[Tue Apr 10 19:07:12 CDT 2001]
[GM]: Setting: The Silver Zephyr waits to depart as the party members begin to return from their various errands. Tass is
appalled at the lack of 'life' that he sees in the Dwarven city of Fendor. Syrn walks the streets with a vial of thick golden liquid in his hand, still in his cursed form. Jamison studies a pile of 'blessed' cloaks in the Church of the Golden Rock. Anne sits and watches the reunion of Phinnea and family. It is just after 11 pm as this 9th day of Methorah (Dark Monday) comes to a close. BEGIN SESSION #72
[Strider]: eat potatoes, potato's are good foe headaches.
Tas spends a while in the garden examining the plants feeling for the life that was in then once long ago.
Valek is off building an airship- it's best not to inquire further then that...
Jamison thanks the Dwarf at the Church for his time and begins his return to the ship
[GM]: The Dwarven Priest bows respectfully, "May you honor the earth in your journeys."
[GM]: Priest ".. and may the light of truth shine brightly in you, good sir"
[GM]: Jamison and Syrn walk toward the Silver Zephyr.
Jamison returns the bow.."Thank you for your blessing and may the Light shine brightly on you and yours.
[GM]: Both of you give me an orienteering roll.
[Syrn]: what's default
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,6 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: That's IQ-5
[GM]: But I'll give you a bonus of 3 due to the layout of the city.
DICE for Syrn: (3d6) : 3d6=1,4,6 = [ 11 ]
[Syrn]: missed it
[Syrn]: i need a 7
[GM]: By how much?
[Jamison]: by 2 here
[GM]: Jamison?
[GM]: Even with the +3 bonus?
[Jamison]: yep
[Jamison]: OOC: me no mental giant...
[GM]: Failed by 2 and by 4, huh?
[Jamison]: yes sir
[GM]: Jamison is having a little trouble finding the street that he came down.
[Syrn]: yes, btw if i dont know my way around, i'm not gonna try to find my way. i'll ask people
[GM]: Syrn is having no trouble.
Tas exits the garden seeking somone around asking for directions back to the ship
[GM]: Give me a straight IQ roll Tass
Jamison looks around atries to ask for a little help from passers by
[GM]: Give me a vision roll Jamison
DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=4,1,3 = [ 7 ]
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,5 = [ 15 ]
[Jamison]: OOC: ACH I'm blind too.
[GM]: Tass finds someone to help him confirm the way that he believes to be 'back to the ship'.
[Valek]: <You know, there should be a gurps disadvantage for 'no sence of direction' is a very common problem, espicially among engineers... My god I swear if craig haden't have brought his girlfriend along we'd have mannaged to end up in Easter island....>
[Jamison]: hehehe
[GM]: Sryn gets to the street which he believes to lead to the Airship.... but it ends.
Syrn starts asking directions again
[GM]: Jamison finds someone who appears to be an 'Old-Timer' leaning against the side of a building. He observes Jamison closely and nods.
[GM]: Old Timer "Squire or Knight, good sir?"
Jamison approaches the old timer.."Excuse me my good dwarf but could you direct me towards......."
[GM]: Syrn finds the directions that he needs. He must go back up the street and then over 3.
[Jamison]: Knight my good Dwarf.
[GM]: Old-Timer smiles, "Of course, I know my way around .... Knight .. well, a pleasure meeting ya!"
[GM]: Old-Timer give Jamison the directions that he needs.
[GM]: Tass can reach the ship at -30 minutes.
[GM]: Jamison at -20 minutes
[Jamison]: Thank you my Good Dwarf... Much apreciated
Tas converses with his 2 new friends on the way to the ship
[GM]: Syrn will arrive at -10 minutes
[GM]: Upon reaching the ship, what do you guys do?
Tas heads to the bridge upon arriving at the ship to converse with the captain
[Syrn]: "hey Tas, check out this liquid"
[GM]: Your two friends seem to like you Tass.
Jamison looks around to see if any others are outside the ship... if not he enters the ship
Syrn twirls the gold liquid in his hand
Tas peers at it oddly "what is it?"
