[Tue Apr 17 19:03:49 CDT 2001]

[GM]: Setting: The party has just left Fendor City. The departure was delayed when Jamison discovered Jackdaw, Anne, and Phinnea were missing and demanded that the captain 'hold the ship'. Jamison found Anne hurrying from Phinnea's with a shocking story of having seen a New Lydia. Valek communicated with Jamison through a telepathic link and told him of plans to do so again just after dawn. Tass named two new pets. It is just before dawn 6:30 am as this 10th day of Methorah commences. BEGIN SESSION #73
(Tas whispered to GM): no that big block of text over there on the side
[Syrn]: (( hey you forgot to add that Syrn had sweet dreams lol :0P ))
[GM]: (( : ) ))
Valek watches the sun rise in the distance, and quickly works out in his mind how long it will take Jamison to see that same sunrise <Being several dozen km to the west> and attemps comunication for 2 minutes after that time.
[Jamison]: WE have a long day of travel ahead of us. Anne, I hope your feeling much better, today. Can you remember anymore of your encounter with Lydia?
[Valek]: <Tell me when to roll>
[Anne]: Not right now Jamison... Maybe after some rest?
[GM]: Okay, the party finds itself on the Old Mages Web. There is a loud sound of insects churping all around. The lights of the city are just a few hundred yards away. Dawn is happening in the East.
Jamison nods and then, noticing the rising sun... let's his mind go blank
[Anne]: ooc- where are we? Last I recall we were in the dwarven city
[GM]: You find your gear neatly loaded on your horses, packed by expert porters it seems. You also find something odd beside them .....
[Anne]: ooc - nevermind
[GM]: The Silver Zephyr is just moving out of sight. It's lights can still be seen as it moves off. Suddenly it fades from vision, though.
[GM]: Anne, Jamison, Jackdaw, Thor, Peshida, Drei'Partha are all present. (did I forget anyone?)
Tas aproaches his stead and begins to chant to himself quietly
[Syrn]: *coughs*
[Syrn]: ((yeah you forgot me))
(Tas whispered to GM): casting beast speach
[GM]: Cancel that Tas.
(Tas whispered to GM): why?
[Syrn]: ((stead is spelled steed
[Tas]: (( :-P ))
[GM]: The odd thing that you find with your gear is two sleepers. Tas and Syrn. They sleep peacefully, undisturbed. One might wonder why they got off here?
[GM]: Even they might wonder that when they awaken.
[Syrn]: ((??? i was in my room, both of us were talking)
[Tas]: (( must have taken too much niquil))
[GM]: What do you do? ((Jamison and Anne))
Jamison waits for the rising sun and the promised communication from Valek
(Tas whispered to GM): can new spells be created?
(Syrn whispered to GM): i was in my room with tass, playing with his mice and talking
[Anne]: Anne goes over and nudges the two sleepers... "Morning... Looks like you missed your ship."
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,2 = [ 6 ]
[Jamison]: nice
[Valek]: <WEE!>
[GM]: Thor "Hey, I think we should get moving. I don't like the feeling of this." he looks around nervous.
[Syrn]: "huh? how did i get here? last i knew i was in my room with tas here talking"
Tas wakes slowly to the nudge and slowly checks for his 2 friends "yes we seem to have where am I"
[GM]: Syrn has no feeling of being disturbed or moved.
[Syrn]: "odd..... " ((is my horse present))
[Anne]: "Good idea Thor...." "Well, somehow you got here."
[GM]: Syrn see's his horse and gear.
[Valek]: {{Greetings once more Jamison, how did the dawn treet you?}}
[Syrn]: "well my gear is here, i say somebody wanted to make sure me and Tass were here in the morning"
[Anne]: (Anne checks her gear, to make sure it is all present, and that there are no "new" objects among her belongings
[GM]: And there is a horse for Tass, as well.
[GM]: Drei "Well, perhaps the crew thought you a member of our party?"
[Syrn]: ((i still that that gold liquid?))
[GM]: Anne finds no new belongings.
Tas aproaches his steed and begins to chant to himself quietly before touching the beast
[Syrn]: "perhaps, well it seems we are now"
Syrn smiles
[Anne]: "Yeah..." (smile) "We'd best mount up - it's a long way to pershing."
Syrn mounts up with no problem, almost gracefully 
[GM]: Peshida, Thor, and Drei mounts up immediately
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (16-3d6) : 3d6=6,6,1 = [ 3 ]
[GM]: You all get mounted just as the first rays of the Sun touches the Far East.
[Valek]: {{Greetings once more Jamison, how did the dawn treet you?}}
[GM]: (touches=touch)
[GM]: Jamison do you resist the voices in your head?
[Jamison]: {{Valek???, Is that You?}}
[Jamison]: OOC: no
(Tas whispered to GM): did you get a chance to read that?
Jamison has a look of great concentration on his face
[Valek]: {{Yes it is}}
(GM whispered to Tas): Read what?
[Valek]: {{I still find the dawn rather blinding, but I'm getting used to it.}}
(Syrn whispered to GM): there is a point to why valek isnt here with us right?
