GM]: Sure why not
[Valek]: <because it dosen't have to be a 100 hex forcedome, just envelope the ship, which can do by shifting area from the sides to make the dome an oval>
[GM]: And Tas, you can be with Jackdaw and the passengers, or with Valek, Anne, Jamison, Thor and the Crew of the ship.
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=2,3,4 = [ 4 ]
[GM]: Okay, an 6 hex area spell?
[Tas]: ;keeps with the main group
[Tas]: brb
[ Tas left the game ]
[ Tas joined the game ]
[GM]: And Valek has been given about 5 20-point powerstones which he found containing 18pts worth of mana once he got them out of the no mana zone
[GM]: Of course, only one can be used at a time.
[GM]: Valek casts his spell to protect the inside of the ship.
[Valek]: yea.
Valek places his hand against it to cast the outher supporting force dome.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,6 = [ 10 ]
(GM whispered to Valek): As you attempt to shape the sphere ...
(GM whispered to Valek): into an oval.
(GM whispered to Valek): The dome/oval fades.
[GM]: But it is short-lived.
(Valek whispered to GM): dose he know what happenend?
(GM whispered to Valek): He learned that the spell cannot be maintained in such a no mana zone.
(Valek whispered to GM): ahh.
Valek scratches his chin, but get's an idea.
[Valek]: "Everyone hold on to something so you don't fall."
Tas watches but does not interfear 
(Valek whispered to GM): he's going to move the entire mountain outside of the no manna zone.
Tas steps away from the ship and finds a nice sized bolder to lean against
(Valek whispered to GM): <or at least a fair sized chunk of it.>
(Valek whispered to GM): <cast well beneath the ship so that it suffers no additional stress>
(GM whispered to Valek): So, moving the ship as well as a hunk of the mountian?
(Valek whispered to GM): Right.
Valek places his hands on the ground.
(GM whispered to Valek): Levitate?
[ MikeL left the game ]
(Valek whispered to GM): no just move the mountain under them.
(Valek whispered to GM): shape earth.
Tas watches wondering what spell the mage is attmpeting
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,6 = [ 15 ]
[Tas]: (oww)
(Valek whispered to GM): it works, it's even still a critical sucess by your rules.
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: backeded
[Tas]: (wb)
[Jackdaw]: what my misseded?
[Jackdaw]: ((lockup in the comp))
[Tas]: (valeks roll thats it)
Valek concentrates hard, and you feel a slow acceleration, but nothing around you moves.
[GM]: Valek attempts to Shape about 2500 hexes of stone, I believe?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): valek haved delusions of godhood?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): unlisted disadvantage, delusion "my magic can do ANYTHING!"
[GM]: That would have a cost of 625. I don't think even a slow acceleration was felt
Tas lowers his head and begins to speak a few words silently
(Tas whispered to GM): casting summon creature
[Valek]: <That's outside of his range he's effecting 379 hexes of dirt total around the ship>
[GM]: Valek as well as most mages in Methoria would never have encountered a 'no mana' zone. He would probably not understand what he is dealing with.
[GM]: Roll Tas
[Valek]: <that's a 7 radius shaped>
DICE for Tas: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,3 = [ 9 ]
[Tas]: 7 under
[GM]: Actually Shape Earth says 2 per hex of earth shapped
(Tas whispered to GM): searching for such creatures as giant eagle sandworms things with great power
[Valek]: <Yea so it's a cost of 14>
[GM]: So a cost of 758, then
[Jackdaw]: brb
[Valek]: <can't that one be cast as an area spell?>
[GM]: Shape Earth is not an Area Spell
[Valek]: <oh nevermind then! sorry.>
[GM]: Valek continues to study the situation.
[GM]: Drei looks up from the campsite at Jackdaw and the crowd of passengers "I really would like to know whats going on up there"
Valek looks at the ship: how many hexes of dirt is is resting on?
(Tas whispered to GM): Beast summoning - Many animals - Sand Worms(if they exhist) - Radius 10 miles
[GM]: Drei looks to Lydia, "Do you feel that we might have visitors even after dawn?"
