A Compendium of Knowledge of
M e t h o r i a

The complete guide to Methoria compiled from these sources:
REM - The Royal Encyclopedia of Methor, Edition of 1125p.
RHM - The Royal History of Methor, Edition of 1125p.
RCM - The Royal Chronology of Methor, Edition of 1100p.
FGT - Finly's Guide for the Traveller, Edition of 1129p.

Baron (REM) -- An office of nobility that traditionally was appointed by the Duke and answered directly to him. However as a result of the Paddings Incident (707p) and Edict 6 (745p), the office of Baron has exclusively been appointed by the King in modern times. Barons are most often members of the royal family that have been honored with a title and some degree of local power. The area in which a Baron holds his power is called a Barony and is always a part of a Duchy. There may be any number of Baronies inside a Duchy.

Benoi (REM) -- A name that has been applied to a number of nomadic clans of Humans that formed as a result of The Great Winter. As the Human Civilization began to crumble from the impact of the Kelliac invasion, civilization took to horseback. Those who survived fled to secluded areas of The Silver Desert, Pindoor Forest, and The Badlands. Over the next two thousand years the knowledge and customs of The Golden Age became the closely guarded secrets of the benoi. As the war began to wane, most of the benoi began to settle down in areas like Shevandale Village or Lake Braddock and take up farming or fishing, but some of them continued their nomadic way of life. It was chiefly due to two benoi clans that civilization experienced a resurection. The sagio benoi produced an entire library of magical wisdom restoring magery from The Golden Age, and the Sac'pyrus Benoi produced a set of tomes restoring the ritualistic practices of The Church of Ral from before The Great Winter. Old Haddin for 'brotherhood', at least a dozen clans of benoi have been found to exist to this day, many believe to exist in the area of Tusca of The Silver Desert.

The Colleges of Wisdom (REM) -- The Colleges of Wisdom are divided into the Major Colleges and the Minor Colleges. The Major Colleges are named from the entries in the Beni Scrolls of Wisdom. They are as follows: (Å) Air, (Æ) Animal, (Ø) Body, (Ç) Communication, (Ê) Earth,
(Ò) Fire, (Ñ) Healing, (Ï) Illusion, (Ô) Knowledge, (Û) Light, (Ü) Movement, (Ë) Plant,
(Õ) Protection, (Ä) Sound, and (Ó) Water. The Minor Colleges seem to fluctuate and are too numerous to list here. A debate continues as to what exactly constitues a Minor College and different universities have been known to classify the spells differently.

Council (REM) -- A body of advisors tradionally consisting of 14 members, such as a Council of Mages or Council of Priests. A Council of Archbishop advises The Patriarch of the Church. Many Councils have advised the King throughout history, for example The Council of Lox.

Council of Lox (RHM) -- When King Vespus VI died in 247p without a Worthy Heir to the throne, Lox and his Council of Mages chose the next King of Methor from the three that claimed the throne: Lord Kessler Magebane (Son of the Brother of King Vespus VI), The Princess Elizabet Vespusian (Daughter of the King), and Baron Bartos Pyronius (1st Cousin of the King). Tests were established based strongly on the Nomadic Code that are still in effect to this day that are used to chose a worthy King.

Count (REM) -- An office of nobility that is exclusively appointed by the King. A Count is considered on Par with a Baron, but does not hold control of part of a Duchy as does a Baron. The title is oftentimes used by the King to honor someone that he cannot honor with a military appointment. The title has tradionally been given to any members of the immediate family of the King upon his aquisition of the throne if they previously were of lesser status.

Chronology (RCM) -- The officially accepted dates for the major events of history are as follows:







Battle of Mt. Elic



Golden Age Begins

1750s -6450p Eight tribes United into Ancient Methor



Ral Achieves Rhisspen



The Great Winter Begins



Pendular Begins



Modern Day

The precise dates have been widely debated and there is little evidence to prove or disprove these key dates of the official chronology.

Duke (REM) -- The Governor of a district of Methor that is appointed by the King and by tradition answers only to him. The district in which the Duke holds authority is called a duchy and at the present day there are five of these districts in Methor centered in Baxter, Kissel, Lexington, Paddings, and Russell. Originally Dukes were Princes or other members of the Royal family, but in modern times they are often Generals that have distinguished themselves in service to the King. A Duke is the highest level of appointed nobility.