(Tas whispered to GM): see that block of text on the right read it it is my staff idea
(Valek whispered to GM): Is valek's ship well and complete, or still being constructed, I have no idea how long it would take, since the entier construction in reliant on magic.
[Jamison]: {{We have landed outside of Fendor City and are beginning our trek to Pershing}}
[Valek]: {{I thought you were to be droped off at Pershing?}}
[Jamison]: {{And I find the dawn the beginning of a brand new day... expetially when Anne is near...Did I just think that???}}
[GM]: ((Yes, the party has landed within a few hundred yards of Pershing.))
[Jamison]: OOC: OOps
[Valek]: {{Yes, sheilding thoughts is a skill aquired with time.}}
[Jamison]: {{We have landed near Pershing and are heading to town...I wonder what really happened to Anne, when she saw Lydia?}}}
(GM whispered to Tas): That might be a worth a little more that 30 CPs, but with your permission I will copy it and do the math at a latter time.
(Tas whispered to GM): feel free
[Valek]: {{Yes what of that?}}
[GM]: Everyone is now on horseback and you start moving toward Pershing, or wait for Jamison to finish talking to himself?
[Jamison]: {{We are close to town...What a beatiful sunrise... And should be there soon... I hope Anne gets better soon..}}
Tas keeps up with syrn checking his form to see if it has reverted more in the night
[Jamison]: {{Anne was very concerned with her encounter with Lydia... apparently, Lydia's appearance has changed greatly... Are you far awat??? I wonder if Anne would like breakfast?}}}
[GM]: As Jamison thinks the words, he (and everyone else) are beginning to become aware of the surrondings. For perhaps once in your life, the colors of the sunrise are exceeded by the colors around you. There are plants of almost every color and size imaginable.
[Jamison]: OOC awat=away
[Valek]: {{I am still at my home, my ship is under construction.}}
[Jamison]: {{How long until you can join us???? I wish I had a brush to straighten Anne's hair....}}}}
Jamison shakes his head...
[Valek]: {{The large purple plant is a natural antiseptic, you might want to pick up a few of it's leaves.}}
[Anne]: Anne gasps at all the colors... 
[dglass]: ((gtg later all))
[ dglass left the game ]
Jamison looks around...{{ purple plants???}}
[Valek]: {{Your thinking too loud, I can 'see' what you see.}}
[GM]: You arrive at the city gates before very long. You might wonder why there are no actual gates, only a stone wall outlining what is the city of Pershing.
[Jamison]: {{ How do I think less 'loud'?}}
[Jamison]: {{ If I think at all, It is like my actions... lound and fast..}}
[Valek]: {{Focuse only on what you want to say, close your mind to your surroundings, later as you devope the ability you can set one part of your mind to speak, and another to remain aware, alternating between them}}
[GM]: A few looks dart your way as you pass the entrance to the city, but they only do so under careful concealment of the hoods of robes and capes. No one makes a sudden move.
[Valek]: {{Once my ship is complete it should only take a few hours to arrive in Pershing}}
[Jamison]: {{Anne really has become very beautiful in the last year...}}
[Syrn]: "hmm quiet a lively town, eh Tas?"
[ Zugg left the game ]
[Jamison]: {{ Time to check for trouble... Anything important to tell me?}}
[GM]: The city is layed out much like Baxter. There is one main street running East/West and one running North/South.
[Valek]: {{Did I mention my sister was acompanying me? And I'm thinking of contacting Lydia once I regain my strength.}}
(Jamison whispered to GM): will Zugg be back?
[GM]: And Syrn is correct. It is just after 6:30 am and there are hundreds of people on the streets.
[Tas]: "lively would not be a word I would use for the town more like suspicious, but all people are suspicous"
(GM whispered to Jamison): He said nothing to me.
[Jamison]: {{ Be careful of Lydia...Anne is very afraid...}}
[Syrn]: (9actually iwas being sarcastic, but i guess i got lucky lol ))
[Jamison]: {{When shall we talk, again?}}
[Tas]: "in their own way"
[GM]: You also notice that more than half of who you see are goblins, of course most of the people on the streets are covered by robes and cloaks and race is something that cannot be made out for certain.
Syrn keeps an close eye on his gear
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: the reason I should have gotten a robe?????
[Valek]: {{When I arrive, otherwise I'll send an advance message you'll not have the option of ignoring to announce my intentions.}}
[GM]: Thor watches Jamison with interest and he seems to be straining himself in thought.
[Valek]: {{Goodbye.}}
Valek breaks the connection.
[Jamison]: {{Hurry}}
[ MikeL joined the game ]
(GM whispered to Jamison): You did get a robe.
Tas checks what little gear he has and gives his 3 friends a quick suggestion (podo, kodo, horse)
(GM whispered to Jamison): No, I mean a cloak.
Jamison shakes his head and then raises his hands to his forhead... rubbing his eyes..
[GM]: Thor "You okay, Jamison?"
(Valek whispered to GM): once his ship is done Valek will get underway, give me some indication of my arrival time.
(Jamison whispered to GM): WOOC: was it ok to play the "private" conversation that way?
Jamison grunts..."Think so..."
