[Tue Jun 29 19:35:27 CDT 1999]
[GM]: Everyone is waiting in the Pub ... unless you had other
Lendyll has nowhere to go, so waits at the pub.
[GM]: 1 hour goes by and a man appears at the door to the Pub and
asks if the is a Jamison there.
[Anval]: Anval returns to the pub after purchasing a meal at the
tavern nearby...
[GM]: Man: Is there a Jamison in the room?
(Jamison whispered to GM): Am I missing from the tavern right
(GM whispered to Anval): Your keeping up with money spend, right?
(GM whispered to Jamison): I thought you were in the pub.
(Jamison whispered to GM): ok
[GM]: Man: Squire Jamison?
(Anval whispered to GM): Yep I believe I have 10$ left now.
Jamison looks at the speaker
Jamison approaches the man "And who would be looking for the
[GM]: The man is not recognized by anyone in the pub except for
the barkeep who smiles at him and waves.
[GM]: Man: A message sir.
[GM]: The man hands Jamison a small piece of paper.
Thomas leans back in his chair, looking through his shaggy hair
at the man...
Jamison motions for the man to come over to his table
[GM]: Then the man remains standing where he was and holds out
his hand.
[Anval]: Perhaps he wants a tip, eh?
Jamison takes the paper and hands the man 2 crowns.
[GM]: The man nods at Jamison and then nods at his hand.
[GM]: The man smiles, "Thanks sir" ... then he exits.
Jamison opens the note and begins to read
[GM]: The barkeep is behind the bar and begins to whistle.
(GM whispered to Jamison): It reads: Good Squire Jamison .....
(GM whispered to Jamison): I will unfortunatley not be able to
join you tonight at the meeting that has been arranged.
(GM whispered to Jamison): I have been called out on a unexpected
duty as knights often are.
[Anval]: "what does it say, Jamison?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Please handle the affair as you see
(GM whispered to Jamison): Apologies,
(GM whispered to Jamison): Sir Cornelius
Jamison mumbles "son of a gun....."
Lendyll flys up and above jamison's shoulder to look.
Jamison looks to Anval " It appears that our party may be a
little shorthanded.
[Anval]: "IS it news from the knight?"
[Jamison]: Our friendly knight has made other comitments....
[Jamison]: and so will not be accompaning us.
[Jamison]: And always thought that a knight kept his word.
[Anval]: "That is sad news.... Still, I believe we will not
lack for skill at arms, looking at us all!"
[Jamison]: Well, I don't think this should change the plan at
this late time.
[Anval]: "Does anyone know if the Faun will coming?"
[Thomas]: "I am sure we can manage..."
[Lendyll]: perhaps the smaller the group the better.
[Jamison]: We will just need to push on.
[GM]: Jackdaw left out around 5:30pm and said that he would be
back in time for the meeting.
[Anval]: "I agree Jamison... It's too late to stop the plan
[Jamison]: Jackdraw said he would be here by 8. Let's hope he
doesn't forget.
[GM]: Okay, the time marches on approaching the meeting.....
[Jamison]: Well, there are 2 hours til the meet, if any of you
need to do something, now is the time.
Lendyll flys around the room impatiently.
[Anval]: "I've nothing better to do, except perhaps Pray...
Would anyone care to join in a short prayer for our success in
this endeavour?"
[GM]: People come into the pub .... people leave ... then it is
7pm and Dirk shows.
[Lendyll]: argh! i wish it were eight. all this sitting around is
driving me insane.
[GM]: Dirk grins at Jamison and Thomas.
Lendyll looks around the bar for something to interest him.
[ MikeL joined the game ]
Jamison motions for Dirk to join him at the table.
[GM]: OOC: I assume that Thomas remained in the pub.
[Jamison]: yep
[GM]: Dirk has a bag over his shoulder and he heads for the back
[Jackdaw]: ooc Hi I'm back
[Thomas]: [Correct...Just lounging and maybe throwing some darts]
[GM]: Dirk motions for the others to join him.
Jamison motions to the others to follow
[Lendyll]: wha? oh yeah, coming.
[GM]: Jackdaw enters the pub, right behind him.
Thomas pushes himself up and follows...
[Anval]: "Hello again Jackdaw! It's a pleasure to see you
[GM]: Barkeep: Did you meet with the ladies, Sir Faun?
[Jackdaw]: Hi, hi
[GM]: Dirk goes into the back room and 'Light's the lantern.
Jamison asks Anval to guard the door, as before.
[GM]: Barkeep: You seem to be pretty popular with them?
[GM]: Dirk puts the bag on the table and waits for everyone to
get into the room.
[Anval]: "I will, Jamison - but I may still put my two
coppers in now and then..."
Lendyll stares oddly at the elemental in the lantern once again,
the lands onto jackdaw's shoulder. "mind if i sit
[Jackdaw]: Always!
[Jamison]: I appreciate any thoughts you may have, during this
[Jackdaw]: Of course not lendyll
[Lendyll]: grumble, grumble
(Anval whispered to GM): Happy Birthday! (ooc of course)
Jamison looks to Dirk, "Do you have it all?"