[GM]: Captain Draddle adjusts his fez and red uniform. He checks over the list of supplies, then the list of passengers that have returned. He shouts to another member of the crew "Time to departure?" The crewman states "10 minutes, sir". Draddle "Good, we must stay on schedule if we are to make the additional stop in Pershing."
[GM]: Draddle "How many passengers are we short?"
[GM]: Crewman "Still short about 10, sir" he stands at attention.
[Syrn]: "its a cure for this state, but it might kill me. so i'm thinking on it"
[GM]: Draddle "Were they told that the ship would not wait on them?
[GM]: Crewman "Yes sir, of course."
[Tas]: "yummy its your life"
[GM]: Departure time arrives.
Jamison asks at the door"Who has returned from our party?"
[GM]: Crewman checks his list and speaks to another crewman "Three missing" shaking his head.
[Jamison]: Which 3
[Jamison]: ?
[GM]: Jamison finds out that all three are from his party.
[Jamison]: Which 3?
[GM]: Crewman "Master Jackdaw, Sister Anne, and Master Phinnea"
[Jamison]: Does anyone know where they were heading?
[GM]: Crewman to Jamison, "Shall we drop off their horses and supplies?"
Tas walks up to the captain and asks "sir where will we be departing to next"
[Syrn]: "Valek was going to see his sister"
[Jamison]: Hold the shi for another 10 min. They will be here...
[Jamison]: ship
[GM]: Thor approaches Jamison "Well, Anne was accompanying Phinnea to see her family. I walked with them for awhile, but decided not to cross that danged bridge of ropes!"
[Jamison]: And JD was out looking for females, I suppose....
[GM]: Crewman looks at Jamison flabergasted, "Hold the ship! On whose authority?"
[Jamison]: Let me speak with the Captain for a few moments
[GM]: Crewman nods knowingly to the other crewman standing close to him, and the second crewman leaves without words .... up the spiral stairway.
[GM]: Crewman, "If you wish to speak with the captain, then follow him." he points to the other crewman.
Jamison follows up the stairs
[ dglass joined the game ]
Jamison climbs the stairs looking for the Captain
[GM]: As Jamison moves quickly up the spiral staircase, he feels the ship lurch.
[GM]: A woman wanders the Dwarven City of Fendor. She is dressed in a red dress that is cut to show certain strategic assets. She looks at the local shops impatiently as she pulls the fur coat high to avoid the stares from the passersby that gawk at her, "... not that they would even look at her face" she smiles.
[Jamison]: What the ****
Tas leaves after the captain did not respond and goes to the main view on the bridge looking for the sun above and the life that lives in the outside world
[GM]: The captain shouts orders, "We need lift ... give me more lift!"
Syrn goes and sits in a corner, pulss his brow of the hat he wears down past his eyes, and goes to sleep "wake me when we get there"
[GM]: The Silver Zepher lifts off the ground.
[GM]: Captain, "Time?"
[GM]: Crewman "D minus zero, on schedule, sir"
[Jamison]: Captain.. excuse me..Captain
Tas feeds his pets a few crumbs and relaxes with the view
[GM]: Captian does not seem to notice Jamiso
Jamison moves next to the Captain...'CAPTAIN'
[GM]: Captain, "Percent of Air in the chambers?"
[GM]: Crewman "30 percent and falling"
[GM]: Captain looks at Jamison, "Yes?"
[GM]: Other crewmans eyes fall on Jamison
[Jamison]: Captain... there are still 3 members of the party missing... we must wait for their return.. we cannot strand them.
[GM]: Captian shouts, "passenger list!"
[GM]: The crewman who hurried up the stairs just before Jamison hands him the list.
[Jamison]: These 3 people assisted you when you and your ship needed assistance... you cannot leave them behind
[GM]: Captian Draddle scans the list, "I see, 3 are missng...." he looks up to Jamison "We could drop off their supplies and horses."
[Jamison]: Or we could wait for therir return...
[GM]: Captian sighs.
[Jamison]: You wouldn't be this close to schedule without their assistance....
[GM]: Captain, "I can give you one hour ..... no more." he looks sternly at Jamison, "There is more at stake here than you realize."
[Jamison]: I know there is... More than you can possibly imagine...
