[Tue Apr 03 18:56:35 CDT 2001]

[GM]: Setting: The Silver Zephyr has just landed in Fendor City - the capitol city for the Dwarven Kingdom of the same name - and the captain has announced to the party that there would be a 3-hour layover while the cargo is unloaded and other cargo picked up. Anne has left with Phinnea who has some business to deal with regarding a 'claim' to her heritage. The Human Tass and the Elf Syrn have left on their own seperate excursions as did Jackdaw, Jamison, and Thor. It is not known if Drei or Peshida left the ship. Valek arrived in his home city about the same time that the airship landed in Fendor. It is just before 10 pm as this 9th day of Methorah comes to a close. BEGIN SESSION #71
[GM]: ((Note: my calculations were off. It is now the 9th of Methorah.))
Valek smiles at Cara "So what interesting activites have you been up to in my absence?"
[GM]: ((Hold up Valek, I will get to you in a minute))
Jackdaw wants to become unlonely...three hours shopuld be long enough...
Tass Manetre jourmies through the city looking around and taking in the sites. Having not been through a large city in many years.
[ Sylln joined the game ]
[GM]: Since everyone is in a different place ..... I will take it one at a time.
[Jackdaw]: brb
[GM]: Anne, you leave with Phinny on an urgent mission to see her parents.
[Anval]: Ok - I'll play the supportive friend... 8)
[GM]: She is in tears for most of the long walk throught the crowded streets.
[Anval]: "Whats wrong Phinny?"
[GM]: She is also in what appears to be dread.
[fnord]: ((brb, have to feed the cat))
[GM]: Phinny "It been a long time since me see my parents. And dis be my first time to see da home city of da Dwarves"
[Jackdaw]: b
[Anval]: "Then I hope those tears are joyous! You should be happy, right?"
[GM]: Phinny "Ya, but I know not wa to expect"
[ Silathitam joined the game ]
[Anval]: "Hey, thats why I'm here! You can always lean on me, my friend!"
(Sylln whispered to GM): sorry i'm late. had to rap up a few things
[Anval]: Anne puts her arm around Phinneas shoulder and gives her a sisterly hug
(GM whispered to Sylln): No problem. Think about what you would be doing. I'm taking everyone in turn.
(Sylln whispered to GM): well i wanna find a shop that can cure my form, and make me an amulet that lets me go back and forth from this form
(Sylln whispered to GM): or am i not this way cause tass changed his char
[GM]: Phinny stops a respectable-looking Dwarven gentlemen in the street. "Excuse me sir, where be da family home of da Torvalds?"
[GM]: Dwarf "Ya, it be down dis street and over da grand hall ...." he proceeds to give directions.
[GM]: ((Everyone brace themselves and get readry for a glimpse of Fendor City)) GM keeps his fingers crossed.
[GM]: ((Let me know if you can see it))
[Tass Manetre]: (yup
[Valek]: <I can see it.>
[Anval]: I can see it
[Valek]: <Thought I think I may need it explained.>
[GM]: Yes, of course.
[GM]: Fendor city is the 2nd largest city in Methoria being around 3 million. It is totally underground, carved out of thousands of years of mining, etc.
[GM]: There are many 'halls' carved out which result in there being blocks of 'city' which goes up for as far as the eye can see.
Sylln sees the map
[GM]: Actually since you are near the top, if you look down into one of these 'halls' you would not be able to see the bottom. It literally goes down almost a mile. All you would see are lights.
[GM]: You can cross over these halls by rope bridges which exist in the hundreds. Much more than I drew on the pic.
[GM]: Each block has nearly a hundred levels of thick city, whether it be residential or commercial.
[GM]: Get the idea?
[Tass Manetre]: (new york, la, detroit, miami, all the major cities thrown together under ground)
[GM]: The Dwarven Gentleman finishes his directions and Phinny and Anne begin to find their way to her parents house.
[Valek]: <Sounds a lot like the description sof courescant from star wars.>
[Anval]: "This city is very confusing... I'm already lost!"
[GM]: '((A bit of info: Largest city. Mytheria in the Elven Forest. Second Largest city: Fendor City. Third Largest city: Shevadale. I am guessing that the Fell city runs a close third. These are of course the top 3 of the 'known' cities. There might be some unknown ones.))
[GM]: Phinny "Ya, it be a bit before we get to the house of Torvald."
(Valek whispered to GM): <How do the Bale rank in all this, since the fell are at least passivly aware of them.>
[Jackdaw]: my see'd
[GM]: Phinny and Anne come to the fist rope brigde. Phinny gulps as she looks down into one of the halls.
(Valek whispered to GM): and I think that the fell '
[GM]: ((Switch to Jackdaw))
[GM]: Jackdaw goes off on his own looking for a frolic?
[Jackdaw]: yup
[Jackdaw]: been DAYS!!!!
[GM]: Needless to say, Jackdaw does not have to go far to find a pub.
[Jackdaw]: good my try to liven things up a bit
[Jackdaw]: keep eye ready for pretty ladies
DICE for Tass Manetre: (1d20) : 1d20=17 = [ 17 ]
[GM]: "You cant swing a dead goblin in Fendor city without hitting a pub" .... as the saying goes.
[Tass Manetre]: (oopse)
[GM]: Plenty of pretty women ..... most of them have beards, though.
[Jackdaw]: my not minded beards...
[GM]: Jackdaw enters the Tavern of the Lost Gem. Many an eye looks up at him as he enters.
[Jackdaw]: my haved one too
[GM]: Jackdaw gets a smile from a table of Dwarven Women.
[GM]: One of the 'girls' raises a mug in his direction
Jackdaw smiles back, a slow and sultry smile
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=1,1,2 = [ 9 ]
[Jackdaw]: <<sex appeal>>
[Jackdaw]: <<crit>>
[Valek]: <On a side note- would a non-dwarf be able to tell the difference between a female and a male dwarf by look alone?>
[GM]: The Dwarven women smiles a knowing smile and waves him over.