Lendyll lands back up on the shelf where he had occupied himself
(GM whispered to Anval): Thanks!
[GM]: Dirk: I got the supplies that we need.
[Jamison]: Excellant, why don't you hand out the stones, first..
[GM]: Dirk: Sure thing. He removes several small pouches from the
[GM]: Dirk: Is everyone familiar with Glowstones?
[Jamison]: And explain what they are to everyone
Jamison looks at Jackdraw.
[Anval]: I have heard of them... Don't they bear an enchantment
to glow for about a week?
[Jackdaw]: makes light?
[GM]: Dirk: Well, they are for 'underground' exploring....
[Jackdaw]: easier to carry?
[GM]: Dirk takes one of the stones from it's pounch and it glows
with a bright white light.
[GM]: The glowstone makes the room a lot brighter.
[Lendyll]: what were the chances they had one i could cary, sir?
Jamison leans of and whispers to Thomas.
[Anval]: Lendyll, if you cannot carry one, rest on my shoulder
and use the light from mine.
[GM]: Dirk looks at Lendyll, "I am sorry, but they only had
the normal ones"
Thomas listens
[Lendyll]: well then, i shall take uou up on that offer anval.
[GM]: Dirk takes the stone and puts it around his neck. It hangs
from a leather string.
[GM]: Dirk gives one to everyone except for Lendyll.
[Jamison]: Does anyone here have night vision?
(Anval whispered to GM): Anval listens at the door to ensure no
one is stealthily listening in on us all...
[GM]: Dirk: Where is the knight?
[GM]: Dirk looks around.
[Jamison]: I'm sorry to report that our knight has other
commitments to take care of and will not be joining us.
[GM]: Oh, and you keep the stone in it's pouch when not in use.
[GM]: Dirk: That is too bad.
[GM]: Dirk thinks for a moment.
Jackdaw puts stone into pouc
Jamison accepts th pouch from Dirk and hangs it from his belt.
[GM]: Dirk: Bilko will not like that.
[GM]: The stone weights about 2 lbs.
[Jamison]: Bilko is not the only one who is unhappy Dirk.
Thomas takes the stone and slides into a pouch...He puts it on
his belt where he can easily get to it...
[Anval]: Anval leaves the door momentarily to accept the offered
glow-stone from Dirk, then returns to her post.
[GM]: Dirk to Jamison: What shall I do with the extra stone?
[Lendyll]: dirk, may i have the items i requested of you as well?
[Jamison]: I'll take it for now.
[GM]: OOC: The stone give off no heat ... unlike the lantern on
the table.
[GM]: Dirk hands the stone to Jamison.
[Anval]: "I say we should save it, in case some magic
negates the powers of one of our stones..."
[GM]: Dirk looks at Lendyll and smiles, "I believe that you
will be happy with them"
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,5 = [ 9 ]
Jamison takes the additional stone and places it in his pack.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What's the role for?
Jackdaw looks at the lantern
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): does it have a door?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The fire elemental dances around in a
perfect sphere made of glass .... no door.
[Lendyll]: i am speaking of the poisons, sir. i do not wish to
cause death, but sometimes one should be called upon to do such a
[GM]: Dirk takes a few small bottles out of the sack and sets
them on the table.
[Lendyll]: thank you.
[GM]: Dirk: Have a look Lendyll.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): roll was to see if I was currious
enough to open the lantern, I'm not but I'm still interested
(GM whispered to Lendyll): What did you request again? ...
sleeping and death poison?
Lendyll carefully takes a look at the bottles, "this will do
[Anval]: I think it would be best if we can avoid killing any of
the Dukes (?) guards if possible, Lendyll.
[Jamison]: I second that thought.
Lendyll carefully takes twelve bolts and dips them into sleep
venom first.
[GM]: Dirk (to Lendyll): You must keep them out of sight.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I'm going to try to sense emotion on
the elemental to see if it minds being there or if it likes it
Jackdaw plays softly
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,6 = [ 16 ]
[GM]: Dirk (to Lendyll): Death Poison is a crime, you know?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oops, blew it by 1
[Jamison]: Is that all the items to pass out, Dirk?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Anything else that was requested?
Lendyll then takes three and dips them into the poison. he wraps
them up and places them in a small rag and into his pack.
"yes sir, i am aware of that. i do not wish to use it,
[GM]: Dirk: I have something for Thoamas.
[GM]: Dirk hands Thomas a large wallet.
[Lendyll]: i guess it couldn't be as much of a crime as breaking
into a castle and stealing a ring. i don't think that it matters
much either way.
Thomas arches an eyebrow..."What cha got for me...Hmmm busy
man, eh?"
[GM]: Dirk laughs .... "That is true."
[Lendyll]: ooc:brb
[GM]: Dirk: You bet ..... check it out.
Jackdaw looks at his sirinx, shakes it gently with a puzzled look
[Jamison]: I think our Priest can address that issue Lendyll
(Anval whispered to GM): Is poison considered against Ral's laws?
