[Tue Apr 24 19:13:05 CDT 2001]
[GM]: I will remind you of the timeline ....
[GM]: 3rd, Methorah, Spring, 1133p: The party arrives in city of Baxter and Jamison, after announcing himself to his old benefactor the Duke, secures enough horses for the party to make the trip to Pershing.
[GM]: 5th, Methorah, Spring, 1133p: The party camps between Baxter and the Shevan River and is disturbed in the middle of the night with a warning from the Goblin Mage Shaeloffic. He tells them that they should not take the relic into the Marshlands.
[GM]: 6th, Methorah, Spring, 1133p: Jamison stashes the sword in Green Meadows. The party leaves the Human Kingdom of Metor. Drei'Partha joins the party.
[GM]: 7th, Methorah, Spring, 1133p: The party reaches the pass leading into the Marshlands but changes direction toward the Fell City and travels 50 miles to the East. They make camp in a horseshoe canyon.
[GM]: 8th, Methorah, Spring, 1133p:A chest appears in camp in the wee hours of the morning and a pack of Goblins comes to claim it. A note on the chest signed by Shaeloffic, tells that the party has forced his hand by continuing with the relic toward the Marshlands. It is also discovered that the entire canyon has become a no-mana zone. The airship the Silver Zephyr crashes into the mountain above the canyon and the party spends a good party of the day trying to give aid to the passengers and crew. The ship is lifted out of the zone by a demon that was summoned by Valek. The demon leaves with Lydia and the Egg that she has been carrying. The Silver Zephyr arrives in Fendor City. Valek arrives in the Fell City.
[GM]: ((Dang that's a big one!!))
[GM]: Setting: The party arrived in Pershing, after having been dropped a few hundred yard outside of the city by the Silver Zephyr. When the party arrived, the streets were crowded, but became deserted less than an hour after dawn. They enlisted the help of a Goblin townsmen by the name of _______ who led them to an Inn (___________) that caters to Humans. It is nearing 10am, on the 10th day of Methorah. BEGIN SESSION #74
[GM]: Filling in the Blanks .... *Grimely* is the Goblin hired by Jackaw
[GM]: And the Inn was called *The House of the White Bear*
[GM]: It is 10 am ... does anyone wish to do anything today, or will you all wait until Grimely returns?
(GM whispered to Valek): When did we say that Valek would make it to Pershing?
(Valek whispered to GM): in 4 horus, but that was last night.
(Valek whispered to GM): <all game time statments.>
(GM whispered to Valek): What time does he wish to arrive?
[Jackdaw]: sleeped
[GM]: Valek make me an Orienteering Role (or something similar)
(Valek whispered to GM): well tack on another 2 or 3 hours for a plessant trip where Cara can point at some intereting things that they can investigate and 8:00-10:00 AM is good.
[GM]: Jackdaw has no problem getting to sleep. But the others have a little trouble hitting the sack in the middle of the day in this strange place.
Tas proceeds out to the commons room of the inn and awaits their wouldbe guide
(Tas whispered to GM): this is not a human friendly town is it?
[GM]: Peshida spends a lot of time in the commons room talking to Anne about her confrontation with Lydia.
[GM]: Jamison paces for awhile and then decides to go to his room.
[GM]: The rooms cost $20 each, by the way. I will assume that 4 rooms are arranged for unless someone tells me otherwise.
(GM whispered to Tas): From the info so far, you would think it is not too Human friendly.
(Valek whispered to GM): write myself in, I've allready got the description of hte ship written
(Valek whispered to GM): ?
[GM]: I need an Orienteering Roll Valek
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,3 = [ 6 ]
[Valek]: <Yea I got that.>
[GM]: Nice. Valek has no trouble navigating to Pershing.
[GM]: The time is 12 noon
[GM]: Has anyone been watching the streets?
(GM whispered to Valek): You are flying over Pershing
[Jackdaw]: zzzz zzzzzz
[Tas]: Has been in the entrance to the Inn just waiting
[GM]: This is how the Inn is layed out....
[GM]: There is an entrance room; a commons room with nice comfortable chairs; a small dinning room; and then the rooms that you payed for.
Tas sits in the commons room
[Valek]: **A giant bone white monolith, somewht resembeling a solid metal iron covered with spining blade atop it like some silly childs toy moves through the air with realative ease and high speed, a constant 'vrrrr' sound acompanies the heavy wind as it sets down just outside the city
[GM]: The Inn is a one-storying building and the rooms are below 2-levels.
[Valek]: <I'm not sure how much attention that would attract.>
(GM whispered to Valek): ((did you make me GM?))
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,5 = [ 12 ]
[GM]: Give me a vision roll Valek
[GM]: Tas notices a figure, two, or three walking the street from time to time. They are always walking and wearing hooded garments.
[GM]: Most of them appear to be of Human Size.
[GM]: Waiting for that Roll Valek
Tas watchs more closely and tries to make out the hooded figures
[GM]: Peshida continues to talk to Anne. He asks her to repeat many details. He asks questions like ... "How was she dressed?" "Did her eyes look different?" ....
[GM]: Give me a vision roll Tas.
(GM whispered to Valek): Are you there?
DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=3,6,6 = [ 0 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): I made you GM.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,3,1 = [ 6 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): another critical.
[GM]: You look closely, but can not make out any details. You do think that one or two of them look Human.
(Valek whispered to GM): the dice like Valek today.
(GM whispered to Valek): As you land, you see no one around that might have seen.
(Valek whispered to GM): sorry was using the washrroom
[GM]: Jamison comes up from his room and approaches Peshida and Anne.
[GM]: Jamison "Peshida, are all of these questions necessary? Anne might need her rest before tonight."
(Valek whispered to GM): "So Cara, you want to come and meet my firends?"