Jackdaw goes over
[Valek]: <If not jackdaw may be in for REAL suprise.>
[GM]: ((Yes, it is pretty obvious. Although there are exceptions. Short Humans and tall Dwarves ... although they are pretty rare))
[GM]: ((Yes, actually the females can be told by their lack of beard))
Jackdaw buys the ladies a drink
[GM]: ((It is only a few inches long .... : ) ))
[GM]: ((A male Dwarf would not show his face unless he could sport a full beard))
[GM]: Dwarven Lady : "Well, dat be nice ... however can me repays ye?"
[Jackdaw]: / he raises an eyebrow and whispers "Lonely?"
[GM]: Another Dwarven Lady "And just why do ye get to be da one dat does da repaying??!!!"
Jackdaw raises an eyebrow and whispers "Lonely?"
[Valek]: <Ok so in your world dwarves are just short humans- in most of my own worlds I make all dwarves short and burly to the point where the ability to discern breasts would be seriously hampered unless they were naked- and even then..... >
[GM]: ((No, they are very burley. But it is mostly by the beard that one tells.))
[Valek]: <ahh.>
[Jackdaw]: "my haveded a couple of hours, my knowed it bee'd not much but my try <<wink>> harder "
[GM]: Another Dwarven Lady holds up two bottles of mead "I say dat we all go to my place and .... taste the nector"
[GM]: She giggles.
[Jackdaw]: <<ooc I think JD maybe could smell the diff
[Jackdaw]: << or sense it somehow..
[Silathitam]: <kinky devil, ain't she?>
[Jackdaw]: <<hope so
Jackdaw accompaines the ladies...
[GM]: The Dwarven Ladies get up and begin to lead Jackdaw a few streets over to a quaint flat.
[GM]: ((Switch to Tass))
[Sylln]: (afk)
[ Silathitam left the game ]
Tass Manetre wanders the streets looking for some kind of sign of life in the low world hoping to find a garden or some form of underground life feeling disconected from the world
[GM]: Give me a vision roll
DICE for Tass Manetre: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6 = [ 12 ]
(GM whispered to Tass Manetre): made it?
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): barely
(GM whispered to Tass Manetre): You notice Syrn wandering the street looking at the buildings. Do you try to avoid him?
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): no just do not make my presence very known choosing not to speak with others too much not feeling comfortable in subterrain world
[GM]: The streets are fitted stone. You come upon a space where there are some stones missing and some Dwarves working to fix it. You can see a street below with other buildings similar to this one.
(GM whispered to Sylln): Is this Syrn?
[Tass Manetre]: "ummm excuse me sirs........ would there be any gardens or things of nature here below it seems all too cold and dark for my liking"
[GM]: You wander for quiet awhile an do not find a garden. You do come upon a fossile (sp) garden, though. It seems a place a quiet relaxation.
[GM]: The Dwarven gentlemen direct you there.
Tass Manetre spends his time in the garden feeling almost sick and naucious at the coldness of the underworld
[GM]: Note: You see no trees anywhere, but do notice that in a few places, mushrooms have been planted.
[GM]: ((Is Jamison here?))
[GM]: The time is now about 10:30pm .. it has been about an hour and a half since you all left the airship.
[GM]: What is Jamison doing?
[GM]: ((Is Syrn here?))
[Tass Manetre]: (he will be back))
[Tass Manetre]: ((he is using the can and he takes way to long on it though))
[Jamison]: looking for an armory or a smithy dealing in armor and weapons
[GM]: Armouries, Smithies, and Weapon shops are in almost as much supply as pubs here in Fendor city ... but they are still out numbered by them.
[GM]: Jamison finds a blacksmith not too far from the Airship
[GM]: A sign with the international symbol of an anval ... no writing, though.
Jamison is looking for an armoror that deals in enchanted armor and weapons... he discretely asks around
[Sylln]: (back sorry dad needed to talk to me)
[GM]: Dwarven Smitty "Bah! Magic!"
[GM]: Dwarven Smitty " You can ask at the Church of the Golden Rock three blocks down"
Jamison raises an eyebrow, but continues o look for a smith with a more flexiable attitude
[GM]: Syrn wanders around and comes upon what appears to be a church.
Jamison accepts the info and moves on
[Sylln]: "what da problem here?" (sorry been gone)
[GM]: Syrn, this appears to be the place.
[Sylln]: ((place?))
[Sylln]: (last i knew i was at the dock asking a dwarf how to get changed back from my form)
[GM]: The Dwarf told you to look for the temple of Earth. I think you found it.
Tass Manetre begins to cast a small spell hoping to find something to take his mind off the stone city
[Sylln]: "does this happen to be the Temple of Earth?"
Jamison enters the Temple with reverence and looks around
[Sylln]: ((do i see anyone from teh ship here?)
[GM]: A Dwarf in a long elaborate robe bows, "Ya dis is da Temple of da Earth"
[Syrn]: "perhaps you can help me. i need to have this spell removed, i'm not normally a "birdman" "
(Jamison whispered to GM): ooc: sorry thought you were talking to me... excuse me...
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): casting beast summoning
[GM]: The Dwarf bows and says serenely "I see ... come with me"
Syrn goes with the dwarf
[GM]: At same time, Jamison wanders the street looking for his church.
[GM]: Syrn is lead to a back room and the Dwarf in long robes says, "Stay here and I will get the master" he leaves Syrn alone
[Syrn]: "k"
(To GM) DICE for Tass Manetre: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,3 = [ 13 ]
[Jamison]: Excuse me, can you direct me to the "Church of the Golden Rock"?
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): made it by 3 thinking of a small mouse which are common to live underground
(Syrn whispered to GM): dont suppose you are almost done with me. cause in about 10min i gotta go for like 20min. my friend needs to be taken home but i'll be right back to play.
[GM]: A Dwarf in the street nods, "Ya, dat way" pointing in the direction that Jamison was travelling "... the fourth building on da right"
(GM whispered to Syrn): almost
[Jamison]: thank you
Jamison proceeds
(GM whispered to Tass Manetre): You sense the creatures ... how many do you try to summon?
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): for now only 1 or 2 a male and female if possible
[GM]: Within 5 minutes another Dwarf enters the back room. He is dressed in even more elaboarte robes. It appears to be made with golden thread.
[GM]: He bows, "Greetings, I am Earth Master Yurich .... how may I help you?"