(Spectator whispered to GM): i'm leaving, but i'm going over to tas' house so i'll still be watching
(GM whispered to Tas): A good thougth, but none exist in this range. From the place where the Airship originated, there might have been some, but you don't know if they could even travel here there being no sand.
(GM whispered to Spectator): k
Valek gets a good idea and touches the ship again
(Spectator whispered to GM): so far its been enjoyable. oh yeah i believe you know a guy named Eclipse on Icq....
[GM]: I would also like to remind you that touching the ship is not an easy task. 
(Spectator whispered to GM): i play rpg's with him in real life. he told me he talked to you about tas
(GM whispered to Spectator): Yeah, talked to him only briefly
(Tas whispered to GM): (giant eagles?)
(GM whispered to Spectator): Yeah he did
[Valek]: <Oh?>
(GM whispered to Tas): Give me an IQ roll
DICE for Tas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,1,2 = [ 8 ]
[Tas]: 7 under
(Valek whispered to GM): cost to animate the ship via the animation spell?
[GM]: Look at the map and see that the front of the ship is lodged into the mountain and I probably should have you make a climbing roll to get there.
(Spectator whispered to GM): send me an email (madjoker711@hotmail.com) or icq me about my character. let me know what i can do to change him. i was going for a elf archer, but he has some magic background but he doesnt really know much about it
[Jackdaw]: backed
(Spectator whispered to GM): cya
[ Spectator left the game ]
Tas awaits the GM's decision
(GM whispered to Valek): Let's see 3 for a man-sized .. it's metal so that's times 3. In proportion it is roughly 100 times the size of a man.
(GM whispered to Tas): You feel like there would be Giant Eagles in this area. it's worth a try.
Tas steps up to the crew "would you have a large quantity of rope?"
Valek gestures at the ground behind him
[ jamison joined the game ]
(Valek whispered to GM): making 5 8X normal human sized rock molds.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,5 = [ 13 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,6 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,1 = [ 3 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 12 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,2 = [ 13 ]
[Tas]: (welcome)
(GM whispered to Valek): I would go with a cost of 81. Saying that doubling the size will cost an addiontion base cost.
[Jamison]: ooc, my apologise to all
[GM]: ((no problem. Glad to see you here.))
(GM whispered to Valek): Which Spell?
(Valek whispered to GM): shape earth.
[GM]: Jamison watches Valek study the situation and cast a variety of spells
Valek stares at the ground and 5 mamoths of earth form shaped vaguely like men.
Tas shakes his head slowly then turns to the crew "do you have any rope lots of it"
[GM]: They are each 8 times the size of a Human
[GM]: First mate "Of course we have rope .. what do you need it for?"
(Valek whispered to GM): now he'll animate each of those <cost for 1 if he dosen't get a crit?>
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,2 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,6 = [ 17 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,4 = [ 12 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=4,3,1 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: Captain "Are you sure this Fell knows what he is doing?"
[Valek]: <AHH crit failure on #3>
[Tas]: "i have a idea but i would need much rope and a way to attach it to the outside of the ship"
[GM]: All of the shapes come to life
Valek walks to each of his monsterous men and presses a hand to them.
[GM]: All of the shapes come to life
Valek steps back "Move the ship down the mountain do not dammage it."
[Valek]: "This side of the mountain" **Points to where there is manna
[Jamison]: Can I ask a question???
[GM]: They nod and begin to head for the ship
[GM]: ((please do Jamison))
[ jamison left the game ]
Tas steps back to see if the Golems have a chance of moving the ship
[Valek]: <That should probabally have a few of the people in a bit of an uproar- 5 earth giants appraoching them.>
[GM]: The 5 shapes climb the mountain and approach the ship
Tas smiles and waits "now this should be interesting"
[GM]: 1 of them turns at the last minute and looks back at the crowd. It roars and begins to approach the crowd that Jackdaw is entertaining.
[Valek]: "Oh dear....."
[Valek]: <Are they in the manna zone?>
[GM]: The other 4 continue into the no mana zone but last only about a minute and then become motionless.
(Valek whispered to GM): actually I think they'd be ok- because there bieng animated by a spirit that Valek channeled into them with magic, not by magic in and of itself.
[GM]: The 5th one is still approaching the crowd.