[GM]: Peshida, "I am sorry, but this could be very important." he nods and gets up, "I am going to my room." he leaves.
(GM whispered to Valek): she smiles nonchalantley, "Why sure!"
[GM]: It is around 1pm when two very out-of-place characters find themselves walking in a city that appears to be mostly deserted.
(Valek whispered to GM): <If Valek is pretty sure the ship will be safe he just leaves it, otherwise he gets it to fly once he gets off.>
[GM]: Cara "This place gives me a very strange feeling. Are you sure that your friends are here, brother?"
[Valek]: "Quite sure dear, but give me a moment and I'll locate them."
[Valek]: <Unfortuantly the whole conversasion is taking place in fell, making it incomprihensabal.>
(GM whispered to Valek): Safe? Hmm..... this is a swamp. For all you know, something could crawl out of it ... would it be a target to a wild creature? Could they do any damage to it?
(Valek whispered to GM): seeker- Jamison.
[GM]: ((not that anyone is around to hear it anyway !!))
[GM]: Jamison leads Anne down to her room.
(Valek whispered to GM): I think the zombification would make it rather unapatizing to wild animals.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,5 = [ 13 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): made seeker by 7
[GM]: This leaves Tass upstairs alone. ((unless Syrn is there too.))
[Tas]: I'm not upstairs I am in the commons room
(Valek whispered to GM): also zombified bone is tougher then normal bone, and would give most bone eating creatures a run for there money- Valek is more concerned about an inteligent element.
(GM whispered to Valek): Valek gets a tug in a certain direction, but unfortanetly it is through a clump of buildings.
[GM]: The Commons Room is on ground level. Everything else is below it.
[Jackdaw]: zzzzz zzz zzzzz
[Tas]: (ahhh i see)
(GM whispered to Valek): It will take you 3 will rolls to navigate through the city without losing the spell.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,6 = [ 15 ]
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,2,6 = [ 14 ]
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=5,2,1 = [ 8 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): made all 3.
[GM]: Valek manages to find the Inn. In fact, it is the only building that he has seen that has its shutters open.
Valek holds out his hand, the drastic dichotomy between his size and her's you'd almost think that he was her son. "I have a beed on him, follow me."
[GM]: It actually has a freindly look to it.
[GM]: Pershing consists of hundreds of closely built wooden buildings that are constructed on a slightly smaller scale than that of a Human. They all appear to have been built at least a hundred years ago and all are of the same 'antique' style. Every window has shutters and most doors appear sturdy. Buildings are one-story structures no higher than 10 feet, but a few two-story buildings do exist.
Valek goes inside <Human> "Excuse me sir- I'm looking for my firends <gives descriptions.>"
[GM]: The House of the White Bear is noticably taller that the other buildings around it.
[GM]: Tas, you see Valek enter the Inn.
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: Human behind the counter. "Greetings good sir, I am Trassman at your assistance."
Tas raises an eyebrow and looks towards Valek "Sir Valek so you return from your stroll"
[Valek]: "Greetings to you, if you have seen my friends and could point- nevermind."
[Valek]: "Greetings and goodwill Tas, how did your trip treat you?"
[GM]: Human "I have rooms rented, but you must understand, privacy in this town is important. I can not .... " he looks to Tas
[GM]: ((Greetings Jamison)0
[ Jamison left the game ]
[Valek]: "It's all well and good sir- I shall assure the rest that they are in good hands staying here and encourage them to remain."
[Tas]: "It was manageable, not a very pleasant town"
[Jackdaw]: <<him shy?>>
Valek bows to the inkeeper and walks over to Tas "It seemed fine to me- Goblins don't like the light much- there eyes aren't as adaptabal as other subteraining species, and it hurts there eyes."
[GM]: Two main streets define the layout of the city: The Avenue of the Sword (Part of the Old Mages Web - Running SW to NE), and The Avenue of the Staff (Running SE to NW). These two streets are large enough to accomadate a train of wagons. Beyond these, small alleys lead to remote parts of the city.
Valek looks to Cara concerned <fell> "How are you holding up by the way?"
[Valek]: **Cara stands VERY tall at 2.1 meters (7.25 feet), she is not very broad though, no more then the human male average, her soft elflike features make the whole ammount of her size very pleasing to the eye- but if she catches you staring she gives you a strange half frightened and terrified and half 'if looks could kill' stare for a few moments before looking for somwhere to hide, usually this means standing behind Valek, which dosen't acomplish much in blocking or averting anyone's eyes, but dose seem to make her feal more secure. She wears simple dresses of light fabric that complement her form beautifully. She is usually adorned with 4-12 peices of jewlery varying drastically in style form and value, however all are very nice peices and complement her perfectly, each bears evidence of being lovingly maintained. It is quite obvious by this time that they are not actually related, though they seem to share a mutual love and trust, much like a close brother and sister.
[GM]: Trassman looks to Tas, "Shall I 'ring' you companions in their room sir and let them know that they have a visitor?"
[Tas]: "Please do just let sir Jackdaw to sleep he looked quite tired upon our arival"
[GM]: Trassman nods and goes into a small room behind the counter.
[GM]: Within a few minutes Jamison is at the top of the stairs, "What is that ringing in my room?"
[GM]: Trassman, "You have a visitor sir"
[Valek]: <Is Jamison trying to reconnect, do you know?>
[GM]: Jamison goes over to Valek and greets him, "Ahh... you have arrived!"
[GM]: ((I will check for him on ICQ))
Valek bows "Yes, I would have been here sooner, but Cara saw some interesting carnivorous plants and we stopped to look at them."
[GM]: ((He is not on ICQ))
[GM]: Jamison fills Valek in on what has happened so far in Pershing.
[Jackdaw]: << they just wanted to keeped my away from her! wahhhh>>
[Valek]: <hehe- would you blame Valek?>
[GM]: Jamison "So you see ... we wait here until this Goblin returns to guide us to the Tavern of Mist."