Jamison returns the stare
[GM]: Captian "If we do not leave at that time, then I cannot promise a stop in Pershing."
[Jamison]: Understood...
[GM]: Captain nods and summons a crewman, "Go give this Knight aid."
Jamison turns to leave..."Tas, Thor, to me
[GM]: A young crewman steps forward and stands at attention, "Yes, sir."
Jamison heads down the stairs... and awaits the landing of the ship
[GM]: The crewman follows Jamison closely.
Tas looks to Jamison raises and eyebrow "what?"
[Jamison]: Comeon... we have to find the others and fast...
[GM]: Captian shouts, "We shall utilize the time ... run full diagnositics ...begin the tests immediately!"
[GM]: Thor, "Lead the way"
Jamison heads for the hatchway
[GM]: The crewman assists by opening the hatchway when you reach it.
[Jamison]: Ok... does anyone have any location magic???? anything that will help us find them quickly?
[GM]: Another crewman, "What is going on here?"
[GM]: Crewman "Captains orders"
Syrn is snoring in the corner
[GM]: The other crewman steps aside.
[Jamison]: Syrn...where is Syrn?
Jamison looks around the landing area for a local Dwarf
[GM]: As the hatchway opens, you see Jackdaw standing there smiling, "Ship leave, Jackdaw stay?"
[GM]: Jackdaw "Nice place for a frolic"
[Jamison]: Jeez JD... about time... stay with me, will ya
[GM]: Jamison finds a Dwarf checking over some barrels that was unloaded.
(Syrn whispered to GM): i'm in my quarters sleeping btw
[Jamison]: Thor, you said you went with Anne and Phinney?
(GM whispered to Syrn): Thanks
[GM]: Thor, "Just to the first bridge.... I can show you the way."
(Jamison whispered to GM): What was Phinney's family name?
(GM whispered to Jamison): Torvald
[Jamison]: Come with me Thor..
[GM]: Thor partially salutes Jamison and smiles
[Syrn]: OOC:i'll have to leave 20min early tonight btw, got something i need to do
Jamison heads over to the Dwarf loading barrels
[GM]: ((okay))
[Strider]: <Do we actually have a set ending time?>
[Jamison]: Excuse me my good Dwarf... Are you familiar with the Torvald family?
[Tas]: (10)
[GM]: Jamison catches the Dwarf's attention, "Torvald .... (he picks at his beard) name does sound familiar ... but no."
[Jamison]: Anyone here who might know the family?
[GM]: Dwarf, "You might ask at the Guard's Barracks. It is just inside the city"
[Jamison]: OOC: How far?
[GM]: ((You can see the edge of the city from where you are))
[Jamison]: JD.... you stay with the ship... and don't let the ship leave until I get back...ok?
[GM]: Dwarf "Just follow Dragons Bend down a few block and look for the sign with the Great Axe."
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[ Rubix left the game ]
[Rubix]: -----------------------
[Jamison]: Hello
[Rubix]: Jackdaw nods, "Me make sure ship not leave!"
[Jamison]: good...Thor follow be to the barracks.....
Jamison breaks out into a trot towards the city....
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): Do I need to toss dice for running?
[Rubix]: Thor, Jamison, (anyone else?) makes it to the Guard's Barracks.
(Rubix whispered to Jamison): Sure why not ... give me a roll.
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,2,2 = [ 6 ]
[Rubix]: The young crewman follows, trying to keep up.
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): Made it by 2 I think..
[Rubix]: ((nice roll Jamison))
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): I'll use that one later....
[Rubix]: Jamison sets a pace that even Thor has a hard time keeping up with. The crewman falls behind, panting.
Jamison enters the Barracks.....'I need some help....
[Rubix]: You arrive at the Guard's Barracks
[Jamison]: Anyone here know where the Torvald family lives????
[Rubix]: A Guard grabs for his axe, "What is the problem"
[Rubix]: Guard scratches his head and yells, "Yo Braxtel, Ye know of da Torvald family?"
[Rubix]: A voice yells from the backroom, "Ya, I knows ver dey have da Torvald house."
Jamison reaches into his purse and pulls out 2 soverigns....