[Syrn]: ((brb afk for a sec))
[GM]: Thor "You were talking to Valek again, were'nt you?"
Jamison shakes his head 1 more time and begins to take stock in his surroundings...
[GM]: ((okay))
[GM]: ((And welcome Jackdaw))
[ MikeL left the game ]
[Jamison]: Yes I was... he's building a ship... when it is done he will come to us... Does that make any sense to you all?
[ Tas left the game ]
Jamison looks closely at his surroundings... and grasps his staff firmly.."I don't like the looks of this place.."
[GM]: You all ride into Pershing and catch the stares of a few Goblins, and quick glances from under the hoods of cloaks.
[ tas joined the game ]
Jamison begins to get his bearings
[Tas]: (( room lagged up on me when mike joined))
[Syrn]: ((heh heh, ahh never having lag problems is nice (except when people load huge phb's) ))
Jamison scowls at the scrutiny the party is recieving... always checking around.... he gradually takes up residence at the rear of the party
[GM]: The main difference is this town and that of those in Methor (Human Kingdom) is that most construction here is done out of wood. Very few structures are built out of stone.
[GM]: Many of the buildings also seems to be built on a slightly smaller scale that in Methor.
[Syrn]: ((like goblin size?))
[GM]: Thor, who is riding next to Jamison, "So, what is our next move?"
[GM]: ((precisely, Syrn))
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: is this the town we are looking for the goblin??? What was the name of the tavern?
[GM]: Jamison takes out the scroll from Veridon and checks it.
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: thanks...
Tass keeps his cloak pulled over him and keeps his face from view not liking the surroundings
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Mike, are you here to stay?))
Syrn looks over to his new companions "is this supposed to be the goblin city?"
[Jackdaw]: hihi
(Jamison whispered to GM): JD?????
[Jackdaw]: hoped so
[Syrn]: ((hey, if its the Goblin city, where is David Bowie? ))
[Jamison]: OOC: about time
[Syrn]: ((i wanna go chill with him))
[Jamison]: Cute Syrn
[Jamison]: lost in the Laberyth
[Jackdaw]: tall guy white hair?
[Syrn]: ((hey its one of my fav movies alright? i love the Dog night, heh heh heh))
[Syrn]: yep jackdaw
[Syrn]: that'd be the one
[Jackdaw]: my see'd him with some cute gobblin chickies just a bit ago
[Syrn]: mmm luto and rocks... friends
(Jamison whispered to GM): /he looks to Thor.." We need to find the Tavern of Mist"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): for JD's amorous adventures want one roll or one for each?
[GM]: Thor "Cute Goblin Chickies? Jackdaw, I'm beginning to doubt your taste" he smiles
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You mean last night or the morning to come?
Jamison looks to Thor.."We need to find the Tavern of Mist"
[Jackdaw]: << Jackdaw has Xenophilia and Undiscriminating make of it what you will>>
[Syrn]: OOC: "Dance magic dance... magic dance magic dance" lol
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): with the dwarven ladies
[Syrn]: lol @ JD
[Tass]: "i'm begining to doubt his sanity more than his taste"
[Jamison]: OOc: Who is leading the party?
Jackdaw never doubts him sanity, him knows
[Valek]: <I'd think that the fact that goblins look and act so much like liteel green children <Behave being things like, whipe noses on arm, go without bathing for monthes, etc> might interfere with even those abilities>
[GM]: Drei'Partha, "Well, I suggest that we find someone that can read Goblin, since everything here seems to be written in their language."
[GM]: Drei points at a nearby sign.
Jamison agrees.."We need a guide.."
[Jackdaw]: "my finded!"
[GM]: Drei "At least the Ralian alphabet is recognized even here. A symbol of the true church, no doubt!" he gleams.
[Jamison]: JD.. stay in sight...
Jackdaw goes off looking for a guide (preferably female)
[Syrn]: OOC: i take it JD is a bumbling idiot in game?
[Jamison]: OOC: hardly
[Tass]: OOC: from another race not so civilized
[Jamison]: Innocent
[Syrn]: OOC: ah
[GM]: ((Jackdaw is a faun.))
[Tass]: OOC: but he is a mage
[Jackdaw]: ooc entheusiastic somewhat like a flower child
[Jamison]: And a damn good one
[Jamison]: Drei...can you read the signs?
[Syrn]: ((faun?))
[GM]: Jackdaw leaves the party? Does everyone else continue down the main road?
[Jamison]: OOC: check the web page
Syrn stays with the party
[GM]: Drei shakes his head, "The prophet never say a need for me to learn it. Perhaps I am not supposed to be here?"
Tass follows close to the main group of the party reaches into his pocket and lets the 2 mice to the ground after gving them an order
[Jamison]: Anyone else here read Goblin?
(Tass whispered to GM): podo and kodo are ordered to stay with jack come back to me if he gets in trouble 
[GM]: Thor looks at Jamison "If Phinny was here, she would be cursing about now Jamison .... exacty why did she not come?"
(Tass whispered to GM): only one language at begining correct?