Tas speaks softly to himself "may god bless us this day, cause we need it"
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=2,2,2 = [ 9 ]
Jackdaw hears the roar and turns to look
(Valek whispered to GM): of couse that also makes the failed one more dangerous...
[Tas]: (how far from the people and does it look like it wishes to harm them?)
(GM whispered to Valek): But your animation spell only had a duration of 1 minute.
[dglass]: ((gtg. see you guys later))
[Jackdaw]: "they putteded on a show for we" he says
[GM]: ((later dglass!))
[ dglass left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: ((later)))
[GM]: The crowd comes close to panic
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,2 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,2 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,4 = [ 12 ]
Valek gestures twoards the golem.
[GM]: Jackdaw, perhaps a roll to keep them calm?
[ Jamison joined the game ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,3 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: ((welcome back Jamison))
[Tas]: (does it look like it is going to harm them?)
[Jackdaw]: carousing by 6, music by 11
[Jackdaw]: bard by 1
(Valek whispered to GM): let's levitate it and throw it off the mountain.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,4 = [ 11 ]
[GM]: Yes, it does appear to be taking a hostile stance.
[Jackdaw]: bard by default
[GM]: Valek's spell is successful.
Valek speaks a few arcane words and the golem lifts, he takes it to the moutains edge by moving his hand and ends the spell.
[GM]: The Captian shakes his head and issues an order. A man is orders to retrieve some rope from the ship for Tas.
[ Jamison left the game ]
Tas yells "bring all you can find"
[GM]: Captian "All of the rope ... and make it quick man!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if this keeps up JD will begin to think he has Charisma or something
[Valek]: "I know one more spell- I was saving this one."
[Tas]: "Sir Valek may I burrdon you for the use of one of those stones"
[Valek]: "Yes here."
Valek hands Tas a stone.
[GM]: Captain nods to the Fell Mage "Well, I would say now is the time to try it"
[Valek]: <How far did the golem's move the ship?>
Tas takes the stone in hand and lowers his head in concentration straining a bit and taking much energy to proceed
[GM]: 1800 feet of rope is given to Tas. Each piece 100 feet long.
[GM]: Captian "Rope is one thing that we DO have" he smiles
Tas mutters "tie it to the ship please"
Valek begins drawing symbols on the ground while chanting in the Fell toung.
[GM]: The Golems did not have time to act.
(Valek whispered to GM): to any outher mages who might notice: valek is now summoning a deamon....
(Tas whispered to GM): Beast Summoning - Many Animals (double cost) 4 points total - Giant Eagles
[GM]: Captian "You do realise that this ship is worth its weight in gold? Please do nothing to damage it"
Tas cracks a smile "i'll be gentle"
[GM]: Roll Tas
DICE for Tas: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,6 = [ 13 ]
[Tas]: by 2 
[Tas]: 3 sorry
Valek continues walking around and chanting, eventually having built a rather large intowoven circle by dragging his foot in the dirt.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,1 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: The captain gives the order reluctanly to tie the ropes to the ship.
[Valek]: <This was the spell to get a critical sucess on.>
[GM]: Which spell Valek?
[Valek]: <summon deamon.>
[GM]: But after about an hour, all 18 ropes are tied to the ship in strategic places.
[Valek]: <summon deamon only takes 5 minutes to cast- Valek would be done first.>
[Tas]: (how bout my spell?)
[GM]: There is a gentle rumbling beneath the ground.
[GM]: Before Valek's spell is finished. A giant eagle flys in and lands on the mountain side.
[GM]: 2 more arrive just as the gentle rumbling is felt and 20 men are attaching the rope to the ship.
Valek looks at tas when his spell is finished and he has controll of the demon "There is fear that the ship will break if lifted, allow me to try this first."
(GM whispered to Valek): What size demon were you going for?
(GM whispered to Valek): or type?
[Tas]: (is still in a trance hes going for more than 1 eagle)
(Valek whispered to GM): One that can either restore manna to the area, or one that can teleport the ship safely to the ground
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how heavy is the ship? is it actually a kind of zepplin with close to neutral bouyency in air?
(GM whispered to Valek): I would say a powerful one indeed. Give me an IQ score that you would prefer
(Valek whispered to GM): geeze I don't know.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Not exaclty. Many of the enchantments that made it light have now failed.