[Rubix]: Guard smiles at Jamison
[Jamison]: 2 soverigns if you can get us to our friends at the Torvald house and back here in 3/4 of an hr
[Rubix]: The person who must be Braxtel appears from the backroom. He is disshevelled and yawning.
Tas sits on the bridge thinking what a waste to delay for only 2 people "they could catch up by other means"
[Rubix]: Both Dwarves look at the gold Sovereign
Syrn is dreaming, peacefully
[Jamison]: Interested????
(Rubix whispered to Syrn): You have a vivid dream. You fly to great heigths as an eagle, and swoop down and kill a snake.
[Rubix]: Braxtel smiles at the other Guard, "Vell seeing dat one of us has duty now, I guess dat leaves me." he looks at Jamison "I'll get me gear."
[Jamison]: hurry, we have little time...
Tas wanders around looking for a hatch to the roof of the ship
[Jamison]: Thor... can you follow us to the bridge and makes sure we are heading the right way?
[Rubix]: It is no more than 3 minutes when Braxtel returns saying "A real Dwarven man is always ready in less dan 5 minuutes" he states.
[Rubix]: Thor nods to Jamison, "Sure"
[Rubix]: The young crewman watches the interchange carefully
Jamison hands over 1 of the soverigns..."Let's get back here as fast as we can.....
[Jamison]: Let's go... Hurry , we have little time...
(Rubix whispered to Tas): The stairway does lead up even from the Deck, but this way is barred from entrance.
[Rubix]: Braxtel "Lead da way"
[Jamison]: Yeah... Lead the way....
[Rubix]: Braxtel smiles "Den follow me"
(Syrn whispered to Rubix): at some point we are going to be doing something other than just roleplaying right? like a point to the plot, or maybe a battle or something? cause both me and Tass are getting very bored of doing nothing almost everytime
Jamison follows
[Rubix]: Braxtel hobbles (pretty fast for a Dwarf) down Dragon's Bend
[Jamison]: I assume Thor and the crew man are following too
Tas falls asleep in the corner like syrn feeling tired and bored
Jamison looks at the Dwarf.."I understand a Dwarf can trot along all day.... but, I always thought it was a joke..
[Rubix]: You are lead to a Bridge and Thor nods to Jamison
[Rubix]: Braxtel, "Ya, dat be true"
[Jamison]: Can You find your way back, Thor...?
[Rubix]: Thor nods, "Sure can"
[Jamison]: Go... be back soon
Jamison continues to follow the Dwarf...."Which is true... that it's a joke or that you can really do it?"
[Rubix]: Braxtel continues across the rope bridge.
Jamison follows
[Rubix]: Give me a Will Roll Jamison
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,3 = [ 12 ]
[Rubix]: IQ is?
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): 10... how about the climbing skill?
[Rubix]: Jamison hesitates at the bridge, he breaks out in a cold sweat and cannot seem to take a step onto it.
[Jamison]: ARRRGH
[Rubix]: Braxtel continues, not seeming to notice Jamison has stopped.
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): I take it ..no ..to my climbing skill
[Rubix]: The bridge is about 50 feet across a chasm that looks down for as far as the eye can see. ... at least a mile
[Rubix]: A myriad of lights can be seen at a distance below.
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): Damn... Now I need that spell.... or did it not wear off?
(Rubix whispered to Jamison): It was only good for an hour
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): shoot...
[Rubix]: ...
[Rubix]: What shall ye do Jamison?
(Jamison whispered to Rubix): Close my eyes and try again?
[Rubix]: Jamison closes his eyes and attempts to cross the bridge
[Rubix]: Give me another Will Roll
[Strider]: <He did and got a 9>
[Jamison]: OOps.. sent the dice to strider
[Strider]: <I diden't reset you as GM last time you crashed.>
[Rubix]: Success by 1?
[Jamison]: yep
[Rubix]: Jamison grits his teeth and manages to cross the bridge, he is in a cold sweat when he gets to the other side.
[Rubix]: Jamison take 3 fatigue
[Rubix]: Braxtel "You not one for da heights, are ye?"
Jamison takes a deep breath and looks fro Brazzle
[Rubix]: Jamison give me a vision roll
[Jamison]: Nope... but I must find my friends.... we do what we must
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,4 = [ 8 ]
[Rubix]: ((nice))
[GM]: Jamison catches a glimpse of Anne hurrying towards them.