Dynasty of Wisdom (RHM) -- With the end of the Vespusian dynasty, came the era known as the Dynasty of Wisdom. Beginning in 247p when King Vespus VI died without a Worthy Heir, Baron Bartos Pyronius (1st Cousin of the King) was chosen by the Council of Lox to suseed him as King. Named for the number of wise kings that ruled during the era, the Dynasty of Wisdom continued until the first Rothmand took the throne in 591p.

The Eight Tribes (RHM) -- Mentioned in the Sanctum Ral as the original organization of the Human people in Methoria before the Kingdom of Methor was established by Ral, the specific names of the tribes were lost during the Great Winter. However, archeological evidence, a study of verbal tradition, and the resources of the Mages of Time have been able to reconstruct a list of names that has been widely accepted as accurate:

  Name Prefix   Name Prefix
1 O'mari O', Ol' 5 Von'taath Von', Van'
2 Du'luuth De', D' 6 Del'finn Del', Dell'
3 Mc'dorin Mc', Mac' 7 La'sorath La', Lal'
4 San'raprii San', Sa' 8 The Lost Tribe Unknown

Further theories have been put forth showing evidence of strong tribal loyalty as late as 2,000 years into the Golden Era. Speculation has led many to believe that Ral himself was of the tribe of Del'finn (recorded as 'Ral of the tribe of Finn' in the Holy Scriptures) and perhaps the prefixes themselves were not added to the Tribal Names until after the Golden Era began.

The Golden Age (RCM) -- An Era that started when Ral the Immortal began his rule of the Human Kingdom of Methor (~1700s) and ended when the first raiding parties landed on the shores of Methoria (~4900s).

The Great Winter (RCM) -- An Era that started when the first raiding parties landed on the beaches of Methoria and continued until the Pendular was proclaimed by the Elves (~8000s) and then the Humans (~8200s).

The Great Winter (REM) -- The Era preceeding the Modern Era lasting for over 3,000 years and consisting of 'The Ravaging' of the entire continent by the Kelliac and the 'Time of Flight' when the races fought to preserve themselves. It has also been referred to as The Great Darkness. The first 2,000 years of this Era was characterized by darkened skys brought about by the burning of the entire continent and a drop in temperature which caused a 'winter' to grip the entire land for the better part of each year. In the Elven tounge, the name for this Era is Misbane which means 'the grip of Evil'.

Haddin (REM) -- The language of Magery. A highly symbolic and living language used in casting spells.

Haddin (RHM) -- The language used in the casting, recording, and development of the spells of the Mages, had its origin in the language of Ral, Old Haddin. While Old Haddin is basically a dead language, Mage Scholars claim that Haddin is a living, evolving, and dynamic language. It is not understood how a language so easily comprehended by any who have the apptitude for magic, resists being grasped completly by any mind. Haddin was the language of the scrolls of the Sagio Benoi which to this day make up the basis of the body of Knowledge which is Magery. As has been noted by many prominent authorities, it is these scrolls which confirm the link between that which is Haddin and the language of Ral. Since anceint times, the language has departed from the Ralian Alphabet and taken on a set of new symbols which seem to come from the subconscious of those who use it. Archdean Randall in the year 24p sumed it up by saying 'Haddin came from the language of Ral but continues to evolve to this very day and does so by taking on the imprint of every mage that uses it."

The Holy Cathedral (REM) -- The official name for the central place of focus of Ral's power in Methor in which the Patriarch resides. The tradional name is The Radix Ral or simply the Radix.

Katana (REM) -- The traditional weapon of the Benoi of the Tusca region of The Silver Desert. Reputedly having been imported into Methor by the Benoi that was employed to handle The Paddings Incident by King Rothmand V beginning in the year 707p, this weapon was not believed to have been in Methor beforehand. As a result of the trend of the Nobility's hiring of the Benoi to perform assassinations on their behalf, Edict 8 was decreed by Rothmand XIII in 1007p, banning assassinations in the Kingdom. This prompted many Cities of the Kingdom to outlaw the katana altogether. However in the past 100 years, the katana has become a popular weapon among the Knights of the Kingdom which has influenced a growing public acceptance of the weapon.

The King's Highway (REM) -- This smoothed-stone pathway was commissioned by King Rothmand XV in 1052p to greatly increase the speed of travel between Shevandale, Lexington, and The Royal City. It was enchanted over a 15 year period by a group of over 100 mages using a variety of spells, including Shape Stone and Fortify, and remains until this day 'a permanent monument to modern society.' It appears a grey marble which has been left rough to add traction. It avoids most of the villages between the major cities, but runs parallel to the Old Mage's Web connecting them. It is primarily used by the Royal Post and the Coach Services.