[ Jamison joined the game ]
[GM]: Cara is having trouble with the height of the ceiling. She keeps bumping her head and seems a little uncomforable.
[Valek]: <I'll repost for jamison so as not to swamp you with the description again.>
[GM]: Tas give me an IQ roll please.
[GM]: ((Jamison are you stable?))
DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,1,6 = [ 7 ]
(GM whispered to Tas): Cara is a Bale. You have heard nothing good about the race. They are supposed to be a purely evil race of necromancers who trust no one.
[Jamison]: There have been many people who have asked that same question, over the years.
[GM]: Jamison give me an IQ roll
Tas looks away from Valek and his companion Cara and begins to speak to his 2 companions
[Valek]: <They are all buried in your basment now.>
[Jamison]: yep
DICE for Jamison: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,1 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: ((nice!))
[GM]: ((You guys are hot tonight!!))
(GM whispered to Jamison): Cara is a Bale. You have heard nothing good about the race. They are supposed to be a purely evil race of necromancers who trust no one.
[Jamison]: Right next to the hole I have for my electrical contractor... If I can ever catch him.....
(GM whispered to Jamison): Peshida was questioning Anne about her encounter with Lydia and Jamison finally intervened and asked him to leave her alone.
(Jamison whispered to GM): Wasn't Valek a Bale, also?
[Valek]: "So Jamison, Tas tells me you hired a local as a guide?"
[GM]: Upstairs there is only Jamison, Tas, Valek, Cara ... and Trassman.
(GM whispered to Jamison): He is Fell .... and you might think that similar to a Bale.
[Jamison]: Well, sort of.. I seemed to have stumbled on to him... actually, JD found him
[Valek]: "Probabally a good idea- I'm eager to meet him."
[Jamison]: OOC: Is JD, here?
[GM]: Trassman goes over and speaks quietly with Jamison
[Valek]: "So do we have a plan yet for how were going to procede?"
[GM]: ((JD is sleeping))
(GM whispered to Jamison): Trassman "What time shall I order dinner, sir?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): Ok.. I'm missing something.. who's Trassman?
[Jackdaw]: zzz zzz zzz
(Jamison whispered to GM): What was the name of the guide we hired and what time will he be here?
[GM]: ((By the way .... the rooms cost $20 each and you were told that includes 2 meals/day. I assumed that you took 4 rooms for the party. Trassman is the Innkeeper.))
[Jackdaw]: << stunningly witty dialogue from me tonight don'tcha think?>>
[GM]: ((The guide is Grimely, he is to return at first dark))
[Jamison]: Let's have dinner at 5....
Jamison looks around to see if the others concur..
[Valek]: "Very well."
[Valek]: "I sugest we eat on my ship- to christen it."
[GM]: ((And Jamison gave Jackdaw coin for one of his Gryphon notes, right?))
[GM]: Trassman nods and goes to that room behind the counter again.
[Jamison]: yes he did
[Valek]: "I'm quite proud of my work- or mostly; that it works."
[Jamison]: Valek.. we've paid for the meals with the room.... Trassman, Can we get those meals to go?
Valek continually stops to speak in fell to Cara, going over whats happening in the conversasion.
[GM]: Trassman when he returns, "If that is what you wish, sir"
[Jamison]: Please...my good sit.??
[GM]: Trassman, "Shall I have them ready at 5pm then?"
[Jamison]: sir
[Jamison]: Please... we will pick them up on the way out.
[GM]: ((Shall we fastforward to 5pm?))
[Jamison]: k
[Valek]: <Jamison can I please ask you to use "" around conversasion I get confused otherwise.>
[Jamison]: sure
[Jamison]: "err, ""sure""'
[GM]: So I will assume that everyone 'freshens up', taking a bath, etc. and is ready to go at 5pm.
[GM]: Unfortanely, Grimely is not here at that time.
[Jamison]: "Is everyone ready to see Valeks new ship?"
[GM]: It is 5pm. Everyone is awake and dressed.
[Jamison]: OOC: how much time til sundown?
[GM]: In Methor, the Sun sits around 6:30-7:00 in the Summer. This is farther north though.
[Jackdaw]: brb
[GM]: If that even makes a difference in this world.
[Jamison]: "Valek? Is your ship very far? We need to be back by dark..."
[Valek]: <depends if your world if flat, if it's a sphere being further north would have an effect.>
[Tas]: "I could perhapse get us there sooner if you would all like?"
[Valek]: "It's a 15 minute walk, nothing strenuous, I'd teleport you all there, but I don't have the strength."
[GM]: ((I will leave that to your imagination, Valek.))
[GM]: Valek leads the party to his ship?
[Valek]: <Yes he dose.>
[Jamison]: "Let's enjoy the walk, eat a meal and then return for our meeting with the guide..."
[GM]: You go out of the city on the Avenue of the Staff. This is not the way that you came in.
[Jamison]: "No need to use magic on such a short trip, Tas.... Save it for a real need..."
[GM]: This road pretty much fades to nothingness outside of the city, although a very faint path can be seen winding through the swamp.
[Jackdaw]: b
[Valek]: **The ship is.... odd, it looks like an inverted sailing ship but it's entere sturcutre is smooth and seemless, white like ivory, the top <bottom> of the ship has hundreds of metal rods which end in airscrews which have thin trasparant material stretches across them, there is only one visibal enterance to the insides of the ship, and a stearing weel on the deck.
[Jamison]: "Valek, Did you have anytrouble coming to town?"
[GM]: You notice a little more traffic on the streets as you exit the city. But everyone still seems to be hiding their faces.
[Valek]: "None at all."
Valek looks at Cara <Fell> "Hows the sun effecting your eyes- if it hurts tell me, I'll prepare a poultrice later."
