[Tue May 01 19:02:33 CDT 2001]
[GM]: Setting: The party, just having
spent the day inside an Inn called the House of the White Bear,
now comes face-to-face with their objective -- The Tavern of
Mist. They stand in front of set of doors that are intricately
carved out of Blue Pine and accented with brass handles. There is
no sign on the doors or above it, and no indication of what this
place might be. The time is around 7:30pm on this 10th of
Methorah in the year 1133 pendular as we BEGIN SESSION #75
[GM]: Travelling the back alleys of Pershing, you could not help
getting a cramped feeling as you nudged your way between the
buildings and ducked the low awnings and balconies. As you reach
the intersection in which Grimely stops, you find a sense of
'breathing room'.
[GM]: ...
[GM]: As Valek reaches for the brass handle, time seems to slow
greatly. Everyone in the party becomes aware of The Warrior,
Contesta, rising above the roofs of the buildings around you and
you feel a sensation of viewing yourself from all directions. As
your perspective rotates a full 360 degrees, you find yourselves
back in your body and all facing Valek's hand which at that
moment touches the handle.
[GM]: ((Contesta is one of the moons for anyone that might have
[Jackdaw]: "Pip? anythings unusual?"
[Jackdaw]: "you feeled weird just now?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): *Squawk* Feel fine *Squawk*
[GM]: Jamison shakes his head and looks at Jackdaw "Did you
feel strange just now?"
[Jackdaw]: "my did"
[Jackdaw]: "but Pip not"
[Valek]: "That was genuinly odd...."
[Jackdaw]: "or not say"
[GM]: Jamison grips his staff tightly and looks around him.
Jackdaw grips his sirinx
Valek pulls the door open regardless.
[GM]: The alleys are slightly crowded with the usual traffic. The
alleys have now just reached a darkness that seems almost
dangerous. You cant help but noticing glowing eyes all about you,
but those of Valek might reassure you that not all of them are
[GM]: The door comes open.
[GM]: Inside you find a lavishly decorated bar that seems to be
much bigger than the space of this place should allow. There are
hundreds of tables, most with occupants, and a blue glow that
illuminates every niche of this place. A long counter runs the
length of the wall that you seem to be facing as you enter this
place, and what appears to be a Half-Elf serving drinks from
behind it.
[GM]: ((A Map of the Surrounding Area))
[Valek]: "Interesting, a mage of significant power built
this location, I recognise some of the enchantments, but not
[GM]: You came north through a tight alley. There is a small
opening just outside the place you believe to be the Tavern of
[GM]: Jamison nods to Valek, "After you, oh great mage' he
[GM]: Jamison nods to Jackdaw, "Now, I have never seen YOU
hesitate in entering a pub before"
DICE for Valek: (I can't type...) :BAD DICE FORMAT = [ 0 ]
Jackdaw rushes in
Jackdaw looks around
Jackdaw smiles blissfully
Valek walks into the bar looking around interested, mentally
marking off the enchantments he dose notice and keeping his mage
vision sharp to see if he can actually see the weavings of magic,
or perhaps the hint of the scrywalls protecting them
[GM]: A few eyes look in Jackdaws direction, but everyone seems
to be in intent conversation.
Jackdaw goes to the half-elf and asks "my haveded
[GM]: The barkeep smiles as Jackdaw enters, nodding and raising a
(Tas whispered to GM): waits behind the bar waiting for the man
who would deliver his books
[Jackdaw]: " a 'cold one'? " he asks
(GM whispered to Tas): You wait behind the House of the White
Bear. Even here the streets seem a little crowded.
[GM]: Give me an IQ roll Jackdaw
[GM]: Give me an IQ roll Valek
DICE for Jackdaw: (13-3d6) : 3d6=3,3,1 = [ 6 ]
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He is no Half-Elf as first thought
[GM]: Barkeep "Greetings Good Faun and Well met. A cold one
do you say? I can provide what you wish, of course."
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,1,3 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Most of the tables are small and square and only hold a few
occupants. There is however one large round one near the center
of the room.
[Jackdaw]: "my likeded a 'cold one' then"
[Valek]: <made by 12>
(GM whispered to Valek): You cannot put your finger on the exact
enchantments on this place, although there appears to be a
Scryguard cast over the entire place. There is other magic here
that you have never seen.
[GM]: Barkeep draws one of the taps and says over his shoulder
and speaks to Jackdaw in a foreign tounge.
[Valek]: <Fell- to Cara> "It was a VERY power wizard
indeed- I can't even identify some of the magic here- you haveing
any luck?"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): ((What did we decide was you native
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Faye with elvish as a second
[GM]: <Fell - to Valek> "No, it is strange magics
indeed that have been cast on this place. And the enchantment has
been in effect for very long it seems"
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): <Faye> Tell you friends to not
fear. They are safe here.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): And it is at this moment that you
realise that the Barkeep is indeed a member of the Faye race.
There is that twinkle in his eye.
[GM]: Barkeep in Human "I am Zymon, here is your .... cold
Jackdaw turns to his friends and says "hims sayed we bee'd
safe here so let's frolic a bit"
[GM]: Zymon hands Jackdaw a frostly mug of Ale.