If so, please let me know...
Thomas crackes it open...
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Hmmm...what is a sirnx?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my musical pipes
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): what did you think???
[ Lendyll left the game ]
(GM whispered to Anval): No not specifially ... it is just
consdered unfair tactics.
(GM whispered to Thomas): It is a set of lockpicks.
Thomas looks through the wallet...and smiles "Do I even want
to know where you got these?"
[Anval]: Lendyll, Ral's teachings do not say poisons are
forbidden - that is of the Kings's law... However, I would think
we should frown on the use of killing poisons unless near death
[GM]: Dirk: Dont ask.
[GM]: Dirk (to Thomas) They are good qualitiy, you know?
Thomas quickly puts the large wallet away and
smiles..."Wasn't going to..."
[GM]: OOC: Did anyone else request anything from Dirk?
[Anval]: ooc - not I
[Jamison]: Thank you , Anval
(Thomas whispered to GM): I guessed so...I shall add it to my
[GM]: Dirk (to Jamison): I also got some other items ... a rope
... a small pick ... Shall I just leave them in the sack?
[Anval]: "You are most welcome, Squire Jamison."
[Jackdaw]: ooc no
Thomas nods at Dirk..."Many Thanks..."
[Thomas]: [Nope, ready to go]
[Jamison]: Can you carry the, Dirk?
[Jamison]: the=them
[GM]: Dirk: Yes, I will take care of it.
[Jamison]: Great, Now , let's see those maps.
[GM]: Dirk: Well, Bilko will bring the maps ....
[GM]: Dirk: He should be here very shortly.
[Jackdaw]: we'll have to look for Dack while we're gone, he might
be findeding the ring too
[GM]: Dirk: I suggest that everyone leave the room except for
Jamison and myself.
(Anval whispered to GM): Did anval ever hear anything at the
(GM whispered to Anval): Nothing.
[Anval]: "Very well... I will retire to the main taproom.
Just say when."
Jackdaw goes out into the common room and starts playing for
[Jamison]: Yes, I think that may be for the best. Anval, before
we all leave, could we have a prayer for everyone's safety,
[GM]: Dirk: Bilko is a little nervous about the meeting ....
[Anval]: An excellent point, Squire.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Why were you shaking them earlier?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): to see why the magic didn't work of
[GM]: Dirk seems a little nervous at the mention of a prayer
...but he consents to it.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): it usually does
[Jamison]: Please lead us, then.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Sense Emotions, you mean?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): yes
[Anval]: Ral, bless us, your servants, as we embark on a
dangerous quest in service to our lawful Prince. Keep our hearts
pure and ideals strong, and lead us to success in your Name!
[Jamison]: Thank you. Now, everyone leave Dirk and myself to the
[GM]: Dirk stands up.
Jamison looks at Jackdraw, "And stay near..."
Thomas takes his leave, returning to the common room and idlely
throwing darts at the wall...he waits impatiently...
[Anval]: Anval heads to the taproom.
[GM]: Everyone vacates the room except for Dirk and Jamison.
[GM]: About 20 minutes pass and a man with a three-day beard in
his late 40's enters and makes his way to the backroom without
looking at anyone or saying anything.
[GM]: The man carries a large folder.
[GM]: The man enters the room and says, "Greetings Squire
.... Cousin"
Jamison stands and greets Bilko.
[GM]: The man looks around the room, "...and where is the
[Jamison]: Ahhh, Bilko, Glad to meet with you.
[GM]: Bilko waits for Jamison to answer his question.
[Jamison]: I have some news concerning the Knight....
[Anval]: Anval quietly positions herself near the exit in case
the Man with the folder tries to leave in a hurry...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw will play for drinks
Jamison hands Bilko the note for him to read.
[Anval]: (the exit of the taproom, not the back room)
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): role
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): for everyone
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,5 = [ 12 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): by 4
[Jamison]: I'm afraid this is not good news.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Well, your drink was free anyway.
(GM whispered to Anval): okay
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): close enough
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ;-)
[GM]: Barkeep hands Jackdaw a drink.
[Jamison]: But, I think our party will be able to continue,
without the Knights assistance
[GM]: Bilko: What do you mean?
[GM]: Bilko: Knights ... I never trust 'em anyway.
[Jamison]: Apparently, Sir Cornelious decided he had other
[Jamison]: Well, you can't trust them all, but all are not like
[GM]: Bilko: Maybe he thought over the mission and decided that
it wasn't ..... knightworthy.
[GM]: Bilko frowns.
[GM]: Bilko: Anyway ... I am a man of MY word.
[Jamison]: That I cannot say.
[GM]: Bilko: Here are the maps ..... as promised.
[Jamison]: As am I, Sir.
[Jamison]: excellant.
[GM]: Bilko: And the 'deal' as it was spoken .... is still on, I
Jamison looks to Dirk, "Have you seen these?
[GM]: Dirk: No, I haven't.
[GM]: Bilko: Just got them 'copied' today.
[Jamison]: Certainly. Unless you see some reason for it not to
[Jamison]: It is still to all our advantage to continue.