[GM]: Her face is somewhat white with fright
(Tas whispered to GM): unless something happends cause dealing with a bridge all night is not my idea of a session we should have left by now and been doing something but you seem to glue to 1 or 2 players and ignore the rest unless they all get up and gfollow on of those characters
[Jamison]: ANNE...ANNE over here... what's wrong
Jamison waves and yells
[GM]: Anne hurries over, "The ship, has it left?"
[Jamison]: Once.. but they will wait a little for us, very little. Where is Phinney?
[GM]: Syrn sleeps peacefully in his quarters
(Tas whispered to GM): not to be rude but these session are one sided and only fun for the ones you pick that night
[Jamison]: We must hurry
[GM]: Tass wonders around up on deck?
[GM]: Anne nods, "Quickly, lead the way"
[Syrn]: ((tass was sleeping in the corner where i was))
[Syrn]: ((he said it earlier i think, not sure though))
[GM]: ((Thanks))
[GM]: ((Right, he collapsed out of boredom, right I remember))
[GM]: Braxtel smiles "Is dis as far as we go, den?"
[Jamison]: Where's Phinney????
[GM]: Anne pants, "Phinnea will not be joining us ... I will explain when we get back to the ship."
[Jamison]: Not be Joining.... Nuts...
[GM]: The young crewman slowly makes his way across the rope bridge towards Jamison and Anne
Jamison looks to Braxtel..."This is it.. let's return to the ship
[GM]: Crewman "Sir Jamison, you have taken 30 minutes of your hour"
[Jamison]: Anne... I'm going to need a little help getting over this bridge, again
[GM]: Braxtel crosses the brige
Jamison looks at the crewman..."Then stop wasting time and turn around and get going.... BACK to the ShIP
[Strider]: <Hey Rubix if you spell is powerful enough can you teleport to dynamic locations? {To my sister, To wherever I left my keys, etc.}>
[GM]: ((Depends on how familiar you are with the location and how far away it is, but yes))
[Strider]: <Not excatly the most wise thing if you flushed your keys down the toilet, but it could be useful.>
[GM]: Crewman turns and crosses the bridge.
Jamison approaches the bridge.... takes a deep breathe and attempts to cross it.....
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,2 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: Anne, "Here close your eyes and I will help you across"
[Strider]: <But then of course there's: tleport other- to whever all my left socks go.>
[GM]: You get across without any trouble.... soon your are back at the Guard's Barracks
DICE for Jamison: (3d6/he looks at Braxtel.."Thank you my good Dwarf..." and tosses the other soverign to him) : 3d6=6,5,1 = [ 0 ]
[GM]: Braxtel smiles and takes the sovereign
[Jamison]: Comeon Anne.. We must hurry... tell me the story on the ship
[GM]: You are helped back to the ship by the Crewman, who seems to know his way around.
[GM]: Soon, you are aboard and the hatch is closed.
[GM]: Jackdaw "Ship not leave!"
[Jamison]: Find me a closed room with no windows... I need rest
[GM]: Crewman climbs the spiral staircase to the upper deck
[Jamison]: JD...wait...JD, get him in here
[GM]: Anne finds Jamison a place to rest
[Jamison]: Anne get JD... tell him we are here or he will stop the ship from leaving
[GM]: JD looks at Jamison "What wrong with you Jamiison, me saws you come on ship"
[GM]: Jackdaw smiles
[GM]: Jackdaw "Now ship leave"
[GM]: Within a few minutes you feel the ship rise again and in less than 10 minutes it begins to move.
[Jamison]: The ship can leave now, JD... thank you for making sure we could get on it...
[GM]: Jackdaw "You welcome"
Jamison colapses ...trying to recupe some of his fatigue from the frantic trk
[GM]: Jackdaw hops along and climbs the spiral staircase.
[Jamison]: trek
(Tas whispered to GM): :walks over and taps syrn on the sholder
(Strider whispered to GM): Can I mind contact Jamison- just so that I get a few valek senetences in, and get up to date.
[GM]: Jamison give me a will roll
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,1 = [ 9 ]
Tas walks over and taps syrn on the sholder
(Jamison whispered to GM): what's this one for?