[Syrn]: "are you the master?"
[Syrn]: (9ooops))
[GM]: Master bows.
[Syrn]: "well a stupid mage put me in this state. and couldnt put me back to normal"
[Syrn]: "i was hoping you could. the guy at the dock said to come here"
[GM]: Master "I will consult the Earth oracle .... " he looks Syrn in the eye "... for a small donation?"
Syrn raises an eyebrow then tosses him 10gold "here its all i have"
[GM]: ((10 gold is $200, you know))
[GM]: About this time Jamison finds what cannot be mistaken for a Church. It is not all that different from the ones in Methor.
[Syrn]: (thought we had 1,000 gold not dollars.)
Syrn tosses a gold
(Syrn whispered to GM): k i gotta go for 20min brb asap
(Syrn whispered to GM): sorry for the disruption
[Valek]: <It might be nessassary he needs to have remove curse cast right?>
Jamison enters the Church and looks around for a little assistance
[GM]: The Dwarven Master takes the gold sovereign ($20) and nods, "Please have a seat in the center of the room.
Syrn nods
[Tass Manetre]: (no remove critical failure lol)
[Syrn]: (brb afk)
[GM]: ((Switch to Jamison))
[GM]: Inside are priests dressed in their humble robes. Some bow to an alter and there are also other people in here praying. It is much more crowded than the temple of the earth.
[GM]: A priest approaches Jamison, "Greetings good sir. Did you come to pray?"
[Jamison]: I came to inquire about some of the reported secialties of your religion...
[Jamison]: specialties
[GM]: Anne travels with Phinny across a rope bridge and then another one. Soon the two of them arrive at a large house.
[GM]: Dwarven Priest "And that would be?"
(Anval whispered to GM): Anne follows Phinnea and tries to lend support
[Jamison]: Well, I am a Knight in good standing with the Church of Ral... And I was wondering if your Church might not be able to equip myself with some inprovements to my honor....
[Jamison]: err.. armor
[GM]: The Priest begins to lead Jamison into a side room. This room contains assorted items for sale. There are potions, elixers, and a few sheilds. The priest steps behind a counter.
[GM]: ((hehe ... nice typo))
[Jamison]: Freudian
[GM]: The Dwarven Priest "What type of improvement do you seek good sir?"
[Jamison]: As you can see... I try to wear a light armor.. but, any protection that might improve my ability to stay alive can only help, bith my comrades and myself
[GM]: Jamison is alone in this room with the Priest.
[Jamison]: Also, any improvements in my weapondry could help, too
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): :waits for his spell to sucseed and then prepares another
[GM]: The Priest studies Jamison "As you may have heard, the Priests of the Church of Rithor have great magic pertaining to armor"
[Jamison]: It is said to be the very best, and I am interested in the best....
(GM whispered to Tass Manetre): It is 5 minutes when the first mice appears. and then another 5 for the next. You are fairly sure that you have a male and a female.
[GM]: Dwarven Priest studies Jamison ((what is he wearing now??))
[Jamison]: Would you have anything that might "suit" my needs...(Pun Intended)
[Jamison]: OOC: Leather...
[Jamison]: 2
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): begins to cast master upon the 2
[Jamison]: I have need for speed with my choice of weapons and that needs to be a main consideration
[GM]: ((What does Jamison wear now? Leather?))
[Jamison]: yes
[GM]: Roll Tass
[GM]: Dwarven Priest "Light, do you say?" he smiles
[Jamison]: The less it weighs and the better it protects... a balance must be achieved for me to perform to my best abilities
Jamison returns the smile
[GM]: The Dwarf nods and disappears into a door that was not apparent before.
Jamison raises an eyebrow or two
[GM]: He returns with three robes. "These are the ultimate in lightness, sir."
Jamison looks carefully at the robes...." Could you explain?"
[GM]: Dwaven Priest "This one sir protects better than your leather there."
[Jamison]: Really.... but does it protect the same areas of my body???
[GM]: Priest sighs, "Perhaps not"
[GM]: Priest looks at Jamison "But what part of the body do you seek protection of?"
[Jamison]: While it would definately assist me... what have you that might provide better defensive support?
[Valek]: <Maby you should let the priest tell you how defencive the robes are?>
[Valek]: <For all you know they could be built with 4000 scales of force wall in them, making a virtually inpenetrabal suit of nearly weightless armor.>
[Jamison]: Well, as you can see... a helm, and all parts of my body that are protected now... I am interested in overall improvements... no matter how marginal..... what would you suggest?
[GM]: ((wouldn't a robe protect the same areas as leather?))
[Valek]: <That still provides excelent mobility>
[Valek]: <It would protect more because a robe cover the armpits, which is simply exposed in leather.
[Jamison]: OOC: not sure... asking all for input
[Valek]: <A robe covers a lot more the leather which even if full leaves every single joint open.>
[Anval]: ooc I think it would cover more than leather
[GM]: Priest "Well, the robes do have hoods on them .. but if it is a helm that you seek, I can provide that as well."
[Jamison]: what about chest and front legs... arms?
[Anval]: Joints, arms, legs, chest etc... if it had long sleeves it might cover hands too
[Jamison]: careful of hands... weapons
[Anval]: It could cover the head with a hood too
[Jackdaw]: <<don't confuse a robe with a cloak
[GM]: ((I think everything but the hands, feet, and face. The head, only if you had the hood on))
[Jamison]: Thanks.. JD... I was doing just that
[Anval]: (trying not to, JD)
[Jackdaw]: a robe is like a long tunic that usually fastens up the front
[Anval]: -- BRB -- gotta go downstairs for a sec
Jamison looks to the Dwarf..."Could you explain the characteristics of these robes?
[Valek]: <A robe is valek's only form of clothing- but his isin't magic and the only protection it provides him is that it keeps him warm.>
[Jackdaw]: <<actually some full lamallar armors from the steppes were made like a robe but out of metal scales laced together
[GM]: Priest "Well, they offer varying levels of protection. I also have others. They are very popular amoung mages and those that wish to travel light."
(To GM) DICE for Tass Manetre: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,1 = [ 6 ]
[Jamison]: Tell me more...