Jackdaw takes a deep draught
[Jackdaw]: "aaahhhhh"
[GM]: It is indeed frostly
[Jackdaw]: "much good!"
[Valek]: "Actually I just wanted to make sure the place
existed, I really should go and deal with that spirit before it
takes drastic measures and instructs my ship to attack it's
former fores...."
[Valek]: <elf> "We still have 8 days before the
prophecy comes about, so we have time to spare."
[Jackdaw]: "so nice to haveded cold drinks in summers and
hot ones ina wintertime"
[GM]: Zymon, "I am glad that you are pleased." and then
once more "Your friends should have a seat. Either at the
Bar or at a table."
[Valek]: <I remember Jackdaw did speak elf- and changing
language constantly is as good as coding in most situations>
[GM]: Jamison approaches the Bar and whispers to Jackdaw,
"We are here, now what should we do?"
[Jackdaw]: <elf> " Why the hurry? Relax for a bit and
enjoy the refreshments, then we'll see about dealing with the
spirits as necessity dictates"
[GM]: Jamison looks around, scanning the crowd
[Jackdaw]: to Jamison "frollic a bit then we helped valek
with problem"
[GM]: Jamison a little louder this time, "Everyone seems to
be of some importance here. Notice how nicely everyone is
[GM]: And indeed you all notice that everyone seems to be dressed
in fine robes, many of them silk.
Valek concides and sit's down.
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): Valek might begin to become a bit
confused, Jackdaw's speach is much better in Elvish and his
wording reflects both his intelligence and education
(GM whispered to Tas): You continue to wait. It shouldn't be much
longer now.
[GM]: Give me an IQ roll Valek
Jackdaw looks around
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=4,4,5 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: A vision roll Jackdaw
[Jackdaw]: "ok jamisin my changeded"
[Valek]: <made by 6>
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=4,5,6 = [ 0 ]
(Tas whispered to GM): :does a little magic while he waits and
cast "beast summon" (wyvern) **he is testing his
(GM whispered to Valek): Jackdaw comes across as more
'intellegent' when speaking Elvish. His choice of phrashing shows
an IQ that you might not have suspected before.
Jackdaw takes off his russack, pulls off his shirt, folds it
placing it into the russack and takes out a finely made and
embroidered silk shirt which he pulls on
[Jackdaw]: "bettered"
(Valek whispered to GM): Valek kinda assumed that all along- much
like when he guessed that the horse could speak....
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (16-3d6) : 3d6=1,3,2 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: Jackdaw notices one thing. The blatant lack of females in
this place.
[Jackdaw]: aaawwwwkkkkk!!!!!
Valek goes up the bartender "I don't supose you have
soymilk, if so I'd like a glass, also my sister would like
grimmead if you have it"
Jackdaw looks around more closely
DICE for Jackdaw: (15-3d6) : 3d6=4,2,6 = [ 3 ]
Jackdaw asks the bartended "no pretty ladies here?" in
a wistfull tone of voice
(GM whispered to Tas): You have the nagging feeling that this
might have been a bad idea.
[GM]: Zymon nods, "Of course we have the drinks that you
speak of" he turns to get the drinks
(Tas whispered to GM): lol goody
Valek nods, then remembers the issue of paying "Do you
accept raw gold- I'm afarid I don't have any local
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): you know JD has always been pretty
straight, but I had given some original thought to making him
flaming gay at the start, I didn't want to offend anyone tho
since we were all newly acquainted. It could have been fun.
(GM whispered to Tas): The Wyvern is 200 miles away. It will be
here in roughly 5 hours
[Valek]: <test?>
(Tas whispered to GM): laughs to himself and cancels the spell
[GM]: Zymon turns back and places upon the bar a glass of Soymilk
and a Glass of Grimmead and then says something in a foreign
[Jackdaw]: If Johnny has 7 apples and gives away 3 he'll have?
[Jackdaw]: a: 2 b: 3 c: 6
[Jackdaw]: this has been a test, this was only a test
[Tas]: (none of the above)
(GM whispered to Valek): (Perfect Fell) All currency and forms of
trade are acceptable here, good sir.
[GM]: Zymon smiles at Valek
[Jackdaw]: not an accecptable answer I'm afraid we'll have to
fail you
Valek blinks a few times and then fishes through his pouch to
remove an acceptibal ammount of gold.
(GM whispered to Tas): You feel the spell has been cancelled.
(GM whispered to Tas): By the way, did you get my email about the
Staff of the Dragon??
[GM]: Give me another IQ roll Valek
(Tas whispered to GM): yes it seemed fine to me
(GM whispered to Tas): You will get it in 8 days.
(Tas whispered to GM): 8 sessions owwy
(GM whispered to Tas): No, hopefully less than 8 sessions.
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,6,1 = [ 10 ]
[Valek]: <made by 9>
[GM]: Zymon is not a Half-Elf as first assumed.