[Syrn]: (ah Pan basically)
[Jamison]: I know not... and Anne said it had to do with a rite of passage.. of some kind... a necessity for her
[Syrn]: (got ya)
(GM whispered to Tass): Give me 2 IQ rolls: one for them to understand your instructions and one for them finding their way about.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I believe there were three dwarven ladies? So three rolls vs Erotic Arts or was it more of a one roll situation?
DICE for Tass: (15-3d6) : 3d6=5,4,1 = [ 5 ]
DICE for Tass: (15-3d6) : 3d6=5,6,5 = [ -1 ]
[GM]: Two mice leap from Tass' hands and scurry along after Jackdaw.
Jamison looks around to see if JD remained in site
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No, just one for each event/time of day
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (12-3d6) : 3d6=2,3,6 = [ 1 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (12-3d6) : 3d6=3,4,6 = [ -1 ]
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (12-3d6) : 3d6=2,5,5 = [ 0 ]
Tass cracks a grin at Syrn "just keeping a extra set of eyes on that one"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I will count the first one.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): two successes and one not but not by much
[Syrn]: "hope a goblin doesnt eat them"
[Syrn]: "the eyes i mean"
[GM]: Thor "What do Goblins eat, anyway? I know that you all might not agree, but I think it would be nice to have Valek here about this time."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my asked Pip to helpoed my finded a guide
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): nbot necessarily a living one...
(Valek whispered to GM): can my ship arrive yet?
(Valek whispered to GM): Or is it done, if it's done Valek can teleport and give Cara the directions.
Tass looks away at the comment of that name remembering his first encounter with valeks help
(GM whispered to Valek): Valek does all the work himself?
(GM whispered to Valek): Give me 3 engineering rolls.
(Valek whispered to GM): He get's Cara to help if she wants, there quite a bit of zombification involved, but all teh shapeing is his own.
[Jamison]: While Valek may be of help... we must find our own way for a bit...
(Valek whispered to GM): <Woulden't it fall under either the shape spells or the physics?
(Valek whispered to GM): Since engineering would apply to actually building it without magic.
Jamison continues to keep watch
(Valek whispered to GM): <And because I don't have engineering>
(Valek whispered to GM): <Aslo I usually consider engineering a TL 5+ persuit.>
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,3 = [ 9 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,6 = [ 9 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,5 = [ 13 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): That makes all skills he dose have, or an IQ-6 default.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (3d6) : 3d6=5,4,2 = [ 11 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): just because, you can use it for a base for success in finding a guide
(GM whispered to Valek): I need a Shipbuilding roll ((IQ-6)), a Mathematics Roll, and a Mechanic Roll ((IQ-5)).
(GM whispered to Valek): Please Roll again.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,4,5 = [ 11 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,5 = [ 16 ]
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,6,1 = [ 9 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): <Made them all.>
(Valek whispered to GM): Valek has Math
(Valek whispered to GM): at exactly 16.
[Jamison]: OOC: must be running Valek's construction rolls
[GM]: ((Whispering to Jackdaw and Valek))
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What exactly were you rolling against
[Valek]: <Jamison is a very sharp individual>
(GM whispered to Valek): Please tell me by how much you made each roll.
[ Del Jurault joined the game ]
[Del Jurault]: what game is this?
[GM]: As you wait for Jackdaw to return...
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): just a general roll, JD's not spectacularly either successful or unsuccessful in finding a guide
[GM]: Do you stop or continue along the main street?
[Del Jurault]: oops pardon me..
[ Del Jurault left the game ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You default to what you are really good at. ... You find the nearest Pub.
[GM]: If no one says anything, then I will assume that the party stops in the middle of the street.
Jamison moves to the front of the party and liesurly leads the party on..."Someone keep a sharp eye on JD"
[Syrn]: OOC:we've been stopped for 20min
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sounds good to my!
[Jamison]: OOC: ok
[GM]: ((No one ever said that the party stopped.))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my go'ed in and maked some friends
[Jamison]: OOC: point of order...
[Syrn]: ((when you asked if we were following or not no one said we were following))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): (carousing roll?)
[GM]: You all notice that the street seems to be clearing out.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Yes, and this might be an important one.
(Valek whispered to GM): 2, 0 5
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=2,6,3 = [ 2 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): made by 2
[Jamison]: OOC: Is anyone, truely incharge of this menagerie?
[GM]: ((It doesn't appear so))
[Jamison]: OOC: does anyone want to discuss this?
(Valek whispered to GM): those were the margins of sucess.
[Jackdaw]: ooc to keep JD in line you'd need a leash
[Jamison]: true
[Jackdaw]: ooc now if there was a pretty lady holding the other end . . .
[Syrn]: OOC: since i dont know the camp, and since you and valek have been here for a year, you 2 should be it. i'm just a player tagging along
(GM whispered to Valek): You are 3 hours away from completing your ship.
[Jamison]: What is the purpose of the mice?
[GM]: Peshida "I don't like this at all. I think we should get off the street. We are making ourselves targets."
[Jamison]: Are they watching, JD?
[Jackdaw]: ooc in case we getted hungry?