[Syrn]: "ugh, huh.. wha? oh hi Tass"
[Syrn]: "what's up?"
Jamison groans
[Tas]: "was wondering a bit about you where did you come from?"
[ metal0321 joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Valek): Yes, at -7 to skill
(Jamison whispered to GM): What was the will roll for?
[Syrn]: "well i come from the elven lands of course, but i dont like to talk about that, my family isnt the best ya know"
[GM]: Tass give me a vision roll
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Jamison is very tired but fights the urge to nod off.
[Valek]: <Made by 2>
[GM]: Valek made by how much?
[GM]: thanks
[Syrn]: ((vision roll? for what? we're just talking in my quarters))
[GM]: Jamison you feel a spell being cast on you, do you wish to resist?
(Jamison whispered to GM): no
DICE for Tas: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,2 = [ 4 ]
[GM]: Jamison you hear a voice inside your head.
[Valek]: "Hello."
(GM whispered to Tas): Syrn appears less a bird than he was before. You see signs of the spell fading.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Great... now I'm hearing things... fantastic.. bring on the nice white jacket and the padded room
[GM]: Jamison, the voice is that of Valek's
[Tas]: "you don't look too much like feather man anymore
(GM whispered to Jamison): hehehe
Jamison mumbles
[Jamison]: Valek...
[Valek]: "Don't talk- think."
[GM]: Tass speaks the truth, the spell does appear to be fading.
Syrn looks at his hands
[Jamison]: what... think???
[Syrn]: "damn, i was getting to like that form"
[Valek]: {That's right, don't speak your words think them}
[Jamison]: ?he thinks...what do you mean think...
[GM]: Anne looks worried, "Jamison, you are delirous!"
[Valek]: {I'm contacting you from my home to check on on you- did Lydia find you?}
Jamison looks at Anne.."It's Valek..."
[GM]: Anne "Valek, uh ... " she looks around, "Where is he?"
[GM]: Within the next hour, the spell that was cast on Syrn will fade completey. He will be totally back to normal.
[GM]: Time is nearing midnight
[GM]: Anne "What do you mean that it is Valek Jamison?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): Did Lydia leave the party????
[dglass]: ((your connection sucks tonight rubix))
Tas hold out his hand as 2 small mice climb out "these are just a pair I picked up in the city they are quiet and calm like me"
[GM]: ((Tell me about it. It seems to have started late last Tuesday.))
[Syrn]: "what are thier names?"
[Jamison]: Valek is talking to me... In my head......Is that ok?????
[GM]: Anne "Oh, excuse me, then!"
[Tas]: "I have yet to pick a name for each perhapse I should ask them what they are called" (casting speak with animal)
Jamison thinks...Lydia has left the party
(GM whispered to Jamison): Lydia was stolen away this morning by the demon that Valek summoned.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Is this right... I forget
DICE for Tas: (16-3d6) : 3d6=5,3,1 = [ 7 ]
[Valek]: {{Perhaps, but she was there, or somewhere underground within 300 miles.}}
[GM]: Tass's spell succeeds.
Jamison thinks...Lydia left with a demon this morning... I think you summoned the demon, Valek
[GM]: Anne's face goes white again, just as it was when you first saw her earlier, "Lydia? What did you say Lydia?"
[Valek]: {{The first time, someone else summoned him back, I was going to recall Lydia, or resurect her if she had been destroyed, but to my suprise I found her hear, and in the Fandor city...}}
Jamison looks to ANNE.."What's Wring, Dear...? Why are you so white??"
[Valek]: <here>
[Tas]: (speaking to the mice) "what are your names"
[Jamison]: Wrong
[GM]: Anne "Lydia .... it, it ... cannot be. It was not her." he shakes her head.
[Syrn]: mice : "our names are Podo and Kodo"
[GM]: Mouse speaks 'squeak squeak' and Tass finds that he knows what it means .....
Jamison stands... "ANNE... What's wrong.. tell me...let me help"
Jamison puts his arm around Anne's shoulder
[GM]: Anne looks to Jamison, "She was not .... right"
[Valek]: {{Well anyway, I'll arrive in Pershin in about 15 hours, give or take, you'll see me before I arrive. My sister is comming along.}}
Jamison thinks....Valek, Annes says Lydia was not right...