[GM]: Bilko: It cost me quite abit .... I stressed the connection
I had at the ..... Oh, nevermind.
Jamison looks at Dirk, "Why don't you examine them
[GM]: Bilko looks at Jamison: I hope for your sake that my share
of the treasure will cover my costs.
[Jamison]: I understand, Sir. I give my word to follow thru with
my commitment to you.
[GM]: Dirk looks the map over.
[Jamison]: I think we both believe that it will cover your costs.
[GM]: Bilko take out an old leather envelope from his jacket.
[GM]: Dirk: I hope it covers my expenses as well!
Jamison eyes Bilko curiously.
[GM]: Bilko: ... and here is the map of the Cats. I will expect
to have this back.
[ Lendyll joined the game ]
[Jamison]: I understand.
[curiousg]: ooc: good lord
[GM]: Bilko: Remember the cost? ... Either I get it back ....
intact .... or the 500 soverigns that it is worth.
[Jamison]: OOC: Did you have a nice trip/
[Jamison]: As Agreed.....
[GM]: OOC: Lag problems?
[curiousg]: ooc: just tell me what is going on...i hate my father
and my isp.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: brb
[GM]: OOC: Would someone please fill him in.
[Anval]: We're waiting in the Taprrom while Jamison barters with
Bilko and Dirk about the maps to the catacombs
[Anval]: Anval led the group in a short prayer before the
[curiousg]: ooc:taproom? decribe please.
[Anval]: Once Bilko leaves, I expect we will be entering the
[curiousg]: ooc: did i miss anything specific i should be aware
[curiousg]: ooc: sorry by the way. i let my father use the phone
which wound up being forever long, then fought for five minutes
to dial up due to a busy line.'
[GM]: OOC: No Prob
[GM]: OOC: What was the last thing that you were here for?
[Anval]: Lendyll left right before I mentioned death posions were
a bad idea
[Lendyll]: i had recieved the poison and dirk had given thomas
Thomas winks "Tools of trade.."
[Lendyll]: just continue on and if someone could bring me up to
speed, i would be grateful.
[Lendyll]: just whisper it to me.
[GM]: OOC: If he wishes to tell you.
(Anval whispered to GM): I was wrong... Anval is broke (she
donated her last $$$ to buy a light-stone)
(GM whispered to Anval): bummer.
[Jamison]: OOC: are we all set?
[GM]: OOC: okay ... Jamison is back.
[Thomas]: [Ready]
[GM]: Bilko gets up to leave and looks at Dirk.
[Anval]: ooc - yep
[GM]: Biko: Cousin you remember the way, don't you?
[GM]: Dirk: Yes, I do.
[Jackdaw]: ooc let us venture forth on a mission of questionable
legality but undoubted importance!
[GM]: Bilko leaves.
Jackdaw says "yah, lets go!"
Jamison looks at Dirk, shall we bring the others back/
Lendyll look around wearily not knowing what the hell has been
going on for the past fifteen minutes. he checks his bolts and
his broadsword, looks as dirk, "shall we go then?"
Thomas gives the thumbs up "Rady"
[GM]: OOC: Lendyll you guys have been out front as the meeting
took place between Dirk, Jamison, and the guy with the maps.
Jackdaw whistles a happy tune
Jamison goes to the Tap room and motions for the others to join
him in the rear room.
Thomas smiles ready to go into action
Lendyll looks around not knowing what the hell has been going on
for fifteen minutes. "it is about time they asked us back
in. i was starting to get bored."
[Anval]: Anval crosses the taprom floor and heads into the back
room, as Jamison requests.
[Lendyll]: ooc:i am back on cue now.
[GM]: Dirk goes out to the bar and gets a mug of ale. Then he
returns to the back room.
Jackdaw dances over to the room in time with his whistling
DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 13 ]
[Jackdaw]: somewhat clumsily
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Did you make it? .. I really need to
get a hardcopy of Jackdaw to refer to.
[GM]: Dirk returns to the backroom and remains standing.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sorry, I thought you had one, do you
want a text file or an export for GURU?
[Jamison]: Ok, we have the maps and Dirk has had a chance to look
them over....
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): GURU would be great.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I think I did have one .... but I must
have lost it.
[Jamison]: Anything of immediate concern on the maps, Dirk?
(Anval whispered to GM): Anval puts her glowstone around her
neck, but leaves it in its pouch
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Whistling is 14 Dancing is default
(knew there was something I'd forgotten) at 8
[GM]: Dirk: Well, if we get into the Castle by the tunnel...
[GM]: Dirk: .... we get to bypass the fortifications.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I guess he's more of a musician
[GM]: Dirk: I would be he has guards posted there.
[Jamison]: Good, that is the plan, to enter the castle via. the
[Jackdaw]: we'll have to sneak by them then
[Jackdaw]: or make them sleepy
[GM]: Dirk: The only problem that we should have is ... getting
from the cellar ... to the upstairs bedroom.