(Valek whispered to GM): he's been working for a while on it allready though <Keep in mind, he hasen't slep, and now dosen't need to, so he worked through the night without problem>
Jamison looks around and notices the lack of populace..."Time to move on.."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): You find the Pub pretty lively (for Dawn), and you even seem to make a few friends. (as far as you can tell)
Jamison begins a leisurly walk into town
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my asked them if anybodies knowed a guide who would helped us
[Jamison]: OOC:Where's Thomas when You need him.."
(GM whispered to Valek): I have kept that in mind, but realize that it has been less than 8 hours since you tried to summon Lydia. It must have taken you hours to round up that many corpses, so you could have only been working for a few hours.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc probably opening someone else's locks
[Jamison]: OOC: anyone following?
[Jackdaw]: ooc probably opening someone else's locks
(Valek whispered to GM): it's not that I want to be annoying, I just want to rejoin the party wihout abandoning my probject.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): sorry
[Jamison]: OOC:Wish it was our's
[Syrn]: OOC: as i said earlier....
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin "What cha need to know?"
Syrn follows with the party since he's new to this area
[Jamison]: OOC: Who's following?
[GM]: Thor follows Jamison
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): we needed sombodies who can read signs and telled us where to finded things
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin "Who is .... we?"
(Valek whispered to GM): and your reasoning makes perfect sence, so I'll not argue it further.
(GM whispered to Valek): Know that I am also anxious to have you rejoin the party.
Tass proceeds to run a few spells in his head just in case
(Jamison whispered to GM): Don't forget Anne's influence on Jamison..
[GM]: Anne "Jamison? Where are you going? Thor, get back here, we need to discuss this!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my friends, my leaved thems in street to finded some help, my thinks maybe it bee'd a bit now . . . maybe my needs to getted back to thems. You knowed anybodies could helped us?
[Jamison]: Anne?... we need to find the Tavern of Mist... and it appears that something bad may happen here at any moment
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin looks close at you "Whose you friends be? More hoof feets?"
[GM]: Anne "That is no need to set out on your own. We need to discuss this as a group, don't we?"
(Valek whispered to GM): well if he could locate something along the lines of an elephant graveyard he'd have everything execpt the cartlage, and he could find both in a hurry with seek spells.
[Jackdaw]: many different feets type peoples. humans a dwarf a fell
Jamison looks around... thankful that the buildings are low... otherwise ... bad tactical position..
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin shakes his head, "Me hates Humans, they smells bad .... but you got gold to pay?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): we needed to finded Tavern of Mists to keep something bad from happening there
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my haved some gold
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin looks at you suspicously
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): /he takes out a gold soverign and gives it to his new friend
(Valek whispered to GM): but that relies on something like that existing in yoru game world, and being within easy rach of Valek's home.
[GM]: Anne "How come every one of these buildings are boarded up. (she looks around) and where have all the people got to?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my maybe could getted more
[Jamison]: this appears, BAD
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin laughs, "You not knowed your way around and want help from Grimely here. (he laughs again) If there Humans involved then I need more gold." he takes a drink.
[GM]: Very soon, you notice that no one is on the streets .... except you.
[GM]: The sun is up fully now.
[Syrn]: "umm Jamison, is this normal?"
[Jamison]: Anne!!! This is bad.... everyone, prepare for the worst...
Tass begins a spell but never finishing it holding it if things break loose
[Jamison]: Anyone seen JD
[Jamison]: ??
[GM]: You continue to wait for Jackdaw
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): ((You there?))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my not haveded more gold but my haved something maked the ladies liked you more, youo interested?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw takes out his bracelet and shows it to Grimley
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin "Strong Magic?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): magic maked you look very good to ladies, maked you much popular too
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin "What it do? Make ladies like you more?"
[Jamison]: Mice
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): also change hair to blond but that small side effect
[GM]: The Mice Return
[Jamison]: Any news???
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin "What Goblin do with yellow hair!! Baw!!"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc JD thinks it's a VERY serrious situation or he wouldn't offer this
Tass proceeds to place them in my pack "if they are here and jack is not he is in trouble"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): maked you look exotic to ladies they seems to liked it
[Jamison]: Can they lead us to JD
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my never lonely when my weared it
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Goblin studies the bracelet. "What you want Grimely to do for gold and bracelet?"
[Jamison]: ???
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): helped us
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): we needing guide can show us around and read signs
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): brb
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Grimely "Okay, me may regret this but me help you for this."
[Tass]: "we can try"
[Tass]: : places the mice back down asking them to lead to Jack
DICE for Tass: (15-3d6) : 3d6=4,6,2 = [ 3 ]
Jamison watches closely
[GM]: The mice look at each other and then back to Tass
[GM]: Then they scurry off in the direction that they came.
Tass heads his horse to follow
[Jamison]: Can we trust them to find, JD??
[GM]: They lead you to a doorway a few blocks over.
[Syrn]: "ummm"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): b
[GM]: The windows are all shuttered, and you hear shouting coming from inside.
[Syrn]: "shouldn't we go in preparerd? like weapons readied?"
[GM]: Give me a hearing roll
Jamison dismounts... "Thor stay with the others... Tass.. follow your mice... 