[ metal0321 left the game ]
[Jamison]: ?he thinks..Valek, something is terrible wrong...
[GM]: Anne finds her flask and takes a long drink.
[Valek]: {{She did seem different, infused with magical power- and raidiating confidance on a level where it became palabal- I belive that visiting the demon realm changed her.}}
Jamison thinks....Valek...can you hear me... Anne says something is wrong with Lydia.... Be careful
[Valek]: {{I'm nowhere near you, I'm at my home right now.}}
[GM]: The time is now after midnight. The long day is showing its effects on everyone, expect maybe Jackdaw.
[Jamison]: Anne... can you tell me more?
[GM]: Anne takes another drink
[Valek]: {{Well, my reserves are running short, I must cut this conversasion.}}
[Syrn]: "so did you find out thier names?"
Jamison thinks...can you contact me in the morning?
(Tas whispered to GM): names?
[Valek]: {{State the time and remain open for the call.}}
[Valek]: {{Dose dawn sound good?}}
[GM]: ((I thought we were going with Syrn's post above?))
Jamison thinks...How do I stay open for the call.. and just after sunrise...
[Syrn]: ((works for me))
[Syrn]: "Podo, and Kodo eh? Those names sound familiar"
[Valek]: {{Simply think of speaking to me.}}
[Valek]: {{Maintain it for at least a halfhour starting at dawn.}}
[Jamison]: hehehe...Jamison thinks too much.... he will think of Valek after the dawn...
[Valek]: {{Goodbye.}}
Valek breaks the connection.
[Jamison]: goodbye, Valek
[GM]: Podo looks up at Tass and wiggles his whiskers
Syrn pets Podo "cute little guy"
Syrn hands him and Kodo a bit of cheese
[Jamison]: Anne.. tell me... what happened to Lydia.. and what happened to Phinney
[GM]: Podo takes the chess and begins to eat. Kodo waits for Podo to start and then begins herself.
[Syrn]: "hmm wish i still had my pet wolf, i would ride him all night..."
Syrn sniffles
[Syrn]: "but i couldnt take him with me, away from his pack"
[GM]: Anne "Well, where shall I begin... Phinnea has some family business to take care of. Something about claiming her rights here as an adult. A ceremony is being arranged for tomorrow. She is quite emotional about it all, but I dont' see how she could leave."
[GM]: Anne "We will have to go to Pershing without her. She told me to tell you that she would join us when she could, but I wouldn't expect her anytime soon."
[GM]: Anne takes another drink
[GM]: Podo sniffs Kodo's face
[Jamison]: I unerstandthat.. rights of passage are very important... But, What about Lydia?
Tas looks to the two "male and female I hope they get along"
Jamison reaches to take the flask from Anne
[GM]: Anne looks pale again, "I saw her as I was hurrying back to the ship. I would have made it, if I had not stopped to talk to her...."
[Syrn]: OOC gotta go.
[Jamison]: Go on...
[GM]: Podo wiggles his whiskers at Tass again
[ Syrn left the game ]
[Jamison]: OOC Latter Syrn
[Tas]: "would you like something to eat little one?"
[GM]: ((Are you still maintaining the spell Tas?))
[GM]: Anne "She called my name in the street. I did not even recognize her at first, but when I looked closely, I knew it to be her."
[Jamison]: How was she different
[Jamison]: How was Lydia different, Anne?
[GM]: Anne "She was no longer a girl. She appears about 10 years older, but she dressed .... provokitively"
[Jamison]: What did she say????
[ Tas left the game ]
[GM]: Anne "She appears very beautiful ... and seductive... and powerful, even."
[GM]: Anne "This was hard for me to deal with. It was like seeing a ghost ... or losing a friend."
[GM]: Anne "She said that she was in Fendor seeking a particular artifact, and that it was good to see me. She said to give her greetings to all of you."
[Jamison]: I understand... she would be like a whole new person... Did she recognize you?...What did she say to you?
[GM]: Anne "When I asked of her abduction, she said that there was no abduction. She was given a choice to go with the Demon and she took it."