(Valek whispered to GM): his one free pick for the deamons ability was to make sure it can solve this situation, outher then that it's random and in your controll
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): that's what I expected but it might have been made to hold vaccuum (destroy air in a sealed cell) and so had residual effects
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,5,4 = [ 14 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,3 = [ 11 ]
(GM whispered to Valek): ST = 14. IQ = 11
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): magically created vaccuum cells wouldn't fail when the mana left
(GM whispered to Valek): Now you need to control it.
(GM whispered to Valek): Roll your spell skill again
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,6 = [ 14 ]
(GM whispered to Valek): I will roll vs 25
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,5 = [ 12 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): only ongoing mana effects such as create fire to generate hot air
(Valek whispered to GM): actually it's my will and spell skill which means I made it by 24
(GM whispered to Valek): Made mine by 13. I think you fail to control it.
(GM whispered to Valek): Right .. then you are in control.
[Tas]: (waits)
[GM]: A terrible Efreet appears before Valek, just as the rumbling fades.
[GM]: The crowd goes wild. Some people make as if to jump over the cliff.
[Valek]: "Demon- restore manna to this area, harm no one in the process- after that you leave."
[GM]: The crew stops working on getting the ropes fastened and hide.
[Tas]: (is gonna kill valek if he fails)
Jackdaw starts palying and leading a controlled rush away
DICE for Jackdaw: (17-3d6) : 3d6=1,2,6 = [ 8 ]
[GM]: The Efreet looks at Valek with a strong hate.
[GM]: Jackdaw's music is not enough this time.
Tas imitates the Afreet agreeing with him
[Jackdaw]: should have been 18-3d6 but it's still only made by 9
[GM]: Efreet speaks in a deep whispy voice "You dare disturb my rest for such a task?"
[Valek]: "You find this too meger a task? Perhaps you like me to think up a more difficult one?"
[GM]: Efreet "If I do what you ask, and it is a strong IF. You must know that I defy 'He who is master of demons' and will suffer because of it. Know that by doing this you make a lifelong enemy in me. I will see that you suffer greatly becuase of it."
[Tas]: (i'll just wait till Valek and his daemon get done cause otherwise i'm never gonna get my spell cast)
[GM]: Efreet ".... as I am sure to suffer"
[Valek]: "Ah, so you are afaraid- this is different."
[GM]: Efreet "I fear no one" he yells
[GM]: Several of the crowd of passengers begin to climb down into the canyon.
[Valek]: "I will spare you your suffering- Move this ship safely without damaging it in any way or harming anyone in the process, onto lthat level of terrain over there, outside of the no manna zone."
Tas continues his spell ignoring "
[Tas]: the efreet and valek
[Valek]: <Are you waiting for Valek to say somethign or are you typing?>
[GM]: Efreet "Very well. It shall be done as you say"
[GM]: The Efreet rises into the air displaying his entire size of 30 hexes and flys to the Airship. He lands between it and the canyon and grabs it lifting it gently. Several of the crewmen run and climb in terror of this massive creature.
Tas cancels his spell and sends the eagle on his way 
[GM]: The Efreet pauses for a moment and looks to the canyon, appearing to look toward the campsite.
[Valek]: <Tiny littel Fell Valek commanding a 30 hex tall efreet; I'm sure if hte crowd wasen't terrified beyond belife they'd be entertained.>
[GM]: The Efreet gets back to his job and lifts the Airship higher off the mountainside. He flys slowly down to the place that Valek indicated and gently lays the ship down.
[Valek]: "Efreet- I'm sure you have reasons to want to please the master of deamons: I may be able to get you into his favor."
[GM]: Efreet looks up to Valek and shouts. "As per your words, the ship has been moved and no one harmed in the process. Now, I shall be on my way."
[Valek]: "Tell me what the artifact is, and I may let you take it to him."
[GM]: Efreet "You let me? I have completed my task here, have I not?"
[Valek]: "Yes you have, but if you take the master of deamons the atrifact you will be in his favor will you not? Woulden't you like to be in his favor?"
[GM]: Efreet "I would as soon see him suffer than give him such an artifact! I claim it for myself!"