[GM]: Cara "I'm ... I'm okay. Do not worry about me, I will let you know if it hurts."
[Jamison]: "This is a real sight, Valek. How does it move?"
[Valek]: "The airscrews push the air around them when they rotate."
Valek opens the door and invites everyone in.
[GM]: Drei'Partha inspects the ship closely
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Last post I got was Valek inviting everyone in. Please repost after that.))
Jamison enters the ship
[Valek]: **The main room has been built with a 2.5m cealing, which makes Valek look tiny, but allows Cara to stand without hitting her head.
[GM]: Peshida who is usually quite. "Master Valek, can you control the ship from a distance?"
[GM]: ((quite=quiet))
[Valek]: "I can, but not too great a distance."
[GM]: Peshida sighs, "That is too bad."
[GM]: Peshida, "Would it be difficult for someone else to control it?"
[GM]: Anne enters the ship with Jamison
[Valek]: "The ship will only respond to commands given in goblin, and apportation is required to use the gearing, but otherwise anyone could fly it."
[GM]: Soon everyone is inside. I will not speak for Tas, though.
Jackdaw looks around with rabid curriosity
[Jamison]: " A fantastic sight, ehh Anne?"
[GM]: Drei'Partha continues to inspect the ship.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,3 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Drei touches the ship and steps back in almost horror. "This material is bone!"
Jamison looks up
Tas stands outside the ship reluctant to enter
[Valek]: "Yes, it's both lightweight and study."
[Jamison]: "Bone??"
[Valek]: <sturdy>
[GM]: Anne "It is a wonderous sight indeed! Who constructed it! (she looks at Drei) Bone, did you say?"
[Valek]: "I constructed it- thoughg Cara lent her help, which was quite a bit."
[Jamison]: "Where did the bone come from?"
[GM]: Drei "And the bone that it is made of was once conscious.! Valek, where did this ship come from!"
[GM]: Drei "It has the mark of the unsactified about it!"
[Jackdaw]: "how make ship dance in air?"
[GM]: Drei "Excuse me" he exits the ship
[Jackdaw]: "Pip, anynonbodies there?"
[Valek]: "I got most of the bones from a large elephant graveyard."
Jackdaw listens
Jamison looks at JD.."JD, do you remember the voices in the catacombs?"
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=5,2,3 = [ 5 ]
[Jackdaw]: "shh my listened"
[Jackdaw]: "my see'd if anybodies stucked"
[ Rubix joined the game ]
Valek goes down the stairs and comes up with a few stone bottels and a large bowl filled with what appear to be beans "Eat and drink, it's food from my people."
[GM]: ((Again, please repost anything that needs to be in the official Chat Log))
[GM]: ((And btw, anyone having Lag problem besides me?))
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "Pip, anynonbodies there?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): /he listens
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "shh my listened"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "my see'd if anybodies stucked"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): die roll a 5 made hearing by 10
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Squawk can hear Squawk
[Jamison]: ((Not I))
[Valek]: <Well I'm obviously not.>
[Jackdaw]: <<nopoe>>
(GM whispered to Valek): What bones make up the ship?
(Valek whispered to GM): animal bones.
(Valek whispered to GM): big ones.
[GM]: ((Hmm..... ))
(GM whispered to Valek): There are no elephants near Valek's home city.
(Valek whispered to GM): some equivalant creature?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw is trying to find out if there are any trapped ghostsm here
(Valek whispered to GM): he would prefer animal bones to humanoid ones for the hull- simply because there more plentifal and stronger.
(GM whispered to Valek): The only creatures buried in 'bulk' would have been sapient races. Would Valek have not used these bones? Even if it meant that he would have to wait to complete his ship?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Jackdaw finds no trapped souls, but there is still something there.... a whispering
(Valek whispered to GM): it's a matter of functionality, animal bones a stronger the sentient ones because the medical techology to repair them dosen't exist.
[Tas]: ((hello?????????????))
[GM]: ((Tas speaks!!))
(Valek whispered to GM): Valek would have weighed the two against each other and chosen what he thought was the best option of saving time/making the best ship possible.
[Jamison]: ((Is JD still listening?))
[Tas]: ((hey be nice I've been waiting for you guys to talk))
[GM]: Drei'Partha re-inters the ship
[GM]: ((Maybe someone else is having lag problems too.))
[GM]: ((The game has been going on, Tas. I have even whispered a few things to you over the past hour))
[GM]: ((You did not respond, though))
[Tas]: ((last one I got was about cara))
[Valek]: "Well not quite elephant, it's actually a creature we call the 'kren-del' it's a large reptillian biped- it's been seen using clubs on ocassion, but is otherwise nothing more then an animal, there bones are particularly dence and resiliant."
[GM]: Drei to Valek, "This is very important, master Valek. Where did you get these bones?"
[GM]: Drei "Did you use any horse bones?"
Jamison looks at Anne.."Do you know anything about these 'kren-del'?"
[Valek]: "I don't belive so."
[GM]: Anne "I am afraid that I have never heard of them." she shakes her head.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=5,2,3 = [ 3 ]
Valek looks to Cara <fell> "Did we get any horse for ship hull?"
[GM]: Drei sighs, "Did you take these bones from a graveyard of such?"
[Jamison]: "JD, do you sense anything?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my heared of thems?
[GM]: Cara in Fell "I remember no such bones"
[Valek]: "No horse."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): No. Perhaps it is known to you by another name.
[GM]: Drei sighs, "Did you take these bones from a graveyard of such?"
Valek blinks a few times at the word 'graveyard' "I'm afaraid I'm not entierly familiar with the term in the repect your using it."
[GM]: Drei looks to Anne, "Do you sense what I do?"
[GM]: Drei back to Valek, "An area used to bury the bones of only one race or creature"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): any lost or trapped spirits that either Pip or I can sense?