[Jamison]: Did she say how long she was with the demon, or where she went?
[GM]: Anne "She said that she has been staying in the Kingdom of HE WHO SUMMONED AND COMANDS THE DEMON"
[GM]: Anne "She said that in Old Haddin ... Huh, I just now realized that."
Jamison looks very confused....."Who would that be???Valek?"
[Jamison]: Didn't Valek summon the demon to get her?
[GM]: Anne shakes her head, "No, apparently there was someone else acting that day .... (she looks up) uh, which would be this day ... it was this morning, right? Jamison this is just too weird."
[Jamison]: I agree, dear... anything else you can remember?
[GM]: Anne "I don't know ... I thin when the demon took the ship out of the no mana zone, he was released from Valek's control and was then in the control of this person. I have a forboding feeling that it is someone of great evil."
[Jamison]: OH no... I must tell Valek, when he contacts me in the morning...He must be warned...
[GM]: Anne "She did have the Egg with her. And she appeared to know how to use it. She said that she was only beginning to tap its unlimited power."
[GM]: Anne "She seemed powerful, like I said .... almost power hungry." he shudders
[Jamison]: This sounds VERY dangerous... we must tell the others....In the morning.... Can you remember anything else?
[GM]: he=she
[GM]: Anne "No, that is all. Jamison, I feel very drained and confused. I need some rest, and I think you could use some too. It has been a long day."
[Jamison]: Then let us rest. I must be awake at dawn to warn valek....
[GM]: Anne nods
[Jamison]: Come here Anne and let me hold you... we will sleep here, tonight...
[GM]: Anne complies and enters Jamison's arms
[GM]: The night passes....
Jamison puts his arms around Anne and soon they are both snoring soundly
[Jamison]: and loudly
[GM]: Just before dawn, the young crewman approaches Jamison and nudges him, "Sir Jamison?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): Safe stop point?
[Jamison]: grunt... humpf.... yes???
[Jamison]: What is it?
[GM]: Crewman "The Captain bid me tell you that we have almost arrived at Pershing. We are ready to sit down in about 1/2 hour."
[Jamison]: Has it dawned, yet?
[GM]: Crewman "Nay, and it would be much better to sit down before the dawn."
[Jamison]: OOC: set down????Land the ship?
[GM]: Crewman, "Can you have your party ready to leave the ship?"
[Jamison]: 1/2 an hour??? Yes... do you know where everyone is?
[GM]: ((yes, sit the ship down = land))
[GM]: Crewman, "Shall I go look for them sir?"
[Jamison]: How long til dawn?
[GM]: Crewman goes over to a window and then returns. "I estimate about 45 minutes, sir"
[Jamison]: Yes... Find each of them... do you have a place we all can meet b4 landing?
[GM]: Crewman points to the hatch, "Meet at the hatch, sir"
[Jamison]: And what about a water closet.. is there one around here?
[GM]: Crewman, "perhaps the bar upstairs? It is deserted at this hour."
(Jamison whispered to GM): As in restroom, bathroom, etc.
[GM]: Crewman, "There are 'facilities' in the bar, sir" he says to Jamison's hesitation
[Jamison]: thank you crewman.. find the others and have them meet at the hatch in 1/2 an hour.
[GM]: Jamison finds Jackdaw snoring asleep on one of the tables in the bar.
[GM]: In 1/2 hour, all the party is assembled at the hatch and the ship makes a landing.
Jamison awakens Anne, and lets her know what is happening.... they both go to the bar area to use the restroom
[GM]: The gear and horses are hurriedly unloaded.
Valek has been working on his ship during hte night, having a plessant conversasion with Cara until she drifted off to sleep, the instant the morning's light touches him he counts out 5 minutes to adjust for the curvature of hte planet and then finds a nice place to set down and contacts jamison <So long as the sun rises in a eas and sets in the west on your world, if it's reversed then he immediatly contacts him when the sun rises, since it's now 5 minutes from sunrise>
Jamison awaits Valeks contact
[Jamison]: Shall we halt here?
[Rubix]: The party is helped off the ship and reuinted with their horses and gear. It is just before the dawn, when the Airship begins moving out of sight