[GM]: Efreet takes to the air.
[Valek]: "Then perhaps I shall give you permission to take it- but if you'll not tell me what it is; then you can return to your dimension at your own will."
[GM]: Efreet flys into the canyon and lands at the campsite.
Tas eyes Valek and starts moving down the montain to the ship
[GM]: Drei "Begone demon or you shall be slain by a prophet of Ral!"
(Valek whispered to GM): unless another deal is struck a deamon returns to there own dimension upon completeing there task- though Valek will probabally be inclined to let him have it if he tells him what it is.
(Valek whispered to GM): the demon can probabally sence that.
Jackdaw scrambles down to camp where his friends bee'd in danger
[GM]: Efreet laughs, "You have killed my kind before, but never one as powerful as me."
DICE for Jackdaw: (12-3d6) : 3d6=4,3,4 = [ 1 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (12-3d6) : 3d6=3,2,2 = [ 5 ]
DICE for Jackdaw: (12-3d6) : 3d6=4,2,6 = [ 0 ]
(Tas whispered to GM): not to be rude at all but i think him summoning a demon gives me the thoughts that he is well a little evil and am not getting away from him
[GM]: Efreet reaches out and grabs Lydia and lifts her up.
[Jackdaw]: 3 climbing rolls
[GM]: Lydia fights and screams. "Damn you spawn of hell. Let me go!"
[Jackdaw]: "leaveded her bee!!"
[Jackdaw]: he shouts
[Valek]: "Harm no one demon- that was part of your summoned task."
[GM]: Efreet looks at Jackdaw and laughs. "You should hide goatman. I do not wish to harm such a noble race."
Tas shouts up the mountain to Valek "you have lost control of your spell mage"
[Jackdaw]: "she my friend, my helped my firends!"
[GM]: Efreet shouts back at Valek "AS per your words. 'harm no one in the process.' the process is done and now I am called to claim the artifact that the Human from the otherworld holds."
[Valek]: "Hardly- the demon is taking what I said to extremes, as long as we have the artifact we will come to harm, so he is taking it so that we don't: an interesting twist."
Tas can be heard laughing from down the side of the mountain "yes mage your right, you still have control, that is why he is going to kill your friend"
[GM]: Efreet "And now I claim what is rightfully mine. What was stolen from my people ages ago." he looks at Lydia "You have laid claim to it ... or should I say it has laid claim to you. Then you shall come with it."
[Valek]: "If the process is done then you return to your own dimension, you are only still here because you are opperating on an extension of harm no one."
[GM]: ((actually people should be race))
[GM]: Efreet looks at Valek and shouts "Then I will harm no one .... here." he vanishes laughing evilly.
[GM]: Efreet is gone .... as is Lydia .... and the Egg.
[Tas]: (and lida falls very far))
[Tas]: ((or not))
Valek mumbles "I should have included do not relocate anyone."
[GM]: First Mate to Valek "Would you like to tell me what the hell that was?" as he adjusts the red fez on his head.
Tas yells up the mountain "A big mistake sir, that was a BIG mistake"
[Valek]: "It was a grand Efreet of at least the third circle."
Jackdaw thinks Valek is reckless, careless and probably dangerous. He's not sure he likes Valek.
Tas thinks Valek is power hungry and does not consider his actions before hand
[GM]: The crew that were near the Airship begin climbing down. The passengers that were part way down into the canyon try to get down safely and a few of them will fall and injure themselfs. The Captain orders his men to the ship and begins the process of checking it out.
Jackdaw will help peoples get down safely and lead them around to the ship
[GM]: The powerstones are replaced in the ship and within a few hours it will lift off of the ground.
[GM]: The rope ladder is dropped and the passengers are asked to reboard the ship.
(Valek whispered to GM): based on what Valek knows of deamons, and the fact that it can't harm her- what will become of her; will they somehow exteract the artifact and send her home, or will she live the rest of her days in the deamon world?
Tas sits along side the ship thinking about the events of the day 
(GM whispered to Valek): Words that the demon spoke speak a truth to you. It had taken possesion of her. Lydia could not let it go and she will desire to stay with it and learn of its power.
[GM]: The Captian approachs the party.