Jamison eyes light up... "Varying levels?
[GM]: ((You find out that you can get an improvement of DR and/or PD up to three levels. Cost varies, though))
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): sucseed by 9 for beast possession
[Jamison]: OOC: including head?
[Valek]: <The cost is also on a bell curve>
(GM whispered to Tass Manetre): I thought you said beast master?
[GM]: ((if the hood is worn))
[Jamison]: Cost for 3 levels of both?
[GM]: ((let me figure this ... of course that is expensive))
[Jamison]: And of course the all important..."What color is it?"
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): sorry oopse meant as a beast control but more as pets so master
[Jamison]: Of course..
(GM whispered to Tass Manetre): You master them
[GM]: ((They come in only Brown and Black))
(Syrn whispered to GM): back
[Valek]: <It's going to be almost 10k eh Jamison.>
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): (thank you thats all i wanted was a small easy to carry companion basicly so he is never left away from nature)
[Jamison]: OOC: I wish Phinney was here....
[GM]: ((They are heavy and might be warm in the summer, though))
[Jamison]: I thought it was light..
[Jamison]: lite
[Jamison]: Tack on a cooling sysstem in warm weather...???
[GM]: ((Heavy for a robe. This is the North, you know))
[Jamison]: or ??? how about one for warm weather too?
[Valek]: <It's lighter then leather, but it's still a heavy woll robe, not somethig you want to wear in anything warmer then 15 degrees>
[GM]: ((It looks like PD+3 and DR+3 is going to run about $70k))
[Valek]: <But leather is just as bad in hot leather, if not worse- at least woll breathes>
[Valek]: <The PD is what's really costing you Jamison I'd kick it down.>
[ MikeL left the game ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): cost per plus?
[GM]: ((PD+2 and DR+3 runs $32,500))
(Jamison whispered to GM): 2 and 2?
(Jamison whispered to GM): I've got about 20k to spend
[GM]: PD+2 and DR+2 runs $17,500))
(Jamison whispered to GM): max it out
[GM]: ((Anyone have the stats for a regular robe? Does it have PD+1 and DR+1 already? and what is the weigth? looking it up))
(Jamison whispered to GM): how much does the robe weigh?
[GM]: ((Actually, just DR+1 since its heavy ... but no PD))
[Valek]: <I think it's just DR1, but I'm not sure.>
[GM]: ((Yeah .... I am thinking about 5 lbs?))
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): no pd dr +1 weighs 10 heavy 5 light
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: back crashed out again
[GM]: ((Okay, it looks like a heavy robe would weigh 10 lbs. that's to get the DR+1))
(Jamison whispered to GM): so Id save 6 lbs for 20k... hmmmm
[GM]: ((If you want to upgrade to full padded cloth armor-type robe material, then you get the DR+1 and PD+1 .. but that weigths 14 lbs.))
(Jamison whispered to GM): not worth the cost...
[GM]: Priest "Do you wish something heavier?"
[Jamison]: I'm afraid that I must keep my encubrance to a minimum... I do not have the abilities of your graceful race...
[GM]: Priest laughs "I could go lighter even still?"
[Jamison]: Truely???
[GM]: Priest leaves and returns with a light robe "There is not much call for a light robe here in the north, but I do have this one"
[Jamison]: And provide the coverage that will compete with what I have now>\?
[GM]: ((It weights 5 lbs, but has no DR+1 built in))
[GM]: ((So, 5 lbs, enchantment of PD+2, DR+2))
(Jamison whispered to GM): so.. I lose 11 lbs and have the same armor...correct?
[GM]: Priest "Of course, it covers .. but it will not keep you warm on a cold night"
[GM]: Priest "Are you interested?"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Same as leather yeah ... but might cover more
(Jamison whispered to GM): Did I understand that right?
(Jamison whispered to GM): cost
[Jamison]: I'm interested... tell me more
[GM]: Give me a merchant role Jamison
(Jamison whispered to GM): default..
[GM]: IQ-5
[GM]: hehe
(Jamison whispered to GM): jeez
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 7 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6awwwww) : = [ 0 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,2 = [ 8 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): darn... I knew I wanted Phinney
[GM]: Priest "You can have this for a donation of $17,000"
[GM]: Priest "But you do understand that it is not truely magic?"
[Jamison]: Of course not... It is Blessed...
(Jamison whispered to GM): the other robe.. was that =2, +2?
[GM]: Priest "And you do not have to be a priest to use it. There is a catch, though"
(Tass Manetre whispered to GM): gonna bail my mom wants the computer and its not going anywhere with me
[Jamison]: really... what would that be?
(GM whispered to Tass Manetre): Anything you wanted to do tonight?
(Jamison whispered to GM): or just PD=2, DR=2... I'm confused a little...
[GM]: Priest "These enchantments at the Church of the Golden Rock are cast for the glory and honor of one that is true. I checked your aura before I brought you back here and saw that you were true of heart"
[ Tas left the game ]
Jamison bows in response..."I try my best to be true to truth and my friends..."
(GM whispered to Jamison): Heavy robe was $17,500 ... Light robe is $17,000 .. both were PD2/DR2 but the Heavy had an additional DR1 due to thickness .. like winter clothes
[GM]: Priest "The catch is that a cowardly deed might break the enchantment."
[GM]: ((Switch to Valek while Jamison thinks))
Jamison raises an eyebrow..."Though I do not ever plan on a cowardly deed... I thought that there was no enchantment..."
[GM]: Priest "Of course not ... no offense intended, but I thought you should know"
[Valek]: http://avclub.theonion.com/redmeat.html
Valek smiles at Cara "So what interesting activites have you been up to in my absence?"
[GM]: Cara "I have been spending most of my time in study. I do not venture too far out of our village, as you advised"
[GM]: Cara "You did have a visitor, though."
[Valek]: "Really?"
[Valek]: "Who?"
[GM]: Cara "What is his name... the high councilman or officer .. that you speak of quite often?"
[GM]: Cara sighs
[Valek]: "Belaru? I guess he wondered what became of me....."
[Valek]: "What's wrong?"