(Valek whispered to GM): ahh yes, I'm working on the Stat's for Cara- I'm thinking the Bale package should include a bonus to necromancy spells <I currently have it a +10>, set magery 3, and a penalty to all other spells spells <-3, canceling the effect of magery save for the ability to learn>
[Tass]: "shall we knock or let our selves in?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): will lead Grimley back to our party (pretty quiet for a party)
[GM]: Thor "Maybe you will need my blade?"
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,6 = [ 14 ]
Syrn draws his broadsword
Jamison looks to Thor"Or maybe it will be needed here..."
[GM]: Syrn or Tass, do you wish to give a hearing roll a shot?
[Syrn]: sure
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,1,5 = [ 8 ]
DICE for Syrn: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,6 = [ 16 ]
[Syrn]: nope
DICE for Tass: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: ((As I understand it, everyone followed the mice))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): jackdaw maked him hearing
[Jamison]: thor.. stay here.. watch the mounts
[GM]: ((Tass made it, by how much?))
[Tass]: 1
[Syrn]: (9what is hearing off of?__
[GM]: ((Sorry, JD didn't need one from you))
[GM]: ((Hearing is just IQ unless you have acute hearing or alertness))
(Syrn whispered to GM): any racial mods for bien elf? the ears
[Jamison]: OOC: I was hoping only Tas and myself would aenter
[Tass]: oopse 3
[Jackdaw]: ((didn't think so, it's just fun rolling the dice))
[Tass]: 3 under
(Syrn whispered to GM): i missed it by 2. so if i get any mods then you tell me if i made it
(GM whispered to Tass): The shouting is a crude language, could very well be Goblin. The shouter does not appear unduely stressed, but the language makes it sound that way))
[Jamison]: The others would keep the mounts safe
[GM]: Anne "Be careful Jamison)0
[Tass]: "its your decision sir Jamison"
Jamison smiles and waves.."Will do"
[GM]: There is more shouting from inside.
[Jamison]: Let's do it this way..
Jamison heads for the door with enthusiasm
(Jamison whispered to GM): Is the door closed?
Tass begins a spell holding it on his lips to finish when needed
[GM]: The door is not locked
(Jamison whispered to GM): closed?
[GM]: But is securely closed.
[GM]: Jamison give me a vision roll
(Jamison whispered to GM): Jamison takes in the doors constuction with a glance...
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 13 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): jeez
[GM]: Even though it looks very old, it appears of adequte construction.
[Jackdaw]: ooc what race are Sym and Tass?
[Syrn]: ooc: elf
[Tass]: ooc: human
[Jackdaw]: ooc thanks
[GM]: So, Jamison and Tass go through the door?
Jamison decides to give the door a healthy... Jamison shoulder .. taking a few heathy and athletic stides at the door, and lowering his shoulder, just b4 contact
[Syrn]: i'll go in when they get the door open. i'll go in second last
[GM]: So three of you are going in?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): tavern brawl time?
(Jamison whispered to GM): impetious enough???
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I have this sneaking suspicion I know where this door leads . . .
[Syrn]: yes
[GM]: Go Jamison. Opening the door?
(Jamison whispered to GM): Bashing.. and an acubatic roll if successful
[GM]: Do you seek to take the door down?
(Jamison whispered to GM): nope, just to open it
(Jamison whispered to GM): shoulder to the locking device... not the whole door
[Syrn]: Jamison?
[GM]: The door is not locked
[Syrn]: did he freeze?
[GM]: ((No he is whispering))
[Jamison]: sorry
[Jackdaw]: ooc reminds me of the scene in The Pirate Movie where they rush the door with a battering ram
[GM]: ((hehe))
[Jackdaw]: and use it to push the doorbell
[Jackdaw]: "ding dong Avon callling"
[GM]: So, Jamison. The door is not locked. Do you open it and go inside?
Jamison in his excitement, and thinking of his friend, lowers a shoulder at the closed door( without checking to see of it is locked) and barrels into it
[GM]: The door gives and opens abruptly.
[Syrn]: "good one my friend"
Jamison rolls
[GM]: Give me a DX (or acrobatics roll) to not lose your feet Jamison
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): DX roll time?
[Valek]: <Reminds me of a scene in a comedy where a is guy is stuck on a door which is pull and not push, and instead shoulders it until it breaks off the hinges and falls inside much to the suprise of those in there>
[Jamison]: acrobatics
[GM]: Roll
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,3 = [ 13 ]
[Jamison]: by 2
[GM]: Those outside see Jamison barrel into the door and disappear inside.
[GM]: Jamison give me a vision roll, please
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): did he just come barreling in to the tavern?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): I'm getting there
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,4 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: ((made it??))
(Jamison whispered to GM): jeez, I gotta do something about that
(Jamison whispered to GM): nope
(Jamison whispered to GM): 10
(Jamison whispered to GM): I hack and slash with my staff?
(Jamison whispered to GM): random
[GM]: Jamison sees several dim lights, and smells thick smoke, there must be a few dozen beings in here. He waits for his vision to adjust.
(Jamison whispered to GM): nice
(GM whispered to Jamison): You do hack and slash?
(Jamison whispered to GM): I prepare to defend...