(Valek whispered to GM): ahh- so she'll spend the remainder of her days in the deamon world; but she'll learn about the device at least.
Valek is busy writing somethig down on paper, it seems to be related to spellmagic, but not quite the same.
[GM]: Captain Draddle "I do not know if I approve of your methods, but you did give me back my ship which is priceless. I do owe you a great debt."
(GM whispered to Valek): Yes
Jackdaw thinks deeply as he leads the passengers back to their ship
[GM]: Captain Draddle "Is there any service that I can perform for you?"
Tas shakes his head and says under his breathe "no matter the debt it will never repay the loss to that woman"
Valek places the paper down and sighs smiling for the firs time since the demon left "It was a bit of a challange to work with a no manna zone."
[GM]: Captain "Perhaps someplace that I can take you?'
[Jackdaw]: when the passengers are out Jackdaw goes back to camp
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): looking for anything of Lydia's left behind
[GM]: Captain nods to Tas. "Aye, I do not seek to repay that"
Valek flicks his ear at Tas "Though her method of extradition may seem odd, she is where she wishes to be, and is most likely happy, but is most certainly safe."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Her pack is there, rations, blanket, personal basics. You find her autoprod and twin crossbow crushed where the demon was standing.
[Valek]: "I had wanted to visit my people, but we must get to Prrshing as quickly as possible, if you could take us there."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): /he picks up all her gear and takes it with him outside the no mana zone
[GM]: Thor pipes up "Safe? You claim that she is safe with that .... demon?!!"
Tas stands and walk right over to Valek "still nothing you can do can repair the hell you have caused, you summoned forth a minion you could not fully control and there were conciquences, if you had just let me finish my work i could have moved the ship without the loss of her, and your recklessness makes me and others doubt you more than ever, and i personaly do not trust you with anything or to do anything"
[Valek]: "Very- as per my initial statement for his arrive he cannot bring anyone to harm- so wherever he is taking her she will not be harmed in any way, or even allowed to come to it."
[GM]: Captain Draddle "I can take those of you who wish to go to Pershing, but I must go to Fendor City first. We must hurry to make our deadline."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): when he gets into a mana zone he'll put the things down, sit and begin to play
[GM]: Phinnea "Fendor City! I would love to see it!" a tear comes to her eye.
Tas turns to captain before valek can speaK "let us go captain"
[GM]: Jackdaw comes close to the ship (which is in a high mana zone)
[GM]: Captain to Valek "Will everyone in your party be joining us then?"
Jackdaw puts some things down and begins to play his sirinx
[GM]: Peshida speaks "I will not"
Tas smiles to Jack then boards the ship
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): drawing on the 20 point powerstone as needed
[GM]: Thor looks at Peshida "You will not be travelling with us to Pershing?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): trying to bring Lydia back, Natural magery net 6 since prerequsites not known
DICE for Jackdaw: (6-3d6) : 3d6=4,4,2 = [ -4 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): call on favor of Ral
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): +5
[GM]: Peshida "Nay, I think my mission here was not to go with the party to Pershing, but to give Lydia aid with the Egg. I suspected this was a certain Egg, but could not believe that it could have been stolen from the High Elves of Mytheria."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Which spell did you think of trying?
[Valek]: "The effreet claimed it as his race's egg- what was it exactly?"
[Valek]: "Or is as the case may be."
(Valek whispered to GM): <How close is Valek's home form Fandor city?>
[GM]: Peshida "I must go at once to that city and warn them that it has been stolen." he turns to Valek. "It was given to my race by the Gods themselves. It was a relic of the Ancient war. It gave the demons ... or the fallen Ulmartha as they are more properly called a great advantage."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): don't know, the advantage description says to ask for an effect and the GM will pick an appropriat spell, one already known if possible, unknown if not, with -4 if all the prerequisites are not known.
(GM whispered to Valek): It is in the other direction
(GM whispered to Valek): You are about 100 miles East of Valek's city now. Fendor City is about 300 more miles to the West.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): could even be a brand new spell I would think, that's probably how some are discovered
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I am afraid that the spell will still fail.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): even with the blessing of Ral?
[GM]: Captain Draddle "I can take you to Mt. Elic, if that is your desire. It is the next destination after Fendor City"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes because she is really beyond the reach of any spell.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): is the blessing consumed then?