[GM]: Jamison, Anne, Thor all have a seat at the table with
[Valek]: <Tall fell with a tan, Short bale with the same
[Valek]: <Flesh golem, simulcarium?>
[GM]: ((No, more of a pure race .... he is a member of the Faye
[Valek]: <ahh-soo.>
Valek dose the jawdrop now, but lifts his drink and goes to the
[GM]: ((I will tell you that there are as many varieties of Faye
as their are all the other races combined. He DOES seem to
resemble a Half-Elf, but he does have that sparkle in his eye and
aura of illusion around him that sets him off as distinctly
[GM]: Soon everyone is setting at the table?
Jackdaw joins them at the table, his spirits sagging a bit at the
lack of feminine patronage
[GM]: Jamison "So, we found the place. Now what do we do?
(looking around) and where did that Goblin of your get off to
[Valek]: "Well we have 8 days, now that we know where it is-
we know where to be, also I can post a pair of eyes at the
[GM]: Also note that no one in here seems to wear the hoods to
conceal their face as has been the norm in Pershing.
[GM]: Jamison to Valek "Do we all know how to find our way
back here, then?"
[GM]: Jamison takes a drink
[Valek]: "I could."
[GM]: Jamison "Ahhh... I haven't had mead this fine since I
was back in Kissel!"
[GM]: Thor "Aye, I second that!"
[Jackdaw]: "hims was askeded to helped we finded this place,
he helpeded"
Jackdaw thinks a bit
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): could he find his way back?
[GM]: A man approaches the table. He is dressed in a fine Black
Silk robe.
Valek slids the mead to Cara and slowly drinks his soymilk.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): He believes so
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): thanks
(GM whispered to Tas): A short person approaches you on the
street. He stops in front of you and removes his hood. This
person is much too short to be the Goblin from the shop.
[GM]: Man "Excuse me, may I join you?"
[GM]: The man is Human and seems to be in his late 40's
[Jackdaw]: "sure"
(Tas whispered to GM): looks him up and down then raises an
[Jackdaw]: "more is merrier they saayed"
(GM whispered to Tas): He is missing some hair, an eye, and most
of his teeth. He smiles at you very big and nods.
[GM]: The man takes a seat at your table.
[GM]: Man "I was told I could find you here."
[GM]: Jamison raises an eyebrow and almost chokes on his mead.
[Valek]: "We only just got here, who directed you?"
[GM]: The Man "Do you know .... (he hesitates) .... Veridon
(Tas whispered to GM): "may I help you sir?"
[GM]: Anne looks at Jamison
[Jackdaw]: "we keeped meetings hims so my thinked
(GM whispered to Tas): The little man speaks, "You,
Summoner, You Master of Dragons. Hehe"
Valek nods.
[GM]: The Man produces a torn parchment and begins reading it....
(Tas whispered to GM): looks the man closely "I am a
summoner yes sir but none master dragons"
[GM]: The Parchment reads: In the year of 1133 pendular and on
the 10th day of the Summer month of Methorah, 8 people shall
enter the Tavern of Mist and sit at the round table. The knight
Sir Jamison Johnson; Sister Anval Ironfist of the Methor Church
of Ral; Jackdaw the Mage Faun; Valek of the Fell City Crhik'sel;
Cara of the Darklands; The Mercenary Thor of Kissel; Pesh'Ida of
the Eternal Curse; Drei'Partha of Mancha.
[GM]: The man finishes the reading and drops the scroll on the
table. He seems a little nervous and looks around to see who
might have heard him.
[Jackdaw]: "that sounded like we"
[Valek]: "You seem to have us properly pinned."
(GM whispered to Tas): The Little Man "You, Chosen. You,
Master of Dragons. Yes" he laughs.
(Tas whispered to GM): walks past the little man and moves to the
other side of the alley
[GM]: The parchment is torn and in very old condition. It seems
to have been worn greatly by age.
[Valek]: "How long have you been waiting?"
(GM whispered to Tas): The little man continues down the street.
He looks back once or twice and smiles at you.
[Jackdaw]: "how long you haveded that" pointing at the
parchment "it looked older than my"
[GM]: The Man "Uh, 20 years ... perhaps more."
[Jackdaw]: "but my not borneded yet then"
[GM]: The Man "Veridon gave it to me in my youth. He said
that one day you would come and help me."
[Valek]: "A long time to wait for prophecy that may not have
been true."
[Valek]: "Well if you'll tell us your problem, I'm sure
we'll be glad to assist as we can."
[GM]: The Man points at the parchment, "But it IS true is it
not? There are 8 of you here, are you not who the scroll (he does
use that word) say that you are?"
(Tas whispered to GM): shakes his head and thinks how odd
(GM whispered to Tas): It is another hour of waiting before the
Goblin arrives. The streets seem a little darker than you would
prefer, but no one gives you any trouble.
(Tas whispered to GM): "welcome sir"
Valek looks at the man.
(Valek whispered to GM): he'll use mind reading- making sure of
his intent and determinig his problem.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (20-3d6) : 3d6=6,6,1 = [ 7 ]
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "Yous have the gold?" he
(GM whispered to Valek): Enchantments in this place interfer with
your spell and it does not work.