[Jackdaw]: or go around them
[GM]: Dirk: Of course, we cant be sure where he keeps the
[Anval]: Perhaps it would be best for the less subtle of us to
remain at the base of the steps, keeping the groups' retreat open
and guarded?
Thomas nods "Nothings easy..."
Lendyll drags back a thimble of ale, "parhaps i should scout
ahead of the groups a bit. i am very unassuming to say the
[GM]: Dirk: I thought about that..... you WOULD make a good
[GM]: Dirk looks at Jamison: Do you think that you can read the
map of the Cats okay?
[Jamison]: A good thought, Lendyll
[Lendyll]: ooc:every ellyl has 2 points in stealth as a racial
package. <grin>
(GM whispered to Jamison): I believe that bilko handed the
leather envelope to you.
(Jamison whispered to GM): yes
[Lendyll]: i am sure i can, a little bit of legend analysis and i
should be okay.
(Jamison whispered to GM): does Dirk know the entrance to the
(GM whispered to Jamison): yep
Jamison opens the map to the Catacombs and spreads it on the
[GM]: Dirk: I wonder what we shall find down there?
Lendyll shrugs his shoulders. "perhaps we should just find
[Jamison]: this is the map to the Cats. Dirk, I think it would be
best for you to lead us to the catacombs.
[Anval]: Anne takes a good, long look at the map, trying to
remember its twists and turns.
[Jamison]: Once there, We can have you lead with Anval and
Lendyll right behind.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): just sent Jackdaw via icq
(GM whispered to Jamison): got it ... thanks.
[GM]: Dirk: Okay .... earn my freedom, so to speak? (smiles at
[GM]: OOC: Sir C is on the way.
[Jamison]: Thomas and Jackdraw, behind them, and I will take the
rear guard.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Really, not just playing with you
lowly squire are you?
(Jamison whispered to GM): you=your
[ Sir Cornelius joined the game ]
Thomas shrugs "Sounds like a decent plan..."
(GM whispered to Jamison): nope
(Lendyll whispered to GM): can you do me a favor? check on the
exact working of apportation for me. i don't have magic.
[Jamison]: Well, well. Our missing knight, Hi SC
[Anval]: I agree... It would be best if we kept things simple!
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: evening folks
(Lendyll whispered to GM): gurps magic i mean
[Jackdaw]: Hi Sir Knight, we almost missed you
(GM whispered to Lendyll): Sure just give me a minute, okay ...
maybe a bit later.
[Jackdaw]: then you woulda had to finded us
[Sir Cornelius]: almost missed myself :/
[Anval]: ooc - hello
(Lendyll whispered to GM): no problem, i just had a brain lapse.
that is all
[GM]: OOC: Okay, just a minute while I get Sir C caught up.
[Sir Cornelius]: thanks
[Jamison]: np
[Jackdaw]: np
[Sir Cornelius]: grrr..what an obnoxious color
[Sir Cornelius]: hmmm
[Sir Cornelius]: ok
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You sent a note to Jamison
saying that you had other duties and could not make the meeting
and for him to 'use his best judgement'
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): ok...
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): (Did not know if you were
joining us or not)
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): The note didnt' really say that
you were out of the mission .... just said that you couldn't make
the meeting.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): called away by an aide of the
prince or somesuch perhaps
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You should explain that you were
called out on duty.... by a Captain of the local Knights.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): ok..cool
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): But you could say that you have
performed it ... and are back ready to join the mission.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): what's this about my word???
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): Btw, the word you gave to Bilko
was kept .. I think.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): But Jamison and Bilko were
thinking that you broke it by not showing for the meeting.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): But duty to the King .... has
[Sir Cornelius]:
[GM]: Dirk: Sir Knight .... So, you are joining us after all?
[Sir Cornelius]: Of course...it is what I said after all
Sir Cornelius looks tired perhaps from a long ride...and in his
full armor
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: nice meeting you folks I've not met yet
[GM]: Dirk: They told me that you were getting provisions ... did
you have a chance to get them?
Jamison looks at the knight and is relieved by his presence.
[Sir Cornelius]: I got called away unfortunately...we will have
to make due...shall we?
[GM]: Dirk looks at Jamison, "Perhaps you should introduce
[Anval]: Anval nods at the knight, glad he decided to honor his
word and arrive.
(GM whispered to Jamison): I would definitly mention that Jackdaw
is the one that the Prince spoke of.
[Jamison]: everyone, I am pleased to introduce Sir Cornelious, a
knight of renown...
Thomas nods at the knight, smirking as he does so..."Good
[Jamison]: Sir Cornelius, let me goaround the room and introduce
you to our companions...
[Anval]: Anval smiles, brushing her lank hair out of her face,
and revealing a few crooked teeth. "Welcome, sir Knight. I
an Anval, a Priestess of Ral."
[ Lendyll left the game ]
Sir Cornelius nods curtly...anxious to get going
[GM]: OOC: Perhaps it was a good thing that the knight was absent
at the handing out of Lendyll's poison. ;-}
Sir Cornelius covers his ears
Jamison points to the faun " here is the faun Jackdraw. the
other person that the prince spoke to..."