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Not spirits, per say ... but that damned whispering.
(Tas whispered to GM): did you get a chance to review the staff to see if I need to edit it
Valek tilts his head "Why would people bury bones?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): he'll listen INTENTLY for the whispering and try to understand it
Valek quickly recounts to Cara <Fell> "Do you know what he's talking about?"
(GM whispered to Tas): It does seem a little powerful. It might have to be toned down.
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=2,2,4 = [ 7 ]
(Tas whispered to GM): i'll hack off the continual light part and bring down the magic healing to 1 minor cure per day
[GM]: Drei "Primitive cultures have been know to bury their dead. Humans did so until the necromancers desecrated their burial grounds. This is why today all civilized races burn the bones of their dead."
(Tas whispered to GM): or if you want i'll make it flat out dragon summon and control
(GM whispered to Tas): Dragons are not very common to this world. I will have to find out the cost of what such a staff would be.
[Valek]: "They buried there dead- weren't they afaraid of the explosions?"
[GM]: Thor rubs his head, "Explosions?" he looks to Jamison
Jamison shakes his head in wonder...
[GM]: Anne who has been meditating, "Yes, Drei I think I sense what you are refering to"
(Tas whispered to GM): if it cost way too much (i hope it doesn't) then i'll draw up a defferent idea
[GM]: Drei nods to Anne and then speaks to Valek, "You see ...."
Valek talks slowly "You leave a corpse for 3 hours unraised and it becomes unstable, with the force of more then 40 fireballs- surely you've observed the effect?"
(GM whispered to Tas): I will let you know something. I have to look up the costs
[GM]: Anne "Actually, the only dead that I have been around are those in the catacombs ... and they have been there for nearly 1 thousand years!"
(Tas whispered to GM): does the spell even exhist as far as i knew it didn't
Valek seems suprised by that fact "Really?"
Jamison listens on in shock.. never having heard of this before..... He then thinks of the catacombs and all the buried that lie within...
[Jackdaw]: "my not knowed of daed things blowinged up"
[GM]: Drei continues, "Some of these bones ... if not all of them ... were taken from a sanctified place. Apparently this race that you speak of .... the reptialian bipeds ... are an intelligent race, however primitive they may be."
[Jackdaw]: "but bones maked link to spirit and nasty ones used that for bad "
[GM]: Thor "If that were true, then Shevandale would be in great danger. If it were even still there."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): anything on the whispers?
[GM]: Anne nods, "It was a sacred place"
Jamison reminds the party that they will have to return to town before sundown...
[GM]: It is about 15 minutes to sundown now.
Tas mulls around on the outside of the ship and after loosing intrest in the device heads back into town towards the inn
[Valek]: "That is odd, and completely counter to my experence."
[GM]: Drei "Those sensitive to such forces can see it. There is the mark of the unsanctified here. You have done a great wrong to the protective spirits of this race and you might have to pay the price, master Valek"
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[GM]: ((Last post I got was Drei's statement))
[Valek]: "But it is unsafe to leave bones unraised, they become unstable- it is the duty of the Fell to make sure that the flow is retored to them before they become a danger to everyone."
[Valek]: <That last was Jamison agreeing and heading back to town.>
[Jamison]: "I agree, Thor... let us get going and any who wish to join us, may"
Jamison begins to head for town
[GM]: Anne "Bones should be burned in a sacred ceremony. That is the only way that the soul can be set free."
[GM]: Anne "I am right behind you Jamison"
[Jamison]: Tas...Thor?
[Jamison]: JD?
[GM]: Tas is a little ahead of the others, but everyone else follows Jamison?
[GM]: I think Tas left about 5 minutes ago, heading for the city.
[Jackdaw]: "my heared whisperings but my not understand what they say"
Valek follows, but is full of questions "How do you determine the exiting of the soul, why don't your bones explode, what about your mages, you don't raise the dead?, how do you work your feilds then?"
[Tas]: ((went before they did hoping to look for something when I get back))
[Valek]: <and so on and so forth.>
[GM]: Drei tells Jackdaw "Those are not ghosts, as you know it. Those are the whispers of the protective spirits of their race."
[Jackdaw]: "ah can my talked to thems?"
[ dglass left the game ]
[GM]: Tas, what are you looking for?
[Jackdaw]: "Pip can you talked to thems?"
[Tas]: ((a human shop perhapse))
[GM]: Drei "If you approach them with the proper respect. It may be that you have to offer them a sacrifice, or whatever. They appear to be very primitive."
(Valek whispered to GM): If there are ancestor spirits, Valek may really be in for it- he would have destroyed the remainder of the bones, or instructed his people of the location <It's bad luck to leave bones be in the fell view of things>
[GM]: Tas finds no Human shops, but there are a few near the House of the White Bear that appear to be opening now. And there are Human Customers in some of them.
[Jackdaw]: ooc my primitive too
DICE for Jackdaw: (16-3d6) : 3d6=1,5,3 = [ 7 ]
[Valek]: "How do you determine the fate of the soul once it exits the body- we've done a process we call 'marking' and tracked the exit of the fell soul- there seems to be no difference in it's travel based on the state of the body."
[GM]: Drei nods and smiles
[Jackdaw]: consulting Occultism (sp Spiritualism) for appropriate sacrifices
Tas enters the shops looking from one to the other asking each owner "Do you sir perhapse have some parchment and ink"
[Jackdaw]: btw Jackdaw is still in the ship. or at least by it
[GM]: Drei to Valek, "No offense, but the Fell are not an enlightened race. That would mean that there might be no place for the soul to go."
[GM]: ((What was the roll for Jackdaw?))
[Jackdaw]: consulting Occultism (sp Spiritualism) for appropriate sacrifices
[GM]: A Goblin behind the counter of one shop speaks to Tas in very good Human. "Yes, sir. Parchment and Ink ... how much?"