(Tas whispered to GM): "I do indeed sir but do you have what
i requested"
Jackdaw muses "this veridon knowed much, hims knowed where
my bee'd before my borned but my not knowed where my bee'd this
tiome tomorrow. strange"
Valek blinks a few times and scratches his head.
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "I do indeed" he looks
about and waves his hand
[Valek]: "The scroll is correct enough to have all our
[GM]: The Man "Then you will help me?"
[Valek]: "We don't even know what yoru problem is yet."
[Jackdaw]: "sure whatcha needed?"
[GM]: The Man sighs "My name is Dalor Krin. I am of the city
of Pantheon."
[GM]: ((Oddly enough, the same place that the Silver Zephyr
[ Deo joined the game ]
[GM]: Dalor "I have need of your services to aquire a
[Deodanth]: (lurking if nobody minds)
[GM]: Dalor "This Veridon said that you might be willing to
help me in this endevour. I have tried as I might to acquire it
myself, but with no luck. And now I grow too old to make another
(Tas whispered to GM): :looks to where the goblin signaled
[GM]: ((Welcome Lurker))
(GM whispered to Tas): In that direction a large body emerges
from the darkness
[Valek]: "Allright are you allright to speak here or would
you rather go somwhere else to speak of this?"
[Jackdaw]: "you needed a sparklie? which kind?"
(Tas whispered to GM): :prepares a spell on his tongue incase
this would be a trap
[GM]: Dalor "This place is the only place that I dare
(GM whispered to Tas): The large brutish figure emerges carrying
a box. He holds it forward toward the Goblin.
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "Here is what you requested.
Now ....the gold?"
[Valek]: "Allright- so what is so special about this gem
that you seek?"
[GM]: Dalor looks to Jackdaw "It is no normal sparklie, but
one that is extremely rare."
(Tas whispered to GM): "may I see them before I pay I would
like to ensure I get what I am paying for"
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin, "I might also ask to see the
(Tas whispered to GM): :reveals the bag and opens in for his eye
view only then closes it again and hides it back within his robes
"now the books"
[Jackdaw]: "you losted it then? and needed help to findeded
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin speaks in a series of grunts at the
large figure and the box is opened. It contains the books that
you requested. (it was 5 books, Enchantment, Fire, Air, Water,
and EArth, I believe?)
(Tas whispered to GM): (correct) looks to each book and checks
for a mage seal on them to that they are authentic
[GM]: Dalor "No, it has never been in my possession, I am
sorry to say. But it could aid me in my quest."
(GM whispered to Tas): Give me an IQ roll
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=5,5,6 = [ -1 ]
[Jackdaw]: "who haveded it then or bee'd it losted from
(Tas whispered to GM): (damn it)
(Tas whispered to GM): (not when it counts)
(GM whispered to Tas): You believe the seals to be authentic.
[Deodanth]: ((thanks))
(Tas whispered to GM): :removes the enchantment book and does a
quick flip through
[ Deo left the game ]
[GM]: Dalor "It was lost even before I was born. It lies
deep in the swamp in the ruins of a castle that has long been
[Valek]: "What dose it do?"
[Jackdaw]: "ooh sounded like old story ' Deep into the murky
swamp the intrepid warriors rode' " Jackdaw quotes
[GM]: Dalor "Even I do not know the extent of its powers,
but I do know that it could do one thing for me. Free my beloved
Drissle" his eyes grow very sad.
[Jackdaw]: " armed and caprisoned all birghtly so the story
Jackdaw asks eyes wide " a captive maiden? we must
(Tas whispered to GM): :puts the book back after flipping through
and then pulls the gold and hands it to the goblin
[GM]: Dalor smiles at Jackdaw and wipes a tear. "This
Veridon told me that only this gem could free my beloved of the
curse that lays upon her."
(GM whispered to Tas): The Goblin waits patiently. The brute not
so patient. You become aware at one moment when you look up, that
he is an Orc. Your racial hatred begins to flare ... make a will
[GM]: Dalor "She is captured, but by a spell."
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=1,5,6 = [ 3 ]
Valek flicks his ears "What kind of spell?"
[Jackdaw]: "who makeded spell? maybes we getted hims to
unmakeded it"
(GM whispered to Tas): You maintan control over the situation.
The books contain the spells that you requested and seem complete
(Tas whispered to GM): :pays the goblin and keeps his face from
the orc not wanting to feel how he does about the creature but
knowing it to be human nature
[GM]: Dalor "Forgive me, but I cannot speak of it. I have
been told that if I do so, or give my beloveds location that she
will be forever lost to me. It is a quest that I must complete
myself. Of course, .... "
[GM]: Dalor "... if you will give me aid by finding the
(GM whispered to Tas): Goblin "A good night to you
sir!" he walks away.
[GM]: Dalor "Will you, or wont you?"
(Tas whispered to GM): :loads the books into a bag and walks away
heading for the Whitebear inn entrance
Valek scratches his head "well describe the castel?"
[GM]: Dalor "If you need time to think about it, I can meet
you here at a latter time....."