[Jamison]: About recovering the ring.
[ Lendyll joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You heard a discussion amoung
some knights today on the Prince's ring .... seems like word has
reached the streets.
[curiousg]: ooc: lost it there.
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): as if I didn't figure that
already :/
[Jamison]: Over here we have theedyll, Lendyll
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC wb Lendyll
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): ;-}
[Jamison]: theedyll=the edyll
[curiousg]: pleased to meet you, sir knight. my name is lendyll.
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): You have never seen a Ellyl
[Jamison]: And last but not least we have Thomas, a man of many
hidden talents.
curiousg spits on his hand and sticks it out to shake.
[Sir Cornelius]: Over where?
[Jamison]: ohhh, sorry... the small creature watching the lamp,
drinking from a thimble.
Sir Cornelius looks around...finally spotting the...creature
Lendyll waves
[Sir Cornelius]: it's...nice...meeting you
[Jamison]: And our comrade, Thomas. a man of many ....talents.
Thomas winks and nods at the mention of his name...
[Sir Cornelius]: Hello Thomas...
[Jamison]: OOC: did I forget anyone/
[GM]: Dirk: And of course ..... we have met, Sir Knight.
Sir Cornelius wonders what his friend means...but doesn't want to
waste time finding out...
[Sir Cornelius]: Of course. The key to the operation.
[Sir Cornelius]: Let's go shall we?
[GM]: Dirk: I have a question....
[Lendyll]: yeehaw, lets git this show on the road.
[Jamison]: We have aquired the maps and are just about to set
out, sir.
[Jamison]: Yes, Dirk..?
Lendyll sits back down again.
[GM]: Dirk: Jamison .... are you the leader of this mission? ....
Missions usually have leaders, dont they? .... or is it Sir
[Jamison]: I will assist as well as I can, however, I am onnly a
squire. I follow the commands of a Knight because they have risen
to what I aspire to be....
[GM]: Dirk: ....not to stir up any trouble .... or anything.
Sir Cornelius folds his arms, asking... "anything else
[GM]: Dirk: So, the marching order that you gave (Jamison) is
Jackdaw muses "leader?? why don't we do what my girlfriend
Nike says and "just DO IT!""
[GM]: Dirk: Sorry, Sir Knight ... I for one ... have quite a bit
riding on this mission.
[Jackdaw]: "she gets kinda impatient with me sometimes"
[Anval]: Perhaps Sir Cornelius and I would be best situated at
the front.
Lendyll paces the shelf disliking good planning he is an
adventurous sould that doesn't like to sit still long.
[Anval]: Lendyll can rest on my shoulder.
[Jamison]: I believe that we should change it to SC and Dirk,
lead, followed by Anval and Lendyll, followed by Jackdraw and
Thomas, and I will be rear guard... Is that ok, SC.
[GM]: Dirk: Well ..... we do need to get things straight ...
before we go down there.... don't you think?
[Jamison]: Agreed, friend Dirk.
[Sir Cornelius]: good enough...let's move out
[Jamison]: ok with everyone?
[GM]: Dirk (mumbles) Oh great ... I got me a shadow, now.
[Jackdaw]: "does somebody want to give the Knight a shiney
[GM]: Dirk stands.
Jamison looks around for any decending votes...
[Anval]: Fine with me, Squire.
[Jackdaw]: "everybody else cept Lendyll has one"
[GM]: Dirk: Oh sure.... he takes out the stone and hands it to
the Knight.
Thomas gives a sigh of relief "A man of action!...I am
[Jamison]: Thank you Jackdraw...
Lendyll jumps up "let's go"
[Jackdaw]: "Wheee"
Jackdaw jumps!
Sir Cornelius heads out...keeping one eye on the path...and two
on Dirk...
[Jamison]: Dirk, please lead us on, unobserved if possible.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how high is the ceiling?
[GM]: Dirk: Okay our first stop...... The Church of Saint Meliss
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): 8ft in here
(Anval whispered to GM): Am I familiar with that church?
[Jamison]: OOC: any short history on ST. Meliss?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): should be safe then
[Sir Cornelius]: Why there?
(GM whispered to Anval): Yep .... the oldest church in
(GM whispered to Anval): You stayed there your first week in
[Thomas]: [brb]
[Anval]: It's the oldest church in Shevendale... No doubt there
is an entrance to the ancient catacombs beneath it's walls...
[Jamison]: ok
[GM]: Dirk: Yes, it is believed to be one of the first buildings
in town... some say that is was built on the site of an older
Jamison glances around trying to make sure the party is not
[GM]: Dirk: We need to go there ... and get into the basement.
[Jamison]: lead on...
[GM]: Dirk looks at Anval: Can you be of any aid in getting us
[Sir Cornelius]: /me heads toward the old church...not minding
anything but glad to get going finally
Jackdaw wraps his blanket/cape around him and pins it with the
cloak pin aaying "they always tell me to wear something when
i try to get into a church"
Lendyll flys back 15 feet behind the party and above them,
"i'll watch our back till we get there"
[Anval]: I think so... I stayed there for a week... I'm sure I
can get us into the basement...