The King's Highway (FGT) -- Heralded as the "Death of the Old Mage's Web", this King's Commissed pathway between the major cities is a marvel to behold. It consists of grey marble for as far as you can see pointing straight to the horizon. The Elves avoid it like the plague, claiming it eerily unatural. The Dwarves hold it in awe as the largest single piece of stone workmanship in existence and often travel a pilgrimage from Fendor to see it each year. "Rothmand's Folly" has surely stood the test of time! Even though the King's Highway is glorious to behold, many travellers still prefer the Old Mage's Web because of the many stops along the way. If one really wants to see the Kingdom that is Methor, there is still no better way than to explore the villages that make it up.

Lexington (REM) -- The second largest city in the Kingdom of Methor with a population over 600,000, Lexington was established in the year 35p as a center of mining for the kingdom. The hills to the north of the city are rich in a variety of minerals including copper, gypsum, silver, and gold, which contributes to the city being called "The Weathiest City in Methor."

Industry: For over 1,000 years, Lexington has provided the Kingdom of Methor with the Silver and Gold that it uses to coin the nation's money. It is the site of the Royal Depository of Methor, Bank Methor, and The Royal Mint. The city is the center of the kingdom's textile industry and a trend-setter of the kingdom's fashions. It is home of the Royal Academy of the Arts, The Royal Museum, and provides Methor a cultural center. It is the site of the prestigious Lexington College, a branch of the University of Methor, which restricts its enrollment to only the most worthy of citizens.

Lexington (RHM) -- Established in the year 35p, Lexington soon became the site of the National Depository of Methor, holding the deposits of silver and gold for the nation, and the Royal Mint, processing the nation's currency. It became the throne city of the kingdom in the year 247p when Bartos became King and remained the throne city until King Rothmand II moved the throne to Rothmand Island in 637p.

Lexington (FGT) -- Lexington is a city with sharp edges, unlike Shevandale. It is well kept and always beautified with flowers and trees planted thought the city. The buildings are for the most part made of a grey stone (mined from the local hills) and are constructed in a classic style that is remniscient of a much earlier period.

Modern Era (RCM) -- The common name for the age of Pendular.

Old Haddin (REM) -- The language of Ral. The language of the Books of Ral and the Tomes of the Keepers created and established by Ral himself at the beginning of the Golden Age.

Old Haddin (RHM) -- From about the year 1700s (-6500p), according to legend, Ral began to unify the '8 tribes of Man' into the Kingdom of (Ancient) Methor and one of the major factors in achieving this was the development of a common language which he called Haddin. Having the literal meaning in Old Elven of 'the breath of truth', it is believed to have been a modified version of Old Elven, transliterated through the Ralian alphabet, and allowing for Human syntax. Ral established it as a common language by 'gathering unto himself a dozen scribes' and teaching it to them thoroughly and then sending these scribes out to teach the people. Some Scholars have put forth the theory that it was never intended to be a spoken tongue, but this has never been an established fact. It has however been proven that Haddin was a language of trade in the early Kingdom, was used in the development of the early church (The Tomes), and was the language of early magery. Whether or not this language had the inherit power in the early days that it seems to now, is not known. Elves of the present day will not speak words in the ancient tongue of Old Elven for fear of unleashing Old Power inherit in the words, which lends many scholars to believe that either Old Haddin borrows some of its power from Old Elven, or that with time, the Ancient tongues grow in this inherit power.

Old Mage's Web (REM) -- Created by Mages of Old, this web of roads has connected all of Methoria since before the dawn of the Age of Pendular. Even in the early days of Methor, the web was considered ancient with origins unknown. The web extends from the Silver Desert in the South to the Elven Forest in the North and covers most of the continent. The web is made up of stones that are fitted together to form a pathway that is easily travelled by foot or horseback. The ancient enchantment on the stones exists to this day and can be experienced when they are removed and set along the pathway. Within hours they are magically returned to their old resting place.

Old Mage's Web (RHM) -- Construction on this old route is believed to have been sometime during the Golden Age of Methor. Whether it was during the time that Ral is believed to have ruled as King, it is not known or can be determined. The old route is one of the only surviving relics of this age.

The Paddings Incident (RHM) --

Papers (REM) -- A square-sized document that every citizen of Methor is required to carry. It is a little larger than a Human palm and contains the person's Place of Birth, Place of Residence, Title, and Description all with official signatures, dates, and seals. The parchment on which the document is recorded is enchanted to prevent wear.