[GM]: Dalor speaks, "It is a cursed place. It once belonged
to an Archlich, I am told. And it cannot be found except by
this..." he reaches into his pocket
[Jackdaw]: "my can helpeded but we needed to doed somethings
here nexted week too"
[GM]: Dalor produces a hand that has been crudely carved out of
stone. The stone appears to be Tuscan Ivory.
[Jackdaw]: / 's speach is slurring slightly from several 'cold
Jackdaw 's speach is slurring slightly from several 'cold ones'
[GM]: Dalor "This stone directs me to the Gem, but I have as
yet been unable to breach the defenses of the castle."
(Tas whispered to GM): :goes to his room and stores away his new
tomes then heads to the main room and asks the Inn keep
"Does this town happen to have a decent library?"
[GM]: Dalor recollects, "First there was the moat, then I
ran into stone .... (he looks up) do you know what a gargoyle
[Valek]: "Interesting- do you know if the lich is
(GM whispered to Tas): Trassman, "I know of one library, but
it is nothing to be proud of. Goblins do not value literature as
we Humans do." he smiles
[GM]: Dalor "That I know for sure. He is long dead."
Valek smiles "But is he still moving?"
[GM]: Dalor "Sir, I do not appreaciate your humor."
[Jackdaw]: "moving dead peoples are a prrobblemmm
(Tas whispered to GM): "what i seek is a book reference to
animals and such" lets his two mice out "as you see I
have interest in nature"
Jackdaw looks at his current drink "wow that strong"
[GM]: Dalor "The lich was defeated nearly 1000 years ago.
His name was Malok the Dreaded. The mages of the time feared that
some of his magic might live on an they cast a spell upon his
[GM]: Dalor "It cannot be found except by great magic. (he
raises the stone hand in his hand) And this is one of the only
things that can lead you there."
(GM whispered to Tas): Trassman "Perhaps, you could give it
a try. Follow the Avenue of the Sword just past where it meets
the Avenue of the Staff. Continue but 3 buildings down and you
should see it on the right. Look for a scroll on a sign."
(Tas whispered to GM): "I think I would wait to find a human
or perhpase elven city"
[GM]: Dalor "So, I see that you need to think upon this.
Perhaps you wish to verify my story about the Arch lich, you can
do that too. I will be here if you decide to give me aid in my
quest." he rises as if to leave.
[Valek]: "I see- well, I'd be loath to turn down the chance
to explore an ancient mage's castel, especially if his legacy is
(Tas whispered to GM): "I will be in my room could you ring
me when the others return"
(GM whispered to Tas): Trassman "Perhaps a wise
(GM whispered to Tas): Trassman "Of course sir."
[Jackdaw]: "sounded liked fun and helped peoples too"
Jackdaw says very carefully
[GM]: Dalor hesitates and speaks to Valek "Of course, many
of the magics still linger. And I am not saying that it is
without danger. I cannot even tell you how the gem looks, but I
have been told that it will save my beloved where nothing else
[GM]: Dalor points to the torn parchment "And Veridon
himself said that you could help me. I must say that you have
been my last hope for the past 10 years."
[GM]: Dalor "For now, I will bid you .... good night"
he turns and walks away.
[Jackdaw]: "we should helped hims but not firstest"
[GM]: Jamison waits until he is gone. "I dont' think I trust
him. It is too much of a risk"
[GM]: Jamison nods, "Yes, we have to be in this place in
.... 8 days from now, at noon."
[GM]: Jamison "If we help this Dalor, then there is no
guarantee that we will be back in time."
[Jackdaw]: "and hims waited longg time anyways 'nother
week'er so wonn'tt hurtteedddd"
[GM]: Peshida who very rarely speaks, speaks up, "And I am
burdened to inform you that I leave you before the morrow."
[Valek]: "I belive we should help him as well."
[GM]: Drei'Partha nods, "As the runes said, Lydia and
Peshida would leave us." he winks at Valek.
[GM]: Jamison "We might have need of you if there is a
Tas sits in his room and studies the first of the books he has
obtained this night and dreams of different things
[GM]: Peshida "I have come to the conclusion that this Egg
of Lydia's is no ordinary magical egg"
[GM]: Peshida "I must go warn certain individuals about its
[GM]: Peshida "I leave for Mt. Elic at first light" he
takes a drink
Valek nods "Very well."
[GM]: Drei'Partha "Ahhh... Mt. Elic, the place of my
pilgramidge." he turns to Jamison and the others,
"Perhaps I am meant to go with him?"
[GM]: NOTE: Syrn has been keeping away from the party while
Peshida is with you. Try as he may, he cannot get over the sight
of the curse that he bears upon his forehead.
[Valek]: "I am not going to determine your actions for you-
if you feal you should go- good luck."
(Tas whispered to GM): (getting rid of a few npc's to save your
own sanity lol)
[GM]: Drei'Partha to Jamison, Anne and then to Jackdaw "What
say all of ye? Do you wish my company here?"
[Jackdaw]: "SSHHurrr"
[GM]: Jamison "Again, the extra sword would be welcome, but
we have no idea what we face here."