[GM]: Cara "No, he seemed frantice to find you ... I do not know what the matter was. He would not tell me of course.... (she mumbles) everyone here treats me as a leaper"
(Syrn whispered to GM): this is going really slow..... i see tass had to go
(GM whispered to Syrn): Yes, I was waiting for you return.
(Syrn whispered to GM): i said i was back like 20min ago
(Syrn whispered to GM): look up, i whispered it to you
(Valek whispered to GM): keep in mind that the entire fell race is broadminded.
(Valek whispered to GM): it's more likely that she'd be afaraid to leave the house for long because of the myrad of questions she'd get <What's your homeworld like, how tall can your species get etc.>
(Syrn whispered to GM): up there when you were talking about the robe with jamison
(GM whispered to Valek): True, but even they might find it a challenge to treat a Bale with respect. She might be imagining this too.
Valek hangs his head "I'm sorry, I shoulden't leave you here without anyone you know to talk to..."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): winter in mountains? heavy
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): that's why
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I bought my blinkey
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): or am I missing something?
[GM]: Cara frowns, "It is not that bad really ... the ones that do talk to me ask me so many questions. But .... "she sighs.
Valek snaps his fingers "I know- I need to summon a friend back, why don't you come with me. First I must visit Belaru, but then we'll see elder Mahron."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Nope ... good move.
[GM]: Cara "You mean? We shall go on an adventure??" she seems very excited.
[GM]: ((Switch to Syrn))
Valek is glad to see her happy "Sure- then you can aid me in the construction of my flying machine and we'll go on a tour!"
[GM]: The Master commences to place shaped crystals around the chair where Syrn is sitting. He does this reverently.
[Syrn]: (i'm still at the temple)
[Syrn]: "what are those for?
[Syrn]: "
[GM]: Master shusses you in a respectful way, "I will consult the earth oracle. You must be quiet and still"
[Syrn]: "sorry.. oops sorry again..."
Syrn then shuts up
[GM]: Master spends another 5 minutes carefully placing the stones around the chair, pointing them in Syrn's direction.
[GM]: Master then sits facing Syrn and begins to chant. It is over in another 5 mintues.
[GM]: Master stands.
Syrn looks at his hands to see if he still has talons
[GM]: Master looks at Syrn "This effect is from a badly failed spell, is it not?"
[Syrn]: "yes it is. a rather impetuous mage cast it to give me wings as a joke, but faile miserably"
[GM]: Master ".... and to complicate the matter even more. A spell was cast on you before the spell had set in."
[Syrn]: "so i'm stuck like this? "
[GM]: Master "The earth oracle indictes that the spell will fade ... with time. But I suspect that you will insist that it be ended at once?"
[GM]: Master looks carefully at Syrn
[Syrn]: "well....
[Syrn]: "how long is... time?"
[Syrn]: (lag tes)
[Syrn]: (nm)
[ dglass left the game ]
[Syrn]: "could you possible transfer the spell into a amulet, to allow me to take this form at will?"
[GM]: Master "That is not known. But the original spell was intended to be no more than an hour ... so I would say that it can last no more than a day."
[GM]: Master "That is beyond me. I do not deal with the magics of the laymen. Mine is a truely spiritual form of magic."
[Syrn]: "could you tell me how i could get a device such as that"
(Jamison whispered to GM): GM... were U using the costs on page 21 of the magic book?
[GM]: Master "But I can end the spell now .... if you insist, but there might be danger"
(GM whispered to Jamison): Page 20, I think
[Syrn]: "no that's alright. perhaps this will be a positive experience. thank you for you help though.."
Syrn tosses him 2 more gold
[GM]: Master "If you wish such a transfer be made, you might consult a mage, but they are hard to find here." he bows and takes the gold.
[GM]: Master "Wait."
[Syrn]: "yes..."
[Syrn]: "i would do it myself, but i'm not skilled in that type of magic"
(Jamison whispered to GM): I think I may just get this done to my existing armor... when We are done with this trip... and maybe I will have the money for what I want to do.....heehehe
[GM]: Master hands Syrn a vial of thick liquid, "If you seek to end the spell, you can drink this. There is danger, though. It could make you catatonic ... or even worse."
[GM]: Master "But it will end the spell."
[Syrn]: "hmmm...... couldn't be worse then.....
Syrn then is quiet
[GM]: Master bows
[GM]: ((Back to Jamison))
[Syrn]: "thank you"
(Syrn whispered to GM): if there is nothing more for me, i'll be heading out
[GM]: Master "May the master of earth grant you a blessing in your travels"
[Syrn]: "and may your gods shine upon you"
(GM whispered to Syrn): Oky
[GM]: Zugg is there anything else that you would have Anne do tonight?
[Jamison]: back
[GM]: ((Welcome back Jamison))
[GM]: ((Shall we continue and wrap this up?))
[Jamison]: Can I finish next week?
[Anval]: She'd stick with Phinny, lending support when needed, and meet her folks - just RP stuff
[Anval]: I'm okay with skipping it if you'd like to
[GM]: ((need some time to think about it Jamison?))
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: back again
[Anval]: As far as I was concerned, I was there as moral support for Phinny
[Jackdaw]: this seems to keep happening, fortunately I don't have to reboot, just go to tracker
[Jamison]: Naw... Zugg gave me some advise that I like... I can send you an email with my thoughts and we can move on
[Valek]: <Welcome back.>
[GM]: I think this might be a good place to end it. ... although, I think I might continue a little longer with Valek, if he wishes.
[Valek]: <Please.>
[GM]: Okay, Jamison
[Jackdaw]: did I miss much? Syn was just finishing with the Master
[Valek]: <Valek actually has quite a bit he'd like to acomplish in a short time period.>
[Jamison]: ok , will do, have fun
[GM]: We shall finish up next week, then. 2 CPs for everyone
[Anval]: Thanks Rubix!
[Jamison]: Thanx Rub...
[Jackdaw]: afaik JD is Fully involved and can handle things on his own from here...
[GM]: Thanks everyone for coming. Maybe you can all think about what you might like to do before next session
[GM]: You might come up with something else.
[Anval]: I gotta run - I'll see you all next week!
[Jamison]: will do
[GM]: Note: the Airship is due to take off in about an hour.