[Jamison]: OOC: time?
[Sir Cornelius]: me? grrr
Sir Cornelius heads toward the old church...not minding anything
but glad to get going finally
[GM]: Dirk leads the party outside and east 7 streets (past the
Red-light distric that Jackdaw loves so) and then turns north and
goes 6 streets up.
(Anval whispered to GM): IS there an untravelled way of getting
us into the basement unseen?
Jackdaw waves if anyone is out and about
[GM]: Time: 9:30pm Shevandale
Lendyll has a hard time keeping his attention due to the
beautiful babies that are walking around but manages it none the
Jackdaw blows a kiss and says "later friends"
[GM]: The streets are clearing out pretty much ... not a whole
lot of traffic.
[Jamison]: quiet you two, this is not a stroll around town.....
(GM whispered to Anval): If you go through the kitchen .... and
to the cellar ... you should be okay.
Jackdaw to lendyll "would you like me to introduce you to
some of the Always lonely Ladies later?"
[GM]: The red-light district seems to be pretty 'lively', though.
[Jamison]: When we get to the Church, Anval shall take the lead.
[Jackdaw]: "It's a good place to Frollic"
[Anval]: We can go through the kitchens, and from there to the
cellars... There should be a postern gate near a well, to draw
water for cooking - it might be best if we tried to enter
Lendyll pulls back to 20 feet behind and keeping to the edge of
the building tops to keep a close eye on the party as they move
to check for followers.
[GM]: 2 blocks before you get to the church .... you meet 2
knights ... out on nightly patrol.
[GM]: Knight1: Good Evening.
[GM]: Knight2 eyes the party suspiciouly.
Sir Cornelius nods to him...evening...
Thomas keeps his eyes open for any obvious spies or guild
members...He keeps his eyes covered by his hair so that it is
hard to see what exactly he is looking at...
[GM]: Knight1: Greetings Sir.
(GM whispered to Thomas): It looks fine.
[Anval]: Anne nods at the knights... "Good evening
[Jackdaw]: ?he looks at the knights
[Jamison]: Ohh, Sir Knights, greetings and salutations..
Jackdaw looks at the knights
[GM]: Knight2: Goodevening Priestess.
[GM]: The knights smile as you pass.
Sir Cornelius walks on past
(Thomas whispered to GM): Okay, but just keeping alert but
looking nonchalant...Just out for a stroll
[GM]: Knight2 points at Jackdaw and whispers to Knight1 as you
[Jackdaw]: ooc Jackdaw feels good for keeping his mouth shut this
[Sir Cornelius]: LOL
Jackdaw looks at the knights and says " better night a few
blocks that way" pointing towards the Friendly area of town
[GM]: You reach the Church of St. Meliss and Dirk goes up and
opens the door.
[Jackdaw]: ooc they had to do something didn't they!
[Anval]: Anval takes the lead, and steps inside, to ensure the
kitchens are clear of folk.
[GM]: Dirk holds the door for Anval.
Lendyll joins the party now and rests gently on anvals shoulder.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): could be worse, what if Jackdaw was
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC kitchens? :sigh:
[Anval]: If the kitchens are clear, Anval leads everyone inside,
and heads to the entrance to the cellars.
[GM]: There are a couple of people saying prayers at the altar.
Lendyll to anval "i don't think we are being followed.
perhaps the fates are looking out for us tonight"
Thomas enters...thinking it has been a while since he has been in
[Anval]: (ooc - can we sneak past without them seeing?)
Sir Cornelius looks at dirk...or someone who wants his map
Jackdaw looks around curriously
[Jamison]: OOC, are the kitchens within sight of the alter?
(GM whispered to Anval): It important that you place your hand
over your heart when you pass the altar.
Jamison will take the map
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): anything really interesting?
[Anval]: (hhst) Anval whispers to everyone... "When we pass
the altar, place your hand over your heart - else you will
desecrate this holy place!
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The altar is elaboratley decorated ...
with gold and jewels.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): he's probably never been inside a
church unless the Always Lonely Ladies have a favorite shrine
[GM]: The two pray'ers are deep in prayer ... eyes closed and
chanting something.
Jamison follows the Priestesses directions...
Thomas shrugs and when he passes the alter clasps his hand to his
Sir Cornelius avoids the others...so as not to disturb them
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Nope first time ....you have met some
priests, though ... they came to your village spreading the word
of RAl.
Sir Cornelius also avoids the altar...and any other conspicuous
(Anval whispered to GM): Anval watches carefully to ensure ALL
the party members do as she asked...
Jamison listens to see if he understands the chanting....
Lendyll places the wrong hand over his heart, but doesn't notice
that he is wrong.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): we probably didn't listen too good
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What are you doing?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): just looking for now
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): it's all very new
(GM whispered to Anval): Jackdaw is staring at the elaborate
alter.... never having seen such.