[Jackdaw]: btw I know what JD wants to be whan he grows up
[GM]: Goblin "A dozen sheets? and a half pint of ink? What color?"
[Tas]: ((i don't have the merchant skill so what would i roll to guess the apropriate price))
[GM]: ((Default merchant roll))
[GM]: *((IQ-5))
DICE for Tas: (10-3d6) : 3d6=6,4,3 = [ -3 ]
[GM]: ((Failed by 8 ??))
[Tas]: (no i have iq 15 so by 3)
Valek twitches his ears at the 'not an enlightened race' statment, but says nothing- simply furrowing his brow "Very well, do the kren-del qualify for your definition of enlightened, or would they be the same as my people?"
Tas smiles at the Goblin merchant "I would take 30 sheets of fine parchment if I may and a half pint of Black ink"
[GM]: Goblin offers Tas Parchment for 2 shillings a sheet and a half pint of ink for 5 crowns. It seems a little pricey, but costs not that much regardless.
[GM]: Goblin puts it on the counter and adds it up. That would be $17 sir.
Tas sets down $20 and asks "do you have a leather case perhapse to protect them on travels?"
[GM]: Drei "A race doesn't have to be enlightened to have protective spirits. And who knows what becomes of their souls after death."
[GM]: Goblin smiles at Tas, "You and I speak a common language, Sir... that of gold."
[Tas]: "If it is the language you speak then if I speak loud enough could you help me with other things pehapse?"
[GM]: Goblin leaves and returns with a leather case. "I will throw this in for the extra 3 crowns in that Soveriegn there."
[ Rubix joined the game ]
[Valek]: "Well we have tracked them to any of three alternate planes, but were still working on spells to scry them properly."
[Valek]: <And Tas accepted the whole lot for $20>
[GM]: ((Please repost everything after : Goblin leaves and returns with a leather case. "I will throw this in for the extra 3 crowns in that Soveriegn there."))
[Jackdaw]: <<follow the bouncing GM>>
[GM]: ((If not already done so))
[Jackdaw]: <<boingy boingy boingy>>
[GM]: Goblin takes the gold coin, "and what else might you need help with?"
[GM]: The leather case doesn't seem too fancy, but worth at least $5. And it holds the parchment and ink nicely.
[GM]: Everyone makes it back to town. Jackdaw is missing, btw.
[Valek]: "We've had some results in summoning them back, but the souls seem unable to answer questions about what lies on the other side- they have however indicated that nothing done to the body effects them, it's been an important discovery in the history of my people."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Some primitive races require blood sacrifices. If some blood were smeared upon the ship, then it might provide a link with these spirits that you could utilize with your skill.
Jamison and the rest of the party head to thier rendevous point.. and begin to look for Grimley
[GM]: You reach the House of the White Bear just minutes before sunset.
[GM]: And at sunset, Grimely arrives.
[GM]: Grimely walks up and looks at the party. He smiles at Jamison. "Human staff master?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Jackdaw takes out his knife and slits his palm placing it against the side of the ship
[Jamison]: Grimely... How fare you?
Tas packs the things and speaks again "Do you happen to know where I may find a local mage or healer someone who knows the divine arts"
[GM]: Grimely looks around, "Where is Hoofedfoot that me make deal with?"
[Valek]: "But if what you say is true then I may have distrubed some ward, or specteral undead- in which case I really should deal with it before they become unruley- thank you for the information <gives Drei's full name>" **Bows.
[GM]: Goblin "Divine? You mean a priest?"
[GM]: Goblin appears a little nervous.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): have Medium now maybe we find out if JD Channels too
Valek smiles at the goblin <Goblin> "He will be reutrning soon, he was admiring my ship- greetings to you cousin!"
[Jamison]: "JD has been detained... he will be here soon
[GM]: Drei bows back to Valek.
[Tas]: "more arcane in nature good sir the divines give me the chills as well"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Give me an IQ roll
(To GM) DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=2,1,6 = [ 4 ]
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ah these latent advantages to spend points on
[GM]: Goblin sighs, "Then you will have no problem finding such a person. Do you seek a mage that is of the Guild? or one that is ..... (he whispers) no of the guild?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): I like it that they develope out of the story line it makes JD much more organic and deeper
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The whispers become clearer and clearer and then you hear them... it is an odd clicking tounge, but you seem to know what it means deep in your soul.
(Tas whispered to GM): drops 5 gold on the counter "Of no guild" he whispers
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): that good
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): "what you need to helped?"
[GM]: ((5 gold = $100 ... do you mean 5 gold or 5 silver=$5 ??))
[ «!Jack» joined the game ]
(Tas whispered to GM): 5 silver
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It does not respond to your speaking. But continues to say over and over the same thing.
[GM]: Goblin takes the silver and scribbles something on a piece of parchment. "Toward the end of this street you will find a shop with a sign of a dragon. Give this note to the man behind the counter."
(Tas whispered to GM): "thank you sir and may your business prosper" leaves the shop
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It says. "That which was sacred has been defiled. A price must be paid."
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): It says not more than that, but says it over and over.
[GM]: Goblin smiles and nods as Tas leaves.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): my head back to telled Valek
(Tas whispered to GM): going down the street looking for the shop with the dragon sign
[Valek]: <Goblin> "So you have volunteered to the guid for my friends while you are here?"
[GM]: Grimely looks nevous, "We wait for hooffoot? how much longer?"
[Valek]: <you = they.>
[Valek]: <guid = guide>
[Jamison]: "We wait for 5 minutes and then we go.. with or without him.."
[Valek]: <What else could I have spelt wrong in one sentence>
[GM]: Tas finds the shop in about 10 minutes. Now that the sun has set, the streets are growing very crowded. Most of the people in the streets are Goblins. And most of them do not wear hoods. You see an occasional Human now without his face covered.