[GM]: Peshida "Fine, then I will take you up on that offer."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc you know this advantage has never worked, must be glitchy
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No, I will say that after you cast it, you realized that it was not possible.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): maybe I need a new copy?
[GM]: Peshida gathers his gear and boards the Silver Zepher
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): JD smartly raps the Natural Spellcasting and says "workeded!"
[GM]: ==> Does everyone else board the ship?
[Valek]: "Will you be able to take us to Prrshing within 2 days time?"
[Jackdaw]: "Pip, you there?"
[GM]: Captain Draddle "I can have you there before the sun sets on the morrow."
[GM]: Captain "But we must hurry"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): "Squawk ... here .... squawk ... here"
[Jackdaw]: "we goed now Pip"
(Valek whispered to GM): would it be a terrible kick to your story is Valek wen't home and met the party in Prrshing?
(Valek whispered to GM): <if>
[Jackdaw]: ooc can we recover all our gear?
(GM whispered to Valek): No. not at all
[Jackdaw]: or too much rush?
[Valek]: "I really should visit my people, I will meet you in Prrshing."
[GM]: ((no there is plenty of time to recover your gear))
[GM]: BUT: What of the chest of gold??
[GM]: Will you just leave it there in the canyon?
[Valek]: **Since he's staying behind he'll wait until the goblin's reclaim there gold.
[GM]: So, everyone else boards the Silver Zepher?
[GM]: Valek stays behind and will meet the party in Pershing
[Jackdaw]: it not mine
[GM]: Soon all is loaded. The party finds themselves the guests of the Captain. They are taken up on deck and given cabins in the crews quarters.
[GM]: There is a lower observation deck in the passenger area, but the party is allowed into the upper observation deck which is normally restricted to the crew.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): JD brings alonf Lydia's gear
Tas sits in his quaters contemplating the day and the things he saw
[GM]: The Silver Zepher lifts into the air and soon an enchantment is cast which cloaks its presence. It is very similar to mystic mist.
Jackdaw will try to get a tour of the ship
[GM]: Valek sees the Airship fade away and sees a thin cloud in its place.
[GM]: Jackdaw has no trouble getting a tour of the ship.
[GM]: The Silver Zepher soon reaches a fast travelling speed. Those that listen will heard the Captain giving orders to go at top speed.
[Tas]: *fears ice bergs*
[GM]: If anyone is interested, an IQ roll will tell you the speed.
Valek waits outside the no manna zone for the goblins.
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=3,5,2 = [ 3 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Speed approaches 40 = 80 miles/hour
[GM]: The goblins return for their gold.
DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6 = [ 3 ]
(GM whispered to Tas): Speed approaches 40 = 80 miles/hour
Jackdaw beginning to feel like dummy 
(GM whispered to Tas): A little faster than you were travelling before. ... most likely the maximum speed.
[Jackdaw]: IQ only 13 Tas 15 Valek 19!
[GM]: Does Valek have anything to say to the Goblins?
Valek greets them and apologises again for the gross misunderstanding that caused the whole mess in the first place
[GM]: He will notice that about 50 of them return for their gold.
[Valek]: "I cannot complete our pact unless the bodies of your friends are brought to roughly this point."
[GM]: He will also notice that the leader that disappeared into the canyon the night before was killed in the avalanche. His staff sticks out of a pile of rocks.
[GM]: Goblin "Bring bodies?"
[GM]: They shrugg and gather the bodies.
[Valek]: "Is your tribe not part of the goblin/fell pact?"
[GM]: Goblin "Aye, that is an old pact, but we do honor it"
[GM]: Soon all the bodies are gathered.
[GM]: Even the leader that was killled by the falling rocks.
[GM]: ((What else will you do Valek?))
(Valek whispered to GM): it's a pact by which all fell agree to raise fallen goblins sending the first 50% of them back to the goblin tribe from whence they hailed, and the other lesser 50% go with the fell to there home <So that both can get an effective workforce.>
[Valek]: "You do not have to have me perform the pact if you'd prefer not."
[GM]: Valek completes his pact. The Goblins return home with their gold, and Valek heads toward the Fell City