Papers (RHM) -- This personal document that identifies every citizen of Methor is enchanted to last forever and provides us with records of every resident for the past 800 years. The Papers of those that have departed this world have been stored in the Royal Archives in Lexington since they were first instituted by King Vittrius in 325p. These official documents have been referred to as 'papers' since the beginning of the Kingdom when they consisted of from 1 to 5 sheets of parchment that often became impossible to read by the time a person reached the age of 30. This document has retained the name ever since.

The Patriarch (REM) -- The official title of the Leader of The Church of Ral. Once the person assumes the highest office of The Church he is considered to have given himself completely to Ral, losing all elements of his former identity, and is effectively 'Ral in Methoria.' His will is believed to be that of Ral's. The title of Matriarch would be given to a female holding this office, although a woman has never held the official title. The traditional names are Patrona and Matrona.

Patrona (REM) -- The traditional male title of the leader of The Church of Ral. The equivalent female title is Matrona. There have been 8 female leaders of The Church in the Modern Era. It is believed by the Mages of Time that there were many Matronas durning the Great Winter and the Golden Age.

Pendular (RCM) -- The name for the Modern Era, coming from an ancient Elven word meaning 'Thurst for Knowledge.' It was proclaimed by King Millborne the Just in the year 0p or roughly the year 8200s.

The Radix Ral (REM) -- The tradional name of The Holy Cathedral used often by the priests of The Church. It's meaning comes from a Haddin word meaning 'foundation' or 'root'.

Rhisspen (REM) -- The afterworld of the just and true, it is believed to exist 'beyond the visible world', but a strict interpretation of the 14 books of Ral has lead many past Patronas (Patriarchs) to interpret Rhisspen as a state of mind that must be achieved in this world. Ral's Holy words described Rhisspen as the 'search for truth' and an 'achievment of the soul'. As stated in the first book of Ral, Ral achieved Rhisspen by 'Keeping to the Elven Way' and making a pilgrimage to Mt. Elic where he was received by King Elic himself and was allowed to view the ancient scrolls given to the Elves by the Ulmartha. The Elves claim that the Human idea of Rhisspen is not the same as that held by their race. The name Rhisspen comes from an Ancient Elven word meaning 'Truth'.

Royal Authority (REM) --

The Royal City (REM) -- The Royal City, which is the current throne city to the kingdom, sits in the heart of Rothmand Island. When King Rothmand II became king he commissed the construction of a new Royal Castle on the island which was formerly known as The Heart of the Dragon. The Royal Castle was completed in the 12th year of his reign at which time Rothmand II proposed a new symbol for Methor, the gryphon. This new symbol was eagarly accepted by the populace and has appeared on the flag of Methor since that time. The Royal City is considered by many to be the most beautiful city of the kingdom with The Royal Castle and

The Royal City (FGT) -- This current throne city of the kingdom was once a hunting ground for Kings containing everything from the gryphons which color the flags of the kingdom to the dragons of lore. One might be curious why The Mage's Web extends to this remote part of the world, but that is not the only mystery about this place. One might find it hard to believe that an area so small could still be mostly unexplored.

Rothmand Island (REM) -- The Island on which The Royal City sits is covered by thick jungles and is inhabited by many fearsome beasts. Only three significant settlements have been established on this island: The Royal City, Northton, and Southtown. All other attempts at establishing lasting settlements have come to naught. Some believe that ancient magic protects this place from civilization.

Sou'town (REM) -- A village located on Rothmand Island south of The Royal City which has been an important center for imports from the southern part of the Kingdom as well as other distant lands south. It has also served as an important center for the fishing industry of Methoria second only to Nor'ton. Sou'town boasts a Festival of Lights during Kathorah in the Autumn of each year.

Sozarath (RCM) -- The reckoning of time starting from The First Dawn or the actual event itself. Methor is believed to be in the year of 9325s, although this is widely known to be a rough estimate.

Tusca (REM) -- The South-Eastern part of The Silver Desert which is believed to be the center of several groups of the Nomadic Tribes of Benoi and home to the Tuscan Beast.

Tuscan Beast (REM) -- The large war boar that has been trained to fight and often ridden by the Nomidic tribes of Benoi in the Silver Desert.

Tuscan Ivory (REM) -- The tusks of the large Tuscan Beasts (War Boar) that lends it's name to the Tusca area of The Silver Desert.

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