[GM]: And 7 minutes later, Jamison must make a decision
(Tas whispered to GM): enters the shop and seaks the propriator
[GM]: ((Hey it is jack/Thor!!!))
Valek scratches his head "Do you know roughly how much Jackdaw weighs?"
(Jamison whispered to GM): What was the name of that Inn again?
(GM whispered to Tas): Behind the counter is a Goblin.
(GM whispered to Jamison): Tavern of Mist
[«Jack»]: ((Yes I am here for once.. hoped to be here on time but Spring Cleaning..))
[GM]: ((Jack .... Thor is here with Jamison if you want to assume character))
(Tas whispered to GM): :steps up on the counter "I was informed I could speak to someone here" slides the note to the goblin
[GM]: ((The party is in Pershing which is not too Human friendly. They have hired a guild which will lead them to the Tavern of Mist.))
[Jamison]: O"Ok.. enough is enough... let's get going... We need to find the Tavern of Mist"
[Valek]: "Jamison, if Jackdaw is light enough I can teleport to him and bring him back in less then 3 minutes."
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin takes the note and says nothing. He goes to look out the window and then closes the shutters. He shuts the door and then goes to open a door to the backroom. He bids you enter with him.
[Jamison]: "I don't think JD would care for that too much....You never know what he's up too.."
[Valek]: "So be it."
[GM]: And Just as Jamison and Valek says that ... Jackdaw arrives panting.
(Tas whispered to GM): :follows hesitantly eyeing everywhere I go
[Jackdaw]: <<JD would HATE it and might react>>
(GM whispered to Tas): In the back room, the Goblin sits at a table and asks you "What is it that you seek?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): In the back room, the Goblin sits at a table and asks you "What is it that you seek?"
[Jamison]: "It's about time...JD. What kept you?"
[Jackdaw]: "my sorry my late,, Valek you haved to fixed your thingy and make better"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): Opps ... disregard that.
«Jack» glances around "Ahh JD there you are.. now should we get going?"
(Tas whispered to GM): "acesss to scrolls or perhapse a spell book I do not have time to bid a master I must teach myself, I will pay for what I find to be worth while"
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin, "Please relax. (holding up his hands) I am not a fighter"
[Valek]: "I plan on it- I'll take care of it whenever you all retire."
Jackdaw 's hand is bleeding a bit around a cloth wrapped around it
[Jamison]: "Yes, Grimely... to the Tavern of Mist.."
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin nods. "I can supply scrolls. What spells do you seek?"
[Valek]: "Jackdaw- let me see your hand."
Jackdaw shows it
[GM]: Grimely looks to Jackdaw "The gold?"
[Valek]: "Blood sacrifice? Can I heal it?"
[Jackdaw]: "not my thinked, better to heal by nature"
(Tas whispered to GM): :smiles "May I see what you hold I do not know exactly what I seek yet" "and i do not fear what you can weild in your hands but more in your mind"
[Valek]: "Are you sure, it's a small wound, I could seal it in an instant."
[Jackdaw]: to Grimley "my haveded" as he gets out the promised gold and bracelet
[Jackdaw]: to Valek "so could my, but better this way, more fitting for a sacrifice"
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin, "What I deal in is not ... clarifiable. ... I can obtain the scrolls that you want, without the guild tax. Can you tell me of which college you might be seeking the spells from?"
[Jackdaw]: "better wrapping might be nice..."
[GM]: Grimely reaches for the gold and bracelet.
(Valek whispered to GM): create object and chi healing- making a bracelet/ring/poultriace for the wound.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,4 = [ 13 ]
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,3,5 = [ 11 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): both made by more then 5.
[GM]: ((How much do you give him, Jackdaw?))
[Jackdaw]: ((what I have in Gold))
[GM]: The bracelet/pultrace appears on Jackdaws hand and his hand begins to tingle with warmth.
[Jamison]: "JD.....How much of the gold did you give to Grimely?"
[GM]: ((I think Jamison changed a Gryphon note = $100 for you))
(Tas whispered to GM): "I would seek a book perhapse of spells from enchantment college and from the elemental colleges" "any you may find may come in help and by chance could you obtain items as well?"
[Valek]: "That will focuse your natural energy to ensure good healing."
[Tas]: ((i ahd given jd 10 gold))
[Jackdaw]: ((I think that'd be 5 soverigns, whatever I giot from Jamison))
[GM]: ((Right and Tas contribulted $10 also))
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "I can acquire anything that the Guild of Magic has. A book of spells is costly, you know. Even without the tax. Perhaps you would prefer to buy scrolls?"
[Jackdaw]: ((then 15 soverigns))
[GM]: ((1.5 sovereign))
[Jackdaw]: ((sorry yes))
(Tas whispered to GM): "if you could come upon a book I could compensate you with a book and gold as well" "but if not there a few certain spells I would like"
[GM]: ((Tas did you give Jackaw $10 or $200 ??))
(Tas whispered to GM): ((10 gold peices))
(Tas whispered to GM): ((to use wisely I told him))
[GM]: ((That would be $200, then.))
(Tas whispered to GM): ((I will ask for any extra after))
[GM]: ((Jackdaw is loaded!!))
[Thor]: ((He's not the only one!))
(Tas whispered to GM): ((i just was making sure we aquired our guide))
[Valek]: <Valek has no money- but he's a comunist.>
[Tas]: ((commy pinko)) ((lol))
[Jackdaw]: <<JD doesn't really value money, he's a hippy peace dude>>
[Jackdaw]: << all JD wants is a lot of piece>>
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "Let's see, I believe that a book of spells of Enchantment, containing some 30 spells, would cost near $750. This does not contain the Wish spells of course. Such a book as that would cost over $1000))
[Tas]: ((my sir has money and uses it to further his travels all he wants to do is travel the world really))
[Jackdaw]: << and frollicing! >>
(Tas whispered to GM): ((silver or gold?)