[GM]: Later Zugg
[Jackdaw]: I may be a bit late next week but I'll log in when I can
[Jamison]: next week Rub
[GM]: Okay
[ Zugg left the game ]
[GM]: ((Swith to Valek
[GM]: ))
[Jackdaw]: see you all later
[GM]: Cara follows Valek
[ Jamison left the game ]
[GM]: ((later JD)0
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I'll email you about some things
[ MikeL left the game ]
[GM]: Cara follows Valek
Valek takes Cara's hand if she dosen't seem embarased to have him do so and smiles "I learned teleport, want to try it?"
[GM]: Cara "Sure, I would love to"
[GM]: ((Wait))
[Valek]: <Dose Cara weigh less then 96 lbs, otherwise Valek can't do it.>
[GM]: ((I have been thinking about this. Wouldn't the Fell city have some sort of teleport shield over it?))
[GM]: ((And being a Bale, I would think that she would weight more))
[GM]: ((I think they are on average 1 foot taller than Humans, but I may be wrong))
[Valek]: <Yes, but it woudl be built to allow people to teleport within it- after all the fell are lazy and would put the convince of teleportation over the security of utter walling every single room.>
[Valek]: <But if she weight too much scratch that.>
Valek walks along to Belaru's "So tell me about your studies?"
[GM]: ((Okay that makes sense .... ))
[GM]: Cara "I have picked up on necromancy again. I seem to have such a nack for it, and it does interest me so. I loved the little creature that you sent with the note. Oh, I have him inside if you wanted to see him"
[Valek]: "Glad to hear it, have you learned summon demon yet?"
Valek walks into the room- the fell not excersiseimg much in the way of privacy, or closed doors <Felli> "Belaru, I have returned."
[Valek]: <Note: I've finally decided on just what the fell language is.>
[GM]: Cara looks somewhat shocked "Oh, of course not ... I am not that good"
[GM]: ((what is that?))
[GM]: ((and do you speak Felli with Cara ... I was assuming that you were))
[Valek]: <Derivative from native telepathy the fell designed there own languaed taylored specifically to work with the fell mind- the 'words' rather then conveying simply individual ideas convey entire thoughts and pictures with perfect quality>
[Valek]: <So you can say 'a grey dog' in elf or goblin, but you can say <sounds like a plunk of water> and convey the image of a grey dog that you saw the other day perfectly in fell.>
[GM]: ((That would make total sense since Felli is believed to have been derived from Faye ... and it is the same way.))
[Valek]: <However that would make it maddening to learn for non-fell since in order to understand it you'd have to change your thought process to mimic the fell mind.>
[GM]: ((Faye is so symbolic that it cannot be written without changing the meaning. It is also a highly magical language too. Something that the Fell are striving for I am sure, but yet to have acheived.))
[Valek]: <Or if you want to rule that the fell are not that different from other species mentally, it may be the fact that you have to learn to speak in thoughts that's so annoying, but almost anone can understand fell with littel difficulty.>
[Valek]: <perhaps letting 'understand fell' be a M/E skill, but speaking/understanding a M/VH skill>
[GM]: ((I think Fell WOULD be very different from other languages))
[Valek]: <Not the fell language, the fell mind.>
[GM]: ((As well as the Fell mind))
[Valek]: <Then I'd say as well as being M/VH, a skill like meditation might be a pre-requisite for non-fell to learn it.>
[Valek]: <And therefore Valek would spend as much time speaking in a language more comfortabal for Cara then in his native tounge, even if she can understand it and speak it.>
[GM]: ((I see it as similar to Faye and Bale, both language and way of thinking ... ))
[GM]: ((or I should say Bali))
[GM]: ((Do you have the language Bali?))
[Valek]: <Unfortunatly not.>
[Valek]: <But that's part of an oversight on my part during charecter creation, I'm sure Valek would have known it....>
[GM]: ((I would say that Cara almost refuses to speak it. You might chose some other common tongue to speak to her in ... or say that she has learned Feli))
[Valek]: <I'm pretty sure she would have learned it, and if she's comfortabal with the language then he'd speak to her in it.>
[GM]: (( Actually, if you met up with a Bale and spoke to him in his own tounge, it would be a great insult))
[Valek]: <Otherwise they could be defaulting to goblin {The only other regular visitors to the fell city}>
[Valek]: <But if Cara was comfortabal with it and speaking it for long times diden't cause her headaches or somehting along those lines then he'd be just peechy to carry on in it with her.>
[GM]: (( But being a Fell, Valek could conceivably learned it. I am sure that his race has the knowledge. Maybe Cara has been solicited to teach it to them ... even though she would have refused, possibly))
[GM]: ((But I think speaking Bali would be uncomforable to Cara, and would bring up memories that she is trying to forget))
[Valek]: <Ok- dose speaking fell bring undew strain to Cara, or dose she not like doing it for any particular reason?>
[GM]: (( I think she could and would prefer to do it))
[Valek]: <Ok then they've been speaking felli all along.>
[GM]: (( The Bale and the Fell are very similar you know))
[Valek]: "Belaru, are you around?"
[GM]: Belaru apporaches you, "Greetings Citizen Valek Zharn"
[GM]: ((or your title, which you shouldn't have since you didn't pay points for it : ) ))
[Valek]: <<Well it's a comunist socity, titel's determin job, not status.>
[GM]: ((true ... what did you say your job was?))
[Valek]: <So Administrator Valek would get the same respect as Farmer Ubara>
[Valek]: <Councilman I think was his official title.>
[Valek]: <Or possibly Sage>
[Valek]: <depending on weither the Fell dictate title by job, or skill.>
[GM]: ((okay ... let's continue))
[GM]: Belaru apporaches you, "Greetings Councilman Valek Zharn"
[Valek]: "Greetings Administrator Belaru Xonden."
[Valek]: <I'm writing the names down as I make them up, don't worry.>
[GM]: Belaru "You got the message that I was seeking you?"
[Valek]: "My sister gave them to me as soon as I arrived."
[GM]: Belaru "Good" he begins to walk as he talks to you "Three days ago, a group of mages were in the middle of casting a summon demon spell..."
[Valek]: <That coincides with the day he did his summoning correct?>
[GM]: Belaru "There was a mishap, much like the one when your ... sister was summoned."