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): ooc any new PCs in the works?
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): if we need to beef up a bit will it be
possible to get some allys with CPs?
[GM]: Drei'Partha "Perhaps it is my mission to see Peshida
to Mt. Elic safely." he turns to Peshida "It must be
important business, can you tell us of it?"
[Valek]: "We would all welcome your company I'm sure."
[GM]: Peshida "I have already spoken to Anne about it at
length. It concerns Dragons."
[GM]: In his room back at the House of the White Bear, Tass' ears
twitch for a reason that he knows not.
(Tas whispered to GM): HEHE I heard the magic word DRAGONS
[GM]: Drei'Partha "I shall cosult the Runes tonight and have
my decision before dawn."
Tas empties his possesions out on the table in his room repacking
his bag and organizing his items hiding his funds back in their
hidden pouch
[ khazan joined the game ]
[GM]: Thor nudges Jackdaw "Wake up old faun. The night is
still young! Hehe"
[GM]: ((Greetings Khazan))
[khazan]: ((hello all))
[GM]: What does the party do next?
[GM]: Stay at the Tavern of Mist for another hour and then head
back to the House of the White Bear?
[Jackdaw]: sounds good
[GM]: As you exit the Tavern of Mist you seem somewhat
disoriented. There is a discussion about which direction you
actually came from.
[Jackdaw]: but I think JD will be on the lookout for some female
companionship before going to bed
[GM]: Jamison heads down a direction that you are sure that is
not the right way Valek.
[Valek]: "Stop."
Jackdaw goes to talk to the bartender before he leaves
[GM]: Jamison, Anne, and Thor stop and look to Valek, "What
is it?"
(Jackdaw whispered to GM): asking him where to find some
companionship, they usually know where the ALL are and where good
pickup locations are
[Valek]: "I belive your going to the wrong way."
Valek closes his eyes for a second.
(GM whispered to Jackdaw): The Faye gives you directions
"...and I am sure that you will have a good frolic"
(said in Faye) he smiles
(Valek whispered to GM): seeker- the inn they came from.
[GM]: Jamison and Thor study the sky
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,4 = [ 8 ]
Jackdaw smiles back at the bartender and wanders off
(Valek whispered to GM): made by 12.
[Jackdaw]: "my catched up with you later" Jackdaw calls
off as he wanders off
(GM whispered to Valek): You get a direction, but alass it is in
neither direction ... yours or Jamison's (it is as the crow flys)
[GM]: Jackdaw does wander off
(Valek whispered to GM): if it's less then 1 miles distance I
should get the 'how to get there' since I suceeded by more then
[ khazan left the game ]
(GM whispered to Valek): Well, that is not the way I read the
(GM whispered to Valek): You get a tug, and can try to maintain
it as you walk.
[GM]: There is more discussion .....
[Tas]: (did they all die or something?)
[GM]: Thor "Well, Contesta is still visable, I believe that
she was rising over that building when we entered."
Valek begins to follow the tug
[GM]: Jamison "No, I am sure that she was rising over that
[GM]: Etc.
[Valek]: <Walking around buildings as they get in the way>
[GM]: Valek also wander off.
[GM]: Valek arrives back at the House of the White Bear at 11pm
Tas opens the window to his room and begins to chant a spell
having prepared for a long term of concentration
[GM]: Jamison and the others (minus Jackdaw of course) arrive
back at 12 midnight
[GM]: Trassman rings Tass' room when they begin arriving
[GM]: What spell Tas?
[Tas]: (beast summon)
(GM whispered to Tas): Name the creature and give me a roll
(Tas whispered to GM): Wyvern again the reason he does seak to
summon one is cause they are the closest relative of dragons and
he has never sucseeded to pull a dragon into his mind
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=4,3,5 = [ 3 ]
(Tas whispered to GM): sucseed by 4 my beast summon is a 16
[GM]: Jackdaw is not present come dawn.
(GM whispered to Tas): The same thing. You find one and it will
be here in 5 hours.
Tas sits in quiet concentration all night waiting for the
creature to arive
[GM]: In the morning Peshida gathers his gear to leave and
Drei'Parth announces that the runes indicate that he should
follow and protect Peshida in his mission.
[GM]: Just as the two make ready to leave ....
[GM]: There is a terrible shriek above the House of the White
Bear. Screams can be heard from outside in the stilll crowded
[GM]: Jamison, Thor, and Anne go for their weapons
Tas as he feels the creature near he prepares to switch spells as
swiftly as possible to control the beast before it regains its
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (16-3d6) : 3d6=6,6,6 = [ -2 ]
[Jackdaw]: ooc awh and here I thought JD had gotten
"lucky" and was doing a good job
[Tas]: ((ooc: oh shit))
[GM]: Okay, in order to control the creature, you had to get into
its sight Tas.
Tas goes to the roof of the building
[GM]: ((Can someone tell me the distance penalties for a Regular
[Tas]: (if possible)
[Jackdaw]: (( -1 per hex))
[GM]: ((That's what I thought))
[GM]: How close do you get Tas?