[Anval]: Anval gently grasps Jackdaws' shoulder and whispers
"another time Jackdaw... I will gladly show you the temple
when this business is done!"
(GM whispered to Anval): He begins to lag behind.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): ;-}
Jackdaw follows Anval
[GM]: Stealth Role everyone at +3 ..... please give me your skill
[GM]: OOC: Sorry ... I mean at -3
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=4,1,2 = [ 7 ]
DICE for Sir Cornelius: (3d6+3) : 3d6=5,6,6 = [ 20 ]
[Jackdaw]: skill 13
(Lendyll whispered to GM): 15
DICE for Lendyll: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,6 = [ 11 ]
(To GM) DICE for Anval: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,5 = [ 14 ]
(GM whispered to Sir Cornelius): skill?
(GM whispered to Anval): skill?
(Sir Cornelius whispered to GM): skill...at a default...quite low
I'm sure
[Lendyll]: 8 looks like
[Jackdaw]: ooc must be all that armor ;-)
[Anval]: oops - default only
DICE for Thomas: [Thomas Wintersun / Dice] : (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,5 =
[ 14 ]
Jackdaw has an adjusted 4
[Jamison]: skill -3=5
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,5 = [ 11 ]
[Anval]: roll 14-3=11
[Thomas]: [Skill 14-11= Failed...]
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC I'm saving my 1's for later...
[GM]: Okay ... the two prayers are disturbed by the parties
movement into the church and one of them stops his prayers and
looks up.
[Anval]: Is the prayer a priest?
Jackdaw waves
[GM]: He looks directly at Anval.
[GM]: OOC: no
Jackdaw holds a finger to his lips
[GM]: He then looks at Jackdaw and frowns.
Lendyll looks at the ceiling.
Sir Cornelius continues in the same direction...ignoring
[Anval]: Hello, My child... I'm sorry we disturb your prayers...
Please continue - these people have business with me tonight.
Jackdaw pulls cape around himself more tightly and smiles shyly
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,2 = [ 9 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): do I wink?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): IQ roll 14
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I think I can avoid it but its close
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You avoid it.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,1 = [ 9 ]
Lendyll hurries quickly behind the knight and toward the kitchen
(Anval whispered to GM): Anval has charisma +2
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC being tired and covered in dirt from riding
all afternoon makes for a good cover :)
[GM]: The prayer looks at Anval a little sceptical ... but
returns to his prayers.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): oh good it's a him
[GM]: OOC: Who is in the lead?
Jamison sighs to himself, and continues on....
[Anval]: <quietly> Let us continue, before we disturb
anyone else. (as Anval passes the altar, she places her hand over
her heart, and makes sure everyone else does too)
[Anval]: Anval is
[Sir Cornelius]: I am with dirk...probably behind dirk a short
[GM]: OOC: Anval and Jackdaw are in the rear... I believe
[Anval]: Ahh right... oops
[GM]: OOC: Sir C ... kept walking.
[Lendyll]: ooc: i am right behind sc currently
Thomas does so as he passes the alter...He keeps an eye out for
any alternate exits and such as he walks...just in case
[Lendyll]: ooc: how high is the ceiling?
[GM]: There are two doors ... one on each side of the altar wall
... there are also two stairways on the wall opposite.
[Anval]: Once everyone is past the altar, Anval hurries up to the
front of the party and takes the lead again
[GM]: The ceiling goes from 50ft to 100ft at certian points.
[GM]: There is a balcony encirling the central area.
Jackdaw follows
[Jackdaw]: ooc lag test
[GM]: Anval returns to the head of the party.
Lendyll rests upon anval's shoulder once again.
[Anval]: Anval takes the path to the cellars least likely to
encounter anyone, even if it is a longer route.
(GM whispered to Anval): The kitchen is through the door on the
right altar side and down the hallway a bit.
[Anval]: Anval says "this way! And be quiet..." Anval
leads the party through the door to the right, and down the
Sir Cornelius clinks quietly as he can...
[GM]: Anval leads the party through the kitchen which is vacant
and dark
Jamison takes up the rear guard...
Thomas takes mental notes as he moves along...
[Jackdaw]: ooc Something Else
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,2 = [ 5 ]
[Jamison]: ??
[Anval]: Anne unbags her light stone, and leads the group to the
[GM]: You make it to the cellar unnoticed.
(Lendyll whispered to GM): care if i bend the rules a bit here?
lendyll is going to concentrate one turn and cast apportation
once we need the glowballs and sets it two inches around his
hand. it is two pounds, and it says that it has to be one fatigue
for one pound. <grin>
[Anval]: Are we stopping here (ooc - it's 11pm)
[Jamison]: ooc:the cellar is a good point for me....
[GM]: The stairs leading down are very dark and there is a musty
[Sir Cornelius]: OOC: my apologies for not making it on time...I
will do my best next time around
[Anval]: Anval leads the group downstairs
[ MikeL left the game ]
[Jamison]: Anval, let Dirk lead now....
[GM]: Okay .... let's end it here.
[Anval]: Ok
[GM]: You made it to the cellar unnoticed.