[GM]: ((No, it was 2 days before))
[Valek]: "Interesting- what was called forth?"
[GM]: ((Actually your summoning was this morning))
[GM]: Belaru "Well, we are not sure what it was ... but who is more to the point. It appeared to be a Human Mage"
Valek perks his ears "Was it simmiliar to the old man who visited our town years ago, but yonger?"
[Valek]: <His name was V-what again?>
[GM]: Belaur "He was dressed in robes of white .... (he pauses) Ah yes, that is who we determined him to be. Very perceptive councilman." he seems impressed.
[GM]: ((Veridon Augmena the Silver Wizard))
[GM]: Give me an IQ -10 roll
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,3 = [ 11 ]
[Valek]: "He summoned me while I was out and delivered just enough prophecy to be dangerous if ignored, but not if listened to- I belive his name is Veridon Augmena."
[Valek]: <Failed by 2.>
[Valek]: <Unless it was IQ+magery.>
[Valek]: <In which case I suceeded by 1>
[GM]: This coincided with the day before you met Drei'Partha
[GM]: Nah, it would have been the day/night that you encounted Shaeloffic.
[GM]: That is all that you know.
[Valek]: "A human cleric <The image for this most likely conveys a person sriped of life and then infused with an external force- the Fell idea of what being a cleric must be.> said he dispelled the man as if he were an extraplanir spirit."
[GM]: Belaru "When might this have been?"
[Valek]: "Drei<Fill in the rest of the name>"
[Valek]: <And that was still shorter then writing it out.>
[GM]: Belaru "Well, he did respond to our spell, as well. He is certainly not Human."
[Valek]: "I belive he may have acheved some state of ascention which removed him from this plane."
[Valek]: "Or that he is an otherworldly visitor- but I do belive his biology coinsides with 'human', at least to a point."
[GM]: Belaru "But more to the point .... he spoke your name after the summoning. He claimed you as an ally of his and participating in a quest at his direction."
[GM]: Belaru "Oh, and there is also this ... he spoke to us in perfect Felli, as if he were native to it."
[Valek]: "This is correct- our allies the goblins will suffer a foul turn if I do not assist, as well the brightlands will be trust into war."
[GM]: Belaru "I see. Of course, this is no concern of mine ... how you spend you time ... and it is not the reason that I called you in. It was the spell that was cast upon his departure."
Valek tilts his head "Oh?"
[Valek]: <Valek either tilts his head or flicks his ears whenever something interests him, in case you haven't noticed.>
[GM]: Belaru "As soon as he appeared, we began the process of clasification, as is the practice with the demons that we summon forth. He was determined to not be Human as I have said."
[GM]: Belaur "He did not even test to be one of the Faye race. He could not be classified.... but the spell, yes the spell."
Valek humms and takes out his notebook writing a mental note to himself- he then flips to his notes on gathering regnants in the overworlds and hands them to Cara if she seems bored.
[GM]: Cara takes the notes thankfully and begins to look over them.
[Valek]: <Last I saw was Valek handing the notebook off.>
[Valek]: <happens.>
[GM]: Cara takes the notes thankfully and begins to look over them.
[Valek]: <Unless you have DSL- then your computer has to crash>
[GM]: hehe
Valek says slighly 'child waiting to ride a pony' impatiently "So the spell?"
[Valek]: <Slighly>
[GM]: Belaru "As the tests continued and the mage became weary of our questions .. a sphere of light was created in the very summoning room."
[Valek]: <You know that excited wide eyes anticipation>
[GM]: ((yep))
[GM]: Belaru "But all the laws of magic said that the sphere shouldn't be there. No mana was drawn from him or the air ... and it did not even come from anther plane as does the magic of the Faye.
[GM]: Belaru "Aye, indeed, a forth type of magic was what we were witnessing!"
Valek almost jumps with excitement "He had accesses to another plane of magic!"
[Valek]: "That means that our thories- there right!"
[GM]: Belaru "Most of us were too excited with the mechanics of the spell, to witness what was actually going on. It appeared to be a scrying of some form, and when he was finished, he stepped INTO the sphere and he was gone. No sighs that he was ever in the room remained."
[GM]: Belaru "Yes, I think the theory has been confirmed." he nods
Valek scratches his head "So they saw another location, and he steped into it?"
[GM]: Belaru "Of course, I went immediately to seek you out to see if you had any addition knowledge to contribute."
[Valek]: "I have some thories- based mostly on summoning magic, about magic that is specifically for creating 'doorways'. I've considered doing reasearch, but it seemed so lofty at the time...."
[GM]: Belaru "Yes, Assisstant Administrator Dorim Hess observed this."
[GM]: Belaru "But as I said no trace of him ever being there are the he left the room. This defys the Law of conservation of Mana."
[Valek]: "Amazing, I'll turn my papers over to him and see if can confirm some of my hypothosises. Thank you very much for calling me Belaru- If you have no other news I'll take my leave of your presence."
[GM]: Belaru bows respectfully
Valek bows back and leaves- headed for Chief Summoner Mahron
[GM]: Soon you arrive at his place.
[Valek]: "Mahron are you around?"
[GM]: Mahron comes out of the back room, "Ah, greetings Councilman Valek"
[Valek]: "Greetings to you Cheif Summoner."
[GM]: Mahron "What brings you unto my presence today?"
[Valek]: "I have an interesting proposition which may allow you to prove your theroy that the 'demon realm' physically exists."
[GM]: Mahron "Do explain, Valek"
[Valek]: "A friend of mine <Gives Lydia's full name> was taken by a demon to there realm."
[GM]: ((Lydia Hoarfrost))
[GM]: Mahron "I see ... "
[Valek]: "If you can summon her back- then the realm must exist as a physical place, else she'd have been destroyed by the trasit."
[Valek]: "In which case I'll have to visit healer Hondrom and aid in a resurection."
[GM]: Mahron nods, "And you say that she is a Human?"
[Valek]: "But not native to this realm."
[GM]: Mahron, "Very well, shall we make preparations for the summoning?"
Valek relates the entire story includeing the demon summoning, for which Mahron probabally makes an interesting parabal about allwase getting a demon's truename.