[Jackdaw]: it's really a limiting factor
Valek moves outside to take a look at what's going on.
[GM]: When Valek moves out, Tas is already on the roof
[GM]: How close do you get Tas?
Tas searchs for the beast seeing that it should remain calm for a
bit after the summoning
[Tas]: (if it is still calm face to face with it)
[GM]: Tas, it will fly towards you until the spell is ended. You
have to time it just right, but can do face to face.
[Tas]: (hopes his timing is right or he may be a pancake)
[GM]: The creature is a medium dragonlike creature with two legs
and a long snakelike, barbed, poisionous tail.
[GM]: Give me a Reptile Control Tas.
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (16-3d6) : 3d6=2,5,3 = [ 6 ]
[GM]: Made by?
[Tas]: 6
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,5,4 = [ 10 ]
[GM]: It fails its resistance roll by 4
[GM]: Tas cotrols the Wyvern.
[GM]: It costs nothing for the first minute, but then begins to
draw on his strength
Tas gasps at what he just managed to do
[GM]: (( 1 fatigue for each minute that you maintain))
Tas begins imeadietly to cast another spell to take the place of
the control
[GM]: Valek, Jamison, Thor, and Anne gets outside in time to see
Tas controling the fierce beast.
[GM]: Valek a vision roll please.
[Tas]: (beast possesion)
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (16-3d6) : 3d6=5,6,2 = [ 3 ]
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,3,2 = [ 6 ]
[Valek]: <Critical success>
[Tas]: (I will have enough left to do what I want)(no that was a
sucsess by 3)
[GM]: The Wyvern's resistance roll
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,6 = [ 13 ]
[GM]: Tas gains possession of it. Again, no cost for the first
minute, but 1 fatigue/ minute to maintain.
(GM whispered to Valek): 6 men in red silks move quickly with
weapons to kill the beast.
Tas imeadietly switchs to another hoping to finish the
combination as quick as possible begining to weaken from all the
[GM]: ((Now, what Tas?))
(Valek whispered to GM): how big is the wyven in hexes?
(Tas whispered to GM): last spell is Master
(Tas whispered to GM): I need to basicly give it no resistance to
make sure it could not break this spell
[GM]: It is a 10-hex creature about 1000 lbs.
Tas prays for a second the gods are on his side then casts his
last spell
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (15-3d6) : 3d6=3,1,6 = [ 5 ]
Valek swallows.
(Valek whispered to GM): telepathically send tass
Tas finishes the spell as he falls to one knee and gasps for air
from the strain
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,5 = [ 13 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): no resistance to taht, I get one full
minute to talk, but he can't respond.
[ pares101 joined the game ]
[pares101]: heya
Valek mentally contacts tass {{Your new pet is about to be killed
by the local guard *sends a mental picture of the red robed
Tas looks physicly wiped out in all ways watching the wyvern
hoping unknowing of the out come
[pares101]: hey
(pares101 whispered to GM): heya
(pares101 whispered to GM): are u ugys playing a game?
Tas thinks for the beast to head out of town sending it a command
to flee into the air
[GM]: The Wyvern falls to the roof with a bang, and lies there
[GM]: Six men take aim at the motionless creature.
[ pares101 left the game ]
Tas screams with the last of his breath "leave it be it is
[GM]: Tas do you end your "Master" Spell?
(Tas whispered to GM): :if it up and leaves no if it stays there
motionless yet
(Tas whispered to GM): yes
Valek looks at the scene
(GM whispered to Tas): I believe that Master will make it
motionless for as long as you wish
[GM]: 6 bolts fire at the Wyvern
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,3 = [ 15 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,2 = [ 13 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=5,3,4 = [ 12 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,6,1 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=4,2,5 = [ 11 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,2,2 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: They all hit
(Valek whispered to GM): I'
(Tas whispered to GM): ok I though master gave me control of the
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=1,2 = [ 3 ]
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=1,6 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=4,5 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=6,4 = [ 10 ]
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=5,4 = [ 9 ]
DICE for GM: (2d6) : 2d6=1,3 = [ 4 ]
(Tas whispered to GM): it is what you had me use last time to
take control of my two pets
[GM]: The bolts hit the creature for 24 points of damage
(GM whispered to Tas): Perhaps that spell does not work the same
way on this creature, or perhaps the mice were willing?
[GM]: Tas, what is your next move?
(Valek whispered to GM): I'm going to create an illusion- for 43
hexes total <4x cost>
(Valek whispered to GM): surrounding the wyven and drawing a line
to me.
Tas watches the guards destroy his hopes and hours of work only
knowing one other spell that might help but not having the power
to do it
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,3 = [ 15 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): made by 5.
[GM]: The six men in Red assassin robes reload their crossbows.
The crowd watches with facsination.
[GM]: Suddenly things around you change.
Tas releases all his control over the beast and leaves it to its
own regards
[GM]: What is your spell Valek? Describe please
Tas having failed to master the beast
Valek waves his hands in the air and lanuches a thundering
fireball blowing a hole in the creatures chest.