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "An Elemental Book will run you between $300 and $400
[Valek]: <Fell> "Are you having fun so far Cara?"
(GM whispered to Tas): (( $ stands for a silver piece. Each gold is $20 .. so divide by 20 and you have it in gold. You started with $1000 (silver) right? or did you buy wealth?))
[Jackdaw]: (( so $300 in gold and the bracelet))
[GM]: Cara sighs "It is much better than being cooped up in the room back home))
[GM]: Grimely takes the gold and bracelet and looks long and hard at Jackaw.
[GM]: Grimely looks at Jamison and then Thor, "Youse guys rich or something?"
[Valek]: <Fell> "You seem depressed though, is something the matter?"
[Jamison]: "Hardly... Just our faun friend here is a little bad with money... what did he promise you for your help?"
[GM]: <Fell> "No, this day has been very exciting for me." She smiles.
[Jackdaw]: "it just money"
[Thor]: "Not really rich, but enough to get around on."
[Jackdaw]: "nice to haveded but not really important"
[Valek]: Goblin "Have they committed some sort of faux-pas cousin?"
[GM]: Grimely hands back Jackdaw $200. He keeps 5 sovereign and the bracelet. "This should do for now"
(Tas whispered to GM): ((have very wealthy)) ((i started with 1000 gold))
[GM]: Grimely "What do you require besides being led to the Tavern of Mist?"
Jackdaw gives back the balance to Tas "thanks but not needed it it seemed"
[Tas]: ((i'm not at the inn at the moment))
[Valek]: <Fell> "I am glad- apparantly were off to the Tavern of Mist, which is a very important part of the peice of prophecy I told you about."
Jamison looks to Anne...."What else do we need?"
Jackdaw asks hopefully "Lonely Ladiers?"
[GM]: Anne shruggs her shoulder, "I cannot think of a thing at the moment." she stops "Unless you can provide news from Methor"
Jackdaw asks hopefully "Lonely Ladies?"
Thor grins at JD
(Tas whispered to GM): man my guru ran out today and it keeps giving me this anoyying reminder can i just redownload it and not worry?
[GM]: Grimely "I know where you can get it. And i'll throw that in for free." he starts walking.
Jackdaw follows looking around
Thor follows along
Jamison follows..
(GM whispered to Tas): I think so. You might need to uninstall it and then reinstall. Just backup all your PCs first.
Valek follows the others, ocassionally glacing back to make sure his sister is allright.
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "You need a 5spellbooks then?"
(Tas whispered to GM): ((i have em all backedup)) ((what is the addy))
[Jamison]: OOC: how late will this run tonight?
(Tas whispered to GM): "I wish all the books sir if possible I will pay extra if I can recieve them expediantly"
[Jackdaw]: OOC might be a good time to end for tonight then the whole encounter could be handled next week
[Jackdaw]: and maybe we can get everyone here for it?
[Valek]: <But Jack just got here.>
[GM]: Grimely goes up the Avenue of the Sword and passes the intersected of it and the Avenue of the Staff. He continues across the city and then stops when you can see the NW gate.
[Jackdaw]: I'm already scheduled off
[Thor]: ((Sure, and I just got here.. I'm good for many hours to come if we want to keep going))
[Jackdaw]: <<true and I'm still good to go>>
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "One book of each college of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Enchantment. I can have them to you within 3 hours for the price of $2750"
[GM]: ((Not much longer Jamison))
[Valek]: <human> "Do you actually speak goblin Grimely?
[GM]: Grimely turns down a side alley and motions for you all to follow, <Goblin> "Of course i speak Goblin"
(Tas whispered to GM): :shows the gold "this will be yours when you bring me the books intact"
[Valek]: <I suddenly realized that grimely's never responding may have been for a reason>
[Valek]: <But alas no- he just dosen't like talking to valek.>
[GM]: The alley is hard to manuver through. You can walk side by side, but not in every spot, and sometimes you have to duck to avoid hitting a balcony, etc.
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "Where shall i meet you?"
[Valek]: <goblin> "I was beginning to wonder- what is your impression of my friends?"
(GM whispered to Valek): <Goblin> I think them perhaps fools with too much gold and not enough sense.
[GM]: Grimely speaks in goblin to Valek
(Tas whispered to GM): "I will return here in 3 hour or the morrow I do not know what is left of my business in this town but I shall return soon" lays down 10 gold "this is a down payment"
[GM]: You soon arrive at a large set of double doors.
(GM whispered to Valek): Goblin takes the gold, "I would prefer another place for the exchange. Do you care to name one?"
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin takes the gold, "I would prefer another place for the exchange. Do you care to name one?"
(GM whispered to Valek): Ignore that.... sorry
[GM]: Grimely "Within these doors lies the Tavern of Mist" he points
[Valek]: <goblin> "It is good that a kind upstanding person like youself found them and not a rouge- if you ever need a healing done, or the pact filled while I'm here come to me- I'll be glad to help."
[ Tas left the game ]
[GM]: Grimely speaks to Valek in Goblin
(GM whispered to Valek): Perhaps I shall take you up on that Sir Fell.
(Valek whispered to GM): <Goblin> "I hope you do- I'm sure you'll have no trouble locating me if the need arrives."
[Valek]: <Fell> "Well that's rather ominous isin't it Cara?"
Valek waits a few seconds then since no one else is opens the doors and enters.
[GM]: The party stands looking at a pair of large wooden doors, that seem out of place in this place of old wood, they are intricately carved doors of Blue Pine with brass handles. There is no sign on the doors or above it, and no indication of what this place might be. The time is around 7:30pm as we END SESSION