[GM]: Mahron "Of course, the demon will not give it freely ... and it might break the spell."
[Valek]: "Please, I'm eagar to see this done as soon as possible."
[Valek]: "Cara, I know you don't know the spell, but do you want to help?"
[GM]: Preparations are made. And Mahron is ready to perform the spell.
[GM]: Cara "Yes, I will help in any way that I can"
Valek aids Mahron in the casting- saving him some energy.
[GM]: ((Okay, if she is not in the demon realm, what should happen here?))
[Valek]: <I'm not sure- if Mahron is casting a SPECIFIC summon individual spell <Which he may have created, but dose not exist by default> then she'll appear, otherwise he'll search the demon realm and find neither her, nor her spirit present.>
[Valek]: <I think it's entirely possible that a summon idividual spell exists though- simply because Mahron would have needed it to prove his theroy.>
[GM]: ((Also, being a living being with free will, she should not be effected by the spell, I would think))
[Valek]: <this isin't a demon summoning spell though.>
[Valek]: <It's a planer summon keyed to the demon realm>
[Valek]: <Or possibly keyed to the individual, depending on which one Mahron built.>
[ Strider left the game ]
[ Strider joined the game ]
[Strider]: <Planer summons can summon anything against it's will, or with it.><From gods to mundane humans, but you get no controll of the creature summoned like with a demon.>
[GM]: Mahron "Yes, this is a perfect chance to test my Summoning spell. If a Human has truely been taken there, then I should be able to get her back."
[Strider]: "Excelent."
[GM]: ((Planar Summons from the Demon Realm. Mahron has spent years researching it and now has a chance to use it.))
[GM]: Mahron begins the spell.
Strider aids in the spell as best he can- but since he dosen't know the spell he can only invest 1 energy I belive.
[GM]: It takes 5 mintues to cast. You and Cara add 1 point each to it.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,4 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: But he doesn't seem to need your energy.
[GM]: The spell is cast, and Mahron waits.
Valek almost holds his breath with anticipation.
[GM]: ((note: he takes the precaution of having all three of you stand in a pentagram.))
[Valek]: <And most likely has the destination in a pentigram as well>
[GM]: Mahron continues to wait. He studies the effects of the spell.
[GM]: ((a seperate pentagram for the summoning.))
[GM]: Nothing happens.
[GM]: Mahron sighs.
[Valek]: "Did you spell fail, or is she not there?"
[GM]: Mahron "Either she is not in the demon realm, or she no longer lives, or the spell is not correct."
[Valek]: "If she dose not live, have you at least returned her spirit to this realm?"
[GM]: Mahron "I have spent too many years researching the spell to believe that it is not correct. Although, I have never used it ... I am sure that it is valid."
Valek agrees with Mahron on that one.
[GM]: Mahron "There was nothing there to take hold of ... not even a spirit."
Valek bites his lip.
Valek wispers a few words.
[GM]: Mahron "Don't jump to assumptions, Councilman, we do not know that she has been destroyed."
[Valek]: <Seek Lydia.>
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,4 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Roll
[Valek]: <I did, sucess by 8>
[GM]: ((By how much))
[GM]: ((thanks))
[Valek]: <Test?>
[GM]: You get a vision of Lydia.
[GM]: She walks crowded streets in an underground city. She is different. Almost shocking is the difference.
[Valek]: <On this plane??>
Valek drops his jaw.]
[GM]: You know that it is on this plane.
[Valek]: <Dwarves right?>
[GM]: You do more than drop you jaw.
[Valek]: <How shocking is the difference?>
[GM]: The spell only attunes you to her, but you can assume that it might be a Dwarven City
[GM]: She is vuluptuous. She wears a tight-fitten red dress that reveals parts of her that you never saw before. He hair is long and flowing, you have a hard time not being arroused ... even though you are a Fell.
[GM]: She is desire and seeks something. You also sense something else about her ...
[Valek]: "I think that we can determin that while humans CAN travel to the demon realm it dose effect them....."
[GM]: She has the aura of a powerful mage. Different that what you sensed before.
[GM]: Then the vision fades.
Valek describes what he saw- thereby making his listeners see is as clearly as he did.
[GM]: Mahron "And you say that she was taken to the demon realm?"
Valek also describes the Lydia he saw before that for contrast.
[Valek]: "Well the demon disapeared with her."
[GM]: Mahron "And she is changed because of it.... an interesting theory Councilman Valek."
[Valek]: "Unfortunatly it's not one either of us will be able to prove unless we can send a test subject to the demon realm and then summon them back."
[Valek]: "But it has longstanding been my theroy that stronger magic permiates the outher realms- being metamorphed into a high mage status woudl follow suit with that theroy."
[GM]: Mahron "But it has not yet be proven that it even exists!"
[GM]: ((I need to go soon. Anything else that needs to be done?))
[Valek]: <Valek wants to pick up a few scrolls, ferment the flesh off his zombies.>
[Valek]: <Try his no-sleep technique again.>
[Valek]: <And begin work on his airship.>
[Valek]: <Want me just to skip to those repsective skill rolls?>
[GM]: ((I belive that it was decided that you would meet the others in Pershing tomorrow, am I right or wrong?))
[Valek]: <Day after tomorow- he said it would be 2 days at most.>
[GM]: Okay
[GM]: Yeah, either make the rolls now or wait until the next session.
[Valek]: I'll make the rolls.
[GM]: I'm ready to wrap this up
[Valek]: ferment the flesh of the zombies.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,1,6 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: ((before I get kicked again))
[Valek]: failed.
[Valek]: **Use chi healing to seal his energy leaks.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,3 = [ 9 ]
[Valek]: SUCESS!
[Valek]: <because his skill is now 1 higher 9 makes your chi healing -10!>
[Valek]: <YEA!>
[GM]: What exactly are you saying?
[Valek]: that valek suceeded on his roll to remove his aiblity to sleep!
[Valek]: <ability = need>
[GM]: Yes, so you can purchase it.
[Valek]: yes.
[GM]: Any other rolls to make?
[Valek]: so valek then spends the next 18 hours working on his airship <I imagine thats all it'd take him>