(Syrn whispered to GM): i have to go in like 10min, my dad wants to go to bed early tonight, and the computer is in his room
[GM]: As Jamison disappears inside Anne says, "Someone help him!"
(GM whispered to Syrn): okay
Syrn waits for something to come out of the building
(Jamison whispered to GM): Just like a woman... they never trust you to do it for yourself....
[GM]: Inside, this is what is seen .....
[Jamison]: OOC: and the mice?
[GM]: Jackdaw has just finished answering the question asked him by Grimely when he is startled by the door slamming open and Jamison swinging his staff.
(Syrn whispered to GM): gotta go. cya next week
[GM]: Everyone else in the Pub pauses and looks toward the doorway. A few reach for their swords, but then go back to their conversations and drinks.
[Tass]: OOC: in my pouch by now
[ Syrn left the game ]
[Jackdaw]: "drunkeded already Jamison" Jackdaw drawls
[GM]: Give me a hearing roll Jamison
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=2,5,6 = [ 13 ]
(Jamison whispered to GM): jeez
[Jackdaw]: "meet my new friend and our guide Grimley"
[GM]: There is quiet a lot of conversation going on .... and Jamison does not hear Jackdaw's voice.
Jamison looks around for JD
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,6 = [ 16 ]
Jackdaw waves
[GM]: Jackdaw, you are about 40 feet from the door across a crowded room.
(Jamison whispered to GM): but does not see him
[GM]: Jamison continues to swing his staff at the air in front of him.
[GM]: His eyes begin to adjust....
[Valek]: <He should probabally be met with applause by now.>
[GM]: He sees a crowded Pub. Several people seem to be shouting at him.
Jamison rebounds to his feet easily and looks around at the clientle with disdain.. concentrating on finding his friend
[GM]: There are a few obsene gestures, and then he notices Jackdaw across the room. The room appears to be all Goblins.
Jackdaw is quaffing the last of him drink
Jamison stalks thru the ..bar
[GM]: Grimely to Jackdaw "This Human be one of yours?"
[Jamison]: scowling...
[GM]: Give me a DX roll Jamison
[Jackdaw]: "sorry but yes"
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,3 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Grimely "Me gonna need more gold"
(To GM) DICE for Jamison: (3d6made it) : = [ 0 ]
[Jackdaw]: "my try to keeped hims out of trouble but him SO impatient"
Tass lets his spell fizzle away and steps in to the side of the door
[GM]: A Goblin sticks out his leg trying to trip you, but you keep your balance.
[Jamison]: made it
[Jackdaw]: "
[Jackdaw]: "Jamison. You got more gold" Jackdaw calls out
[GM]: A Goblin sitting next to him laughs.
Jamison gives the goblin the short side of his staff.... right nedxt to his chin... no attempt at injury
Tass thinks a mean though about the goblins a cruel trick he could play
[GM]: Grimely, "Maybe we go somewheres else?"
[Jackdaw]: "sounds good to my"
[GM]: Grimely stands, "This not a nice place for Humans"
Jackdaw gets up
[Jackdaw]: "let's help him back out"
[Valek]: <Your going to get yourself killed>
Jamison looks around... avid for a confrontation
[GM]: A hand reaches out and touches Jamison.
[Valek]: <Both Jamison and Tass>
Jamison turns around quickly.. ready for battle
Jackdaw starts whistling under his breath
[Tass]: ((might be able to hold his own when the whole building comes crashing down on the goblins))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): drawing on the big powerstone if needed
[GM]: A face is exposed from under a hood. It is a female Goblin who says in exceptable Human, "For a Sovereign, I keeps you warm today?" she is made up with extra lipstick and smells slightly of fish.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): the smell of ale won't even be noticed in here
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC: could someone touch me without my knowing they were sneaking up?
[GM]: Grimely is heading for the door.
[Jamison]: I think not... but I appriciate the offer...
(GM whispered to Jamison): Yes and no. This place is so crowded that I would have to say yes, but technically you were due a DX roll.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): how far away is Jamison?
[GM]: Jackdaw reaches Jamison in the middle of the room
(Jamison whispered to GM): Ya want it, or shall we play it?
[GM]: ((or as close as he wants to be to him))
Jackdaw takes Jamison by the arm and leads him out
Tass chuckles at Jamison "quite the ladies man just put a bag on her head and plug your nose"
[GM]: Grimely does not stop until he gets to the door. Then he looks back, waiting for Jackdaw.
Jamison notices JD's hand.. shakes it off.. and follows
Jackdaw asks Tass "what the bag for?"
[GM]: Grimely looks outside at those gathered there, "What have I got meself into?" he scratches his head.
[Tass]: "your selfesteam"
[Jackdaw]: "my not knowed about that one. My knowed about the silk ropes, and the feathers and the . . . "
[GM]: Once Jackdaw is at the door, Grimely leads him and Jamison out and shuts the door behind.
[GM]: Grimely "Quickly, you alls follow me."
[Jackdaw]: "Grimley bee'd our guide"
(Jamison whispered to GM): OOC:great one, MikeL
[Jackdaw]: "lets goed"
[GM]: Grimely "That no good place for Human. Not as nice to Humans as me"
Jamison shakes his head.... " not too nice for anyone..."