[Tas]: (atleast I think I failed)
(Valek whispered to GM): the creature is of course no more harmed
then it was before, but that's what people see.
[GM]: ((What would be the total cost of your spell Valek? and do
you have any power that you are drawing upon (powerstone?) ))
[GM]: ((Note: You must be ableto pay the cost to cast a spell))
[Valek]: total cost is 8
[GM]: ((thanks))
[Valek]: he needs no powerstone.
[Tas]: ((yeah I know I have 2 points left not enough to save the
[GM]: The Six men in Assassin's Robes watch the beast go down in
flames. The crowd also watches the beast burn.
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,3,6 = [ 15 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,2,4 = [ 7 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,4,5 = [ 15 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,5,5 = [ 16 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=6,6,4 = [ 16 ]
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=1,1,3 = [ 5 ]
Valek walks to the roof and wisperes to Tass "Tell it to fly
up and then away."
Tas is on his face with almost no str left and barely concious he
lost all control of the beast (his mastery spell seemed to have
[GM]: One of the assassins rubs his eyes and says to his
comrades, "Hey, the beast lives! Look!" But his
comrades look toward the beast and only seem confused.
[GM]: The lone crossbowman raises his weapon
[Valek]: <It's a complex illusion- you can only make a save if
you want to disbelive>
[GM]: Tas feels the wings of the creature moving the air.
Tas watches hoping the creature makes it away not wanting to hurt
it but posesse it for a time and perhapse speak with it for
Valek looks at the sky.
(Valek whispered to GM): another 48 hex illision making the sky
look just like the sky.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=4,5,6 = [ 15 ]
Tas thinks of one more spell that he could perform to maybe save
the beast but knowing not if it would help wanting the creautre
to make it away
[GM]: But even before Valek gets his spell off, the creature is
[GM]: The man holding the crossbow stamps his feet. "There
was magic at work here, I say! Someone protecting the
Valek drops to his knees whiping his brow as the creature
disolves into a pile of grey goo.
[GM]: The other crossbowmen still only look confused.
(Valek whispered to GM): create object Wyven goo.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=1,6,4 = [ 11 ]
Valek places the goo in a glass container.
[Tas]: (I might need to make a shock test to see if I am still
[ MikeL left the game ]
[ MikeL joined the game ]
[Jackdaw]: backed
[Tas]: (WB)
[Jackdaw]: got locked out again I'm not sure why
[GM]: The man speaks to his comrades, "You have all failed.
You should know that a burning Wyvern gives off a distinct
stinch. Quickly back to the post!!" he hits one of the men
and points down the street. They all leave.
[GM]: Tas make a roll
[Valek]: <Acutally Complex illusion provides the smell.>
(To GM) DICE for Tas: (11-3d6) : 3d6=2,3,1 = [ 5 ]
[GM]: ((For some reason, Valek does not know. The man was not
fooled. This might give Valek something to think about. ))
Tas manages to stay awake but is in much pain and barely able to
[Jackdaw]: last thing I got was the wyvern flying away
[Jackdaw]: last thing I got was the wyvern flying away
[Jackdaw]: lagoitis!
[GM]: Tas manages to keep conscious
[GM]: But he is very week and suffers from the strain and the
shock of what just happened.
[Tas]: (I have 1 st and 1 ht left)
[GM]: The crowd dispurses and is replaced by another crowd
[GM]: Tas manages to get himself off the roof (if that is what
you want)
[GM]: Peshida and Drei depart in roughly an hour when dawn
Valek looks at Tas
[GM]: Anne goes to Tas and gives him healing
DICE for GM: (3d6) : 3d6=3,5,2 = [ 10 ]
(Valek whispered to GM): levitate, to help him inside- Since
valed stands no chance of lifting him.
(To GM) DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=2,1,4 = [ 7 ]
[GM]: Tas heals 6 points
Valek helps tas inside, making him levitate in the process.
[GM]: Anne, "I am not sure what you were trying out
Tas looks to anne and valek "I think you both I tried
something stupid and failed"
[GM]: The roof is stained with Wyvern Blook
[Tas]: *thank
[GM]: Blood
[Valek]: <Can another healer attempt to heal at no
[GM]: Tas, worries about the creature's state of healt
[GM]: ((Yes, Valek)))
DICE for Valek: (3d6) : 3d6=3,4,5 = [ 12 ]
Valek waves his hands over Tas
[Valek]: <Major healing 3 energy>
[Valek]: <so he heals 6 more.>
[Tas]: (I always worry for animals Tas is a naturlist he loves
nature and wishes to protect it and use it to benefit himself
without harming it
[GM]: Jamison, Anne, Thor, Valek, and Tass sit in their rooms.
Tass is feeling much better but contemplates his actions, perhaps
thinking of what might could have been done differently to assure
his success. Not many words are spoken. Trassman brings breakfast
sandwichs to the rooms and all rest and contemplate their next
move. Valek thinks of putting the spirits to rest. Jamison and
the others wonder about the story and plight of Dalor and what
the meeting in 8 days might bring. Jackdaw and Syrn are missing