The Methoria Campaign
The Millbornian Code - A Basis for Honor

In order to establish a Kingdom of Honor and of Truth in this Age of Pendular, we adopt this code as the Law of the Kingdom.

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I: A citizen is to be bound by his oaths. He who does not stand by the utterances of his mouth is a person without honor.

II: A citizen has the right to carry a sword (weapon) in defense of his honor and that of his family and country. One should not use force without need. He who attacks an unarmed man is without honor.

III: A citizen may demand Quittance of a debt of property owed to him by another citizen. Either party may declare a mediator. Yet if the mediator is not affirmed, the dissentor takes upon himself the task of finding an accepted mediator. A citizen who is affirmed mediator is bound by honor to serve the Truth.

IV: A citizen may demand Quittance from one who has brought dishonor upon him or his family. Quittance may be demanded in the form of dual if both parties concur, but a single dual concludes an issue of Quittance. Quittance may not be sought through another, and the crimes of one does not pass down through one's family.

V: No citizen shall be the property of another. A citizen may be bonded to another in order to pay his debt. Wages must be paid unto one who is bonded and allowances made to pay his debt.



Edict 1 - King Vespus I - 35p
It shall henceforth be unlawful to practice the arts of necromancy throughout the kingdom of Methor or to benefit from the practice of such arts with such infraction of this edict relulting in the death of the offender.

Edict 2 - King Vespus IV - 167p

Edict 3 - King Morgan II - 422p

Edict 4 - King Aldaric - 573p

Edict 5 - King Aldaric - 582p

Edict 6 - King Rothmand VI - 745p
One shall not use his title (or office) to claim absolute authority over another unless that title be 2 levels that of his subject, and in all matters shall act for King and Country.

Edict 7 - King Rothmand VIII - 839p

Edict 8 - King Rothmand XIII - 1007p
It shall henceforth be unlawful for one to solicit the servies of a master in the arts of assassination or to arrange beforehand for compensation for taking the life of another.

Knight's Creed

1. I will avenge any insult to my King or Country (superior) as though it were an insult unto myself.

2. I will Faithfully serve my King and Country as a representative of His Magesty in all situations.

3. I will engage in a Dual only in defense of my King or Country.

4. I will carry my Shield at all times as a symbol of my office and commitment to serve His Magesty and My Country.

5. I will draw my Sword only with intent to use it in defense of My King and Country.

6. I will live and uphold the Code (Millbornian) at all times.


The Royal Dome of Justice, The Royal Palace

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