[GM]: Grimely begins walking cautiously, keeping an eye out for you know not what.
[Jackdaw]: "Pip you keeped an eye out too, or maybes both of them"
Jamison takes the rear guard and allows JD to cover the lead
[GM]: He leads you to the center of the city and then turns south down the other major road. Within about 30 minutes you arrive at another building. This is the first one that you have seen with windows open. There is also a sign in Human reading "House of the White Bear" with a picture of a White Bear in a fighting pose.
[GM]: Grimely "This place is place for Humans"
[Tass]: "I think we found the human sector
[Jackdaw]: ooc ah the slums
(Jamison whispered to GM): /he thinks....At what cost....?
[GM]: Grimely "Go inside" he looks up and down the deserted street.
Jackdaw opens the door and goes in
[GM]: I must tell you that you did pass about a dozen people on the way here. They were keeping to the shadows, walking and hidding their faces with hoods.
Jamison looks alao, any sign of trouble?
[GM]: Inside there is an old Gruff Human behind a counter.
[Jamison]: OOC: discription of the place.. is it the slums?
[GM]: Grimely speaks to Jackdaw "Street not safe in daylight. You stays here and me come back after dark." he hands Jackdaw the bracelet, "Me get this then and more gold too"
[Jackdaw]: yes
[GM]: Actually, every building here is pretty much the same: old wooden, well constructed, nothing fancy.
[GM]: ((Picture an town in the Old West))
[Jamison]: Not safe until night.... I think we will need sleep now, and be prepared for the night
[GM]: Grimely leaves.
Jamison is very nervous
[GM]: The man behind the counter "Greetings, come inside .... come inside"
Jamison heads to the clerk
[Jamison]: we need rooms
Jamison points to Tas..." You handle this..."
[GM]: Man "ahhh.... very good. You can call me Trassman. Whatever you need."
Tass looks at Jamison "handle what?"
Jamison looks around ...on watch
[Jamison]: the room arrangements... 
[GM]: Once inside, you notice the decor is much nicer. There are soft chairs, pictures on the wall, and even some signs of brass on the magical lamps mounted on the wall.
[Jackdaw]: "can you changed one of these for gold?" Jackdaw asks putting a paper note on the desk
Jamison rools his eyes
[Jamison]: rolls
[GM]: Trassman "We cater to Humans, please let me know if you need anything." Then noticing Syrn, "..and Elves are much welcome here too."
[Tass]: "who needs rooms a night in the wilderness is fine by me but i guess you adventurers are used to your nice INNS"
[GM]: Trassman looks at the note.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): What denomination?
[Jackdaw]: A Gryphon note from Methoria
[Jamison]: Yes, and you will find it much more defensable
[Jamison]: OOC: jeez
Jamison groans.... "Damn"
Jamison feels like kicking JD, right square in the bottom
[GM]: Trassman studies the $100 note, "I can give you $50 worth of credit for this, Sir"
[Jackdaw]: "my needed some gold"
[Tass]: "how much jack?"
Jamison growls to himself
[Jackdaw]: "more now after Jamison's entrance"
[Jackdaw]: "Him upsetted my new friend"
Jamison looks at the clerk.... and smiles
[Tass]: "how much did you give him so far?"
[GM]: Trassman "If it is gold that you need, I can only give you $40, Human notes trade here for 1/2 of their value. Now, if you wish to go to the money changer, you can probably get a better trade. Most places in Pershing will not take them." he hands it back to Jackdaw.
[Jackdaw]: one gold and my bracelet
[GM]: ((Grimely gave the bracelet back))
[Jackdaw]: "my taked 40"
Tass pulls a 10 gold puch and throws it at jack
[Jackdaw]: ((yes but he'll want it, it was part of the deal))
Jamison looks to JD.... " JD, I will take care of the gold... hold your note, until later....
[ escunid joined the game ]
Jamison will not let JD be cheated
[GM]: So to sum things up.....
Jackdaw doesn't think he's being cheatewd
[GM]: You plan to get rooms here and wait for the return of Grimely, tonight?
[Jamison]: OOC: Jamison is tired of carring this gold
[escunid]: yes
[Jamison]: yeppers... Jamison will trade JD for his note... fairly.. and we will settle
[GM]: ((sorry escunid, you don't get a vote))
[Tass]: (i donated 10 to the pay grimly fund)
[Jamison]: gold or note?
[Tass]: (gold)
Jackdaw will accecpt
[Jamison]: that's good.. means he will come n the morrow to get more
[GM]: Shall we stop here, or continue?
[Jamison]: ??close??
[GM]: ((We already lost one due to the hour))
[Jackdaw]: I'm ready to stop but can continue
[Valek]: <Well I'm good to stay.>
[Jackdaw]: brb
[escunid]: Yeah, let's stay
[Jamison]: close if we can... ?
[Jamison]: I've a couple of things that need to be settled..
[GM]: Sorry, Valek I expected to get them to the room early and fastforward to the evening.
[GM]: Let us END SESSION here then.